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Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in the case of 72-year-old teacher after work-related psychological stress. Evolution of left ventricular longitudinal strain – Delayed but complete recovery in automated function imaging (AFI)
Wierzbowska-Drabik, Karina
Marcinkiewicz, Andrzej
Hamala, Piotr
Trzos, Ewa
Lipiec, Piotr
Kurpesa, Małgorzata
Kręcki, Radosław
Plewka, Michał
Kasprzak, Jarosław D.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
professional activity
occupational stress
transthoracic echocardiography
takotsubo cardiomyopathy
longitudinal strain
AFI analysis
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is related to a transient systolic dysfunction of left ventricle (LV), accompanied by clinical and electrocardiographic symptoms of myocardial ischemia in the absence of hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is usually provoked by a psychologically or/and physically stressful event which may be related to occupational activities. Although visually assessed evolution of LV function is well documented, the data concerning strain changes is sparse and various patterns of deformation abnormalities are suggested. We have described a 72-year-old woman with chest pain related to a lecture given at the meeting of the Senior University, fulfilling all the Mayo Clinic criteria of the TC. The longitudinal strain analysis with automated function imaging (AFI) documented severe impairment and stepwise recovery of regional and global LV contractility. The case described confirms that accurate diagnosis, treatment and documenting of functional improvement in takotsubo cardiomyopathy may enable the return to occupational activities even for elderly persons. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(4):681–683
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2017, 30, 4; 681-683
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The dynamics of pollen seasons of the most allergenic plants - 15-year observations in Warsaw
Lipiec, Agnieszka
Rapiejko, Piotr
Furmańczyk, Konrad
Jurkiewicz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
allergic rhinitis
pollen monitoring
pollen count
Introduction: Allergic rhinitis concerns nearly 25% of the Polish population. Among pollen allergens, the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis are: grass, birch and mugwort. Knowledge of the characteristics of pollen seasons is necessary in diagnostics, monitoring of therapy and prevention of allergic rhinitis. Purpose: This work aims to analyze pollen seasons of the most allergenic plants in the Polish population; grass, birch and mugwort in the years 2003–2017 in Warsaw. Material and methods: Measurements of pollen concentration were carried out using Burkard volumetric spore trap operating in continuous mode. Analysis of pollen seasons was conducted based on the following characteristics: beginning, end, and length of season, the seasonal pollen index (SPI), defined as the sum of average daily pollen concentrations over the year, maximum daily concentration, number of days with maximum and threshold concentration. Linear regression together with the Pearson correlation coefficient were used in statistical analysis to study the relationship between variables; furthermore, descriptive characteristics of distributions studied were determined. Results: The average beginning of the birch pollen season in the analyzed period is April 10th, and it belongs to seasons of medium length (47 days on average). Birch pollen count above 75 grains/m3, when most allergic people develop symptoms, was recorded for an average of 18 days. The highest daily birch pollen count reaching 6321 grains/m3 (2012) exceeded the lowest value of the maximum concentration by almost 20 times (2015). Among the taxa analyzed, the highest values of daily counts and annual sums were recorded for birch pollen. The average date for the beginning of grass pollination season is on May 13th. It is the longest pollen season (on average 134 days), and the period when concentration exceeded 50 grains/m3 covered an average of 26 days. The highest daily grass pollen counts reaching
496 grains/m3 (2007) exceeded the lowest value of maximum concentration by 3.5 times (2016). The average date of the beginning of mugwort pollen season is July 16th. The season lasts 65 days on average, when concentration exceeding 30 grains /m3 was registered for an average of 12 days. The highest daily mugwort pollen count reaching 154 grains/m3 (2007) exceeded the lowest value of maximum concentration by 4 times (2013). For all analyzed taxa, the strongest correlated variables are the sum of average daily pollen concentrations over the year (SPI ) and daily maximum concentration (correlation for birch pollen = 0.92, for grass pollen = 0.88, and for mugwort pollen = 0.91). Conclusions: Periods of pollen in the air show certain variation in the analyzed 15-year period. The maximum concentration in the pollen season for the analyzed taxa and the the sum of average daily pollen concentrations over the year show the highest variability, particularly strongly expressed in the case of birch pollen. There is a linear relationship between the sum of average daily pollen concentrations over the year and the maximum concentration value as well as the number of days with the threshold concentration for all analyzed taxa. Variability of parameters describing the dynamics of pollen seasons indicates the need to monitor, both by patients with hay fever and physicians, the current information on the concentration of pollen in the air during the pollen season.
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology; 2018, 72, 6; 44-53
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena dokładności odwzorowania ruchów oraz możliwości uczenia się układu tanecznego przez tancerki profesjonalne i studentki podczas uprawiana aktywnej gry wideo
Assessment of repetition accuracy of movements and learning possibilities of the dance arrangement by professional dancers and students during active video games play
Polechoński, Jacek
Głowacka, Magdalena
Fredyk, Artur
Polechoński, Piotr
Nowakowska-Lipiec, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Katedra Biomechatroniki
aktywne gry wideo
nauczanie umiejętności ruchowych
active video games
teaching movement skills
Celem pracy jest ocena dokładności odwzorowania ruchów tanecznych oraz możliwości uczenia się układu tanecznego przez tancerki profesjonalne i studentki Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach (AWF) podczas uprawiana aktywnej gry wideo. Przebadano 13 tancerek zawodowych Teatru Rozrywki w Chorzowie oraz 28 studentek AWF. Dokładność odwzorowania ruchów oraz możliwości uczenia się układu tanecznego oceniano za pomocą systemu Kinect współpracującego z konsolą Xbox 360 i interaktywnej tanecznej gry wideo. Osoby badane podczas kolejnych prób uczyły się ruchów tanecznych demonstrowanych przez wirtualnego nauczyciela. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały, że jakość odwzorowania układu zależy zarówno od doświadczenia tanecznego badanych kobiet, jak i liczby wykonanych powtórzeń. Tancerki profesjonalne znacznie dokładniej niż studentki AWF wykonywały nowopoznane akty ruchowe. Uczestniczki badań w kolejnych próbach precyzyjniej odzwierciedlały układy taneczne, co może świadczyć o możliwości efektywnego uczenia się ruchów tanecznych z wykorzystaniem aktywnej gry wideo.
The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of repetition of dance movements and the possibilities of learning the dance arrangement by professional dancers and students of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (AWF) during an active video game. 13 professional dancers from the Rozrywka Theatre in Chorzów and 28 students of the AWF were examined. Accuracy of movement repetition and learning possibilities of the dance arrangement was assessed using the Kinect system cooperating with the Xbox 360 console and an interactive dance video game. The participants during the subsequent trials where learning dance moves demonstrated by a virtual teacher. The results of the tests showed that the quality of repetition of the arrangement depends both on the women’s dance experience and the number of repetitions performed. Professional dancers performed new movement acts much more accurately than students. Participants in subsequent attempts more accurately reflected the dance arrangements. This may indicate the possibility of effective learning of dance moves using an active video game.
Aktualne Problemy Biomechaniki; 2019, 18; 38--46
Pojawia się w:
Aktualne Problemy Biomechaniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategia leczenia ANN w obliczu zagrożeń współczesnego świata
Rapiejko, Piotr
Jurkiewicz, Dariusz
Pietruszewska, Wioletta
Zielnik-Jurkiewicz, Beata
Woroń, Jarosław
Lipiec, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
alergiczny nieżyt nosa
zanieczyszczenia powietrza
niekontrolowany alergiczny nieżyt nosa
leki przeciwhistaminowe
zwiększenie dawki leku
Alergiczny nieżyt nosa (ANN) jest najczęstszą postacią alergii, która dotyczy – jak wykazały badania epidemiologiczne – prawie 25% populacji. ANN wpływa znacząco na jakość życia chorego, a im cięższa postać choroby, tym większe ryzyko rozwoju astmy oskrzelowej. Jednym z czynników wpływających na nasilenie objawów i stopień ich kontroli jest zanieczyszczenie powietrza. U niektórych chorych, mimo właściwego leczenia, obserwuje się utrzymywanie lub tylko częściowe ustąpienie dolegliwości (niekontrolowany alergiczny nieżyt nosa). Może prowadzić to do nasilenia chorób towarzyszących – zapalenia zatok przynosowych, zapalenia ucha środkowego i astmy – zarówno u dzieci, jak i u dorosłych. Postępowanie w alergicznym nieżycie nosa, zgodnie ze standardami, polega na: edukacji chorego, eliminacji z otoczenia alergenu i czynników nasilających przebieg choroby, dobraniu właściwej farmakoterapii oraz swoistej immunoterapii alergenowej. Na wybór stosowanego leku przeciwhistaminowego wpływa wiele czynników, możliwość bezpiecznego zwiększenia jego dawki.
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology; 2018, 72, 2; 1-12
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Treatment strategy of allergic rhinitis in the face of modern world threats
Rapiejko, Piotr
Jurkiewicz, Dariusz
Pietruszewska, Wioletta
Zielnik-Jurkiewicz, Beata
Woroń, Jarosław
Lipiec, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
allergic rhinitis
air pollution
uncontrolled allergic rhinitis
dose escalation
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is the most common form of allergy, which - as epidemiological research has shown - applies to nearly 25% of the population. AR significantly affects the quality of life of the patient, and the more severe the disease, the greater the risk of developing bronchial asthma. One of the factors affecting the severity of symptoms and the degree of their control is air pollution. In some patients, despite proper treatment, persistence or only partial remission of symptoms (uncontrolled allergic rhinitis) is observed. This can lead to an increase in comorbidities - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, otitis media and asthma - both in children and in adults. The treatment of allergic rhinitis, in accordance with the standards, consists in: education of the patient, elimination of the allergen from the environment and factors intensifying the course of the disease, selection of proper pharmacotherapy and specific allergen immunotherapy. Many factors influence the selection of the antihistamine used, e.g., the opportunity of safe increase of the dosage.
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology; 2018, 72, 2; 1-12
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trudności diagnostyczne w rozpoznaniu przyczyny zespołu hemolityczno-mocznicowego u dzieci
Diagnostic difficulties in establishing the cause of hemolytic uremic syndrome in children
Szczepańska, Maria
Adamczyk, Piotr
Trembecka-Dubel, Elżbieta
Sulik-Gajda, Sylwia
Nowak, Dawid
Rączkowska, Paulina
Lipiec, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Wstęp. Zespół hemolityczno-mocznicowy (ZHM) pod względem etiologii jest heterogennym zespołem objawów, stanowiącym najczęstszą przyczynę ostrego uszkodzenia nerek (OUszN) u dzieci poniżej 4 r.ż. Choć istnieją proste kryteria diagnostyczne, to w praktyce klinicznej napotyka się jednak trudności, zwykle związane z ustaleniem przyczyny ZHM. Materiał i metodyka. W pracy przedstawiono przebieg diagnostyki i leczenia trojga dzieci ze wstępnie ustalonym klinicznym rozpoznaniem ZHM. Pierwszy pacjent został przyjęty do szpitala w wieku 5 miesięcy, kiedy ujawnił „klasyczne” objawy ZHM poprzedzone epizodem ostrej biegunki. Po skutecznym leczeniu pierwszego epizodu ZHM u chłopca w ciągu kolejnych 30 miesięcy obserwowano 6 nawrotów „aktywnej” fazy choroby, łączących cechy ZHM i zespołu nerczycowego. Wprowadzenie profilaktycznych infuzji osocza utrzymuje aktualnie u chłopca stan remisji. Drugie dziecko zostało skierowane do szpitala w wieku 3 miesięcy z powodu triady objawów typowych dla ZHM, a ostatecznym wyjaśnieniem obserwowanych zaburzeń okazała się rozległa malformacja naczyniowa przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej z wtórną aktywacją wykrzepiania wewnątrznaczyniowego. Trzeci pacjent w wieku 2,5 roku zamanifestował objawy ZHM o łagodnym nasileniu. Wywiad rodzinny był obciążony zgonem brata z powodu ZHM o skrajnie ciężkim, uporczywie nawracającym przebiegu. Pełną remisję objawów uzyskano w wyniku terapii osoczem. Wnioski. W przypadku współistnienia niedokrwistości hemolitycznej, małopłytkowości i OUszN trzeba brać pod uwagę także przyczyny inne niż ZHM. Zróżnicowanie mechanizmów prowadzących do rozwoju ZHM przekłada się na szeroki zakres działań terapeutycznych w tej grupie pacjentów. Właściwie dobrane formy terapii dają szansę na szybkie i wolne od trwałych następstw uzyskanie remisji.
Introduction. Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a complex of symptoms with heterogeneous etiology, constituting the most common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children below 4 years of age. Although there are simple diagnostic criteria, in clinical practice difficulties are observed, usually associated with the determination of HUS cause. Material and methods. The study presents the course of diagnosis and treatment of three children with pre-established clinical diagnosis of HUS. The first patient was admitted to hospital at the age of 5 months, when he presented the “classic” HUS symptoms preceded by an episode of acute diarrhea. After successful treatment of the first episode, in the next 30 months, 6 relapses of the “active” phase of HUS were observed, combining the features of HUS and nephrotic syndrome. The introduction of prophylactic plasma infusions currently enables maintaining the boy in the remission phase. The second child was sent to hospital at the age of 3 months because of a triad of symptoms typical of HUS. The ultimate explanation for the observed abnormalities proved extensive retroperitoneal vascular malformation with secondary activation of intravascular coagulation. The third patient was a 2.5-year-old boy, who manifested mild symptoms of HUS. Family history was remarkable (the death of his brother because of extremely severe HUS of persistent, relapsing course). A complete remission of the symptoms was obtained by repeated plasma infusions treatment. Conclusions. In the case of coexistence of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and AKI, it is necessary to take into account also the other causes than HUS. Differentiation of the mechanisms leading to the development of HUS translates into a wide range of treatment modalities in this group of patients. Properly selected therapies offer the opportunity for a quick remission free of severe complications.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu; 2016, 22(51), 1
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nasal patency in Poles in the light of research as part of the project on Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland
Krzych-Fałta, Edyta
Furmanczyk, Konrad
Samolinski, Bolesław
Piekarska, Barbara
Samel-Kowalik, Piotr
Lipiec, Agnieszka
Raciborski, Filip
Sybilski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
peak nasal inspiratory flow
nasal patency
Objective. The aim of this study was to estimate the reference values for nasal inspiratory flow in the study population in Poland as part of the project on Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP). Materials and method. The study subjects were a group of 4,137 people: 1,136 children aged 6–7 years (561 girls and 575 boys), 1,123 adolescents aged 13–14 years (546 girls, 577 boys) and 1,878 adults (1,145 women, 733 men), residing in seven large Polish cities. The method used in the study was the measurement of the peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) using a special mask for rhinomanometry tests, with a measurement scale of 20–350 L/min. Measurements were conducted twice: once before and once after nasal mucosa vasoconstriction with a 0.1% xylometazoline (Xylometazolinum) solution. Results. Nasal patency rates increased with age in healthy subjects (children aged 6–7 years: 75.95 L/min; teenagers aged 13–14 years: 91.44 L/min and adults: 97.13 L/min (P<0.05). Similarly significant correlations were observed in the study group based on the region of residence (P<0.05). A moderate correlation was observed between PNIF and height as well as weight (with correlation coefficients r=0.51, P<0.05; and r=0.49, P<0.05, respectively). Interestingly, the observed difference in nasal vasoconstriction varied considerably between study subgroups with respect to the pre-determined criteria of age, gender, place of residence, and clinical diagnosis (allergic rhinitis vs. healthy controls), with the mean rates of 25–28%. Conclusions. Any attempt to determine reference values for a given study population should include a number of variables, such as age, height, body weight, which can noticeably affect study results.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2016, 23, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between antibiotic therapy in early childhood and the symptoms of allergy in children aged 6–8 years — the questionnaire study results
Raciborski, Filip
Tomaszewska, Aneta
Komorowski, Jarosław
Samel-Kowalik, Piotr
Białoszewski, Artur Z.
Walkiewicz, Artur
Lusawa, Adam
Szymański, Jakub
Opoczyńska, Dagmara
Drużba, Michał
Borowicz, Jacek
Lipiec, Agnieszka
Kapalczynski, Wojciech J.
Samoliński, Bolesław
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
risk factors
Introduction: Studies based on the ISAAC questionnaire suggest a correlation between the use of antibiotics and the prevalence of asthma and allergy in children aged 6-7 years. The number of courses of antibiotic therapy is an important factor. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between the use of antibiotics during the fi rst years of life and the prevalence of allergy and asthma among children (aged 6-8 years) in the urban population of Poland. Materials and Methods: A survey-based study with a self-completed questionnaire. The respondents were parents of children aged 6-8 years living in Warszawa, Poland. 1461 completed questionnaires were collected. Results: Asthma was declared in 4.3% of the children. Wheezing and/or sibilant rhonchi within 12 months before the study was observed in 13.5% of the cases. Asthma medication was taken by 21.8% of the children. Allergic rhinitis was declared in 18.7% of the children. Problems with sneezing, rhinorrhea, and nasal congestion not associated with cold or fever were observed in 40.7% of the children. The a nalysis of the odds ratios between the use of antibiotics and the symptoms of allergic diseases revealed a clear correlation. The highest odds ratio was observed between the completion of over three courses of antibiotic therapy prior to the age of 12 months and the declaration of one of the following: asthma (OR = 5.59, 95% CI: 2.6-12.01), wheezing and/or sibilant rhonchi (OR = 4.68, 95% CI: 3.01-7.27) and taking medicines for breathlessness (OR = 5.12, 95% CI: 3.42-7.68). Conclusions: There is a direct relationship between antibiotic use in the fi rst 3 years of life and asthma and allergy symptoms in children aged 6-8 years old.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2012, 25, 4; 470-480
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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