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Mozolne początki zmagań o ochronę zabytków w Galicji. Rozważania na marginesie najnowszej książki Tadeusza Łopatkiewicza
The Arduous Beginnings of the Struggle for Monument Protection in Galicia. Reflections on the Margins of the Latest Book by Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Karpacka Państwowa Uczelnia w Krośnie
conservation of monuments
monument protection system
Ludwik Mieczysław Lubicz Potocki
conservator’s diary
Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz
konserwacja zabytków
system ochrony zabytków
dziennik konserwatorski
Artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat procesu rodzenia się i powolnego dojrzewania systemu ochrony zabytków w Galicji, jednym z krajów koronnych monarchii habsburskiej, zachodzącego w latach 60. i 70. XIX wieku. Jedną z kluczowym postaci tego czasu był Ludwik Mieczysław Lubicz Potocki, konserwator zabytków działający na terenie Galicji Wschodniej, obejmujący swoim działaniem 49 ówczesnych powiatów politycznych, w tym miasto Krosno i jego okolice. Punktem wyjścia do rozważań jest najnowsza (wydana w 2022 roku) książka autorstwa Tadeusza Łopatkiewicza poświęcona postaci tego konserwatora i jego działalności na terenie Krosna i okolic. Wspomniana książka przybliża postać samego konserwatora i koleje jego życia (ostatni rozdział), pokazuje tło, na jakim przyszło mu wzrastać, zdobywać wykształcenie i podejmować współpracę w zakresie odkrywania i interpretacji śladów przeszłości (rozdział pierwszy), prezentuje zręby rodzącego się systemu ochrony zabytków w monarchii habsburskiej, w tym w Galicji (rozdział drugi) oraz – co najważniejsze – w oparciu o odnalezione źródła przedstawia i precyzyjnie objaśnia dorobek Potockiego w zakresie urzędowej opieki nad zabytkami Galicji Wschodniej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zabytków Krosna i okolic. Pracę uzupełniają: aneks źródłowy, bibliografia, indeksy i streszczenie w języku angielskim. Publikacja autorstwa Tadeusza Łopatkiewicza, owoc jego wieloletnich badań oraz poszukiwań archiwalnych i bibliotecznych, stanowi istotny przyczynek do nowej syntezy dziejów konserwatorstwa polskiego i ochrony zabytków na ziemiach Polski w XIX wieku. Elementem szczególnie cennym, odnalezionym przez autora książki i wykorzystanym pod kątem badanego miasta i jego okolic, jest Dziennik konserwatorski Potockiego, spisywany w latach 1866–1878, na kartach którego uwidaczniają się wszystkie blaski i cienie pracy ówczesnego konserwatora, znakomicie wydobyte i skomentowane przez Tadeusza Łopatkiewicza. Jest rzeczą konieczną, aby w najbliższym czasie źródło to zostało opublikowane i zinterpretowane w całości, najlepiej dzięki współpracy grona badaczy bliżej zajmujących się w ostatnim czasie osobą Ludwika Mieczysława Lubicz Potockiego, w tym Tadeusza Łopatkiewicza.
The article reflects on the process of birth and slow maturation of the monument protection system in Galicia (one of the crown countries of the Habsburg monarchy), taking place in the 1860s and 1870s. One of the key figures of the time was Ludwik Mieczysław Lubicz Potocki, a conservator active in Eastern Galicia – an area covering 49 political districts of the time, including the town of Krosno and its surroundings. The starting point for the discussion is the latest book (published in 2022) by Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz dedicated to Potocki figure of this conservator and his activities in Krosno and the surrounding area. The book takes a closer look at the figure of the conservator himself and the vicissitudes of his life (the last chapter), shows the background against which he grew up, received his education and began to cooperate in discovering and interpreting traces of the past (chapter one), presents the foundations of the emerging system of historic monument protection in the Habsburg monarchy, including Galicia (chapter two) and, most importantly, based on the archival sources, presents and explains in detail Potocki’s achievements in the official care of historic monuments in Eastern Galicia, with particular emphasis on the monuments of Krosno and the surrounding area. The work is supplemented by a source appendix, bibliography, indexes, and an abstract in English. This publication by Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz, the fruit of his many years of research and archive and library searches, is an important contribution to a new synthesis of the history of the conservation and the protection of historical monuments in the Polish lands in the 19th century. A particularly valuable element, found by the book’s author and used from the perspective of the town and its surroundings under study, is Potocki’s Conservator’s Diary, written down between 1866 and 1878, on the pages of which all the glories and shadows of the conservator’s work of the time are visible, brilliantly brought out and commented on by Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz. It is imperative that this source have to be published and interpreted in its entirety in the near future, preferably through the collaboration of a group of researchers more closely involved in the person of Ludwik Mieczysław Lubicz Potocki in recent times, including Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz.  
Studia Pigoniana; 2022, 5, 5; 229-248
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pigoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On public participation in efforts to beautify the towns and cities of Galicia in times of its autonomy. Prolegomenon
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Urban Beautification Society
Galician authonomy
spatial development
urban green areas
This paper is an introduction to studies of Urban Beautification Societies (“UBSs” in the plural) active in times of Galicia’s autonomy (1867–1914). The Societies were community organisations set up in many cities and towns across Galicia from the 1880s onwards with a view to improve the aesthetic in public urban space. To Galicia, years of its autonomy yielded years of considerable expansion of civic freedoms, including the re-enacted right to association. Formed by individuals with university education, UBSs were popular throughout Galicia, their structure frequently reflecting the local cross-section and specificity of social strata. Established in large, medium-sized, and small cities and towns (such as Cracow and Lviv; Przemyśl; Wadowice and Wieliczka), they attempted to reach their goals chiefly through establishing urban parks and green squares (often as not with accompanying infrastructure, such as tennis courts or bowling alleys); planting trees in market and other public squares and along communication routes; developing aesthetically pleasing small architecture; and taking initiative to erect monuments and install commemorative plaques, usually commissioned with eminent artists. The latter – in large cities in particular, where art communities were large and powerful – were occasionally UBS co-organisers and members, and thus capable of considerable influence over any Society activities, potentially including publishing, graphic artists and painters especially prominent therein.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione; 2022, 17, 375; 7-21
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między folwarkiem a szybem Ziemianie galicyjscy a nafta na przykładzie Jasła i powiatu jasielskiego
Between farm and oil well Noblemen in Galicia and rock oil industry on the example of Jasło and its surroundings
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Surroundings of Jasło – provincial town situated in a half way between two political and cultural centers of Galicia: Kraków and Lwów – become in the fifties of the 19th century the cradle of oil industry. The first oil mine and – above all – the first industrial oil distiller in the world started to work just very close to it. Together with a growth of oil mining in the region Jasło itself become before 1900 an unofficial capital of Galician oil industry. A prosperity of the town was very close connected to rock oil exploration executed by the owners of the grounds situated in the neighborhood, in fact most of all the local gentry. Its traditional way of economic existence, based on the agriculture, had to be faced with a brand new way of thinking, characteristic for the industrial development. In this confrontation a local gentry appeared a class brave enough to be strongly engaged into the industrial process and – in the same way – very faithful (but not conservative) in its attitude to farming. Even the most successful noblemen in the field of oil industry did not give up with it and still treated it as a field of fruitful competition between each other.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2010, 08; 121-134
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespół witraży w kościele parafialnym w Mszance koło Gorlic. Przyczynek do dziejów witrażownictwa krakowskiego 2. ćwierci XX wieku
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Stained glass art, 20th-century art, Jan Kusiak, Maksymilian Romańczyk, Teodor Zajdzikowski, S. G. Żeleński, Kraków
Windows in the parish church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Mszanka near Gorlice, which supplements the architecture of the church built in 1938–1940 following the design of Edward Okoń, an architect from Tarnów, comprises 12 stained glass: two figural in the chancel, eight geometrical with medallions in the nave and transept, and two with monograms on both sides of the main entrance. Although plain in the artistic sense, and in the case of the figural ones – mediocre, these stained glass successfully complement the bright and orderly interior of the parish church. The inscriptions on two panels and existing archival sources inform us that the windows were created in 1938 in the Kraków workshop of Maksymilian Romańczyk. The archival documents describe the entire investment process leading to their creation and their repair which was necessary due to their deficient construction. This task was undertaken in 1949 by the renowned Kraków Stained Glass Company S. G. Żeleński, which is also described in detail in the historical records.Stained glass and primarily the archival materials preserved in Mszanka are excellent sources of many valuable details on stained glass workmanship in Poland in the second quarter of the 20th century, the division of tasks within stained glass workshops, the involvement of the clients, and on projects that the above-mentioned workshops were working on concurrently at that time – information which was previously unknown. In turn, the preserved company letterhead authorised with the original stamps provides useful information on the functioning of these types of workshops, their products and achievements. In quite a distinct manner, the letterhead also tells us a little about the history of the workshops.The above example confirms that works of art or archival material stored until this day in locations outside urban areas can valuably supplement and sometimes even alter our knowledge of stained glass art in Poland.
Analecta Cracoviensia; 2013, 45
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakrzówek a hitlerowska wizja transformacji prawobrzeżnego Krakowa
Zakrzówek v. the Nazi vision of transforming right-bank Cracow
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
rozwój przestrzenny
II wojna światowa
okupacja niemiecka
dziedzictwo okrucieństwa
spatial development
World War II
German occupation
heritage of atrocity
Autor omawia okupacyjne losy Zakrzówka, od roku 1910 dzielnicy Krakowa. Z uwagi na rolniczy charakter, niemal zupełny brak przemysłu (wyjąwszy kamieniołomy), słabe skomunikowanie z centrum miasta oraz nikłą, w większości niską i przeciętną jakościowo zabudowę teren ten był dogodny do kompleksowego zagospodarowania. Dostrzegli to okupanci: sprowadzony do Krakowa wybitny architekt i urbanista Hubert Ritter zaprojektował na Dębnikach, Zakrzówku i Ludwinowie ogromną dzielnicę rządową, mającą podkreślać rangę Krakowa jako stolicy Generalnego Gubernatorstwa. Koncepcja zakładała powstanie, po wyburzeniu istniejącej zabudowy, monumentalnych budowli, reprezentacyjnych placów i układu komunikacyjnego złożonego z szerokich arterii, linii kolejowej i kilku mostów na Wiśle. Projekt, ukończony w maju 1941, nie doczekał się realizacji. Zdecydował o tym konflikt architekta z hitlerowskimi notablami i urzędnikami w Krakowie oraz agresja III Rzeszy na ZSRR. Potencjał Zakrzówka pozostał niewykorzystany, ocalała jednak jego dotychczasowa zabudowa.
The author discusses the history of Zakrzówek (a district of Cracow since 1910) under Nazi occupation. In view of its agricultural nature, virtually non-existent industry (local quarry excepted), poor connection to the city center and dispersed, low, average-quality buildings, the territory seemed promising as a site for comprehensive development, the quality swiftly discovered by the occupants: eminent architect and urban planner Hubert Ritter, summoned to Cracow to the purpose, designed an enormous government district to be developed across Dębniki, Zakrzówek and Ludwinów with intent to emphasize Cracow’s importance as the capital of the General Governorate. Upon demolition of all existent housing, the proposition assumed the erection of monumental buildings, magnificent squares, and a passageway system comprising wide arteries, a railway line and several bridges on the river Vistula. Completed in May 1941, the design never saw daylight, the main reasons involving the architect’s clash with Nazi notables and officials in Cracow, and the Third Reich’s attack on the USSR. While Zakrzówek’s potential has remained untapped, its old development remained untouched.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2021, 65; 37-53
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„WITRAŻE SECESYJNE. TENDENCJE I MOTYWY” Konferencja naukowa, Łódź, 13-15 maja 2009 r.
”ART NOUVEAU STAINED GLASS. TENDENCIES AND MOTIFS” Scientific Conference, Łódź, 13-15 May 2009
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
witraże secesyjne
Ars Vitrea Polona
konserwacja witraży
inwentaryzacja witraży w Polsce
An international scientific conference on ”Art Nouveau Stained Glass. Tendencies and Motifs” was held on 13-15 May 2009 by the Association of Lovers of Stained Glass ”Ars Vitrea Polona” and the Historical Museum of Łódź. The event gathered experts and lovers of stained glass from many parts of Poland, representing assorted institutions, as well as Ukrainian researchers. The majority of the papers dealt with stained glass found or executed in leading centres of the Polish Art Nouveau, including Kraków, Lviv, Łódź and Silesia. A presentation of factographic findings was accompanied by essential reflections about conservation. The programme of the meeting was enhanced by a tour along the trails of Łódź stained glass and a suitable exhibition featured at the Historical Museum of Łódź. A publication of the post-conference material would be an important summary of the achievements of these remarkable debates.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2008, 2; 11-13
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lista Pomników Historii w ocenie studentów uczelni ekonomicznej
Assessment of the monuments of history list by students of university of economics
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
pomniki historii
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
monument of history
Cracow University of Economics
Artykuł przedstawia rezultaty zadania powierzonego studentom kierunku Towaroznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie wiosną 2018 roku w ramach przedmiotu Ochrona dóbr kultury z aspektami celnymi. Na liście PH znajdowało się wówczas 91 miejsc i obiektów, a zadaniem studentów było krytyczne odniesienie się do zawartości listy poprzez wskazanie miejsc i obiektów, których obecność na liście budzi ich zdziwienie lub sprzeciw oraz zaproponowanie takich, które w ich ocenie powinny się na niej znaleźć, a jednak ich nie ma. W tej pierwszej kategorii najwięcej osób (aż 8 z 32 wypowiadających się) wyraziło zdziwienie umieszczeniem na liście stadniny koni w Janowie Podlaskim, z czego 5 uznało, iż obiektu tego nie powinno być na liście w ogóle. Bardzo krytycznie (3 głosy zdecydowanej dezaprobaty) oceniono też Łódź – wielokulturowy krajobraz miasta przemysłowego. Jeśli chodzi o uzupełnianie listy, to najwięcej osób (5) dostrzegło konieczność wpisania na nią Auschwitz Birkenau - niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady oraz Twierdzy Przemyśl (4), co w tym drugim przypadku stało się już faktem. Realizacja zadania pokazała, iż taka forma ochrony zabytków jest w Polsce potrzebna, a emocje, jakie budzi zawartość listy PH mogą mieć walor edukacyjny i popularyzatorski.
The article presents the results of the task given to students of Commodity Studies at the Cracow University of Economics in the spring of 2018 within the framework of the subject Protection of Cultural Property with Customs Aspects. The students' task was to critically address the content of the list by indicating those places and objects which they found surprising or objectionable on the list and proposing those which in their opinion should be included but are not. In this first category, most people (as many as 8 out of 32 who spoke) were surprised at the inclusion of a stud farm in Janów Podlaski on the list, 5 of which decided that the farm should not be on the list at all. Łódź - a multicultural landscape of an industrial city - was also assessed very critically (3 votes of strong disapproval). As for adding new items to the list, most people (5) noticed the need to include Auschwitz Birkenau, the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp, and the Przemyśl Fortress (4), which has since actually happened in the latter case. The implementation of the task showed that such a form of protection of historical monuments is necessary in Poland, and the emotions aroused by the content of the MH list may have an educational and popularizing value.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2019, 7; 61-73
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O pracach rzeźbiarskich Antoniego Popiela dla jasielskich franciszkanów
Antoni Popiel’s sculptures for the Franciscans from Jasło
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
św. Antoni Padewski
sztuka sakralna
Antoni Popiel
Michał Łużecki
the Franciscans
St. Anthony of Padua
religious art
The article discusses several elements of decoration and equipment of the Franciscan church in Jasło, destroyed during the Second World War, which was designed by Michał Łużecki, an architect from Lviv. These elements were created by a known Lviv sculptor Antoni Popiel. They are stone elements of church facade decoration (the statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and the bas-relief emblem of the Franciscan order) and wooden sculptures adorning the altar of the church, depicting such saints as: St. Anthony of Padua, Alphonsus and St. Francis de Sales. All were created in 1904-1905. These decorations evoke the names of the above mentioned sculptor’s collaborators from Lviv: Albrycht, a stonemason (the emblem creator); Michał Łużecki, an architect (the designer of the altar) and Tadeusz Sokulski, a woodcarver (the altar creator). Only one of Anthony Popiel’s works made for the Franciscans in Jasło survived to the present day- the statue of St. Anthony. It was originally placed in the central place in the structure of the main altar of the destroyed church. Today it is in the side chapel of the new Franciscan church, built after the war at a new site. This figure, miraculously saved from destruction, has long been worshiped in Jasło, which in 1996 led to the recognition of  St. Anthony of Padua as the patron saint of the town by the Town Council in Jasło. December 27, 2014 marks exactly a century since bringing the figure to Jasło. The article draws attention to the artistic values of the preserved sculpture, comparing it with other representations of this saint of that time created in the area of influence of the artistic community of Lviv. It can be concluded that the sculpture from Jasło is the work of an artistic value, the work which is an individual interpretation of the theme proposed by the sculptor. It can also be noted that Anthony Popiel’s works from Jasło, hitherto unknown to historians of art, are an interesting complement to his artistic achievements and significant contribution to the relationships between the sculptor and other artists associated with Lviv. The article is supplemented with the copy of Anthony Popiel’s letter of January 15, 1906  to the Franciscan Provincial, Father Peregrine Haczela, containing the estimate of three figures for the main altar of the former Franciscan church in Jasło. The letter is stored in the Franciscan archive in Cracow.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 149-177
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wieś Bartne w powiecie gorlickim1 – konserwatorska klęska bez happy endu
Village of Bartne in Gorlicki district – failure of preservation process without happy end
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytków
służby konserwatorskie
układy ruralistyczne
krajobraz kulturowy
architektura drewniana
konserwacja zabytków
The article is devoted to a Lemko village of Bartne situated in the Low Beskids, in the valley of Bartnianka stream, between the mountain ranges covered with forest. The village has a layout characteristic for the so-called forest village, in which a road running along a stream constitutes the main axis, and there are dirt roads perpendicular to it. Bartne was founded in the 16th century on the basis of the Wallachian rights. A family of a well-known composer Dmitry Bortniansky, the court composer of Tsarina Catherine the Great, came from here and an eulogist of Lemkivshchyna, novelist Wladimir Ignatiewicz Chiljak lived here for many years. The village became famous for local stonecutters whose manufacture (roadside shrines, cemetery tombstones, handmills) was recognised in the vicinity and beyond. Among the village buildings dominate two sacral ones: the older Greek-Catholic church and the Orthodox church established in the inter-war period. The cemeteries are also important: a parish cemetery, a choleric cemetery (from the 19th c.) and a war cemetery (from World War I). The inhabitants of the village lived in houses typical of Lemkos, the so-called chyża, where both the residential and the farming part were under one roof. A chyża was accompanied by separate granaries, cellars or other outhouses (forge, cart house, etc.). Fortunately, the buildings in the village survived the operation “Vistula” which was carried out by the Communists after World War II and consisted in forced resettlement of the local population to completely culturally unfamiliar northern areas of Poland. The political thaw after the Stalin’s death allowed the return of the displaced people to their homeland and resettle the surviving farms. Bartne, which was noticed by the conservation services in the 1960s, soon became the object of thorough studies carried out by a team of researchers from Kraków under the direction of Marian Kornecki, the leading researcher of wooden architecture in Poland. In the paper that crowned the fieldwork, completed in 1978, the team postulated the entry of the village layout and its buildings, as well as the most valuable individual farmhouses, to the register of historic monuments. In the same year the relevant inscriptions were made, and Bartne was recognised as an urban and architectural reserve. According to the assumptions proposed by M. Kornecki’s team, the village was supposed to have three protection zones: 1) a strict reserve, 2) an intensified protection zone, 3) a general protection zone. Today, 35 years after the foundation of the reserve, Bartne has transformed from a typical Lemko village into a model example of a devastated cultural landscape where the still untouched nature is accompanied by a small number of preserved wooden houses as well as stone and wooden granaries, but is dominated by brick buildings that are chaotic in their layout and aggressive in their form and colours, and ignore the harmony between the human creation and the nature’s one. Conservation services suffered a spectacular defeat in Bartne. Despite the recognition of the village as a reserve – the area subject to particular protection by definition – it lost within one generation most of those values which played a decisive role when it was granted the special status in 1978. There are many reasons that caused such situation: exclusion of the local population from the process of establishing the reserve, which made them hostile to the whole idea, withdrawal of people capable of executing the initial vision, abandonment of comprehensive and coordinated protective measures, inability to initiate a dialogue with the owners of historic buildings, lack of funds for specialized repairs. In today’s Bartne only a few enclaves of historic wooden buildings and individual historic objects have been preserved, overwhelmed by new, in general ugly, brick buildings, which do not constitute a cohesive and harmonious layout anymore. The reserve de facto stopped existing. At the moment, you can only protect humble remains that have been disappearing in the recent years at an alarming pace anyway. However, a radical change of approach by conservation services and local population, an idea for proper implementation of protective measures and their management as well as a more flexible model of financing are necessary, which could be achieved with the changes in the system of monuments protection in Poland proposed in the article.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2014, 1; 89-118
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nie tylko art déco” Sztuka witrażowa w okresie międzywojennym Konferencja międzynarodowa, Rzeszów, 6-8 października 2011 r.
“More than art déco” The art of stained glass in the interwar period International conference, Rzeszów, 6-8 october 2011
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
sztuka witrażowa
Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Witraży
konferencja Rzeszów
Nie tylko art déco
On 6-8 October 2011, the 7th international conference on the art of stained glass was held in Rzeszów, organised once again by the “Ars Vitrea Polona” Association of Stained Glass Enthusiasts, this time in cooperation with the Centre for Contemporary Sacred Art Documentation at the Faculty of Art of the University of Rzeszów. The main theme was the art of stained glass of the interwar period. A very interesting, varied picture of Polish stained glass craft of the time emerged from nearly 30 papers presented on the topic. It confirmed the rightness of the thesis put forward in the conference’s title that back then, the Art Déco style was just one of the numerous variants of the Polish stained glass art, situated somewhere halfway between the most conservative and the most avant-garde tendencies and widely accepted by the audience of the time. The meeting in Rzeszów gathered a representative group of Polish stained glass scholars and experts (mainly from Kraków, Katowice and Wrocław), speakers from Lviv and Chicago and a few participants who have only just started their research in the field. During the conference, several theoretical and synthesis papers were presented, as well as – in most cases – papers contributing to further research, discussing selected examples of stained glass art, designers and workshops. The prevailing subjects centred around the Upper and Lower Silesia regions and south-eastern Poland, and works from the areas of Greater Poland and Pomerania were mentioned on occasion. The proceedings, held in the building of the University of Rzeszów Library, were accompanied by an exhibition in the local Art Exhibitions Bureau, entitled In statu nascendi visum and dedicated to Kraków’s stained glass artists of the second half of the 20th century, as well as a tour of places connected with the sacred stained glass art of Rzeszów and Łańcut, organised on the third day of the conference. The conference also provided an opportunity to promote new publications by its co-organisers: a book published by the Association, Witraże secesyjne. Tendencje i motywy (Art Nouveau Stained Glass. Tendencies and Motifs) (the outcome of the previous session on stained glass, held in 2009 in Łódź), and the 3rd issue of the Sacrum et Decorum academic journal of the 19th– and 20th–century sacred art, prepared by the Centre.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2010, 1-4; 295-300
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seminarium „Podstawy współczesnej restauracji witraży” Nysa, 17 listopada 2011 r.
The “Fundamentals of Contemporary Restoration of Stained-glass” seminar Nysa, 17th November 2011
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja witraży
Paweł Karaszkiewicz
Lesław Heine
The Research and Education Centre for the Conservation of Monuments in Nysa organised a seminar on the restoration of stained-glass on 17 November 2011. The Centre functions within the structures of the local State Vocational College under the supervision of Paweł Karaszkiewicz, PhD – a wellknown conservator from Kraków and a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts there. After an introduction regarding the legal basis (Krzysztof Spychała) and the collection of stained-glass windows in Poland (Danuta Czapczyńska-Kleszczyńska), an extensive lecture was delivered on the modern methods of stained-glass restoration, based on the speaker’s (Paweł Karaszkiewicz) many years’ experience and his international connections, among others, as a participant in the works of the Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (CVMA) Polish National Committee. This detailed lecture was complemented by speeches delivered by several participants, mainly conservators of works of art, who presented their activities in the field of the conservation of artistic glass from various epochs, in particular stained-glass, or regarding the arrangement of new glazing in historic interiors.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2010, 1-4; 301-304
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szpetne czy piękne? O próbach poprawy wizerunku miast Galicji Zachodniej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Ugly or Beautiful? Attempts to Improve the Urban Space in Western Galicia around the Turn of the 20th Century
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
planowanie przestrzenne
przestrzeń miejska
town planning
urban space
W Galicji, największym z krajów koronnych monarchii Habsburgów, miasta charakteryzowano jako siedliska kurzu, błota i nieprzyjemnych zapachów. Zmiana tej sytuacji stała się jednym z głównych problemów do rozwiązania przez władze samorządowe, których reaktywacja w 1867 r. rozpoczęła erę autonomiczną Galicji, trwającą aż do I wojny światowej. Najważniejszym aktem prawnym w zakresie kreowania ładu budowlanego w Galicji stały się ustawy budowlane uchwalone dla różnych grup miast, w zależności od ich wielkości. Jednakże część środowiska architektonicznego była świadoma, że ukształtowanie miast przyjaznych mieszkańcom i pięknych wymaga znacznie więcej wysiłku i zależy również od regulacji prawnych dotyczących kształtowania miejskiej przestrzeni. Stąd niektórzy z architektów dążyli do uchwalenia takich ogólnych regulacji prawnych, które zmusiłyby władze lokalne do sporządzania na zarządzanym przez nie obszarze specjalnych planów, zwanych regulacyjnymi. W tym samym czasie troska o przestrzeń miejską stała się jednym z głównych celów dla lokalnych organizacji społecznych noszących nazwę Towarzystwo Upiększenia Miasta, zakładanych w szczególności przez miejscową inteligencję i wzorujących się na organizacjach i indywidualnościach stawiających sobie podobne cele, aktywnych w Europie i na świecie. W efekcie tej mody niemal każde miasto w Galicji starało się mieć taką organizację u siebie, by zajmowała się ulepszaniem przestrzeni miejskiej, np. poprzez zakładanie terenów zielonych, sadzenie drzew, wznoszenie pomników dla bohaterów narodowych itp. Nawet jeśli rezultaty tych wszystkich wysiłków były ograniczone, to sama idea, jaka im przyświecała, spotykała się z powszechną aprobatą.
In Galicia, the biggest province of the Habsburg Monarchy, cities and towns, in the 19th century, were usually described as places full of dust, dirt and stench. One of the main problems demanding a solution from the local authorities was sanitization of the urban areas. Official revival in 1867, opened an autonomy era in the history of the province which lasted till the I World War. Crucial step in the right course of proceedings at the building site, was to constitute a building code dedicated to the cities and towns of various scales. However, some architects were aware of the fact that the creation of a friendly and beautiful city means so much more and also depends on the law regulations, dedicated to the urban space. That’s why some of them tried to force a new provincial law, in order to force the local authorities to prepare an individual spatial development plan for their city or town. At the same time, care for an urban space became one of the most important aims for many local NGOs, which were established mainly by the intelligentsia and inspired by such organizations or persons as City Beautiful Movement, active in the United States, or Scot Pattrick Geddes. As a result of that trend, every town in Galicia tried to have its own society, which was keen on improving the urban space, by creating some new green areas, planting trees, funding monuments to the national heroes etc. Even if results of their activities were limited, the idea met with general approval.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2024, 44, 1; 209-228
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miasto historyczne wobec problemów, kryzysów i wyzwań
Historic City against Problems, Crises and Challenges
Laskowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
miasto historyczne
historia gospodarcza
historia społeczna
katedra UNESCO
historic city
economic history
social history
UNESCO chair
Tekst wprowadza w problematykę zbioru artykułów napisanych przez członków interdyscyplinarnego zespołu badawczego Katedry Historii Gospodarczej i Społecznej Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, jednostki należącej do sieci Katedr UNESCO. Badacze ci, wywodzący się z różnych środowisk (ekonomiści, historycy sztuki, historyk, architekt) i operujący z tego tytułu zróżnicowanym warsztatem badawczym, z wielu, właściwych swojemu merytorycznemu przygotowaniu perspektyw spojrzeli na zagadnienie miasta historycznego, mierzącego się – w przeszłości lub obecnie – z różnej natury problemami. Szukali przy tym odpowiedzi na pytanie, jaki był poziom rezyliencji miast historycznych w badanych okolicznościach i jakie wyciągnięto z nich wnioski na przyszłość.
The text introduces a collection of articles authored by members of an interdisciplinary research group affiliated with the UNESCO Chair for Heritage and Urban Studies (UNITWIN Network) at the Cracow University of Economics, Department of Economic and Social History. These researchers, hailing from diverse academic backgrounds such as economics, art history, history, and architecture, possess a wealth of scientific expertise. United by their shared commitment to addressing the challenges faced by historic cities, both in the past and present, the group collaborated to explore the resilience of these cities under various circumstances. Through their research, the scholars endeavored to ascertain the extent of resilience exhibited by historic cities and the illations drawn from their experiences for future urban sustainability and resilience.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2024, 44, 1; 167-182
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Żywotność antropotechnicznego systemu telekomunikacyjnego w aspekcie eksploatacyjnych narażeń destrukcyjnych
Laskowski, Dariusz Andrzej.
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego (Warszawa). pbl
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
Obsługa i eksploatacja
Urządzenia telekomunikacyjne
Bibliogr. s. [107]-112.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
E-commerce market and perspectives for the reverse commerce
Rynek e-commerce i perspektywy odwróconego e-handlu
Laskowski, Michał
Poszewiecki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Ekonomiczny
E-commerce has been evolving from being a purely niche phenomenon to owning a vital share in economies of developed countries. Growth of such distribution and sales channel has been highly correlated with technological improvements penetrating modern societies. Today we stand in front of new ideas, adoption barriers and profit opportunities. There are a few trends ready to take off in the near future, one of them is the idea of reverse e-commerce, which is engaging the consumer even more into a highly personalized buying process. Nevertheless, every new idea needs the suitable time and place to launch. The purpose of this analysis is to verify prospects for the reverse e-commerce, which has a huge market potential. Reverse e-Commerce has every chance of becoming a new, still undiscovered now, marketing channel.
E-biznes to model, który ewoluował z niszy skierowanej do pasjonatów, aż do ważnej części gospodarki każdego rozwiniętego państwa. Wzrost potencjału tego kanału sprzedaży i dystrybucji był silnie skorelowany z rozwojem technologicznym we współczesnym społeczeństwie. Dziś e-biznes stoi przez nowymi możliwościami rozwoju oraz nowymi źródłami zysków. Jednym z takich trendów jest idea odwróconego handlu, gdzie konsument jest angażowany jeszcze mocniej w silnie spersonalizowany proces zakupowy. Każda nowa idea, aby mogła zaistnieć, musi znaleźć swój czas i miejcie. Celem tego opracowania jest weryfikacja możliwości implementacji koncepcji odwróconego handlu.
Współczesna Gospodarka; 2015, 6, 4; 17
Pojawia się w:
Współczesna Gospodarka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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