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Ojcze nasz Augusta Cieszkowskiego – metody egzegetyczne z parakletyczną tezą
Our Father by August Cieszkowski – exegetic methods with the thesis of the Paraclete
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Holy Bible
history of interpretation
August Cieszkowski
Pismo Święte
historia interpretacji
Duch Święty
August Cieszkowski był w romantyzmie najbardziej znanym w Europie polskim filozofem. W roku 1838 stworzył szkic traktatu Ojcze nasz, nad którego tekstem pracował ponad 50 lat. Obszerne wydanie dzieła nastąpiło w XX wieku, długo po śmierci autora. Traktat jest komentarzem ciągłym do Modlitwy Pańskiej podporządkowanym założeniom historiozofii. Autor w nawiązaniu do ponad tysiąca wersetów biblijnych stara się udowodnić, że w dziejach ludzkości, po epokach Boga Ojca, Syna nastanie trzecia era – Ducha Świętego, Parakleta, czas królestwa Bożego na ziemi. Dopiero w świetle Parakleta nastąpi „objawienie Objawienia”, jak to określa za teozofem Josephem de Maistre’em. W koncepcji Cieszkowskiego widać podobieństwa do poglądów Friedricha Schellinga, ale także do rozumienia filozofii jako zapowiadanego Parakleta. Takie przekonanie głosił Józef Hoene-Wroński. Cieszkowski uważa, że teksty Pisma Świętego rozwijają swoje znaczenia wraz z rozwojem ludzkości. Deklaruje trzymanie się ówczesnego katolickiego sposobu egzegezy związanego z Tradycją. Gdy w jego lekturze sensy dosłowne nie pasują do przypisanych tradycyjnych znaczeń, wybiera dosłowne rozumienie. Posługuje się egzegezą etymologiczną. Obejmuje nią także polskie przekłady, nawet gdy w źródle nie ma etymologicznego powiązania. W artykule ukazano interpretację daną przez Cieszkowskiego na przykładzie takich wyrazów, jak ὁ ἀρραβών „zadatek” (2 Kor 1,22), τό μυστήριον „tajemnica” (Mt 13,11) czy ἡ κοινωνία „społeczność” (2 Kor 13,13). Cieszkowski odczytuje wyrażenie „zadatek Ducha” jako dowód, że ludzkość otrzyma Go w pełni w trzeciej erze. Dotąd nauczanie Kościoła, formy życia chrześcijańskiego i społecznego były tylko „zadatkiem” wobec pełni panowania Boga jako Parakleta w trzeciej erze. Nawet Jezus Chrystus objawiał to Królestwo „przybliżonym sposobem” jako „tajemnicę”. W trzeciej erze nastanie κοινωνία, „społeczność Ducha Świętego”. Cieszkowski zmieniał XVI-wieczne rozumienie wyrazu „społeczność” z dawnych przekładów. Nadawał mu znaczenie nowożytnego społeczeństwa. Pod wpływem tertulianizmu oryginalnie wnioskował, że zacznie się panowanie Ducha Świętego „Króla Wiekuistego”.
August Cieszkowski was in Romanticism the most well–known Polish philosopher in Europe. In 1838 he created a sketch of the treatise Our Father (Ojcze nasz), over which he worked over fifty years. An extensive edition of the work took place in the twentieth century, long after the author’s death. The treaty is a continuous commentary to the Lord’s Prayer, subject to the assumptions of historiosophy. The author, in reference to more than a thousand biblical verses, tries to prove that in the history of humanity, after the ages of God the Father, The Son, the third age will come – the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the time of the Kingdom of God on earth. It is only in the light of the Paraclete that the “revelation of Revelation” will follow, as it is described by the theosophist Joseph de Maistre. In Cieszkowski’s conception, there are simi¬larities to Friedrich Schelling’s views, but also to understanding philosophy as the announced Paraclete. Such belief was preached by Józef Hoene-Wroński. Cieszkowski believes that the texts of the Scriptures develop their meanings along with the development of humanity. He declares adhesion to the then Catholic manner of exegesis connected with Tradition. When in his lecture literal meanings do not match the assigned traditional meanings, he chooses a literal understanding. He uses etymological exegesis. He also includes Polish translations, even when in the source has no etymological connection. The article presents the interpretation given by Cieszkowski on the example of words such as ὁ ἀρραβών “deposit” (2 Cor 1,22), τό μυστήριον “mystery” (Mt 13,11) or ἡ κοινωνία “community” (2 Cor 13,13). Cieszkowski reads the phrase “deposit of the Spirit” as proof that humanity will receive Him fully in the third era. So far, the teaching of the Church, the forms of Christian and social life were only a “pledge” to the full reign of God as a Paraclete in the third era. Even Jesus Christ revealed this Kingdom as an “approximate way” as a “mystery”. In the third era, there will be κοινωνία, “the Holy Spirit community”. Cieszkowski changed the sixteenth century understanding of the word “community” from the old translations. He gave it the importance of modern society. Under the influence of Tertullianism, he originally concluded that the reign of the Holy Spirit “the King of the Eternal” would begin.
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie; 2020, 27; 65-85
Pojawia się w:
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nawroty brzmieniowe w ewangelii wg św. Marka w kilku nowszych przekładach wersetów 33-50 z rozdziału 9
The wording recurence in the gospel according to st. Mark in several newer translations of verses 33-50 form chapter 9
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Gospel of St. Mark
Mark 9
figures of the group of geminatio
Ewangelia według św. Marka
Mk 9
W artykule przedmiotem dokładniejszego badania jest perykopa zawarta w wersetach 33–50 rozdziału 9 Markowej Ewangelii. To nie tyle ogólne cechy stylu są przedmiotem opisu oraz refleksji, co jednostkowe środki literackiego opracowania perykopy, jej artystycznego wykończenia korzystającego z niektórych możliwości współbrzmienia wyrazów, a wyzyskanego lub pominiętego przez tłumaczy. Badanym materiałem są przekłady Ewangelii wg św. Marka na język polski, których autorami są redaktorzy-modyfikatorzy tłumaczenia o. Walentego Prokulskiego SJ w V wydaniu Biblii Tysiąclecia, tłumacz z zespołu Biblii paulistów, Roman Brandstaetter, ks. Marian Wolniewicz, Czesław Miłosz, o. Franciszek Sieg SJ (którego tekst stanowi w tym artykule główne źródło cytowania). Dobór autorów przekładów ma tutaj tę specyfikę, iż czterej spośród nich są także (a nawet w dwóch wypadkach głównie) poetami. Są to Brandstaetter, Miłosz, o. Sieg, ks. Wolniewicz. Dwa pozostałe zaś tłumaczenia pretendują wśród współczesnych polskich katolików do miana najpowszechniej używanych w nauczaniu Kościoła lokalnego
Newer translations of the Gospel according to St. Mark into the Polish language - as well as translations of other books of the Holy Bible - are characterized by a significant reduction of the use of an measures adopted in our culture as a style of biblical, though in varying degrees. In many cases, such measures are fully translatable into the Polish language - e.g. polysyndetic coordination from καὶ . The text of St. Mark uses relatively narrow vocabulary and frequent recurrence of the same expressions. They serve for a clearer arrangement of voicings, the euphony marks subtle literary composition of pericopes. Literary composition of the Gospel of St. Mark is being emphasized by the exploitation of the broad possibilities of semantic and aesthetic use of figures of words per adiectionem, especially the figures of the group widely understood geminatio. In this article detailed classification of these figures is treated cursorily, and main focus is on the compositional (disposable) and the literary consequences of their use in a part of text of 9,33-50 (it can be considered as an independent pericope). The article is the result of a comparison of pericope 9, 33-50 translations by Roman Brandstaetter, Marian Wolniewicz, Czesław Miłosz, Franciszek Sieg SJ, and specified in the fifth edition of the Millennium Bible, and the Paulines Bible. Four of these translators are also a poets. Attention was pointed to the varying degree of respecting of polysyndetic coordination from καὶ and the recurrence of words and phrases, such as. «On the way», «in My name», «accepts», «reason of sin,» «throw», «fire» and the role of antonymy «dispute» and «keep the peace». It turned out that in maintaining euphony of Brandstaetter’s translation healso used the sonic possibilities verses rhyme, which he wrote out the text according to the colometric system. He approached in this way to the construction of versification. The presence of the traditional features of the Polish language in these Bible translations was also noted - respected in varying degrees. Undoubtedly, those translators who also have a poetic legacy, broadly taken into account the aesthetic potential of euphony.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2017, 2; 103-125
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ćwiczenie duchowe zapisane przez hierofanta. Psalmy przyszłości Zygmunta Krasińskiego
Spiritual Exercises Written by a Hierophant. Psalms of the Future by Zygmunt Krasiński
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Bible psalm interpretation
history of Polish literature
Zygmunt Krasiński
Victor de Laprade
Psalms of the Future by Zygmunt Krasiński once belonged to a group of the most important patriotic-religious literary works in Polish culture and address Poles as a priestly people. In the poet’s output the Psalms are a work abounding in biblical reminiscences more than any other of his poetical productions. Although they do not repeat the formal features of the Polish translations of the biblical Psalms, in the initial period of their public reception no doubts were raised concerning their genre. In Romanticism they were perceived to be a collection of psalms according to the then accepted determinants of the genre. The following determinants were taken into account: the message pertaining to the practice of the virtues of faith, hope and charity, the construction of the subject who reaches out for the mystery of things divine (here the influence of Byron’s Hebrew Melodies can be seen) and the religious zeal of the entire utterance, patriotic commitment included. In the latter case the traditions of Classicism were a significant influence. As a seer-poet, but also a hierophant-mystagogue, Krasiński prescribed spiritual exercises to his fellow countrymen. Krasiński's Psalms are in their esoteric-hermetic content inspired, among others, by the texts of the great French religious poet Victor de Laprade.
Psalms of the Future by Zygmunt Krasi?ski once belonged to a group of the most important patriotic-religious literary works in Polish culture and address Poles as a priestly people. In the poet’s output the Psalms are a work abounding in biblical reminiscences more than any other of his poetical productions. Although they do not repeat the formal features of the Polish translations of the biblical Psalms, in the initial period of their public reception no doubts were raised concerning their genre. In Romanticism they were perceived to be a collection of psalms according to the then accepted determinants of the genre. The following determinants were taken into account: the message pertaining to the practice of the virtues of faith, hope and charity, the construction of the subject who reaches out for the mystery of things divine (here the influence of Byron’s Hebrew Melodies can be seen) and the religious zeal of the entire utterance, patriotic commitment included. In the latter case the traditions of Classicism were a significant influence. As a seer-poet, but also a hierophant-mystagogue, Krasi?ski prescribed spiritual exercises to his fellow countrymen. Krasi?ski's Psalms are in their esoteric-hermetic content inspired, among others, by the texts of the great French religious poet Victor de Laprade.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2012, 26; 259-292
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieło zamknięte księdza Mariana Wolniewicza, czyli nieznana liryka poznańskiego biblisty
The Closed Oeuvre of Rev. Marian Wolniewicz: Unknown Lyric Poetry of the Poznań Bible Scholar
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
contemporary poetry
religious poetry
polish literature
Bible scholarship in Poland
Rev. Prof. Marian Wolniewicz is one of the most outstanding contemporary biblical scholars of the Poznań theological milieu. From his youth until the end of his life (t 2005) he wrote personal lyric poetry. A selection of his poems was published posthumously by the Theological Faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in a volume titled A Spiritual Diary in Verse edited by Feliks Lenort with an introduction by Zdzisław Grzegorski, a theologian and scholar of Polish literature. The poems predominantly express man's religious experience through impressions of the moment and feelings evoked by sights of the landscape, but the lyric subject does not define himself through realities characteristic of a priest and theologian. In his poetic attitude Rev. Marian Wolniewicz was inspired by the poetry of Wojciech Bąk and the French symbolists. Similarly to Stephane Mallarme he fulfilled the concepts of subsequent poems as a continuation of one single oeuvre which would finish with the death of the author. His last poetic notation was also his last attempt to translate a verse from the Gospel according to John.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2011, 6; 259-271
Pojawia się w:
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adiekcje we współczesnych polskich przekładach Listu do Filemona
Adjections in contemporary Polish translations of the Letter to Philemon
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Holy Scripture
Letter to Philemon
literary studies
Pismo Święte
List do Filemona
badania literackie
A broadly understood concept of adjection used in rhetoric comprises various types of verbal and content references. This figure of speech plays an important role in the texts of the Holy Scripture as it shapes the literary construction of the world portrayed by the hagiographers and in consequence bears an impact on the message that they convey. New Bible translations into Polish usually focus on the communicative clarity of the vocabulary chosen, and are less frequently concerned with harmonizing the different levels of the text. The present paper compares eight contemporary Polish translations of the Letter to Philemon together with accompanying commentaries. Among other things, attention is drawn to such elements as the deployment of the etymology of the name Onesi- mus and its connection with the word Christos, the recurrence of the concept of “good”, emphasis on or omission of the connotations of the theme of fight. The interpretations of verses 1, 9, 10 and 14 are set apart since contain metaphors or metonymy. Respect for or reduction of the semantic function of the anaphora and epiphora is examined. The translators of the Letter to Philemon, com- pared to the translators of other books of the Bible, showed greater appreciation, though in varying degrees, of the meaning-formation value of adjection. Perhaps this is due to the shortness of this piece of writing by St. Paul, as fewer textual elements are easier to harmonize.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2019, 34; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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