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Klöster, Stifte und Konvente nördlich der Elbe. Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Klosterforschung in Schleswig-Holstein, Nordschleswig sowie den Hansestädten Lübeck und Hamburg, hrsg. v. Oliver Auge, Katja Hillebrand
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 2; 275-278
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W trosce o zbawienie – testamenty kupców Gdańska i Elbląga z drugiej połowy XV i początku XVI wieku
Out of Concern for Salvation – Testaments of Danzig’s and Elbing’s Merchants from the Second Half of the 15th and the Beginning of the 16th Centuries
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
burghers’ testaments
Gdańsk (German: Danzig)
Elbląg (German: Elbing)
pious bequest or legacy (Latin: legatum pium)
zapisy dewocyjn
testamenty mieszczańskie
The author analyses the instructions included in the testaments of the burghers fromDanzig and Elbing, written in the second half of the 15th and at the beginning of the 16thcenturies. After going through the pious legacies made by merchants and members of thetown’s elite it may be claimed that the instructions in the testaments are quite similar asfar as the numbers and amounts of the legacies are concerned; the legacies are made tolocal parish churches, monastic orders, towns’ hospitals and the poor. It was also quitecommon to give legacies to church institutions situated outside the towns where the benefactorslived; for example, the monastic complex of the Carthusian Order called Mary’sParadise (Polish: Raj Maryi) in Kartuzy (German: Karthaus) and mendicant orders inthe State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (merchants from Danzig and Elbing) and inRoyal Prussia (merchants from Elbing alone), which – in exchange for that – offered thebenefactors a prayer and Masses for their souls and the ones of their families. Such obligationswere consciously published in many places simultaneously, in an attempt to additionallysecure prayers needed to be redeemed. The richest also financed pilgrims whowould visit pilgrimage centres for them. The sums for that purpose were in both townsequal, which probably resulted from actual costs and accepted norms. Generally speaking,pious legacies constituted an insignificant part of the merchants’ property, unless thebenefactor had any inheritors. In part of the testaments there are no instructions for piousbequests; however, it does not mean that the burghers did not give part of their propertyad pias causas. The pressure both of the existing norms and the religious conceptions ofthe way that might lead to redemption made it indispensable to make that last contract.
Tematem artykułu jest analiza dyspozycji zawartych w testamentach mieszczan Gdańskai Elbląga spisanych w drugiej połowie XV w. i na początku XVI w. Przypatrującsię głównie zapisom na cele pobożne osób trudniących się kupiectwem i członków elitymiejskiej można stwierdzić, iż w dyspozycjach ich testamentów widoczne są duże podobieństwazarówno w liczbie, jak i wysokości legatów na rzecz konkretnych instytucji.Zazwyczaj przede wszystkim miejscowego kościoła parafialnego, klasztorów i szpitaliw mieście, a w dalszej kolejności ubogich. Również charakterystyczne jest uwzględnianiew zapisach wielu instytucji kościelnych położonych poza miastem, w którym samimieszkali. W tym klasztoru kartuzów z Raju Maryi (Kartuzy) i konwentów mendykanckichw Prusach Królewskich (kupcy z Gdańska i Elbląga) i Prusach Krzyżackich (tylkokupcy z Elbląga), które w zamian gwarantowały ofiarodawcy wspomnienie modlitewne,msze za dusze jego i rodziny. Zobowiązania te świadomie powielano jednocześniew wielu miejscach, chcąc w ten sposób dodatkowo zabezpieczyć sobie modlitwy za duszę,potrzebne w drodze do zbawienia. Najbogatsi finansowali również pielgrzymów,którzy w ich intencji odwiedzali najważniejsze ośrodki pielgrzymkowe. Sumy przeznaczanena ten cel były jednakowe w obu miastach, zapewne odpowiadały realnym kosztomi przyjętemu zwyczajowi. W sumie legaty dewocyjne stanowiły w wypadku kupcówzazwyczaj niewielki procent posiadanego przez nich majątku, chyba że ofiarodawca niemiał spadkobierców. W części testamentów brak dyspozycji na cele pobożne. Nie oznaczato jednak, że mieszczanie ci nie przeznaczali części swego majątku ad pias causas. Zarówno siła obyczaju, jak i przede wszystkim panujących wówczas wyobrażeń religijnycho drodze prowadzącej do zbawienia, nakazywała zawarcie tej ostatniej w życiumieszczanina umowy.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2016, 1; 111-128
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontakty zakonów mendykanckich z organizacjami cechowymi w Prusach Krzyżackich i Królewskich
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zakony mendykanckie (dominikanie, franciszkanie, augustianie eremici)
bractwa cechowe,
Prusy Krzyżackie,
Prusy Królewskie
he article examines the mutual relations between the mendicants and guilds in the towns of Teutonic Order and Royal Prussia in the 14th–16th centuries. The preserved sources, in their widest extent, concern the issue of monastic prayer commitments. They show that, in relation to costs, only the largest and richest guilds could afford to have their own chapels, more had altars within monastic churches, and the poorest could only perhaps afford to pay individual monasteries for prayer obligations. The documents also indicate that at the time of the monastic economic crisis, caused by the progress of the Reformation and, consequently, the loss of income from the collection of alms and indulgences, they sought compensation for establishing cooperation with non–guild craftsmen, who, in exchange for paying fees to monasteries, were able to manufacture their products within their service buildings. These rights in Gdańsk and Toruń were confirmed by the king, usually specifying that the named individual could work only for the needs of the monasteries. Subsequent practice indicated that these provisions were violated, and attempts to sell goods caused numerous conflicts in which the town council became involved.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2018, 301, 3; 440-461
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mendykanci wobec reformacji w Prusach Królewskich i Zakonnych do 1526 roku
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Prusy Zakonne
Prusy Królewskie
zakony mendykanckie
zakony mnisze
Teutonic Prussia
Royal Prussia
mendicant orders
monastic orders
Celem artykułu jest próba prześledzenia reakcji wspólnot mendykanckich na wydarzenia związane z wystąpieniem Marcina Lutra. Problem ten zaprezentowano na przykładzie klasztorów w Prusach Krzyżackich i Zakonnych. Jako datę końcową opracowania przyjęto rok 1526. Obok perspektywy dziejów instytucjonalnych poszczególnych zgromadzeń zagadnienie to przedstawione zostało również z punktu widzenia szeregowych zakonników oraz ich indywidualnych decyzji i motywacji.
The goal of the article is an attempt to follow the reaction of mendicant communities to the events connected with Luther’s theses. This problem is presented based on the example of monasteries in Royal and Teutonic Prussia. As the final date of the study the author chose the year 1526. Besides the perspective of the institutional history of particular orders the problem is also presented from the point of view of ordinary monks and their individual decisions and motivations.
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce; 2019, 63
Pojawia się w:
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa przekazy źródłowe dotyczące testamentów z terenu władztwa zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach (podszpitalnika w Pasłęku z 1453 r. i prokuratora w Lochstädt z około 1476 r.)
Two source texts regarding wills and testemants from the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (a spitler in Pasłęk from 1453 and a pfleger in Lochstädt from around 1476)
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
The study includes an edition of two source texts from the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation in Berlin‑Dahlem (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz) regarding the wills and testaments of a spitler in Pasłęk Hans Osterreich from 1453 and a pfleger in Lochstädt Hans von Köckeritz from around 1476. Unfortunately, preserved source texts of this type are sparse. This is why historians’ research into last wills is focused mainly on wills and testaments drawn up by townspeople. Both texts illustrate both the very procedurę of drawing up a will and testament by people appointed by the Teutonic Order, which required the approval of the Grand Master (the spitler), as well as specific information about the personal assets of the Order’s officials and their social environment (the pfleger). Because of this they could be important for further research into the functioning of the lower offices of the Order and the changes in the way of enforcing the principles of the possession and management of personal property by people serving these functions.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2019, 23; 325-337
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The schools and studies of the Dominicans in the Prussian contrata to the beginning of the sixteenth century
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
dominican order
The purpose of the school system organized by the Dominicans in the thirteenth century was to provide their congregation with a supply of preachers to further the mission expressed in the popular motto of the order: contemplari et contemplata aliis tradere. In the period when the first friaries were being organized, human resources for the order were the numerous friars recruited from university circles. This manner of acquiring educated friars would not, however, be a permanent solution especially in peripheral regions where there were not yet any universities. Hence, the order had to take upon itself the task of creating new personnel. This was the situation mostly in Northern and Central Europe, as well as in the Teutonic Order’s Baltic jurisdiction in Prussia, where Dominican friaries operated that belonged to the Polish province of the order. This paper presents the system of Dominican schools functioning mainly in the fifteenth and the early sixteenth century within the Prussian contrata, a lower auxiliary unit in the order’s administration, encompassing the Teutonic Prussia regions. In addition to the running of schools, the foreign studies of Dominican friars from this region will also be discussed.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2018, 22; 117-135
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W trosce o zbawienie – testamenty kupców Gdańska i Elbląga z drugiej połowy XV i początku XVI wieku
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
testamenty mieszczańskie
zapisy dewocyjne
burghers’ testaments
Gdańsk (German: Danzig)
Elbląg (German: Elbing)
pious bequest or legacy (Latin: legatum pium)
Tematem artykułu jest analiza dyspozycji zawartych w testamentach mieszczan Gdańska i Elbląga spisanych w drugiej połowie XV w. i na początku XVI w. Przypatrując się głównie zapisom na cele pobożne osób trudniących się kupiectwem i członków elity miejskiej można stwierdzić, iż w dyspozycjach ich testamentów widoczne są duże podobieństwa zarówno w liczbie, jak i wysokości legatów na rzecz konkretnych instytucji.Zazwyczaj przede wszystkim miejscowego kościoła parafialnego, klasztorów i szpitali w mieście, a w dalszej kolejności ubogich. Również charakterystyczne jest uwzględnianie w zapisach wielu instytucji kościelnych położonych poza miastem, w którym sami mieszkali. W tym klasztoru kartuzów z Raju Maryi (Kartuzy) i konwentów mendykanckich w Prusach Królewskich (kupcy z Gdańska i Elbląga) i Prusach Krzyżackich (tylko kupcy z Elbląga), które w zamian gwarantowały ofiarodawcy wspomnienie modlitewne,msze za dusze jego i rodziny. Zobowiązania te świadomie powielano jednocześnie w wielu miejscach, chcąc w ten sposób dodatkowo zabezpieczyć sobie modlitwy za duszę,potrzebne w drodze do zbawienia. Najbogatsi finansowali również pielgrzymów,którzy w ich intencji odwiedzali najważniejsze ośrodki pielgrzymkowe. Sumy przeznaczane na ten cel były jednakowe w obu miastach, zapewne odpowiadały realnym kosztom i przyjętemu zwyczajowi. W sumie legaty dewocyjne stanowiły w wypadku kupców zazwyczaj niewielki procent posiadanego przez nich majątku, chyba że ofiarodawca nie miał spadkobierców. W części testamentów brak dyspozycji na cele pobożne. Nie oznacza to jednak, że mieszczanie ci nie przeznaczali części swego majątku ad pias causas. Zarówno siła obyczaju, jak i przede wszystkim panujących wówczas wyobrażeń religijnych o drodze prowadzącej do zbawienia, nakazywała zawarcie tej ostatniej w życiu mieszczanina umowy.
The author analyses the instructions included in the testaments of the burghers from Danzig and Elbing, written in the second half of the 15th and at the beginning of the 16th centuries. After going through the pious legacies made by merchants and members of the town’s elite it may be claimed that the instructions in the testaments are quite similar as far as the numbers and amounts of the legacies are concerned; the legacies are made to local parish churches, monastic orders, towns’ hospitals and the poor. It was also quite common to give legacies to church institutions situated outside the towns where the benefactors lived; for example, the monastic complex of the Carthusian Order called Mary’s Paradise (Polish: Raj Maryi) in Kartuzy (German: Karthaus) and mendicant orders in the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (merchants from Danzig and Elbing) and in Royal Prussia (merchants from Elbing alone), which – in exchange for that – offered the benefactors a prayer and Masses for their souls and the ones of their families. Such obligations were consciously published in many places simultaneously, in an attempt to additionally secure prayers needed to be redeemed. The richest also financed pilgrims who would visit pilgrimage centres for them. The sums for that purpose were in both towns equal, which probably resulted from actual costs and accepted norms. Generally speaking, pious legacies constituted an insignificant part of the merchants’ property, unless the benefactor had any inheritors. In part of the testaments there are no instructions for pious bequests; however, it does not mean that the burghers did not give part of their property ad pias causas. The pressure both of the existing norms and the religious conceptions of the way that might lead to redemption made it indispensable to make that last contract.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2016, 1; 111-128
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mirko Breitenstein, Julia Burkhardt, Stefan Burkhardt, Jens Röhrkasten (eds.), “Rules and observance. Devising forms of communal life” (Vita regularis ordnungen und deutungen religiosen lebens im Mittelalter, Abhandlungen 60), Berlin 2014, s. 303 + 7 nlb. Lit Verlag)
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2019, 131; 267-273
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gert Melville, Bernd Schneidmüller, Stefan Weinfurter (hrsg.), “Innovationen durch Deuten und Gestalten. Klöster im Mittelalter zwischen Jenseits und Welt”
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2019, 131; 257-266
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokument potwierdzający zawarcie umowy franciszkanów z władzami miasta Braniewa w 1301 r. w sprawie zmiany lokalizacji klasztoru
The Document Confirming the Agreement between the Franciscans and the City of Braniewo from 1301 Regarding the Changing of the Monastery’s Location
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
The subject of this study is the agreement between the Franciscans and the City of Braniewo from April 28, 1301, regarding the changing of the location of the monastery which was hitherto known only from the study by Eugen Brachvogel. Leonhard Lemmens’s register of sources on the history of the old Saxon province of the Franciscans and the Warmian Diplomatic Codex both fail to mention it. Today, the contents of the document are known from the copy drawn up at the end of the 16th century and currently stored in the Etats‑Ministerium collection in the Prussian Privy State Archives in Berlin‑Dahlem (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz). The document provides important information helpful in reconstructing the dispute between the city and the Franciscans as well as in identifying the subsequent locations of the monastery. The Franciscans came to Braniewo due to the activities of the Warmian bishop Henry I Fleming in 1296. Several years later, a conflict arose  etween the monastery and the city. On April 14 in Elbląg and April 20, 1301, in Braniewo, negotiations were held to resolve the matter. According to the agreement, the Franciscans gave up a parcel in the city and in return received another one, located north from the city, near the river Pasłęka. It was decided, moreover, that the city would build a gate and a bridge above the moat which would connect the monastery with the city. The dispute between the city and the Franciscans also became the source of the legend about the allegedly illegal destruction of the monastery in the city by the citizens or the Teutonic Order. The 1301 agreement turned out to be short‑lived and only the third location of the monastery proved to be the final one. On February 20, 1330, it was confirmed that the Franciscan monastery was moved back to the city. This decision was made due to the danger it would pose if its edifices were seized by enemy forces attempting to storm the city.
The subject of this study is the agreement between the Franciscans and the City of Braniewo from April 28, 1301, regarding the changing of the location of the monastery which was hitherto known only from the study by Eugen Brachvogel. Leonhard Lemmens’s register of sources on the history of the old Saxon province of the Franciscans and the Warmian Diplomatic Codex both fail to mention it. Today, the contents of the document are known from the copy drawn up at the end of the 16th century and currently stored in the Etats‑Ministerium collection in the Prussian Privy State Archives in Berlin‑Dahlem (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz). The document provides important information helpful in reconstructing the dispute between the city and the Franciscans as well as in identifying the subsequent locations of the monastery. The Franciscans came to Braniewo due to the activities of the Warmian bishop Henry I Fleming in 1296. Several years later, a conflict arose etween the monastery and the city. On April 14 in Elbląg and April 20, 1301, in Braniewo, negotiations were held to resolve the matter. According to the agreement, the Franciscans gave up a parcel in the city and in return received another one, located north from the city, near the river Pasłęka. It was decided, moreover, that the city would build a gate and a bridge above the moat which would connect the monastery with the city. The dispute between the city and the Franciscans also became the source of the legend about the allegedly illegal destruction of the monastery in the city by the citizens or the Teutonic Order. The 1301 agreement turned out to be short‑lived and only the third location of the monastery proved to be the final one. On February 20, 1330, it was confirmed that the Franciscan monastery was moved back to the city. This decision was made due to the danger it would pose if its edifices were seized by enemy forces attempting to storm the city.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2017, 21; 221-230
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiatraki na Żuławach w pierwszej połowie XV w.
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Studies on the living conditions of the rural population and the organisation of agriculture in the Middle Ages have a long tradition. Some of the issues examined include mills in the State of the Teutonic Order. Other publications consider the specific nature of the Żuławy region under the Teutonic Order and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This article focuses on reconstructing the significance of windmills for the mill economy in this area. The mills within the Teutonic State were supervised by a number of administrative units. The northern part of Gdańsk Żuławy (known in the Middle Ages as Stüblau (in Pol. Steblewskie or Żuławy Małe) was administered by the forestry office of the Danzig (Gdańsk) commandry, the strip of land between the Vistula and the River Mottlau (Motława) was governed by a Vogt whose seat was in Herrengrebin (Grabiny Zameczek) itself under the commandry of Marienburg (Malbork), while the southern part was supervised by the Vogt of Dirschau (Tczew). Gross Werder (Great Żuławy) was administered by the commandry of Marienburg, and Fischauer Werder (Fiszewskie Żuławy) – by the Komtur (commander) of Elbing (Elbląg) and Christburg (Dzierzgoń). The different principles of administering these regions resulted predominantly from the local water conditions and the need for the farmland’s constant drainage. One of the elements of the region’s specificity was the organisation of flourmilling, which owing to geographical conditions could not be based on a network of water mills, as was the case elsewhere. Water mills were therefore replaced by windmills, which became a prominent element of Żuławy’s milling industry in the Middle Ages, perhaps even in the first half of the fourteenth century, and continued to play this role in successive centuries. The data quoted clearly show that windmills were the foundation of the milling industry in the Scharpau (now: Szkarpawa) region and played a significant role in Stüblau, where the Order owned one water mill in Herrengrebin. It would seem that they were also of fundamental significance in the Vogtei of Leske (Laski) and the area under the Pfl eger of Lassowitz (Lasowice) and Montau (Mątowy). In the territory under the Vogt of Stuhm (Sztum) the mills fulfilled auxiliary functions. The mills in question subsequently functioned not only as flour mills, associated with farm production, but also helped drain farmland threatened by flooding. They continued to fulfil this role until the early 1900s, and their subsequent destruction and ensuing absence in the landscape were accelerated by the destruction of mounds by the fleeing Germans at the end of the war, as well as the profound transformations which affected all domains of social life in this area following World War II. Owing to the specific local conditions, mills were usually erected on the same sites as they had been in the Middle Ages; only the method of their construction changed (early modern novelties included the Dutch mills). In subsequent years, mills for land drainage were used on a larger scale alongside grist mills. Unfortunately, only two such mills have survived: a post mill in Schönbaum (Drewnica) and a Dutch mill in Palschau (Palczewo), which are testimony of the great diversity of the local material culture and organisation of the rural economy in past centuries.
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2012, 72
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykaz czynszów i służb okręgu Barciany z około połowy XV wieku
The Register of Rents and Military Services in the District of Barciany of the mid-15th Century
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
The Teutonic Order in Prussia
economic sources
registers of rents
The subject of the study is the edition of the list of rents and military services of the Barciany district, including a list of services of the then western part of the Pfleger’s territory of Giżycko. This source complements earlier lists of rents from 1422 and 1437, which were issued under the so-called grand book of rent (Das Grosse Zinsbuch des Deutschen Ritterordens). The basis of the edition is the account preserved in Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Secret Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage) in Berlin Dahlem (GStA PK), as part of the collection of letters from the former archives of the Teutonic Order (Ordensbriefarchiv No. 28754). The data included in the list may be useful in further work on the reconstruction of the condition of the settlement of Barciany and Kętrzyn in the mid-15th century. Taking into account previous accounts, thanks to the source presented here, one may trace the changes in the village development and the type, number and distribution of service goods in individual villages.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2018, 83, 3; 159-171
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kadri-Rutt Hahn, Revaler Testamente im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Schriften der Baltischen Historischen Kommission, Bd. 19), LIT Verlag, Berlin 2015, ss. 800
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 1; 177-182
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seelbad (Balnea Animarum) – uwagi na temat praktyki stosowania pobożnej fundacji w Prusach Krzyżackich i Prusach Królewskich do początku XVI wieku
Seelbad (balnea animarum) – remarks about the practice of religious foundation in the Monastic State of the Teutonic Order and Royal Prussia until the beginning of the 16th century
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
medieval cities
Teutonic Prussia
Royal Prussia
last wills
Among the lesser known forms of burghers’ religious practice in the Late Middle Ages, there was the founding of the so called "Seelbäder” (balnea animarum) recorded mainly in the burghers’ last wills. Burgers bequeathed some sums of money to finance city baths for the poor. Sometimes they stated exactly which bath they wanted to support financially and when the baths were to take place. Sometimes the poor were also given food in the baths. What was curious about the bequest was the motivation behind it. It was not only an act of charity, but also a religious deed committed with the intention of saving the testatrix’s soul, which was often clearly stated in the text of the will. The commemorative nature of the deed consisted in the fact that baths were to take place after the testatrix’s death, usually on the anniversary of this event. The poor were supposed to pray with the intention of saving their benefactor’s soul. Sometimes they were to take place for a longer period of time (10 years), invariably on the anniversary of the benefactor’s death. The examples provided here come from the period from the 13th century until the beginning of the 16th century and reveal how such bequests were made in small towns such as Zalewo (the oldest record on founding baths for the poor dates back to 1326), Nowe nad Wisłą, Bartoszyce and Lubawa along with bigger centres in Teutonic Prussia and Royal Prussia such as Gdańsk, Elbląg, Toruń and Königsberg. In Königsberg, bequests to cover the costs of free baths for the poor happened so frequently that there was even a regulation issued by the municipal authorities which regulated the use of free baths. It should be underlined that financing baths for the poor on a particular day solved the problem of other inhabitants of the town using the baths who came from various social strata. Founding special baths for the poor and inhabitants of municipal hospitals meant that they used the baths separately and at different times than bathers from higher social classes.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 1; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mendicant Friaries in the Dominion of the Teutonic Order in Prussia and in Royal Prussia after 1466 until the Reformation
Klasztory mendykanckie w Prusach Krzyżackich i Królewskich po 1466 r. do reformacji
Kubicki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
new foundations of friaries
reform of friaries
W artykule rozpatrzono problem warunków funkcjonowania zakonów mendykanckich na terenie Prus Zakonnych i Prus Królewskich w okresie od 1466 r. do początków reformacji. Zagadnienie to przedstawione zostało w trzech perspektywach: organizacyjno-prawnej, tworzenia nowych fundacji klasztornych po 1466 r., przemian dokonujących się w życiu wewnętrznym poszczególnych wspólnot zakonnych, nowych form relacji z zapleczem społecznym w miastach i poza nimi. W okresie po 1466 r. największym dynamizmem odznaczali się na tym terenie nowo przybyli franciszkanie obserwanci, którzy powołali pięć nowych klasztorów. Nieskuteczne okazały się natomiast podobne starania podejmowane przez karmelitów i bernardynów z prowincji polskiej. Obok organizowania nowych klasztorów istotnym problemem była potrzeba reformy życia wewnętrznego poszczególnych konwentów. W tym samym czasie ważnym kręgiem społecznym, stale rozwijającym swe kontakty z klasztorami mendykantów, stali się przedstawiciele znaczniejszej szlachty. Motywacją ich działań była nie tylko chęć zapewnienia sobie wspomnienia modlitewnego, lecz także ekskluzywne formy pochówku i pamięci (własne kaplice w kościołach klasztornych i msze wieczyste).
Zapiski Historyczne; 2016, 81, 4; 83-99
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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