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Application of ground penetrating radar method combined with sedimentological analyses in studies of glaciogenic sediments in central Poland
Lejzerowicz, Anna
Wysocka, Anna
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ground penetrating radar
radar facies
glaciogenic deposits
sedimentological studies
central Poland
GPR method is perfectly suited for recognizing of sedimentary facies diversity in shallowly occurring sediments if there is a contrast of electrical properties between and/or within each layer. The article deals with the issue of the correlation between GPR surveys results and sedimentological analyses. As a result of this correlation a conceptual model of depositional systems of studied areas was developed. Studies were performed in two areas located in central Poland, where glacial deposits formed in the Middle Polish (Saalian) Glaciation are present. The study was based on 49 sediment samples and 21 GPR profiles. Analyses of lithofacies as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition of deposits of collected samples were carried out, showing the diversity of glacial deposits in both study sites. During GPR measurements shielded antenna with a frequency of 500 MHz was used which allowed high-resolution mapping of the internal structure of deposits and to identify four characteristic radar facies. Correlation of GPR profiles with point, one-dimensional sedimentological studies allowed the unambiguous interpretation of the GPR image and draw conclusions about the formation environment of individual units. Geophysical and sedimentological data obtained during study provide a new and detailed insight into selected glacial deposits in central Poland.
Studia Quaternaria; 2018, 35; 103-119
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mapping of the north-eastern part of kozłowicka buried valley based on geoelectrical data
Topolewska, Sylwia
Stępień, Marcin
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
buried valley
geoelectrical methods
electrical resistivity tomography
Nauki o Ziemi
The pa per is aim ing to de ter mi nate the ex tent of the north east ern arm of Koz³owicka bur ied val ley on the grounds of own re search by means of elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy – ERT and avail able ar chi val re searches. On the Hy drogeo log i cal map of Po land, ¯yrardów sheet (Felter and Nowicki, 1998a, b) Koz³owicka bur ied val ley was dif fer en tiated as an in di vid ual hydrogeological unit. The re sults of the anal y sis show that the ex tent of the struc ture, de fined by its up per bound ary, dif fers sig nif i cantly from the one sug gested on the sheet of Hydrogeological map of Po land. Since there was no data avail able in the north east ern part of the dis cussed arm of Koz³owicka bur ied val ley, the north ern bound ary was de fined only based on avail able geoelectrical sound ing pro files (Czerwiñska, 1988; Topolewska, 2015). In or der to con firm sug gested so lu tion, geoelectrical re search by means of elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy (ERT) was con ducted. The mea sure ments were per formed along 3 pro files lo cated in the area of in ter est. The au thors would like to point out the need of the us age of ERT in map ping and study ing bur ied struc tures that might be ground wa ter res ervoirs. As a re sult, one ob tains quasi-con tin u ous im age of elec tri cal re sis tiv ity of the subsurface. Due to the con trast of elec tri cal prop er ties of sed i ments, it is pos si ble to de ter mine up per and bot tom sur faces of bur ied struc tures, formed within gla cial de pos its.
Studia Quaternaria; 2016, 33; 91-101
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) as a tool in geotechnical investigation of the substrate of a highway
Maślakowski, Maciej
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Mieszkowski, Radosław
Józefiak, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
field testing
geotechnical engineering
organic soils
Geo log i cal and geotechnical en gi neer ing field tests, like struc ture drillings and dy namic (DPL, DPSH) or static probing (CPT), are con sid ered for a fun da men tal source of in for ma tion about soil and wa ter en vi ron ments. Since Eurocode 7 has been in tro duced, it has be come more com mon to use also dilatometers (DMT) or pres sure me ters (PMT). Re sults ob tained us ing all the men tioned tests are al ways of a dis crete na ture – in for ma tion is pro vided in cer tain points in the field. How ever, they de ter mine the ba sis for cre at ing spa tial mod els of geo log i cal struc ture and geotechnical con di - tions of a sub stra tum. The range and num ber of in ves ti ga tions con ducted (in clud ing drill ing, prob ing and lab o ra tory tests) in flu ence pre ci sion, in which a geo log i cal struc ture is iden ti fied and thus, also af fect prob a bil ity of com pat i bil ity be tween spa tial model and real geo log i cal con di tions of a sub stra tum. In the pa per, re sults of non-in va sive elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy (ERT) method are pre sented, com pris ing 2-di men sional im age of a soil me dium re sis tance. Elec tri cal re sis tance is a pa ram e ter that re flects di ver si fi ca tion of a soil me dium, con sid er ing its lithological as pect. In ad di tion, when com bined with drill ing re sults, it can be used to ac cu rate de ter mi na tion of bound aries be tween soil lay - ers. Car ry ing out of ERT tests in the field dur ing ex press way con struc tion con trib uted to iden ti fi ca tion of weak, low-strength soils like or ganic soils (peat, aggradated mud) and of soft con sis tency co he sive soils. These kinds of soil are the main cause for un ac cept able de for ma tions ap pear ing in the new road en gi neer ing struc ture.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 83-89
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applicability of ground penetrating radar on desert archaeolog ical sites: a case studyfrom the Saqqara necropolis in Egypt
Welc, Fabian
Mieszkowski, Radosław
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Trzciński, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ground pen e trat ing ra dar (GPR)
ar chae o log i cal site
This pa per pres ents the pre lim i nary re sults of ground pen e trat ing ra dar sound ing ap plied at the desert ar chae o log i cal site in Saqqara (Egypt). The sur vey was car ried out in 2012 within a pro ject re al ized by In sti tute of Ar chae ol ogy, Cardi nal Stefan Wyszyñski Uni ver sity in War saw and the Fac ulty of Ge ol ogy, Uni ver sity of War saw. One of the key aims of the re search was test ing the ap pli ca tion of ground pen e trat ing ra dar to non-in va sive sur veys of desert ar chae o log i calsites. Radargrams ob tained for area of so called the Dry Moat chan nel sur round ing the Step Pyr a mid com plex have shown the geo log i cal struc ture of its fill ing. It com prises among oth ers de bris-sand con glom er ate of diluval or i gin char ac ter ized by a sig nif i cant con tent of the clay frac tion and clay min er als. Such lithological con tent strongly at ten u -ate the prop a ga tion of EM waves, re strict ing the depth range of the GPR sur vey. The con ducted geo phys i cal prospection west to the Step Pyr a mid in Saqqara has con firmed the high ap pli ca bil ity of the GPR method in non-in va sive stud ies of vast ar chi tec tural struc tures, such as the mon u men tal ditch sur round ing the Step Pyr a mid known as the Dry Moat. It should sum ma rised that high hor i zon tal res o lu tion ob tained dur ing GPR survey is a re sult of lo cal geo log i cal struc ture of the searched area, i.e. strong lithological con trast of the sed i ments fill ing the Dry Moat, which, de pend ing on their min er al og i cal com po si tion.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 133-141
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chemical recycling of polyesters
Recykling chemiczny poliestrów
Dębowski, Maciej
Iuliano, Anna
Plichta, Andrzej
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Florjańczyk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
solid-state polycondensation
poly(ethylene terephthalate)
polikondensacja w ciele stałym
poli(tereftalan etylenu)
In the presented paper, two basic strategies that can be used in the processes of chemical recycling of polyester material were described. The first of them involves increasing the molar mass of recycled materials in the solid-state polycondensation (SSP) process and/or joining their chains with various types of substances easily reacting with the end groups of polyesters (so-called extending agents). The essence of the second strategy is the degradation of the material under the influence of various protogenic agents (such as water, alcohols, glycols and amines) to obtain low-molecular products or oligomers that can be used as raw materials in the synthesis of many classes of polymers. The methods that are already used in PET [poly(ethylene terephthalate)] recycling and the possibility of their extension to other types of polyesters are both shown.
W pracy przedstawiono dwie podstawowe strategie możliwe do wykorzystania w procesach chemicznego recyklingu tworzyw poliestrowych. Pierwsza z nich polega na zwiększeniu masy molowej utylizowanych tworzyw polimerowych w procesie polikondensacji w ciele stałym (SSP) i/lub łączeniu ich łańcuchów za pomocą różnego typu substancji łatwo reagujących z grupami końcowymi poliestrów (tzw. czynników przedłużających). Istotą drugiej strategii jest degradacja tworzywa pod wpływem różnych czynników protogennych (takich jak: woda, alkohole, glikole i aminy) w celu uzyskania produktów małocząsteczkowych lub oligomerów, które można wykorzystać jako surowce w syntezie wielu klas materiałów polimerowych. Omówiono metody stosowane już w recyklingu PET [poli(tereftalanu etylenu)], a także możliwość ich rozszerzenia na inne gatunki poliestrów.
Polimery; 2019, 64, 11-12; 764-776
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The intramontane Orava Basin - evidence of large-scale Miocene to Quaternary sinistral wrenching in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian area
Ludwiniak, Mirosław
Śmigielski, Michał
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Łoziński, Maciej
Czarniecka, Urszula
Lewińska, Lena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Orava Basin
Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin
structural analysis
strike-slip related basin
transrotational basin
joint pattern analysis
Western Carpathians
Kotlina Orawska
paleogeński basen centralno-karpacki
paleogeńskiego basen Karpat centralnych
analiza strukturalna
basen przesuwczy
basen transrotacyjny
Karpaty Zachodnie
The Carpathian Orava Basin is a tectonic structure filled with Neogene and Quaternary deposits superimposed on the collision zone between the ALCAPA and European plates. Tectonic features of the south-eastern margin of the Orava Basin and the adjoining part of the fore-arc Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin were studied. Field observations of mesoscopic structures, analyses of digital elevation models and geological maps, supplemented with electrical resistivity tomography surveys were performed. Particular attention was paid to joint network analysis. The NE-SW-trending Krowiarki and Hruštinka-Biela Orava sinistral fault zones were recognized as key tectonic features that influenced the Orava Basin development. They constitute the north-eastern part of a larger Mur-Mürz-Žilina fault system that separates the Western Carpathians from the Eastern Alps. The interaction of these sinistral fault zones with the older tectonic structures of the collision zone caused the initiation and further development of the Orava Basin as a strike-slip-related basin. The Krowiarki Fault Zone subdivides areas with a different deformation pattern within the sediments of the Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin and was active at least from the time of cessation of its sedimentation in the early Miocene. Comparison of structural data with the recent tectonic stress field, earthquake focal mechanisms and GPS measurements allows us to conclude that the Krowiarki Fault Zone shows a stable general pattern of tectonic activity for more than the last 20 myr and is presently still active.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2019, 69, 3; 339-386
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Causes of groundwater level and chemistry changes in an urban area; a case study of Warsaw, Poland
Krogulec, Ewa
Gruszczyński, Tomasz
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Małecki, Jerzy J.
Porowska, Dorota
Sawicka, Katarzyna
Trzeciak, Joanna
Wojdalska, Anna
Zabłocki, Sebastian
Zaszewski, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
urban area
Quaternary aquifer
Oligocene aquifer
groundwater level changes
groundwater chemistry
obszar miejski
czwartorzędowe piętro wodonośne
oligoceńskie piętro wodonośne
zmiany poziomu wód gruntowych
chemizm wód podziemnych
The presented studies focus on changes in groundwater levels and chemistry, and the identification of important factors influencing these changes on short- and long-term scales in urban areas. The results may be useful for rational and sustainable groundwater planning and management in cities. The studies concerned three aquifers: (1) the shallow Quaternary aquifer, (2) the deep Quaternary aquifer, and (3) the Oligocene aquifer in the capital city of Warsaw (Poland). The spatial variability of groundwater recharge was determined and its changes in time were characterized. The characteristics of groundwater levels were based on long-term monitoring series. The results indicate that urban development has caused overall reduction in infiltration recharge (from 54 to 51 mm/year), which is particularly clear in the city suburbs and in its centre, where land development has significantly densified during the last 30 years. Studies of groundwater levels indicate variable long-term trends. However, for the shallowest aquifer, the trends indicate a gradual decrease of the groundwater levels. In the case of the much deeper Oligocene aquifer, groundwater table rise is observed since the 1970s (averagely c. 20 m), which is related with excessive pumping. Based on the studied results, the groundwater chemistry in the subsurface aquifer indicates strong anthropogenic influence, which is reflected in multi-ionic hydrogeochemical types and the occurrence of chemical tracers typical of human activity. The Oligocene aquifer is characterized by a chemical composition indicating the influence of geogenic factors.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2022, 72, 4; 495--517
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polycarbonate-based polyurethane – attractive materials for adhesives, binders and sealants production
Poliuretany z segmentami oligowęglanowymi jako atrakcyjne materiały do produkcji klejów, spoiw i uszczelniaczy
Iuliano, Anna
Dębowski, Maciej
Plichta, Andrzej
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Florjańczyk, Zbigniew
Rokicki, Gabriel
Parzuchowski, Paweł. G.
Mazurek-Budzyńska, Magdalena
Wołosz, Dominik
Pilch-Pitera, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
aliphatic oligocarbonate diols
mechanical properties
alifatyczne oligowęglanodiole
właściwości mechaniczne
In the last few years, a very wide range of oligocarbonate diols, oligomers of carbonic acid esters terminated on both sides with hydroxyl groups, have appeared on the chemical market. They are mainly used for the production of flexible segments in precious grades of polyurethanes used in biomedical engineering. Poly(carbonate-urethane) due to high resistance to oxidizing and hydrolytic agents is also an attractive material for the production of adhesives and coatings with increased resistance to weather conditions. This paper presents the current state of knowledge on the methods of synthesis and main producers of oligomerols with carbonate groups, methods of poly(carbonate-urethane) synthesis and examples of its commercial applications.
W ostatnich latach na rynku chemicznym pojawiła się bardzo bogata gama oligowęglanodioli, czyli oligomerycznych estrów kwasu węglowego, zakończonych z obu stron grupami hydroksylowymi. Są one wykorzystywane głównie do wytwarzania segmentów elastycznych w szlachetnych gatunkach poliuretanów stosowanych w inżynierii biomedycznej. Poli(węglano-uretany), dzięki dużej odporności na czynniki utleniające i hydrolityczne, stanowią także atrakcyjny materiał do produkcji klejów i powłok, trwałych w różnych warunkach atmosferycznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy dotyczący metod otrzymywania i głównych producentów oligomeroli z segmentami oligowęglanowymi, metod syntezy poliuretanów zawierających te segmenty oraz przykłady komercyjnych zastosowań poli(węglano-uretanów).
Polimery; 2020, 65, 7-8; 497-508
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Egzamin studenta i obywatela : rzecz o strajku studentów łódzkich w 1981 r.
Rzecz o strajku studentów łódzkich w 1981 r.
Kowalczyk, Jadwiga (medycyna).
Pilarski, Sebastian (1977- ). Opracowanie Redakcja Przedmowa
Oddział w Łodzi (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej). Wydawca
Data publikacji:
Łódź ; Warszawa : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej - Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu. Oddział w Łodzi
Kowalczyk, Jadwiga (lekarz)
NSZZ "Solidarność"
Strajki studenckie
Wydarzenia w Polsce (1980-1981)
Związki zawodowe
Pamiętniki i wspomnienia
Publikacja bogato ilustrowana
Na stronie redakcyjnej: Centralny Projekt Badawczy IPN. "Solidarność" i opór społeczny w PRL 1956-1989.
Bibliografia, netografia na stronach 352-355. Indeks.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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