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Badania technologiczne sześciu italskich malowideł ściennych z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie : część I
Korpal, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
malarstwo ścienne starożytnej Italii
malowidła pompejańskie
fresco secco
teoria enkaustyki
The su b je c t of co n sid e ra tio n s by th e au th o r, a g ra d u a te of th e High School of F in e Arts, Cracow consists in technological e x am in a tio n s of six fragm en ts of Ita lic m u ra l p a in tin g s th e age of which m ay be ap p ro x im a te ly d a ted fo r a p e rio d from th e 1st c en tu ry B.C. to th e 1st c en tu ry A.C. The above fragm e n ts of p olychromies a re coming from th e fo rm e r collection of th e C z a rto ry sk is fam ily an d according to ev e ry p ro b a b ility th e y w e re p u rch a s ed in Ita ly a t th e end of th e 19th c en tu ry . At p re s e n t th ey fo rm a p ro p e rty of National Museum, Cracow. In view of a b u n d an c e of m a te ria l p re s en ted by th e a u th o r h e r p u b lic a tio n w as divided in to two p a rts. The firs t of th em re p re s e n ts a k in d of in tro d u c tio n to e x am in a tio n s c a rrie d out. The un so lv ed up to th e p re s en t day p ro b lem of te ch n iq u e s ap p lied fo r e x e cu tio n of Roman m u ra l p a in tin g s is k n ow n in th e h is to ry of a r t u n d e r th e te rm of “d isp u te o ver P om p e ian fre sco e s”. Within a chronological system th e a u th o r has p re s e n ted th e most in te re stin g views of p a r tic u la r in v e s tig a to rs in th is question. By p re s en tin g of in d iv id u a l opinions she p o in ted to th e wide d isc rep an c ie s th a t could be en co u n te red in th e p a s t and a re still ex is tin g in opinions concerning th e te c h n iq u e s ap p lied by th e an c ie n t m a s te rs fo r th e e x e cution of m u ra l p a in tin g s. The ma in stre ss has been la id by th e a u th o r in th e p re s e n t p a r t of h e r work on th e p re s en t sta te of k nowledge re la tin g to m o rta rs , p igm en ts, b in d e rs an d v a rn ish e s in use fo r an c ie n t w a ll p a in tin g s in th e te r r ito ry of an c ien t Ita lia . The fir s t p a r t of th e p re s e n t p u b lic a tio n h aving h is to ric a l c h a ra c te r re p re s e n ts th e com p a ra tiv e m a te r ia l supplying a basis fo r co n sid e ra tio n s forming th e second p a rt. This second p a r t w ill be published in one of o u r fo rth comin g issues.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 3; 160-169
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania technologiczne sześciu italskich malowideł ściennych z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie : część II
Korpal, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
italskie malowidła ścienne ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie
Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
malowidło Pejzaż
malowidło Głowa
malowidło Maska
malowidło Kwiat
malowidło Postać
malowidło Postać kobieca
analiza petrograficzna
spektografia emisyjna
niedyspersyjna fluorescencja rentgenowska
spektrofotogrametria w podczerwieni
The above is the second part of an article discussing the results of technological investigations carried out on six fragments of Italic mural paintings (viz. “Ochrona Zabytków”, vol. XXV, 1972, iss. 3, pp. 160—169). Results are reported with a detailed discussion of numerous chemical and physical analyses. In view of quite specific value of objects under investigations every effort has been made to carry them out by the use of methods requiring only minute quantities of samples taken or those assuring the full protection against any damage whatsoever to objects investigated. The investigations of mortars, pigments and binders were conducted with application of such methods as the pétrographie microscopic observations, emission spectrography, non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence, spectrophotometry in infra-red light, reagent dyeing analyses, microcrystallography and chromatography. The above set of analyses allowed to describe the composition of mortars and pigments used by an ancient painter. Unfortunately, no fully satisfactory answer could be arrived at with respect to problem of binder since a considerable difficulty arised owing to the lack of adequate quantity of material for investigation. However, as a result of investigations conducted it has proved possible to state a considerable quantity of СаСОз and that quite negligible of wax which the facts could point to applying of a sui generis tempera paint. Also not excluded might be the presence of some additions of hardly identifiable organic matter. In addition to the above investigations a series of mycological analyses was carried out that pointed to the presence of active microorganisms who may cause the decay of polychromies. Preventive disinfection of objects investigated was undertaken. As complex investigations of mural paintings as those described here were made for the first time in this country.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 4; 241-252
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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