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Public sector innovativeness in Poland and in Spain – comparative analysis
Kobylińska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Public administration, Innovativeness, Innovations in the public sector, Poland, Spain
Background. In many economies, both developed and developing rapidly, we can observe the potential of administration as organizations which under appropriate conditions may show high levels of innovation. The administration on one hand may be an active participant and on the other hand act as a creator of conditions conducive to innovative activities. Both of these roles are important and complementary to each other because the administration can create a legislative base as well as adequate infrastructure and space for innovation, and then actively participate in the process of their diffusion. In recent years, the European Union has shown increasing interest in the actions for measuring innovativeness of the European administration and stimulating its growth. Research aims. The aim of the study is to compare the degree of innovativeness of Polish and Spanish administration and the activities undertaken to stimulate it. In research on the innovativeness of the EU economies (Innovation Union Scoreboard, 2014) both countries were in the group of "moderate innovators", although there are noticeable differences in the approach to the implementation of innovations and cultural conditions of their diffusion. Methods. The adopted research method was analysis of the reports on public sector innovativeness in the EU and foreign and national literature studies. Key findings. The analyzed research results clearly show a higher degree of innovativeness of Spanish administration in comparison to Polish administration. Spanish administration has more experience in implementing innovations in the field of management systems, communication, involvement of entities outside the sector to work on innovation and shaping the organizational culture conducive
International Journal of Contemporary Management; 2015, 14, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Contemporary Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inicjatywy lokalne na rzecz poprawy jakości życia na obszarach wiejskich Podlasia – formy wsparcia
Kobylińska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
quality of life
objective and subject quality of life
quality of life researches
The author of the article focuses on the subject of the quality of life within rural areas. She presents possible actions that might be undertaken at the local levels in order to improve the satisfaction of life in the country. The main area of the presented research concerns the Podlasie region, a typical agricultural part of the country. The author of the article analyses the defi nition of the quality of life and presents the variables shaping it, as well as focuses on the research initiatives within the area of the quality of life in Poland and other counties. The article demonstrates results of the research in the area of quality of life in Podlasie region, indicates its weak and strong sides, and examines the causes of the current states of affairs. At the end of the article, the author analyses instruments of fi nancial support form UE founds dedicated to improvement of quality of life in Podlasie region.
Zarządzanie Publiczne; 2010, 4(12); 43-58
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kulturowe uwarunkowania jakości relacji we wsparciu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej
Cultural determinants of the quality of relations in the support of academic entrepreneurship
Kobylińska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Jakość relacji
Kultura organizacyjna
Przedsiębiorczość akademicka (PA)
Academic entrepreneurship
Organizational culture
Quality of relationships
Celem artykułu stały się teoretyczna identyfikacja czynników wpływających na jakość relacji, które zachodzą pomiędzy poszczególnymi interesariuszami (uczelnie, inkubatory, władze lokalne) w zakresie wspierania PA, oraz ustalenie wpływu uwarunkowań kulturowych na jakość relacji istotnych dla wsparcia przedsiębiorczości akademickiej. Jako metodę badawczą przyjęto krytyczny przegląd literatury krajowej i zagranicznej. Wyniki analiz teoretycznych nie wyczerpują w pełni tematu uwarunkowań kulturowych i ich wpływu na jakość relacji w zakresie wsparcia PA, dostarczają jednak wiedzy o pewnych ich aspektach oraz otwierają nowe pole badawcze, identyfikując obszary, które należałoby pogłębić w badaniach empirycznych.
The aim of the article became the theoretical identification of factors affecting the quality of relations that take place between individual stakeholders (universities, incubators, local authorities) in the scope of academic entrepreneurship (AP) support, and determining the impact of cultural conditions on the quality of relationships relevant to the support of academic entrepreneurship. As a research method, a critical review of domestic and foreign literature was adopted. The results of theoretical analyzes do not fully cover the topic of cultural conditions and their impact on the quality of relations in AP support, but they provide knowledge about some of their aspects and open up a new research field, identifying areas that should be deepened in empirical research.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2018, 376; 63-79
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacyjne aspekty przedsiębiorczości akademickiej z perspektywy podmiotów zaangażowanych we współpracę na linii uczelnia–biznes
Relational aspects of academic entrepreneurship from the perspective of entities involved in cooperation between the university and business
Kobylińska, Urszula
Widelska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
przedsiębiorczość akademicka
jakość relacji
ekosystem wsparcia przedsiębiorczości akademickiej
academic entrepreneurship
quality of relations
ecosystem supporting academic entrepreneurship
Problematyka przedsiębiorczości akademickiej jest szeroko eksplorowana w naukach o zarządzaniu. Widoczna jest ewolucja w podejściu do przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, a w konsekwencji w jej definiowaniu. Uwidaczniają się w tym obszarze zasady typowe dla zachowań rynkowych, opartych na wzajemności, znajomości potrzeb poszczególnych stron wymiany. Celem artykułu jest systematyzacja wiedzy w zakresie relacyjnego kontekstu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej oraz identyfikacja relacyjnego zakresu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej (czynników, narzędzi i barier) postrzeganej z perspektywy przedsiębiorców i podmiotów wsparcia. Jako metodę badań przyjęto IDI (ang. Individual In-depth Interview) z przedsiębiorcami akademickimi oraz przedstawicielami instytucji wsparcia, tworzącymi szeroko pojęty ekosystem przedsiębiorczości akademickiej.
The issue of academic entrepreneurship is widely explored in management sciences. There is a visible evolution present in the approach to academic entrepreneurship and, consequently, in its definition. In this area, the principles typical of market behavior, based on reciprocity and knowledge of the needs of individual parties to the exchange, are visible. The aim of the article is to identify the relational scope of academic entrepreneurship (factors, tools and barriers) perceived from the perspective of support entities, and to systematize knowledge in the relational context of academic entrepreneurship. The method of research was IDI with academic entrepreneurs and representatives of support institutions, creating the broadly understood ecosystem of academic entrepreneurship.
Marketing i Rynek; 2020, 8; 3-11
Pojawia się w:
Marketing i Rynek
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Media społecznościowe w kształtowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy (w opinii różnych pokoleń)
Social media in shaping the image of the employer (in the opinion of different generations)
Kobylińska, Urszula
Płoszczuk, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
media społecznościowe
wizerunek pracodawcy
pokolenia X
social media
the image of the employer
generations X
Pozytywny wizerunek przedsiębiorstwa jest jednym z wyznaczników sukcesu każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Istotnie wpływa na zdobycie przewagi konkurencyjnej, która prowadzi do silnej pozycji na rynku. Przedsiębiorstwa utrzymujące pozytywny wizerunek budują zaufanie nie tylko wśród klientów, ale także wśród pracowników. Ważnym zagadnieniem w tematyce wizerunku przedsiębiorstwa jest wizerunek przedsiębiorstwa jako pracodawcy, a jednym z narzędzi jego budowania są media społecznościowe, które w dzisiejszym społeczeństwie pełnią ważną funkcję komunikacyjną. W celu budowania bardziej efektywnego wizerunku pracodawcy przekaz w social mediach na temat działalności przedsiębiorstwa powinien być dostosowany do grupy docelowej, określonej na przykład przynależnością do konkretnego pokolenia. Pracownicy z różnych pokoleń charakteryzują się pewnymi cechami, potrzebami oraz wartościami, dlatego ważne jest, by kanały i formy komunikacji były dostosowane do konkretnego odbiorcy. Celem artykułu jest systematyzacja wiedzy w zakresie wizerunku przedsiębiorstwa jako pracodawcy, kształtujących go czynników i roli mediów społecznościowych w procesie kształtowania pozytywnego wizerunku. Jako metodę badań przyjęto badania sondażowe z wykorzystaniem techniki CAWI.
A positive image of the company is one of the determinants of the success of any company. It significantly influences gaining a competitive advantage which leads to a strong position in the market. Companies that maintain a positive image build trust among regular and potential consumers. An important issue in the subject of the image of the company is the image of the company as an employer, and one of the tools for building it are social media, which in today's society play an important communication function. In order to build a more effective image of the employer, the message should be directed to the target group, defined for example by belonging to a specific generation. Employees from different generations are characterized by certain features, needs and values, so it is important that communication channels are tailored to a specific recipient. The aim of the article is to systematize knowledge in the field of the image of the company as an employer, factors shaping it and the role of social media in the process of shaping a positive image. The method of research was survey research using the CAWI technique.
Marketing i Rynek; 2021, 12; 28-39
Pojawia się w:
Marketing i Rynek
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of research on the university entrepreneurship ecosystem: trends and areas of interest of researchers based on a systematic review of literature
Kobylińska, Urszula
Lavios, Juan J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
academic entrepreneurship
university (academic) entrepreneurship ecosystem
systematic literature review
Research background: The concept of the university entrepreneurship ecosystem is nowadays a part of the current trends in researching the determinants of support for commercialization of research results. The subject is relatively new, because the first papers in this topic are dated to 2009, and in fact it has only been in the last 3 years that the interest of researchers in this subject has increased. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of research on the issue of the university ecosystem of academic entrepreneurship and to identify the main research trends related to this topic. Methods: The article was based on a systematic review of the literature (SLR), which included the selection of basic literature and selection of publications, mayor researchers, bibliometric analysis and content analysis. Findings & Value added: The results of the conducted research indicate that the study of the university ecosystem of academic entrepreneurship is still a new issue, poorly recognized in literature, without a solid methodological foundation and which may constitute a current and interesting research area. Our paper adds to existing research in four important ways. We provide a holistic review of university entrepreneurial ecosystem. We also identify the challenges identified in this area and suggest how they may be developed.  Third, our results are also policy-relevant. For policy-makers, it is important to know whether academic engagement is driven by mechanisms existing in academic ecosystem or affected by factors that may not be activated by it.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2020, 11, 1; 117-133
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of personal variables on entrepreneurial intention: a comparative study between Poland and Spain
Martínez-González, José Alberto
Kobylińska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
entrepreneurial intention (EI)
enterprising attitude
zamiar przedsiębiorczy (EI)
poczucie własnej skuteczności
postawa przedsiębiorcza
This article analyses the influence of personal variables on entrepreneurial intentions of students from Poland and Spain. The article presents an integrated structural model that has been developed from a set of student perceptions from both countries. A small number of variables included in the model allows explaining and managing the formation of the intention in the context of higher education. This study provides answers to the following questions: What role do personal variables play as motivation in the formation of entrepreneurship in the case of young people? Is the motivation stronger than self-efficacy? What are the differences in the perceptions and ratings of students in Poland and Spain? How can these variables be enhanced? This work used a causal quantitative methodology based on structural equations (PLS) and the Smart PLS-3.0 program. The PLS model was chosen for its advantages in the study of human behaviour and its optimal predictive potential, and because it allows the use of reflective indicators. In the causal model generated with a sample of 721 respondents from Poland and Spain, it was found that personal values initiated the chain of effects that influenced the attitude and, through it, successively resulted in motivation, selfefficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. Therefore, the subjective variables (values and attitudes) have a positive and significant influence on the action variables (motivation and self-efficacy), and these affect entrepreneurial intentions. The absence of significant regional differences in the responses to the items and the causal relationships of the model suggests the possibility of developing integrated and homogeneous programmes for the entire segment, thereby achieving synergies. The results suppose a theoretical and practical contribution to the promotion of entrepreneur intentions of university students inside and outside the educational context, suggesting a possible effect of personal variables on entrepreneurial intentions.
Engineering Management in Production and Services; 2019, 11, 1; 68-79
Pojawia się w:
Engineering Management in Production and Services
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postrzeganie kariery zawodowej na tle innych wartości. Młodzi na rynku pracy
Professional Career Perception among Young People
Samul, Joanna
Kobylińska, Urszula
Rollnik—Sadowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych
kariera zawodowa
wartości ważne w życiu
praca zawodowa
life values
professional work
Jeśli chodzi o karierę zawodową, to tradycyjny paradygmat nie tylko nie przystaje do aktualnych realiów organizacyjnych, ale przede wszystkim do charakterystyki pracowników, których kolejne pokolenia wchodzą na rynek pracy. Uważa się, że dla młodego pokolenia praca nie stanowi wartości samej w sobie, a jest raczej źródłem osiągania innych celów, takich jak rozwój osobisty czy realizowanie pasji. Przedmiotem artykułu jest określenie znaczenia kariery zawodowej dla młodych ludzi i jej pozycji wśród innych wartości ważnych w życiu oraz czynników istotnych w karierze zawodowej. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Podstawowym źródłem danych empirycznych były badania ankietowe przeprowadzone wśród 530 osób młodych z województwa podlaskiego.
The traditional paradigm of a professional career not only does not fit to current organizational reality, but to a significantly greater extent to the characteristics of employees, the next generation of which is entering the labor market. It is believed that work is not a value in and of itself for the young generation. It is considered as being only a base for achieving other values such as personal development and the pursuit of a passion. The subject of this article is the determination of the importance of a career for young people and its position among other values that are important in life. The main source of empirical data consists of surveys carried out among 530 young people of the Podlaskie Voivodeship.
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi; 2018, 1(120) "Motywacja na różne sposoby, czyli znane problemy w nowych odsłonach" / "Various Approaches to Motivation or a New Look and Old Problems"; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Young people on the labour market in Poland - the point of view of the employer
Kobylińska, Urszula
Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa
Samul, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
young people
labour market
Research background: The article presents the problem of youth unemployment from the perspective of employers in Poland exemplified by the research results conducted in Podlaskie province. The unemployment rate of young people in Poland in the age range 15-29, reached 14.2% in 2015. For comparison, at that time the average for the EU was higher by almost two percentage points, and the decline compared to the year 2013 was lower than in Poland. It turns out that higher education in Poland has lost its importance in the process of hiring staff. Employers are increasingly less likely to look at the educational background of candidates,  as they focus more on their experience and specific skills. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present the results of re-search regarding the diagnosis of the situation of young people on the labour market in Poland from the perspective of employers. In particular, there were competency gaps and other reasons for not recruiting young people which have been identified. Methods: Two types of research were carried out with employers from Podlaskie province: quantitative, using CATI/CAWI and qualitative, using the technique of IDI. Quantitative research was carried out on a sample of 346 respondents. A qualitative study was carried out among 16 companies registered in Podlaskie province. Findings & Value added: Among the reasons for not employing young people which were most often mentioned by the entrepreneurs in quantitative research there were financial reasons. During the interviews, employers  indicated the reasons for not employing young people such as "lack of appropriate qualifications," "specific skills" or simply "practical preparation for work." Employers were asked about the competence gaps of young people, and they pointed out that they lack experience, initiative and entrepreneurship, as well as learning skills.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2017, 8, 4; 553-568
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Starting a business
Szydło, Joanna
Szpilko, Danuta
Glińska, Ewa
Kobylińska, Urszula
Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa
Ryciuk, Urszula
Ivanišević, Andrea
Sivitska, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
This publication consists of three chapters. The first chapter refers to the sources of business financing, the second presents the forms of employment of employees, methods of recruitment and selection, methods of motivation and tools necessary for team building. Chapter three deals with marketing aspects of business activity. The book is dedicated to young entrepreneurs as well as to those already existing in the market, who constantly have to generate ideas and adapt them to changing market conditions. Hence, anyone who intends to or already conducts business activity will find in this publication some development-stimulating content.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Business planing
Szpilko, Danuta
Szydło, Joanna
Glińska, Ewa
Kobylińska, Urszula
Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa
Ryciuk, Urszula
Ivanišević, Andrea
Sivitska, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
This publication consists of four chapters. The first chapter refers to generating business ideas, the second to creating a product tailored to market needs, and the third is focused on creating a business plan. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the description of pre-acceleration and acceleration programmes. The publication concludes with a case study on activities supporting entrepreneurial initiatives. The book is dedicated to people seeking a good business solution and aiming to bring it to the market in a timely manner. It should be noted that this does not only apply to new businesses, but also those already existing on the market since they constantly have to generate ideas and adapt them to changing market conditions.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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