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Litogeneza i sedymentacja osadów kenozoiku w profilu otworu wiertniczego Suchostruga (niecka warszawska)
Lithogenesis and sedimentation of Cainozoic deposits in the Suchostruga borehole section (Warsaw Trough)
Kenig, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Niecka Warszawska
Warsaw Trough
Otwór wiertniczy Suchostruga znajduje się około 15 km na wschód od Mszczonowa i z geologicznego punktu widzenia leży w niecce warszawskiej, stanowiącej część jednostki tektonicznej – synklinorium brzeżnego. Jest jednym z sześciu otworów badawczych na arkuszu Mszczonów Szczegółowej Mapy Geologicznej Polski (SMGP) w skali 1:50 000, ale jako jedyny udokumentował pełen profil osadów kenozoiku o łącznej miąższości 284,6 m. Na podstawie wyników analiz uziarnienia, składu mineralnego frakcji ciężkiej i lekkiej oraz składu petrograficznego żwirów wykazano różnice litologiczne i facjalne w osadach powstających w odmiennych basenach sedymentacyjnych nawet tego samego wieku, rozpatrywanych na podstawie osadów graniczących ze sobą w tym jednym profilu wiertniczym. Dodatkowym potwierdzeniem tego wnioskowania są wyniki analiz palinologicznych i mikropaleontologicznych. Badane osady powstawały w środowisku morskim i lądowym. Odniesiono je do jednostek chronostratygraficznych paleocenu, eocenu, miocenu (pliocenu) oraz czwartorzędu. Profil Suchostruga można uznać za profil odniesienia – hipostratotyp o zasięgu regionalnym na obszarze środkowej Polski, a przynajmniej dla niecki warszawskiej.
The Suchostruga borehole was drilled approximately 15 km east of Mszczonów. From the geologic point of view, it lies in the Warsaw Trough that is part of a tectonic unit called the Marginal Trough. The borehole is one of six reconnaissance wells drilled in the Mszczonów Sheet of the SMGP (Detailed Geological Map of Poland), scale 1:50 000. However, this is the only borehole that has documented a complete Cainozoic section, 284.6 m thick. Lithological and facies differences between deposits that accumulated in different sedimentary basins of the same age, considered based on adjacent sediments in this single section have been proved based on the grain-size analysis, composition of heavy and light minerals and petrographic composition of gravels. Additional confirmation of the inference is the results of palynological and micropaleontological investigations. The sediments were deposited in marine and terrestrial environments. Finally, they have been correlated to the chronostratigraphic units of the Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene (Pliocene) and Quaternary. That is why the Suchostruga section can be considered a reference section for central Poland – a regional-scale hypostratotype, at least for the Warsaw Trough.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2012, 453; 81--95
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Litologia glin morenowych na Niżu Polskim - podstawowe metody badawcze
Lithology of tills in the Polish Lowland - basic investigative methods
Kenig, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
glina morenowa
Niż Polski
Polish Lowlands
Gliny morenowe, jako najważniejszy osad glacjalny, odgrywają podstawową rolę w badaniach osadów czwartorzędu. Cechy litologiczne tego osadu pozwalają na rozpoznanie geologiczne, geomorfologiczne i sedymentacyjne środowiska depozycji i późniejszych zmian postsedymentacyjnych. Dlatego tak ważna jest znajomość wszystkich cech tego osadu oraz możliwości interpretacyjnych omawianych badań. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz uziarnienia oraz składu petrograficznego frakcji żwirowej i głazowej z obróbką klastów żwirowych. Badania obejmują analizy składu mineralno-petrograficznego frakcji piaszczystej, w tym zawartości skaleni. Szczegółowe badania ziaren kwarcu dotyczą obtoczenia, obróbki i mikrorzeźby jego powierzchni w mikroskopie elektronowym. Badano także zawartość minerałów ciężkich oraz minerałów ilastych. Badania składu geochemicznego i chemicznego obejmują składniki główne, mikroelementy, a także zawartość wapnia i odczyn pH. Dodatkowo przedstawiono wyniki badań cech mikrostrukturalnych osadu gliny morenowej, prowadzonych w mikroskopie optycznym i elektronowym. Omawiana charakterystyka dotyczy różnych regionów występowania glin morenowych na Niżu Polskim. Dostępność i ilość podstawowych danych wynika głównie z liczby opracowań litologicznych glin morenowych wykonywanych dla poszczególnych arkuszy Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski 1:50 000. Pozostałe dane dostępne są w publikacjach. Omówienie poszczególnych wyników przedstawione jest chronologicznie i w miarę możliwości regionalnie, jednocześnie stanowi historię rozwoju tych metod w Polsce na tle światowych dokonań w tej dziedzinie.
Till is the prominent glacial deposit playing a principle role in Quaternary research. Its lithological features allow geological, geomorphological and sedimentological investigations of depositional environments and subsequent postsedimentary alterations. Therefore, the knowledge on all features of the deposit and on interpretational possibilities of the investigations is so important. The paper presents the results of analyses of granulation and petrographical composition of the gravel and boulder fractions with reworking of gravel clasts. The investigations involved analyses of mineral-petrographic composition of the sand fraction, including feldspar content. Contents of heavy minerals and clay minerals were also analysed. Detailed studies of quartz grains refer to roundness, reworking and microtexture features analysed in the electron microscope. Geochemical and chemical investigations include the main components, microelements, Ca content and pH value. An additional contribution is the results of microstructural investigations of lodgement till, performed with the use of optical and electronic microscopes. The discussed characteristics refer to various regions of till occurrence in the Polish Lowlands. The availability and amount of geological data are dependent on the number of lithological descriptions of tills, performed during the construction of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland, scale 1: 50, 000. Other data are available from publications. The discussion of individual research results is given in a chronological order for particular regions, providing a relatively complete history of development of the research methods in Poland against the background of world achievements.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2009, 437; 1-57
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depositional environments of loesses from the Sandomierz section, SE Poland, based on lithological and SEM studies
Kenig, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
SE Poland
Sandomierz site
quartz grains by SEM
The litology of the Sandomierz section deposits have been examined, with SEM analysis performed on 4 quartz grain-size classes. All of the Sandomierz deposits contain predominant quartz grains with signs of aeolian transport. This refers both to morainic till and muds underlying the loess section as well to loesses them selves along with soil complexes. A much smaller, although significant contribution comprises redeposited grains with features of a high energy beach environment. Their content in creases up section. During sedimentation of the LMg (younger upper loess) deposits (later part of the Vistulian Glaciation) wind strength was in creasing. This is indicated by the upwards increasing content of coarser fractions within the interval, with simultaneously improved sorting, as well as by the increased contribution of garnets and the greater content of zircon and rutile at the top. The increasing contribution of aeolian quartz grains, the considerable content of grains redeposited from a beach environment and the decreasing amount of post-sedimentary features all suggest increased wind speed. Low variability in the shape of the 1–0.5 mm quartz grains from the LMg horizon indicates short transport and a similar nearby source of material. Alimentary areas for this horizon were composed of young Pleistocene muds and tills. A change in depositional conditions is observed at the LMs/LMg boundary (upper part of the Vistulian Glaciation). During deposition of the LMs (younger middle loess) horizon, wind strength decreased, as shown by the content of heavy minerals and the smaller mean grain-size along with the reduced content of aeolized quartz grains.
Geological Quarterly; 2008, 52, 2; 169-169
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osady eoliczne (wydmowe) w suchym i półsuchym regionie płaskowyżu Alashan (MongoliaWewnętrzna, Chiny)
Aeolian (dune) deposits in arid to semi-arid region of the Alashan Plateau (Inner Mongolia, China)
Kenig, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
osady eoliczne
obszary pustynne
regiony źródłowe
kierunek wiatru
Pustynia Alashan
aeolian deposits
sandy lands
source regions
wind directions
Alashan Desert
In northern China, sandy and rocky deserts are located in arid regions west of the Helan Mountains (Helan Shan), while the areas of fixed sand dunes stretch in semi-arid regions east of the Helan Mountains. Helan Mountains, trending nearly NS in the northern part of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, are a natural border between the dry climate to the west and the semi-dry climate to the east. In the Badain Jaran Desert (part of the Alashan Desert), there are the largest dunes in China, and possibly the largest in the world. They attain a height of up to 460 m in the southeastern part of the desert. Due to their size, they are called megadunes by the Chinese researchers. They are accompanied by numerous smaller dunes, developed in various forms, which cover their slopes. As a result, megadune complexes form, reaching 10 km in length. The general direction of the dunes is NE-SW. In their lower parts, they are covered with sparse xerophytic vegetation, mainly Artemisia and Ephedra. In interdunal depressions of the Badain Jaran Desert, there are numerous (140) permanent, relatively shallow and drying-up lakes, overgrowing with vegetation. Their average depths are 2 m, rarely reaching 16 m mainly in the northern part. The water in the lakes is highly alkaline, with pH values of up to 10.5. Sometimes, the accumulation of salt is so substantial that allows it to be extracted. The groundwater in the immediate surroundings of dunes shows a much lower alkalinity and the average pH is 7.8. To the east of the Helan Mountains, there are several deserts of generally smaller areas and specific environmental nature. This is a sandy land of Hunshandake. Dunes and dune fields are lower and less well developed morphologically, reaching an average of 5-10 m in height. They are mostly stabilized completely or partially by vegetation. The main trend of dunes here is WNW-ESE. Locally, shallow lakes occur in interdunal areas. Studies of mineral and chemical composition of silt material are important for the considerations of the source and direction of silt transport in Asia. One of the diagnostic components of detrital minerals is dolomite. The newest studies of silts recently deposited in Beijing provide information about the wind-transportation direction. It appears that there is a fundamental difference in the mineral composition of silts originating from the dust storm (in 2006) and silts from the entire spring period. Such conclusions are also confirmed by the content of rare earths elements in the 2006 dust storm sediments from Beijing and, comparatively, from other deserts as potential source areas of silts (Yang et al., 2007b). Isotopic investigations of Nd and Sr in aeolian sediments of northern China confirm such a possibility. An important problem for the areas located in northern China is the process of desertification. Noticeable differences have occurred already during the last three decades. They consist in changes in the distribution of movable dunes, which is relative to the humidity and temperature. It is believed that the climate may be the main factor causing desertification in Hunsheandake. In other regions of China, there is another significant factor: human activity, especially shepherding that causes the process of desertification and environmental degradation.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2012, 60, 5; 267--272
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Litogeneza piaszczystych osadów międzymorenowych w środkowej części Pojezierza Chełmińskiego
Lithogenesis of intertills sand deposits from the central part of the Chełmno Lakeland
Kenig, K.
Jochemczyk, L.
Trzepla, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
osad międzymorenowy
osad fluwioglacjalny
Pojezierze Chełmińskie
interglacial sands
glaciofluvial sands
Chełmno Lakeland
Intertills sand deposits of the Augustovian, Great and Eemian Interglacials were recognized in eight borehole sections of the Chełmno Lakeland. Wartanian glaciofluvial sediments were also studied. All these deposits are well defined in the area by lithological analyses of granulation, mineral composition of light and heavy fractions, roundness of quartz grains and calcium carbonate content. Their Great and Eemian Interglacial age is evidenced by palynological analyses. Among various lithological features distinguishing the interglacial deposits from glaciofluvial ones the most important are mineral characteristics such as contribution of light and heavy fractions. Quantitative lithological features of the interglacial and glaciofluvial sand deposits resulted from many geologic and sedimentologic factors.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 9; 807-814
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Stajna Cave (southern Poland) with regard to habitation of the site by Neanderthals
Żarski, M.
Winter, H.
Nadachowski, A.
Urbanowski, M.
Socha, P.
Kenig, K.
Marcinkowski, B.
Krzemińska, E.
Stefaniak, K.
Nowaczewska, W.
Marciszak, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Stajnia Cave
Częstochowa Upland
The Stajnia Cave is one of the most important archaeological sites due to the finds of the first remains of Neanderthals in Poland, and several tens of thousands of flint artefacts from the Middle Palaeolithic. Based on geological, geochemical, palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, archaeological and isotope analyses, coupled with absolute age determinations (OSL, U-Th and C14), 15 lithostratigraphic layers were distinguished and palaeoenvironmental conditions during the sedimentation of these beds were determined. The cave loams accumulated through weathering, aeolian and fluvial processes. Their age may be correlated with an interval from the Early Glacial to the Late Pleniglacial of the Visulian (Weichselian) Glaciation. Archaeological relics related to the Neanderthals have been discovered in layer D with an absolute age of about 52,000–45,000 years BP and correlated with MIS 3 – the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian). Climate oscillations in the Vistulian are reflected by the type of the sediments and their physical-chemical features, allowing determining warmer interstadial and colder stadial periods. Generally, the climate was cold, characteristic of tundra areas with a typical vegetation and fauna, and with the mean temperature of the warmest month not exceeding 12°C. Based on multi-proxy studies it can be concluded that from layer E1 upwards, the climate conditions became progressively drier. At that time, the climate was cold with continental features enhancing tundra domination. This conclusion is confirmed by palaeontological investigations and the record of stable oxygen isotopes in the teeth of reindeer. The studies have also indicated seasonal migration of reindeer on the tundra that surrounded the cave. Probably, short-term slight climate warmings occurred during the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian).
Geological Quarterly; 2017, 61, 2; 350--369
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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