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From Potential to Actual Social Remittances? Exploring How Polish Return Migrants Cope with Difficult Employment Conditions
Karolak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
return migration
social remittances
employment patterns
The aim of this paper is to examine individual social remittances in the sphere of employment, against the background of the changing employment patterns and flexibilisation of work. Through an analysis of life stories of post-accession return migrants from the UK to Poland, it investigates the way in which returnees’ work experience gathered abroad impacts on their perception of employment standards in general. The revealed differences are understood as ‘potential social remittances’, i.e. the discrepancies acknowledged by returnees between the realities experienced during emigration and after their return (in this case to Poland). It is argued that the actualisation of the ‘potential social remittances’ depends on return migrants’ coping strategies as well as on the institutional and structural settings in returnees’ home country. The four main distinguished strategies are: re-emigration, activism, adaptation and entrepreneurship.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2016, 5, 2; 21-39
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Normalisation and Resistance. Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers
Karolak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
precarisation of work
young people
life strategies
In recent years, the experience of precarious employment and uncertain employment conditions has become the subject of an increasing amount of sociological studies, both in Poland and worldwide. The research places a particularly strong emphasis on young people who, more than other social categories, tend to be excluded from stable segments of the labour market. However, the conclusions drawn from the analyses are ambivalent – on the one hand, we observe a process of normalisation of precariousness which may create framework conditions for the emergence of some expected professional career models; on the other hand, we also notice the process of contestation demonstrated by the precariat, the ‘classin-the-making’. In this article we discuss the problems of precarious work by analysing a range of life strategies of young Poles. The empirical basis for the study was provided by the Beethoven PREWORK project funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and its qualitative part which consisted of biographical narrative interviews with groups of individuals aged 30 or younger, employed on fixedterm contracts, working as unpaid interns or temporarily outside the labour market, from the three large cities and four small towns of Lower Silesia, Mazovia and Łódzkie regions. In this article we present a preliminary typology of life strategies reconstructed in the course of the analysis of the collected data. In each of the four distinguished types we can notice a tension between the normalisation and the contestation of precarity, which adds dynamism to the career choices made by the individuals and – at least in some of the cases – may contribute to the development of diverse forms of resistance to precarious employment.
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology; 2017, 8, 15; 7-32
Pojawia się w:
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lost in Transitions? Biographical Experiences and Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers in Poland
Mrozowicki, Adam
Karolak, Mateusz
Krasowska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
life strategies
young precarious workers
This article discusses conditions, properties and consequences of life strategies of young people in Poland in the context of the rise of precarious, low paid and uncertain employment. The analysis is developed against the background of the debates about three transitions, to adulthood, flexible and precarious labour market and changing political-economic regime. Based on the tentative analysis of 45 biographical narrative interviews with young people, aged 18–30, in various forms of temporary, low-paid jobs, and unemployed, a typology of coping with the three transitions is proposed, including four types: proletarian, postetatist, projectarian and entrepreneurial. The typology reflects the logics of stories’ told by young people, the desired relationships between the world of work and world outside work, as well as the relevance of resources and reflexivity for the transitions among the types of life strategies in coping with precarity. The authors conclude that the “normalization of precarity,” manifested into the emergence of institutional action schemes which define insecure employment as an expected pattern of occupational careers, encounters its biographical limits within each types. It is suggested that these “gaps and cracks” in the institutionalization of insecurity might represent important sources of young people collective mobilization in various spheres of political and social life despite an overarching individualization of their life strategies.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2018, 62, 4; 69-89
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stąpając po niepewnym gruncie. Prekaryjność i bezrobocie w pamiętnikach bezrobotnych Polek i Polaków
Walking on Thin Ice. Precarity and Unemployment in the Memoirs of Unemployed Polish Women and Men
Posłuszny, Łukasz
Karolak, Mateusz P.
Kubicki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
pamiętniki bezrobotnych
memoirs of the unemployed
W artykule, wychodząc od pojęcia prekaryjności, opisujemy, jak osoby biorące udział w konkursie na pamiętniki bezrobotnych z 2017 roku starają się ograniczyć konsekwencje braku zatrudnienia i jakie trudności z tym związane napotykają. Odwołujemy się przy tym do czterech głównych mechanizmów ochrony związanych z pracą, instytucją państwa, wspólnotą oraz rodziną. Wnioski wskazują na silne powiązanie czterech wymienionych obszarów przeciwdziałania prekaryzacji osób bezrobotnych. Główną rolę odgrywa rodzina, znacznie mniejszą natomiast instytucja państwa oraz wspólnota. Szczególnie negatywnie oceniane są rynek pracy oraz urzędy. W artykule szczegółowo przyglądamy się wysiłkom bezrobotnych w obszarze poszukiwania i wykonywania prac, które wbrew przypuszczeniom podtrzymują, a niekiedy nawet pogłębiają ich prekaryjność. Analizujemy również dwa instrumenty w postaci staży oraz świadczenia pieniężnego na dzieci tzw. 500+. O ile staże nie spełniają swojej funkcji i służą raczej przedłużaniu sytuacji niepewności, o tyle świadczenie 500+, zarządzane w większości przez kobiety, ma raczej pozytywny efekt.
Starting from the notion of precarity, we describe how authors of memoirs of the unemployed try to limit the consequences of unemployment and what difficulties they encounter. We refer to four main areas of protection:work, state institution, community and family. The conclusions point to a strong link between them. The key role is played by the family, while the state institution and the community play less significant role. The labour market and offices are particularly negatively evaluated. In the article we look in detail at the efforts of the unemployed in the area of searching for and performing jobs, which sometimes even deepen their precarity. We are also analysing internships and cash benefits for children, the so-called 500+. While internships do not fulfill their function and rather serve to prolong the situation of uncertainty, the 500+ benefit, managed mostly by women, has a rather positive effect.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2020, 1(236); 223-256
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Brexit on Young Poles and Lithuanians in the UK: Reinforced Temporariness of Migration Decisions
Klimavičiūtė, Luka
Parutis, Violetta
Jonavičienė, Dovilė
Karolak, Mateusz
Wermińska-Wiśnicka, Iga
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
return migration
The main aim of this paper is to assess the extent to which the 2016 Brexit referendum impacted on the decisions of young Polish and Lithuanian migrants to stay in the UK or return to the country of origin. We analyse information from 76 in-depth semi-structured interviews with Lithuanians and Poles living in the UK, as well as those who have returned to Lithuania and Poland since June 2016. We find that, for our interviewees, the referendum had little impact on the decision to stay in the UK or return to the country of origin, giving way, instead, to work, family and lifestyle considerations. Only for a select few did it act as a trigger, either adding to other reasons which eventually prompted the return to Lithuania or Poland, or motivating people to secure their rights in the UK and delay plans to leave the country. We conclude by discussing our results together with existing research on transnationalism and life-course migration theory: regardless of interviewees’ decisions to stay or return, these were never final, stressing the fluid nature of migration and the desire of our interviewees to maintain ties across multiple places.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2020, 9, 1; 127-142
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polacy pracujący w czasach COVID-19
Working Poles During Covid-19
Gardawski, Juliusz
Mrozowicki, Adam
Burski, Jacek
Czarzasty, Jan
Karolak, Mateusz
Sroka, Jacek
Ruszkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar
XXI wiek rozpoczął się serią kryzysów, począwszy od kryzysu finansowego i gospodarczego, przez kryzys migracyjny, kryzys związany z narastającym eurosceptycyzmem i brexitem, z falą populizmu i erozją poparcia dla demokracji parlamentarnej . Na to wszystko nałożyła się pandemia COVID-19, która wzmocniła większość istniejących kryzysów i przyniosła nowe wyzwania. Zespół socjologów i socjoekonomistów z Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego i Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie podjął badania tych wyzwań i kryzysów. Na podstawie zogniskowanych wywiadów grupowych z pracownikami edukacji, ochrony zdrowia, pomocy społecznej i logistyki, krytycznej analizy dyskursu medialnego oraz ogólnopolskich badań kwestionariuszowych zespół przygotował niniejszą monografię. Odpowiada w niej na pytania o jakość miejsc pracy osób zatrudnionych, w tym w szczególności pracowników niezbędnych w okresie pandemii, medialny obraz pracy w badanych branżach, stosunek społeczeństwa do nowych form pracy, które rozwinęły się w czasach pandemii, o społeczny dobrostan, charakter więzi społecznych i społecznego zaufania, o postawy wobec ustroju politycznego i gospodarczego, stosunek do partii politycznych i państwa. W książce zawarta jest również charakterystyka cech przeciwników szczepień na COVID-19. Książka nie tylko wpisuje się w kontekst wcześniejszych, ważnych i cytowanych publikacji (...), lecz także otwiera Autorom pole dla dalszych analiz, na które zespół zwykle nie każe długo czekać czytelnikom, a ich znaczne już grono regularnie się powiększa. (…) Obok sprawnej narracji i argumentacji, zwraca uwagę po mistrzowsku prowadzona metodyka oraz wiele szczegółowych, empirycznie udokumentowanych odniesień, podawanych w sposób spójny. (…) Jest to kolejne, cenne opracowanie świetnie potwierdzające markę zaangażowanych badaczy, z których każdy ma na swoim koncie niebagatelne i uznane osiągnięcia. prof. dr hab. Jacek Sroka Społeczne skutki COVID-19 są w książce pokazane z kilku perspektyw. Wśród uczestników rynku pracy wpływ pandemii najsilniej odczuli młodzi, zwłaszcza w sytuacji prekaryzacji pracy. Okazało się też, że społeczny prestiż zawodów medycznych wyraźnie wzrósł w warunkach zagrożenia pandemicznego. Towarzyszy temu wzrost oczekiwań rozszerzenia zakresu opieki zdrowotnej oraz zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa pracowników na rynku pracy. Ważna jest konkluzja wskazująca, że dominującą reakcją wszystkich środowisk na COVID-19 było uruchomienie mechanizmów integracyjnych. Nasze społeczeństwo zachowało model familijny o silnych więziach na poziomie grup pierwotnych, rodzinnych i towarzyskich, natomiast znacznie słabszych instytucjonalnych. dr hab. prof. ucz. Paweł Ruszkowski
The book aims at expanding the existing body of knowledge on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as a specific type of health and social crisis with potentially deep and profound consequences for labour. The research presented in the book represents a worker-centred, longitudinal, and critical perspective. It emphasises workers’ subjective and intersubjective processes of sense-making with regard to phenomena and processes in the sphere of work, taking into account broader socio-economic, institutional, and cultural contexts. The ‘critical’ aspects refer to the tradition of critical labour studies, while the longitudinal approach indicates a departure from the ‘hot sociology’ of the pandemic towards a more systematic view, using successive measurements as we move away in time from its origins. The book summarises the results of the early phase of research in the project “COV-WORK: Socio-economic consciousness, work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context of the post-pandemic crisis.” The pro- ject is funded by the National Science Centre, contract number UMO-2020/37/B/ HS6/00479. The title of the book intentionally rephrases the title of the 2009 book Working Poles and the Crisis of Fordism, edited by Juliusz Gardawski. In the context of the tradition of research on overlapping crises in the spheres of public health, economy, politics, ecology, etc. (“polycrises”, cf. Tooze, 2021), we step forward with two hypotheses. The first one assumes the transformative potential of the health crisis for Poles’ socio-economic consciousness, work situation, and life strategies, which in the last instance may translate into a crisis of the entire socio-economic system based on neoliberal principles. The second hypothesis says that although we have been facing an unprecedented social crisis, the socio-economic system and the key features of socio-economic consciousness (“the normative visions of economy”) show a considerable resilience. The pandemic has accelerated change and is likely to intensify phenomena already present in the pre-pandemic world for a long time, but its transformative potential has been – at least in short-term, according to our research – limited. The empirical research presented in the book combines quantitative (a representative CATI survey on a nationwide sample of adults, N = 1400) and qualitative methods and techniques (15 focus group interviews with employees from 4 sectors – education, health care, social assistance, and logistics; as well as an analysis of the media discourse around the theme of “essential work”). The category of “essential workers” is central to the qualitative research. For the purposes of the research, we define them as people whose work is necessary for social reproduction and meeting biological and basic social needs under the conditions of a pandemic. Our focus in the book is on the experience of the pandemic crisis in Poland and we have been able to make the following, empirically-based observations. Firstly, the Polish society has had an extensive record of crisis experiences amassed over several decades, which has translated – as we argued in one of our earlier works ( Mrozowicki, Czarzasty 2020) – into the “taming of uncertainty” and developing biographical resources for coping with unexpected phenomena and social breakdowns. Secondly, it can be argued that the model of economic and social life shaped in Poland as a result of the confrontation with the radical social changes of the last few decades bears features that facilitate coping with overlapping and reinforcing “polycrises.” “Patchwork capitalism” (Rapacki, 2019) is characterised by internal heterogeneity, institutional ambiguity, and a lack of institutional coherence. The system developed in a cyclical manner, driven by crises – as well as its internal incoherence – was often a source of adaptability to radical changes in the external environment, including, as Gardawski and Towalski argue (2020, p. 54), pandemic shocks. The book consists of seven chapters preceded by the introduction. Chapter 1 discusses the labour market situation in Poland at the time of COVID-19, including the impact of the pandemic on the labour-market status of Poles, the socio-demographic characteristics of those working remotely, and selected issues of the quality of work. Chapter 2 contributes to the discussion of the category of essential work, covering issues such as public perception and the media discourse around this category in Poland. Chapter 3 looks into the ways in which selected categories of essential workers perceive the future of work and their occupational group. Chapter 4 focuses on the organisational conditions of work in the COVID-19 era. Chapter 5 contains the conclusions of the analyses of the socio-economic awareness of working Poles, including, first and foremost, a diagnosis of the normative visions of the economy shared by them. Chapter 6 discusses issues related to the structural and class position of the respondents in relation to selected problems of their social consciousness. Chapter 7 summarises the analyses of the respondents’ views on their well-being under the conditions of the pandemic and their opinions about the state of the economy, the state, and anti-crisis policies, as well as the characteristics of the anti-vaccine faction. The book closes with Conclusions. The results presented in the book are locally-determined but at the same time – due to the global nature of the pandemic – they bear a number of universal features. The global, more widespread trends include: (1) the “normalisation” and reconfiguration of the social profile of work performed from home, which has become the domain of ‘white collars’ and has been identified with remote work much more unambiguously ( Felstead, 2022); (2) acceleration of the process of coming into terms with new technologies in the workplace ( Śledziewska, Włoch, 2021), which is expressed, inter alia, by the growing “transparency” of new digital tools; (3) the development of the prospect of post-pandemic protests in the case of at least some of the essential workers in the industries under scrutiny (Chen, Barrett, 2021; Vandaele, 2021); and (4) the development of inequalities and precarisation of work, which affect predominantly those workers who had already been on the periphery of the labour market prior to the pandemic, including young, less-educated people working under civil law contracts. The frame of reference outlined above is supplemented by the list of hypotheses we adopted in the design phase of the study. At that time, we assumed that the (post-)pandemic crisis would be characterised by the following: 1. The reinforcement of social inequalities and precarisation in the world of work, which had already been present before the pandemic. In this case, conclusions are ambiguous. On the one hand, the pandemic clearly affected more painfully those employed under temporary and civil law contracts, as they were more likely to lose their jobs and did admit to having experienced changes in their labour-market situation during the pandemic, yet not necessarily due to COVID-19 itself. If the specific category of farmers is put aside, it was the economically-disadvantaged and the less-educated who were more likely to perform stationary (non-remote) work than those economically-better-off and better-educated. It confirms the observations from other research, namely that work at home (in the pandemic: remote work) has become a kind of privilege and a new dimension of social inequality. On the other hand, the analyses presented in Chapter 5 provide a different picture. The extent of precarious employment was not large. Only in the age groups 16–24 and 25–30 the share of holders of permanent contracts was relatively low (36% and 52%) when compared to the remaining age groups, where such contracts were held by around 70% of the respondents. In the economic-occupational categories, only unskilled workers and blue-collar workers were less likely to have permanent contracts (40% and 59%), while around 70% of representatives of the other groups also had permanent contracts. 2. The crisis will be conducive to a deterioration in the quality of work of working Poles and their general well-being. This hypothesis is not fully confirmed. The majority of the respondents were positive about the prospects for career development and work-life balance, and they did not fear losing their job due to the pandemic, and, compared to the results of the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), the percentage of those confident that they would easily find another job with a similar pay if they lost their current job increased from 34% to 52%. Analyses presented in Chapter 4 make it clear that working from home manifested in better opinions about various aspects of work than those expressed by workers who are still confined to their workplace or other place assigned by the employer (Table 4.5). At the same time, however, the research confirms that some dimensions of job quality, wages in particular, deteriorated during the pandemic in groups who used to be worse off in the labour market before the outbreak of COVID-19. Among those surveyed, young, lower earners with primary education were the most likely to report decreasing wages during the pandemic. 3. Working during the pandemic will affect the well-being of working Poles. Analyses presented in Chapter 7 generally validate the hypothesis that overall life satisfaction has significantly decreased in comparison to the pre-pandemic state (the conclusion, however, needs to be treated with caution due to incomplete comparability of data). 4. The pandemic will negatively affect well-being in groups situated lower in the stratification hierarchy. The hypothesis should be tentatively accepted in relation to satisfaction with one’s own life: entrepreneurs, executives, and senior professionals were the groups actually most satisfied with life, while independent farmers and unskilled workers were the least satisfied. There was a negative correlation between life satisfaction and income, and education; those employed under civil law contracts were also less satisfied. Concerns about their own health appear to be very complex in the light of the responses, and workers turned to be the least concerned. Unskilled workers and farmers appeared to be most satisfied with the state of the economy, which was coupled with their stronger support for the policies of the ruling party in Poland (Law and Justice). 5. In the normative visions of the economy, the pro-worker and market-critical components will be enhanced, and expectations of strengthening the institutions of worker participation and trade unions will grow, while support of market and competition will diminish. Those expectations did not materialise (this was indicated by the analyses of the industrial relations assessments in Chapter 4 and the visions of a well-ordered economy in Chapter 5). Comparing the data collected before the pandemic (2016) with the results from the current study, we can see a relatively similar and unchanged hierarchy of principles in the pre-pandemic period and in autumn of 2021. As had been assumed, COVID-19 translated into expectations of better healthcare coverage and increased labour market security. As expected, there was a decrease in the level of acceptance of market institutions in the area of labour relations, but the level of acceptance of free competition among enterprises remained unaffected. Contrary to prior assumptions, there was no increase in expectations of state intervention in the economy, as well as no increase in expectations of reducing inequality and increasing employee participation. Nor was there a growth in the level of the protectionist orientation (expectations of increased protection of domestic enterprises against foreign capital). Undoubtedly, the registered state of economic mentality had consequences and manifested through a high level of optimism of the respondents in the survey regarding aspects of their job quality such as career prospects, job security, worklife balance, wages, and working time. In conclusion, we would like to reiterate that the empirical research presented in the book employed a combination of quantitative (an analysis of data from a representative survey of a nationwide sample of adults) and qualitative (an analysis of focus group interviews with those working in four sectors: education, healthcare, social assistance, and logistics; as well as an analysis of the media discourse around the topic of ‘essential work’) methods and techniques. The category of essential workers played a special role in the qualitative research. As mentioned before, for the purposes of the research, we defined essential workers as people whose work is necessary for social reproduction and providing for biological and basic social needs under the conditions of a pandemic. Opinions about the quality of work during COVID-19 varied much more and were generally more critique-oriented among essential workers than the CATI survey suggested. Symbolic expressions of gratitude that the workers encountered in the media at the early stage of the pandemic turned out to be short-lived and did not translate into any systemic, lasting improvements of their working conditions. Based on the qualitative analyses, it can be assumed that the critical assessment of the quality of work in healthcare, education, social assistance, and logistics – coupled with chronic labour shortages – is likely to result in a growing potential for discontent in the said groups as polycrises unfold.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oswajanie niepewności. Studia społeczno-ekonomiczne nad młodymi pracownikami sprekaryzowanymi
Mrozowicki, Adam
Czarzasty, Jan
Andrejczuk, Magdalena
Błaszkiewicz, Przemysław
Burski, Jacek
Drabina-Różewicz, Aleksandra
Gardawski, Juliusz
Karolak, Mateusz
Krasowska, Agata
Lorenzen, Jule-Marie
Neumann, Denis
Seehaus, Alexandra
Trappmann, Vera
Kiersztyn, Anna
Walczak-Duraj, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar
Prezentowana książka wypełnia ważną lukę w polskiej literaturze poświęconej problematyce pracy i prekaryzacji zatrudnienia młodych. Jest to pierwsza polskojęzyczna monografia poświęcona w całości temu zagadnieniu […]. Na uznanie zasługuje bogactwo podjętych wątków badawczych, zarówno jeśli chodzi o metodologię (połączenie analiz jakościowych, ilościowych i badań porównawczych), jak i analizowane aspekty sytuacji życiowej badanych (proces wchodzenia w dorosłość, partycypacja polityczna, migracje, doświadczenie płciowości, autoidentyfikacja klasowa i inne) […]. Cenna poznawczo jest również podjęta przez Autorów konceptualizacja prekaryjności dokonana na użytek prezentowanych badań, zwłaszcza z uwagi na trudności związane z definiowaniem i operacjonalizacją tego zjawiska. z recenzji dr hab. Anny Kiersztyn Na polskim rynku naukowym książka Oswajanie niepewności z pewnością ma charakter unikatowy, należy bowiem do nielicznych, które w tak pogłębiony sposób podejmują problem radzenia sobie przez młodych prekariuszy w Polsce i w Niemczech ze złożoną sytuacją permanentnej niepewności nie tylko zresztą na rynku pracy […]. Bardzo bogate i różnorodne źródła empiryczne oraz zaawansowane sposoby opracowywania danych jakościowych i ilościowych, głównie w oparciu o realizowany projekt badawczy o charakterze międzynarodowym, dowodzą wysokiej skuteczności i zasadności łączenia studiów literaturowych ze studiami empirycznymi prowadzącymi do udanej realizacji celu pracy. Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Danuty Walczak-Duraj
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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