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Le sfumature del sottinteso nella narrativa di Carlo Emilio Gadda
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Joanna Janusz proves that the unsaid is the means ordering texts by Carlo Emilio Gadda at the intra- extra- and intertextual level. Keywords: Italian novel; oblique statements; narrative levels; intertextuality
Romanica Silesiana; 2006, 1
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Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sacro e profano: rituali trasgressivi in Camere separate di Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
In the last book by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Camere separate, the ritual motif appears in its two essential aspects: sacrum - as a relation between the main protagonist and the religious‑mystic sphere; and profanum as a relation between the main protagonist and society. Both traditional aspects of ritual are negated and distorted. The first, the religious‑mystic sphere, is negated by the protagonist himself. He rejects Catholic dogmatics and rituals because he finds no place for them alongside his homosexuality. This rejection prompts him to work out his own individual religiousness in which contact with God does not require any rituals. In terms of the social aspect, the protagonist is excluded from the society in which he lives. Social norms preclude him from participating in rituals such as marriage or mourning for the dead. This negative confrontation with ritual and social custom allows the protagonist to develop a new, more mature self‑awareness which allow him to accept the imminence of suffering and death. Key words: Tondelli, ritual, transgression, initiation, mourning
Romanica Silesiana; 2014, 9
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Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Espressivismo linguistico e culturale in Oltre Babilonia di Igiaba Scego
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Postcolonial literature, which did not appear in Italy until the 1980s, started to flourish in that country in the early 1990s. Although it originated there and draws on Italian historic colonial experiences, it can be understood as a way of emphasising the linguistic and cultural separateness of Italian-speaking authors originating from former Italian colonies in Africa (i.e. Libya, Somalia and Ethiopia). It appears that a country like Italy, which has been deprived of its homogeneity and linguistic and cultural cohesion, is particularly susceptible to the absorption of traditions and languages from outside. Postcolonial literature, which at its very basic level is a hybrid, cannot be pushed into the framework of one convention or tradition. On the contrary, it fits well into the mainstream of non-canonical, avant-garde and expressionistic literature that has been present since Dante. Igiaba Scego, the author of Oltre Babilonia, published in 2008, belongs to the generation of young Italian writers of African origin. The article aims to analyse the novel in terms of writing techniques defined as expressionistic at the level of surface, typology of characters and linguistic and stylistic features. Key words: Postcolonial literature, expressionism, episodic structure, neologism, language hybridism.
Romanica Silesiana; 2011, 6
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La condizione di isolitudine in Diceria dell’untore di Gesualdo Bufalino
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Isolitudine is a neologism coined from isola (an Island) and solitudine (solitude) that was created by Gesualdo Bufalino in order to mark a specific attitude to life which characterizes the mental and emotional ambivalence of Sicily’s inhabitants. On the one hand, they are proud of their difference, but on the other, they feel isolated and disconnected from life on the continent and doomed to cultural and emotional solitude. In the novel Diceria dell’untore the topic of acceptance and rejection of the condition of isolitudine dominates. The main character is excluded from ‘real’ life in a two‑fold way: he is the inhabitant of an Island and the patient of a tuberculosis sanatorium; futhermore, he has been bruised by his wartime experience. The condition of isolitudine is inscribed not only in characterization but also in the chronotope. The places of the novel are the sanatorium and the island itself. Both of them have the qualities of a pleasant place (locus amoenus) and a horrible one (locus horridus), and their characterization results from a combination of those qualities. Key words: Bufalino, isolitudine, Sicily
Romanica Silesiana; 2015, 10
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I personaggi di La Gilda del Mac Mahon di Giovanni Testori: fra (neo)realismo e (neo)espressionismo
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
The study concerns the analysis of the works of Giovanni Testori contained in the volume La Gilda del Mac Mahon (1959). From the chronological, epistemological and aesthetic point of view, Testori’s debut works are characteristic for two different literary tendencies of writing: neorealist and expressionistic. The neorealist traditions coming into play in Testori’s works include themes (difficult situation of the people living in Milan’s suburbs), and forms of expression (low point of view, spoken style-popular). Testori in a very personal and original way weaves together the narrative neorealist elements with those of the new aesthetics, the expressionistic vanguard which is present to the maximum extent in his theatrical works. The expressionism of Testori is represented by the subjective and partial representation of the story and most of all by the typology of the protagonist (a young protagonist who is naked, that is presented in his most intimate actions: oppression and solitude, alienation, anti-bourgeois revolt, desperate search of the better life). The expressionistic power of the stories is amplified by their episodic structure, responsible for the effect of fragmentariness and discontinuity of the representation of the world that is restless and frenetic. Key words: Giovanni Testori, neorealism, expressionism.
Romanica Silesiana; 2012, 7
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brickwork and the wall as metaphors in Carlo Emilio Gadda’s fiction
Mur i ściana jako metafora w prozie Carla Emilia Gaddy
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
literatura włoska XX wieku
Carlo Emilio Gadda
20th-century Italian literature
The article analyses the topical motifs of the brickwork, the wall, and the house in the works of Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the greatest Italian writers of the 20th century. These motifs were part of the writer’s broader writing project, the aim of which was to depict and catalogue the entire material reality. These elements appear as parts of a bigger whole: a safe house and a private impenetrable space, but also as a symbol of limitations, petite bourgeois conventions, and a place of suffering and sacrifice. In utilising architectural elements, Gadda indicated the minutest of details and functions that constitute the whole. By utilising architectural references such as a brickwork or a wall, Gadda made them part of a complex system of metaphorical relations through which he attempted to bridle the chaotic reality. The brickwork and walls of villas, condos, labourers’ flats, rural manors, and towering stone fencings often possessed dual meanings and roles: they separate one from the world and protect them against the chaos of the world, or are the products of the burgher culture – despised by the writer – as well as the marks of its undoubted richness and bad taste. This was why they became the focus of his criticism. In some of his works, they become a symbol of a character’s desire to isolate themselves from the world. At the level of the narrative structure, the motifs of the brickwork and the wall become a pretext for a digressive expanding or a developed pause, which, in turn, produces an effect of a breaking-up of a diegesis, which remains unfinished and fragmented.
Artykuł poddaje analizie motywy topiczne muru, ściany i domu w utworach jednego z największych prozaików włoskich dwudziestego wieku, Carla Emilia Gaddy. Motywy te częścią szerokiego projektu pisarskiego autora, którego celem było zobrazowanie i skatalogowanie całej materialnej rzeczywistości. Elementy te pojawiają się jako części większej całości: bezpiecznego domu i prywatnej nieprzekraczalnej przestrzeni, ale także jako symbol ograniczeń, drobnomieszczańskich konwenansów czy też miejsce cierpienia i wyrzeczeń. W posługiwaniu się elementami architektonicznymi Gadda zwraca uwagę na najdrobniejsze szczegóły i funkcje budujące całość. Sięgając po odniesienia architektoniczne takie jak mur i dom, Gadda czyni je częściami skomplikowanego systemu relacji metaforycznych, poprzez które pisarz podejmuje próbę ujarzmienia chaotycznej rzeczywistości. Mury i ściany willi, apartamentów, robotniczych mieszkań, wiejskich dworków, a także wyniosłe kamienne ogrodzenia często mają dwojakie znaczenie i rolę: oddzielają od świata i chronią przed jego chaosem lub też są wytworami znienawidzonej przez pisarza drobnomieszczańskiej kultury, znakami jej wątpliwego bogactwa i złego gustu i dlatego stają się obiektem krytyki. W niektórych utworach stają się symbolem pragnienia samoizolacji bohatera. Na poziomie struktury narracyjnej motywy muru i ściany stają się pretekstem do rozwinięcia dygresyjnego czy też rozbudowanej pauzy, co w rezultacie daje efekt rozbicia diegezy, która pozostaje niedokończona i fragmentaryczna.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2020, 57, 2; 65-79
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porządek świata w chaosie rzeczy. Przedmiot w prozie Carla Emilia Gaddy
The order of the world in the chaos of things: the object in the prose of Carlo Emilio Gadda
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Neofilologii
Carlo Emilio Gadda twentieth-century Italian novel language deformation
catalogue literature
The article discusses the motif of the object in the prose of the twentieth century Italian writer C.E. Gadda. Gadda’s attitude towards objects reflects his philosophy according to which the world of (physical and psychological) phenomena is a product of intersecting possibilities and creates a “convolution” of relations – impossible to describe in its entirety – that materializes as an object, event or person. Any understanding of the chaos of the world can only be merely partial and fragmentary. Objects and matter constitute a fundamental component of the narrative world presented by the writer. By using specific stylistic figures of speech (i.e. enumeration, list or catalogue) and distorting the standard language through neologisms, synonymy and calque, Gadda assigns the roles of full-fledged protagonists to the objects, being indispensable constituents of chaos. In itself, an attempt to describe chaos by applying such measures constitutes an attempt to find harmony and order.
Acta Philologica; 2016, 49; 237-248
Pojawia się w:
Acta Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O specyfice przekładu tekstów prawnych i prawniczych na przykładzie tłumaczeń poświadczonych z języka włoskiego i na język włoski
The Characteristics of Polish-italian and Italian-polish Certified Translation of Legal Texts
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The findings in this article are based on data gathered during sworn translation examinations. The article aims to address some of the frequently asked questions and doubts. At the outset it must be stressed that a sworn translator plays a special social role – not only is s/he a specialist but also a trustworthy person who is obliged to take a particular ethical stand. Hence their responsibility to remain reliable and impartial while making translations in accordance with the law. In order to maintain the high standard of such translations, all candidates applying for this role are required to sit a national examination in front of a board appointed by the Minister of Justice under the law of 24 November 2004. Certified written translations should adhere to the following criteria: Form relates to the formatting of the translated text, distinguishing the original from the copy, highlighting the direction of translation and appropriate insertion of the translator’s remarks; Equivalence relates to turn of phrase (translating sections of text in context rather than “word for word”, paying attention to obvious structural differences between the two languages) as well as subject matter (i.e. looking for denotative or semantic equivalence in the translation of specialist terms and the application of national and international standards); Applying the style sheet relates to the application of accepted specialist phrases and collocations in the target language.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2011, 2; 151-164
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gioco allegorico ne Le mosche del capitale di Paolo Volponi
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Paolo Volponi’s last novel, Le mosche del capitale, published in 1989, is considered by most critics to be the most important novel of the late eighties. It revisits the issues from the author’s earlier works, for example Memoriale (1962) and Corporale (1974), and transports the reader into a postindustrial factory world, dealing with the problems of human beings entangled in the complex and often cruel mechanisms of professional life in the contemporary world. Human characters are completely devoid of meaning and any humane dimension. In the pursuit of profit and power, they get so lost that they cease to be the driving force of narration.In this dehumanised world the burden of diegesis is placed on personified objects, which not only talk about the human world from their “inanimate” perspective, but also keep their distance from that world, which is a prerequisite for a reasonably objective depiction of its problems. The narrative, told from the perspective of the main protagonist (engineer Bruto Saraccini), is supplemented by the allegorical characters’ (i.e. objects’ and environmental phenomena’s) utterances. Therefore, allegory in Volponi’s text becomes the basic carrier of meaning. It is thanks to allegory that the reader becomes aware of the void and meaninglessness of the reality in which objects are closer to humanism and humanity than people themselves. Allegory plays three functions in the novel:1) interpretative-rhetorical, in which human beings’ traits (vices) are projected onto inanimate objects, as a result of which the characteristics of the human world become clearer and more marked;2) axiological, which explicitly names and establishes the system of values, exposing human characters’ moral attitudes;3) mimetic, whose aim is to supplement the description of the world depicted in a situation in which human characters are not able to provide such a description in a complete way (e.g. the use of allegorical objects as observers and “narrators” replaces the characters’ inner monologue). Key words: Volponi, allegory, postindustrial factory.
Romanica Silesiana; 2009, 4
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Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mondo di donne, mondo di parole Espressione linguistica della condizione femminile in Tutto su mia nonna di Silvia Ballestra
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
The feminine world, the world of words. The linguistic expression of the feminine condition in Tutto su mia nonna by Silvia Ballestra The novel Tutto su mia nonna by Silvia Ballestra is the excellent example of language, writing and sensibility straightforwardly feminine. The main characters of the narration that is the three generations of woman, become the vivid and active subjects of the narration, who form the reality, non only filtering the world which is being narrated in their personal emotional way, but also structuring their world in relationship to the social existence as though their activity does not refer only to their private and personal zone. The definition of femininity passes through the language as it is not only the way to comunicate but it assumes three different manners: conative, magical and sensual. The sensual and tangible aspect values, by the use of marchigiano dialect, the material, concrete meaning that refers to the body and its physical expression. The magical and commemorative function is proper of the everyday language and it pushes the main character, the narrator to immerge in the recollections of the past that is rituals and old habits of the family. The most important function though is the conative one, which focuses on the interpersonal contact assuming the real communicative function that brings the family together.In this way the language becomes a treasure, a connection and a relationship. As for the formal level of writing, the interlocutory discourse is maintained by the use of the pronoun tu that refers to the reader who participates in the narration that touches more subjects in the narrative passages and in those of the philosophical and the metanovelistic kind as well. Key words: Silvia Ballestra, feminine writing, dialect, conative value, dialogue.
Romanica Silesiana; 2013, 8, 2
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La stiva e l’abisso di Michele Mari. Romanzo fra favola e metanarrazione
La stiva e l’abisso by Michele Mari. A novel between a fairy tale and metanarration
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Michele Mari
From the moment of his literary debut in 1989, Michele Mari is considered to be the representative of classic tendencies in contemporary Italian literature. One of the most noticeable characteristics of his writing is the presence of autobiographic elements which appear in all his works with different intensity, but also the archaization of style and language, literary references and metaliterary reflexions. This article aims at showing how the 1992 novel La stiva e l’abisso connects two of those aspects of Mari’s writing: intertextuality and literary references to adventure novel genre, as well as it reflects on the role and value of the literature for the contemporary people. It analyses basic narrative instances, that is the narrator, narrative structure, place and time of events, in order to show how they result in metaliterary reflexion.
Romanica Silesiana; 2020, 17, 1; 151-163
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Janusz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Romanica Silesiana; 2020, 17, 1; 9-14
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Esperienza linguistica, testuale e culturale della malattia nella letteratura. Convegno di studi svoltosi all’Istituto di Filologia Russa dell’Università della Slesia
Chmiel, Aneta
Kłosek, Wiesława
Janusz, Joanna
Mantajewska, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Romanica Silesiana; 2013, 8, 2
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biopolymers based paper coating with promoted grease resistivity, bio-degradable and mechanical properties
Wenelska, Karolina
Kędzierski, Tomasz
Maslana, Klaudia
Sielicki, Krzysztof
Dymerska, Anna
Janusz, Joanna
Marianczyk, Grzegorz
Gorgon-Kuza, Aleksandra
Bogdan, Wojciech
Mijowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
grease resistance
The dominance of plastics in the packaging market is due to their low weight and thickness, which save transportation costs. However, their non-biodegradability poses a significant threat to the environment. Paper, on the other hand, is considered as a safer alternative due to its natural composition and biodegradability. The porous structure of paper limits its application in packaging, and its poor water resistance further restricts its use in humid environments. Therefore, lamination is a method useful tool to improve the barrier properties of paper. Additionally, the researchers are focusing on developing biodegradable and water-based coatings with anti-fat properties as a green alternative to plastic packaging. The impact of a new grease-resistant coating composed of starch, gelatin and sodium alginate on the mechanical properties of paper was investigated through tensile, tearing, and bursting strength tests. The results showed significant improvements in the mechanical properties of the coated paper sheets. Furthermore, the biodegradability test indicated that the paper samples coated with the new composition showed a 50% weight loss after one week of incubation in the soil, and after three weeks, they exhibited 100% weightloss, demonstrating their outstanding biodegradability.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2023, 25, 2; 66--71
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Protective action of vitamin C against DNA damage induced by selenium-cisplatin conjugate.
Błasiak, Janusz
Kowalik, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
endonuclease III
vitamin C
Se-Pt conjugate [(NH3)2Pt(SeO3)]
genotoxic effects of anticancer drugs
DNA damage
comet assay
DNA repair
Genotoxicity of anticancer drugs is of a special interest due to the risk of inducing secondary malignancies. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a recognized antioxidant and, since human diet can be easily supplemented with vitamin C, it seems reasonable to check whether it can protect against DNA-damaging effects of antitumor drugs. In the present work the ability of vitamin C to modulate cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of a cisplatin analog, conjugate (NH3)2Pt(SeO3), in terms of cell viability, DNA damage and repair in human lymphocytes was examined using the trypan blue exclusion test and the alkaline comet assay, respectively. The conjugate evoked a concentration-dependent decrease in the cell viability, reaching nearly 50% at 250 μM. (NH3)2Pt(SeO3) at 1, 10 and 30 μM caused DNA strand breaks, measured as the increase in the comet tail moment of the lymphocytes. The treated cells were able to recover within a 30-min incubation in a drug-free medium at 37°C. Vitamin C at 10 and 50 μM diminished the extent of DNA damage evoked by (NH3)2Pt(SeO3) but had no effect on the kinetics of DNA repair. The vitamin did not directly inactivate the conjugate. Lymphocytes treated with endonuclease III, which recognises oxidised pyrimidines, displayed a greater tail moment than those untreated with the enzyme, suggesting that the damages induced by the drug have, at least in part, an oxidative origin. Vitamin C can be considered a potential protective agent against side effects of antitumor drugs, but further research with both normal and cancer cells are needed to clarify this point.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2001, 48, 1; 233-240
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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