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Poznawanie prawdy i zdolność przewidywania w naukach przyrodniczych
Getting to know the truth and ability to predict in natural sciences
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nauki przyrodnicze
hipotezy naukowe
teorie naukowe
scientific hypothesis
scientific theories
Representatives of natural sciences (biologists, physicists, chemists) are scientists who deal with the part of knowledge regarding aspects of natural reality. If we regard natural reality to cosmos we can say that the possibilities of direct research are possible only in a small area. In spite of the limitations of access researchers do not get lost in the chaos of already studied separate images, but the gained experience, together with evolution of human thought create more and more uniform image, despite of numerous missing pieces. Natural reality is complex, complicated and difficult to familiarize. One of the main problems of studying the natural reality is its complexity and variety of dynamic processes which create this reality. Another difficulty is the systematized and uniform terminology and concepts used. In the days of fast developing new disciplines and atomization of science it is almost impossible. Natural reality exists independent of our knowledge of it. However the awareness of the difficulties and limitations in studying it should help in being responsible for the process of acquiring knowledge. Acquiring knowledge should therefore mirror the mechanisms existing in nature, that is why it was necessary to discuss the dynamics of getting to know nature with indication to some definitions of truth and its kinds, as well as various research mistakes. Next to getting to know the things themselves it is important in science to detect and eliminate the mistakes. It is necessary to know the criteria of acknowledging or denying the genuine and false nature of research results, hypothesis or new theories in order to properly acquire knowledge about the natural world and properly communicate the results of studying.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2008, 6, 1; 471-484
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość i kondycja człowieka
Human’s identity and condition
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Human aims for internal integrity and unison at all levels of human are identity and all dimensions of human existence. According to Rull integrity is a gift from God, but also a task for everybody, only possible when a human being is open for autotranscendency. Unity of mankind is based on condition. The key word condition means that a human being is not neutral. The conditions indicates limitations and burdens of human being, although more and more frequently modern man tries to deny it, defining by himself who he wants to be and taking the place of God. Modern individualism is a lonely following of traditional utopia of society. Delsol claims that the most certain thing, which we can say about a man, is the existence of his condition, which acceptance is possible under condition of leaving the theory of ruling. We are not independent from our condition, we can free ourselves from it like we cannot deny the way we look, the condition is like terminal illness. A person’s dignity grows from the wound of finiteness. Greatness of man is about receiving and solving problems, a constant struggle, not owing a panacea for all human problems. A man who rejects reality, wanting to create his own self loses form and falls. To realise about the human condition would mean leaving the possibility of existence, potentiality for act. Human being who does not accept the human condition becomes undefined, he does not know his identity, he is restricted to mass, to biological body, he looks after it, improves it looking for fulfilment. But identity requires defining, one cannot be oneself if one does not know what one should be.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2005, 3, 1; 101-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Humanizacja w XXI wieku nowoczesnego podmiotu
Humanization in the 21st century of the contemporary subject
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The crisis of sense, which affects us badly nowadays, causes us to reflect on and promote new solutions as well as create personalities fulfilling the requirements of the modern world. The answer requires a comprehensive analysis of the problem in order to present the integral vision of the man in the world. The attempt to shape the survival man and the features he should possess has its justification in the influence of the environment on the integral shaping of the man and his survival. The need for ecological reflection is caused by intensive changes in political and social life. The approach based on ecological space and eco-development requires a properly shaped and mature personality. In contemporary civilization obligations, jobs and responsibilities too often are beyond the capabilities of an individual person. The responsible, "auxiliary" functions require the integrally shaped person rather than learning the individual roles. Therefore, the important hierarchy in shaping the man has a considerable influence on the final effect, which is the "real" man. Education, formation, and then, on this foundation, training for particular roles and jobs taking into account the structure and condition of the man as well as all his internal and external conditions, may lead to the fully mature person, ready to undertake activities in agreement with the defined aims.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 177-185
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ecology of women as a harmony of interior world and nature
Ekologia kobiety jako harmonia świata wewnętrznego i natury
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Szeroko rozumiana i uprawiana ekologia człowieka dotyczy całokształtu relacji człowiek – środowisko. Należałoby się zastanowić, czy można mówić osobno o ekologii kobiety i mężczyzny. W antropologii chrześcijańskiej kobieta i mężczyzna funkcjonują w jednym człowieczeństwie co do godności, ale jako kobieta i mężczyzna co do sposobu ukonstytuowania. Na ludzką pełnię składają się dwa odmienne czynniki spełnione w płciowości. Płeć różnicuje człowieka w wymiarze biologicznym, psychicznym, społecznym, w konsekwencji i kulturowym. Dlatego niech będzie usprawiedliwionym rozważanie osobowości i natury kobiet w ich swoistym środowisku, jako ekologii kobiety. Pozwoliłam sobie na użycie terminu ekologia kobiety, gdyż odnoszę wrażenie, że ekologia (gr. oikos – dom) jako nauka o „domu” o najbliższym środowisku trafnie oddaje sens środowiska, aury jaką tworzy kobieta wokół swojej osoby. Dominująca kultura jest „cyniczna” w odniesieniu do kobiet. Z jednej strony deklaruje dbałość o kobietę i jej kobiecość, z drugiej strony walczy z nią proponując i umożliwiając rozwiązania, które doprowadzają do rozdarcia, do konfliktu wewnętrznego, w konsekwencji do dezintegracji osobowości kobiety. Wyzwolenie się kobiety spod męskiej dominacji pociągnęło za sobą pozbycie się wszelkiej opieki. Kobieta doświadcza więc ciężkiej próby samotności, w której musi stawić czoła zupełnie sama. Taka sytuacja jest zachwianą równowagą, która w łańcuchowej reakcji dotyka innych a szczególnie dzieci. Zarysowuje się rozdźwięk między niedojrzałością duchową a postępem cywilizacyjnym, charakteryzujący się coraz większą wrażliwością i kruchością nowego pokolenia. Harmonia, której strażniczką może i powinna być kobieta ma szansę zaistnieć wtedy, kiedy kobieta jest do tego zdolna fizycznie i duchowo. Świadoma swej roli kobieta wie, że może odegrać doniosłą rolę w różnych dziedzinach życia. Kobiece powołanie, kobiece wyzwolenie ma służyć podbudowaniu ludzkości, a nie zgnębieniu mężczyzny. Dla uzyskania obrazu harmonii należy ukazać przynajmniej najbardziej istotne elementy kształtujące zarówno harmonię wewnętrzną w człowieku, jak również jego harmonijne relacje z otoczeniem. W podjętej dyskusji chciałabym się zająć ekologią kobiety czyli tym, co jest w przypadku jej środowiska charakterystyczne i specyficzne dla niej i co ją odróżnia od mężczyzny i jego wpływu na otoczenie. Ważnym zagadnieniem harmonii będą jej elementy, które stanowią o jej pełni. Harmonia między potrzebami, wartościami i normami będzie omówiona w szerszym aspekcie jako tło do rozważań o akceptowaniu kobiecości jako warunku koniecznego do utrzymania równowagi we wszystkich sferach ludzkiego życia.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2009, 7, 1; 119-130
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie do zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście katolickiej nauki społecznej
Upbringing into sustainable development in the context of Catholic Social Science
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Kościół katolicki
społeczna nauka Kościoła
zrównoważony rozwój
Catholic Church
Catholic Social Science
sustainable developement
One of the basic calls of the modern church is to call secular people to engage in the process of evangelization and building the new humanism. In 1947 Pius XII announced the apostolic constitution Provida mater Ecclesia giving in this way theological and legal form to such experience as secular institutions. In modern days the call is clearer, because it directs the invitation to all of us, to participate in building church unity recognizing only one’s vocation in the world. The biggest concern of the church is not an answer to moral responsibilities (what one should do or not), not about natural laws or sociological analyses, political or anthropological, or ethical and ideological confusion, which are the domain of the modern world, but the axis of the church is the concern, for the power coming from Christ’s cross being wasted. Catholic Social Science does not ignore philosophy, law, and science as such, but the basis of its science is Christ. The essence of realization of the Catholic Social Science program is to get acquainted with the science, upbringing in its spirit, and using it throughout activities in various social environments. Man today should realize how useful engagement and responsibility for the natural environment are. The modern church participates in the concern about the environment. In John Paul II's teachings, we could find a call to action in favor of it. Benedict XVI as one of the most important tasks of our times acknowledged the idea of balanced development.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2009, 7, 2; 123-137
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osobowość ekologiczna płci - badania ankietowe
Pro environment personality of sex - survey results
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
różnice psychologiczne między płciami
Sex differences in psychology
After analysing the above answers we can deduct some results, which confirm certain behaviour in girls that can be scientifically explained. A survey helped in establishing ecological consciousness and was a help in characterizing a survival persona. Looking at the answers with inclusion of two different sexes we can follow differences in the views concerning environmental protection, the survey results clearly show a difference in approach to the natural environment depending on the sex. Women more clearly see the beauty, harmony and set order in the environment. Nature astonishes them and is a guarantee of life. Analysing the survey results it is not possible not to see the differences in viewing the natural environment. Quoting Estes we can say that mature woman (surviving woman) looking at a forest sees a home for herself and other people, whilst others looking at the same forest imagine cutting down trees and making money on it. Clean environment allowing life is like air necessary to live and you can only breathe deeply with clean air. It is similar with woman’s psyche where a mechanism of full breath operates and forces her to breathe in the fresh air. The research results confirmed that girls show more concern about harmony and complexity of the natural world and definitely at every opportunity become protectors of life. So a smaller extend that boys they support technological and technical development, they do not see it as a solution to problems connected with degradation of environment. If you would like to separate pro environment personality types taking into account these characteristic for boys and girls, based on the performed survey, we can present: Rational type , scientific thinker and technocrat, consumer, which is dominant in boys answers and emotional type, esthetic environmentalist which is dominant within girls answers. Woman can show man how to admire nature, how to develop sensitivity and open ones eyes to new perspectives, whose theoretical author is often he himself. It is women who with their hearts read and introduce into life philosophical life and written theological works whose authors are men. Woman’s task is activity connected with protecting the wisdom of soul, not to accept abnormal state for normal and to hale the courage to celebrate natural forces with elements of Her soul and life, which a priceless treasure of each woman. When women do not follow their voice when intervening in unacceptable situations her views fade, her nature fades and natural world. Love fades as well as the will to repair the world and harmony with nature, The Word lacks fresh air and water, but also the voice of consciousness. Research I have performed confirmed the thesis I had made and allows to precise the desired personality characteristics, needed to shape a survival personality.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2008, 6, 1; 15-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychować czy formować człowieka przetrwania?
Educate or form the survival man?
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
In the modern world, man has more and more responsibilities. Integration of thought, attitude, and activities providing “wisdom of life”, which guarantees careful activities in everyday life, is not enough. In nowadays era of fast changes, it is not enough to be a mature man in a sense of human cultural behavior, the needs are greater, anticipated thought and the ability to communicate with another man is necessary. Survival of man and overcoming the ecological crisis becomes a complex problem, which should be regarded as a system, a synthesis of theory and practice in many disciplines of science. A man prepared for service to the environment is called "Survival man". The "survival man" is a term, which refers to an integrally formed personality, that has a mature personality, prepared to coexist with other creatures. The "survival man" can integrate with others, make personal contacts "beyond boundaries" and also has the feeling of their vocation and their own place in nature. In order for these necessary dispositions of modern man, to become permanent behavior that is deeply motivated, the need for long-lasting bridging up process, after which follows later shaping in order for a man to achieve readiness to serve and act in a certain area. If a man is to serve, both to himself and others, first he has to reach to the deepest layers of the inner self - from sincerity to truth, in the bring in gup process. In order to reach full awareness of his role in the world.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 617-627
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja środowiskowa w zadaniach rodziny
Envinronmental education as family task
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
edukacja ekologiczna
edukacja nieformalna
kryzys ekologiczny
ecologacal education
informal education
environmental crisis
bringing up
Solutions to such an important problem as an ecological crisis should be sought to start with indicating reasons for such a situation. Contamination of the environment, using up the natural resources, changes in biodiversity of flora and fauna, and many other similar urgent problems are the effects of actions that lead to family, social, political, or economical structures, or also lack of specified aim or sense in life, the basis for all these structures is nevertheless the family and it can be easily said the family crisis is the beginning of the crisis in other areas of human life also an ecological crisis. It is important in bringing up and environmental education to prepare for coexistence with nature and to respect humans’ habitat. Creative companionship with young people in the road which they should take from the moment of conception to the moment of achieving an integrated personality, such that in the practice of everyday life he would realize through his motivated posture “mature ecological outlook on life“ starts with the family and cooperation with others. Personal growing up of human beings takes place not in isolation but in cooperation with others.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2006, 4, 1; 415-425
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metapoznanie – czy możemy być świadomi przebiegu własnego procesu uczenia się stosując neurofeedback
Meta cognition – can we be aware of the process of our own learning – usage of neurofeedback
Grochowska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
metacognitive and cognitive strategies
brain waves
strategie metakognitywne i kognitywne
fale mózgowe
The human mind is the mediator of knowledge about the world, because no human being has direct knowledge of their surrounding reality. All knowledge is „read and transported” by the brain and nervous system. Regardless of the progressive nature of the research into psychic phenomena, we are still faced with the mystery of what phenomena occur in the brain. The difficulties are mainly due to the interdisciplinary nature of cognitive science. Cognitive science as an interdisciplinary field, which attempts to explore the human mind and find a common area of research to unite all scientific research. Attempts to understand the mind constitute the most interdisciplinary task. Neuroscience is one of the disciplines that make up modern cognitive science. Neurobiology suggests the variety of processes that occur either in individual cells, the brain and nervous system, and the human body. Modern studies indicate the possibility of cognition of the brain in order to apply effective teaching and education. How does the brain learn? This question stimulates researchers to interdisciplinary cooperation in order to obtain a satisfactory answer. Recently there have been many new concepts related to research into the brain and methods that allow you to better utilize the potential of the brain in order to undertake a conscious process of self-discovery. The science of the brain is not only a part of medical science or biology, but also disciplines such as pedagogy and didactics. The concepts neuroteaching, neurodidactics and neurotechnologies are new, still relatively unknown and unused. Reflecting on the conscious changes in the learning process, it is worth looking into the rules of biofeedback and neurofeedback and the possibilities to practically applying EEG biofeedback training, which is becoming a readily available method. Insightful observations of bioelectrical activity of the brain have led to naming multiple correlations between the mental state of individuals, their behaviour and EEG activity. Biofeedback, as a neuro technological road to self-discovery, allows for the individual functions of the brain and body, previously considered involuntary, to become dependent on our will to a certain degree. Upon obtaining a higher degree of self-awareness, self-regulatory responses develop. Proponents of this method argue that self-regulation will become a major part of health care in the twenty-first century.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2014, 12, 3; 9-32
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyróżnione Varsaviana.
Sawicka, Irena (1956- ).
Henzel, Władysław.
Zembrzuska, Irma.
Kunert, Andrzej Krzysztof (1952- ).
Walkowski, Zygmunt (1936- ).
Miedzianowski, Jerzy.
Wasilewski, Krzysztof.
Grochowska, Maria M.
Grzymała-Siedlecki, Bohdan.
Biuletyn Informacyjny / Światowy Związek Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej. Zarząd Główny 1997, nr 6, s. 22
Data publikacji:
Dyplom Varsavianów laureaci
Powstanie 1944 r. warszawskie piśmiennictwo
Dyplomy za najlepsze prace: W. Henzel, I. Sawicka "Powstanie warszawskie. Bibliografia selektywna. T. 1-3. Warszawa, 1994-1996; J. Miedzianowski, K. Wasilewski, A.K.Kunert, Z. Walkowski, "Wielka Ilustrowana Encyklopedia Powstania Warszawskiego. T. 4. Warszawa, 1996; I. Zembrzuska,"Z Warszawą w sercu". Warszawa, 1996; M. M. Grochowska, B. Grzymała-Siedlecki, "Obudźmy jej zamilkły śpiew". Warszawa 1996.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Wyróżnione Varsaviana.
Sawicka, Irena (1956- ).
Henzel, Władysław.
Zembrzuska, Irma.
Kunert, Andrzej Krzysztof (1952- ).
Walkowski, Zygmunt (1936- ).
Miedzianowski, Jerzy.
Wasilewski, Krzysztof.
Grochowska, Maria M.
Grzymała-Siedlecki, Bohdan.
Biuletyn Informacyjny / Światowy Związek Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej. Zarząd Główny 1997, nr 6, s. 22
Data publikacji:
Dyplom Varsavianów laureaci 1997 r.
Powstanie 1944 r. warszawskie piśmiennictwo
Dyplomy za najlepsze prace: W. Henzel, I. Sawicka "Powstanie warszawskie. Bibliografia selektywna. T. 1-3. Warszawa, 1994-1996; J. Miedzianowski, K. Wasilewski, A.K.Kunert, Z. Walkowski, "Wielka Ilustrowana Encyklopedia Powstania Warszawskiego. T. 4. Warszawa, 1996; I. Zembrzuska,"Z Warszawą w sercu". Warszawa, 1996; M. M. Grochowska, B. Grzymała-Siedlecki, "Obudźmy jej zamilkły śpiew". Warszawa 1996.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
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