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Optymalizacja dwustopniowej obróbki cieplnej ADI miedziowo-niklowego żeliwa sferoidalnego za pomocą metod analizy termicznej
Optimization of two-step ADI heat treatment of Cu-Ni ductile iron by means of thermal analysis methods
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Odlewnictwa
analiza termiczna
dylatometr hartowniczy
thermal analysis
quenching dilatometer
Na podstawie wyników badań dylatometrycznych przeprowadzono optymalizację doboru procesu i parametrów klasycznej jednostopniowej i wielostopniowej (lub nieizotermicznej) obróbki cieplnej ADI. Optymalizacja opiera się na analizie procesów obróbki cieplnej w warunkach laboratoryjnych i wykorzystuje korelację zmian objętościowych towarzyszących dekompozycji struktury ausferrytycznej w zakresie 400−650°C z ilością ferrytu iglastego α i austenitu wysokowęglowego γs (C), których proporcje determinują właściwości mechaniczne stopów. Wyniki analizy optymalizacji pozwoliły na dobór parametrów obróbki ADI rokujących uzyskanie właściwości wytrzymałościowych niemożliwych do uzyskania na drodze klasycznej jednostopniowej obróbki cieplnej ADI. Wyniki testów wytrzymałościowych nie potwierdziły jednak tych oczekiwań; bardzo dobre właściwości wytrzymałościowe Rm i A5, otrzymane na drodze obróbki wielostopniowej i nieizotermicznej, uzyskano również za pomocą obróbki jednostopniowej, przy odpowiednio dobranych parametrach.
Based on the results of dilatometric investigations, parameters of standard single-step and multi-step (or non-isothermal) ADI heat treatment were optimised. The optimisation was based on analysis of the heat treatment processes simulated under laboratory conditions and used correlation between volume changes accompanying the decomposition of an ausferritic structure at 400−650°C and the amount of α acicular ferrite and γs (C) high-carbon austenite, the proportions of which determine the mechanical properties of alloys. Optimisation of the complex heat treatment of nodular cast iron predicts mechanical properties of ADI, impossible to obtain through the standard, single-step heat treatment. The results of mechanical tests have not confirmed the expectations; very good mechanical properties Rm and A5 obtained by multi-step and non-isothermal treatments, were also obtained by standard heat treatment with appropriately selected parameters.
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa; 2015, T. 55, nr 2, 2; 43-53
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Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Określenie optymalnych parametrów obróbki hartowania z przemianą izotermiczną żeliwa sferoidalnego Ni-Cu (Mo,Mn) na podstawie wykresów CTPc i CTPi
Determination of the optimal austempering parameters of Ni-Cu (Mo,Mn) ductile iron based on CCT and TTT diagrams
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Odlewnictwa
wykres CTPc
wykres CTPi
CCT diagram
TTT diagram
W pracy przeprowadzono kompleksową procedurę określenia optymalnych parametrów obróbki cieplnej żeliwa sferoidalnego z dodatkiem Ni, Cu, Mo i Mn poddanego hartowaniu z przemianą izotermiczną w celu uzyskania żeliwa ADI. Na podstawie skonstruowanych wykresów CTPc i CTPi wyznaczono podstawowe parametry obróbki – temperaturę i czas austenityzacji, krytyczną szybkość studzenia do temperatury przemiany izotermicznej oraz dla dowolnych, wybranych wartości temperatury ausferrytyzacji – czas ausferrytyzacji. Stwierdzono, że dla temperatury przemiany izotermicznej powyżej 400°C okno procesu jest zamknięte. Analiza wykresu CTPi stwarza możliwość doboru czasu przemiany izotermicznej w złożonych i cyklicznych wariantach obróbki cieplnej ADI.
In the research, a complex procedure was performed to determine the optimal parameters of thermal treatment of ductile iron with Ni, Cu, Mo and Mn additions which underwent austempering in order to obtain the ADI cast iron. Based on the constructed CCT and TTT diagrams, the basic heat treatment parameters were determined, i.e. the austenitizing temperature and time, the critical rate of cooling down to the isothermal transformation temperature and – for the selected values of the austempering temperature – the austempering times. It was established that, for the isothermal transformation temperature above 400°C, the processing window is closed. The analysis of the TTT diagram makes it possible to select the time of the isothermal transformation in complex cyclic variants of the ADI thermal treatment.
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa; 2016, 56, 2; 133-145
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Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kinetyka rozpadu struktury ausferrytycznej miedziowo-niklowego żeliwa ADI
Kinetics of the decomposition of ausferritic structure in copper-nickel ADI
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Odlewnictwa
równanie kinetyczne
kinetic equation JMA
Do wyznaczenia kinetyki rozpadu ausferrytu w miedziowo-niklowym żeliwie ADI zastosowano model kinetyczny Johnsona-Mehla-Avramiego (JMA), przystosowany do badań prowadzonych w warunkach nieizotermicznych. Wykorzystując program Netzsch Thermokinetics 3 oraz metodę regresji liniowej dopasowano dane eksperymentalne uzyskane metodą różniczkowej kalorymetrii skaningowej (DSC). Uzyskane wartości energii aktywacji są większe od energii aktywacji dyfuzji węgla w austenicie i mieszczą się w przedziale 150-240 kJ/mol w zależności od temperatury przemiany izotermicznej, wykazując dobrą zgodność z danymi literaturowymi. W badanych stopach, wpływ miedzi i niklu na kinetykę nie jest znaczny, lecz ze wzrostem zawartości niklu przy niskiej koncentracji miedzi w stopie, rośnie energia aktywacji rozpadu termicznego ausferrytu, co świadczy o wzroście jego stabilności. Z punktu widzenia wpływu pierwiastków stopowych na stabilność termiczną ausferrytu zawartość 0,5% wag.Cu i 1,5% wag. Ni w składzie miedziowo-niklowego żeliwa ADI wydaje się optymalna. Uzyskane wyniki prowadzą również do wniosku, że równoczesne powiększanie zawartości Cu i Ni w żeliwie miedziowo-niklowym nie jest celowe.
To determine the kinetics of ausferrite decomposition in copper-nickel ADI, a kinetic model of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA), designed for the investigations under non-isothermal conditions, was used. Applying the Netzsch Thermokinetics 3 programme and the method of linear regression, the experimental data obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were fitted. The obtained activation energy values were higher than the activation energy of carbon diffusion in austenite and were comprised in the range of 150-240 kJ/mole, depending on the temperature of isothermal transformation, thus showing good agreement with the literature data. In the examined alloys, the influence of copper and nickel on the kinetics is not significant, but with increasing nickel content at low concentrations of copper, the activation energy of the thermal decomposition of ausferrite increases, which indicates an increase in its stability. In terms of the alloying elements impact on the thermal stability of ausferrite, the composition of copper-nickel ADI equal to 0.5 wt. % Cu and 1.5 wt. % Ni seems to be optimal. The obtained results also lead to the conclusion that the simultaneous increase of Cu and Ni content in the copper-nickel cast iron is not intentional.
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa; 2010, 50, 4; 5-15
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Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rośliny drzewiaste jako gatunki inwazyjne
Woody plants as invasive species
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rosliny drzewiaste
botanika lesna
gatunki inwazyjne
woody plants
Alien woody species, introduced by humans, can spread into different areas. Such species are named „invasive”. It has been estimated that only a few percent of introduced woody species become invasive. The reasons why most introduced species do not become invasive are not known. For any particular region it is essential to understand the long−term disturbance regime as well as the autecology (inclusive of reproductive biology and regeneration requirements) of introduced species before any predictions can be made. Otherwise close monitoring of vegetation is necessary for the early detection of new invasions.
Sylwan; 2003, 147, 03; 65-70
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Biblioteka Nauki
Thermophysical properties of CuNiMoMn Austempered Ductile Iron
Właściwości termofizyczne żeliwa ADI z dodatkiem Ni, Cu, Mn i Mo
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Odlewnictwa
thermal analysis
thermophysical properties
thermal conductivity
analiza termiczna
właściwości termofizyczne
przewodnictwo temperaturowe
The aim of the study was to determine the thermophysical characteristics of CuNiMoMn austempered ductile iron (ADI) obtained as a result of standard, one-step heat treatment performed at various temperatures. Temperature-dependent physical properties of structurally differentiated CuNiMoMn ADI were measured using thermal analysis techniques. Coefficient of thermal expansion, specific heat capacity, density, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity can be utilized in designing technological applications, developing databases and computer modeling of austempering heat treatment of ductile cast iron. Austempering heat treatment causes a significant decrease in thermal diffusivity of ADI as compared to the initial as-cast ductile iron, in the temperature range of stability of ausferritic structure. It was found that as the temperature of isothermal transformation increases, the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity decreases despite an increase in the amount of carbon-enriched austenite. This can be explained by the predominant influence of fine acicular ferritic structure on the properties of heat transport in the ADI under study.
Celem badań było wyznaczenie termofizycznych charakterystyk żeliwa sferoidalnego zawierającego pierwiastki stopowe Cu, Ni, Mo i Mn, hartowanego z przemianą izotermiczną (ADI) i wytworzonego w wyniku standardowej, jednostopniowej obróbki cieplnej w różnych temperaturach. Zależne od temperatury właściwości fizyczne strukturalnie zróżnicowanych stopów ADI były wyznaczone za pomocą technik analizy termicznej. Współczynnik rozszerzalności cieplnej, ciepło właściwe, gęstość, przewodnictwo temperaturowe i przewodność cieplna mogą być wykorzystane w projektowaniu zastosowań technologicznych, rozwoju baz danych i w komputerowej symulacji procesów zachodzących w żeliwie sferoidalnym przy wytwarzaniu ADI. Proces ausferrytyzacji powoduje znaczne zmniejszenie przewodnictwa temperaturowego żeliwa ADI w porównaniu do wyjściowego żeliwa sferoidalnego w stanie po odlaniu, w temperaturowym zakresie stabilności struktury ausferrytycznej. Stwierdzono, że w miarę jak rośnie temperatura przemiany izotermicznej, przewodnictwo temperaturowe i przewodność cieplna maleją, mimo że rośnie ilość austenitu wzbogaconego w węgiel. Można to wyjaśnić wpływem drobnej, iglastej struktury ferrytu na charakterystyki transportu ciepła w badanym żeliwie sferoidalnym.
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa; 2017, 57, 2; 95-102
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Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan badań nad obcymi gatunkami drzew w polskich lasach
Alien tree species in Polish forests: the state of the research
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2012, 14, 4[33]
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena wybranych właściwości żeliwa z grafitem wermikularnym hartowanego z przemianą izotermiczną (AVCI)
Evaluation of selected properties in austempered vermicular cast iron (AVCI)
Pytel, A.
Gazda, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Odlewnictwa
żeliwo z grafitem wermikularnym
żeliwo wermikularne hartowane z przemianą izotermiczną
badania wytrzymałościowe
badania dylatometryczne
vermicular cast iron
austempered vermicular cast iron
strength testing
dilatometer testing
Przedstawiono próby otrzymania żeliwa wermikularnego hartowanego z przemianą izotermiczną (AVCI – Austempered Vermicular Cast Iron) oraz wyniki badań tego żeliwa. Obejmują one metodykę wytopów, strukturę żeliwa przed i po hartowaniu izotermicznym, właściwości mechaniczne i badania dylatometryczne.
The work herein presents the tests to produce austempered vermicular cast iron (AVCI – Austempered Vermicular Cast Iron) and the results of examination of the produced AVCI. The work includes the methodology of heats, the structure of the AVCI before and after austempering, mechanical properties and dilatometer testing.
Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa; 2014, T. 54, nr 4, 4; 23-31
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Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sąsiedztwo i następstwo gatunków drzew w Białowieskim Parku Narodowym
Neighbourhood and succession of tree species in the Bialowieza National Park
Gazda, A.
Miścicki, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
parki narodowe
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
drzewa lesne
gatunki roslin
sasiedztwo roslin
nastepstwo roslin
warstwa macierzysta
warstwa odnowienia
suma miazszosci drzew
suma wysokosci drzew
analiza kanoniczna
regresja wieloraka
canonical analysis
life strategy
regeneration layer
The diversity and sustainability of species composition are important topic of forest research. The possibility to observe the coexistence of tree species in a given forest patch and their succession in the next generation is limited because there are few forests unaffected by management activities. For this reason, the study was conducted in the oldest part of the Białowieża National Park, called Strict Reserve. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the quantity of individual tree species in the overstorey (the standing volume of trees with the diameter at breast height d8 cm) and regeneration layer (the total height of trees with the diameter at breast height d8 cm or height h1.3 m) as well as the relationships between those stand layers. Multiple regression and canonical analysis were used to determine the relationships between 12 tree species (tab. 1). The research material was the results of measurements of 920 concentric sample plots conducted in 1995 and 2005. In the overstorey, the correlation coefficient between the standing volume of a given tree species on sample plots and the standing volume of other tree species assumed for each species both significant positive values (species ‘co−occurrence'), significant negative values (species ‘avoidance’) and close to zero values (fig. 1). The same was true for the regeneration layer (fig. 2). In eight cases the correlation between the total height of trees of a given species in the regeneration layer and the standing volume of trees from the overstorey showed the highest positive values when referred to the ‘regeneration−overstorey' relationship of the same species (fig. 3). The same referred to the ‘overstorey−regeneration' relationship (fig. 4). Eight of the canonical variables turned out to be significant (tab. 2). For the first canonical variable, standing volume of hornbeam in the overstorey (Gb_m) showed the highest absolute value of the loading factor in the first dataset, while the variable the total height of hornbeam trees in the regeneration layer (Gb_o) – in the other dataset (fig. 5). The total redundancy was 20.7%, which means that such part of the variance of the total height of individual tree species in the regeneration layer could be explained by their standing volume in the overstorey. The sequence of tree generations understood as the relationship between species composition of the regeneration and overstorey layers was associated with life strategies of tree species.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 03; 209-219
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prognoza zmian składu gatunkowego drzewostanów Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego
Forecast of changes in the tree species composition of forest stands in the Bialowieza National Park
Gazda, A.
Miścicki, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
sklad gatunkowy
miazszosc drzew
przyrost miazszosci
zmiany skladu gatunkowego
size−class model
strict protection
The studies initiated by Włoczewski in 1936 revealed changes in the species composition of forest stands in the Białowieża National Park. This led to the question about what these changes would be in the future. The aim of our study was to predict changes in the volume of tree species in the so called Strict Reserve in the Białowieża National Park over the period of 40 years. A size−class growth model was developed for this purpose. The average merchantable timber volume for each of the eleven taxa was calculated for the successive 10−year intervals, and the increase in standing volume as well as the volume of tree loss (mortality) and ingrowth were calculated for these intervals. The empirical material was taken from the permanent and temporary sample plots. The permanent plots (160) were measured in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2011. The empirical data were used to determine, separately for each species, the relationship between trees dbh and mortality (fig. 1), diameter growth (fig. 2) or the rate of saplings (height of 0.3−1.3 m) growth into the first dbh class (0.1−1.9 cm). The temporary sample plots (460) were measured in 1995 and 2005, and the data were used to validate the size−class growth model and predict timber volume in the period 1995−2005 (tab.). The results of the validation may indicate significant changes in standing volume for the majority of tree species in the period 2005−2045 (fig. 3). In 2045, hornbeam will dominate. The volume increment in the period 2005−2045 will remain at almost the same level, the volume of tree loss will decrease and the volume of ingrowth will slightly increase, beginning from 2015 (fig. 4). Only five taxa will have a significant share in the ingrowth throughout the period 2005−2045, of which approx. 85% will be hornbeam in the period 2035−2045 (fig. 5). The observed changes in the species composition of forest stands in the Białowieża National Park may be the result of global, regional as well as local factors such as the pressure of herbivorous ungulates on young trees. Anticipating changes in the structure of forest stands may be useful in planning the protection of forest areas by reducing the impact of local factors on forest stands (regeneration) in an indirect way.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 04; 309-319
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ drzewostanu na strukturę wielkości jeżyny gruczołowatej (Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kit. agg.) na obszarze dawnego rezerwatu "Dolina Łopusznej" w Gorczańskim Parku Narodowym
Effect of forest stands on the size structure of the blackberry (Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kitt. agg.) in the former "Dolina Lopusznej" Reserve in the Gorce National Park
Gazda, A.
Szywacz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
runo lesne
jezyna gruczolowata
Rubus hirtus
struktura wielkosci
czynniki siedliska
struktura drzewostanu
Gorczanski Park Narodowy
rubus hirtus
size structure
gorce national park
The studies were conducted in the Gorce National Park (49°32'N, 20°07'E). The fieldwork was carried out on 34 permanent research plots. It was demonstrated in the studies that stands had significant positive and negative effects on the Rubus hirtus population. With the increase in the total and mean basal areas, the number and length of shoots, percentage of area coverage and annual length increment of Rubus hirtus individuals also increased. There was also a significant dependence of the number of shoots and individuals of Rubus hirtus on the basal area of beech. No significant relationship was found between Rubus hirtus plants and basal areas of spruce and fir trees. Stand age was another important factor. A positive correlation was found between the stand age and length of shoots and the percentage of area covered by blackberries. The number of trees on sample plots is also associated with age. A negative correlation was found between the parameters of Rubus hirtus plants (the number and length of shoots per 5 m2 and the degree of coverage) and the number of trees on sample plots. As there was previously no significant break in the canopy of the natural forest growing in the 'Dolina Łopusznej' reserve, no significant dominance of Rubus hirtus in the forest floor was noted. Blackberries usually established short main shoots (up to 25 cm) which were not potentially capable of producing roots, and thereby progeny ramets. As a result, the area occupied by blackberries usually did not exceed 15−30%.
Sylwan; 2011, 155, 07; 500-506
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obce gatunki drzewiaste w południowym kompleksie Puszczy Niepołomickiej
Alien woody species in the southern complex of the Niepolomice Forest
Gazda, A.
Fijała, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Niepolomicka
drzewa lesne
gatunki obce
czeremcha amerykanska
Prunus serotina
dab czerwony
Quercus rubra
gatunki lasotworcze
jarzab pospolity
Sorbus aucuparia
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
czeremcha zwyczajna
Prunus padus
topola osika
Populus tremula
odnowienia naturalne
alien species
invasive species
niepołomice forest
Managed forests are likely to be exposed to uncontrolled, spontaneous spread of alien/invasive species as a result of a frequently conscious introduction of alien species to forests in order to achieve economic gains. Unfortunately, we still lack data on the intensity of such invasions to forests on a larger scale. The aim of the paper is to provide a detailed qualitative and quantitative description of the existing regeneration of tree species, particularly the alien ones, and to determine the impact of selected factors on the regeneration of introduced species. The research was carried out in a mixed coniferous forest habitat in the "Uroczysko Główne". Particular focus was on the regeneration of alien species. Eight tree species were found to be regenerating naturally on the examined plots of which two were alien species. The scale of occurrence of alien species in comparison with native ones, particularly the black cherry, may now become a problem. Alien species accounted for nearly 25% of all tree species regeneration in the examined area and were noted in over half of the plots. It can therefore be said that the conditions occurring in the southern complex of the Niepołomice Forest have a great impact on tree regeneration and may favour spontaneous spread of alien species. The research helped to quantified and qualified the intensity of forest colonisation by the two most frequently occurring alien species.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 05; 333-340
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Biblioteka Nauki
Obce gatunki drzewiaste w północnym kompleksie Puszczy Niepołomickiej
Alien tree species in the northern part of the Niepolomice Forest
Gazda, A.
Szlaga, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Prunus serotina
Quercus rubra
gatunki obce
dab czerwony
czeremcha amerykanska
odnowienia lasu
Robinia pseudoacacia
Puszcza Niepolomicka
robinia akacjowa
odnowienia naturalne
drzewa lesne
In spite of the fact that the selection of introduced species in Poland is limited and their proportion in forest stands is in fact insignificant, the threat of launching the invasive processes on a large scale is highly probable. The Niepołomice Forest was selected as a study area because the species occurring in the stands are of alien origin and can be a source of diaspores for a spontaneous, natural regeneration of these species. The studies were conducted in the moist broadleaved forest habitat featuring high trophic and moisture conditions, thus being more susceptible to non−indigenous species invasion. At the study plots three of fourteen woody species occurring across the Forest i.e. red oak, and black cherry were described. So far, the occurrence of alien species in the study area has been on an insignificant scale when compared with the regeneration of native species. Currently, they occupy nearly 11% of the plots, representing about 3% of the total share in the regeneration of the main forest tree species.
Sylwan; 2008, 152, 04; 58-67
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prognoza rozwoju drzewostanów lasu naturalnego z wykorzystaniem modelu według klas wymiarów
Forecast of the development of natural forest resources using a size-class growth model
Gazda, A.
Miscicki, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
Abies alba
modele wzrostu
las naturalny
prognozowanie rozwoju
Bukowa Góra
jodła pospolita
model wzrostu według klas wymiarów
silver fir
Roztoczański National Park
European beech
The size−class growth model is an empirical model applicable for the prediction of the dynamics of natural forest growth. It is based on the following assumptions: (1) changes in the forest condition are determined on the basis of the sum of the changes that take place in individual size classes, (2) the trees in a given class are represented by single average tree, (3) the calculation of the future tree density distribution in size classes (fig. 1) is the main element of the prediction, and (4) the future tree density distribution is estimated on the basis of the initial structure, actual growth and mortality of trees in individual size classes. The aim of the research was to develop a size−class growth model to be used for the preparation of a medium−term forecast of natural forest dynamics. The study site is located on the Bukowa Góra Mt in the Roztoczański National Park (SE Poland). For the analyses we took all uneven−aged stands (128 ha in total) composed mostly of silver fir and European beech. The material was collected on 65 permanent sample plots every five years in the period 1991−2011. Trees with the breast height diameter (DBH)8 cm were measured on each sample plot (500 m2), while smaller trees – on three smaller concentric plots. We calculated, separately for fir and beech, the relationship between the mortality of trees and their diameter (fig. 2), the relationship between the diameter increment of trees and their DBH (figs. 3−4), the rate of saplings (h=0.3−1.3 m) growth into the first DBH class (DBH=0.1−1.9 cm). On the basis of these data, we elaborated a size−class growth model that we used to predict the development of timber resources (trees with DBH 8 cm) at 10−year intervals in the period 2001− −2041. In 2011, the predicted average standing volume was lower than the one actually measured. The forecast indicated an increase in the average standing volume (fig. 5), a reduction in the volume of ingrowth (fig. 6), an increase in the proportion of beech in the standing volume and ingrowth (figs. 5 and 7) and the maintenance of a similar density structure (fig. 8) throughout the period 2001−2041. The low accuracy of the prediction after 10 years (in 2011) was caused by the difference between the predicted and actual values of tree growth and mortality in the period 2001−2011.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 03; 207-218
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ warunków świetlnych panujących pod okapem drzewostanu na wielkość osobnika jeżyny gruczołowatej (Rubus hirtus Waldst. i Kit. agg.)
Effect of light conditions under the stand canopy on the size of blackberry (Rubus hirtus Waldst. and Kit. agg.) individuals
Gazda, A.
Janas, G.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
dno lasu
warunki swietlne
Rubus hirtus
krzewy leśne
jerzyna gruczołowata
wzrost roślin
light conditions
specimen size
rubus hirtus
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the forest floor light conditions on the size of blackberries. The research was conducted in the Forest Experimental Station (LZD) in Krynica (49°26'N, 20°52'E). In autumn 1999, 30 individuals were collected from two selected blackberry patches. The crown closure over the blackberry patch situated in the stand with a broken canopy accounted for 21%, while that over the patch located in the stand with the full canopy cover – 3%. The average weight of individuals from the patch beneath the dense canopy was 1.937 ±1.364 g, while individuals growing under a more open canopy were ten times greater and amounted to 18.027 ±11.993 g. The average length of shoots of individuals growing under the dense canopy was five times larger and equalled 42.4 ±35.2 cm and 278.7 ±186.7 cm, respectively. Blackberries growing under a more open canopy established every second shoot (47%) with a length exceeding 50 cm potentially capable of producing roots and thereby progeny ramets. Only one in ten shoots (13%) in individuals growing under the dense canopy was longer than 50 cm. Individuals growing under a more open canopy were several times larger, which means that the blackberry positively responded to the increased access to light by increasing the size of individuals. However, a large share of live shoot lengths in the total length of an individual from the patch under a more open stand canopy compared to the share of this parameter in the total length of an individual growing under the dense canopy suggests that under favourable conditions the expansion of this species is highly probable.
Sylwan; 2011, 155, 06; 393-400
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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