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Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2013 roku
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2013
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia przekładów
literatura słoweńska w Polsce
bibliography of translations
Slovenian literature in Poland
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2013 roku, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady opublikowane w czasopismach.
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2013 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 2; 203-207
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2016 roku
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the year 2014
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2017, 8, 2; 181-183
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w 2017 roku
The Bibliography of Translations of Slovenian Literature in Poland in 2017
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2019, 9, 3; 205-207
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 1990—2006
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the period 1990-2006
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia przekładów
literatura słoweńska w Polsce
bibliography of translations
Slovenian literature in Poland
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 1990-2006, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady opublikowane w czasopismach.
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the period 1990-2006 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2010, 1, 2; 11-49
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the period 2007-2012
Gawlak, Monika
Cieślar, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia przekładów
literatura słoweńskiej w Polsce
bibliography of translations
Slovenian literature in Poland
Bibliografia przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady publikowane w czasopismach.
The bibliography of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland in the period 2007-2012 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 4, 2; 419-450
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O przekładzie tytułu (na przykładzie prozy słoweńskiej)
O prevajanju naslova. Ob primerih iz slovenske proze
On the Translation of a Title (basing on the Slovenian prose)
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
prevod naslova
svoboda pri prevajanju
prevodi slovenske proze
tujost v prevodu
title translation
freedom of the interpreter
translating Slovenian prose
foreignness in translation
przekład tytułu
wolność tłumacza
przekłady prozy słoweńskiej
obcość w przekładzie
Članek obravnava problem svobode prevajalca pri prevajanju naslova proznega dela. To vprašanje se zdi bistveno ne samo zato, ker mora naslov v ciljnem jeziku ohraniti svoje glavne funkcije (identifikacijsko, obvestilno, pragmatično); potrebna sta tudi celovita analiza razmerja med izvirnim naslovom in delom ter upoštevanje „reprezentacijske” vloge naslova v drugotnem kulturnem okolju. Posebna pozornost je namenjena naslavljanju prevodov zbirk kratke proze s poimenovanji, ki so v izhodiščni kulturi že uveljavljeni kot naslovi drugih publikacij (Terra incognita, Noc w Lublanie). Prevajalec s tem zavede bralca in zlorabi prevajalsko svobodo. Članek analizira tudi prevode naslovov, ki ohranjajo značilen element tujosti (Čefurzy raus!), in naslove, ki zelo odstopajo od naslovov izvirnikov (Słońce w dolinie, Białe czereśnie, Pies). Največ možnosti za ustvarjalno svobodo ima prevajalec pri naslovih, ki vsebujejo element tujosti, takih, ki drugotnemu naslovniku ne vzbujajo skoraj nobenih asociacij. Zdi se, da je med omenjenimi praksami še najprimernejša opustitev izvirnega naslova in poimenovanje dela z naslovom, ki je plod interpretacije besedila ali navezave na eno izmed pomembnih tem ali motivov dela. A prevajalčevo svobodo tudi v tem primeru omejujejo pragmatične in etične zahteve. Prevajalca mora pri izbiri novega naslova voditi predvsem želja, da bi delu zagotovil čim širši krog bralcev v novem kulturnem okolju.
The article concerns the issue of the interpreter’s freedom concerning translations of the titles of prose works. The matter seems important not only because of the necessity of reserving the title’s essential functions (identification, information, pragmatics), not only because of the need of a complex analysis of the original title — work relationship, but also because of the ‘ambassadorial’ role of — this title in the secondary cultural space. Attention was drawn to the praxis of giving the interpreted collections of short stories (Terra Incognita, Noc w Lublanie) titles already existing in the initial culture and given to other publications. It is malpractice and misleading to a secondary reader. Also, the titles with a remaining foreign dominant element (Čefurzy raus!) and titles significantly different from the original titles (Słońce w dolinie, Białe czereśnie, Pies) were discussed. The space of freedom and the opportunity of a creative attitude appears especially in cases of titles containing a the foreign element, those which do not evoke almost any associations to the secondary reader. In these cases, the most appropriate practice seems to be deleting the original title and giving a new one, one dependent on the work’s interpretation or containing its important subject or topos. Then, the interpreter’s freedom is limited due to the nature of pragmatic and moral imperatives. In choosing the new title, the interpreter should be guided principally by the desire to ensure that the work reaches as many readers in the new cultural space as possible.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2015, 6, 1; 56-69
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od poezji „oszczędnej w słowa” do „trudnej” prozy dla dzieci. Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w latach 2016-2017
From Poetry “Sparing in Its Words” to “Difficult” Prose for Children. Translations of Slovenian Literature in 2016-2017
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Slovenian literature in Poland
Literary Translation
Reception of Translation
Veronika Dintinjana
Katja Gorečan
Evald Flisar
Maja Novak
Vlado Žabot
The aim of the article is to review the Slovenian literature translated into Polish in 2016 and 2017. The author of the article presents translations of Slovenian poetry, prose, books addressed to children, and drama. Some of the important publishers are indicated along with the most active translators, their probable motivations, and ways of obtaining funds for their publications. The author of the article is also interested in reception of traslated Slovenian literature in the target literary field.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2019, 9, 3; 209-227
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podwójne życie tłumacza
Translator’s Double Life
Dvojno zivljenje prevajalca
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Bernard Lahire
Pierre Bourdieu
literary field
Roger Caillois
literary translation
literarno polje
literarni prevod
Nacin delovanja (poljskih) prevajalcev juznoslovanskih literatur v druzbenem polju je v prispevku obravnavan kot primer „multiplicirane druzbene ude- lezbe” (B. Lahire), saj prevajalci najpogosteje vzporedno funkcionirajo v t. i. primarnem (poklicnem) polju, ki je povezano z njihovo zaposlitvijo, ter v literarnem polju/preva- jalskem subpolju. Udelezba v slednjem je bolj odgovor na notranji imperativ, na globljo potrebo po ustvarjanju/prevajanju, in pogosto ni pogojena s pridobivanjem financnih/ma- terialnih koristi. Gre za primer udelezbe v „igri”, ki je neposredno povezana z illusio (P. Bourdieu), torej s smislom, ki ga posameznik vidi v prevajanju literature. Razlago pojma „igra” kot enega osnovnih gonil za dosego pomembnih kulturnih dosezkov avtorica navaja za j. Huizingo in R. caillois ter jo uporablja za opis polozaja literarnih prevajalcev. Ti so udelezeni v „prevajalski igri”, ki jo dojemajo kot drazljaj kulturnega, intelektualnega in moralnega razvoja v individualni in druzbeni razseznosti. Obenem verjamejo v po- membno vlogo medkulturne komunikacije, kar je njihova glavna motivacija za prevajanje (zlasti v primeru t. i. manjśih literatur).
The manner of functioning of South Slavic literature (Polish) translators in the social field is presented in the article as a case of “multiplied social participation” (B. Lahire), because they usually participate collaterally in the so-called primary (profes¬sional) field, which is related to their paid work and also in the literary field / translation subfield. Participation in it is rather a response to an internal imperative, a profound need to create / translate, and is basically not conditioned by financial / material bene- fits. It is a case of participation in the “game” which has a direct connection with illusio (P. Bourdieu), that is, with a sense of meaning they see in the translation of literature. Understanding the notion of “game”, as one of the main drivers of the highest cultural achievements, the author quotes J. Huizinga and R. Caillois, using them to describe the situation of translators. Translators, taking part in the “game of translation”, treat it as an incentive for cultural, intellectual and moral development in the individual and social dimension. They believe in the value of intercultural communication, which is the main motivation of translations (especially in the case of so-called smaller literatures). Here you may also use the term of peripheral literature.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2018, 9, 1; 59-73
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podwójne życie tłumacza
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Translator’s Double Life The manner of functioning of South Slavic literature translators in the social field is presented in the article as a case of “multiplied social participation”, participation in the “game”, which they treat as an incentive for cultural, intellectual and moral development in the individual and social dimension. Methodological considerations on the translation presented in the article are based on the concepts of Barnard Lahire, Pierre Bourdieu, and Roger Caillois. KEY WORDS: Bernard Lahire, Pierre Bourdieu, literary field, game, Roger Caillois, literary translation
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2018, 9, 1
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podwojony dialog — przekładu i twórczości własnej — ujęcie komparatystyczne?
Dvojni dialog: dialog prevoda in lastne ustvarjalnosti — komparativistični pogled?
Doubled dialogue of the translation and own artistic work — comparative perspective?
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przekład literacki
Adam Wiedeman
Primož Čučnik
literarni prevod
Adam Wiedemann
literary translation
comparative study
Prispevek obravnava problematiko prevoda, kadar je prevajalec sicer tudi sam pisec literature. V takšnem primeru sta pomembna tako dialog poetike avtorja primarnega besedila s poetiko prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti, kot tudi relacije, v katere se zapleta konkretni prevod s prevajalčevimi (lastnimi) literarnimi besedili. Ti vprašanji odpirata široko področje prevodoslovnih in komparativističnih raziskav. Prevajanje in prevod, razumljen kot interpretacija, sta tu obravnavana v skladu s postulati sodobne komparativistike, torej kot dialog kultur, dialog literatur, ki vodi v nadaljnje dialoške odnose v okviru ciljne kulture in prevajalčeve lastne literarne ustvarjalnosti. Na Poljskem je to vprašanje mdr. aktualno v ustvarjalnosti (avtorski in prevajalski) Stanisława Barańczaka, Juliana Tuwima in Czesława Miłosza. Če gre za prevajanje slovenske literature na Poljskem in poljske v Sloveniji (po letu 1990), je glede tega zanimivo vzajemno prevajanje dveh pesnikov — Adama Wiedemanna in Primoža Čučnika. Funkcija njunih prevodov je bolj dopolnjujoča kot polemična. Pesnika eksplicitno opozarjata na medbesedilne relacije med svojimi teksti. Podobnost njunih avtorskih poetik in izbori besedil, ki (si) jih prevajata, pa pričajo o idejni, svetovnonazorski in estetski sorodnosti.
The subject of this article is concerning the area of translation created by an author, a writer. In such case not only the dialogue between poetics of an author’s primary texts and the poetics of self-translated texts is at importance. The relation in which particular translation is involved with the original author’s passages also cannot be diminished. Those problems open a wide space for the translation and comparative studies research. The translation is perceived as an interpretation seen accordingly to the postulates of modern comparative studies — so as an intercultural dialogue, the dialogue of literature, opening itself for further relations in the sphere of ultimate culture and the own artwork of the author of the translation. In Poland it applies to works (original and translational) of — among others — Stanisław Barańczak, Julian Tuwim or Czesław Miłosz. In reference to the translations of Slovenian literature in Poland and Polish literature in Slovenia (after year 1990) one of the fascinating phenomenon in this context would be mutual translation of their own texts of two poets — Adam Wiedemann and Primož Čučnik. Their translations function as a complement rather than polemic factor. The authors explicitly point to initiating the intertextual relations between their texts. The resemblance of the poetics and choices made in the scope of translation unveil the relationship in terms of an idea, outlook on the world and aesthetics.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 200-214
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poezja Gregora Strnišy w przekładzie Katariny Šalamun-Biedrzyckiej
Poezija Gregorja Strniše v prevodu Katarine Šalamun‑Biedrzycke
The Gregor Strniša’s poetry translated by Katarina Šalamun‑Biedrzycka
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Gregor Strniša
poezja słoweńska
Katarina Šalamun-Biedrzycka
wybory tłumacza
Slovene poetry
translator`s choices
Poezijo Gregorja Strniše, ki je eden najznamenitejših slovenskih pesnikov XX. stoletja, najobširneje predstavlja Katarina Šalamun‑Biedrzycka. Razen pesmi v antologiji Srebro in meh je izdala tudi samostojen izbor njegove poezije Odisej. Pričujoči članek obravnava prevajalske odločitve na treh nivojih — na nivoju izbora zbirk, pesmi ter posameznih prevajalskih preoblikovanj. Na nivoju izbora zbirk prevajalka ne upošteva treh zadnjih, ki najbolj izrazito predstavljajo idejo „vesoljske zavesti”, ki pa je celo najprepoznavnejša značilnost njegove ustvarjalnosti. Bralci prejemniške kulture torej nimajo možnosti za vsaj selektivno spoznanje zbirk, v katerih Strniša najbolj realizira (v okviru lirike) lastno koncepcijo sveta in vesolja. Na nivoju poetike besedil predstavlja prevajalka poezijo Strniše samo kot „stopnje naraščanja groze” in s tem precej zoži perspektivo pogleda na resničnost Strniševega pesniškega sveta samo na plat razsežnosti, ki jih navdihuje eksistencialna filozofija. Konfrontativna analiza besedil izvirnikov in prevodov pa je dokazala precejšnje odklone. Vsekakor pa je treba Katarini Šalamun‑Biedrzycki priznati, da je z obravnavanimi prevodi opravila pionirsko delo v približevanju Gregorja Strniše poljskojezičnim bralcem.
The poetry of Gregor Strniša — one of the greatest Slovenian poet of the XX century — is widely presented in Poland by Katarina Šalamun‑Biedrzycka. Apart from poetry anthology Silver and moss she also published independent selection of his poetry Odysseus. Presented article considers the translator’s choices on three levels — chosen poetry volumes, poems and translator’s transformations itself. On the level of chosen poetry volumes the translator omits the last three ones, clearly realizing specific for the artist idea of the „cosmic consciousness”. The circle of receiving audience is being devoided of even selective experience of the volumes’ character, in which Strnisa realizes (on the lyrical range) his conception of the world and universe. On the level of poetics translator presents Strniša’s poems only as „degrees of releasing terror” and at the same time limits the perspective of the created reality only to the dimension inspired by existentialist philosophy. Comparing the original text with the translation has proven that they differ significantly. However,alamun‑Biedrzycka’s translations undoubtedly deserve merit for their pioneering quality.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 227-241
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2013 — komentarz
Prevodi slovenske literature na Poljskem v letih od 2007 do 2013 — komentar
Slovenian literature translations published in Poland between 2007—2013 — the commentary
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przekład literacki
recepcja literatury słoweńskiej
polityka kulturalna
przekłady w Polsce
literarno prevajanje
recepcija slovenske literature
kulturna politika
prevodi na Poljskem
literary translation
Reception of Slovenian literature
cultural politics
translations in Poland
Komentar predstavlja prevode slovenske literature, izdane na Poljskem v letih 2007—2013. V tem obdobju so izšli prevodi slovenske proze (mdr. Jančarja, Virka, Žabota, Mazzinija , Vojnovića, Möderndorferja, Frančiča, Novakove) in poezije (mdr. Šalamuna, Čučnika, Kosovela, Franči ča, Osojnika, Kušarjeve) — tako v knjižni obliki kot tudi v revijalnih in časopisnih objavah. Izšle so še druge publikacije, kot so antologije ter zvezki, ki so sad prevajalskih delavnic. Komentar zajema knjižne izdaje, saj prav te oblikujejo literarno zavest sekundarne kulture. Razveseljivo je, da trenutno lahko opazimo vse več objav prevodov slovenske literature, saj se povečuje tudi potreba po dopolnitvi in izostritvi slike slovenske kulture v zavesti poljskega prejemnika, nekega »kulturnega stereotipa«, ki ga bralci usvajajo s prihajajočimi besedili. Kar zadeva recepcijo, se zdi ključnega pomena, da so prevodi slovenskih avtorjev izšli v samozaložbah ali pri lokalnih založnikih (z izjemo Jančarja, Virka in Čučnika). Razvidno je, da bi bilo koristno ustanoviti dosledno kulturno in založniško politiko ter zagotoviti ustrezno širitveno strategijo, ki bi prispevala k okrepljenemu in razširjenemu tvornemu dialogu med slovensko in poljsko literaturo.
The commentary constitues a presentation of Slovenian literature translations published in Poland between 2007—2013. In mentioned period of time the translation of prose (among others written by Jančar, Virk, Žabot, Mazzini, Vojnovic, Möderndorfer, Frančič, Novak) and Slovenian poetry (Šalamun, Čučnik, Kosovel, Frančič, Osojnik, Kušar) appeared both as independent book publications as well as texts presented in periodicals and regular press. Also publications printed as anthology and releases which were a result of translation workshops were developed. In the commentary the author’s concern focuses mainly on books publications due to the fact that they are shaping the literary awareness of secondary culture. It is comforting that presently the increasing tendency for publishing translations of Slovenian literature can be observed. There is a growing need to strengthen and complement the image of Slovenian culture in the Polish reader’s consciousness, a kind of “cultural stereotype” which the reading community assimilate along with the growth of another texts. From the perspective of reception the most important issue seems to be that translations of Slovenian authors (besides Jančar, Virk and Čučnik) were published by independent, local and niche publishing houses. It is clearly seen that creating a coherent cultural‑publishing strategy and providing appropriate popularizing strategy would contribute to enriching, creative dialogue between Slovenian and Polish literature.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 2; 209-221
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola Instytutu Mikołowskiego w upowszechnianiu przekładów literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w ostatnich latach
The Mikołowski Institute’s Role in Promoting Slovenian Literature in Poland in the last years
Vloga Mikolovskega inštituta v razširjanju prevodov slovenskega leposlovja na Poljskem v zadnjih letih
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Slovenska literatura na Poljskem
Mikolovski inštitut
Pierre Bourdieu
simbolični kapital
Slovenian literature in Poland
The Mikołowski Institute
symbolic capital
Prispevek se nanaša na slovenske literarne publikacije, ki jih je v letih 2012—2015 redno izdajal Mikolovski inštitut Rafała Wojaczka. Obravnava vloge založniških hiš pri spodbujanju prevajanja periferne literature, pri čemer se opira na teorijo družbenih polj Pierra Bourdieuja. Avtorica opozarja na mehanizme in motivacijo za nastajanje teh publikacij — tako na strani založnika kot prevajalca. Loti se tudi vprašanja skrbi za zunanjo podobo prevodne publikacije ter prisotnosti oz. odsotnosti paratekstov. Povečanje zanimanja za nišno literaturo (vključno s tujo) je nedvomno posledica illusia (Bourdieu), torej verovanja v pomen literarne, prevajalske in založniške dejavnosti ter njenih estetskih in družbenih učinkov. Taka zavest je prisotna med člani Mikolovskega inštituta in drugimi, ki so vključeni v založniški proces (npr. prevajalci). Zato si Mikolovski inštitut za svoje zanimanje za tujo in (z gledišča literarnega polja prejemniške literature) periferno književnost, poskus transferja simboličnega kapitala slovenskih ustvarjalcev ter za svojo relativno avtonomijo na področju založništva zasluži vse priznanje.
This article focuses on the dissemination of Slovenian literature in Polish by the Rafał Wojaczek Institute in Mikołów between 2012 and 2015. The author approaches the role of publishers in promoting literatures that are viewed from the Polish perspective as marginal using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social fields. She points to the mechanisms and motivations of both the publisher and the translators, addresses issues related to graphic design, and examines the impact of paratextuality. The appreciation of non -mainstream literatures, including translations, stems from Bourdieu’s notion of illusio, a belief shared by the Institute’s staff and the team supporting the publishing process (i.e. translators) in the value of literature, translation and publishing, and their aesthetic and social impacts. The interest of the Mikołowski Institute in propagating fringe literatures, its attempts to transfer symbolic Slovenian capital into Polish and its relative autonomy in the publishing market are well worth noting.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 2; 167-179
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość Čefura w polskim przekładzie powieści Gorana Vojnovicia pt. "Čefurji raus!"
Identiteta Čefurja v prevodu romana Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!"
Čefur’s identity in translation of Goran Vojnovic’s novel entitled "Čefurji raus!"
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bariery kulturowe w tłumaczeniu
tożsamość w przekładzie
Goran Vojnović
polskie przekłady literatury słoweńskiej
Tomasz Łukaszewicz
kulturne bariere v prevodu
identiteta v prevodu
poljski prevodi slovenske literature
cultural barrier in the translation
identity in the translation
Polish translations of the Slovenian literature
Roman Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!" v poljskem prevodu Tomasza Łukaszewicza je za poljskega bralca nedvomno priložnost za soočenje s kulturno drugačnostjo, hkrati pa pred njim odpira pomembno problematiko iskanja identitete v okvirih večkulturnosti. Prevajalec se je lotil zelo težke in ambiciozne naloge. Težave, s katerimi se je moral soočiti, so v primeru prevajanja romana, ki se loteva problematike večkulturnosti in subkulture, multiplicirane. Primerjalna analiza izvirnika in prevoda romana je pokazala, da dobiva identiteta čefurja v prevodu univerzalnejše poteze kot v izvirniku. Do tega je prišlo predvsem zaradi kulturne bariere, ki jo predstavlja za prevajalca v primeru tega romana velika raznolikost jezika, pač glede na narodnostno pripadnost literarnih junakov. Ta diferenciacija je nosilka bistvenih informacij in izvir identifikacije junakov, kar pa je v prevodu zreducirano. Žal ni se prevajalec potrudil, da bi individualiziral govorico junakov z raznimi rejestri jezika in različno močjo slenga, komizma ali vulgarizma. Nekatere prevajalčeve odločitve tudi ali zaostrujejo opozicijo svoji — tuji, na podlagi katere junaki definirajo svoj odnos do okolice in oblikujejo lastno identiteto, ali pa poudarjajo familiarni značaj relacij, obstoječih na obrobju čefurske družbe. Na stilistični ravni je jezik junakov vulgarnejši in skromnejši glede števila komičnih elementov, zaradi česar se zdi čefur v poljski recepciji bolj obscen in manj senzibilen. Omenjene premike signalizirajo nezadostljive retorično-pragmatične kompetence prevajalca. Zaradi nastalih pomenskih izgub postanejo izrazitejše univerzalne lastnosti junaka, roman pa se zdi za sekundarnega sprejemnika atraktiven — saj se z obravnavano problematiko lažje poistoveti.
Goran Vojnovic’s novel "Čefurji raus!" in Tomasz Łukaszewicz’s Polish translation is undoubtedly an opportunity to commune with cultural otherness, and, simultaneously, it touches upon the issue of seeking one’s identity in the face of multiculturalism. The translator undertook a very difficult and ambitious task. In the translation of the novel, which deals with the issue of multiculturalism and subculture, the difficulties the translator is confronted with are being multiplied. The comparative analysis of the original and the translation of the novel reveals that Čefur’s identity in the translation has gained more universal frames than in the original. It is mainly because of the cultural barrier which, for the translator, is a strong differentiation between main characters’ language in terms of their nationality. It is a means of conveying vital information as well as a source of characters’ identification which in the original is reduced. Unfortunately the translator did not make an attempt to individualize the characters’ speech using, for example, different language registers or elements of slang, humour, or vulgarity. At the same time, some of the translator’s choices either sharpen the opposition friend-stranger on the basis of which the characters define their attitude to the surroundings and shape their own identity or enhance the familiar character of the relations which take place within Čefurian community. At the stylistic level, the main characters’ language is more crude and limited in comic elements. And thus, in the Polish context, Čefur appears to be more obscene and less sensitive. These displacements give evidence to the translator’s inefficient rhetorical and pragmatic abilities. Despite the fact that, as a consequence of semantic losses the universal features of the main character’s identity are clearer, the novel may become attractive to secondary readers because of the possibility of identification with the analysed issue.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 13-31
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartość komentarza w przekładzie (na przykładzie literatury słoweńskiej)
The value of comment in Translation: the example of Slovenian literature
Vrednost komentarja v prevodu (primer slovenske literature)
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura słoweńska
komunikacja międzykulturowa
Slovenian literature
cross-cultural communication
paratekst, komentar, prevajanje, slovenska književnost, medkulturna komunikacija
The article deals with the role of comment (as a kind of paratext), which gains a particular status in translation, becoming an additional medium between the author/translator/editor and the primary text and the secondary recipient as well as their cultural universe. This seems important because the translated text is to function in a new environment, a new cultural space; it is supposed to find its way to a new audience, and thus this type of expressions “support” translation in its most important role of a link in cross-cultural communication. The role, nature, and importance of paratext-comments (introductions, prefaces, postscripts) have been examined in the context of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland basing on selected examples. Both the comments of experts-researchers, as well as interpreters themselves, have been taken into consideration. The author notes that, from the ethical point of view, a commentary becomes contributive to the slow process of the recipient realizing the presence of an interpreter and inter-subjective nature of translation, extracts the unfamiliar categories of perception and understanding of the world, brings them closer, making the gesture of seeking “imagined communities”.
Članek obravnava vlogo komentarja (kot vrsto parateksta), ki pridobi svojevrsten status v prevodu, tako da postane dodatna oblika posredovanja med avtorjem / prevajalcem / založnikom in izvirnim besedilom ter naslovnikom prevoda in njegovim kulturnim univerzumom. To se zdi pomembno, saj naj bi prevedeno besedilo zaživelo v novem okolju in kulturnem prostoru, našlo naj bi pot do novega občinstva, torej taka vrsta izraza “podpira” prevod v njegovi verjetno najbolj pomembni vlogi posrednika v medkulturni komunikaciji. vloga, značaj in pomen paratekstov-komentarjev (uvodov, predgovorov, pripisov) so bili proučevani v okviru prevodov slovenske literature na Poljskem, in sicer na podlagi izbranih primerov. Upoštevani so bili komentarji tako raziskovalcev-strokovnjakov kot tudi samih prevajalcev. avtorica ugotavlja, da komentar v etičnem pogledu prispeva k počasnemu procesu uzaveščenja naslovnika o prevajalčevi prisotnosti in intersubjektivnega značaja prevoda, pridobiva neznane kategorije dojemanja in razumevanja sveta, jih približuje, s tem pa išče “pojmovno skupnost” (“imagined commu- nities”).
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2017, 8, 1; 57-69
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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