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Analysis of performance of short tree logging with farm tractor and logging trailer
Analiza wydajności zrywki drewna krótkiego przy użyciu ciągnika rolniczego i przyczepy zrywkowej
Kormanek, M.
Fiszer, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
logging unit
working time structure
agregat zrywkowy
struktura czasu pracy
The paper presents analysis of efficiency of the logging unit comprising Belarus 820 farm tractor and PD80 logging trailer equipped with Ryś-1 crane. Analysis was made based on the working day timing. The unit logged 1- meter long tree pieces (hornbeam, oak, birch) from the area where material for logging was distributed irregularly on the entire felling site. Unfavourable atmospheric conditions were reported during the working day (a thick layer of snow, low temperature, not frozen soil) which could have influenced the unit operation performance. Despite that the performance of the logging unit was comparable to similar logging units described in the literature. Determined coefficient of use of the operating time of the machine K02 was 0.93, coefficient of use of the shift working time K04 - 0.9, coefficient of use of the shift exploitation time K07 - 0.8. Hourly performance in the shift exploitation time was 4.98 m3 h-1 , efficiency in the shift working time W02 - 4.80 m3 h-1 and performance in the general shift time W07 - 4.30 m3 h-1.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wydajności zestawu zrywkowego składającego się z rolniczego ciągnika uniwersalnego Belarus 820 oraz przyczepy zrywkowej PD 80 wyposażonej w żuraw Ryś-1. Analizy pracy zestawu dokonano w oparciu o chronometraż dnia roboczego. Zestaw w trakcie badań zrywał sortyment o długości 1 metra (grab, dąb, brzoza) z powierzchni gdzie materiał do zrywki był rozłożony w sposób nieuporządkowany na całej powierzchni zrębu. Jak stwierdzono w ciągu dnia roboczego panowały niesprzyjające warunki atmosferyczne (gruba warstwa śniegu, niska temperatura, niezamarznięta gleba), co mogło wpłynąć na efektywność pracy zestawu. Mimo to, wydajności uzyskane przez zestaw zrywkowy były porównywalne z podobnymi zestawami zrywkowymi opisywanymi w literaturze. Wyznaczony współczynnik wykorzystania operacyjnego czasu pracy maszyny K 02 wyniósł 0,93, współczynnik wykorzystania roboczego czasu zmiany K04 - 0,9, współczynnik wykorzystania eksploatacyjnego czasu zmiany K 07 - 0,8. Godzinowa wydajność w eksploatacyjnym czasie zmiany W 02 wyniosła 4,98 m3 h-1 , wydajność w roboczym czasie zmiany W 02 - 4,80 m3 h-1 , a wydajność w ogólnym czasie zmiany W 07 - 4,30 m3 h-1.
Agricultural Engineering; 2018, 22, 2; 29-38
Pojawia się w:
Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia Europejska dziś i jej niepewna przyszłość. Cz.I
The European Union at present, and its uncertain future. Part I
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
European Union
financial crisis
international order
There is no doubt that the European Union, which is the result of European integration, is an unprecedented entity in the history of international relations. It is a symbol of a new, united Europe, which, after negative experiences, decided to become a safe continent, and therefore eliminate once and for all war from the life of its states and nations. Unfortunately, the idea of ‘eternal peace,’ which many politicians and philosophers dreamed about, has failed to be fully implemented to this day. Moreover, the recent war in the Balkans and the current Russian-Ukrainian war still make this idea impossible in international relations in Europe. The purpose of this paper is to present the European Union today, ten years after its 2004 enlargement by a further ten countries, including eight from the former Eastern bloc. The paper shows the strengths and weaknesses of the EU, which – although significantly strengthened by the Eastern enlargement – still cannot cope with many economic, political, social and international problems. The author of this paper tries to come up with answers to many questions concerning the present EU: why is this happening, what are the reasons for it and what are the prospects for the EU in the 21st century. The main thesis is that the EU needs overhauling, so it can continue to grow and be an engine of European integration. If this does not happen, though, the EU will begin to crumble and eventually disintegrate, or become no more than a free trade zone.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2015, 9; 39-55
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosunki Unia Europejska – Chiny w XXI wieku
EU-China Relations in the 21st Century
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
European Union
international relations
multipolar world
21st century Article
Unia Europejska
stosunki międzynarodowe
multipolarny świat
XXI wiek
Today, EU and China – along the US – undoubtedly play a key role in the international arena. They have established strategic partnership in their bilateral relations and strive to develop cooperation in all areas. Yet, they also dissent on many important issues. In this article, I investigate the premises of EU- China bilateral relations, as well as opportunities and threats to both parties as far as their status on the global stage is concerned. Moreover, I test the thesis I deem controversial, which claims that the 21st century will be Asian century, and de facto the era of China. The literature on contemporary China, on the role it plays in the international arena and on its relations with the EU is abundant. However no definite answer has been given yet as to where China is heading and whether rhe EU will break up in the 21st century. China’s “turn to multilateralism” is questioned, with some researchers claiming that it simply serves to conceal China’s long-term goal, i.e. taking control over the world in the second half of the 21st century.
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że zarówno Unia Europejska, jak i Chiny odgrywają dziś – obok Stanów Zjednoczonych – główne role na arenie międzynarodowej. We wzajemnych relacjach mają status partnerów strategicznych i starają się rozwijać współpracę we wszystkich dziedzinach, ale też występują między nimi różnice zdań i stanowisk w wielu istotnych sprawach. Na łamach niniejszego artykułu próbuję pokazać przesłanki, szanse i zagrożenia dla obu tych aktorów na arenie międzynarodowej oraz ich wzajemne relacje dziś i w przyszłości. Ponadto próbuję zweryfikować kontrowersyjną – moim zdaniem – hipotezę, lansowaną przez wielu badaczy, a która zakłada, że wiek XXI będzie wiekiem Azji, czyli de facto Chin. Na temat współczesnych Chin i ich roli na arenie międzynarodowej oraz stosunków z Unią Europejską ukazało się już dużo publikacji na całym świecie, ale wciąż nie wiemy dokąd tak naprawdę Chiny zmierzają i czy Unia Europejska nie rozpadnie się w XXI wieku? Istnieją też wątpliwości odnośnie chińskiego „zwrotu w kierunku multilateralizmu”. Zdaniem niektórych badaczy, ma on całkowicie pozorny charakter i służy tylko do kamuflowania dalekosiężnych celów ChRL, czyli przejęcia przez nią kontroli nad światem w drugiej połowie XXI wieku.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2017, 11; 399-416
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje reform Unii Europejskiej i jej stanowisko wobec integracji Europy
The concepts of European Union reforms and its position towards the integration of Europe
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
European Union
European Commission
European Parliament
European integration
Unia Europejska
Komisja Europejska
Parlament Europejski
integracja Europy
This article is devoted to the position of the European Union authorities and its main bodies on the reforms necessary for the Union to become a driving force in the further process of European integration. Its aim is to analyze the current EU condition and outline the prospects for its development. The main bodies of the Union, inter alia The Commission and the European Parliament and the European Council have in recent years reported a wide range of EU ‘recovery’ strategies and proposals but few have been implemented. The European Union is still drifting and losing its authority on the international scene, and European integration is in decline. In this study, I put a few theses, hypotheses and research questions to which I am trying to give comprehensive answers. One of these also concerns the great enlargement of the EU in 2004, and the other one introducing the single currency – the euro.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest stanowisku władz Unii Europejskiej i jej głównych organów w sprawie koniecznych dla Unii reform, które są niezbędne, aby stała się ona siłą motoryczną w dalszym procesie integracji Europy. Jego celem jest analiza obecnej kondycji UE i zarysowanie perspektyw jej rozwoju. Główne organy Unii, Komisja i Parlament Europejski oraz Rada Europejska w ostatnich latach zgłosiły wiele różnych strategii i propozycji „naprawy” UE, ale niewiele z nich zostało wprowadzonych w życie. Unia Europejska wciąż dryfuje i traci swój autorytet na arenie międzynarodowej, a integracja Europy przeżywa regres. W opracowaniu tym stawiam kilka tez, hipotez i pytań badawczych, na które próbuję udzielić w miarę wyczerpujących odpowiedzi. Jedna z tych tez dotyczy wielkiego rozszerzenia UE w 2004 roku, a druga wprowadzenia wspólnej waluty – euro.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2019, 13; 43-59
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska prezydencja w Radzie Unii Europejskiej (sukcesy i porażki)
The Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union (successes and failures)
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The purpose of this study is to attempt to show the positive and negative, or favorable and unfavorable, preconditions of the Polish presidency and its assessment. The main proposition is that the presidency was an unprecedented event in Polish history and has had a significant social, political, cultural, economic and international impact, while its consequences will continue to be felt for a long time. The Polish presidency, like all EU presidencies, stirred considerable emotions and its outcomes have already produced divergent opinions among experts, researchers and politicians. It is still too early to present an exhaustive and objective assessment of the presidency, but this does not mean that it cannot be analyzed, examined or have conclusions drawn from it. The author tries to present that despite some negative preconditions that did not encourage the Polish presidency, and the absence of any spectacular successes, the assessment of the Polish presidency has been positive, and Poland deserves both credit and distinction for passing such a stern test despite lacking in experience and facing numerous difficulties. The author also tries to show that the Polish presidency was calm and focused on seeking understanding and compromise; and that it was better than the Czech or Hungarian presidencies. It is unfortunate that the global media were relatively uninterested in the Polish leadership of the Council, which was consequently overshadowed by such events as the crisis in the euro zone, the financial and economic tragedy in Greece, the Arab Spring, and the parliamentary elections in Poland and in Russia.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2012, 2; 29-47
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
POLISH FOREIGN POLICY TOWARDS SMALL EAST-CENTRAL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES (1989-2009) (Polityka zagraniczna Polski wobec małych krajów Europy Srodkowo-Wschodniej (1989-2009))
Fiszer, Jozef M.
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
The present article is a thorough politological analysis of the contemporary international relations. It is aimed at presenting and attempting to assess Polish foreign policy in the years 1989-2009, giving special consideration to the policy towards small East-Central European countries, i.e. closer and further neighbors of Poland. Showing successes and failures of Polish foreign policy in the years 1989-2009, the author tries to answer the question about the new Polish foreign policy strategy after 2004, i.e. after its accession to the European Union. He proposes many interesting theses, including one that Poland, as a medium size country with its demographic, economic and military potential, could successfully play a role of a leader in East-Central Europe, or even function as a regional superpower gathering around it such countries as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and even Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria, as well as Scandinavian countries. Taking into account the changing power order at the international arena at the beginning of the 21st century and the development of a new, multi-polarized international order, the author suggests that apart from the co-operation with the small countries of the region, Polish foreign policy should be based on the following assumptions: firstly, the European Union must be a foundation stone of Polish foreign policy; secondly, NATO must be the foundation for Polish security policy; thirdly, Poland should develop co-operation and versatile relations with the United States but it should not support those aspects of American foreign and security policy which do not serve the interests of the West, nor international stability, and question UN's credibility and are aimed at creating divisions in Europe and the world. The author used such research methods as an analysis of documents and international processes and a diagnostic comparative method.
Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna; 2010, 1(28); 129-160
Pojawia się w:
Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Book review: Jan Zielonka, “Europe as an Empire. Fresh Glance at the European Union”, The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2007, pp. 268
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Józef M. Fiszer
Jan Zielonka
Seemingly the European Union topic, globalisation and new international order issues have received enough attention, with scores of books published on the subject, innumerable conferences and seminars held, both in Poland as well as in countries all over the world, Western Europe in particular. Despite all that, many questions bothering academics and politicians remained unanswered, not to mention ordinary people in EU member states and countries aspiring to the Union membership. Still no one knows in what direction the changes should proceed, in relation to the European Union as well as the rest of the world, commonly referred to as globalisation or economic globalisation processes. We still do not know the future shape of Europe or the world. It is unknown to us what the new international order will look like, what main centres of power will develop, responsible for worldwide harmony, security, and peace. For that very reason the European Union idea, globalisation and integration processes have as many supporters as adversaries. What’s more, those who until recently were the enthusiasts of globalisation, are saying today, like the Noble laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz, that the way “in which globalisation is conducted, (…) should be thoroughly well-thought-out again”. At the same time we observe the renaissance of all kind of nationalisms and attempts to glorify the concept of an ethnic state, as a counterweight to commonwealth and above-national structures. It appears that the ideas that once united Europe, peace and prosperity, are not sufficient today.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2008, 37; 208-213
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Essence, Premises and Perspectives of Modernisation of the European Union
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
modernisation of policy
the European Union
Modernisation of the European Union or just another modifi cation? Such a dilemma appears regularly during all inter-governmental conferences, specially before and after approving another revision treaty for the European Union. To answer such a question, fi rst the essence and meaning of these terms has to be explained, and to do so, the best option is to refer to their etymology. And so, according to the PWN “Dictionary of Foreign Words”, ‘modification’ »latin modification = measuring« is a change, transformation, remake; a modifi ed object, while ‘modernisation’ »fr. moderne = modern« is making something modern or making something contemporary’. Therefore, modernisation shall mean a broader and deeper process, these are actions leading to radical transformations and changes as compared to modifi cation, which usually precedes modernisation. It may then be said that as far as the European Union is concerned, commencing from its origination by the Maastricht treaty of 7th February 1992 till the latest revision treaty, i.e. the Lisbon treaty which became eff ective on 1st December 2009, we only witnessed its successive (permanent) modifi cation, that is slow transformations which were generally named extension and enhancement processes. Today, after nearly twenty years of remakes and use, the European Union needs not only a radical overhaul but rather modernisation, meaning its update and adapting to contemporary times. Today, the European Union requires adaptation to challenges and requirements of the 21st century determined by acceleration and globalisation progressing within all spheres of life.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2012, 41; 307-322
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanowisko Rosji i Niemiec wobec akcesji Polski do NATO
Russia and Germany’s Stance on Poland’s Accession to NATO
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Po wyborach parlamentarnych w czerwcu 1989 r. i rozpoczęciu transformacji ustrojowej Polska podjęła starania o członkostwo w strukturach euroatlantyckich, które uwieńczone zostały akcesją do NATO i Unii Europejskiej. Polska musiała jednak pokonać wiele barier, w tym przezwyciężyć sprzeciw Rosji i uzyskać wsparcie Stanów Zjednoczonych i Niemiec, które wbrew deklaracjom i obietnicom polityków w praktyce nie były tak entuzjastycznie i jednoznacznie nastawione. Artykuł ukazuje negatywne stanowisko Rosji i postawę Niemiec wobec starań Polski w latach 1989–1999 o członkostwo w NATO.
After the parliamentary elections in June 1989 and the beginning of the political and systemic transformations, Poland made efforts to join the Euro-Atlantic partnership, culminating in the accession to NATO and the European Union. However, Poland had to overcome many barriers, including overcoming Russia’s opposition and gaining the support of the United States and Germany, which, despite politicians’ declarations and promises, in practice was not so enthusiastic and unambiguous. The article shows Russia’s negative stance and Germany’s attitude toward Poland’s efforts to join NATO in 1989–1999.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2022, 57, 1; 185-215
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka narodowa w warunkach globalizacji i integracji
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
In this paper an attempt has been made to show the essence and the role of knowledge for the development of national economy in the context of globalization and integration, with particular focus on Poland. Knowledge – in its broad meaning – and especially science and technology have always decided about the economic development of various countries and about the conditions of existence of their respective nations. At the same time, the pace of economic development has been one of the main factors having influence on economic, social and political independence and sovereignty as well as security of every country and its position on the international stage. On the other hand, ensuring economic and civilization development and internal peace is a duty of each state and its authorities also nowadays, in the context of globalization and integration. The author has made an attempt to answer numerous questions concerning globalization and its impact on national economy and, in general, on the situation and future of national states. Among others, a question has been put whether globalization and integration pose a threat to national economy or, vice versa, whether they contribute to their development, imposing a necessity to introduce organizational, modernization, ecc. changes in economic policies of these states. There are several theories concerning the image of national economy at the end of the globalization process. However, no answer has been given yet to the question whether complete globalization – i.e. globalization with no economic borders, without “global government” and without a single currency for the whole world – is at all possible. There is no doubt, however, that the scale of the impact of globalization and integration on the development and functioning of national states and their economies will increase continually. In result, the future of many states and their economies, including Poland, will change considerably. We need to prepare ourselves carefully so that this change can be positive. Poland as well as the whole European Union have to race with the world and not to run on the spot, fearing globalization. First of all, economic policy should favour scientific research, education of infrastructure development (telecommunications, the Internet, transport, ecc.) We have to develop modern economy based on knowledge and new technologies. If we fail to do it soon, we will waste one of the chances, rare in our history, to shorten the distance which separates us from the developed countries in Europe and in the world. Looking into the future, we can make a hypothesis that the Polish economy will be able to quickly go through another transformation and achieve a modern economy, based mainly on such services which contribute to the creation and spreading knowledge, technology and information, but also culture. Otherwise, Poland could be pushed to a marginal position. Transformation will be quick because we must first complete restructuring of our industry and agriculture. This does not mean that industrial or agricultural activity should disappear. To the contrary: we mean here the key links, that is creating technologies of manufacture and design and – in my opinion – essential in the future – technologies of security management as well as management of stability of information flow and material service carriers.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2007, 18; 11-33
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parlament Europejski – geneza i rozwój, działalność, struktura oraz znaczenie dla procesów integracyjnych w Europie
European Parliament
Fiszer, Józef M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The paper is devoted to one of the oldest and major organs of the European Union, namely the European Parliament. It presents the origin and development of this institution dating back to the first European Communities i.e. European Coal and Steel Community of 1952 and the European Economic Community of 1957. The author describes the prerogatives of the Parliament acquired progressively together with the development of the European Communities and the EU, its members and structure and the organization of work. A lot of emphasis is put on the role of the European Parliament in the integration process and building the united Europe. The paper also contains a lot of Polish aspects e.g. it describes the Polish road to the EU and the European Parliament and the course and results of the election to this EU institution in June 2004 when Poles (for the first time in history) elected their members of the European Parliament. The author also attempts to present the perspectives of the European Parliament in the enlarging European Union stressing the fact that before it is possible a new vision of the EU and the uniting Europe has to be worked out, the vision which does not seem to be easy to achieve. The concept like this is still non-existent and the author doubts that we can soon expect its creation.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2006, 15-14; 31-57
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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