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Spór o białorutenizację Kościoła katolickiego na Białorusi
The Dispute about Belorussification of the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus
Dworzecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
chrześcijaństwo na Białorusi
język modlitwy
księża na Białorusi
Christianity in Belarus
the language of prayer
priests in Belarus
Belorussification is explained as the process of change of direction of thelocal Roman Catholic Church from Polish national to Belarussian. It aimsto becoming an independent Church as the religious standalone institutionon the area of the autonomous Republic of Belarus. In practice it primarilymeans the change of the language used in the local Church. It causes anopposition on the part of the faithful (mainly from the older generation)and the Union of Poles in Belarus.The dispute about belorussification incorporates political, identity, historicaland practical issues. The Synod of the Archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev,Pinsk and Vitebsk in 2000 ordained both languages (Polish and Belarussian)as languages of the Roman Catholic Church in dioceses participating inthe synod in Belarus. It depends on priests’ decision in what language theycommunicate with faithful and celebrate the church liturgical services.Basically the priests want to fulfill their role as pastors and hence theychoose the language suitable to communicate with the faithful – Belarussianand even Russian, whereas Polish is used for prayers only where it isexplicitly mentioned. The choice made by them is not dictated by politicalorganizations, but it is the conscious and calculated decision consideringthe neeeds of the faithful, the political correctness and personal attitudetowards missionary work.The paper is an attempt to respond to the accusation of Roman Dzwonkowski,Ewa Golachowska and Zdzisław Winnicki who claim that the churchesat present have become a tool of belorussification of Poles, in particularchildren and teenagers, by the clergy which has come from Poland. Thesubject raised in this thesis aims at explaining the decision of the priestswho choose belorussification, by taking into account their perspective andthe historical-political context.
Collectanea Theologica; 2016, 86, 2; 115-139
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska i białoruska tożsamość Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego na Białorusi. Historia a współczesne dylematy
Dworzecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
national identity, Catholic Church, Belarutenization, Polonization, Belarusian Catholics
tożsamość narodowa, Kościół katolicki na Białorusi, białorutenizacja, polonizacja, białoruscy katolicy
нацыянальная ідэнтычнасць, каталіцкая царква на Беларусі, бела- русізацыя, паланізацыя, беларускія католікі
This article discusses the complex identity of the Catholic Church in Belarus. It constitutes a response to the voices of several researchers postulating that the local Catholic Church declare itself part of the Polish nation. The author reflects on the possibility itself of a religion – whether as an institution or as a community of believers – having a national identity, and on how this issue is present in Belarus. Based on different theories regarding social identity, and on anthropological field research, conducted among priests and Belarusian Catholics in the years 2013–2017, she attempts to prove the coexistence of two non-exclusive national identities of the Church in Belarus, i.e. Belarusian and Polish. The author thus stands up to the critical voices blaming the ecclesial institutions for either the Belarutenization or the Polonization of their believers. According to the author, the perception of identity as variable and complex, i.e. composed of numerous affiliations, is a prerequisite for the reconciliation of the Polish and Belarusian identities of the Church without the necessity of choosing one of them – a concept compatible with the main attribute of the Catholic Church being its universality.
Artykuł porusza problem złożonej tożsamości Kościoła katolickiego na Białorusi. Jest on odpowiedzią na głosy niektórych polskich badaczy domagających się, aby Kościół lokalny opowiedział się za przynależnością do narodu polskiego. Autorka rozważa w nim, czy w ogóle możliwe jest posiadanie przez konfesję traktowaną jako instytucję, ale także wspólnotę wiernych, tożsamości narodowej oraz w jaki sposób problem ten obecny jest w Kościele na Białorusi. Odwołując się do różnych teorii społecznych tożsamości, a także antropologiczne badania terenowe, które prowadziła wśród kapłanów i białoruskich katolików w latach 2013–2017, stara się dowieść, iż na omawianym terenie miała okazję obserwować występowanie dwóch niewykluczających się tożsamości narodowych Kościoła: białoruskiej i polskiej. Tym samym przeciwstawia się krytycznym głosom, oskarżającym instytucje kościelne o białorutenizację lub polonizację wiernych. Według autorki dopiero skorygowanie sposobu postrzegania tożsamości jako zmiennej i złożonej z licznych przynależności pozwala pogodzić polską i białoruską tożsamość Kościoła bez konieczności dokonywania wyboru jednej z nich, co jest zgodne z głównym atrybutem Kościoła, za jaki uznano jego powszechność.
Артыкул разглядае праблему складанай ідэнтычнасці каталіцкага касцёла на Беларусі. Гэта рэакцыя на выказванні некаторых польскіх даследчыкаў, якія патрабуюць, каб мясцовы касцёл заявіў пра сваю прыналежнасць да польскага народа. Аўтар разважае, ці наогул магчыма, каб канфесія як інстытуцыя, але адначасова і супольнасць вернікаў, магла мець нацыянальную ідэнтычнасць, а таксама ў якой ступені гэтая праблема датычыць касцёла на Беларусі. На падставе розных тэорый ідэнтычнасці, а таксама ўласных антрапалагічных палявых даследаванняў, якія праводзіліся сярод святароў і беларускіх католікаў у перыяд 2013–2017 гг., аўтар прагне даказаць, што на даследаванай тэрыто- рыі суіснуюць дзве нацыянальныя ідэнтычнасці каталіцкіх вернікаў, яны не выключаюць сябе ўзаемна: беларуская і польская. Такім чынам, вынікі даследавання абвяргаюць крытычныя меркаванні, у якіх інстытуцыя касцёла абвінавачваецца ў беларусіфікацыі або паланізацыі католікаў. Паводле аўтара, толькі карэкта спосабу разумення ідэнтычнасці як зменнай і складзенай са шматлікіх элементаў прыналежнасці дазваляе прыняць адначасова польскую і беларускую ідэнтычнасць касцёла без неабходнасці абавязкова выбіраць адну сярод іх. Выказаная выснова адпавядае галоўнай характэрнай рысе Царкве ўвогуле, менавіта, яе ўсеагульнасці.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2018, 12
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet jako pole tworzenia powiązań transnarodowych polskich misjonarzy na Białorusi
The Internet as a field of transnational networking of Polish missionaries in Belarus
Dworzecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Kościół katolicki na Białorusi
tożsamość misjonarzy
Catholic Church in Belarus
missionaries’ identity
The concept of transnationalism created by Nina Glick Schiller, Linda Basch and Cristina Szanton-Blanc seems to be useful to present the importance of the Internet for Polish missionaries in Belarus. They define transnationality as multiple relationships which are established by immigrants with the country of origin and the host country. This is particularly evident on the example of new media. Four types of transnational relations can be distinguished: political, economic, social and cultural ones. Currently in Belarus there is a population of nearly 1.5 million Catholics, of which over 60% is considered to be Polish. Some of them are the so-called church Poles. This creates a specific cultural situation of Catholics, which is reflected even in the materials posted on the Internet. Catholicism is linked with Poland, especially with Polish language. Bilingual and transnational activity of the church is visible on the website. However, not all information appears in the two languages. Observing the presence of Polish missionaries on the Internet, we can distinguish three levels: informational, communication and economic. For that reason they use different tools: portals, blogs, pages and instant messaging services, establishing contact with parishioners and friends in the host country and abroad. They are both senders and recipients. Thanks to new media it is possible to reconcile their belonging to different countries, so it can be said that priests have a hybrid identity, in this case Polish and Belarusian. Thanks to websites priests can inform about current events, investments, hours of services, send Christmas wishes or call for support. On the level of communication the internet is undoubtedly an important medium supporting missionaries’ contacts, but not the most important one. Still a telephone prevails as the most reliable and quite direct solution - unfortunately a payable one. The Internet is also used as a tool for raising funds for the church. Priests on the websites inform readers about their activities and ask for donations. This results in financial dependence of the church in the East. Currently both Poles and Belarusians need a visa to cross the Polish-Belarusian border. This means that a state permit is required to take actions in those two nations. In this situation the internet is an effective medium of particular importance as it surpasses state and economic restrictions.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2014, 23, 1; 25-30
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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