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Development and cytometric evaluation of interspecific F1 hybrids Nicotiana tabacum × N. africana
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Potato virus Y
N. tabacum
N. africana
in vitro culture
One of the most important threats to tobacco cultivation is the Potato virus Y (PVY). Sources of resistance to PVY are found both in Nicotiana tabacum cultivars and in wild Nicotiana species. The high variability of the virus and the ability to break the existing resistance make it necessary to search for new resistance sources or to combine the ones that are already known. The aim of the study was to combine va resistance of two cultivars VAM and Wiślica, showing resistance to most PVY isolates, with the wild Nicotiana africana species, which is immune to all known PVY isolates. Due to the significant genetic distance between these species, the seedlings of the obtained F1 hybrids were not viable. In order to obtain viable hybrids, cotyledon in vitro cultures were used. Growth and development of the callus, as well as plant regeneration were differentiated depending on the maternal component used in the crossing with N. africana. The cotyledons of hybrids derived from cultivar VAM regenerated more efficiently, as 88 amphihaploid hybrid plants were obtain from this maternal parent. In contrast, only 27 amphihaploid hybrid plants were derived from cultivar Wiślica. Infertility of amphihaploid plants hampered their use in the breeding process. In order to restore fertility, the process of organogenesis from stem piths under in vitro conditions, was used. The degree of ploidy of regenerated plants was determined using flow cytometry. Despite the use of the same in vitro culture conditions for all the objects, a significant influence of the maternal component on the number of obtained regenerants and on the degree of their ploidy level was observed.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2019, 38; 3-14
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of Nicotiana species
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
morphological diversity
genetic variation
The genus Nicotiana is one of the largest in the Solanaceae family and includes more than 80 species. The most well-known and widespread species of the genus Nicotiana is tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), within which there are numerous cultivars. Tobacco is one of the most important industrial plants in Poland and worldwide. The great diversity within the genus makes it an excellent source of variation in a narrowing gene pool and can be used in breeding programmes. Studies of Nicotiana species also concern mechanisms of polyploidisation and evolution. There are also model species within the genus. However, in order to make full use of the collected germplasm resources, a detailed knowledge of the collection materials is necessary. While there are various reports in the international literature describing specific issues, the aim of this paper is to indicate the diversity of species in the genus Nicotiana as a whole on the basis of our own research and available studies. This review covers the characterisation of the genus Nicotiana in terms of origin and geographical distribution, as well as cytogenetic and molecular differences between species. An important aspect is the presentation of the morphological diversity of Nicotiana accessions and the variation in the most important tobacco alkaloids. A very important issue is the resistance of Nicotiana species to bacterial, fungal and viral diseases, which allows their use in resistance breeding.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2023, 52; 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie reakcji odpornościowej wybranych odmian tytoniu (Nicotiana tabacum) w zależności od użytego izolatu wirusa Y ziemniaka (PVY)
Diversification of resistance response of selected tobacco cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum) depending on the used potato virus Y isolates
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Czubacka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
izolaty PVY
gen va
PVY isolates
va gene
Wirus Y ziemniaka (Potato virus Y, PVY) powoduje brunatną nekrozę nerwów liści tytoniu. W obrębie gatunku Nicotiana tabacum odporność na PVY warunkowana jest pojedynczym recesywnym genem va powstałym w wyniku delecji w genie podatności Va. Odporność tę posiada wiele odmian uprawnych tytoniu, jednak może być ona przełamywana przez zjadliwe izolaty PVY, dlatego konieczne jest poszukiwanie nowych źródeł odporności lub łączenie czynników odporności już poznanych. Celem pracy była identyfikacja odmian mających odporność typu va oraz ocena jej skuteczności wobec czterech izolatów PVY, a także poszukiwanie nowych czynników odporności. Przebadano odporność 25 odmian tytoniu poprzez wykonanie testów biologicznych metodą inokulacji izolatami PVY w warunkach szklarniowych oraz zastosowanie testu DAS-ELISA w celu potwierdzenia obecności wirusa w inokulowanych roślinach. Identyfikację genu va prowadzono metodą PCR poprzez amplifikację dwóch markerów genu podatności Va. W odmianach posiadających gen odporności va nie dochodziło do amplifikacji produktów. Najwyższą odpornością charakteryzowała się odmiana VAM, która nie została porażona słabszymi izolatami, chociaż izolaty silne spowodowały nekrozę nerwów. Niższą odpornością cechowało się 6 odmian, które nie wykazały objawów chorobowych po zastosowaniu izolatu słabego. Pozostałe odmiany posiadające czynnik typu va zostały porażone przez wszystkie izolaty. Kolejnych pięć odmian, posiadających gen podatności Va, wykazało objawy tolerancji na zakażenie użytymi izolatami PVY. Odmiana Węgierski Ogrodowy, pomimo obecności genu podatności (Va), nie została porażona przez izolat słaby.
Potato virus Y (PVY) causes tobacco veinal necrosis. It be-longs to the group of ten most dangerous plant viruses respon-sible for large economic losses. Within the species Nicotiana tabacum, the resistance to this virus is conditioned by the single recessive va gene resulting from a deletion in the susceptibility Va gene. Many tobacco cultivars have this resistance, including VAM, Wiślica and Virginia SCR (V. SCR). However, their resist-ance is overcome by the virulent PVY isolates, so it is necessary to search for new sources of resistance or combine ones already known. The aim of the study was to identify cultivars with va resist-ance, and to assess its effectiveness depending on the used PVY isolate. Research also included the search for new resistance fac-tors within Nicotiana tabacum cultivars. Twenty five tobacco cultivars were tested for resistance to PVY in biological tests by artificial inoculation under greenhouse conditions. Four virus iso-lates with different levels of virulence were used for the studies. After four weeks, disease symptoms were observed, and DAS-ELISA tests were performed using specific antibodies to confirm the presence of the virus in plants. The tested cultivars showed a different degree of PVY susceptibility depending on the used isolate. The identification of the va gene was carried out by using PCR for amplification of two markers of the length 146 and 402 bp. The presence of amplicons indicated the presence of Va sus-ceptibility gene, while cultivars with the va resistance gene did not amplify the products. The highest resistance was character-istic of cv. VAM which was not infected with isolates IUNG 23 and IUNG 17, defined as weak and medium, although the remain-ing isolates, described as strong (IUNG 22 and IUNG20), caused vein necrosis and the presence of the virus was confirmed in plant tissues by a positive DAS-ELISA test result. Six cultivars that did not show disease symptoms only after applying the weak isolate, had a slightly lower resistance. Other cultivars with va resistance were infected by all used PVY isolates. Another five cultivars, after infection with four isolates, showed symptoms of tolerance, i.e. vein clearing and chlorotic spots of a leaf blade, but they did not have vein necrosis, in spite of that molecular tests confirmed the presence of Va susceptibility gene. Moreover, interesting re-sults were noted for cv. Węgierski Ogrodowy, that, despite the presence of the susceptibility gene, was not infected by weak isolate IUNG23. The last group included susceptible cultivars that reacted with vein necrosis to all used PVY isolates. Since virulent PVY isolates are able to break va resistance, the knowledge of the nature and stability of the resistance of cul-tivars is particularly important, especially within Polish cultivars. In addition, the rising number of necrotic isolates in Poland and in the world, capable of breaking existing sources of resistance, can cause an increased use of tolerant cultivars in tobacco breeding.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2020, 42; 3-13
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Possibilities of using Nicotiana species in breeding for virus resistance
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Czubacka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
tobacco mosaic virus
tomato spotted wilt virus
potato virus Y
resistance to viral diseases
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is an important industrial crop. Among the diseases causing losses in tobacco cultivation, viral ones are of particular importance due to the very low effectiveness of chemical protection allowing only for vector control. The greatest threat to tobacco cultivation in Poland and in many countries of the world is posed by potato virus Y (PVY), tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and, in recent years, the increasingly frequent tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The genetic resources studies carried out in the genus Nicotiana have shown a wide variation in species resistance, assessed biologically, serologically and molecularly, depending on the virus used and, in the case of PVY, also on the specific isolate. The results of the assessment of resistance in Nicotiana accessions presented in this paper, gathered from literature data as well as from our own research, allow us to broaden and systematise our knowledge on the sources of resistance to viral diseases. This is the only such an extensive study in this field. It provides an excellent information base for the appropriate selection of accessions for use in resistance breeding.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2023, 52; 97-109
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie reakcji odpornościowej na wirus Y ziemniaka wśród alloplazmatycznych form tytoniu
Diversification of defense response to potato virus Y among alloplasmic tobacco forms
Czubacka, Anna
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
cytoplasmic male sterility
alloplasmic form
Potato virus Y
cytoplazmatyczna męska sterylność
forma alloplazmatyczna
Cytoplazmatyczna męska sterylność (cms) jest wykorzystywana w hodowli roślin w celu otrzymania form niezdolnych do samozapylenia, które wykorzystuje się głównie w hodowli odmian mieszańcowych F1. Cytoplazmatycznie męskosterylne rośliny otrzymuje się w wyniku mutacji w genomie cytoplazmatycznym przez podstawienie w miejsce natywnej cytoplazmy innej cytoplazmy pochodzącej z odmiennego gatunku lub krzyżowanie w obrębie gatunku. U podstaw cms leży niezgodność pomiędzy genomem jądra komórkowego i cytoplazmą. Alloplazmatyczne formy wykształcają zmodyfikowane, niefunkcjonalne męskie organy generatywne lub nie wykształcają ich wcale. Przy tym zmiany morfologiczne mogą obejmować także inne części kwiatu, a niekiedy całą roślinę. Obecność obcej cytoplazmy może wpływać też na inne cechy, w tym na odporność roślin na patogeny. Aby określić wpływ obcej cytoplazmy na odporność tytoniu na wirus Y ziemniaka (PVY), wykonano sztuczne inokulacje tytoniu dwoma izolatami PVY o różnej wirulencji. Testom poddano 13 izogenicznych form cytoplazmatycznie męskosterylnych odmiany Zamojska 4 z cytoplazmą pochodzącą od dzikich gatunków z rodzaju Nicotiana, a także formę z cytoplazmą cms mutanta otrzymanego w obrębie gatunku N. tabacum. Odporność roślin oceniano na podstawie objawów chorobowych oraz wyników testu immunoenzymatycznego DAS-ELISA. Zaobserwowano różnice zarówno w nasileniu objawów chorobowych, jak i w terminie ich wystąpienia od momentu zakażenia roślin. Zróżnicowanie badanych form alloplazmatycznych pod względem odpowiedzi na infekcję wirusową pozwala przypuszczać, że mechanizmy odporności na PVY mogą być związane z określoną formą cytoplazmy.
Cytoplasmic male sterility is used in plant breeding to obtainforms incapable of self-pollination, which are utilized mainlyin breeding of hybrid cultivars. It is based on incompatibilitybetween the cell nucleus and cytoplasm because cytoplasmicmale sterile plants are obtained by mutation in the cytoplasmicgenome or by substitution of the native cytoplasm with anotherthat of a different species. Alloplasmic forms develop modified,non-functional male generative organs or do not develop themat all. Morphological changes may involve other parts of flowersand sometimes a whole plant. An alien cytoplasm may alsoaffect other traits, including resistance to pathogens. In order todetermine the effect of alien cytoplasm on tobacco resistance toPotato virus Y (PVY), artificial inoculations with two virus isolatesdiffering in virulence were performed. The test included13 alloplasmic forms of cultivar Zamojska 4 with cytoplasmfrom Nicotiana wild species and a form with cytoplasm fromthe mutant obtained within Nicotiana tabacum. Plant resistancewas assessed on the basis of disease symptoms and DAS-ELISAimmunoenzymatic test results. Differences were observed inthe severity and earliness of disease symptoms. Fertile cultivarZamojska 4 is considered as tolerant to PVY, that is it reacts toinfection with mild symptoms like vein clearing and chloroticspots of the leaves, but not with vein necrosis. In the case ofa combination of cell nucleus from cv. Zamojska 4 and cytoplasmfrom species N. goodspeedii, N. megalosiphon and N.undulata, alloplasmic forms were not completely resistant, butthe level of their tolerance to strong isolate IUNG20 increasedcompared to that in their male fertile isogenomic counterpartand observed symptoms were delayed. In contrast, tolerance ofcms forms with cytoplasm from the species N. eastii, N. occidentalisand N. suaveolens was overcome leading to developingsevere disease symptoms. Unlike the other cms forms, theform with the cytoplasm of N. tabacum mutant reacted witha development of necrotic symptoms to inoculation with isolateIUNG20, but with delayed mild symptoms when inoculatedwith the weaker isolate IUNG21. The diversified reaction ofdifferent isogenomic alloplasmic forms to viral infection suggeststhat the mechanisms of defense responses depended onthe type of cytoplasm.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2019, 39; 27-34
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inheritance of Potato virus Y tolerance introgressed from Nicotiana africana to cultivated tobacco
Korbecka-Glinka, Grażyna
Czubacka, Anna
Depta, Anna
Doroszewska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Potato virus Y
PVY tolerance
Nicotiana tabacum
Nicotiana africana
Potato virus Y (PVY) is an important pathogen of to- bacco. Growing resistant cultivars is the best way to prevent si- gnificant losses of the crop caused by this virus. However, the protection given by the commonly used resistance factor, called va gene, can be overcome by the highly virulent PVY strains. Therefore, tobacco breeding for resistance will benefit from intro- ducing additional PVY resistance/tolerance factors. BPA is a to- bacco breeding line with introgressed PVY tolerance from a wild species N. africana. This trait is effective against a wide range of PVY isolates, including the ones that overcome va resistance. Here, we describe the inheritance of PVY tolerance of BPA. We obtained F1 and F2 plants from reciprocal crosses between BPA and a susceptible tobacco cultivar BP-210. Then we performed me- chanical inoculation tests using sap from PVY infected leaves on both generations of plants. Four weeks later we recorded disease symptoms and subjected all experimental plants to DAS-ELISA tests. All F1 plants developed vein necrosis which confirmed their susceptibility to the virus. The proportion of susceptible and tole- rant plants in the F2 fitted 3:1 ratio which was expected under the assumption that the tolerance is determined by a single, recessive gene. Moreover, the proportion of the susceptible and tolerant in- dividuals did not differ between two F2 populations derived from crosses where BPA was used as a maternal plant or a pollen do- nor, hence cytoplasmic factors do not influence the tolerance of that breeding line.
Polish Journal of Agronomy; 2017, 31; 39-44
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Agronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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