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The dynamics of the population of a steppe perennial Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB. during xerothermic grassland overgrowing
Czarnecka, B
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
population dynamics
steppe plant
Senecio macrophyllus
xerothermic grassland
life-stage structure
The study aimed to determine the long-term changes of the Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB. population traits: the abundance, reproduction mode, individual fecundity, seed rain and recruitment of new genets in the course of xerothermic grassland overgrowing. The study had also the applied goal: to estimate the chances of "special care" species to survive in the changing environment without management regime for the maintenance of grassland. The model object was the island population of large-leaved ragwort on Biała Góra (the White Mountain) near Tomaszów Lubelski, South-East Poland. To achieve these aims I used the following sets of data: phytosociological relev,s made in plant communities in an interval of 16-18 years; repeated elaboration of the numbers and life-stage structure of the population, both by non-surface and surface method; observation of plants, life cycle in 50 labelled genets; population reproduction and seed rain amounts. The area of an open xerothermic grassland decreased due to the process of overgrowing by bushes which was accompanied by the increasing coverage of forest and meadow herbs as well as monocotyledons, mainly Brachypodium pinnatum and Calamagrostis epigejos. The abundance of the S. macrophyllus population noticable diminished. The flowering mode has been changing during years from an oscillation to a chaotic type which caused the significant decreasing of the individual fecundity, population reproduction and seed rain. In last years it was reflected in the interruption of juveniles’ recruitment.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2009, 78, 3; 247-256
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zmiany stosunków wodnych na walory przyrodnicze i rekreacyjne małej doliny rzecznej
The influence of changes of water conditions on nature and recreation values of a small-scale river valley
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
ekologia krajobrazu
doliny rzeczne
sukcesja ekologiczna
zbiorowiska roslinne
roznorodnosc gatunkowa
Castor fiber
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu; 2010, 27
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła strefy krawędziowej Roztocza: zróżnicowanie szaty roślinnej a stan środowiska
Springs of the Roztocze escarpment zone: the diversity of plant cover vs. environment quality
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
Roztocze [geogr.]
strefa krawedziowa
siedliska zrodliskowe
gatunki wskaznikowe
gatunki chronione
gatunki zagrozone
zbiorowiska roslinne
Terenową penetrację źródeł prowadzono z różnym natężeniem w latach 1997−2008. Badania miały na celu określenie różnorodności fitocenotycznej i florystycznej źródeł strefy krawędziowej Roztocza na tle charakterystyki geochemicznej wypływów. Podjęto ocenę stopnia ich naturalności bądź antropogenizacji w zależności od położenia obiektu (źródła na terenach leśnych i nieleśnych, głównie wiejskich) oraz odpowiedź na pytanie czy ochrona pomnikowa źródeł gwarantuje zachowanie ich wartości przyrodniczych. Badanym źródłom towarzyszy specyficzna grupa gatunków roślin naczyniowych i mszaków, które reprezentują różne kategorie krenofitów. W niewielkich niszach źródliskowych rozwijają się zbiorowiska rzeżuchy gorzkiej i śledziennicy skrętolistnej Cardamine amara-Chrysosplenium alternifolium lub rzeżuchy gorzkiej i potocznika wąskolistnego Cardamino-Beruletum erecti, zdominowane przez kilka gatunków krenofitów obligatoryjnych i/lub fakultatywnych. Wzdłuż odpływów wód źródlanych rozwijają się fitocenozy szuwaru manny fałdowanej Glycerietum plicatae. Obecność krenofitów świadczy o wysokim stopniu naturalności środowiska strefy krawędziowej Roztocza. W dużych niszach źródliskowych dominują synuzja okazałych bylin, jak wierzbówka kosmata Epilobium hirsutum, mięta długolistna Mentha longifolia, trędownik oskrzydlony Scrophularia umbrosa, pokrzywa zwyczajna Urtica dioica, sadziec konopiasty Eupatorium cannabinum, ostrożeń warzywny Cirsium oleraceum. Na terenach wiejskich, pod wpływem antropopresji (wydeptywanie, spasanie itp.) w ich miejsce rozwijają się nitrofilne zbiorowiska dywanowe, które budują wiechlina roczna Poa annua, życica trwała Lolium perenne, babka średnia Plantago media, głowienka pospolita Prunella vulgaris, oraz tzw. gęsie pastwiska z dominującym pięciornikiem gęsim Potentilla anserina i mietlicą rozłogową Agrostis stolonifera. Przykłady drastycznej ingerencji człowieka w obrębie nisz źródliskowych świadczą o małej skuteczności ochrony tych obiektów w formie pomników przyrody.
Field studies of springs were conducted in the years 1997−2008. They aimed to present the phytocoenotic and floristic diversity of springs of the Roztocze escarpment zone on the background of hydrogeochemistry of effluences, and to evaluate the degree of their naturality or antropogenization in relation to springs’ location (objects in forest vs. non-forest areas, particularly in rural ones), as well as to answer the question whether spring protection as nature monuments is effective. The study springs are accompanied by a specific set of species of vascular plants and bryophytes, representing different groups of krenophytes. Small spring niches are usually overgrown with communities of Cardamine amara- Chrysosplenium alternifolium and Cardamino-Beruletum erecti dominated by few species belonging to obligatory and/or facultative krenophytes. Along spring water effluences, patches of Glycerietum plicatae community are common. The presence of krenophytes indicates a high quality of the environment of the Roztocze escarpment zone. In the large niches of vauclusian springs there also occur phytocoenoses dominated by synusia of tall macroforbs, e.g. Epilobium hirsutum, Mentha longifolia, Scrophularia umbrosa, Urtica dioica, Eupatorium cannabinum, Cirsium oleraceum. In rural areas, under the influence of the antropopressure (trodding, grazing, etc.) there occur nitrophilous carpet communities consisting of Poa annua, Lolium perenne, Plantago media, Prunella vulgaris, and the so-called geese pastures dominated by Potentilla anserina and Agrostis stolonifera. The examples of drastic anthropogenic interference within spring niches show a rather low effectiveness protection of springs as nature monuments.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2009, 06
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Large-scale vs. small-scale factors affecting flowering patterns in Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB., a long-lived perennial
Wielkoskalowe i drobnoskalowe czynniki ksztaltujace wzorce kwitnienia u dlugowiecznej byliny, starca wielkolistnego Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB.
Czarnecka, B
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
small-scale factor
large-scale factor
Senecio macrophyllus
long-lived herbaceous plant
flowering pattern
perennial plant
The aim of the study was to establish which of environmental factors affect flowering patterns in a long-lived herbaceous plant Senecio macrophyllus. The study was conducted in the population of Biała Góra (White Mountain) near Tomaszów Lubelski in the years 1989-2004. The results allow to conclude that in the reproductive patterns of the analysed population small-scale environmental factors (soil moisture and trophism, light intensity) are more important than large-scale climatic factors (temperature, precipitation), which to a comparable extent affect the plants in the whole population area.
Celem badań było określenie, które z czynników środowiskowych wpływają na kształtowanie się wzorców kwitnienia u długowiecznej rośliny zielnej Senecio macrophyllus. Badania prowadzono w populacji na Białej Górze koło Tomaszowa Lubelskiego w latach 1989-2004. Wyniki pozwalają na stwierdzenie, że w kształtowaniu się wzorców reprodukcji w badanej populacji większe znaczenie mają drobno- skalowe czynniki środowiskowe (wilgotność i trofizm gleby, natężenie światła) niż czynniki wielkoskalowe (temperatura, opady), które w porównywalny sposób oddziałują na rośliny w całym areale populacji.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2006, 59, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plant cover of the Szum River valley [Roztocze, South-East Poland]
Czarnecka, B
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
river valley
ecological condition
vascular flora
plant community
protected species
nature conservation
plant cover
threatened species
Roztocze macroregion
geobotanical cartography
Szum River
The break section of the Szum river and the mouth part of its left tributary, Miedzianka (Roztocze, SE Poland) were the object of the research conducted in the years 1999-2001. The aim of the study was to establish the abiotic conditions of the diversity of vegetation and the richness of vascular flora in a small lowland river valley. A real vegetation map was drawn in the scale 1:5000. The syntaxonomic classification of plant communities and habitat trophism were established on the basis of 120 phytosociological relevés and 160 soil samples, respectively. On the area of barely 35.4 ha identified were 48 plant associations and communities representing 11 phytosociological classes, among them habitats protected in Poland (16 types) and important at the EU scale (3). There were found 378 species of 72 families, including: 21 species under strict protection, 9 under partial protection, 25 plants threatened on the regional scale, and 2 included into the Polish Red Data Book. Most of interesting species and non-forest communities occur in the parts of the valley above and below a landscape reserve 'Szum', established in 1958, covering presently 18.17 ha. The greatest floral richness was found in the peatbog-meadow complexes (Phragmitetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea), in bog-alder forests and willow bushes (Alnetea glutinosae), and streamline ash-alder carrs (Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Ulmion), while the smallest - in the pine and poorer upland mixed fir forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea). Vascular flora appears to be the richest in the sections of the valley where the bottom is overgrown by non-forest communities. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to enlarge the area of the existing nature reserve.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2005, 74, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term changes in spatial patterns and life-stage structure in a population of Senecio umbrosus Waldst. et Kit. along with the transformation of grassland vegetation
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Brachypodium pinnatum
grassland burning
grassland overgrowing
spatial pattern equalization
vulnerable species
This paper was a part of studies conducted within an island population of the ragwort Senecio umbrosus (White Mt, southeastern Poland), a vulnerable element of xerothermic grasslands. Special attention was paid to the effects of expansive grass encroachment vs. grassland burning episodes on spatiotemporal patterns and life-stage structure of individuals in the population. The population traits were investigated nine times from 1990 to 2010, within three permanent patches differing in soil properties, initial floristic composition, grassland cover (particularly the cover of Brachypodium pinnatum), ragwort cover and density, shrub/tree cover influencing light intensity (full light–shadow), and grassland burning (zero–six episodes). There was a drastic decline in ragwort abundance within all the study patches accompanied by a decrease in the population clustering coefficient and a gradual equalization of the spatial distribution of ramets. The abundance was negatively correlated (PCA analysis) with an increase in B. pinnatum cover and positively correlated with the number of burning episodes, which temporarily delimited persistent litter cover and facilitated recruitment of new individuals. The decrease in ramet abundance ranged from 3.8 times (medium-high, moderately shadowed grassland; six cases of burning) to 8.3 times (high, dense, and shadowed grassland; four cases of burning). The patch of low, loose, sunlit, and never-burned grassland with the greatest initial density of ragwort (a 6.8-fold decrease in abundance) has evolved with time into a high and dense grassland with a greater coverage of B. pinnatum and Calamagrostis epigejos, additionally shaded by shrubs and young trees.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2020, 89, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Floral biology of Senecio macrophyllus M. Bieb. (Asteraceae), a rare Central European steppe plant
Czarnecka, B.
Denisow, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
floral biology
Senecio macrophyllus
rare species
insect visitation
female phase
male phase
pollen production
pollen viability
Central Europe
steppe plant
Knowledge of the flowering phase and plant pollination ecology is very important for understanding the life history of long-lived perennials. In the case of rare species, the information may have implications for conservation practices. Our studies on flower morphology and blooming biology of the vulnerable plant Senecio macrophyllus M. BIEB. were conducted in situ (flowering, activity of insect visitors) in the largest population in SE Poland and in laboratory (light and scanning electron microscopy). The disc florets open diurnally with most intensive anthesis in the early afternoon and attract insect visitors with nectar and pollen. In highly protandrous disc florets, pollen viability decreases in time, whereas stigma receptivity increases. The upper part of the pistil forms a brush-like pollen presenter, covered with unicellular trichomes with chromoplasts. Pollen presentation lasts 4–11 hours per floret, and 8 days in a single head, the main function of which is to extend the availability of male gamets for reproduction. The number of florets per head, the head size, and the number of pollen grains produced per anther, and the pollen grain viability differed significantly between microsites. The finding indicates that, apart from the biotic factors, abiotic conditions may considerably influence generative reproduction of the species. In the study area, the principal visitors of S. macrophyllus flowers were Hymenoptera, with predominance of Apis mellifera (53.4% of visits). The remarkable share of butterflies (13.9%) recognized as the long-distance moving insects may improve the genetic variability of individuals within a fragmented population. A more detailed study is necessary to explain the role of insect visitors in effective pollination and in gene transfer between patches. The assessment of optimal conditions for the generative reproduction is fundamental for the in situ conservation of this rare species.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2014, 83, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronostruktura krajobrazu przełomów rzecznych południowej strefy krawędzi Roztocza Tomaszowskiego
The landscape chronostructure of the river breaks in the southern escarpment zone of the Tomaszow Roztocze
Janiec, B.
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
Roztocze Srodkowe [geogr.]
przelomy rzek
Potok Losiniecki
rzeka Jelen
rzeka Szum
rzeka Niepryszka
rzeka Sopot
progi skalne
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu; 2006, 16, 1
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in vegetation and soil seed bank of meadow after waterlogging caused by Castor fiber
Franczak, M.
Czarnecka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vegetation change
soil seed bank
water logging
Castor fiber
habitat moisture
abiotic stress
species composition
quantitative change
qualitative change
Soil waterlogging is among abiotic stresses that influence species composition and productivity in numerous plant communities. The aim of the study was to find answer to the question of how waterlogging caused by beavers’ activity induces quantitative and qualitative changes of vegetation and soil seed bank levels of variable-moist meadows. An immediate effect of the waterlogging at the level of vegetation was the decline in species richness and a decrease in the values of the biodiversity index. Water stress inhibited growth and development of plants already present and, primarily, impeded recruitment of new individuals of species characteristic of variable-moist meadows, e.g. Cirsium rivulare, Filipendula ulmaria and Lythrum salicaria, which were replaced by Carex acutiformis. Prolonged waterlogging did not induce equally substantial changes in the soil seed bank as in the vegetation. Both in the waterlogged and control patches, slightly decreased species richness and biodiversity index were recorded. After waterlogging withdrawal, the reserves of the soil seed bank were slightly higher than the initial values. The differences were not statistically significant. In the waterlogged patch, the qualitative floristic similarity between taxa identified in the soil seed bank and vegetation cover declined, which was evidenced by the value of Jaccard’s index decreasing from 0.46 to 0.36. A reverse relationship was found in control patch, where the value of the similarity index slightly increased from 0.41 to 0.48.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2015, 84, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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