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Działalność naukowa profesora Edwarda Włodarczyka w świetle publikacji autorskich (1973–2020). Kontekst ilościowy
The Scholarly Activity of Professor Edward Włodarczyk in the Light of Academic Publications (1973–2020). Quantitative context
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Edward Włodarczyk
academic publications
nineteenth century
twentieth century
The aim of this article is to present the scholarly activities of Professor Edward Włodarczyk (1946–2021), a renowned expert in Pomeranian history and culture, historian of the economic history and maritime policy of Prussia, on the example of 159 selected academic publications. They have been subjected to analysis by the use of selected methods of descriptive statistics and social network analysis (SNA). The attributes of bibliographic items have been examined and the links between them visualized with the use of Gephi software. The results of the research have been used to briefly present the scholarly profile of E. Włodarczyk; they also serve the organisational purpose. A catalogue of key words (phrases) has been compiled, and the characteristic features of publications, complete with their numerical development over time, publication strategies, and main and side research directions have been established. The research shows that the scholarly and publishing activity of E. Włodarczyk was subject to certain changes over time. The most intense scholarly activity occurred in the 1990s, which was accompanied by a change in the manner of publishing. The professor’s scholarly activities centred on Szczecin, Western Pomerania and the Baltic provinces of Prussia. For this reason, E. Włodarczyk preferred particular journals, and also cared about communicating research findings in German and English (17.6%). The majority of his papers concerned the economic development of sectors and branches of the economy and were related to the second half of the 19th century (until 1918), yet over time they lost in quantitative terms and importance in favour of the papers that dealt with maritime policy, regionalism, urban history, and other issues.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2022, 87, 1; 107-132
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja pruskich spisów ludności w latach 1840-1910: metodyka, zakres, znaczenie i problemy
Evolution of Prussian censuses in the years 1840–1910: methodology, scope, importance and problems
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
spisy ludności
XIX wiek
ludność polskojęzyczna
ludność kaszubskojęzyczna
19th century
Polish-speaking population
Kashubianspeaking population
W badaniach historycznych nad ludnością w XIX w. w Prusach, w tym na ziemiach licznie zamieszkanych przez ludność posługującą się językiem polskim i kaszubskim, istotne znaczenie mają spisy ludności przeprowadzane przez Królewskopruskie Biuro Statystyczne w Berlinie, które mimo to nie doczekały się szerszego omówienia. Uwagę skupiano na rzetelności spisów organizowanych przed 1840 r., a następnie na sprawach związanych ze statystyką języka ojczystego. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie zmian w sposobie przeprowadzania spisów, opracowywania danych, implementacji cech i prezentacji wyników w latach 1840–1910, ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na spis z 1871 r. i jego odbiór społeczny, głównie na ziemiach polskich pod panowaniem niemieckim. Badanie w dużej mierze opiera się na monumentalnej Preussische Statistik (Statystyka Prus), w której zawarto dokumentację spisową oraz uwagi nadsyłane przez władze prowincjonalne. Ponadto wykorzystano źródła normatywne i dawne opracowania. W artykule dowiedziono, że zasadniczo spisy ludności podlegały ewolucji do 1871 r., a następnie już tylko zmianom w zakresie badanych treści, które omówiono i poddano ocenie. Rewolucją w zarządzaniu danymi było zastosowanie w 1871 r. kart A, które ułatwiły wykonywanie złożonych grupowań statystycznych dla wybranych cech demograficznych. Wdrożeniu nowych rozwiązań towarzyszyło wprowadzenie zasady samospisywania się. Natrafiało ono na przeszkody, szczególnie we wschodnich prowincjach Prus, co przede wszystkim należy łączyć z poziomem wykształcenia i brakiem znajomości języka niemieckiego, głównie ludności polskojęzycznej. Prezentowane wyniki badania powinny być przydatne dla demografów historycznych oraz historyków społecznych i gospodarczych.
The censuses carried out by the Royal Prussian Statistical Office in Berlin are of particular importance for the historical research of the 19th century population in Prussia, including the lands largely inhabited by people who spoke Polish or Kashubian. Nevertheless, these censuses were not discussed in greater detail. Attention was mainly focused on the reliability of the censuses organised until 1840, and subsequently on matters related to the statistics of the mother tongue. The aim of the article is to show the evolution of the method of census taking, data processing, features implementation and the presentation of the results in the years 1840–1910, with particular emphasis placed on the census of 1871 and its reception among the society, mainly on the Polish lands under German rule. The research is largely based on the monumental Preussische Statistik (Statistics of Prussia), which contains the census documentation and comments provided by provincial authorities. Moreover, normative sources and older studies were used in the study. The article proves that censuses in general evolved until 1871, and then only the studied content featured changes which were discussed and assessed. A revolution in data management was brought by the use of A cards in 1871, which made it easier to perform complex statistical groupings for selected demographic characteristics. The implementation of new solutions was accompanied by the introduction of the principle of self-enumeration. It encountered obstacles, however, especially in the eastern provinces of Prussia, which is primarily associated with the level of education and the knowledge of the German language among the population, mainly its Polish-speaking members. The results presented in the article should prove useful to historical demographers, and social and economic historians.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2022, 67, 5; 43-90
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polscy optanci z Zagłębia Ruhry w 1924 roku. Aspekty demograficzne
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
choice of Polish citizenship
Ruhr area
Polish consulate in Essen
interwar period
historical demography
wybór obywatelstwa polskiego
Zagłębie Ruhry
polski konsulat w Essen
okres międzywojenny
demografia historyczna
Odbudowie państwa polskiego po I wojnie światowej towarzyszyło wiele przypadków powrotu do kraju. Jeden ze strumieni remigracyjnych tworzyli polscy optanci z Niemiec, którzy na mocy traktatu wersalskiego postanowili przyjąć obywatelstwo polskie. Głównym miejscem wychodźstwa stał się obszar Zagłębia Ruhry. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie struktury demograficznej osób tworzących ową falę migracyjną w jej późnej fazie (1925). Do analizy wykorzystano imienne wykazy optantów, które posłużyły do przeprowadzenia grupowania statystycznego i ukazania przestrzennego rozkładu interesującego nas zjawiska. Badania dotyczyły zbiorowości 1727 osób ujętych w źródle. Oprócz metody agregatywnej i kartograficznej wykorzystano metodę porównawczą, dysponując niezbędnymi danymi dla innych obszarów państwa Prusy. Badania ukazały specyfikę polskich optantów w Zagłębiu Ruhry w odniesieniu do ich rozlokowania przestrzennego, zawodów, feminizacji, typu migrowania, form gospodarstw domowych, dzietności czy antroponimów.
The rebuilding of the Polish state after World War I was accompanied by a quantitively significant number of returns to the country. One of the re-emigration streams was created by an influx of Polish optants from Germany, i.e. ethnic Poles who had decided to take up Polish citizenship under the Versailles Treaty. The principal area of emigration was the Ruhr region. The purpose of this paper is to examine the demographic structure of the people who made up this migration stream in its late phase (1925). The analysis is based on lists of optants which were drawn up for the purpose of statistical grouping and showing the optants’ spatial distribution. The research concerns a population of 1,727 people included in the source. In addition to aggregate and cartographic methods, the paper also uses the comparative method based on the available data for other areas in the state of Prussia. The research helps describe the population of Polish optants in the Ruhr area in terms of their spatial distribution, professions, feminisation, type of migration, household forms, fertility, and anthroponyms.
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2021, 82; 111-147
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie kierunków odpływu ludności z rolnictwa na Pomorzu Zachodnim w latach 1928–1929
Diversification of the Directions of Population Outflow from Agriculture in Western Pomerania in 1928–1929
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Pomeranian province
interwar period
Wrocław taxonomy
The article presents the diversity of directions of emigration from agriculture in Western Pomerania in the late 1920s. The source basis was a unique survey conducted by the West Pomeranian Chamber of Agriculture. It provided information on approximately 16 000 people participating in the escape from the countryside (Landflucht). The results of these studies have become of interest to the International Labor Office in Geneva and the International Institute of Agriculture in Rome. With the help of the Wrocław and cartographic taxonomy method, the author of the article set himself the goal of verifying the findings of Werner Jacobi. He considered the studied phenomenon at the level of land counties (Landkreise). He presented the factors shaping the clusters and spatial nature of the structures of directions of emigration, also indicating the similarities and differences in the development of the phenomenon within the regions of the Pomeranian province (Jacobi’s research unit in the whole region).
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 2; 83-122
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niemiecki dyskurs polityczny wokół „powrotu do natury” w kontekście umieralności niemowląt (początek XX wieku)
The German Political Debate about a ‘Return to Nature’ in the Context of Infant Mortality (Beginning of the 20th Century)
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
beginning of the 20th century
infant mortality
political debate
The article presents politicians’ views – often referring to scientific findings – on the reason of a relatively high infant mortality rate in Germany just before the First World War; it also outlines the remedies for that phenomenon. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the published stenographic records of the meetings at the Reichstag building. The narrative is based on an objective comparative method, according to which a direct assessment of facts, events and processes is forbidden. The juxtaposed contents highlight a strong polarisation of political views, on the one hand represented by social democrats, and on the other by the rest of the members of Parliament and people connected with the Government, which allows insight into the theoretical and practical premises of the actions undertaken.
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski; 2015, 37, 4; 125-140
Pojawia się w:
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O programowaniu w środowisku R na przykładzie algorytmu obliczeniowego dla formuły do wykrywania kryzysów demograficznych
On Programming in Software Environment R Exemplified with a Computational Algorithm for the Formula to Detect Demographic Crises
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
demographic crises
Jacques Dupâquier
R (programming language)
the rudiments of programming
The article presents Jacques Dupâquier’s method to detect demographic crises on the basis of the temporal distribution of deaths in its classical and modified form, popular in historical demography. The presentation of the method based on the standardised data is a pretext for studying the programming in R (language), which is a continuation of the previous article. The element that has been highlighted is the for-loop, presented step by step. An extensive introduction is supposed to familiarise the reader with the three programming codes of the functions that compute indicators of crisis for particular years: kryzysyDem1 (the classical form of the formula), kryzysyDem2 and kryzysyDem3, a modified form that takes into consideration three temporal perspectives of the development of the phenomenon, i.e. the past, present and future ones; the final results, which satisfy the determined limit criteria, are the average value of the results obtained for the three perspectives. The presented codes of the variants of Jacques Dupâquier’s formula should – to a significant extent – facilitate the computation of indicators of demographic crises including various limit criteria.
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski; 2015, 37, 4; 141-178
Pojawia się w:
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umieralność niemowląt w „polskich” rejencjach Prus na początku XX wieku
The Infant Mortality Rate in ‘Polish’ Regierungsbezirke of Prussia at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Chojecki, Dariusz K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
infant mortality
social demography
historical demography
German population
Polish population
the standard of life
the quality of life
civilisational changes
eastern Regierungsbezirke
the territory annexed by Prussia
beginning of the 20th century
social history
The article presents the causes and spatial differences of infant mortality in eastern Prussia densely populated by the Polish, and the changes that phenomenon was subject to. The research has been carried out mainly on the numeric data juxtaposed and published by Dr Behr-Pinnow, on official statistical material (Preußische Statistik, Statistik des Deutschen Reichs, Veröffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamts) and on unpublished archival material, first of all reports of Regierungsbezirk presidents. Infant mortality has been analysed at three levels of data aggregation: provinces, Regierungsbezirke, counties (Kreise). In the research the following devices have been used: coefficients, averaging of several years, (dis)similarity rates of structures (the reference standard – Regierungsbezirk Aurich), weighted linear regression, cartograms (grouping based on median absolute deviation). The article depicts the tendency for infant mortality in the ‘Polish’ Regierungsbezirke of Prussia, which deteriorated at the beginning of the 20th century, and a significant spatial diversification of the phenomenon in question, which was related to the way of farming (especially in the region of Żuławy Wiślane and the Vistula valley); however, the research has not provided any conclusive evidence of a link between a high infant mortality rate in the area in question and the socio-professional structure, the level of affluence or the infrastructure. On the other hand, thanks to linear regression models it has been proved that the intensity of infant mortality in counties depended on the ethnic composition to a significant degree (the faith did not play any role). Parallel to an increase of the Polish- and Kashubian-speaking populations (those populations – it is worth mentioning – usually enjoyed lower socio-economic status compared to their German-speaking neighbours) the infant mortality rate was generally decreasing. It was at the lowest level in Greater Poland, in the counties of Kościan, Gostyn and Śmigiel (where the dominant population was Polish, Catholic and rural). All in all, it is justified to say that the Polish- and Kashubian-speaking populations that were less advanced in demographic transformation compared to their German-speaking neighbours, even before institutionalising social welfare, provided better care for babies and guaranteed a lower infant mortality rate, first of all thanks to the general and longer breastfeeding.
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski; 2015, 37, 3; 147-189
Pojawia się w:
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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