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Veni Creator Pawła Łukaszewskiego — w kręgu inspiracji religijnych i narodowych
Paweł Łukaszewski’s Veni Creator — in the circle of religious and national inspirations
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
Paweł Łukaszewski
Polish sacral music
Christian tradition
Veni Creator hymn
Paweł Łukaszewski is considered to be one of the most interesting composers of contemporary sacral music, and his work raises great interest both in Poland and abroad. His vocal and instrumental compositions, as well as choir a cappella pieces make a significant share of his extensive achievements. They have deeply rooted into the Christian tradition and religion. The subject matter of his compositions focuses on the main concepts and ideas in the teaching of the Church, which is exemplified in the composition Veni Creator, among others. The piece was written as a result of an external inspiration (a commission from Akademie Klausenhof as a part of a Polish-German Project “45/05”) and based on one of the most popular Latin hymns. Apart from introducing the original version of the hymn, the author used the text in German and quoted the words of John Paul II in Polish. Thus, the Holy Spirit was addressed not only by all the faithful, but also by the two specific nations. Moreover, Łukaszewski emphasised the aspect of both nationalities with the use of specific musical strategies (two choirs, allusions to and quotations from Bach and Chopin). The composer’s intention — reuniting of the two nations through music and languages, as well as by employing Polish and German performers — becomes fully comprehensible in the circumstances of this particular commission, i.e. the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Therefore, the composition may be considered — quoting the words of the Polish Pope — as a “gesture of peace” offered through music.
Aspekty Muzyki; 2016, 6; 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Aspekty Muzyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stabat Mater Zbigniewa Bujarskiego w kontekście tradycji gatunku
Zbigniew Bujarski’s Stabat Mater in the context of the genre’s tradition
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
Zbigniew Bujarski
Polish sacral music
Stabat Mater
Christian tradition
The Christian religion, since the beginning of its times focuses on contemplating the circum-stances of Christ’s death. The scene of Mater dolorosa found its literary expression in the words of a medieval poem Stabat Mater dolorosa. The text became part of the Church liturgy as a sequence and hymn and distinctly entered the music art world. Through compositions, the authors passed on both the creed of Christian faith as well as personal experiences related with the search for the purpose of life and death in the face of a tragic situation. Bujarski’s Stabat Mater was composed following an “external inspiration” (a commission), but it was preceded by a profound “internal inspiration”. The author wrote the composition to the Polish philological translation of the sequence, because he wanted his work to be a very personal statement as close as possible to his deepest feelings. In Stabat Mater, the composer refers to an oratorio and cantata genre creating a choir and orchestra composition. The relations between choir and orchestra set in the history of interpretations are reversed in Bujarski’s composition, i.e. instru-mental music seems to be in the foreground, and the vocal parts only bring further clarification of semantic contents. The author captured the scene with Mater Dolorosa as if in the frames of a paint-ing: within one cohesive whole he provided the course of his work with a three-part layout with re-prise features. Listening closely to Stabat Mater it is impossible not to get the impression that music carries with it quasi-painting features, playing out between the darkness of the Golgotha’s drama and the light of hope coming from the Resurrected Jesus. Colour (an essential feature of Bujarski’s music) and space-time are often shaped in contrast with each other, as if in a chiaro-scuro effect. Bujarski in his “end-of-the-century” work expressed the entire complexity of time in which he lives (fear, tragedy), but he also confirmed his Christian attitude which he represented from the very beginning of his creative path (he pointed to hope and love). Stabat Mater constitutes also a fervent prayer full of humility and trust. It seems as well that in Stabat Mater, through the tragedy of God-man crucified for man’s misdeeds, Bujarski expressed a man of his generation. By referring to the great sacral tradition and through a highly individual musical interpretation, the composer once again discovered “veiled and lost values” and set out the right path for man, leading towards hope, towards the highest Truth.
Aspekty Muzyki; 2014, 4; 11-29
Pojawia się w:
Aspekty Muzyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sekwencja Stabat Mater we włoskich interpretacjach muzycznych doby XVIII wieku
The Stabat Mater sequence in Italian musical interpretations of the 18th-century
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
muzyka włoska
muzyka religijna
sekwencja Stabat Mater
XVIII wiek
Italian music
religious music
the Stabat Mater sequence
Treść poematu Stabat Mater, opisującego postać Matki Bożej cierpiącej pod krzyżem, na którym umiera Jezus – Jej Syn, stała się jednym z uniwersalnych tematów sztuki, zainspirowała kompozytorów różnych wieków i ośrodków, co znalazło swój wyraz w bardzo licznych interpretacjach muzycznych. Spośród ponad 4000 kompozycji do tekstu sekwencji znaczna część to dzieła XVIII-wieczne (najczęściej późnobarokowe), pochodzące z kręgu włoskiego. Chcąc zinterpretować utwór słowno-muzyczny XVIII wieku, nie sposób czynić tego w oderwaniu od teorii afektów i retoryki muzycznej, które uzależniają tekst od muzyki zarówno na poziomie emotywnym, jak i symbolicznym. Referat stanowi próbę oglądu kompozycji Stabat Mater w kontekście retoryki na trzech odpowiadających jej poziomach: inventio, dispositio i decoratio. Wyartykułowane są tendencje wspólne oraz indywidualne, przejawiające się w odpowiednim doborze tonacji, tempa i figur retorycznych, a także pewnych motywów melodycznych, rytmicznych lub struktur harmonicznych funkcjonujących w roli znaku ilustracyjno-symbolicznego. Zaprezentowane zostają punkty węzłowe dzieł oraz prośby człowieka skierowane do Matki (druga część sekwencji) o różnorakiej intonacji błagalnej. Wskazana jest funkcja i przesłanie kompozycji. W czasach współczesnych Stabat Mater wielkich twórców rozbrzmiewają głównie jako dzieła koncertowe we wnętrzach kościelnych lub świeckich. Żywotność tych interpretacji 300 lat od ich powstania świadczy niewątpliwie o kompozytorskim kunszcie utworów oraz o ich znaczeniu nie tylko dla muzyki XVIII wieku, ale i dla dzisiejszej kultury i wiary.
The Stabat Mater poem, which describes the suffering of Blessed Virgin Mary under the cross on which Jesus – her Son – is dying, has become a universal theme which inspired composers of various ages and origins and found its expression in numerous musical interpretations. From among over 400 compositions which set the text of the sequence to music, a large proportion are 18th-century works (mostly – late baroque) of Italian provenience. Attempting to interpret a musical composition with text of the 18th century, one has to take into account the theory of affects and musical rhetoric, which make the text dependent on music both on the emotive and symbolic level. The paper will examine the Stabat Mater compositions in the rhetoric context, referring to three main levels: inventio, dispositio and decoratio. The common and individual tendencies will be articulated, evident by the appropriate choice of the key, tempo and rhetorical figures, as well as by some melodic and rhythmic motives or harmonic structure having function of the special illustrative-symbolic signs. The nodal points of the work will be presented as well as the requests of man directed at the Mother (the second part of the sequence) assuming varying intonations of supplication. The function and the message of the compositions are advisable. In contemporary times Stabat Mater of the great composers resound mainly as concert masterpieces in church and secular interiors. The vitality of these interpretations after three hundred years from their creation most certainly bears witness to the composers’ artistry in their works and proves their significance not only for the music of the 18th century but also for the culture and faith of today.
Sympozjum; 2021, 1(40); 83-102
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tradycja chrześcijańska w muzyce sakralnej Pawła Łukaszewskiego
Borowiecka, Renata
Misiaszek, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
tradycja chrześcijańska
muzyka sakralna
Paweł Łukaszewski
europejskie dziedzictwo muzyczne
piękno w sacrum
Paweł Łukaszewski is considered to be one of the most interesting composers of contemporary sacral music, and his work raises interest not only in Poland but also abroad. Vocal and instrumental compositions as well as a cappella choir pieces take up a significant place among his abundant achievements, becoming part of Christian tradition and religion. Many times their subject-matter is related to the most important periods in the Church’s liturgical year or moments highlighted by the composer himself that are special times for experiencing the mysteries of faith. Łukaszewski’s oeuvres confirm the deep rooting in European musical culture and Christian spirituality with its the most important values: Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
Muzyka sakralna. Piękno ocalone i ocalające; 266-288
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Percepcja ± dźwięczności a akustyczny parametr VOT w terapii Neuroflow ATS
Perception of ±voicing and Acoustic VOT Parameter in Neuroflow ATS Therapy
Lorenc, Anita
Król, Daniel
Senderski, Andrzej
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne
VOT (czas rozpoczęcia dźwięczności)
dyskryminacja i
identyfikacja słuchowa
terapia Neuroflow ATS
VOT (Voice Onset Time)
auditory discrimination and identification
Neuroflow ATS therapy
W artykule zaprezentowano nowy zestaw ćwiczeń w aktywnym treningu słuchowym Neuroflow przeznaczony dla osób z zaburzeniami słuchu fonemowego oraz z zaburzeniami przetwarzania słuchowego o podtypie fonologicznym. Są to ćwiczenia dyskryminacji i identyfikacji słuchowej cechy ±dźwięczności w obrębie polskich spółgłosek zwarto-wybuchowych z wykorzystaniem modyfikacji akustycznego parametru VOT. Modyfikację długości VOT zrealizowano, opierając się na technice przepróbkowania sygnału cyfrowego.
This paper presents a new set of exercises in Neuroflow active auditory training designed for people with phonemic hearing disorders and auditory processing disorders of the phonological subtype. These are exercises for the discrimination and identification of the auditory feature of ±voicing within Polish plosive consonants using modification of the acoustic parameter VOT. The modification of VOT length was realised using a digital signal resampling technique.
Logopedia; 2022, 51, 2; 169-191
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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