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Skład chemiczny osadów organicznych ze stanowiska Koźmin Las
Chemical composition of organic sediments from the Koźmin Las site
Okupny, Daniel
Borówka, Ryszard
Fortuniak, Anna
Tomkowiak, Julita
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
osady organiczne
dolina rzeczna
Polska Środkowa
organic sediments
river valley
central Poland
W oparciu o wyniki składu chemicznego osadów organicznych w stanowisku Koźmin Las, przedstawiono rekonstrukcję warunków środowiskowych doliny Warty pod koniec allerödu i w młodszym dryasie. Do rekonstrukcji wykorzystano dane dotyczące zawartości materii organicznej, materii mineralnej, węglanu wapnia, odczynu oraz koncentracji makro- (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn) i mikropierwiastków (Cu, Zn i Pb). Do czynników kształtujących skład chemiczny późnovistuliańskich osadów organicznych w dolinie Warty zaliczono sorpcję metali przez materię organiczną i uwodnione tlenki żelaza, zmien-ność akumulacji minerałów ilastych w środowisku sedymentacyjnym, sposób zasilania ekosystemu oraz właściwości aku-mulacyjne roślin w stosunku do określonych pierwiastków.
The chemical composition of organic deposits from the site Koźmin Las are the basis of reconstruction of envi-ronment conditions of the Warta River valley at the end of the Alleröd and in the Younger Dryas. Environmental archives presented in this study, comprise organic matter content, mineral matter content, calcium carbonate content, reaction and macro- (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn) and microelements (Cu, Zn and Pb). The sorption of metals by organic matter and hydrated iron oxides, clay minerals accumulation variability in depositional environment, water relations of the ecosystem and bioac-cumulation of some elements are the factors determining the chemical composition of organic sediments in the Warta river valley.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2014, 102; 71-86
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithology and geochemistry of the Late Glacial and Holocene sediments from Gostyń Lake (Western Pomerania, Myślibórz Lakeland)
Korzeniowski, Andrzej
Okupny, Daniel
Michczyński, Adam
Sławińska, Joanna
Borówka, Ryszard K.
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
biogenic deposits
human impact
western Poland
Sediment geochemistry and lithology were studied in Gostyń Lake in the eastern part of the Myślibórz Lakeland (part of the Western Pomeranian Lake District). The research was undertaken because relatively shallow lake basins without ground supply contribute to the intensification of water circulation through evaporation. Late Glacial and Holocene phases in the evolution of Gostyń Lake were reconstructed based on selected geochemical indicators (Fe/Mn, S/Fe, Na/K, Mg/Ca, Cu/Zn, Na+K+Mg/Ca, Fe/Ca) as well as on the presence of human activity (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Roman Period). Also, the geochemical and archaeological data were correlated. Generally, the lithogeochemical composition variability in the Gostyń Lake deposits was found to be controlled by changes in: 1) the climate, related to the biogenic accumulation environment, 2) land cover in the Late Glacial and Holocene, and 3) human activities. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed four major variable groups responsible for the changes: hydroclimatic variations which determined the type of sedimentary conditions during the Holocene climate optimum; changes in the organic matter provenance (along with conditions favouring sulphide precipitation); and denudation processes in the Gostyń Lake catchment. The methods used allowed the distribution of ancient settlement to be traced. Interpretation of the geochemical indicators (Fe/Mn, Cu/Zn, S/Fe, Ca/Fe) should involve many more factors which, in the relevant literature, are treated as measures of changes in redox conditions
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2020, 110; 149-168
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stages of the formation of the Łeba barrier-lagoon system on the basis of the geological cross-section near Rąbka (Southern Baltic Coast, Poland)
Rotnicki, Karol
Alexandrowicz, Stefan W.
Pazdur, Anna
Goslar, Tomasz
Borówka, Ryszard K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
sand barriers
Holocene barrier- lagoon system
southern Baltic coast
The ar ti cle pres ents the re sults of a de tailed study of the geo log i cal struc ture of the £eba Bar rier in the R¹bka crosssec tion (South ern Bal tic, Po land). The bar rier sep a rates Lake £ebsko from the Bal tic. Five sed i men tary com plexes were dis tin guished there (M2–M6). The spa tial vari abil ity of the grain-size dis tri bu tion was ex am ined and suc ces sion stages of the mol lusc fauna oc cur ring in the in di vid ual sed i men tary com plexes were dis tin guished. Ra dio car bon dating was used to es tab lish the age of the most im por tant events dur ing the pro cess of for ma tion of the bar rier, which took place in the course of sev eral rel a tive sea-level changes. The first sed i men tary com plex (M2) at R¹bka is connected with the sec ond ingression (i2) of the Bal tic Sea (ca. 6,700–6,000 14C years BP), sea-level sta bi li za tion (6,000–5,500 14C years BP), and at last sea-level low er ing (5,500–5,000 14C years BP) in the re gion of the Gardno-£eba Coastal Plain. The sed i men tary com plex M3 de vel oped in a la goonal en vi ron ment when the bar rier was sit u ated north of its pres ent po si tion (5,000–3,000 14C BP). The next low er ing of the sea-level made the la goon shal lower and caused the emer gence of small but al ready subaerial stretches of bar rier land with a fresh wa ter fauna in the north (4,880±40 14C BP). With the next ingression stage (i3), which took place be tween 4,500 and 3,000 BP, the bar rier shifted to its pres ent-day po si tion and the la goon changed into a fresh wa ter lake. From 3,000 to 1,700 14C BP fos sil soil and peats de vel oped on the bar rier sur face as a re sult of an other sea-level low er ing. The last ingression stages (i4 and i5), youn - ger than 1,700 BP, built up the bar rier, prac ti cally in its to day’s lo ca tion (sed i men tary com plexes M4 and M5). The youn gest sed i men tary com plex (M-6) is rep re sented by pres ent-day beach sands.
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 3-24
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between the chemical composition and lithology of Late Glacial and Holocene biogenic deposits of the Żabieniec mire (Central Poland)
Okupny, Daniel
Borówka, Ryszard Krzysztof
Forysiak, Jacek
Twardy, Juliusz
Kloss, Marek
Żurek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
kettle hole
limnogenic mire
Central Poland
Geochemical and plant macrofossil analyses of the Żabieniec mire deposits and the palaeoenvironmental changes they record of the past several thousand years constitute an important source for palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Polish Lowland. We describe the phases of the basin’s development from the final part of the Plenivistulian (MIS2), through the Late Glacial and the entire Holocene, encompassing changes determined by both regional and global factors in the surrounding environment, and habitat transformations in the limnogenic mire. The kettle-hole infill of the Żabieniec mire is the only documented example in Central Poland of a succession of biogenic deposits exceeding 10 m in thickness in such a setting. Deposition initially took place in a lake environment, which led to a shallowing of the lake that persisted until the end of the Mesoholocene.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 1; 11
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geochemistry of a sedimentary section at the Wąwelnica archaeological site, Szczecin Hills (Western Pomerania)
Okupny, Daniel
Borówka, Ryszard K.
Cedro, Bernard
Sławińska, Joanna
Tomkowiak, Julita
Michczyński, Adam
Kozłowska, Dorota
Kowalski, Krzysztof
Sedlik, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
biogenic accumulation basins
drainless areas
human impact
Szczecin Hills
The results of geochemical assays on biogenic sediments filling a fossil lacustrine basin at Wąwelnica, in the Szczecin Hills, within the left-bank part of the Oder River catchment are presented. The data reveal a natural Holocene sedimentation sequence similar to that found for other sites in central Europe. The geochemical record of palaeo-environmental changes, which may be a consequence of human activities in the proximity of the site, is distinctly bipartite. The part of the profile corresponding to the lacustrine sediment accumulation during the Greenlandian occasionally shows an increased mineral content and an elevated catchment erosion index. An incidental presence of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic communities is confirmed by archaeological evidence from a few sites in the Szczecin Hills. More distinct episodes of mineral matter supply and more pronounced changes in geochemical indicators can be inferred as occurring from the onset of the older part of the Atlantic until the Older Subboreal. Most of the flint artefacts discovered along with a collection of vessel fragments in the Mierzyn-Dołuje area are associated with the Neolithic occupation. However, changes in the deposits’ geochemistry do not reflect all the settlement stages associated with the consecutive human groups identified by archaeological evidence. Possible reasons include a low sediment accumulation rate having restricted peat mass accretion and prevented the storing of any higher amounts of water. This, along with the climate-change-caused lowering of the water table, could have periodically stopped the accumulation of autochthonous organic matter. In addition, intensified human activities coincided with periods of stable and low water level in the basin. On the other hand, breaks in human activity correspond with moist Holocene stages and local flooding events.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2020, 110; 169-186
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warunki paleoekologiczne subkopalnego koryta Kolonia Bechcice na tle hydrologii środkowego odcinka doliny Neru
Palaeoecological and palaeohydrological patterns of the Kolonia Bechcice subfossil oxbow in the mid-Ner River valley
Płóciennik, Mateusz
Kittel, Piotr
Borówka, Ryszard
Cywa, Katarzyna
Okupny, Daniel
Obremska, Milena
Pawłowski, Dominik
Stachowicz-Rybka, Renata
Szperna, Adam
Witkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
rekonstrukcje paleośrodowiskowe
dolina Neru
Polska Środkowa
palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
Ner River valley
Central Poland
Ślady późnoglacjalnej i holoceńskiej historii doliny Neru są dobrze zachowane w osadach paleokoryta Kolonia Bechcice (NKB), które zostało odcięte w młodszym dryasie. Jego rozwój może być podzielony na pięć wyraźnych faz. Podczas młodszego dryasu NKB było dość głębokim, oligotroficznym jeziorem. Z nastaniem holocenu starorzecze uległo eutorfizacji i zarosło roślinnością wodną, a następnie szybko przekształciło się w torfowisko niskie. Brak jest w profi lu NKB osadów ze środkowego holocenu. Torfy z okresu borealnego przykryte są przez mułki i piaski pozakorytowe zdeponowane w okresie subatlantyckim. Zapis ewolucji paleokoryta Kolonia Bechcice dowodzi, że dolina Neru była dynamicznym środowiskiem w późnym glacjale i holocenie. Ekosystemy starorzecza podlegały znacznie silniej presji zmian klimatycznych niż jeziora i mokradła znajdujące się na wysoczyznach w regionie łódzkim.
The history of the Ner River valley is well documented in Kolonia Bechcice (NKB) palaeochannel sediments. It was cut-off from the riverbed in the Younger Dryas. Its history may be divided into five distinct phases. During the Younger Dryas, the NKB was a relatively deep, oligotrophic water body. From the onset of the Holocene, the lake became a eutrophic, overgrown pond which quickly palludified and transformed into a rich fen with ferns and birches. There is a hiatus in the middle of the Holocene fen stratigraphy. A peat sequence is covered by fluvial silt and sand deposits. The NKB sequence documents the Ner valley as a dynamic system during the Late Glacial and the Holocene. Local ecosystems of this oxbow have remained under a much stronger pressure of climate changes than palaeolakes and wetlands located on uplands in the Łódź region.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2016, 105; 107-124
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Glacial palaeoenvironmental changes in the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains based on the “Białe Ługi” peatland record
Okupny, Daniel
Malkiewicz, Małgorzata
Pawłowski, Dominik
Ludwikowska-Kędzia, Małgorzata
Borówka, Ryszard Krzysztof
Forysiak, Jacek
Michczyński, Adam
Jucha, Witold
Cybul, Piotr
Żurek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
biogenic deposits
Małopolska Upland
multiproxy analysis
This paper presents the Late Glacial stage of the development of the Białe Ługi peatland in the southern Holy Cross Mountains, based on a comprehensive palaeoenvironmental data. A complex analysis of palynology, Cladocera, sedimentology, geochemistry and 14C dating were used. Organic deposition was initiated during the Oldest Dryas. The sedimentary record of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems reflects considerable difference between cooler (Oldest, Older and Younger Dryas) and warmer phases (Bølling and Allerød). Periods of intensified interaction between aeolian processes and peatland are related to stages of disappearing vegetation and changes in aquatic invertebrate communities. We therefore suggest that peatlands were created as a result of local lithological-structural, tectonic, hydrogeological and morphological conditions, and the peatland development rate was largely influenced by changing climatic conditions, which determined local vegetation development, intensity of denudation processes and water level changes. The results validate significance of selection and use of several methods, as well as value of biogenic deposits from the Białe Ługi peatland as archives of past climate change in the Małopolska Upland. Relatively stable water conditions and uninterrupted biogenic sedimentation in the Late Glacial that were provided by the geological structure and relief suggest the studied peatland is a leading one in the region.
Studia Quaternaria; 2019, 36; 119-135
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in habitat conditions in a Late Glacial fluviogenic lake in response to climatic fluctuations (Warta River valley, central Poland)
Forysiak, Jacek
Okupny, Daniel
Obremska, Milena
Antczak-Orlewska, Olga
Płóciennik, Mateusz
Pawłowski, Dominik
Baradyn, Daria
Kotrys, Bartosz
Luoto, Tomi P.
Nevalainen, Liisa
Borówka, Ryszard K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
multi-proxy analysis
Late Weichselian
denudation processes
central European river
The Warta River valley was greatly influenced by the ice sheet of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A small peatland located in the Warta drainage system is here used as a palaeoarchive of climatic and habitat changes during the Late Glacial (Weichselian). The Ługi sediment profile was investigated using multi-proxy (pollen, Chironomidae, Cladocera and geochemistry) analyses that recorded changes in a fluviogenic sedimentary depression. After the Poznań Phase (LGM), Ługi functioned as an oxbow lake that was cut off from the active river channel as a result of fluvial erosion. Since that time, the Warta River has flowed only along the section now occupied by the Jeziorsko Reservoir. Sedimentation of lacustrine deposits started at the beginning of the Late Glacial. Summer temperature reconstructions indicate cool Oldest and Younger Dryas, but no clear cooling in the Older Dryas. During the Younger Dryas the palaeolake was completely occupied by a peatland (fen), which periodically dried out during the Holocene. Investigation of this site has tracked the reaction of the habitat to climatic, hydrological and geomorphological changes throughout the Late Weichselian.
Geological Quarterly; 2023, 67, 1; art. no. 1
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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