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On the Tendencies in the Foreign and Domestic Tourism in Lublin Voivodship during the Years 2010-2014
O tendencjach w turystyce zagranicznej i krajowej w województwie lubelskim w latach 2010-2014
О тенденциях в иностранном и национальном туризме в Люблинском воеводстве в 2010-2014 гг.
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
Lublin Voivodship
domestic and foreign tourism tendencies
województwo lubelskie
turystyka krajowa i zagraniczna tendencje
Люблинское воеводство национальный и инстранный ту-
Observing tourism in a given area is a crucial factor in the strategy of its development. An analysis of the data on tourists’ visits to Lublin Voivodship during the years 2010-2014 provides relevant information. A positive phenomenon is also the stabilization of such great number of tourists, which was recorded in the last two years. Even more positive picture gives the promotion of the voivodship to the 7th place in ranking in 2014 in the number of tourists visiting the Lublin region, when compared to the 13th place in 2010. Among the positive phenomena we should note the increase in the number of domestic tourists, from 1.3 million to 2.2 million. Despite the increase in the number of foreign tourists, from 0.9 million to 1.6 million, it should be noted that over 50% of them are citizens of Ukraine and Belarus, who mainly come here on trade purposes, with a modest percentage of tourismrecreation stays. This little positive area is complemented with the fall of expenses by foreign tourists in 2014 per person and per day of stay.
Śledzenie ruchu turystycznego na danym terenie jest nieodzownym elementem strategii jego rozwoju. Analiza danych o przyjazdach turystów do woj. lubelskiego w latach 2010-2014 dostarcza konkretnych informacji. Pozytywnym zjawiskiem jest także stabilizacja dużej liczby turystów, którą zanotowano w dwóch ostatnich latach. Jeszcze korzystniejszy obraz wyznacza awans na VII miejsce w 2014 roku w rankingu krajowym w liczbie turystów odwiedzających Lubelszczyznę w porównaniu do XIII lokaty w 2010 roku. Do pozytywnych zjawisk należy wzrost liczby turystów krajowych z 1,3 mln do 2,2 mln. Mimo wzrostu liczby turystów z zagranicy z 0,9 mln do 1,6 mln, warto zauważyć, że ponad 50% to mieszkańcy Ukrainy i Białorusi, którzy przyjeżdżają głównie w celach handlowych, przy skromnym udziale pobytów turystyczno-wypoczynkowych. Ten mało korzystny obszar uzupełnia spadek wydatków przez turystów zagranicznych w 2014 roku przypadający na osobę jak i na dzień pobytu.
Прослеживание туристского движения на данной территории – неотъемлемый фактор стратегии ее развития. Анализ данных о приездах туристов в Люблинское воеводство в 2010-2014 гг. дает конкретную информацию. Положительным явлением является тоже стабилизация так большого количества туристов, которое отметили в двух последних годах. Еще более благоприятная картина вырисовывается благодаря продвижению на VII место в 2014 г в национальном рейтинге по числу туристов, посетивших Люблинское воеводство, по сравнению с XIII местом в 2010 г. К числу положительных явле- ний относится рост числа национальных туристов с 1,3 млн до 2,2 млн. Несмотря на рост также числа туристов-иностранцев с 0,9 млн до 1,6 млн, стóит отметить, что свыше 50% из них – это жители Украины и Беларуси, которые приезжают в основном в торговых целях, при небольшой доле пребывания в целях туризма и отдыха. Эта скорее всего неблагоприятная сфера дополняется еще снижением расходов интуристов в 2014 г. на одного туриста, а также на один день пребывания.
Handel Wewnętrzny; 2017, 4 (369) Tom I; 253-262
Pojawia się w:
Handel Wewnętrzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical Fitness of Prison Officers
Bergier, Józef
Wojciechowski, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Prison Service officers
physical activity
The objective of the study was to investigate the career-choice motives for one’s entering the prison service as an operational officer, and the level of physical fitness. The study was conducted in April 2015, and included 100 officers employed in Biała Podlaska prison. The examined group consisted of 93 males; aged 23-52; mean age 37.2, and 7 females aged 3-43; mean age 37.7 (30-43). 61 (61%) of the males were employed as security guards, while 39 persons (39%), including 7 females, as clerks in the administration section. The study methods included: a physical fitness test consisting of 5 physical performance tests, recommended by the regulation of the Minister of Justice, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire(IPAQ) – long-form, questions designed by the author of the paper. Career-choice motives turned out to be conditioned purely be economic incentives and the professions’ stability as opposed to other professional specialties. The respondents were fit and engaged in numerous physical activates. The factors which significantly determined the level of one’s fitness depended on: age, education, a high self-report on physical fitness, total physical activity and the number of done sports. Originality of the study is based on investigating the condition of physical fitness of prison officers with the use of currently recommended assessment methods in Poland.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2018, 24, 4; 45-55
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bergier, Józef
Ignatjeva, Angelina
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku
aktywność fizyczna
kwestionariusz IPAQ - wersja krótka
sedenteryjny tryb życia
physical activity
IPAQ questionnaire - short version
sedentary lifestyle
Wprowadzenie: Aktywność fizyczna jest jednym z głównych czynników stylu życia, która może zapobiegać wielu chorobom. Grupą wieku szczególnie ważną jest młodzież wkraczająca w dorosłość. Wśród różnorodnych czynników warunkujących aktywność fizyczną jest płeć. Znajomość różnic w aktywności fizycznej dziewcząt i chłopców pozwala trafniej dobierać zajęcia ruchowe do ich specyfiki. Materiał: Badaniami przeprowadzonymi w 2013 r objęto 156 uczniów w wieku 16,17,18 lat w tym 62 dziewcząt (41%) i 88 chłopców (59%) ze szkół polskich w Rydze na Łotwie. Metoda: Zastosowano Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ) w wersji krótkiej powszechnie zalecany w badaniach międzynarodowych. Wyniki: Poziom wysoki aktywności fizycznej wykazano wśród 47,6% u chłopców, a 27,8% wśród dziewcząt. Nie wykazano wśród dziewcząt i chłopców osób z niskim poziomem aktywności fizycznej. Poziom całkowitej aktywności fizycznej chłopców zwiększa się wraz z wiekiem, w przypadku dziewcząt obniża się tj. 16-18 lat. U chłopców największy udział badanych o wysokiej aktywności fizycznej wykazano w wieku 17 lat-59,5% i 18 lat-43,2%. W przypadku dziewcząt najwyższą wartość wykazano w wieku 16 lat-32,4%. Wykazano natomiast istotne różnice w ramach grup wieku obu płci. W przypadku dziewcząt między grupą 17-latek (297 min.), a 18-latek (257,6) min. Natomiast w przypadku chłopców między grupą 16-latków (329 min.), a 17-latków (270 min.). Wnioski: Poziom całkowitej aktywności fizycznej zawiera się głównie w przedziale wartości umiarkowanych, a dominującym obszarem aktywności jest chodzenie. Wyniki badań potwierdziły powszechnie wykazywaną wyższą aktywności fizyczną u chłopców co należy brać pod uwagę przy zajęciach ruchowych młodzieży szkolnej w analizowanym wieku.
Introduction: Physical activity is one of the main lifestyle factors that can prevent many diseases. The age group that is especially important with respect to that aspect are young people entering adulthood. Among various factors that determine young people’s physical activity is sex. That is why, knowledge of differences in physical activity of girls and boys enables selecting proper activities due to gender specificity more accurately. Material: The research was conducted in 2013 and involved 156 pupils, aged 16,17,18 years, including 62 girls (41%) and 88 boys (59%) from Polish schools in Riga, Latvia. Method: An International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), commonly recommended in international research, was used in its short version. Results: High level of physical activity was found in 47.6% of the boys and in 27.8% of the girls. No differences were shown in those girls and boys who exhibited low levels of physical activity. However, the level of total physical activity of boys increased with age, whereas in the case of girls, it decreased at around 16-18 years. In boys, the highest proportion of involvement in high physical activity was observed at the age of 17, i.e. 59.5%, and 18 - 43.2%. In the case of girls, the highest value was shown at the age of 16, i.e. 32.4%. However, important differences in total activity were found in different age groups of both sexes. For girls, the value for 17-year-olds was 297 min., whereas for 18-year-olds - 257.6 min. In the case of boys, those who were 16-year-olds showed 329 min. of total activity, whereas in 17-year-olds, it amounted to 270 min. Conclusions: It was found that the level of total physical activity of youth falls within a moderate range and that the dominant activity is walking. The results of the study confirmed the general higher physical activity values in boys, which should be taken into account while preparing physical activity tasks for schoolchildren in the analyzed age.
Roczniki Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku; 2017, 2(20); 20-31 s.
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Wychowania Fizycznego i Turystyki w Białymstoku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom aktywności fizycznej ze względu na status zawodowy kuracjuszy uzdrowiska i klientów Spa Nałęczów
The level of physical activity in view of patients’ occupational status in a health resort and clients’ in Spa Nałęczów
Pocztarska-Dec, Agata
Bergier, Józef
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
aktywność fizyczna
styl życia
status zawodowy
kuracjusze uzdrowisk
klienci spa
osoby starsze
physical activity
social status
patients of health resort
spa clients
elder people
Wprowadzenie: Problematyka kuracjuszy uzdrowisk i klientów ośrodków spa jest rzadko podejmowana w krajowej literaturze, a szczególnie w zakresie poziomu ich aktywności fizycznej, która jest jednym z ważnych czynników warunkujących stan zdrowia. Materiał i metody badawcze: W badaniach prowadzonych w Uzdrowisku i Spa Nałęczów uczestniczyło 771 kuracjuszy i 173 klientów spa. Na podstawie Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ) w wersji krótkiej, dokonano oceny poziomu aktywności fizycznej badanych. Wyniki: Grono kuracjuszy cechował stosunkowo niski poziom całkowitej aktywności fizycznej, a dominującym jej rodzajem było chodzenie. Status zawodowy nie różnicował istotnie statystycznie aktywności fizycznej kuracjuszy. Poziom aktywności fizycznej klientów był znacznie wyższy niż u kuracjuszy i cechował ich w niemal równej proporcji poziom niski i umiarkowany. Wyniki badań ukazały, że status zawodowy nie różnicował istotnie aktywności fizycznej badanych, co jest bardzo niepokojące w odniesieniu do studentów. Wnioski: Poziom aktywności fizycznej kuracjuszy uzdrowiska jest znacznie niższy niż wśród klientów spa. Status zawodowy kuracjuszy i klientów nie różnicował istotnie ich poziomu aktywności fizycznej.
Introduction: The scope of problems concerning health resort patients and spa clients is rarely undertaken in Polish literature, especially in terms of their physical activity, which is among the most important health factors. Material and method: The study conducted in the Nałęczów Health Resort and SPA included 771 patients as well as 173 clients of the Nałęczów Spa. Physical activity was evaluated on the basis of a short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results: The patients were characterized by a relatively low level of total physical activity, and its dominant form was walking. No significant differences in physical activity were observed according to the occupational status. The clients’ level of physical activity was considerably higher than that of the patients’, with a nearly an equal proportion of low and moderate levels. It is surprising that no significant differences in the respondents’ physical activity were found relating to their occupational status, which is very alarming especially in respect to students. Conclusions: The level of physical activity was considerably lower among Health Resort patients than spa clients. No significant differences in the level of physical activity were observed in view of their occupational status.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2016, 10, 2; 75-82
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The year of study and the physical activity of students of selected fields of study at state school of higher education in Biała Podlaska
Niźnikowska, Ewelina
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
IPAQ - short version
physical activity
year of study
The aim of the study was to analyze the level of physical activity of students of selected fields of study at Biała Podlaska University depending on the year of study. The study involved 450 people, studying at the first and second stages of education at the State School of Higher Education (PSW) in Biała Podlaska. In the study, a method of diagnostic survey was applied, with the use of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ - short version. Based on the analysis it was concluded that the surveyed students were characterized by a moderate level of physical activity. The diversity of types of physical activity of students in relation to the year of study were statistically significant in terms of total activity, moderate activity and walking - in favor of students of the second year of undergraduate studies.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2014, 6, 2; 67-75
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of nutrition among male and female Ukrainian students
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Tsos, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
female students
male students
Adequate nutrition is one of the most important factors of a good state of health. The objective of the study was recognition of the mode of nutrition and behaviours related with concern about silhouette among students from the Ukraine. Materials and Method. The study was conducted in 2013 among 2,125 students, including 1,291 females and 834 males, from 12 study specialties at the National University in Lutsk. The method of a diagnostic survey was applied with the use of a questionnaire. The study showed significant differences in the regularity of consumption of meals to the benefit of males. Females, in their behaviours, more frequently avoided eating, felt fear of gaining weight, and lost control over eating. With respect to behaviours related with concern about silhouette, females significantly more often applied exercises in order to reduce body weight, while males in order to gain body weight. A positive behaviour in both sexes was a trace application of drugs and other pharmacological means to improve own silhouette.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2016, 16, 4; 23-31
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Place of residence as a factor differentiating physical activity in the life style of Ukrainian students
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Tsos, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
physical activity
place of residence.
Determining the state of physical activity of societies as an important component of a health promoting life style is a very up-to-date problem. Studies of physical activity among students, the future elites in their environments, become of increasing importance. An important problem is the recognition of factors differentiating this activity on the example of place of residence. For this purpose, the study covered 2,125 students (60.8% females and 39.2% males) from the National Institute in Lutsk, Ukraine, aged 17–22 (mean age: 20.4). The method of a diagnostic survey was applied which included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The following measures of physical activity according to the place of residence (rural area, small town with a population up to 100,000; medium-size town – 100,000–200,000 inhabitants; large city – over 200,000) were taken into consideration: level of physical activity, self-reported physical fitness, sports disciplines practiced by the respondents, and those which they would like to practice, and the BMI, and leisure time possessed. The study showed that the place of residence positively differentiated physical activity among students from medium-size towns and rural areas, compared to their contemporaries from small towns and large cities. Significant differences were also found with respect to the BMI, which was significantly less favourable among respondents from the rural environment. However, no differences were observed between the place of residence for leisure time, self-reported physical activity, and forms of physical activity practiced, and those which the respondents would like to practice.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2016, 23, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variations in physical activity of male and female students from the Ukraine in health-promoting life style
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Tsos, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
students from ukraine
physical activity
sports-recreational activity
Introduction. A large-scale research was performed concerning issues relating to physical activity as an important factor in a healthy lifestyle and involved observing the differences among males and females as future elites of the Ukraine. Objective. The objective of the research is to assess the physical activity of students from the Ukraine, considering such factors as: gender, leisure time, time spent sitting, sports performed or intended to be performed, and the BMI. Materials and method. The extended version of the IPAQ, supplemented with 3 original questions by the authors, was applied to a 2,125-strong student group from 12 majors of the University of Luck, Ukraine. Results. Students from Ukraine portrayed a positive picture of physical activity with significantly higher values in male students of both total activity and its fields, i.e. sports activity and work (studying). The male students performed better in their fitness (condition) self-assessment and the amount of time spent sitting, whereas the female students had better BMI results. Both genders differed considerably in their choice of sport-recreational activities. Conclusions. Females more than males demonstrated lower indices of participation in physical activity, which did not permit the formulation of a positive assessment of their lifestyle. A positive phenomenon is the normal BMI and trace values of overweight in women, exactly the reverse to males.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2017, 24, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected factors differentiating the forms of physical activity taken up or expected by the students of PSW in Biała Podlaska
Stępień, Ewa
Bergier, Barbara
Niźnikowska, Ewelina
Bergier, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
physical activity
In view of new civilizational challenges of the 21st century, health promotion and education encouraging active participation in physical recreation, which should be implemented at all levels of education, within family, peer environment and local environment, become issues of particular importance. The research was carried out in the summer of 2013 and included 572 students of John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PSW), of such degree courses as Tourism and Recreation, Public Health, Nursing, Rescue Medicine and Computer Science. The method used in the research was a diagnostic survey based on International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The aim of the study was to get to know the differentiation between the forms of recreational physical activity taken up and expected by the students of PWS and their gender, BMI and self-assessment of physical fitness. Basing on the results of the analysis it was concluded that the abovementioned independent variables have significant impact on the forms of physical activity chosen and expected by the surveyed. Studies of the literature on the subject and the results of our previous research entitle us to conclude that university students, who in the near future will constitute the intellectual elite of the country, should be aware of the influence of physical activity on general health, the importance of healthy lifestyle and their role in promoting healthy attitudes. However, the research showed that the students are not ready to perform such tasks, therefore the actions preparing them to lead a healthy lifestyle need to be intensified.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2015, 10, 2; 87-94
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Diversity of the Place of Residence of Students and their Level of Physical Activity
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Niźnikowska, Ewelina
Junger, Ján
Pongrác, Ács
Frömel, Karel
Szepeluk, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
physical activity
place of residence
The aim of the research was to study the diversity of the level of physical activity among the students according to their place of residence: a house (a detached house) or a flat (a residential block). The research was carried out in 2015 among 730 students (373 women and 357 men) of John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PSW). The method used in the research was the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) in its long version. The results have shown that there were no significant differences in the overall level of physical activity of both men and women according to their place of residence. However, significant differences have been noticed among female and male students as regards the physical activity connected to housework in favour of people living in houses. The same correlation was observed in favour of women living in flats (residential blocks).
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2016, 13, 1; 123-132
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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