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Pojęcie prawdy transcendentalnej w "Philosophia prima, sive Ontologia" Christiana Wolffa
Der Begriff der Transzendentalen Wahrheit in Christian Wolffs "Philosophia prima, sive Ontologia"
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Der Aufsatz sich mit dem Problem der objektiven Gültigkeit der metaphysischen Erkenntnis in der Wolffschen "Ontologie". Besonders bin ich interessiert an der Problemstellung und Problemlösung, d.h. nicht nur am Begriff der transzendentalen Wahrheit, aber auch am Verhältnis zwischen ihm und dem Begriff der logischen Wahrheit und der Ordnung. Die Begriffe der transzendentalen Wahrheit und der Ordnung gehören zu wichtigsten Begriffen der Wolffschen Philosophie des Seins, die als die Grundlage allen anderen (philosophischen) Wissenschaften gedacht wird. Deshalb kann man sagen, dass der Begriff der transzendentalen Wahrheit ist der echten Grundbegriff der ganzen Philosophie. In dem Aufsatz versuche ich zu zeigen, worin besteht die Wichtigkeit dieses Begriffes und mit ihm verbundenen Konzeption des Seins und der Erkenntnis. Der Aufsatz besteht aus drei Teilen: in der ersten beschäftige ich mich mit dem logischen Begriff der Wahrheit (nominale und reale Definition der Wahrheit), in der zweiten – mit dem Begriff der Ordnung (ordo), in der letzten – mit dem Begriff der transzendentalen Wahrheit.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica; 2004, 16
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjawisko i rzecz sama w sobie. Niektóre aspekty pojęcia przedmiotu w "Krytyce czystego rozumu" I. Kanta
"Erscheinung" und "Ding an sich" Gewählte Aspekte von der Problemauffassung in der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" von I. Kant
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Die Begriffe "Erscheinung" und "Ding an sich" wurden im Laufe der Zeit vielmals interpretiert und wohl so oft mißinterpretiert. Der Hauptgrund der falschen Interpretationen von den obiegen Begriffen scheint ihr platonischer oder eher von Plato inspirierter Charakter za sein. Darunter verstehe ich eine solche Auslegung der Beziehung "Erscheinung" – "Ding an sich", in der sie als der Schein und die reale Wirklichkeit im Gegensatz zueinander stehen. Zu den wichtigsten und gleichzeitig konfusesten Texten von Kant, die er dem Problem gewidmet hat, gehört der Kapitel von der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft": "Phaenomena und Noumena". Meine Arbeit ist ein solcher Analyse – und Interpretationsversuch von diesem Fragment, der einerseits den für die beiden Redaktionen (von der A und B Kritikausgabe) gemeinsamen und gleichzeitig den fundamentalen Sinn der Kantschen Lehre über "Erscheinung" und "Ding an sich" hervorhebt und vorstellt, andrereseits andere von Plato inspiriete Auffassungen dieses Problems als unberechtigt ablehnt.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica; 2001, 14
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika transcendentalna. Kanta filozofia umysłu oraz jego filozofia filozofii jako projekt wychowawczy
Transcendental Pedagogy. Kant’s Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Philosophy as an Educational Project
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
filozofia transcendentalna
transcendental philosophy
Filozofia umysłu, w tym przede wszystkim sama filozofia krytyczna (transcendentalna krytyka rozumu), oraz filozofia filozofii Kanta przedstawione tu zostają jako jedyne w swoim rodzaju przedsięwzięcie wychowawcze. Tytułowa pedagogika transcendentalna (termin zaproponowany przeze mnie na użytek tego tekstu) nie stanowi teorii wychowania, lecz jego praktykę. Realizuje się ona na dwu płaszczyznach — (samo)wychowanie i (samo)kształcenie rozumu w krytyce oraz (samo) wychowanie i (samo)kształcenie człowieka w filozofii. Jest ona transcendentalna, tzn. nieempiryczna, ponieważ stanowi pewien system przekształceń mentalnych dokonywanych in abstracto w, jeśli wolno tak się wyrazić, mentalnej przestrzeni ludzkiej samoświadomości za pomocą narzędzi najzupełniej dyskursywnych i spekulatywnych. Krytyka rozumu oraz Kantowska filozofia filozofii ujęte zostają tutaj nie tylko jako narzędzia i metody tego swoistego procesu wychowawczego, lecz także, a właściwie przede wszystkim, jako transformacyjna praktyka intelektualna. Pojęcia wychowania, wychowanka i wychowawcy z płaszczyzny stricte pedagogicznej zostaną tu przeniesione w dziedzinę interpretacji Kanta koncepcji filozofii (w tym transcendentalnej krytyki rozumu), która zaprezentowana zostanie jako narzędzie kształtowania umysłu najprzód własnego, w dalszej zaś kolejności cudzego. Tekst podzielony jest na dwie podstawowe części: pierwsza poświęcona jest krytyce rozumu ujętej jako tegoż rozumu dyscyplinowanie i kształcenie, druga traktuje o filozofii jako narzędziu wychowania człowieka.
The philosophy of mind, and especially the critical philosophy (transcendental critique of reason) and philosophy of philosophy are presented here as a unique pedagogical endenavour. The work’s titular transcendental pedagogy (which is a term proposed by me solely for the use of the following paper) does not mean the theory of upbringing, but rather it’s practice. It works on two seperate levels: (self)upbringing and (self) education of reason in the critique, and (self)upbringing and (self)education of human in philosophy. It is transcendental, which means non-empirical, as it is a system of mental transformations made in abstracto in, so to speak, mental space of human selfconsciousness by means of entirely discursive and speculative tools. The critique of reason and Kant’s philosophy of philosophy are taken not only as tools and methods of this peculiar pedagogical process, but most of all as transformational intelectual practice. The concepts of upbringing, upbringee and upbringer are moved from the strictly pedagogical level into the field of the interpretation of Kant’s conception of philosophy (including the transcendental critique of reason). This philosophy is then shown as a tool for shaping both one’s own and the other’s minds. The paper is divided into two basic parts: the first one talks about the critique of reason as a discipline and education of reason, and the other one discusses philosophy as a tool for upbringing the human.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2015, 1, 1; 110-131
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pewność jako problem filozoficzny w "Prawidłach kierowania umysłem" Kartezjusza
Gewißheit als philosophisches Problem in der Abhandlung "Die Regeln zur Leitung des Verstandes" von R. Descartes
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Diese Betrachtungen versuchen das Problem der intellektuellen Intuition bei R. Descartes anhand der Abhandlung "Die Regeln zur Leitung des Verstandes" vorzustellen. Die Intuition der Gemüt (intuistus mentis) ist eine eigentümliche Fähigkeit der menschliechen Vernunft, kraft dessen nicht nur direkte Erkenntnis der obersten Prinzipen, aber auch jede unsere gültige Erkenntnis möglich ist. Deshalb ist die Intuition der Gemüt (als ein Erkenntnisvermögen des Subjekts) notwendig, um eine Konzeption der Intuition (die Methode) zu entwickeln. Das aber, was unbedingter Grund (Principium) und zugleich die Bedinung der Möglichkeit jeder unserer unmittelbaren Erkenntnis ist, kann nicht direkt erkannt werden. Dem die Methode kann nicht ein unbedingtes Wissen um Intuition sein, und ausserdem ist ihre Gültigkeit problematisch. Darum betreffen diese Überlegungen vor allem das Problem der Gültigkeit der kartesianischen Konzeption der intellektuellen Intuition. Die Methode kann nur erklären wie die Intuition (und Deduktion) richtig gehandhabt wird. Aber sie kann nicht lehren, wie diese Operationen vollgezogen werden. Die Fragestellung lautet nun: wie die Intuition zu erkennen sei?
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica; 1998, 12
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nisi ipse intellectus. Nie-redukcjonistyczna filozofia umysłu w Leibniza Nowych rozważaniach dotyczących rozumu ludzkiego
Nisi Ipse Intellectus. Non-reductionist Philosophy of the Mind in Leibniz’s New Essays on Human Understanding
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Developed in his polemics with Locke, Leibniz’s conception of the mind based on the so called ‘system commune’ is an example of what the non-reductionist and non-naturalistic view has to offer in the philosophy of the mind. In this paper I discuss the following issues: the status of New essays in Leibniz’s works, the consciousness-mind relation as understood by both philosophers, conception of the innate and innate-acquired relation in the so called ‘system commune’. I have divided this work into four parts. In the first one I present the status of New essays in Leibniz’s works and I explain his conception of the ‘system commune’. In the second one I investigate Locke’s arguments on the nativism and his conception of the innate. Next, I discuss the conception of the innateness, as proposed by Leibniz, and the mind-consciousness relation. Finally, I present the conclusions drawn from the above analyses.
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych; 2015, 27/t.t.; 105-125
Pojawia się w:
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozum versus (u)czucie. Filozofii krytycznej z (neo)platonizmem przypadki (kilka słów od tłumacza)
Reason versus feeling. Sparring between critical philosophy and (neo)platonism. (Translator’s commentary)
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The following paper provides a historical and biographical introduction to the reading of the translation of Kant’s essay Von einem neuerdings erhobenen vornehmen Ton in der Philosophie. It consists of three parts. In the first one, called Introductory remarks, I point out the specific role of Kant’s polemical writings in his work. In the second, Protagonists, I outline the biographies of both of Kant’s opponents: J. G. Schlosser and Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg-Stolber. Finally, in the third one, I discuss a number of translation problems with the terms “Ahnung” and “ahnen”.
Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny Hybris; 2021, 53, 2; 79-101
Pojawia się w:
Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny Hybris
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między światem dostępnym zmysłom a transcendencją. Kanta krytyka rozumu jako próba nowego ufundowania metafizyki
Banaszkiewicz, Artur
Miodoński, Leon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The aim of the following work is to present the critique of reason as a tool for defending metaphysics but above all for founding it on new, formally-subjective grounds. Despite how much has been said about the problem of metaphysics in Kantian philosophy, about his critique of the „traditional” metaphysics and about his idea of a „new” metaphysics, we are still left with a lot of questions. What conception of metaphysics did Kant inherit? What was his understanding of the metaphysics? What was the metaphysics he was lecturing on? Is his critique indeed limited to a historically determined conception of this science? What are the results of this critique of reason for the metaphysics? Was the metaphysics to be banished, or merely reformed or reestablished? These are but a few of the most important questions I am trying to answer in this work. I argue that neither was Kant an eradicator of metaphysics nor that he ever claimed that metaphysics could be substantiated whether by validating contemporary physics or the image of the world built upon it, or only by presenting the theory of constitution of the world of possible experience. The most important issue for Kant is not the validation of natural sciences, but the ultimate solution to the problem of metaphysics. In my opinion one of the most significant results of the Critique of Pure Reason is the thesis that the metaphysics as a speculative and objective science is impossible. It does not mean, however, that it is entirely impossible. Even in Kant’s private notes and glosses there is a certain tension that defines – perhaps in the best possible way – the distinctive character of his philosophy. On the one hand Kant is aware that in the field of theoretical cognition and objective knowledge it is impossible to transcend the boundaries of experience; on the other hand he is also aware of the actual necessity of transcending them, or at least that such attempts are inevitable, since they emerge from the nature of reason itself. I argue that this is the source of an ambiguity that characterises the very outcome of the Critique of Pure Reason. I also claim that this is why the theoretical-speculative transition to the supersensible, typically held by „dogmatic” metaphysics, was insufficient for Kant and that the new transition was to be sought for. There are standard and commonly accepted interpretations of the Kantian critique of metaphysics, which either emphasise the negative results of this critique or even reduce it to these results. Contrary to the above interpretations I think that the Kantian critique has also its positive outcome, which is much more important than the negative one since it captures the very essence of the endeavour known as the critique of reason. From this belief comes the main thesis of this work that the critique of reason is not the destruction of metaphysics but rather it is its defence, which is based on the formally-subjective foundation of metaphysics. In my work I discuss the actual mechanism of this defence. In general I believe that in Kant’s case we are dealing with providing a new foundation of metaphysics rather than founding of a new metaphysics (hence the subtitle of this book) because even for Kant metaphysics was primarily scientia transcendens. Granted, former metaphysica specialis and ontology both change their status and character in the process of searching for these new foundations, but also a substantial novelty appears called metaphysics of morality. The Kantian emendation or the reform of metaphysics can be summarized in the following manner. The ontology remains the theory of formal, apriori-subjective mechanisms of the constitution of the world of possible experience and at the same time it is the ground for natural sciences (Transcendental Aesthetic and Analytic), whereas the proper metaphysics, based solely on the subjective grounds, can be either metaphysics of nature or of morality. The traditional – theoretical-dogmatic – transition from the sensible and conditioned to the intelligible and unconditioned is replaced with the practical-dogmatic transition and the rational faith. The major concerns of this work are the Kantian conception of the metaphysics, the outcome of the critique of metaphysics and the idea of a new metaphysics following the critique of reason. In the analyses and reconstructions below I always attempt to grasp in the most accurate manner the inner logic of the Kantian critique of metaphysics, the actual intentions of this critique and its outcome. I introduce Kant’s conception of metaphysics and I answer why the metaphysics was a problem for him (Introduction), I discuss how Kant was preparing to solve that problem and what kind of metaphysics he was teaching his students (Part I) and I also analyse the very core of his critique (Part II). Finally I argue that the critique itself is not the final word in this philosophy and that there are certain interpretative perspectives allowing one to grasp its positive outcome, which is often either ignored or even disregarded (Conclusion). In order to achieve the above goals I analyse the issue of Kantian metaphysics exclusively on the grounds of his own philosophy, with no interpretative patterns or presuppositions, so that the possible clarity of this issue would not be distorted by some foreign views. I do not oppose the variety of interpretations of the problem of Kantian metaphysics, nor do I take the side of any of them and this is why I hardly ever discuss them in my work. The most important question for me is the very problem of metaphysics: its introduction, solution and the conditions of both. Above all, however, I am interested in the conditions immanent to Kantian philosophy and not the transcendent ones, which can be found in other philosophical systems and whose influence on Kantian thought might perhaps be proven. In this work I explain the actual meaning of the Kantian critique of metaphysics. I argue that the critique alone is not the aim in itself of this philosophy since there is also its positive part, the one that the critique makes possible (the idea of the metaphysics of nature, metaphysics of morality, ontology understood as the theory of the constitution of the world of experience, the conception of rational faith and the practical-dogmatic transition). My aim here is not to provide a comparison between a variety of different historical approaches to Kantian philosophy. I believe that relating certain conceptions to one another in order to discover supposed influences among them has a rather poor explanatory power, which is what makes it an inadequate tool for understanding the inner logic of given philosophy. I do not make a review of all of the opinions that have emerged in the over two hundred year long history of Kantian scholarship. My intention is to present my own standpoint which is the result of my own independent studies of Kant’s works. I precisely define the problem and a certain framework within Kantian philosophy where its solution can be looked for, I specify Kant’s perspective and finally I explain Kant’s view in the most approachable manner along with pointing out its possible consequences. This is why my research concentrates on the source texts (works of Kant), which determines its rather immanent character. I focus here on the problem of Kantian metaphysics, not on the history of reception and interpretation of its solution, therefore the references to the so called secondary texts are rather scarce and they only appear where I find them entirely indispensible. I am not even trying to hide that my perspective is not external. I do not wish to analyse critical philosophy as if it was a specimen from a museum of history of intellectual peculiarities. Instead, I try to enter its inner dynamics and logic, to understand it on its own ground free from relations to other philosophies or exegetic patterns, to look for the actual sense and meaning of the Kantian teaching itself. This is an analysis and interpretation of Kant’s works, not works about Kant’s works. It stems from a fertile – though perhaps a little naive – belief that Kant’s works are meaningful on their own and that their sense can successfully be exposed and explained.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor Within Ileal Intussusception as the Cause of Recurrent Abdominal Pain in a 57-Year Old Patient
Waszak, Magdalena
Sokólska, ElŻbieta
Banaszkiewicz, Zbigniew
Bała, Artur
Korenkiewicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
small intestine
The study presented a rare case of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) in a 57-year old male patient who presented with recurrent abdominal pain. He was diagnosed to have a tumor of the small intestine within ileal intussusception, demonstrated by CT enterography. The patient underwent surgery to remove the tumor with a margin of healthy tissue. Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination results enabled to diagnose IMT. IMT is a rare tumor that occurs mainly in children and young adults. Its etiology remains to be fully understood. Due to the differentiated histology it can be found in many organs and soft tissues, being responsible for different, non-specific clinical and radiological symptoms. Due to the rarity of this tumor a clear treatment protocol has not yet been established. However, given the tendency to recur with possible distant metastases an important element of treatment consists in long-term clinical patient observation.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 1; 35-38
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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