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Environmental changes during the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event in the Outer Carpathian basins: a synthesis of data from various tectonic-facies units
Zmiany w środowisku basenów Karpat zewnętrznych w czasie globalnego zdarzenia oceanicznego na granicy cenomanu i turonu; synteza wyników badań z różnych jednostek tektoniczno-facjalnych
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event
Late Cretaceous
Outer Carpathians
The paper summarizes the results of author’s studies on the environmental changes around the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) in the Outer Carpathian basins located close to the northern margin of the Western Tethys, whose sea floor was situated below the calcite compensation depth. The sedimen- tary, biotic and chemical records allowed to recognize the successions related to the oceanic anoxic event (OAE-2) and trace changes around this event sediments within the frame of the stable carbon isotope excursion and biostratigraphic datum events. The changes so traced included changes in: type of deep-water sedimentation, accumulation rate, productivity, oxygenation of bottom water and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Correlation of the palaeoenvironmental changes with the carbon isotope curve and biostratigraphic datum events allowed the comparisons between the various sedimentary areas in the Outer Carpathians, and with other areas of the Western Tethys. Most of the interpreted events around the CTBE were synchronous in the northern branch of the Western Tethys that extended to the Umbria-Marche and Sicily carbonate platforms. These events included: (1) an increase in productivity before the interval with the highest shift in d13C values, (2) the main interval of organic-rich sedimentation (Bonarelli level), (3) a rapid change to oxygenated sediments near the Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) boundary and continued during the Early Turonian, (4) fluctuations in oxygen content in bottom waters with short intervals of anoxia during the earliest Turonian, (5) deposition of a thick bentonite layer, near the start of the d13C excursion, roughly synchronous with the phase of a positive shift in Pb isotopic compositions in the silicate sediment fraction in one of the Umbria-Marche sections, (6) an interval of extremely low hemipelagic sedimentation with hiatuses near the base of the C-T boundary and during the earliest Turonian, correlated with the maximum rise of the sea level. The presented data from the Outer Carpathians suggest that the OAE-2 could be triggered by enhanced productivity; however, subaerial volcanic eruptions, accompanied by hydrothermal activity and formation of large igneous provinces could also be a factor which enriched the ocean-atmosphere system in CO2. Sluggish deep- water circulation, probably deteriorating through the Late Cenomanian, favoured preservation of organic matter during the latest Cenomanian. The mechanism of rapid oxygenation of bottom waters near the C-T boundary was related to recurrent inflows of (?)saline warm and oxygenated waters.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 2; 171-191
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projektowanie testu aplikacyjnego układów pamięci NAND FLASH
Designing application test of NAND FLASH memory
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
test aplikacyjny
application test
Prosta budowa testu aplikacyjnego sprawia, że jest on szeroko stosowany w procesach produkcyjnych. Główną zaletą testu aplikacyjnego jest łatwość jego dopasowania do szeregu różnych urządzeń/podzespołów, posiadających podobny lub identyczny interfejs użytkowy. Natomiast jego podstawową wadą jest ograniczona skuteczność pobudzania błędów. Właściwe zaprojektowanie testu aplikacyjnego gwarantuje możliwie wysoki poziom niezawodności testowanych urządzeń. Nieodzownym etapem projektowania testu aplikacyjnego jest rozpoznanie środowiska pracy testowanego podzespołu oraz urządzenia.
Simple construction of application test causes its frequent usage in manufacturing processes. Its main advantage is how it is easily adjustable to a huge number of devices with similar or identical application interface. However, the main disadvantage of application tests is limited error coverage. Properly designed application test guarantees the highest possible reliability of the tested devices. Integral part of the application test is to recognize the application environment and aforementioned devices, what is the main topic of this article.
Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej; 2013, 62, 4; 95-111
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental changes around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in a marginal part of the Outer Carpathian Basin expressed by microfacies, microfossils and chemical records in the Skole Nappe (Poland)
Zmiany w głębokowodnym środowisku brzeżnej części basenu Karpat Zewnętrznych wokół granicy Cenomanu i Turonu wyrażone w zapisie mikrofacji, zespołach mikroskamieniałości i chemizmie utworów w Płaszczowinie Skolskiej
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event
benthic foraminifers
bulk geochemistry
Outer Carpathians
Lithology, microfacies, benthic foraminiferal and bulk chemical analyses of the Spława section in the Skole Nappe, Outer Carpathians (Poland) reflect environmental changes across the Cenomanian-Turonian transi- tion. Biogenic-rich-turbidite sedimentation preceded the organic-rich sedimentation in the Skole Basin, termina- ting in the latest Cenomanian in response to progressive eustatic sea-level rise and to expansion of an oxygen minimum zone. The uppermost Cenomanian black, laminated, organic-rich shale series records the oceanic anoxic event (OAE-2). The benthos-free black non-calcareous shales exhibiting positive excursions of chemical redox indexes are indicative of bottom-water anoxia, interrupted by periods of suboxic conditions with sedimentation of hemipelagic green shales with poor agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages. An extremely low sedimentation rate or even a hiatus and an increase in deep-water circulation causing basin oxygenation resulted in precipitation of a ferromanganese layers and siliceous-manganiferrous variegated shales, as documented by low values of chemical redox indices. However, the lack of benthos and bioturbation, and low values of the Ce/La ratio in the subsequent succession of variegated shales (dominated by green shales) indicate a return to stressed conditions at basin floor with sluggish bottom water circulation, which occasionally resulted in sea floor anoxia with deposition of organic-rich shales. The long-termed well-oxygenated conditions at the basin floor appeared in the Early Turo- nian, as documented by diversified benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The frequency of radiolarian-rich layers and Ba/Al and Ba/Sc ratios increase up-section, reflecting an increase in primary productivity, induced by upwelling circulation.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2007, 77, No 1; 39-67
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forainiferal biostratigraphy of the Egerian flysch sediments in the Silesian Nappe, Outer Carpathians, Polish part of the Bieszczady Mountains
Biostratygrafia otwornicowa utworów egeru płaszczowiny śląskiej Karpat zewnętrznych w polskiej części Bieszczadów
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Outer Carpathians
Central Paratethys
Bieszczady Mountains
Planktonic and benthic Foraminifera have been studied from the youngest deposits of the Krosno beds in the inner part of the Silesian Nappe (Outer Carpathians) in the Bieszczady Mountains. The studied part of the Krosno beds consists of Egerian (upper Oligocene–lower Miocene) flysch sediments, deposited within the Outer Carpathian Basin, a part of the Central Paratethys. Two interval zones: Tenuitella munda Zone and Globigeri- nelloides primordius Zone have been distinguished basing on the succession of planktonic Foraminifera. Additionally, Paragloborotalia inaequiconica Interval Subzone has been defined within the first one. Occurrence of calcareous nannoplankton, dinocyst assemblages and isochronous horizons of coccolith limestones (the Jasło Limestone and Zagórz Limestone) enabled correlation of the planktonic foraminiferal zones with chronostrati- graphy. The boundary between the two distinguished zones corresponds to the base of NN1 nannoplankton Zone (defined by the occurrence of Helicosphaera scissura) equivalent to the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. The base of the P. inaequiconica Subzone corresponds to the position of the Zagórz Limestone, refferred to NP 24 Zone (early Egerian). The benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by bathyal, calcareous, hyaline, smooth-walled taxa, indicative of anoxic environment. The benthic assemblages remained relatively stable throughout the late Oligocene and were more diversified during the earliest Miocene, most probably in response to the oxygenation of bottom waters, due to the opening of new connections between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean region.
W pracy przedstawiono zespoły otwornic egeru z najmłodszych utworów jednostki śląskiej w bieszczadzkiej części Karpat Zewnętrznych. Otwornice planktoniczne były podstawą do wydzielenia poziomów biostratygraficznych, których granice zostały porównane z danymi opartymi o wapienny nanoplankton (Garecka; w: Haczewski et al., A, B, oddane do druku) i dinocysty (Gedl; w: Haczewski et al., A, oddane do druku), a także odniesieniu ich do pozycji stratygraficznej dwóch chrohoryzontów - wapienia jasielskiego i wapienia z Zagórza. Praca niniejsza jest kontynuacją badań na tym obszarze (Bąk, 1999) i stanowi ich podsumowanie. Płaszczowina śląska jest na obszarze Bieszczadów zbudowana wyłącznie z warstw krośnieńskich (Fig. 1, 2) o miąższości ok. 3,5 km, w tym z ponad 1,3 km miąższości serią zawierającą gruboławicowe, grzbietotwórcze piaskowce otryckie. Ich obecność w warstwach krośnieńskich była podstawą do wyróżnienia w tej części jednostki śląskiej tzw. strefy bieszczadzkiej (lub strefy Otryt - Bitla), której długość wynosi ok. 150 km, a szerokość 15-20 km. W przekroju Bieszczadów strefa ta zbudowana jest z kilku łusek i fałdów, wśród których synklina Dźwiniacza Górnego zawiera bardzo miąższe i najmłodsze serie utworów fliszowych. Dotychczasowe prace stratygraficzne na tym obszarze (Haczewski et al., A, B oddane do druku) wskazywały na oligoceński wiek całej serii warstw krośnieńskich, w tym również warstw najmłodszych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono rezultaty opróbowania najmłodszej serii warstw krośnieńskich, tzw. warstw nadotryckich (oddział górny warstw krośnieńskich), które występują powyżej serii z piaskowcami otryckimi. Warstwy nadotryckie (maks. miąższość ok. 1050 m) tworzy seria silnie wapnistych, szarych i ciemnoszarych łupków marglistych, o charakterystycznej grubej (“mydlastej”) oddzielności, przeławicających się z wapnistymi, cienkoławicowymi, laminowanymi mułowcami i piaskowcami. Lokalnie wśród tej serii występują grube ławice piaskowców średnioziarnistych, bezstrukturalnych oraz pojedyncze, czarne serie z wirowcami (o miąższości 1-2 m). W najwyższej części warstw nadotryckich występuje jeden lub kilka soczewkowatych pakietów piaskowców średnioziarnistych, gruboławicowych, z laminacją równoległą, przekątną i konwolutną, o sumarycznej miąższości ok. 30 m. W niższej części warstw nadotryckich wykartowano ponadto 2 ważne dla stratygrafii horyzonty wapieni kokolitowych, tzw. wapień jasielski i wapień z Zagórza. W obrębie badanych utworów zostały one znalezione w obu skrzydłach synkliny Dźwiniacza Górnego. Wapienie te, znane z wielu miejsc w Karpatach Zewnętrznych są poziomami korelacyjnymi (Jucha, 1958; 1969, Koszarski & Żytko, 1959, 1961; Jucha & Kotlarczyk, 1961; Haczewski, 1984, 1989), a w niniejszej pracy są one ważnym elementem stratygrafii. Analizy mikropaleontologiczne wykorzystano na próbach pobranych z kilku profili w obrębie wspomnianej synkliny, tj.: w profilu Dźwiniacza Górnego (Fig. 3A, 4), w 2 profilach wokół Kiczery Dydiowskiej (Fig. 3B, 5) i w profilu Czereszni (Fig. 3C i 6). Ponadto wykorzystano dane z profilu Sanu w rejonie Dźwiniacza Górnego, będące wcześniej przedmiotem osobnej publikacji (Bąk, 1999). Zespoły otwornic opisano z kilku serii warstw nadotryckich, których granice stanowią horyzonty wapieni kokolitowych oraz wydzielono dodatkowo najwyższą część warstw nadotryckich, którą charakteryzuje odmienny zespół taksonów.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, 1; 71-93
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efekty zastosowania planowania kroczącego na przykładzie fabryki mebli
Results on implementation of rolling wave planning in a furniture factory
Wirkus, M.
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Zarządzania Produkcją
planowanie kroczące
cykl produkcyjny
cykl planowania
poprawa planowania produkcji
poprawa produkcji
rolling wave planning
production cycle
planning cycle
improvement production planning
production improvement
Rolling wave planning is the process of planning for a project in waves as the project becomes clearer and unfolds. It is important in such projects to at least highlight in the initial plan the key milestones for the Project. Rolling Wave Planning acknowledges the fact that we can see more clearly what is in close proximity, but looking further ahead our vision becomes less clear [3]. Article shows benefits of rolling wave planning in production field. Based on the same data, there are two forecast calculations. First calculation is about current state of weekly cycle planning, second calculation is about future state of rolling wave planning (wave is the period of one day). Problem of current state is lack of production cells capacity, that makes costs of overtime. After research of implementing rolling wave planning there is shown estimations for new level of production cells capacity. New way of planning brings benefits in better aggregations, which reduce time for exchanges. Reduced time we can use for extra value-added process witch rise production cells capacity. Figure 5 include both calculations and final results.
Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem; 2012, 15, 2; 32-38
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foraminiferal and radiolarian biostratigraphy of the youngest (Late Albian through Late Cenomanian) sediments of the Tatra massif, Central Western Carpathians
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Tatra massif
The foraminiferal and radiolarian biostratigraphy of selected sections of the Zabijak Formation, the youngest sediments of the Tatra massif (Central Western Carpathians), have been studied. Benthic foraminifers, mainly agglutinated species, occur abundantly and continuously throughout the studied succession, while planktic foraminifers are generally sparse. Five planktic and two benthic foraminiferal zones have been recognized. The marly part of the Zabijak Formation comprises the Pseudothalmanninella ticinensis (Upper Albian) through the Rotalipora cushmani (Upper Cenomanian) planktic foraminiferal zones, and the Haplophragmoides nonioninoides and Bulbobaculites problematicus benthic foraminiferal zones. The radiolarians were recognized exclusively in the Lower Cenomanian part of the formation.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2013, 63, 2; 223-237
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of differentiated phosphorus and potassium fertilization on maize grain yield and plant nutritional status at a critical growth stage
Bak, K.
Gaj, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
phosphorus fertilization
potassium fertilization
grain yield
nutritional status
critical stage
growth stage
Optimal nutrition of cultivated plants at critical growth stages is of great importance for the achievement of full crop yield potential. The aim of this study was to assess the maize yield response and plant nutritional status at a critical stage of growth (BBCH 17) under the most favourable and reduced fertilization with phosphorus and potassium. It was assumed that the nutritional status of maize at BBCH 17 stage significantly influenced the plant growth and yielding. The hypothesis was tested in a one-factorial trial, carried out on the maize variety Veritis in 2007-2011, which was a part of a long-term study started in 2000 according to a randomized complete block design. The factor tested comprised different phosphorus and potassium doses applied at constant levels of nitrogen and magnesium fertilization. The yields of maize significantly differed between the treatments and in relation to the control. In each year, maize responded with a lower yield to the no-phosphorus treatment when compared to the no-potassium treatment. Irrespective of the fertilization variants, the content of the nutrients tested (except iron) was below the standard value. A significant relationship was shown between the nutritional status of maize at the stage of 7 leaves unfolded (BBCH 17) and grain yield. The coefficients of determination ranging from 59% to 94% showed that, irrespective of which treatment was applied, the mineral nutrient content in maize leaves at BBCH 17 stage had the strongest influence on the maize yield.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Albian calcareous dinocysts and calcitarchs record linked to environmental changes during the final phase of OAE 1d – a case study from the Tatra Mountains, Central Western Carpathians
Ciurej, A.
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
calcareous dinocysts
upper Albian
Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d
Tatra Mts.
Central Western Carpathians
Calcareous dinocysts and calcitarchs have been investigated for the first time within the Upper Albian limestone and marl succession of the Zabijak Formation from the High-Tatric Unit in the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians), related to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d (OAE 1d). Four groups of morphotaxa of calcareous dinocysts have been distinguished. They totally dominate the assemblages, and belong to the pithonellids. They are represented by Pithonella sphaerica (Kaufmann in Heer) and P. ovalis (Kaufmann in Heer), which dominate, as well as P. trejoi Bonet and P. lamellata Keupp in Keupp and Kienel, which are less abundant. Two other morphotaxa, Colomisphaera gigantea (Borza) and Cadosina oraviensis Borza, occur sporadically in the assemblages. Both forms represent the calcitarch group, which assembled calcispheres of unknown taxonomic affinity. The calcareous dinocyst and calcitarch diversity is low to moderate, compared to the general species richness known from Late Albian assemblages in other Western Tethyan sections. This is interpreted as a result of nutrient input fluctuations due to changes in the circulation pattern of surface and intermediate waters. The changes in the P. sphaerica/P. ovalis ratio along the Upper Albian section are here correlated with short-term (third-order) sea level fluctuations including transgressive and regressive events and a highstand. Pelletization processes might have influenced cyst abundance on the sea floor, especially during periods with oligotrophic surface waters.
Geological Quarterly; 2017, 61, 4; 887--895
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mid-Cretaceous spicule-rich turbidites in the Silesian Nappe of the Polish Outer Carpathians : radiolarian and foraminiferal biostratigraphy
Bąk, M.
Bąk, K.
Ciurej, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Outer Carpathians
middle-upper Cenomanian
spicule-rich turbidites
Spicule-rich turbidites are widespread in mid-Cretaceous deep-water flysch of the Subsilesian and Silesian units in the Polish Outer Carpathians. The spicule-richmaterial with an admixture of numerous radiolarian and foraminiferal particles was supplied, together with siliciclastic material, from shallow environments, mostly from the northern margin of the Carpathian Basin. We present new data on the age of these deposits in the Silesian Nappe, where they are distinguished as the Mikuszowice Cherts. This unit is composed of mediumand thick-bedded siliciclastic to calcareous turbidites including bluish cherts in their middle and upper parts and of thin non-calcareous hemipelagic shales.We have studied radiolaria and foraminifera from hemipelagic sediments and spicule-rich turbidites, from two continuous sections in the Barnasiówka Range (BeskidWyspowyMts.) that included theMikuszowice Cherts (31 m thick) and their transition into the surrounding units. The age of the Mikuszowice Cherts was determined taking into account the following radiolarian datum events: (1) the occurrence of Praeconocaryomma lipmanae in the entire unit, (2) the FO (first occurrence) of Hemicryptocapsa tuberosa in the upper part of the unit, (3) the FO of Amphipyndax stocki close to the upper boundary of the unit, (4) the FO of Hemicryptocapsa prepolyhedra in the lowermost part of the overlying Barnasiówka Radiolarian Shale Formation. These datum events appear successively in theWestern Tethys successions within the Rotalipora cushmani planktonic foraminiferal Zone, which corresponds to the middle and upper Cenomanian (except for its uppermost part). The foraminiferal assemblages, in which such taxa as Rotalipora cf. cushmani, R. cf. greenhornensis, whiteinellids and Uvigerinammina praejankoi successively appear, confirm the mid-late Cenomanian age of the spicule-rich turbidites in the Silesian Nappe.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 3; 275--290
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siliciclastic input into Upper Cenomanian synorogenic sediments of the High-Tatric Unit, Central Western Carpathians (Tatra Mountains); petrography, geochemistry and provenance
Wolska, A.
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Upper Cenomanian
Zabijak Formation
High-Tatric Unit
Central Western Carpathians
The Upper Cenomanian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession of the High-Tatric Unit was deposited during the initial stage of basinal closing of the Tatric area, part of the Zliechov (Križna) Basin (Inner Carpathian domain). As a result of tectonic activity taking place at the northern Veporic margin, pulses of siliciclastic input interrupted marine carbonate sedimentation. The siliciclastic material, part of the Zabijak Formation, has been studied along two sections (Pisana Gully and Zdziarski Gully) in the Western Tatra Mountains. Microfacies, petrographic and geochemical analyses reveal a variability of siliciclastic material composed of various types of granitoids and medium- or high-grade metamorphic rocks, with schists and gneisses. Such interpretation is confirmed by the results of elemental chemical analyses, in which immobile trace elements, such as REE, Th, Cr, Co, Zr, and Y were used as indices for sediment provenance. The parent rocks sustained moderate to intense chemical weathering, documented by chemical weathering indices (CIA, PIA, CIW, R). The weathering occurred in a humid climate with relatively high precipitation that caused strong leaching of particles. Chemical indices related to sorting processes suggest that the recycling of the source material was a minor significance. The siliciclastic input displays a waning upward tendency in the sections, which can be associated with diminishing of the source area by gradual inland progradation of a carbonate platform, caused by a global sea level rise during the Late Cenomanian.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 4; 919--934
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Barnasiówka Radiolarian Shale Formation - a new lithostratigraphic unit in the Upper Cenomanian-lowermost Turonian of the Polish Outer Carpathians (Silesian Series)
Formacja Łupków Radiolariowych z Barnasiówki - nowa jednostka litostratygraficzna w górnym cenomanie i najniższym turonie w Polskich Karpatach Zewnętrznych (Seria Śląska)
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Paul, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Silesian Nappe
Outer Carpathians
A new lithostratigraphic unit - the Barnasiówka Radiolarian Shale Formation - is herein defined. It belongs to the Silesian Series of the Outer Carpathians. The formation consists of biosiliceous deposits rich in organic matter, laid down around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. The formation includes, from bottom to top: (1) a series of green to black, calcareous and siliceous shales, alternating with layers of chert, siliceous siltstone and sandstone (up to 10 m thick); (2) a series of green to black, argillaceous to siliceous shales, intercalated with tuffites, bentonites, and a ferromanganese layer (up to 9 cm thick) in its middle part (up to 3.2 m thick); (3) a series of green and red, siliceous siltstones and cherts with intercalations of non-calcareous green shales and benthonites (up to 2 m thick). The total thickness of the formation ranges from 0.5 m in the eastern part (reduced tectonically?) up to about 14-15 m in the middle and the western parts of the Silesian Nappe, due to the increase in the number and thickness of turbidite intercalations. The formation represents the Holocryptocanium barbui - Holocryptocanium tuberculatum through the Alie-vium superbum radiolarian zones and the Uvigerinammina praejankoi-Uvigerinammina jankoi foraminiferal zones, which correspond to the Upper Cenomanian through the lowermost Turonian. Microfacies and geochemical characteristics of the distinguished lithological types are presented in this paper, based on recent studies and published data. The described formation has been compared and correlated with deposits of similar age from other tectonic- facies units of the Outer Carpathians in Poland and Ukraine.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2001, 71, No 2; 75-103
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Early Carboniferous trilobite remains from limestones of the Dębnik Anticline, southern Poland
Bąk, M.
Dulemba, P.
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Lower Carboniferous
Dębnik anticline
Raclawka Valley
The presence of proetid trilobites' remnants is reported for the first time from the Lower Carboniferous limestones of the Dębnik Anticline outcropping in the Raclawka Valley, situated in the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block (southern part of the Cracow Upland). Disintegrated exoskeletons of trilobites are observed in thin sections of fine-grained, peloidal wackstones and packstones. These rocks contain also foraminifers which indicate an early Tournaisian age for this locality.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2014, 40, 1; 27-32
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stromboli – the best place to actively learn and understand the behavior of an active volcano and its processes
Stromboli – najlepsze miejsce do poznania aktywnego wulkanu i zrozumienia procesów wulkanicznych
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Szubert, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Aeolian Islands
basaltic volcanism
Strombolian activity
causes of eruptions
rocks and relief of volcano
accessible tourism
Wyspy Liparyjskie (Eolskie)
aktywność wulkaniczna typu Stromboli
przyczyny erupcji
skały i rzeźba wulkanu
dostępność turystyczna
Basaltic volcanism, a dominant mode of volcanic activity on Earth, occurs as explosive eruptions, resulting from the exsolution of magmatic gases and is exhibited by Strombolian and Hawaiian types. Strombolian activity takes its name from frequent, small-scale explosions of the Stromboli Volcano, which was formed within the Aeolian Islands, north of Sicily. This paper presents the volcanic structure and features of its activity, based on the results of numerous studies carried out during the last 15 years. In the intention of the authors, this educational presentation would be an incentive to make a decision to travel to Stromboli and see its present-day activity and its effects from just a few hundred meters. To have a safe experience and to avoid accidents and injuries, the tourists need to have sufficient up-to-date information, before they embark on their adventure.
Wulkanizm bazaltowy (dominujący typ aktywności wulkanicznej na Ziemi), który jest związany z ekshalacją gazów pomagmowych, ma charakter eksplozywnych erupcji określanych mianem typu hawajskiego i strombolijskiego. Aktywność strombolijską charakteryzują częste, niewielkiej objętości wybuchy, które występują na czynnym wulkanie Stromboli, znajdującym się w łuku Wysp Liparyjskich (Eolskich), na północ od Sycylii. W artykule przedstawiono budowę wulkanu, jego działalność i przyczyny tej działalności na podstawie wyników licznych badań, przeprowadzonych w ciągu ostatnich 15 lat. W intencji autorów przedstawione w sposób możliwie prosty informacje, zdjęcia i ryciny tego wulkanu mają być materiałem edukacyjnym i jednocześnie zachętą do podjęcia decyzji o podróży, żeby z odległości kilkuset metrów móc samemu zobaczyć erupcje wulkaniczne. Aby poznawanie wulkanu było bezpieczne, turyści powinni zapoznać się z aktualnymi informacjami o warunkach panujących na ścieżkach turystycznych.
Geotourism / Geoturystyka; 2016, 1-2; 3-18
Pojawia się w:
Geotourism / Geoturystyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distribution of zinc in maize fertilized with different doses of phosphorus and potassium
Bąk, K.
Gaj, R.
Budka, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Evaluation of the nutritional status of zinc and other micronutrients in maize at the critical growth stages is an important diagnostic and prognostic factor that plays a substantial role in shaping its final yield. A hypothesis was verified that the application of different phosphorus and potassium fertilization doses affected the nutritional status of zinc in maize at the critical growth stages: leaf development (BBCH 17) and flowering (BBCH 65), as well as the zinc accumulation at the stage of ripening (BBCH 89, fully ripe). A single factor field study was conducted for 5 consecutive plant growing seasons (2007-2011). The results showed that mineral fertilization significantly increased zinc concentration in maize leaves at BBCH 17 and BBCH 65 growth stages. Regardless of the effects of the experimental factor, the Zn leaf content in maize at both critical growth stages was much below the standard value. Although the zinc concentration observed at the leaf development stage was low, no significant relationship was found between the zinc nutritional status in maize at that time and the subsequent grain yield. Stronger relationships between the zinc nutritional status in maize and grain yield were observed at the flowering stage. The total accumulation of zinc in maize was significantly differentiated by the experimental factor. The chemical form of phosphorus applied had no significant effect on Zn content in maize at the critical growth stages as well as on the accumulation of this nutrient in fully ripe plants. The ZnHI value obtained in the control treatment was 51.7%, whereas the values achieved in fertilizer treatments were higher and ranged from 52.9% (W100 PAPR – with partially acidulated phosphate rock) to 57.3% (W25 – 25% of K and P recommended rate). Correlation analysis on maize yield and zinc accumulation showed that yield volumes were determined most strongly by zinc accumulation in maize vegetative organs (especially husk leaves).
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evidence of bacteriogenic iron and manganese oxyhydroxides in Albian-Cenomanian marine sediments of the Carpathian realm (Poland)
Bąk, M.
Bąk, K.
Górny, Z.
Stożek, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
iron-related bacteria
Silesian Nappe
Tatra Mts.
The Albian and Cenomanian marine sediments of the Silesian and Tatric basins in the Carpathian realm of the Western Tethys contain ferric and ferromanganese oxyhydroxides, visible macroscopically as brown stainings. They coat calcareous bioclasts and mineral clasts, fill pore spaces, or locally form continuous, parallel microlayers, tens of micrometers thick. Light-microscope (LM) and scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) obser- vations show that the coatings contain elongated capsules, approximately 3–5 µm across and enriched in iron and manganese, which may be remnants of the original sheaths of iron-related bacteria (IRB). Moreover, the ferric and ferromanganese staining observed under LM is similar to bacterial structures, resembling the sheaths, filaments and rods formed by present-day bacteria of the Sphaerotilus–Leptothrix group. All of the possible bacteria-like structures are well preserved owing to processes of early diagenetic cementation. If the observed structures are fossil IRB, these organisms could have played an important role in iron and manganese accumulation on the sea floor during Albian–Cenomanian time. The most plausible source of metals for bacterial concentration in the Silesian Basin might have been submarine low-temperature hydrothermal vents, as previously was hypothesized for Cenomanian–Turonian deposits on the basis of geochemical indices.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2015, 85, 2; 371-385
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foraminiferal stratigraphy of Palaeogene deep-water red facies in the Gorce Mountains (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians)
Bąk, K.
Bąk, M.
Cieśla, M.
Paul, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
agglutinated Foraminifera
red claystones and mudstones
Magura Nappe
Polish Outer Carpathians
Gorce Mountains
The deposition of red and variegated mudstones and claystones characterized the ancient Tethys Ocean during Cretaceous and Palaeogene times, including in its north-western part, the Alpine–Carpathian deep-water basins. Palaeogene variegated sediments, containing red mudstone and claystone layers, crop out in the Gorce Mountains (Rosocha creek, near Lubomierz) in the Magura Nappe (Bystrica Subunit) of the Polish Outer Carpathians. These sediments occur as layers 1–10 cm thick and as packages of layers 2–3 m thick that are associated with very thin-bedded turbidites. The entire succession is tectonically disturbed and parts of it belong to the Ropianka, Łabowa Shale and Beloveža Formations. The sediments studied contain 27 genera and 59 species that belong to deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal (DWAF) assemblages. Tubular taxa, which are frequent in various Mesozoic–Cenozoic flysch sediments are relatively rare in the section studied. The assemblages are moderately diverse (3–20 taxa per sample). Excluding tubular forms, the most common taxa belong to Trochamminoides – Paratrochamminoides spp., Saccammina placenta, glomospirids, Recurvoides – Recurvoidella spp. and karrerulinids. The oldest part of the red sediments, referable to the Ropianka Formation, represents the upper part of the Rzehakina fissistomata Zone (probably the Upper Palaeocene). The youngest red sediments, forming thin intercalations in the Beloveža Formation, represent the acme of Reticulophragmium amplectens (middle Lutetian). Owing to tectonic disturbances, most of the Lower Eocene part of the variegated facies of the Łabowa Shale Formation is not preserved in the section studied. The upper part of it, a package 2 m thick, represents the lower part of the Reticulophragmium amplectens Zone. The small thickness (10–15 m) of the Łabowa Shale Formation in the section studied is similar to other sections in the southern part of the Bystrica Subunit. It is probably of a sedimentary nature, reflecting a decreasing number of mud-rich, gravitational flows in the southern part of the Magura Basin during the Early Eocene. Nevertheless, the strong tectonic disturbances that took place in this area during the Oligocene–Miocene folding and overthrusting influenced the reduction in thickness of these sediments.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2013, 83, 3; 201-212
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithistid spicules in the sediments of the Turonian Variegated Shale in the Silesian Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians
Okoński, S.
Górny, Z.
Bąk, M.
Bąk, K.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
sponge spicules
Variegated Shale
Silesian Nappe
Outer Carpathians
Turbiditic silty and sandy intercalations in the Turonian Variegated Shale from the Silesian Nappe (Polish Outer Carpathians) contain numerous sponge spicules among siliciclastic fine-grained particles. The highest amount of spicule admixture is nearly 50%. In such layers, they create spiculitic sublitharenite microfacies. These sponge spicules contain forms belonging mostly to the Lithistida group (97% of morphotypes), with a small admixture of spicules from the Hexactinellidae group. Tetraclones with a high content of different types of triaenes dominate among desmas, what indicates the dominance of sponges from subfamily Tetracladina. The preservation state of spicules is generally poor. The Variegated Shale deposits that contain the sponge spicules were accumulated in a deep sea basin, below the calcium compensation depth. Most probably, the spicules were derived from loose material accumulated earlier in various parts of the basin slopes, from which they were exhumed and again redeposited by turbidity currents during the Turonian times.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2014, 40, 1; 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coal-bearing submarine slump sediments from Oligocene–Miocene transition of the Eastern Carpathians (Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland)
Bąk, K.
Wolska, A.
Zielińska, M.
Bąk, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
coal pebbles
submarine slump
Oligocene–Miocene transition
Outer Carpathians
Bieszczady Mts.
A new finding of lustrous coal particles from the youngest flysch sediments of the Silesian Nappe, Polish Eastern Carpathians, outcropped in the Bieszczady Mountains is here presented. The coal material occurs in a 1-m thick submarine slump layer in the Kiczera Dydiowska Sandstones, which belong to the youngest part of the Krosno Beds. Coal particles are numerous (up to 16%) in a massive sandstone of the slump layer. The siliciclastic particles from these sediments are classified as material from weathered rocks of continental block or they have been recycled from post-orogenic sediments. Lustrous coal represents coaly plant fragments, which are mostly homogeneous, belonging to macerals of vitrinite group. Some coal pebbles display tree structure, typical of gelified xylites, due to impregnation of cell walls by resinite, which occurrence in this material indicates terrestrial plants producing waxes and resins. Some of gelified plant debris shows evidence of pyritization, what in the absence of inertinite macerals in coal may indicate dysoxic conditions during first decomposition processes of organic matter under water environment. Coaly-bearing slump moved down most probably from SW during Oligocene–Miocene transition time. This shows that an intrabasinal massif, as the uplifted fragment of ?Precambrian craton, which supplied large amount of siliciclastic material to the Silesian–Subsilesian basin during the lower–middle Oligocene, still existed at the end of the Oligocene.
Geological Quarterly; 2015, 59, 2; 300--315
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New data on the age and stratigraphic relationships of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians) based on the radiolarian biostratigraphy in the stratotype section
Bąk, M.
Chodacka, S.
Bąk, K.
Okoński, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Middle-Late Jurassic
Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation
pelagic siliceous facies
Pieniny Klippen Belt
Czajakowa Skała
radiolaryty z Czajakowej
Pieniński Pas Skałkowy
The radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Jurassic pelagic siliceous sediments (Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation) in the Niedzica succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians) is interpreted in terms of their age in a stratotype section, and facies equivalents in other tectonic-facies units of this region. The siliceous sediments are represented by radiolarian cherts and silicified limestones which are underlain and overlain by red nodular limestones, equivalents of the Rosso Ammonitico facies. The radiolarian association includes thirty-seven taxa belonging to twenty one genera which represent the Northern Tethyan Palaeogeographic Province. Key radiolarians recorded provide a means of correlation with zonation schemes based on Unitary Associations defined for the Jurassic Tethyan sediments. The age of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation in the stratotype section is determined as U.A.Z.9 to U.A.Z.11 corresponding to middle Oxfordian up to Kimmeridgian. Comparison of radiolarian biozones from the stratotype section with other facial equivalent sections in the Pieniny Klippen Belt reveals a significant diachronism for both the lower and the upper limits of the Jurassic pelagic siliceous facies.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2018, 68, 1; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of pre-sowing stimulation of seeds on changes in chemical composition and sucrose content in sugar beet
Wpływ przedsiewnej stymulacji nasion na zmiany składu chemicznego i zawartość cukru w buraku cukrowym
Prosba-Bialczyk, U
Szajsner, H.
Spyrka, B.
Bak, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
The changes of chemical composition and sucrose content in sugar beet beet after seeds stimulation were investigated. The seeds came from the energ’hill technology (Eh) and were subject to laser irradiation. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in field conditions in 2008-2010. In the experiment the researchers used the seed material of Tiziana variety (sugar type) in standard version (control) and stimulated: prepared in the energ’hill technology and irradiated. Irradiation with laser light was applied in the following doses: the 5-time multiplied (in the study marked as D5) and 7-time multiplied (in the study D7) of the basic dose 2.5 10–1J cm–2. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium in leaves and roots samples collected in the first weeks of July, August, September and October. Pre-sowing stimulation with use of energ’hill technology and laser light irradiation resulted in an increase in leaf concentration of nitrogen, potassium, sodium and magnesium and the content of these elements positively correlated with sucrose content of mature roots. Pre-preparation (sprouted) clusters energ’hill technology and laser irradiation had a positive effect on sucrose content and its performance.
Journal of Elementology; 2012, 17, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Successive stages of calcitization and silicification of Cenomanian spicule-bearing turbidites based on microfacies analysis, Polish Outer Carpathians
Bąk, B.
Górny, Z.
Bąk, K.
Wolska, A.
Stożek, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
sponge spicules
spicule-bearing turbidites
Outer Carpathians
Mid-Cretaceous turbidites with large proportions of sponge spicules are widely distributed in the Silesian Nappe of the Outer Carpathians, giving rise to diversified types of sediments, from spiculites to spicule-bearing siliciclastics and calcarenites. Part of this succession, Middle–Late Cenomanian in age, was transformed into cherts. A microfacies study showed that these turbidite sediments underwent several stages of calcitization and silicification, which took place during Mid-Cretaceous times in different sedimentary environments, i.e., on a northern shelf bordering the Silesian Basin and on a deep sea floor. The first diagenetic changes were related to changes to the biotic components of the turbidite layers, dominated by siliceous sponge spicules. This process, which took place in the spiculitic carbonate mud on the shelves, was related to the calcitization of sponge spicules. Calcareous clasts and calcified skeletal elements also were corroded by bacteria. After transportation down the slope, the biogenic and siliciclastic particles were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth. Taphonomic processes on the basin floor and alternating phases of carbonate and silica cementations, recrystallization and dissolution occurred in these sediments and were related to the diversification in composition of successive turbidite layers. Silicification was related to the formation of quartz precipitates as fibrous chalcedony or microcrystalline quartz, which were derived from the earlier dissolution of amorphous silica, originating mostly from siliceous sponge spicules and radiolarian skeletons. However, a source of silica from hydrothermal vents was also possible. The initial silica precipitation could have taken place in a slightly acidic environment, where calcite was simultaneously dissolved. A number of silicification stages, visible as different forms of silica precipitate inside moulds after bioclasts, occur in the particular turbidite layers. They were related to changes in various elements of the pore-water profile after descending turbidity-current flows. A very low sedimentation rate during the Middle–Late Cenomanian in the Silesian Basin may have favoured the sequence of initial calcitization and silicification stages of the turbidite sediments.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2015, 85, 1; 187-203
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Upper Albian-Lower/Middle Eocene flysch deposits in the Bystrica and Rača subunits of the Magura Nappe (Beskid Wyspowy and Gorce Ranges; Poland)
Lito- i biostratygrafia utworów fliszowych górnego albu-dolnego/środkowego eocenu w jednostce bystrzyckiej i raczańskiej płaszczowiny magurskiej w Beskidzie Wyspowym i Gorcach (Zachodnie Karpaty fliszowe)
Oszczypko, N.
Malata, E.
Bąk, K.
Kędzierski, M.
Oszczypko-Clowes, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
deep-water agglutinated foraminifera
calcareous nannoplankton
Early Cretaceous–Palaeogene
Magura Nappe
Western Flysch Carpathians
LithostratigraphyandbiostratigraphyoftheBystricaandRaèasubunitsoftheMaguraNappehavebeen studied in the southern part of the Beskid Wyspowy Range and on the northern slopes of the Gorce Range (Polish part of the Western Flysch Carpathians). Six new lithostratigraphic units (Jasień Formation, Białe Formation, Jaworzynka Formation, Szczawina Sandstone Formation, Krzysztonów Member, and Ropianka Formation) of the UpperAlbian–Palaeocene age have been established, and five other units (Malinowa Shale Formation, Hałuszowa Formation, Łabowa Shale Formation, Beloveza Formation, Bystrica Formation) have been additionally described. The newly created formations as well as the Malinowa Shale Formation and the Hałuszowa Formation have been included to a new Mogielica Group of units (Upper Albian–Palaeocene). This group of units passes upwards into the Beskid Group (Eocene–Oligocene).The Mogielica Group, spanning over 40 myrs, represents the turbidite depositional system, separated by highstand variegated clays which can be correlated with minor sequences in terms of sequence stratigraphy. The following biostratigraphic zones have been recognised in the Cretaceous–Lower/Middle Eocene deposits: Plectorecurvoides alternans, Bulbobaculites problematicus, Uvigerinammina jankoi, U. jankoi-C. gigantea, Caudammina gigantea, Remesella varians, Rzehakina fisistomata, Glomospira div. sp., and Saccamminoides carpathicus. A few lithostratigraphic units consisting of calcareous sediments have been correlated with the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation and the chronostratigraphy.
Płaszczowina magurska, największa jednostka tektoniczna zewnętrznych Karpat Zachodnich (Fig. 1), jest całkowicie odkorzeniona od swego podłoża. Utwory serii magurskiej starsze od turonu znane są jedynie z jednostki Grajcarka (sukcesja magurska pienińskiego pasa skałkowego), wiercenia Obidowa IG-1 oraz z kilku niewielkich odsłonięć przy południowym obrzeżeniu okna tektonicznego Mszany Dolnej (Fig. 2, por. Birkenmajer & Oszczypko, 1989). W jednostce Grajcarka, ponad głębokowodnymi utworami jury górnej i neokomu, występuje “czarny flisz” formacji wronińskiej (alb-cenoman) oraz zielone łupki radiolariowe cenomanu (formacja hulińska) (Birkenmajer, 1977, por. Oszczypko et al., 2004). Szaro-zielone łupki plamiste albu-cenomanu, znane z południowego obrzeżenia okna tektonicznego Mszany Dolnej, zdefiniowane zostały w pracy jako formacja łupków z Jasienia. Formacja ta, o miąższości niemniejszej od kilkunastu metrów, zazębia się w stropie z łupkami czerwonymi formacji z Malinowej. W Beskidzie Wyspowym i Gorcach ponad łupkami pstrymi formacji z Malinowej (turon-santon/kampan) oraz poniżej łupków pstrych formacji z Łabowej (eocen dolny i środkowy) występują zróżnicowane facjalnie osady fliszowe, zaliczane dotychczas do różnych nieformalnych jednostek litostratygraficznych, takich jak: warstwy z Kaniny, piaskowce ze Szczawiny (strefa bystrzyck i raczańska) oraz warstwy z Jaworzynki (strefa raczańka i strefa Siar). Najwyższą pozycję stratygraficzną zajmują utwory tradycyjnie nazywane “warstwami inoceramowymi” lub ropianieckimi. Na podstawie szczegółowych badań lito- i biostratygraficznych wyżej wymienionych utworów kredy górnej i paleocenu, zaproponowano cztery nowe formalne jednostki litostratygraficzne w randze formacji: formację z Białego (dotychczasowe warstwy z Kaniny), formację piaskowców ze Szczawiny (dotychczasowe piaskowce ze Szczawiny), formację z Jaworzynki (dotychczasowe warstwy z Jaworzynki) oraz formację ropianiecką (dotychczasowe warstwy ropianieckie). Ponadto badano pięć innych górnokredowo-eoceńskich formacji: łupków z Malinowej, z Hałuszowej, łupków z Łabowej, beloweskiej i bystrzyckiej, które dodatkowo opisano. Wszystkie nowo zdefiniowane formacje oraz formacje: łupków z Malinowej oraz z Hałuszowej, włączono do nowo wydzielonej grupy Mogielicy (górny alb-paleocen). Grupa ta przechodzi w stropie w grupę beskidzką (eocen-oligocen) opisaną przez Bir- kenmajera & Oszczypkę (1989). Grupa Mogielicy, obejmująca okres czasowy liczący ponad 40 mln lat, reprezentowana jest przez turbidytowy system depozycyjny, ograniczony w stropie i spągu przez osady łupków pstrych, związanych z okresem wysokiego względnego poziomu morza. Wśród zespołów mikrofauny otwornicowej albu - dolnego/ środkowego eocenu, znalezionych w badanych utworach płaszczowiny magurskiej, rozpoznano większość poziomów biostratygraficznych opracowanych dla polskich Karpat zewnętrznych przez Gerocha & Nowaka (1984) oraz przez Olszewską (1997). Do tego schematu włączono również poziomy charakterystyczne dla utworów płaszczowiny magurskiej. Poziom Plectorecurvoides alternans (poziom interwałowy IZ) Definicja: dolna granica - pojawienie się gatunku Plectorecurvoides alternans Noth (w badanym materiale dolna granica nie jest uchwycona, odpowiada początkowi profilu sukcesji magurskiej), górna granica - pojawienie się Bulbobaculites problematicus (Neagu);
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, 1; 27-69
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of seed stimulation on germination and sugar beet yield
Prosba-Bialczyk, U.
Szajsner, H.
Grzys, E.
Demczuk, A.
Sacala, E.
Bak, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Germination and sugar beet yield after seed stimulation were investigated. The seeds came from the energ'hill technology and were subject to laser irradiation. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory and field conditions. Lengthening of germinal roots and hypocotyls was observed. A positive effect of the stimulation on the morphological features was observed for the Eh seeds and laser irradiation applied in a three-fold dose. The energ'hill seeds exhibited a significantly higher content of carotenoids in seedlings and an increase in the content of chlorophylls. Laser light irradiation favourably modified the ratio of chlorophyll a to b. The leaves and roots of plants developed from the energ'hill and irradiated seeds were characterized by higher dry matter content thanin non-stimulated seeds. Seed stimulation had a positive influence on yielding and the saccharose content.
International Agrophysics; 2013, 27, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Agrophysics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Magnesium and calcium distribution in maize under differentiated doses of mineral fertilization with phosphorus and potassium
Gaj, R.
Budka, A.
Gorski, D.
Borowiak, K.
Wolna-Maruwka, A.
Bak, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Journal of Elementology; 2018, 23, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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