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Czołowi politycy i wojskowi III Republiki w świetle polskiej opinii publicznej od marca 1938 do kwietnia 1940 roku
Żukowski, Przemysław Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
THE LEADING POLITICIANS AND MILITARY MEN OF THE III REPUBLIC OF FRANCE IN THE LIGHT OF THE POLISH PUBLIC OPINION BETWEEN MARCH 1938 AND APRIL 1940This presentation portrays leading politicians and military men of the Third Republic of France between March 1938 and April 1940. The text is based on press articles, diaries and diplomatic sources of Polish provenance. The paper’s objective is to show prominent politicians and military chiefs of France, which was a Poland’s ally since 1921, as perceived by the Polish public opinion in time when the fate of Europe hung in the balance.The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part it describes the gradual departure from political ideas as represented by Le Front Populaire (the Peoples’ Front), almost univocally criticized in Poland, which ended in the designation of Edouard Daladier as Prime Minister of France. The second part covers nearly one year of E. Daladier’s government (the of middle of 1938 – the beginning 1939), when this new cabinet gained considerable trust and confidence upon the Vistula river, since Poles believed that this was a cabinet of national revival, which France needed much at this time. The next part is dedicated to the period preceding the outbreak of the Second War World and just after its beginning. At that time there were attempts to emphasize the military strength of the Third Republic and the outstanding personalities of its chiefs. However, one may find some information, which proved the reluctance of the French as well as their lack of preparation for the war. The last part refers to the spring and summer of 1940 and deals with two different opinions concerning the political and military situation of those days. On the one hand the Polish were proud of their heroic defense of their homeland in September 1939. On the other hand, they felt sadness and disappointment because of another defeat they had to experience. They also suffered because they lost hope for their prompt return to Poland, which could have only been possible upon the Allies’ victory.
Prace Historyczne; 2007, 134
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski. Z mojego okienka. W Polsce przed wojną
Żukowski, Przemysław Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
W jednym z listów napisanym w Grenoble Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski zamieścił takie oto zdanie: „niezależnie od długoletniej służby w wojsku i w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych byłem i jestem literatem”. Powyższa opinia o sobie chyba najbardziej trafnie charakteryzuje tego człowieka pióra, autora niezliczonych tekstów o marszałku Józefie Piłsudskim i przede wszystkim twórcę ogromnego i ważkiego dzieła – może nie ze względu na objętość, bo i wcześniej powstawały książki o znacznie większej objętości, ale ze względu na wyzyskany materiał źródłowy i tło czasowe powstawania – Najnowszej Historii Politycznej Polski.
Prace Historyczne; 2008, 135
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski. „Z mojego okienka. W Polsce przed wojną” (część druga)
Żukowski, Przemysław Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski. „From My Window. Poland before the War“The Memoirs of Pobóg-Malinowski – one is able to read in the draft version of the publisher’s announcement – present not only a gallery of characters, the majority of whom have become a permanent part of history…[…] Many of Pobóg’s accounts have turned out to be a revelation and the immensity of factual data contained in the memoirs – have proved to be an invaluable source of information for future historians.”The present publication constitutes a second part of the autobiographical notes of Wladyslaw Pobóg-Malinowski which were published in the Academic Papers of the Jagiellonian University (ZNUJ) last year. In the first part, the author describes the period of his childhood and youth, as well as the time of his service in the armed forces. It was Pobóg’s first literary attempts that had opened the road to his future post in the Army Historical Bureau and subsequently in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; they had also facilitated his work on the edition of the works of marshal Józef Piłsudski. It is precisely the period of his abandonment of the post of officer in the army regiment in Złoczów and his subsequent transfer to Warsaw that is described on the pages of the current fragment of the memoirs.Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski (1899–1962) is remembered by us chiefly as the author of the “Recent Political History of Poland.” Both his rich and varied life as well as his vast knowledge are reflected in the memoirs. Yet, if it has not been for a few coincidences – e.g. the less than complimentary reviews after the publication of the fragments of his memoirs entitled “On the Rumanian Crossroads” in the Paris “Kultura,” his inborn inability to express his thoughts in a concise manner, his inability to present things in a brief manner, and to put it bluntly, his stubbornness and quarrelsomeness – then we can risk saying that it would not be the above-mentioned multi-volume work, but the equally voluminous memoirs of Pobog-Malinowski that would fulfill the same function as his flagship publication which has appeared in so many copies and editions.
Prace Historyczne; 2009, 136
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokumentacja finansowa Komitetów Wojewódzkich PZPR na przykładzie gdańskiej organizacji partyjnej – Instrukcja do preliminarza budżetowego na 1950 r.
Financial records of Voivodeship Committees PUWP. The example of Gdansk party organization - Instructions for budget estimate at 1950.
Żukowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
Polish United Workers' Party
communist party apparatus
Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
aparat partyjny
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja; 2012, 1; 229-241
Pojawia się w:
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody tworzenia i etapy powstawania Komitetu Wojewódzkiego Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej w Gdańsku w latach 1945–1949 (działacze, struktury, finanse)
The methods of creating and phases of establishing of the Voivodeship Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR) in Gdańsk from 1945 to 1949 (activists, structures, finances)
Żukowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
The PPR (Polish Workers’ Party) and PPS (Polish Socialist Party) began their activities after the creation of the Gdańsk voivodeship in March 1945. The PPR was based on activists delegated to the Gdańsk Coast region by the Central Committee. The PPS, that had traditions extending back to the pre-war period, largely resorted to cadres composed of local activists. Party functionaries arrived from central areas of the country within Operational Groups. In 1948, implementing the strategy of establishing communist political monopolies in Europe, controlled by Stalin, the process of “unifying” both parties was launched. The purpose was to create the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR). The event was officially promoted as the crucial one of Poland’s history. Activists were presented who were democratically chosen as delegates to the Unification Congress and members of the new party’s leadership. Egalitarianism within the party was the subject of extensive discussion. Actually, “all roles” in the spectacle had been already attributed behind-the-scenes. “Unification deeds”, marches of support for the idea, decoration of cities and villages, or the “spontaneous” singing of revolutionary songs were staged. The leaders of the KW (Voivodeship Committee) of PZPR in Gdańsk had been appointed earlier in Warsaw, and the committee’s composition was well known to the party’s elite many weeks before “its election” by party members. The completion of the “unification” operation required tremendous funds, provided from PZPR’s own resources only in a tiny part. An analysis of PZPR’s finances makes evident that the party would not be able to function without subsidies from the state budget. The process of “unification” ended with the 1 st Reporting and Electoral Conference of the KW in June 1949. During that conference, the leadership of the committee was elected as democratically, as in the previous year. A symbolic act transmitting the “unification” to public space, consisted in naming streets and squares in the voivodeship’s cities to commemorate the inception of PZPR.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2012, 2(20); 197-228
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na przełomie pokoju i wojny : Francja w oczach polskiej opinii publicznej od wiosny 1938 roku do lata 1940 roku
Francja w oczach polskiej opinii publicznej od wiosny 1938 roku do lata 1940 roku
Żukowski, Przemysław Marcin (1978- ).
Data publikacji:
Kraków : Księgarnia Akademicka
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Opinia publiczna
Bibliogr. s. [495]-504. Indeks.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Okres Października 56 w relacji Stefana Jędrychowskiego złożonej w roku 1983
The time of October 56 as per the account by Stefan Jędrychowski of 1983
Żukowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
Stefan Jędrychowski
Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
Październik 1956
Prezentowany dokument stanowi jedno ze świadectw opisujących przełomowe miesiące 1956 r. Stefan Jędrychowski – co ważne - skoncentrował się na sprawach gospodarczych. Jako były przewodniczący PKPG doskonale znał rzeczywistą sytuację gospodarczą w jakiej znalazł się kraj w połowie lat pięćdziesiątych. Patrząc z perspektywy czasu mówił wprost, że źródłami niepokojów, napięć i buntu społecznego w tamtych latach była bieda ludzi pracy. W dokumencie odnajduje czytelnik zarys mechanizmów rządzących polską polityką gospodarczą. Niejako na marginesie poruszona została kwestia frakcji partyjnych i personalnych tarć w PZPR. Co ciekawe Jędrychowski stwierdza, że o istnieniu nazw obu grup („tendencji”) dowiedział się dopiero z zachodnich mediów w 1957 r. Stefan Jędrychowski jako członek najwyższych władz państwowych (przed i po Październiku '56) zaprezentował katalog sukcesów Gomułki. Sukcesów, które udało się osiągnąć jeszcze u progu 1957 r. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że prawne uregulowanie relacji z ZSRR wzmacniało pozycję „Wiesława”. Niestety w przytaczanej relacji nie ma informacji o tajnikach niechlubnych decyzji jakie podejmował Gomułka w późniejszym okresie swoich rządów. Dokument pozwala także na odtworzenie (mocno fragmentarycznie) stanu świadomości politycznej w latach późniejszych (1983 r.) byłego partyjno – politycznego prominenta. Czytając dokument warto pamiętać, że Jędrychowski był jednym ze współtwórców polskiego stalinizmu i przez długie lata afirmował przyjmowane wówczas (a bardzo niekorzystne dla Polski) rozwiąznia polityczno – gospodarcze.
The presented document constitutes one of the testimonies describing the critical months of 1956. However, what is important is that Stefan Jędrychowski focused mainly on economic issues. As a former head of the State Planning Committee, he knew the actual economic situation of the state in 1950s. Looking from the time perspective, he stated outright that the source of unrest, tension, and defiance at that time was the poor economic conditions of the working people. In the document the reader can find the outline of the mechanisms governing Polish economic politics. As marginal issues he also mentions party factions and personal conflicts in the Polish United Workers' Party. Interestingly, Jędrychowski states that he learned about the existence of the names of the two groups ("tendencies") from the Western media as late as in 1957. Stefan Jędrychowski as a member of the highest state authorities (prior to and after October '56), presented the catalogue of Władysław Gomułka's successes achieved at the beginning of 1957. There is no doubt that the legal regulation of relations with the USSR strengthened "Wiesław's" position. Unfortunately, in this account there is no information concerning the secrets of the infamous decisions Gomułka took in the latter period of his governance. The document also enables the (only partial) recreation by the state of political awareness in the following years (1983) of the former party-political personage. When going through the document, it is worth bearing in mind that Jędrychowski was one of the co-founders of Stalinism in Poland, and for many years he affirmed many political and economic solutions which were adopted at the time, although they were very detrimental to Poland.
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny; 2013, 11; 143-156
Pojawia się w:
Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane aspekty dotyczące PZPR w latach 1948-1990 (liczebność, skład społeczny, dewizowe składki członkowskie i nomenklatura kadr)
Certain aspects of the Polish United Workers Party (PUWP) in the period 1948-1990 (members, social composition, membership fees in foreign currency and staff.
Żukowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
nomenklatura kadr
Polish United Workers’ Party
Communist nomenklatura
The article describes the selected issues relating to the functioning of the PUWP. The author focuses on the issue of the number of members, the social composition, and nomenklatura. The analysis enables to establish that the PUWP was the massive, highly centralized party. Although the PUWP appealed to workers and peasants, they represented a minority in the party. It was a shy and fixed problem of party of power. This allows to show that PUWP party was entangling Poland with network of connections and analyse the founds of the party.
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja; 2013, 2; 123-140
Pojawia się w:
Komunizm: system – ludzie - dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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