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Formacja patriotyczna żołnierzy Polskich Sił Powietrznych na Zachodzie (1939-1945)
Patriotic and Religious Formation of Polish Air Force Soldiers in Western Europe during World War II
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish Air Forces
Great Britain
II World War
catholic chaplain
religious formation
II wojna światowa
Polskie Siły Powietrzne
Wielka Brytania
kapelani wojskowi
formacja religijna i patriotyczna
All of the chaplains of the Polish Air Force in the West during World War II were Roman Catholic priests. They were delegated to the pastoral ministry of soldiers serving in air units in RAF bases, assigned to a given pastoral area. Their duties included: celebrating Sunday Masses, administration of sacraments (Baptism, Matrimony), visiting the sick and wounded in hospitals, celebrating funerals, as well as hearing confessions, everything connected with the spiritual care and support for the air force soldiers. The chaplains served Poles who fought far from their families, often without any news about them since the beginning of the war. Even if contact with their families could be established, the soldiers remained concerned and uncertain about the future of their relatives living under the German and Russian occupation. The chaplains had to make efforts to keep up the morale in the ranks. They played a significant role not only in the spiritual and religious formation of soldiers but also their patriotic formation. The purpose of this formation was to shape in them not only the mature attitude of Christian soldiers, but also a deep love for their Homeland (patriotism).
Po katastrofie kampanii wrześniowej w 1939 roku wielu polskich żołnierzy udało się do Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii w celu kontynuowania walki z Niemcami. Wśród nich pokaźną grupę stanowili lotnicy. Dla nich Biskup Polowy Józef Gawlina zorganizował specjalne duszpasterstwo, złożone z kilkudziesięciu księży diecezjalnych i zakonnych. W swoich dokumentach, kazaniach i innych wystąpieniach hierarcha wydawał praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące istotnych elementów posługi duszpasterskiej. Wśród nich, oprócz wątków ściśle religijnych, zalecał także ustawiczną formację patriotyczną. Dotychczas, poza wyjątkami, niewielu badaczy zajmowało się tym specyficznym rodzajem duszpasterstwa (A. F. Kowalkowski, J. Łupiński, W. Zmyślony). Autor niniejszej publikacji, na podstawie Dziennika ks. Mikołaja Sasinowskiego oraz innych dostępnych źródeł, analizuje realizację postulatu bp. J. Gawliny formacji duszpasterskiej i patriotycznej wśród polskich lotników.
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej; 2018, 17, 3; 287-303
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ksiądz Mikołaj Sasinowski – duszpasterz i działacz harcerski w Lotniczej Szkole Technicznej dla Małoletnich /Gimnazjum Nr 2 w Halton (1943–1946)
Fr. Mikołaj Sasinowski – priest and chaplain of the Aviation Technical School for Junior Students, Secondary School no. 2 in Halton (1943–1946 )
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
ks. Mikołaj Sasinowski
Polskie Siły Powietrzne na Zachodzie
Lotnicza Szkoła Techniczna dla Małoletnich/ Gimnazjum Nr 2 w Halton
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego poza granicami Kraju
fr. Mikołaj Sasinowski
Polish Air Force in the West
Aviation Technical School for Junior Students/ Secondary School no. 2 in Halton Polish Scouting Association outside Poland
The article presents the scouting activity of Rev. Mikołaj Sasinowski, a chaplain of the Polish Air Force in the West in Great Britain during World War II and a chaplain of the Aviation Technical School for Junior Students, Secondary School no. 2 in Halton. Rev. Sasinowski is an example of a priest actively working among young Polish students in the school in Halton in the years 1943–1946. The students of this school were orphans whose parents died during the deportation from Poland to Siberia in 1940–1941. The personalities of these young people had been distorted during their stay in Siberia. Deep inner wounds and a sense of being lost were visible. The scout team at the Halton Technical School led by Rev. Sasinowski and his organizing and directing of summer vacations in the form of summer camps demonstrate very well his profound understanding and the fruitful realization of scouting ideals among the former young exiles to Siberia, educated in Great Britain during World War II. His personal example and charm, authentic piety, zeal and sense of humor positively influenced the education of new scouts and future scouting instructors, who in the later years worked fruitfully in the structures of the Polish Scouting Association outside Poland.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 4; 95-111
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Życie codzienne kamedułów w eremie wigierskim (1667–1800)
Daily life of the Camaldolese Monks in the Wigry Hermitage (1667-1800)
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
Camaldolese Hermits Congregation of the Crown Mountain
Bl. Paul Giustiniani
the Rules of Eremitic
Life Camaldolese hermitages of the Polish-Lithuanian province
the hermitage in Wigry
daily life of the Camaldolese monks
monastic life in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-19th c.
Kongregacja Kamedułów Pustelników Góry Koronnej
bł. Paweł Giustiniani
reguła życia eremickiego
eremy kamedulskie prowincji polsko-litewskiej
erem w Wigrach
życie codzienne kamedułów
życie zakonne w Rzeczypospolitej XVII–XIX w.
Stosunkowo wiele napisano na temat działalności Kongregacji Kamedułów Pustelników Góry Koronnej na terenach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Najczęściej przedmiotem badań są materialne dokonania zakonu, brakuje natomiast analiz dotyczących sfery duchowej, zachowywania reguły zakonnej, czy też życia codziennego kamedułów. Współczesna historiografia coraz częściej interesuje się codziennością osób konsekrowanych. Léo Moulin – belgijski historyk mediewista zauważył: „świat zakonny jest rozległy, rozmaity, złożony”. Zakony w historii Kościoła katolickiego realizowały własne charyzmaty poprzez modlitwę lub np. działalność na polu miłosierdzia. Zgromadzenie kamedułów zostało założone w Italii w XI wieku. Z czasem zakon stopniowo zmienił swój charakter z eremickiego na cenobicki. Na początku XVI wieku bł. Paweł Giustiniani zainicjował powrót do dawnego radykalnego życia pustelniczego. Centralnym eremem odnowionego zakonu kamedulskiego stała się Góra Koronna (Monte Corona) koło Perugii. Życie codzienne Kongregacji Kamedułów określały Reguły życia eremickiego napisane przez Giustinianiego w 1516 roku, oparte na regułach spisanych przez św. Benedykta oraz św. Romualda2. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie życia codziennego kamedułów w eremie wigierskim działającym w latach 1667–1800, jednym z najbogatszych na ziemiach polskich w oparciu o teksty źródłowe – Reguły i Konstytucje kamedulskie oraz inne dokumenty archiwalne odnoszące się do omawianej wspólnoty eremickiej.
Relatively much has been written about the activities of the Congregation of the Camaldolese Hermits of the Crown Mountain in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Most often, the subject of research is the material achievements of the order, while there is no analysis of the spiritual sphere, the observance of the monastic rule, or the daily life of the Camaldolese monks. Contemporary historiography is increasingly interested in the daily life of consecrated persons. Léo Moulin, a Belgian medieval historian, noted: “the religious world is vast, varied, and complex.” Orders in the history of the Catholic Church have realized their own charisms through prayer or, for example, through activities in the field of mercy. Camaldolese was founded in Italy in the 11th century. Over time, the order gradually changed its character from eremitic to cenobic. At the beginning of the 16th century, Bl. Paul Giustiniani initiated a return to the former radical hermit life. The Crown Mountain (Monte Corona) near Perugia became the central house of the restored Camaldolese Order. The daily life of the Camaldolese Congregation was determined by the Rules of Eremitic Life written by Giustiniani in 1516. The aim of this article is to present the everyday life of the Camaldolese monks in the Wigry herm in the years 1667–1800, one of the richest monasteries in Poland, based on documents relating to this hermit community.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2022, 56; 239-253
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fundacje eremów Kongregacji Kamedułów Eremitów Góry Koronnej w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej
The Congregation of Camaldolese Hermits of Góra Koronna
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
Congregation of Camaldolese Hermits of Góra Koronna
Bl. Paweł Giustiniani
Camaldolese hermitages of the Polish-Lithuanian province
establishing Camaldolese foundations
architecture of Camaldolese hermitages in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th–19th centuries
Kongregacja Kamedułów Eremitów Góry Koronnej
bł. Paweł Giustiniani
eremy kamedulskie prowincji polsko-litewskiej
erygowanie fundacji kamedulskich
architektura eremów kamedulskich w Rzeczypospolitej XVII–XIX wieku
Kongregacja Eremitów Kamedułów Góry Koronnej założona przez błog. Pawła Giustinianiego na początku XVI wieku we Włoszech, o charakterze eremickim, czyli pustelniczym stała się jednym z prężnych centrów odnowy Kościoła katolickiego w dobie reformacji. Istotą reformy założyciela był powrót do pierwotnego ducha eremickiego polegającego na wycofaniu się ze świata, aby w samotności, kontemplacji i milczeniu zjednoczyć się z Bogiem. Członkowie kongregacji na początku XVII wieku dotarli na ziemie polskie i litewskie na zaproszenie możnowładców oraz królów Władysława IV i Jana II Kazimierza, aby ocalić Rzeczpospolitą od nieszczęść, które ją dotykały. Fundatorzy mieli decydujący wpływ na zakładanie eremów, ich architekturę i przekazane posiadłości ziemskie. Kryzys, jaki nastąpił w okresie zaborów, dotknął boleśnie kamedułów. Zaborcy pozbawili kamedułów ich posiadłości i skasowali poszczególne eremy, z których zachowały się do dzisiaj tylko dwa: na Bielanach koło Krakowa oraz w Bieniszewie. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu prześledzenie zakładania fundacji eremów kamedulskich na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej oraz respektowanie przepisów i zaleceń władz Kongregacji Eremitów Kamedułów Góry Koronnej, odnoszących się do założeń architektonicznych nowo wybudowanych fundacji.
The Congregation of Camaldolese Hermits of Góra Koronna founded by Bl. Paul Giustiniani at the beginning of the 16th century in Italy, having a hermitic haracter, became one of the thriving centers of renewal of the Catholic Church in the era of the Reformation. The essence of the founder’s reform was a return to the original hermitic spirit of withdrawing from the world to unite with God in solitude, contemplation and silence. At the beginning of the 17th century, members of the congregation arrived in Poland and Lithuania at the invitation of the magnates and kings Wladislaus IV and John II Casimir, in order to save the Commonwealth from the misfortunes that affl icted it. The founders had a decisive infl uence on the establishment of hermitages, their architecture and the transferred land estates. The crisis that occurred during the partitions aff ected the Camaldolese monks painfully. The partitioning powers deprived the Camaldolese monks of their possessions and liquidated individual hermitages, of which only two have survived to this day: in Bielany near Kraków and in Bieniszew. This article aims to trace the foundations of Camaldolese hermitages in the lands of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and to respect the regulations and recommendations of the authorities of the Congregation of Camaldolese Hermits of Góra Koronna regarding the architectural assumptions of newly built foundations.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2023, 57; 205-225
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziekani okręgowi w diecezji wigierskiej i diecezji augustowskiej czyli sejneńskiej
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
La diocesi Wigry esistette negli anni 1799-1818, diocesi Augustów cioe’ di Sejny dal 1818 fino alla I guerra mondiale. Ambedue furono divise in decanati. Vicario foraneo rappresentante del vescovo nel decanato. Nel Regno Polacco, anche il potere civile decideva della sua nomina. Egli visitava le parocchie del decanato. I parrocci in iscritto rispondevano alle sue numerose domande. Esse riguardavano in maggioranza edifici ecclesiastici e parrocchiali, attrezzatura ecclesiastica, terreni apparteneti alla parrocchia e dei sacerdoti che svolgevano il compito pastorale. I moduli delle visite dei decani erano meno dettagliati che moduli delle visite dei vescovi. Queste invece in parte avevano simile contenuto come visite decanali; invece in modo dettagliato descrivevano la vita sacramentale e spirituale delle parrocchie. Dopo l’Insurrezzione di Gennaio 1863 nelle due categorie di visite non erano toccati problemi di proprietà terrene e fondazioni della parrocchia perché furono passatte sotto il tesoro dallo stato. In modulo delle visite del vicario forneo ufficialmente descriveva: opinione della vita personale del clero, introduzione di un nuovo parroco nella parrocchia, cura del beneficio parrocchiale dopo la morte del parrocco, conferma degli accordi tra il parroco e vicario, assicurazione di continuità delle funzioni nella parrocchia nel caso di assenza del sacerdote, controllo dei libri delle metriche, consegna della corrispondenza e degli ordini del vescovo, accompagnamento al vescovo durante sua visita nel decanato, formazione dell’opinione nel caso di erezione di una nuova parrocchia oppure nel caso di spostamento dei villaggi da una parrocchia all’altra e cura delle scuole elementari
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2006, 49, 1-2; 195-226
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służba Wydziału Teologicznego Kościołowi w Polsce
The Service of the Theology Department to the Church in Poland
Faculté de Théologie et son service pour l’Eglise en Pologne
Die Theologische Fakultät im Dienst der Kirche in Polen
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
For almost two centuries the Faculty of Theology in Warsaw has been actively serving the Catholic Church in Poland. In its beginning, as a unit of the Royal Faculty of Theology (from 1816), next separated and functioning under the name of Main Seminary (from 1823) and later as the Clerical Academy of Warsaw (from 1837). As part of the repressions after the uprising, the Academy was moved to St. Petersburg in 1867. By establishing the Faculty of Theology, the invader authorities wanted to take control of the higher education of the clergy, make it subordinate to the state and (in the later period) make it the object of russification. This aim was not fully realized. Most of the educated clergy had a patriotic spirit and were loyal sons of the Catholic Church. After the regaining of independence in 1918, the Faculty of Theology was part of the University of Warsaw until 1953. A sudden change took place in 1954. The communist authorities, in the period of strong Stalinism, decided to close the theological faculties of the University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University and created the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw. The Academy had three faculties: Theology, Canon Law and Christian Philosophy. Probably, as in the period of the partitions, the intention was to exercise complete control and surveillance of the education of the Polish clergy. In this context, the Polish bishops began to withdraw priest and seminary students from the Academy. Only when relations between Senate Academy and the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, were begun, the recognition of the theological faculties as canonical was possible and the crisis ended. Since then, the Academy trained more and more priests and religious for the needs of the Catholic Church in Poland. Educated theologians took up functions in the structures of the Church. The opening of Consultation Sites in other towns significantly facilitated access to the acquirement of academic degrees and titles. An important event was the establishment in 1999 of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University on the basis of the Academy. The number of faculties was increased. The Faculty of Theology increased the number of institutes, increased the number of specializations, integrated into its structures several seminaries. Since that time the number of students, especially form lay people, has increased. Publications – research achievements of the professors of the Faculty of Theology of the University – are highly noted in Poland and abroad. Their service to the Church and to Poland is a valuable contribution to the development of science and culture.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2013, 51, 1; 63-78
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Catholic Church in Poland in the Publications of Trybuna Ludu from 1949
Łupiński, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish People’s Republic
Trybuna Ludu
Catholic Church
This journal article discusses articles about the Catholic Church in Poland that appeared in the daily Polish newspaper Trybuna Ludu [The People’s Tribune] in 1949. This official publication of the Polish United Workers’ Party (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza) played an important role in spreading propaganda during communist rule in the Polish People’s Republic. During this time, the communist authorities sought to subordinate and neutralize the Church. The year 1949 was particularly important in the history of the relationship between the state and the church because it was then that the communist authorities launched a media offensive against the Catholic Church. While the authorities officially claimed to guarantee religious freedom, they forbid religion from being taught in Polish schools and supported only pro-government “patriot priests.” Specifically, Trybuna Ludu reported lawsuits filed against priests who supported the anti-communist underground. An analysis of these articles demonstrates how the communist party used Trybuna Ludu as a tool to spread propaganda.
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej; 2019, 18; 201-215
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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