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Prawne pojęcie osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego
Legal concepts of running an agricultural holding as an individual
Il concetto di conduzione personale dell’azienda agricola
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
conduzione personale dell’azienda agricola
attività agricola
limiti posti al trasferimento dei terreni agricoli
personal running of an agricultural holding
agricultural activity
limitations in trading in agricultural real estate
osobiste prowadzenie gospodarstwa rolnego
działalność rolnicza
ograniczenia w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi
Problematyka podjęta w artykule dotyczy pojęcia osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego. Zostało ono użyte na potrzeby przewidzianych w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi. Przesłanka osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego jest niezwykle restrykcyjna i budzi wiele wątpliwości, także konstytucyjnych, które zostały podniesione przez doktrynę i judykaturę. Ponadto wydaje się nieproporcjonalną ingerencją w sposób wykonywania własności rolniczej w działalność gospodarczą, także rolniczą działalność gospodarczą. Wszelkie ograniczenia wolności gospodarczej i prawa własności powinny być rozpatrywane przez pryzmat zasady proporcjonalności. Dla zapewnienia realizacji celów ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, tj. właściwego zagospodarowania ziemi rolnej, wystarczające wydaje się wprowadzenie obowiązku zachowania rolnego charakteru nieruchomości, przy realizacji zasady, że są to obszary utrzymywane naturalnie w stanie nadającym się do wypasu lub uprawy, przy zachowaniu norm minimalnych. Takie podejście odpowiada modelowi rolnictwa przyjętemu we Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej.
Le questioni discusse nell'articolo riguardano il concetto di conduzione personale dell’azienda agricola, il quale è stato impiegato con la finalità di affrontare i limiti posti al trasferimento dei terreni agricoli previsti dalla legge sul regime agrario. Il costrutto è molto limitativo e comporta una serie di dubbi, anche costituzionali, sollevati nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza. In più, sembra realizzare un’ingerenza sproporzionata nel modo in cui viene gestita la proprietà agricola, nonché l’attività economica, compresa anche l’attività economica agricola. Tutti i limiti posti alla libertà economica e ai diritti di proprietà andrebbero valutati guardando attraverso il prisma del principio di proporzionalità. Al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi proposti nella legge evocata, vale a dire una gestione adeguata del terreno agricolo, sembra essere sufficiente introdurre l’obbligo di mantenere il carattere agrario del terreno stesso, nel contempo stabilendo il principio secondo il quale si tratta di aree che vanno mantenute in uno stato idoneo al pascolo o alla coltivazione in modo naturale, pur rispettando i minimi standard. Un tale approccio va di pari passo con il modello dell’agricoltura adottato nella politica agricola comune.
The issues discussed in the article concern the notion of running an agricultural holding in person. This term has been used for the purpose of restrictions in the trading in agricultural land contained in the Act on shaping the agricultural system. The requirement of “personal running” of an agricultural holding is extremely restrictive and gives rise to a number of doubts, including constitutional ones, which have been examined in the doctrine and in courts. Moreover, it seems to be a disproportionate interference in the way agricultural ownership is exercised, as well as in economic activity, including agricultural-economic. Any restriction of economic freedom and ownership rights should be considered through the prism of the proportionality principle. In order to ensure the fulfilment of the objectives of the Act on shaping the agricultural system, i.e. the proper management of agricultural land, it would seem to be sufficient to provide for an obligation to maintain the agricultural character of the real estate, with the implementation of the principle the latter is an area naturally maintained in a condition suitable for grazing or cultivation, with minimum standards being observed. Such an approach corresponds to the model of agriculture adopted in the Common Agricultural Policy.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2021, 1(28); 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie inwestycji z udziałem środków EFRROW na obszarach wiejskich
Investment planning with the participation of the EAFRD in rural areas
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
rural area
spatial planning
strategic and development planning
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The subject of the study is to determine the principles of investment planning in rural areas with the participation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The paper discusses the principles of programming financial perspective 2014-2020, taking into account the need to coordinate support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Structural and Cohesion Funds. Attention has been paid to the need to coordinate support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in territorial terms, taking into account the standards of planning. Rural development should address the concern of its multi – functionality, where apart from the production function development of other functions to ensure the environmental protection, to maintain natural landscape and traditional cultural values are also assumed. Such approach requires taking into account the role of planning in view both strategic and development as well as spatial aspect.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2016, 14; 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność rolnicza jako przesłanka uzyskania uprawnienia do płatności
Agricultural activities as a condition for entitlement to direct payment
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
agricultural activity
active farmer
direct payments
The aim of this article is to define the concept of agricultural activity, as a condition for direct payments. This requires a relationship of this concept to the definition of an active farmer. The draft regulation art. 4 of the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing rules for direct payments to farmer under support schemes within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy, which is a new definition of agricultural activity, indicates the need to refer to this basic definition for agricultural law. In the classical formulations, agricultural activity is recognized as a sphere of business, with an indication of the economic, professional aspect of the production activities of the farmer. New regulations concerning the rules and procedures for the granting of EU fund, relating to the possession of agricultural land, raise the need to re- examine this issue, takin into account the conditions that combine possession of agricultural land with the performance of agricultural activities. This trend reflects the changes in the rules of the Common Agricultural Policy and is based on the assumption that the protection is not due to the mere fact of possessing of agricultural land, but also due to other fulfilled by agricultural producers functions: production, environmental and social. The presented approach requires analysis of the definition of agricultural activity on the basis of public law, private law and agricultural law. To determine the activity of which revenues are recognized as income from agricultural activities should furthermore benefit from the experience of European countries, Italy and France, which have regulations of this issues. They indicate the types of activities associated with agricultural activities and give them special preferences. In conclusion, it should be noted that the new rules for the granting of payments, which exclude from the system farmers receiving a certain income from non-agricultural activities are in conflict with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy, which prefer the diversity of activities in the farms. Diversification of agricultural activities, as appropriate for the needs of sustainable rural development, is also an important axis of the structural support financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2013, 11; 61-73
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umowa przyznania pomocy z Europejskiego Funduszu Rolnego na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich a inne podobne umowy
Contract of aid granting by the European Fund for Rural Development and another similar contracts
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
freedom of contracting
legal nature of the agreement
With the act of 7 Match 2007 on support for rural areas with the participation of means from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development there was introduced a new type of contracts constructed in order to acquire payments. The aim of this paper is an attempt to determine the legal nature of the agreement of aid granting by this found. In this paper there were presented construction fundamentals of a contract when one of the party to the contract is Managing Authority (support is given after the administrative proceedings in particular case but the agreement is the source of obligations, there are restrictions of freedom of contracting, and the civil courts are competent to settle disputes). These features point to the civil – legal nature of the agreement. The agreement used in Polish agricultural transactions are of an extremely varied character. This agreement is similar to a contract of donation and to a contract of aid granting by the structural funds. Therefore, it is helpful, to compare it to these agreement. The analysis of provisions of the Polish act allows to draw conclusions on a very complicated legal character of the agreement of aid granting by the European Agricultural Found for Rural Development. This agreement is different from the donation and from the agreement of aid granting by the structural funds. The unification of the procedure of support, not excluding the contract should be postulated.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2012, 10; 265-280
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zgoda dyrektora generalnego KOWR na nabycie nieruchomości rolnej. Wybrane problemy prawne
Consent of the General Director of the State Centre for the Support of Agriculture for the acquisition of agricultural property. Selected legal issues
L’autorizzazione del direttore generale del centro nazionale per il sostegno agricolo all’acquisto dell’immobile agricolo. alcuni problemi giuridici scelti
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
National Centre for the Support of Agriculture
decision of the General Director
limitation of the ownership of agricultural real estate
Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa
decyzja dyrektora generalnego
ograniczenie własności nieruchomości rolnych
Celem rozważań jest ocena ewolucji ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi, z uwzględnieniem swoistego charakteru umów prowadzących do przeniesienia własności nieruchomości rolnych oraz publicznoprawnego charakteru ingerencji władzy publicznej w obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi. Szczególnym przejawem takiej ingerencji jest zgoda dyrektora generalnego KOWR na nabycie nieruchomości rolnej przez podmiot, który nie spełnia ustawowych przesłanek. Zgoda taka wyrażana jest w formie decyzji administracyjnej i poprzedza zawarcie umów, które skutkują przeniesieniem własności nieruchomości rolnej. W konkluzji autorka stwierdza wzrost ingerencji państwa w obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi. Proces ten realizowany jest przy zastosowaniu metod publicznoprawnych. Konieczność uzyskania zgody dyrektora generalnego KOWR stanowi bowiem władczą ingerencję w sferę prawa własności.
L’articolo si propone di valutare l’evoluzione dei vincoli alla compravendita degli immobili agricoli, tenendo conto sia della specificità dei contratti di trasferimento di proprietà degli immobili agricoli sia di un carattere pubblico che caratterizza l’ingerenza della pubblica amministrazione nella compravendita in esame. Un caso particolare di tale ingerenza è l’autorizzazione del Direttore generale del Centro nazionale per il sostegno agricolo all’acquisto di un immobile agricolo da parte di un ente che non soddisfa i requisiti di legge. Tale autorizzazione è espressa sotto forma di decisione amministrativa e viene rilasciata prima della stipulazione dei contratti di trasferimento di proprietà degli immobili agricoli. Nella parte conclusiva l’autrice fa notare che la suddetta ingerenza è aumentata. Questo processo si realizza attraverso modalità di carattere pubblico in quanto il fatto di dover ottenere l’autorizzazione del Direttore generale del Centro è un’ingerenza imperiosa nella sfera dei diritti di proprietà.
The aim of this study was to assess the evolution of restrictions on the trading in agricultural real estate, taking into account the specific nature of contracts that lead to the transfer of agricultural real estate, and the public law nature of interference exercised by a public authority in the trading in agricultural real estate. A particular manifestation of such interference is the requirement of a consent of the General Director of the State Centre for the Support of Agriculture prior to the acquisition of agricultural real estate by an entity that does not meet the statutory prerequisites. The consent takes the form of an administrative decision and precedes the conclusion of agreements resulting in the transfer of ownership of agricultural real estate. The study has determined that there is an ongoing increase of the state interference in the trading in agricultural real estate being implemented with the use of public law means. The mandatory consent of the General Director of the State Centre for the Support of Agriculture constitutes a sovereign interference in the sphere of property rights.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2022, 2(31); 69-80
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sztuczne tworzenie warunków dla uniknięcia zmniejszenia płatności
The artificially created of conditions to avoid reductions of payments
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
direct payments
artificially created of conditions
Common Agricultural Policy
The article contains an analysis of premises of acquiring direct payments, with special emphasis on the regulations concerning the term “artificially created of conditions”. The aim of the author deliberations is to determined what meanings the notions “artificially created of conditions” and the term of “possession” used in the regulations. The legislator of these regulations does not define these terms, and it is necessary to seek the meaning of these phrases in Polish law. First term should be understood as an institution of civil law – operation designed to circumvent the law. Second term referring instead to the definitions contained in the civil code, too. Yet, to satisfy the demand for possessing agricultural land, additional premises are to be fulfilled. Legal regulations concerning payments introduce a kind of qualified possession consisting in actual agriculture usage of land The article points to some terminological problems on the UE – national law border, reflected in judicial decisions not only the national administrative courts but also Court of Justice of the European Union.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2014, 12; 19-31
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakres zastosowania ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego do regulacji prawnorolnych w Kodeksie cywilnym
The applicability of the act on shaping the agricultural system to legal regulations governing agriculture in the Civil Code
L’ambito di applicazione della legge sul regime agricolo e le regolazioni giuridiche riguardanti l’agricoltura contenute nel Codice Civile
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Stańko, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
immobile agricolo
azienda agricola
cessazione della comproprietà dell’azienda agricola
divisione dell’eredità
divisione del patrimonio
agricultural real estate
agricultural holding
abolition of co-ownership of an agricultural holding
division of inheritance
division of property
nieruchomość rolna
gospodarstwo rolne
zniesienie współwłasności gospodarstwa rolnego
dział spadku
podział majątku
Rozważania dotyczą stosowania przepisów ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego do regulacji prawnorolnych zawartych w Kodeksie cywilnym. Obejmują dziedziczenie gospodarstw rolnych, w tym dział spadku, w skład którego wchodzi gospodarstwo rolne, zniesienie współwłasności gospodarstwa rolnego (zarówno w drodze umowy, jak i orzeczenia sądowego) oraz podział majątku wspólnego małżonków, z uwzględnieniem regulacji ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Założeniem ustawodawcy było zapewnienie ochrony ziemi rolniczej także w zakresie obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi, przewidzianej w przepisach Kodeksu cywilnego. Wątpliwości interpretacyjne budzi jednak brak tożsamości znaczeniowej zwrotów użytych w obu aktach prawnych, co prowadzi do modyfikacji kodeksowych instytucji. Nie do przyjęcia jest to, że mocą przepisów ustaw szczególnych zmianie ulegają kodeksowe instytucje prawnorolne stanowiące gwarancję własności rolniczej. Taki sposób „nowelizowania” Kodeksu cywilnego prowadzi do niespójności i dysfunkcjonalności systemu prawnego.
Le considerazioni svolte riguardano il problema di applicazione delle disposizioni di legge sul regime agricolo nel campo relativo alle regolazioni giuridiche riguardanti l’agricoltura contenute nel codice civile. Nello specifico, tenendo conto della legge in esame, si intende discutere la successione delle aziende agricole, inclusa la divisione dell’eredità, di cui fa parte l’azienda agricola, la cessazione della comproprietà nonché la cessazione della divisione del patrimonio comune dei coniugi. L’obiettivo che il legislatore si è prefissato è stato quello di garantire la tutela dei terreni agricoli, prevista nelle disposizioni del codice civile, pure a livello della compravendita degli immobili agricoli. Sorgono, tuttavia, dubbi interpretativi relativi alla mancanza di identità semantica nelle espressioni utilizzate in entrambi gli atti giuridici, il che porta a modificare istituti codicistici. È inaccettabile che, in virtù delle disposizioni di leggi specifiche, vengano modificati gli istituti giuridici riguardanti l’agricoltura contenuti nel codice, posti a garanzia della proprietà agricola. Questo modo di „modificare” il codice civile porta a incoerenze e disfunzioni del sistema giuridico.
The considerations concern the applicability of the provisions of the Act on shaping the agricultural system to the legal regulations of agriculture contained in the civil code. The focus is on the inheritance of agricultural holdings, as well as the division of inheritance consisting of an agricultural holding, the abolition of joint ownership of an agricultural holding and the division of joint property of spouses, taking into account the provisions of the Act on shaping the agricultural system. The intention of the legislator was to ensure protection of agricultural land also in the scope of trading in agricultural real estate that has been provided for in the civil code. However, there are doubts regarding the interpretation of the terms used in both legislative acts as it leads to certain differences in  the understanding of institutions defined in the code. However, this is an unacceptable situation and the provisions of special laws must not change the legal definitions of agricultural institutions guaranteeing agricultural property. This way of "amending" the civil code results in the inconsistency and dysfunctionality of the legal system.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2020, 1(26); 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwoty mleczne jako przedmiot obrotu – wybrane zagadnienia
Quotas for the production of milk as a subject of turnover – chosen issues
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Bieluk, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
Common Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Market Agency,
quotas for the production of milk
Quotas for the production of milk are a permanent element of the Common Agricultural Policy. Their legal character and the possibility of their acquisition are the subject of this article. On the one hand, the quotas are to be considered from the administrative law point of view– they are the result of an administrative decision and their distribution is regulated by the code of administrative procedure. On the other hand, the legislator allowed the possibility of the civil law turnover. In Poland the legislator allows permanent and temporary alienation of individual quotes. In the case of permanent alienation, regulations pertaining to the contract of sale are applied; in the case of turning them over for somebody else’s use – those concerning the contract of lease. Taking the above into account, one may observe that quotas for production of milk are of dual nature. In the relations: farmer – the Agricultural Market Agency, there is no doubt they are regulated by administrative law. Yet, in the case of appearing in the turnover they are the qualifications of a certain material worth, which requires the application of civil law.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2011, 9; 294-305
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawiedliwość społeczna i solidarność w prawie rolnym (na przykładzie wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich)
Social Justice and Solidarity in Agricultural Law (on the Example of Rural Development Support)
Łobos-Kotowska, Dorota
Doliwa, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
social justice
rural areas
rural development support
sprawiedliwość społeczna
obszary wiejskie
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
The aim of the article is to redefine the elements of the paradigm of agricultural law, as seen through the lens of the concepts of social justice and solidarity, as well as public goods and their role in agricultural law, using the example of laws that govern rural development support. These principles should be treated as an important determinant of a fair balancing of the general interest (common good) and the interests of the individual. It should be stated that Polish statutory regulations in the field of supporting rural areas and providing public goods by farmers, directly or indirectly, follow the axiological paradigm. The implementation of the idea of social justice and solidarity should also aim at the sustainable development of rural areas. Such an approach should be reflected in the rural development support system, which is based on the assumption that production support for farms should be accompanied by certain obligations imposed on entities managing agricultural land. It is also necessary to formulate a postulate that the law of rural development should stimulate pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes.
Celem artykułu jest redefinicja elementów paradygmatu prawa rolnego, przez pryzmat pojęć sprawiedliwości i solidarności społecznej oraz dóbr publicznych i ich roli w prawie rolnym, na przykładzie regulacji prawnej wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Zasady te powinny być traktowane jako istotny wyznacznik sprawiedliwego wyważania interesu ogółu (dobra wspólnego) i interesów jednostki. Należy stwierdzić, że polskie regulacje ustawowe w zakresie wspierania obszarów wiejskich i dostarczania przez rolników dóbr publicznych w sposób bezpośredni lub pośredni kierują się paradygmatem aksjologicznym. Urzeczywistnienie idei sprawiedliwości społecznej i solidaryzmu powinno zmierzać do trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Takie podejście powinno mieć odzwierciedlenie w systemie wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, który opiera się na założeniu, że wsparciu produkcyjnemu gospodarstw rolnych powinny towarzyszyć pewne obowiązki nakładane na podmioty gospodarujące na gruntach rolnych. Konieczne jest również sformułowanie postulatu, że prawo rozwoju obszarów wiejskich powinno stymulować postawy prośrodowiskowe i prospołeczne.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2021, 30, 5; 429-444
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posiadanie gruntów rolnych jako warunek nabycia prawa do płatności bezpośrednich
Bieluk, Jerzy
Łobos–Kotowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
The article contains an analysis of premises of acquiring uniform direct payments, with special emphasis on the regulations concerning the demand for possessing agricultural lands (covered by the motion for the admission of payment). The aim of the authors’ deliberations is to determine what meanings the notion „possession” is used in the regulations. The legislator of these regulations does not define the term „possession”, referring instead to the definition contained in the civil code. Yet, to satisfy the demand for possessing agricultural lands, additional premises are to be fulfilled. Legal regulations concerning payments introduce a kind of a qualified possession consisting in actual agricultural usage of lands. The article points to some terminological problems on the private–public law border, reflected in judicial decisions. Legal character of payments indicates that direct payments belong to a public–legal sphere, whereas the legislator uses private law notions to define premises of acquiring the right to them.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2010, 8; 137-149
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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