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W Mosinie : zjazdy gminne ZOSP RP w Wielkopolsce
Tomaka, Marek.
Strażak 2001, nr 6, s. 25
Data publikacji:
Siewkowska, Hanna
Zjazd Gminny Związku Ochotniczych Straży Pożarnych RP (7; 2001; Mosina, woj. wielkopolskie)
Związek Ochotniczych Straży Pożarnych RP. Zarząd Gminny ZOSP (Mosina, woj. wielkopolskie)
Hanna Siewkowska, przewodnicząca komisji rewizyjnej.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Zwyciężyli najlepsi : zawody sportowo-pożarnicze
Tomaka, Marek.
Strażak 2004, nr 8, s. 20-21
Data publikacji:
Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna (Trzebnice, woj. dolnośląskie)
Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna (Rokitki, woj. pomorskie)
Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna (Granowiec, woj. wielkopolskie)
W grupie dziewcząt I miejsce OSP Trzebnice, II OSP Rokitki i III OSP Granowiec.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
The role of nurses in addressing health effects of climate change and wildfires
Rola pielęgniarek w przeciwdziałaniu skutkom zdrowotnym zmian klimatycznych i pożarów lasów
Baykara Mat, Seda Tugba
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
climate change
pożary lasów
zmiany klimatyczne
The present study reviews existing evidence regarding the role of nursing in responses to climate change and wildfires caused by climate change, with the aim of enhancing nurses’ awareness about these issues. A total of 21 studies published between 2014 to 2021 and written in English or Turkish were included in the review. Analysis focused on the role of nursing in lessening negative impacts from climate change and wildfires. There is evidence to suggest that nurses can significantly assist with the prevention and alleviation of the effects of climate change and wildfires. Based on these findings, it is recommended that nurses take an active role in reducing likely risks and responding effectively when needed. The importance of flexible and proactive health systems that can predict needs during emergencies is also highlighted. Nurses should lead the way in designing national and international policies on emergencies and disasters, making suggestions, and contributing to national emergency response plans, management of human resources, and the continuity of basic care services.
W niniejszym opracowaniu dokonano przeglądu istniejących dowodów dotyczących roli pielęgniarstwa w odpowiedzi na zmiany klimatu i pożary lasów nimi spowodowane, w celu zwiększenia świadomości pielęgniarek na temat tych zagadnień. Do przeglądu włączono łącznie 21 badań opublikowanych w latach 2014-2021 i napisanych w języku angielskim lub tureckim. Analiza skupiła się na roli pielęgniarstwa w zmniejszaniu negatywnego wpływu zmian klimatu i pożarów lasów. Istnieją dowody sugerujące, że pielęgniarki mogą znacząco pomóc w zapobieganiu i łagodzeniu skutków zmian klimatycznych i pożarów lasów. W oparciu o te wyniki zaleca się pielęgniarkom podjęcie aktywnej roli w zmniejszaniu prawdopodobnego ryzyka i skutecznym reagowaniu w razie potrzeby, a także podkreśla się znaczenie elastycznych i proaktywnych systemów opieki zdrowotnej, które mogą przewidzieć potrzeby w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Pielęgniarki powinny odgrywać wiodącą rolę w tworzeniu krajowej i międzynarodowej polityki dotyczącej sytuacji kryzysowych i katastrof, zgłaszać sugestie i wnosić wkład do krajowych planów reagowania kryzysowego, zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi i ciągłości podstawowych usług opieki.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2022, 16, 1; 31-36
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jom Main! (Let's Play!): Promoting The Values Of Malaysia Traditional Children's Games Through The Media
Mat Nayan, Shahreen
Kun, Oh Hui
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Traditional children’s games
Cultural preservation. Heritage
Child’s growth and development
Social media
Malaysia is a nation rich in culture and heritage because of its multi-racial society that consists of different ethnic groups. Part of this rich cultural heritage are the various traditional children’s games that have existed for a long time, such as Congkak (filling the wooden board), Batu Seremban (tossing the stones), Sepak Takraw (kicking the rattan ball), Gasing (spinning top), Wau (kite flying) and many more. However, with the development of digital technologies and the impact of globalization, traditional children’s games that were once very popular in our society are now slowing fading away. This campaign is carried out using social media, with the aim to explore the values of Malaysian traditional children’s games and to reintroduce these games to children and the general public. The project consisted of a traditional children’s games workshop and an online campaign using Facebook, which targeted a larger audience The findings of this project revealed that traditional children’s games are beneficial to a child’s growth and development, cultural values and teaching practices. Therefore, it is important for the present generation to preserve, promote and relive Malaysian traditional children’s games and to pass them on to the next generation.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2019, 2, 2; 52-84
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Views of Healthcare Workers on Wasteful Behavior in Hospitals: a Qualitative Study
Opinie pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach: badanie jakościowe
Baykara Mat, Seda Tugba
Baykal, Ulku
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
wasteful behavior
healthcare services
qualitative research
zachowania nieoszczędne
usługi służby zdrowia
pracownicy służby zdrowia
Background. The continuous increase in healthcare spending and problems experienced in payment/ insurance systems have brought the issue of hospital extravagance to the agenda. To achieve efficiency in the healthcare sector and prevent wasteful behavior, it is important to use all resources in a costeffective manner. This study aimed to determine the views of healthcare workers on wasteful behavior in hospitals. Material and methods. This study employed a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected through in-person in-depth interviews with 60 participants working at private, university and state hospitals. A semi-structured interview form was used in the study. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ) were applied to organize and report the study. Results. The data obtained in the study were examined under two themes named “Wasteful Behavior” and “Precautions”, as well as categories under these two themes. Conclusions. The participants stated that there are many aspects of extravagance practiced at hospitals, but they saw the sustainable use of resources with a set of precautions to be taken possible. Presenting the views and recommendations of healthcare professionals will provide an important source of data for administrators in terms of sustainability efforts.
Wprowadzenie. Stały wzrost wydatków na służbę zdrowia oraz problemy doświadczane w systemach płatności/ubezpieczeń spowodowały dyskusję na temat kwestii nieoszczędności w szpitalach. Aby osiągnąć efektywność w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej i zapobiec niegospodarnemu zachowaniu, ważne jest, aby wykorzystać wszystkie zasoby w sposób oszczędny. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu określenie poglądów pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach. Materiał i metody. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano metodę badania jakościowego o charakterze opisowym. Dane zostały zgromadzone poprzez bezpośrednie, szczegółowe wywiady z 60 uczestnikami pracującymi w szpitalach prywatnych, uniwersyteckich i państwowych. W badaniach wykorzystano formularz wywiadu półstrukturalnego. Do organizacji i raportowania badań zastosowano Skonsolidowane Kryteria Raportowania Badań Jakościowych (COREQ). Wyniki. Dane z badań zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dwóch tematów: „Nieoszczędne zachowania” i „Środki ostrożności”, a także kategorii w ramach tych dwóch tematów. Wnioski. Uczestnicy stwierdzili, że istnieje wiele działań związanych z nieoszczędnością, które są praktykowane w szpitalach. Postrzegali jednak zrównoważone wykorzystanie zasobów oraz podjęcie środków jako możliwe do zrealizowania. Przedstawienie opinii i zaleceń pracowników służby zdrowia będzie stanowiło ważne źródło danych dla administratorów w zakresie działań na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2022, 16, 4; 369-383
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nie wywieszę białej flagi : czekamy na atak lądowy NATO. gdy podejdą na odlegfłość strzału wtedy ich dostaniemy
Milošević, Slobodan.
Gazeta Wyborcza 1999, nr 93, s. 6
Halba, Jaroslav. Opracowanie
MAT. Tłumaczenie
Data publikacji:
NATO operacja wojenna Jugosławia
Interwencja zbrojna 1999 r. w Jugosławii
Fragm. wywiadu zamieszcz. w dzienniku "Praca (Bratysława)". --- 1995 (20.04).
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
The impact of the economic crises on financing of municipalities in Slovakia
Wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na finansowanie gmin na Słowacji
Jencova, S
Litavcova, E.
Stefko, R.
Mat'ovcikova, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
standard resources
alternative resources
cluster analysis
środki standardowe
zasoby alternatywne
analiza skupień
Municipality’s financing represents a substantial part of borough politics. It results from the fundamental functioning of the municipality. One of the main tasks is not only to raise enough funds to cover and satisfy their needs, but also to guarantee their effective usage and to apply new approaches to multi-source municipality’s financing. The budget of the municipality is closely linked to the state budget and its efficient management on the income site can ease the pressure on the state subsidies funding. The paper deals with the current issues regarding to financing of municipalities of the selected region of Svidnik County with its 65 municipalities, yet the results can be applied to all Slovak municipalities. It has been proved that there is the strong link between preferred forms of financing and the view on the deterioration in the availability of financial resources in times of crises.
Finansowanie gmin stanowi znaczną część polityki samorządu. Wynika to z podstawowego funkcjonowania gminy. Jednym z głównych zadań jest nie tylko zgromadzenie wystarczających środków na pokrycie i zaspokojenie potrzeb, ale także zagwarantowania skutecznego ich wykorzystania i zastosowania nowego podejścia do wielu źródeł finansowania gminy. Budżet gminy jest ściśle związany z budżetem państwa, a jego skuteczne zarządzanie po stronie dochodów może złagodzić presję na finansowania dotacji państwowych. Artykuł dotyczy aktualnych zagadnień związanych z finansowaniem gmin w regionie Svidnik w którym znajduje się 65 gmin, jednak wyniki mogą zostać zastosowanie do wszystkich gmin słowackich. Udowodniono, że istnieje silny związek między preferowanymi formami finansowania a widokiem na pogorszenie się dostępności środków finansowych w czasach kryzysu.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2013, 7; 167-178
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Expression of the pathogenesis related proteins, NH-1, PAL, and lipoxygenase in the iranian Tarom and Khazar rice cultivars, in reaction to Rhizoctonia solani – the causal agent of rice sheath blight
Sayari, M.
Babaeizad, V.
Ghanbari, M.A.T.
Rahimian, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Pathogenesis related (PR) genes of rice are among the most important defense genes in the interaction of rice with pathogens. In this study, the role of NH-1, several PR genes, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), and lipoxygenase in the defense responses of rice against Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of rice sheath blight disease, was evaluated. The Tarom and Khazar cultivars (cvs), as resistant and susceptible genotypes, respectively, were used. The expression rate of defense genes in two-week-old seedlings inoculated with a virulent isolate of R. solani AG-I-1 A was investigated. The lesions in the Tarom cv were less than half the size of those on the Khazar cv. The expression scripts of the genes were calculated by quantative Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR). Results showed that the expression rate of all genes in the resistant cultivar was higher than that of the susceptible genotype, post inoculation. Analysis of data by the t-Student test also indicated significant differences in the expression level of the genes between Khazar and Tarom. The results of this study suggest that the investigated genes are involved in the resistance responses of rice against the sheath blight agent. For the first time, the induction of PR-5, PR-9, PR-10, PR-12, PR-13, and NH-1 was observed in this study in the resistant and susceptible Iranian cultivars of rice following attacks by R. solani.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2014, 54, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of the pre-treatment of nanofibers obtained from mushrooms on the mechanical properties of the paper
Wpływ obróbki wstępnej nanowłókien pozyskanych z grzybów na właściwości mechaniczne papieru
Zin, Mizan Izzati Mat
Suratem, Muhammad Azammuddin
Nawawi, Wan Mohd Fazli Wan
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
chitin nanofiber
chitin paper
fungal-based chitin
nanowłókna chitynowe
papier chitynowy
chityna na bazie grzybów
The influence of the pre-treatment process (freezing, drying) on the tensile properties of chitin paper obtained from nanofibers of three commercial species of fungi: oyster mushrooms (P. ostreatus), enoki (F. velutipes) and shiitake (L. edodes) was investigated. The chitin nanofibers were extracted by a mild alkaline process. The highest tensile strength was observed for paper obtained from fresh mushrooms fibers, which may result from the lack of the chitin fiber modification. Freezing and drying processes have been found to reduce the strength of the paper, possibly due to ice crystal formation and the keratinization effect of the nanofibers, respectively. The paper obtained from enoki fungus nanofibers was characterized by the highest tensile strength, which may be due to the very long fiber. However, in terms of elongation at break, the best results were obtained with oyster mushrooms nanofibers, probably due to the relatively shorter chitin fiber. The long enoki nanofibers can therefore be used as a good reinforcement of the paper.
Zbadano wpływ procesu obróbki wstępnej (zamrażanie, suszenie) na właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu papieru chitynowego otrzymanego z nanowłókien trzech komercyjnych gatunków grzybów: boczniaka ostrygowatego (P. ostreatus), enoki (F. velutipes) i shiitake (L. edodes). Nanowłókna chitynowe wyekstrahowano w łagodnym procesie alkalicznym. Największą wytrzymałość na rozciąganie zaobserwowano dla papieru otrzymanego z włókien świeżych grzybów, co może wynikać z braku modyfikacji włókna chitynowego. Stwierdzono, że procesy zamrażania i suszenia zmniejszają wytrzymałość papieru, co jest prawdopodobnie spowodowane odpowiednio tworzeniem się kryształków lodu i efektem rogowacenia nanowłókien. Otrzymany z grzybów enoki papier charakteryzował się największą wytrzymałością na rozciąganie, co może wynikać z dużej długości tego włókna. Jednak pod względem wydłużenia przy zerwaniu najlepsze wyniki uzyskano dla grzybów boczniaka, prawdopodobnie ze względu na stosunkowo krótkie włókno chitynowe. Długie nanowłókna enoki mogą więc być stosowane jako dobre wzmocnienie papieru.
Polimery; 2021, 66, 9; 466--471
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation on electrically conductive aggregates as grounding compound produced by Marconite
Mohd Tadza, Mohd Yuhyi
Tengku Anuar, Tengku Hafidatul Husna
Mat Yahaya, Fadzil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
grounding system
conductive aggregate
ground enhancement material
grounding compound
system uziemienia
kruszywo przewodzące
materiał uszlachetniający
masa uziemiająca
Marconite is often used as alternative material to improve the performance of earth grounding system. This study aims to investigate of the physical and mechanical behaviour of conductive aggregate derived from Marconite namely, the electrical resistivity, water absorption, and crushing strength. In addition, similar tests were also conducted on mortar aggregate for comparison. The resistivity of aggregates were measured using soil box method. Test results showed that the electrical resistivity, water absorption, and crushing strength of both aggregates varied with time. These values were found to be stabilised after approximately after 14 days. The electrical resistivity for aggregates containing Marconite were found to be 39.2 Ω.m, far lower than 12700 Ω.m obtained for mortar-based aggregates. Similarly, the water absorption for Marconite aggregates were greater compared to mortar aggregates. On the other hand, the crushing strength for Marconite aggregates was to be lower. Incorporating Marconite significantly improved the electrical resistivity behaviour while maintaining acceptable mechanical properties crucial for electrical grounding purposes.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2019, 29, 3; 86-96
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of Pressure on the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Superconductors
Orendáč, Mat.
Gabáni, S.
Pristáš, G.
Gažo, E.
Shitsevalova, N.
Flachbart, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
The electron-phonon interaction is a very important and ubiquitous process in solids, affecting almost all their physical properties. In metals, where the relaxation processes depend on both electrons and phonons, all thermodynamic and transport properties are dictated by the electron-phonon interaction. A very strong manifestation of the electron-phonon interaction is related with the superconducting state. Here we report the effect of high pressure on the transport electron-phonon interaction, λ_{tr}, in superconducting systems such as YB_6 (T_c ≈ 7.5 K), Pb (T_c ≈7.2 K), Nb bulk or thin film (T_c ≈9.2 K), and in LaB_6 in which superconductivity was not yet observed. The expected pressure effect should correspond to the theoretically predicted negative pressure effect on T_c (except for Nb thin film and LaB_6). To determine the influence of pressure on λ_{tr}, we utilized the Bloch-Grüneisen fit (denoted also as "thermal spectroscopy") of the precise temperature dependence of resistivity measurements in the normal state up to a pressure of 2.8 GPa. Based on this fit the observed negative pressure effect on λ_{tr} values, dλ_{tr}/dp, are as follows: dλ_{tr}/dp ≈-0.045 GPa^{-1} for YB_6, dλ_{tr}/dp ≈-0.13 GPa^{-1} for Pb, dλ_{tr}/dp ≈-0.019 GPa^{-1} or -0.028 GPa^{-1} for Nb bulk or thin film, respectively, and dλ_{tr}/dp ≈-0.003 GPa^{-1} for LaB_6.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2017, 131, 4; 1039-1041
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transport and Magnetic Properties of $YbCu_4Ni$
Čurlik, I.
Mát'ošová, Š.
Il'kovič, S.
Reiffers, M.
Giovannini, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
The results on the influence of magnetic field on the electrical resistivity ρ(T) of the heavy fermion $YbCu_4Ni$ in the temperature range 0.4-300 K are presented. We have observed a Kondo-like behaviour below 10 K with a minimum in ρ(T) at about 60 K. An applied magnetic field depresses this behaviour, and a maximum in ρ(T) appears similarly to the maximum observed in heat capacity. The observed electrical magnetoresistance shows negative values in all applied magnetic fields and with increasing temperature its absolute magnitude increases. Moreover, we extended our previous susceptibility measurements up to high temperatures of 1000 K, in order to study possible mixed valence behaviour, which however was not observed.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2012, 122, 1; 6-10
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organizational ambidexterity within supply chain management: a scoping review
Ramdan, Mohamad Rohieszan
Abdullah, Nor Liza
Isa, Rosmah Mat
Hanafiah, Mohd Hizam
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
scoping review
organizational ambidexterity
supply chain management
supply network
przegląd zakresu literatury
zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw
sieć dostaw
Background: Organizational ambidexterity is an emerging concept and it permeates too many functional domains in the discussion of organizational performance. The importance of understanding this concept motivates researchers to explore organizational ambidexterity as internal and external capabilities in the context of supply chain. Despite its importance in building oriented capabilities to organizations, little information is known about organizational ambidexterity in supply chain context. The objective of this review is to produce a comprehensive mapping of themes related to organizational ambidexterity studies in supply chain research, particularly in improving firm performance. Method: A scoping review of the literature was conducted using Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and EconBiz databases to identify what is the nature of published scientific literature on this topic and what are the emerging themes of organizational ambidexterity in relation to supply chain studies. Result: This study found three main themes and eleven sub-themes in relation to inter-organization ambidexterity in the supply chain context. The main themes include learning process, outcome and leadership. The review indicates that most of the studies are conducted in understanding learning process. Conclusion: The management of supply chain has a positive association with organizational ambidexterity. Supply chain operations involve selection, development, and implementation of new process(es) or technology (exploitation) - the outcome of a prior search procedure (exploration), which has been described as a sequential approach to exploration and exploitation and both processes are important especially in a dynamic environment. The findings from this scoping review indicate the importance of developing and managing a supply chain that supports exploration and exploitation practices. Therefore, managers should understand that maximizing a firm's current skills is critical to profitability and market share. While continuous refinement of existing knowledge is important, it is the generation and application of new knowledge that leads to increased value (profitability) and competitive advantage. Organizational ambidexterity within supply chain management provides significant benefits to big firms in improving their long-term efficiency. This offers avenue for future research to compare the effect of organizational ambidexterity in small firm.
LogForum; 2021, 17, 4; 531--546
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Analysis of Antenna Temperature and Radar Cross Section of Log Periodic Dipole Antenna
Hamidi, Z. S.
Saad, M. Azren Mat
Shariff, N. N. M.
Monstein, C.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Log Periodic Dipole Antenna
type III
radio region
antenna temperature radar cross section
The LPDA antenna because it is very suitable and economic amount the types of antennas. It consists of an array of dipoles in which their lengths and spacing are arranged in a log periodic manner, but not all elements in the system are active on a single frequency of operation. The temperature or Antenna Noise Temperature depends on its gain pattern and the thermal environment that it is placed in. We need to design an antenna that can detect the data and monitor the solar burst type III in radio region. It must be sensitive to a broad frequency range and angular distribution of the incident radio pulse and capable to handle the noise issue that is necessary to gain the pure signal. With large instantaneous bandwidths and high spectral resolutions, these instruments will provide increased imaging sensitivity and enable detailed measurements of the dynamic solar burst. For standardized the time, GPS clock is used to control the sampling time of the spectrometer and a tracking controller control the antenna direction. In conclusion, LPDA is the most practical antennas provide general broadband transmission and reception in a wide range of frequency.
World Scientific News; 2016, 55; 126-136
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The zigzag pattern construction of Log Periodic Dipole Antenna Based on Rumsey’s Principle
Hamidi, Z. S.
Saad, M. Azren Mat
Shariff, N. N. M.
Monstein, C.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Log Periodic Dipole Antenna
zigzag pattern
solar burst
radio region
Rumsey’s principle
The log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) consist of an array of dipoles in which there have a different lengths and spacing. The wire may be straight or it may be strung back and forth between trees or walls just to get enough wire into the air; this type of antenna sometimes is called a zigzag antenna. Rumsey’s principle requires that the locations of all elements be specified by angles rather than distances, because of this the log periodic dipole array must be correspondingly longer to get very wide bandwidths and gives a very high data rate transmission. The significance of this study is to understand how do the LPDA can be used to monitor solar activities of the sun using the LPDA antenna. The characteristics that need to be considered during construct this antenna is the radiation pattern, polarization, operation of the frequency band, gain and efficiency of an antenna which indicates the power or field strength radiated in any direction relative to that in the direction of maximum radiation. The arrangement of elements in increasing order from the top of the antenna until the bottom part of antenna. Our designed antenna was constructed using aluminum for the further investigation, we can use a copper and check the difference between two of this element. For this study, we just analyzed the source of RFI using this antenna and for the further analysis, we can use this antenna to monitor the solar burst.
World Scientific News; 2016, 56; 146-157
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of lateral electrical surface stimulation [LESS] on spinal deformity in idiopathic scoliosis
Wplyw bocznej elektrycznej powierzchniowej elektrostymulacji [LESS] na deformacje kregoslupa w skoliozie idiopatycznej
Kowalski, I M
Torres, M.A.T.
Kiebzak, W.
Pasniczek, R.
Szarek, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
idiopathic scoliosis
spinal deformity progression
lateral electrical surface stimulation
Clinical studies were carried out in the period of 2003-2008 at the Provincial Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Ameryka near Olsztyn (Poland). The study involved a group of children and youths exhibiting spinal deformity progression in idiopathic scoliosis (IS) of more than 5o per year according to the Cobb scale. Four hundred and fifty patients between 4 and 15 years of age were divided into three groups (n = 150). Group I received 2-hour and group II 9-hour treatment of Lateral Electrical Surface Stimulation (LESS), respectively, whereas group III (control) was treated only with corrective exercises for 30 minutes twice a day. LESS was performed as 24-month treatment with the use of a battery-operated SCOL-2 stimulator manufactured by Elmech, Warsaw, Poland. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed in the treatment of spinal IS in children and adolescent patients, especially when the initial spinal deformity does not exceed 20o according to the Cobb scale. A short-duration electrostimulation – 2 hours daily – was found to produce results similar to those obtained after overnight, 9-hour electrostimulation. Moreover, the analysis of the Harrington prognostic index F confirms the positive effect of LESS in both groups of patients (2 h and 9 h of LESS).
Badania kliniczne prowadzono w latach 2003-2008, w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Rehabilitacyjnym dla Dzieci w Ameryce k. Olsztyna, w grupie dzieci i młodzieży wykazującej progresję skrzywienia w skoliozie idiopatycznej (SI) powyżej 5O wg Cobba w skali rocznej. Badaniami objęto 450 pacjentów, w wieku od 4 do 15 lat, podzielonych na 3 grupy (n = 150). W grupie I stosowano 2-godzinną terapię metodą Bocznej Elektrycznej Powierzchniowej Elektrostymulacji (Lateral Electrical Surface Electrostimulation – LESS), w grupie II – 9-godzinną, a w grupie III (kontrolnej) – tylko leczenie za pomocą ćwiczeń korekcyjnych wykonywanych 2 razy po 30 min dziennie. Elektrostymulację typu LESS stosowano, w 24-miesięcznym leczeniu za pomocą bateryjnego stymulatora SCOL-2, wytwarzanego w zakładach elektromechaniki medycznej Elmech w Warszawie. Efektywność tej metody oceniano podczas leczenia SI kręgosłupa u dzieci i młodzieży, zwłaszcza w przypadkach, gdy początkowe skrzywienie kręgosłupa nie przekraczało 20o wg metody Cobba. Elektrostymulacja LESS skrócona do 2-godzinnej terapii dziennie wywoływała podobnie korzystne rezultaty do osiąganych podczas elektrostymulacji całonocnej – 9-godzinnej. Także wykonana analiza współczynnika prognostycznego F Harringtona potwierdziła pozytywne efekty oddziaływania metody LESS w obydwu grupach pacjentów (I i II).
Journal of Elementology; 2009, 14, 2; 289-297
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lockdown effect on carbon monoxide concentration over Malaysia and Indonesia
Wan Kamarudin, Wan Farahiyah
Irwan, Zildawarni
Yaafar, Mohd Rabani
Mat Amin, Abd Rahman
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
carbon monoxide
Giovanni 4
An increase in Indonesian forest fires has infuriated Malaysia and Indonesia, where residents are inhaling smoke from peat and trees burned hundreds of miles away. The global COVID-19 lockdowns caused carbon monoxide (CO) emissions decreased seen over Malaysia and Indonesia regions. The main objective of this study is to investigate the CO distribution over Malaysia and Indonesia, within the period of January 2011 to December 2021. The impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 to CO concentration over Malaysia and Indonesia also was reviewed. This study utilizes MERRA-2 dataset provided by Giovanni interface. Five areas were found to be affected the most during the study period which is Kuala Lumpur, Jambi, Riau, Palembang, and Jakarta. Carbon monoxide concentration over the studied region exhibits a strong seasonality showing maximum value in dry season (July to October). September 2019 is found to have the highest trend of CO concentration affected Jambi region. As COVID-19 pandemic hit the whole world by end of year 2019, all the studied regions shown the decreasing trend after September 2019 and no high peak was observed during dry season (July to October) in 2020 and 2021. This is the combined effect of wetter dry season and an impact of lockdown implemented by government of Malaysia and Indonesia.
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2022, 31, 2; 124-134
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of Composition on Melt Flow and Density of Polypropylene Copolymer/Kaolin Geo-Filler Composites
Zulkifli, Zulaikha
Daud, Yusrina Mat
Zainal, Farah Farhana
Hashim, Mohammad Firdaus Abu
Aygörmez, Yurdakul
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
This study examined the effects rheological properties of different composition kaolin and kaolin geo-filler in polypropylene composites. Polypropylene composites with varying composition of kaolin geo-filler 0 wt%, 2 wt%, 4 wt%, 6 wt%, 8 wt%, and 10 wt% was prepared and compared with polypropylene composite with raw kaolin. Kaolin is an aluminosilicate based mineral filler was used to prepare geopolymer paste by combining with alkaline activator solution. The polypropylene composite was compounded using a twin-screw extruder and the melt flow index was determined by a constant weight pressure of 2.16 kg at 230°C in 10 min. Knowing the melt flow index is necessary to predict and control the process, the study has demonstrated that the composition of kaolin filler and kaolin geo-filler affects the melt flow, melt density and surface morphology at varies composition. Composites with kaolin geo-filler have demonstrated high melt flow index process and having better distribution and flow.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2023, 68, 1; 369--373
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Structure and Properties of Soft-Magnetic Amorphous Bilayer Ribbons
Švec, P.
Mat'ko, I.
Marcin, J.
Kováč, J.
Vlasák, G.
Janičkovič, D.
Škorvánek, I.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
Rapidly quenched bilayers consisting of Fe-Si-B and Co-Si-B layers have been prepared by planar flow casting from a single crucible with two nozzles. Temperature dependences of electrical resistivity, dilatation and magnetization have been investigated in the amorphous state and during crystallization of both layers. Preliminary studies of the structure of the layers and of the interlayer have been performed by X-ray diffraction, cross-sectional electron microscopy and microanalysis. From the results it seems evident that the process of connection of the two layers during preparation takes place by solidification with only a small extent of mutual interdiffusion of component atoms localized to a narrow well-defined interface, leading to mechanically solid connection between the two layers. The effect of combined presence of two different soft magnetic alloys on the overall magnetic properties is discussed with respect to potential applications of such materials.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2010, 118, 5; 832-834
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Feroz, Farah Shahnaz
Mat Ali, Muhammad Hairulnizam
Ismail, Afiq Idzudden
Salman, Ahmad Rifhan
Shahbodin, Faaizah
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Edukacji Medycznej, Promocji Zdrowia, Sztuki i Kultury Ars Medica
public speaking anxiety
This study used reaction time (RT) and event-related potential (ERP) analysis in an emotion-cognition Eriksen-Flanker (ECEF) task to investigate behavioral and neural abnormalities in individuals with public speaking anxiety (PSA). Although 25 per cent of people worldwide suffer from PSA, there is currently a lack of standardized assessment or biomarkers to detect emotion-cognition abnormalities in individuals with PSA. RT and ERP were compared between 12 subjects with high (H) PSA and 12 subjects with low (L) PSA in the ECEF experiment. EEG was recorded with the 14-channel Emotiv EPOC+. RT data showed a significant Flanker Effect across groups in the neutral and emotional (PSA-related) conditions, with increased Flanker effect in the HPSA group. On average, LPSA subjects were faster than the HPSA subjects in the ECEF task. HPSA subjects showed aberrant ERP responses in two ways. Firstly in the reversed N200 conflict effect with increased frontocentral amplitude in the incongruent compared to the congruent condition. Secondly, in the absence of the P200 frontocentral emotional modulation found in LPSA subjects. In the HPSA group, decreased P200 amplitude is significantly related to impaired behavioral performance in the neutral congruent condition. RT and ERP are useful in modern medicine because they successfully unveiled the biomarkers of abnormalities during the interaction of emotion and cognition. Impaired conflict processing in PSA-related condi- tions was found at the N200 and P200 windows in HPSA individuals.
Acta Neuropsychologica; 2021, 19(4); 427-443
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neuropsychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of leg length inequality on joint contact forces of lower limbs during walking
Othman, Nurul Fazreena
Basaruddin, Khairul Salleh
Som, Mohd Hanafi Mat
Majid, Mohd Shukry Abdul
Sulaiman, Abdul Razak
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
kończyna dolna
rozbieżność długości nóg
leg length inequality
leg length discrepancy
joint contact force
lower limb
The aim of this study was to examine the joint contact forces (JCF) between each limb as the LLD magnitude increases during walking activity. Methods: Eighteen male healthy subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment. Walking gait analysis was conducted with eight different levels of insole to simulate the LLD, starting from 0 cm until 4.0 cm with 0.5 cm increment. Qualisys Track Manager System and C-motion Visual 3D biomechanical tools were used to analyse the results. Four joints (ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis) of lower limb of two legs were investigated. The increment of insoles was placed on the right leg to represent the long leg. Results: The results suggest that the mean contact forces for all joints in the short leg were increased as the increment level increased. On the contrary, the mean contact forces in the long leg decreased when the LLD level increased. Among these four joints, JCF in hip shows a positive increment based on the ASI value. Means that hip shows the most affected joint as the LLD level increase. Conclusions: The result obtained in this study might help clinicians treat patients with a structural LLD for treatment plan including surgical intervention.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2019, 21, 1; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reconstruction of rainfall region boundaries for the western region found by Dale (1959) in Peninsular Malaysia
Hashim, Mohmadisa
Nayan, Nasir
Said, Zahid Mat
Setyowati, Dewi Liesnoor
Saleh, Yazid
Mahat, Hanifah
Koh, See L.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
isohyetal method
Peninsular Malaysia
rainfall region boundary
Re-delimitation of rainfall regions plays an important role in determining the rainfall pattern of an area. This study aims to reconstruct the delimitation of rainfall regions for the western region of Peninsular Malaysia. This study involved only the collection of rainfall data at 133 stations from 1960 to 2010. These data were obtained from the Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia. The analysis methods applied include kriging, contouring and topology using a geographical information system. The results showed that the new delimitation of the western region has been formed with an area reduction of 10% compared to the original western region found by Dale. This is due to some areas in the western region have not received rainfall between 2540 and 2794 mm. The area that getting the rainfall between 2540 and 2794 mm is 46,413.6 km2, in contrast to the sized of Dale’s western region of 51,596.2 km2. The area that frequently getting rainfall of between 2540 and 2794 during 1960s to 2010 are Parit Buntar, Taiping, Kuala Kangsar, Ipoh, Teluk Intan, Tanjong Malim, Batang Kali, Cameron Highlands, Subang, Petaling Jaya, Klang, Kajang and Bangi. The new delimitation formed through this study can be used as a guide by the agencies that manage water resources in Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan in planning a more efficient water supply system.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2022, 52; 205--209
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Study on potential of soil stabilization using concrete sludge of batching plant (CSBP)
Nawi, Nur M.
Mat Yusof, Doris A.
Sharipudin, Siti S.
Mohd Halim, Nora F.
Mohamad, Nor M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
CBR value
concrete sludge
organic soil
maximum dry density
More than 8 t of fresh concrete waste may be created and returned to the batching plants throughout Malaysia, where it will degrade into concrete sludge. Most batching plants will dump their concrete sludge on the ground or at a landfill which is not eco-friendly at all. Consequently, this study is to investigate the potential of concrete sludge of batching plant (CSBP) to be used as the stabilized material for organic soil which indirectly can help to recycle CSBP from end up at the landfill. The Atterberg limit test was conducted to identify the characteristic of soil used in this study. Four different percentages of CSBP were used which are 0, 5, 10 and 15%. Then, the standard Proctor test and California bearing ratio test were performed, and it shows that the CBR value remarkably increases from 4.8 to 20.7%, with the rise of CSBP percentages from 0 to 15%. The finding shows that CSBP can be used as the potential material to enhance the trend of strength value of CBR. Thus, using CSBP as a stabilized material for organic soil would alleviate the problem of overflowing landfills with concrete sludge and encourage a more sustainable approach in the construction industry.
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2021, 30, 4; 552-560
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bilateral tonsillar lymphangiomatous polyps in a snoring child
Obustronne polipy migdałka o charakterze naczyniaka chłonnego u dziecka z problemem chrapania
Chye Gan, Boon
Nor Najmiyah Wan Abdul Wahab, Wan
Tuan Sharif, Sharifah Emilia
Mat Lazim, Norhafiza
Mohamad, Irfan
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
Lymphangiomatous polyps of the palatine tonsil are a rare clinical entity with only about 30 odd cases ever reported. All the cases in the literature were described as unilateral tonsillar diseases, except for one paediatric case which had bilateral tonsillar involvement. Due to its unilateral presentation and suspicious appearance similar to tonsillar malignancy, lymphangiomatous polyps may cause heightened anxiety to both patients and doctors alike on a routine oropharyngeal examination. Owing to its rarity and a variety of complex nomenclatures, this condition may also be confusing to the treating otolaryngologist as well as junior pathologist. We report an extremely rare case of bilateral tonsillar lymphangiomatous polyps in a snoring child that was successfully treated surgically via tonsillectomy.
Polipy o charakterze naczyniaka chłonnego migdałka podniebiennego są w praktyce klinicznej odnotowywane bardzo rzadko – dotychczas opisano jedynie około 30 przypadków. Zazwyczaj stwierdzano jednostronne zmiany w obrębie migdałka podniebiennego, tylko u jednego dziecka migdałki były zajęte obustronnie. Polipy o charakterze naczyniaka chłonnego mogą budzić zaniepokojenie pacjenta oraz lekarza ze względu na umiejscowienie po jednej stronie oraz wygląd przypominający nowotwór migdałka. Zważywszy na rzadkość występowania oraz różnorodność nazewnictwa jednostka ta może być również trudna do rozpoznania zarówno dla otolaryngologa, jak i niedoświadczonego patologa. Przedstawiamy niezwykle rzadki przypadek obustronnych polipów migdałka o charakterze naczyniaka chłonnego u dziecka z problemem chrapania, u którego skuteczny okazał się zabieg tonsillektomii.
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2017, 13, 3; 419-422
Pojawia się w:
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of High Entropy Alloy as Catalyst for Azo Dye Degradation in Fenton Process
Hassan, Nur Hudawiyah Abu
Nasir, Nisa Syukrina Mat
Rahman, S. N. A.
Irfan, Abd Rahim
Nordin, Norhuda Hidayah
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
azo dye
fenton process
high entropy alloys
Azo dye is widely used in the textile industry since it is cost effective and simple to use. However, it becomes a continuous source of environmental pollution due to its carcinogenicity and toxicity. Various methods had been used to remove the azo dye in solution. One of the famous and frequently used is the Fenton process. The Fenton process is one of the advanced oxidation processes where iron catalysed hydrogen peroxide to generate hydroxyl radical. Treating azo dyes in solution requires a catalyst to enhance the process of degradation. Herein, high entropy alloys (HEAs) have been proposed as a catalytic material to enhance the performance of Fenton process for azo dye degradation. HEAs have been reported as a promising catalyst due to its high surface area. The higher the number of active sites, the higher the rate of azo dye degradation as more active sites are available for adsorption of azo dyes. The results have shown that HEAs can be used as a catalyst to fasten the Fenton reaction since the degradation time is proven to be shorter in the presence of HEAs. The method derived from the result of this study will contribute in treating azo dyes for wastewater management in the Fenton process.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2023, 68, 1; 209--213
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinants of female employee wellbeing from the perspective of work-family conflict
Determinanty dobrostanu pracowników kobiet z perspektywy konfliktu praca rodzina
Ibrahim, R Zirwatul Aida R
Saputra, Jumadil
Ali, Siti Nazilah Mat
Bratu, lulian Alexandru
Dagang, Mazidah Mohd
Johar, Siti Sarawati
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
work to family conflict
family to work conflict
female employee and wellbeing
konflikt między pracą a rodziną
konflikt między rodziną a pracą
pracownica i dobrostan
Employee wellbeing is the most valuable asset to organisations, and it will affect both employees and organisations that employ them. Work-family conflict has been exacerbated by substantial changes in family composition, including the developing dual-earner, single-parent households and the increasing number of working moms. Due to the excessive burden of priorities on the family, females have more difficulty balancing between work and family than males. Of these, the current investigation seeks to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Malay Version of Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion Scales and investigate the determinant of female employee wellbeing (emotional exhaustion) from the perspective of work-family conflict. A convenience sample of 200 female employees aged between 25 and 50 was surveyed online among public sector employees in Kuala Terengganu District, East Coast of Malaysia Peninsular. Results of exploratory factor analysis using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) yielded three underlying structures of the instruments, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed a good fit to the data. Further, the study's findings showed that both works to family conflict (WFC) and family to work conflict (FWC) predicted emotional exhaustion in participants. This study makes significant contributions in providing good evidence on psychometric properties of measurement and contributes to the corpus of literature and theory related to the field.
Dobrostan pracowników jest najcenniejszym zasobem organizacji i będzie miał wpływ zarówno na pracowników, jak i organizacje, które ich zatrudniają. Konflikt między pracą a rodziną został zaostrzony przez istotne zmiany w składzie rodziny, w tym rozwijające się gospodarstwa domowe z dwoma osobami zarabiającymi, samotnymi rodzicami oraz rosnącą liczbę pracujących matek. Ze względu na nadmierne obciążenie rodziny priorytetami, kobiety mają większe trudności z balansowaniem między pracą a rodziną niż mężczyźni. Spośród nich, obecne badanie ma na celu ocenę rzetelności i trafności malajskiej wersji skali konfliktu praca-rodzina i skali wyczerpania emocjonalnego oraz zbadanie czynnika warunkującego dobrostan kobiet (wyczerpanie emocjonalne) z perspektywy konfliktu praca-rodzina. Wśród pracowników sektora publicznego w dystrykcie Kuala Terengganu na wschodnim wybrzeżu półwyspu Malezji przeprowadzono ankietę internetową obejmującą 200 pracowników płci żeńskiej w wieku od 25 do 50 lat. Wyniki eksploracyjnej analizy czynnikowej przy użyciu analizy głównych składowych (PCA) dostarczyły trzech podstawowych struktur instrumentów, a konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa (CFA) wykazała dobre dopasowanie do danych. Co więcej, wyniki badania wykazały, że zarówno praca z konfliktem rodzinnym (WFC), jak i konflikt rodzinny z pracą (FWC) przewidywały emocjonalne wyczerpanie uczestników. Badanie to wnosi znaczący wkład w dostarczanie dobrych dowodów na psychometryczne właściwości pomiaru, a także wnosi wkład do korpusu literatury i teorii związanych z tą dziedziną.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2022, 25, 2; 174--190
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Network Properties of Ureasil-Based Polymer Matrixes for Construction of Amperometric Biosensors as Probed by PALS and Swelling Experiments
Kavetskyy, T.
Šauša, O.
Čechová, K.
Švajdlenková, H.
Mat'ko, I.
Petkova, T.
Boev, V.
Ilcheva, V.
Smutok, O.
Kukhazh, Y.
Gonchar, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
Network properties of ureasil-based polymer matrixes suitable for construction of amperometric biosensors were probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and swelling experiments. Temperature dependences of the ortho-positronium (o-Ps) lifetimes and their relative intensities were measured in a temperature range of 15-350 K. Glass transition temperatures and expansion coefficients of microscopical free-volume for the investigated polymers were determined. Differences in network behavior for the aged samples and the effect of chalcogenide (As₂S₃) particles on the free volume of ureasil network were observed. Swelling experiments using ethyl alcohol showed that the structure of the aged sample network had less swelling ability for the pure ureasil as well as composite. This suggests that the one of factors influencing swelling is the change of the basic ureasil network due to ageing. It is supposed that the network properties obtained by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and swelling experiments could be very helpful to understand better the bio-functionality of the constructed biosensor based on the ureasil-chalcogenide glass composite.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2017, 132, 5; 1515-1518
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mechanical Effects on Different Solid to Liquid Ratio of Geopolymer Filler in Epoxy Resin
Hashim, Mohammad Firdaus Abu
Ghazali, Che Mohd Ruzaidi
Daud, Yusrina Mat
Faris, Meor Ahmad
Abdullah, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri
Zainal, Farah Farhana
Hasyim, Saloma
Lokman, Muhammad Taqiyuddin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
geopolymer filler
fly ash
solid-liquid ratio
Geopolymer is formed from the alkali activation of materials rich in Si and Al content with the addition of a silicate solution to enhance the properties of the materials. This paper presents research on the mechanical properties of fly ash-based geopolymer filler in epoxy resin by varying different solid to liquid ratios using sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate as the alkaline activator. However, the common problem observed from the solid to liquid ratio is the influence of curing time and compressive strength of geopolymer to have the best mechanical property. The mix design for geopolymers of solid to liquid ratio is essential in developing the geopolymer’s mechanical strength. A series of epoxy filled with fly ash-based geopolymer materials with different solid to liquid ratio, which is prepared from 0.5 to 2.5 solid to liquid ratio of alkaline activator. The tensile strength and flexural strength of the epoxy filled with fly ash-based geopolymer materials is determined using Universal Testing Machine under tensile and flexural mode. It was found that the optimum solid to liquid ratio is 2.0, with the optimum tensile and flexural strength value. However, both the tensile and flexural properties of epoxy filled with fly ash-based geopolymer suddenly decrease at a 2.5 solid to liquid ratio. The strength is increasing with the increasing solid to liquid ratio sample of geopolymer filler content.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2022, 67, 1; 215-220
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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