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Wyszukujesz frazę "written Italian language" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Gustaw Herling-Grudziński Dnevnik pisan noću (ruski za logor, engleski za rat, italijanski za tuđinu, poljski za noć). Ne prevoditi da bi se razumjelo
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s Diary Written by Night (Russian for gulags, English for war, Italian for being an expatriate, Polish for staying up at night). Not translating to understand
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński Dziennik pisany nocą (rosyjski dla opisu łagrów, angielski dla opisu wojny, włoski dla opisów obczyzny, polski dla opisu nocy). Nie tłumaczyć, żeby rozumieć
Dziennik pisany nocą [Tagebuch bei Nacht geschrieben] von Gustaw Herling-Grudziński (Russisch für die Beschreibung der Lager, Englisch für die Beschreibung des Krieges, Italienisch für die Beschreibung der Fremde, Polnisch für die Beschreibung der Nacht). Nicht erklären, um zu verstehen
Ljevo-Ovčina, Amela
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Polish language
Russian language
English language
Italian language
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
not translating
język polski
język rosyjski
język angielski
język włoski
Gustaw Herling-grudziński
nie tłumaczyć
Gustaw Herling- Grudziński
nicht erklären
Literature may stand in opposition to any theory, and so, even those theories which are marked by conspicuous theses, hardly provide readers with sufficient, compelling interpretations. Gustaw Herling-Grudziński in his Diary Written at Night assumes the reader’s vantage point. He writes of what he sees, reads, and what he can remember, but also of what is really important. In the Diary we may witness a Pole who, despite being an outstanding intermediary, does not take liberty to explain in order to elucidate new things, but merely reads and comprehends the world, approaching reality also by means of languages and cultures through which Goodness is expressed.
Literatura może pozostawać w opozycji do każdej teorii, tak że nawet te teorie, które odznaczają się wyraźnymi tezami, nie dostarczają często wystarczających interpretacji i nie są w stanie przyciągnąć czytelnika. gustaw Herling-Grudziński Dziennik pisany nocą pisze z pozycji czytelnika. Pisze o tym, co widzi i czyta, o tym, co sobie przypomina, a także o tym, co jest naprawdę ważne. W Dzienniku widać Polaka, który będąc wybitnym pośrednikiem, nie tłumaczy, aby przybliżyć innym coś nowego, lecz czyta i pojmuje świat, zbliżając się do rzeczywistości także przy pomocy języków i kultur, poprzez które wyraża się dobro.
Literatur kann in Opposition zu jeder Theorie stehen, sodass sogar diejenigen Theorien, die sich durch klare Thesen auszeichnen, oft keine ausreichenden Interpretationen liefern und den Leser nicht anziehen können. gustaw Herling-grudziński schreibt sein Tagebuch bei Nacht geschrieben aus der Sicht des lesers. er schreibt darüber, was er sieht und liest, woran er sich erinnert sowie darüber, was tatsächlich wichtig ist. Im Tagebuch kann man einen Polen sehen, der als hervorragender Mittler nicht erklärt, um anderen etwas neues näher zu bringen, sondern er liest und begreift die Welt, indem er sich der Realität auch mit Hilfe von Sprachen und Kulturen nähert, durch die das Gute zum Ausdruck kommt.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2019, 9, 2; 219-234
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Błędy ortograficzne wynikające z interferencji językowej w pracach pisemnych polskojęzycznych studentów italianistyki
Spelling errors resulting from linguistic interference in the work of written Polish-speaking students of Italian
Gnyś, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Italian language
język włoski
Celem artykułu jest analiza błędów ortograficznych występujących w pracach pisemnych polskojęzycznych studentów uczących się języka włoskiego jako języka obcego. Pojawiające się błędy związane są z nieodłącznym zjawiskiem, jakie towarzyszy procesowi uczenia się języka obcego, tak zwanej interferencji międzyjęzykowej. W artykule przedstawione zostaną problemy dotyczące: a) zastępowania grafemów włoskich ich odpowiednikami występującymi w alfabecie polskim, b) braku podwojeń identycznych liter, c) dopisywania w internacjonalizmach dodatkowej litery występującej w pisowni polskiej, d) zastępowania liter oznaczających spółgłoski dźwięczne bezdźwięcznymi, e) błędnego stosowania wielkiej i małej litery oraz f) pisowni hiperpoprawnej.
The aim of the studyis to trace spelling errors occurring in the written works of Polish-speaking students learning Italian as a foreign language. The resulting errors are related to the inherent phenomenon that accompanies the process of learning a foreign language, the so-called inter-lingual interference. The article presents: a) issues related to the replacement of Italian graphs with their counterparts in the Polish alphabet, b) the absence of identical letters, c) the insertion of additional letters in Polish spelling, d) the substitution of consonants for voiceless consonants, e) misapplication of upper and lower case letters, and f) hyperpolic spelling.
Linguodidactica; 2017, 21; 97-107
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strutturazione testuale in italiano, in polacco e nell’italiano scritto prodotto da polonofoni: tra stile verbale e stile nominale
Textual Structurization in Italian, Polish, and Italian Written by Native Speakers of Polish: Between Verbal and Nominal Styles
Durkiewicz, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
text linguistics
contrastive linguistics
Italian as foreign language
verbal/nominal style
linguistica testuale
linguistica contrastiva
tipologia linguistica
italiano LS
stile verbale/nominale
This paper presents some results of a comparison of a sample of Italian texts produced by native speakers of Italian with the following: 1) a parallel sample of written productions of native speakers of Polish; 2) a sample of parallel texts produced in Italian by a group of Polish learners of Italian as a foreign language. The way of textualizing the narrative macro-act elicited with a short comic movie of Mr. Bean that was proposed to the informants in the course of an experiment is investigated. The proposed analyses show that texts produced by Italians have textuality definable in terms of nominal style, while Polish texts and Italian texts produced by Polish informants tend toward verbal style. The results obtained are commented in the light of contrastive-typological considerations aimed to place Italian and Polish within the distinction between endo- and exocentric languages.
Il presente contributo presenta alcuni risultati di una comparazione di un campione di testi italiani, ovvero prodotti da informatori di madrelingua italiana con: 1) da un lato un campione parallelo di produzioni scritte di parlanti nativi del polacco; 2) dall’altro lato un campione di testi paralleli prodotti in italiano da un gruppo di apprendenti di italiano come LS madrelingua polacchi. Viene indagato il modo di testualizzare il macroatto narrativo a partire da un input extralinguistico (breve filmato comico di Mr. Bean) proposto agli informatori nel corso di un esperimento. Dalle analisi proposte emerge che i testi italiani hanno una testualità definibile in termini di stile nominale, mentre i testi polacchi e i testi italiani prodotti dagli informatori polacchi tendono verso lo stile verbale. I risultati ottenuti vengono commentati a partire da una cornice interpretativa costruita attorno alle considerazioni tipologico-contrastive volte a collocare l’italiano e il polacco rispetto alla distinzione tra le lingue endo- ed esocentriche.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2023, 14.2; 11-30
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relations L1/L2 dans l’emploi de la morphologie modificative de l’italien à lécrit
Use of modifying morphology in Italian written texts: relations between Italian as a mother tongue and as a foreign language
Colombo, Omar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Italien L1/L2
besoins de formation
apprentissage morpho- lexical
Italian as a Mother and Foreign Language
Needs in a Foreign Language Learning
Morphosemantic and Lexical learning
Objet : l'usage que les italophones font de la dérivation modificative italienne afin de comprendre les besoins de formation en L2. Protocole: Un dessin affiche des oppositions dimensionnelles (petit homme vs. homme grand) et qualitatives (chien gentil vs. chien méchant) parmi les référents, ce qui devrait motiver l’usage des suffixes modificatifs. Quelques résultats : – utilisation fréquente des suffixes diminutifs -ino/-etto/-ello et de l’augmentatif -one ; – priorité donnée aux formes modificatives nominales, au signifié dimensionnel et aux modificatifs lexicalisés. Conclusion : en L2 il faudrait donner la priorité à l’apprentissage des constructions les plus simples, productives et fréquentes.
Subject. The student’s needs in Italian as a Foreign Language on the basis of how the native Italian speakers use the modifying morphology. Protocol. An image displays some dimensional oppositions (small man / big man) and qualitative oppositions (friendly dog / naughty dog) among the referents, which could be translated using the modifying suffixes. Some results. – The most common modifying morphemes used are the diminutive suffixes -ino/-etto/-ello, the augmentative -one. – The nouns are the most frequently modifying words. The dimensional sense and the lexicalized modifying forms are privileged. Conclusion. The most simple, productives and frequent modifying constructions should be favored in Foreign Language learning.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2019, 19; 67-77
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il progetto "Scrivere Come Risorsa Professionale nella Svizzera Italiana": aspetti linguistici quantitativi e qualitativi delle tesi di laurea nella Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera italiana
"Writing as a Professional Resource in Southern Switzerland": Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Bachelor’s Theses at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Cignetti, Luca
Demartini, Silvia
Puccinelli, Daniele
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
scrittura accademica
corpus di apprendenti
analisi automatica del linguaggio
italiano scritto
insegnamento della lingua
academic writing
Italian learner corpus
natural language processing
written Italian language
language teaching
In questo contributo viene introdotto il progetto Scrivere Come Risorsa Professionale nella Svizzera italiana (SCRiPSIt), promosso dal Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento (DFA) della Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI). Il progetto si propone di identificare le difficoltà e gli errori più ricorrenti nella scrittura delle tesi di laurea in lingua italiana degli studenti di tre dipartimenti della SUPSI (Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative, Dipartimento Economia Aziendale, Sanità e Sociale) e di una scuola affiliata (Accademia Teatro Dimitri), con l’obiettivo di migliorarne la qualità linguistica e formale. Dopo una descrizione degli obiettivi e dello stato attuale di realizzazione del corpus, ci si sofferma sull’illustrazione dei software impiegati per l’analisi automatica, sui primi esiti dell’analisi relativa al lessico e sulle potenzialità dell’impiego della pipeline Tint. I risultati del progetto consentiranno di attivare corsi specifici dedicati alla scrittura delle tesi di laurea e più in generale alla scrittura di tipo funzionale e professionale, con applicazione potenzialmente estesa a tutti i dipartimenti della SUPSI e alle scuole affiliate.
This paper describes the highlights of Project SCRiPSIt (Writing as a Professional Resource in Southern Switzerland), led by the Department of Teaching and Learning of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). Located in the largest Italian-speaking population centre outside of Italy, SUPSI is a heterogeneous higher-learning institution with a strong emphasis on professional development. Project SCRiPSIt investigates a relatively large corpus of SUPSI bachelor’s theses by bringing together a heterogeneous research team featuring a combination of qualitative and quantitative research expertise in linguistics as well as in automated text processing. After a description of the key project objectives, we present an overview of the current state of the corpus and of the text-processing pipeline, along with some preliminary results.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2018, 9.1; 35-50
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Narracyjne studium życia na przykładzie studentów Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Autobiographical narrative written by the students of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Wroclaw
Biernacka-Licznar, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
autobiographical narrative
foreign language
The aim of the article is to show the possibility of using the idea of autobiographical narrative in the process of learning a foreign language. The article is composed of two parts, the former presenting the theoretical background of autobiographical narratives in the light of latest glottodidactic literature, the latter presenting the results of the author’s autobiographical narrative research conducted in the year 2012 amongst the students of Classical and Mediterranean Philologies of Wroclaw University (Institute of Classical Studies). The writing of this article was inspired by the published work of Dorota Werbinska22 and her study conducted amongst the students of English Philology as well as the students of non-philological fields of study like managerial studies and elementary education with English. The main objective of the article is to show the possibility of using the autobiographical study in the more effective process of teaching foreign languages.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2013, 4; 9-26
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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