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Wyszukujesz frazę "trigger" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Two dimensional model of CMM probing system
Ali, Salah H.R.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
trigger probe
stylus tip
tip root errors
and two-dimensional-model (2DM)
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) as an automation technology is playing the key role in the modern industry to improve the measurement accuracy. Accurate probing that is computer controlled is the current trend for the next generation of coordinate metrology. However, the CMM probing system is limited by its dynamic root errors that may markedly affect its response characteristics. In this paper, dynamic response errors of CMM measurements have been analyzed. The adopted probe stylus sizes throughout the course of measurements are found to cause some waviness errors during CMM operations due to each of the prescribed angle of the probe tip contact point with the specimen surface and the radius of the stylus tip. Variations in the geometry of the stylus have their consequent effects on its inherent intrinsic dynamic characteristics that in turn would cause relevant systematic root errors in the resulted measurements. Unforeseeable geometrical errors of a CMM using a ductile touch-trigger probing system have been characterized theoretically. These results are analyzed in order to investigate the effect of the dynamic root errors in the light of six probe stylus tip of the situation into account when assessing the accuracy of the CMM measurements. Analytical approaches have been applied on a developed two dimensional model (2DM) of stylus tip to demonstrate the capability of such approaches of emphasizing the root error concept using the strategy of CMM ductile trigger type of probe.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2010, 4, 2; 3-7
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integralny wskaźnik niebezpieczeństwa jako inicjator interpretacji EKG w systemach monitorowania na żądanie
Integral emergency indicator as a trigger for the on-demand cardiac monitoring
Augustyniak, P.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki. Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
system monitorowania
monitoring system
Poszukiwania optymalizacji ekonomicznej oraz możliwości wykorzystania doświadczenia eksperta kardiologa w systemach nadzoru pacjenta w warunkach domowych zaowocowały koncepcją interpretacji na żądanie. Zakłada ona inicjowanie interpretacji kolejnych fragmentów zapisu EKG w momentach bezpośrednio poprzedzających termin ważności wartości obliczonych poprzednio. Niestety, stan pacjenta nie jest stały w czasie i jego gwałtowne pogorszenie może spowodować zbyt rzadkie uaktualnianie interpretacji, co w przypadku ostrego przebiegu patologii kardiologicznych może zagrażać ciągłości monitorowania. W systemach autoadaptacyjnych przydatny jest zatem dodatkowy czynnik kontrolujący występowanie nagłych zagrożeń. W rezultacie analizy złożoności obliczeniowej wstępnych etapów przetwarzania elektrokardiogramu, w kontekście siły związku zmian wynikowych parametrów diagnostycznych z najczęstszymi patologiami, zaproponowany został złożony wskaźnik niebezpieczeństwa oparty na częstości akcji serca i stałości ośrodka pobudzającego. Prostota obliczeń pozwala na zaimplementowanie detektora w osobistym rejestratorze, bazującym np. na telefonie komórkowym, bez istotnego wpływu na czas jego autonomicznej pracy.
Combining economical requirements and the necessity of using the expertise of cardiologist, influences the development of a request-driven ECG interpretation method. It is assumed that the processing of the acquired ECG is triggered by the data validity period expiry or by the emergency detector continuously supervising basic parameters of the signal. This paper focuses on the correct choice of the emergency detector procedure covering a wide range of diseases, but not requiring much computational power in the patient-side wearable system. After the examination of numerical complexity of the initial stages of ECG processing and checking the presence of most common diseases in basic cardiac parameters, we propose a short-term rhythm index as an emergency indicator. The computation is simple enough to be performed in a limited-resources environment (e.g. mobile phone) without considerably influencing its autonomy time.
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna; 2009, 15, 2; 154-157
Pojawia się w:
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza systemów zbierania danych pomiarowych z urządzeń do badań tribologicznych
The analysis of measurement data collection systems from the tribotesters
Bator, A.
Duda, P.
Michalczewski, R.
Służałek, G.
Wróbel, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
charakterystyki tribologiczne
układ pomiarowy
wyzwalanie pomiarów w punkcie
measuring system
tribological characteristics
trigger point
Przeprowadzając modelowe badania tribologiczne, dążąc do uzyskania wysokiej powtarzalności i odtwarzalności wyników, szczególną uwagę zwraca się na precyzyjne zadanie parametrów testu (prędkość ślizgania i obciążenie węzła) oraz kontrolę warunków otoczenia (temperatura, wilgotność). Jednocześnie często marginalizuje się sprawy związane z niedokładnością wykonania próbek. Niedokładności struktury geometrycznej powierzchni i kształtu są często spowodowane dodatkowymi procesami technologicznymi, realizowanymi po precyzyjnym wykonaniu bazy próbki. Powoduje to często zwiększenie bicia osiowego i promieniowego próbek. Może to spowodować błędną interpretację pomiaru intensywności zużywania liniowego oraz siły tarcia. W celu wyeliminowania wpływu bicia osiowego na pomiar intensywności zużywania liniowego, autorzy opracowali koncepcję oraz zaprojektowali i wykonali zautomatyzowany, sterowany komputerowo układ wyzwalania pomiaru charakterystyk tribologicznych w funkcji położenia tarczy, a nie, jak dotychczas, w funkcji czasu. System ten zastosowano w stanowisku T-01M opracowanym w ITeE – PIB Radom. Zmodyfikowane stanowisko poddano badaniom dwóch rodzajów skojarzeń materiałowych i przy dużej zmienności prędkości obrotowej węzła. Dodatkowo porównano wyniki charakterystyk tribologicznych uzyskane ze standardowego układu pomiarowego wyzwalanego czasem z uzyskanymi za pomocą opracowanego systemu. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że stosowanie zautomatyzowanego systemu wyzwalania pomiaru w funkcji położenia tarczy powala na znaczne zmniejszenie rozrzutu wyników pomiarów przy niskich prędkościach obrotowych, a tym samym na poprawę powtarzalności i odtwarzalności badań tribologicznych w układzie kula–tarcza i trzpień–tarcza.
When conducting tribological model studies with the aim of achieving a high repeatability and reproducibility of results, much attention is paid to the precise setting of test parameters. Most of all, setting the sliding speed and normal load is made with great care. Ambient conditions (temperature, humidity) are also controlled. At the same time, issues related to inaccuracy in making samples are often marginalized. Inaccuracies in surface geometric texture and shape are often caused by additional technological processes carried out after a precise execution of the sample base. This often increases the axial and radial run-out of samples. Moreover, it may lead to a misinterpretation of the measurement of linear wear intensity and friction. In order to eliminate the impact of the axial run-out on the measurement of linear wear intensity, the authors have developed a concept as well as designed and built an automated computer-controlled system of triggering the measurement of tribological characteristics as a function of a disc position, which is no longer as a function of time. This system was applied in the system of the T-01M produced by ITeE – PIB Radom. The modified system was tested on two types of material combinations and with a high variability of the speed of the node. In addition, the results of tribological characteristics obtained with a standard measuring system triggered with time were compared with those obtained using the developed system. The study shows that the use of an automated system of triggering measurement as a function of a disc position enables a considerable decrease in scattering measurement results at low engine speeds, thereby improving repeatability and reproducibility of tribological studies in the system ball-on-disc and pin-on-disc.
Tribologia; 2012, 6; 25-35
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychological distress. The Neo-Pentecostal language as a trigger for personal revival and transformation
Berdowicz, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
psychological distress
cognitive restructuring
motivational interviewing
Pentecostal Catholics
power evangelism
Neo-Pentecostal language
Over the past decades, Neo-Pentecostalism has spread across the nations, mainly because of its strong emphasis on the so-called prosperity gospel and the promotion of supernatural phenomena. John Wimber, the founder of what came to be known as power evangelism, stressed the importance of signs and wonders, whereas Charles Peter Wagner, the father of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), developed the concept of leadership and strengthened the position of the highly-efficient, entrepreneurial ministers working independently. These two figures contributed enormously to the contemporary religious marketplace; therefore, their ideas have successfully shaped the intra-community reality of various religious groups representing Charismatic Christianity. The principal objective of this study is to investigate the role the Neo-Pentecostal language combined with non-linguistic elements plays in one’s personal revival and transformation. The research concerns both Neo-Pentecostals and Pentecostal Catholics from Poland and Italy. The analysis is based on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and surveys.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2022, 4/286; 149-167
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bloch, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ryzyko kredytowe
credit rating
rating trigger
credit cliff
Rating jest powszechnie wykorzystywanym narzędziem na rynku finansowym. Obok zastosowaniago dla celów tworzenia portfela inwestycyjnego czy określenia wymogów kapitałowychcoraz szersze staje się wykorzystanie ratingu w umowach prywatnych między dawcą i biorcąkapitału, tzw. klauzulach rating triggers. Zasadniczym celem opracowania jest przedstawieniedowodów na prawdziwość tezy, iż klauzule te, tworzone w celu ochrony kapitału kredytodawcy,mogą de facto prowadzić do poważnych zagrożeń zarówno dla kredytodawcy, kredytobiorcy,a w określonych warunkach nawet dla stabilności całego rynku. W niniejszym opracowaniu autorkawyjaśnia czym są klauzule rating triggers, dokonuje klasyfikacji podstawowych rodzajówwyzwalaczy ratingowych ze względu na konsekwencje, jakie niosą dla kredytobiorców oraz opisujejedno z najpoważniejszych zagrożeń związanych z tymi klauzulami, a mianowicie zjawiskocredit cliff. Artykuł kończy się analizą przypadków credit cliff potwierdzających destrukcyjny wpływ aktywowania się tego rodzaju klauzuli zarówno na podmiot je podpisujący jak i na rynek jako całość.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2014, 2, 301
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Adam Tarnowski – nasz poseł w Sofii”. Przyczynek do dziejów współpracy polskobułgarskiej w latach 1939–1941
“Minister Adam Tarnowski – our MP in Sofia”. A Trigger for the Polish -Bulgarian Cooperation in the First Years of German Occupation (1939–1941)
Chimiak, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
historia polskiej dyplomacji w XX w., okupacja hitlerowska w Polsce,
polsko-bułgarskie stosunki dyplomatyczne, historia nauki polskiej w XX w., historia
II wojny światowej, historia Bałkanów, historia Warszawy, rząd polski na uchodźstwie
The article describes diplomatic operations carried out by Poland’s MP and executive minister in Sofia Adam Tarnowski, one of the leading representatives of Polish diplomacy in the Second Republic of Poland. He was the longest serving Polish diplomat in the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1930–1941). Later he emigrated to London to hold prominent functions: a general secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an MP in the Czechoslovakian government in exile, Minister of Foreign Affairs during and after the war in the governments of Tomasz Arciszewski and Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski. Chronological dividing lines of the study are: the fall of Poland in September 1939 and Bulgaria breaking off its diplomatic relations with Poland in March 1941. At that time, the Polish diplomatic post in Sofia was one of the very few legations which dealt with diplomatic issues despite the German seizure of Poland. When the war had broken out, Tarnowski began conducting a serious diplomatic campaign towards establishing contacts with his occupied motherland, helping people threatened by Nazi repressions, and informing foreign governments of crimes and destruction taking place in Poland. Tarnowski was supported by a group of Bulgarian diplomats sympathising with Poland. They stayed in Berlin and occupied Warsaw and provided priceless services to our country by carrying money, letters, and information about the Nazi crimes in the occupied Poland in their diplomatic bags. Our MP in Sofia would give shelter to Polish refugees, protect valuable objects belonging to the national heritage, and organize redeployment of Polish troops from Bulgaria into Turkey. The most spectacular operation managed by Tarnowski was the evacuation of a group of several dozen Polish airmen (in September 1940) by sea from the Black Sea coast to Turkey . A very important element of Tarnowski’s operations was the intervention with the Bulgarian government to help Polish scientists from the Jagiellonian University and the AGH University of Science and Technology arrested by Germans in November 1939. Tarnowski talked to Professor Bogdan Fiłow, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, a world famous archaeologist, who was about to become Prime Minister of Bulgaria. The sources of the article include: unknown historical documents from AAN, published diplomatic and intelligence documents, journals and recollections. Bulgarian sources and analyses, including video footage, were also used.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2014, 2(24); 227-251
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Usefulness of English Corpora Regarding Encyclopedic Meaning of Grammatical Constructions: Count Noun Vs. Non-Count Noun, Noun Vs. Verb
Użyteczność angielskich korpusów w odniesieniu do encyklopedycznego znaczenia konstrukcji gramatycznych: rzeczownik policzalny vs. niepoliczalny, rzeczownik vs. czasownik
Chłopek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
linguistic construction
encyclopedic meaning
konstrukcja językowa
forma „docelowa”
element „zapalnik”
znaczenie encyklopedyczne
The article attempts to demonstrate how concordance lines of a linguistic corpus can be useful in assignments on the descriptive grammar of english, which are administered on-line via the Ms Teams application of teaching and learning due to the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Grammatical expressions are approached as constructions abstracted from situated instances of language use in view of Langacker’s “symbolic principle”, which is consistent with the “usage-based principle” and the encyclopedic nature of meaning. Accordingly, words are points of access to extensive depositories of knowledge. Linguistic corpora can provide vast repositories of patterns of use of particular key words constituting various linguistic constructions. The paper focuses on distinguishing between English count nouns and mass nouns represented by the same lexical form, called a “target”, such as worry, dinner, and work, and exposes worry and work as verbs in alternative contexts of use cited from concordance lines of the BNC. The term work is also shown as a key word whose lexical category, noun or verb, is determined on the basis of other elements, referred to as “triggers” in the context of occurrence.
Świat i Słowo; 2022, 38, 1; 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Świat i Słowo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Differential diagnosis between fibromyalgia syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome
Chochowska, M.
Szostak, L.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Jutrzenka-Jesion, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
fibromyalgia syndrome
myofascial pain syndrome
trigger mechanism
human disease
Introduction. Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and myofascial pain syndrome (MFPS) can be ranked among disease entities being difficult to diagnose clinically, manifesting themselves mainly through pain in specific hypersensitivity points. Aim. To present the current state of medical knowledge about pain spots appearing on hypersensitive points of soft tissue in the context of selected disease entities. Summary of the knowledge. MFPS is defined as sensory, motor and autonomic complaints, caused by the occurrence of trigger points (TrP). Yet the FMS is stated during the anamnesis on the basis of generalized pain, and pressure achiness of at least 11 out of 18 tender points (TP) of precisely determined location. Patients with FMS report numerous additional complaints – apart from the above mentioned ones; these are however highly non-specific and are not confirmed during routine medical check-ups. There are also no laboratory tests that can confirm presence of TrP being characteristic to MFPS and differentiating it from other muscles’ disease entities. Such points are identified only with the use of palpation. Unfortunately while examining a patient this way TrP – being symptoms of MFPS – can be quite easily confused with TP – being symptoms of FMS. Patients with MFPS which is developing in consequence of long-lasting global disorder of muscle tension balance and sensitivity of nociceptors as a result of chronically remaining pain, frequently suffer from achiness fulfilling the criteria of generalized pain. Moreover – in effect of static overload of soft tissues (especially of tonic muscles) – there occur hypersensitive palpable areas (points). Stimulating them cause lively reaction of the patient. Described symptoms can suggest a suspicion of FMS – the more so that making a diagnosis of MFPS does not exclude its coexistence. Having this in mind, there is a pretty large group of authors who raise a supposition that the differential diagnosis between TrP and TP should be observed in the quantitative rather than in the qualitative categories, despite the still binding definition and nomenclature. Recapitulation. Looking at the MFPS and at the FMS from the perspective of evolution of knowledge about them and from the point of view of period when scientific researches were conducted and their results published, it must be stated that during last years a considerable progress has been obtained in scope of better understanding of pathogenesis and pathophysiology of pain in specified points of soft tissue hypersensitivity, and the parallel clinical studies – confirming the hypotheses that were made – clearly increased the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of clinical practice.
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2015, 09, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What does it take to be a copula?
Dalmi, Gréte
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
zero copula
alternative trigger
scope ambiguities
This paper argues that copular sentences without an overt copular predicate do project a VP with a phonologically null head, hence so-called “verbless” copular sentences are illusory. Data from Standard Arabic, Spanish, Maltese, Russian, Jamaican Creole, Finnish and Hungarian copular sentences are used to support this claim. It is also claimed here that variation between the habitual property vs. ad hoc property interpretations (traditionally called the individual level vs. stage level distinction) of non-verbal predicates found in copular sentences is closely related to the choice of the copula in multiple BE-system languages. Whilst the current accounts explain this variation by introducing an abstract aspectual operator or an incorporated abstract preposition in the functional layer of the copular predicate, the present proposal derives these interpretive differences from the presence or absence of an OPalt alternative state operator, which can bind the temporal variable of non-verbal predicates in two ways. Negation and temporal adverbials show scope ambiguity in copular sentences. They either take scope over the whole proposition or only over the non-verbal predicate. Such interpretive differences are demonstrated in Russian and Hungarian in Section 4 of this paper, however, they are taken to be valid cross-linguistically. These amibiguities cannot be explained under the “verbless copular sentence” account but fall out naturally from the “zero copula” analysis. The “alternative state” approach can be extended to dream narratives and other non-veridical contexts, which serve as alternative triggers. The existing analyses have nothing to say about such contexts.
Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting; 2016, 2, 1
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What does it take to be a copula?
Dalmi, Gréte
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
zero copula
alternative trigger
scope ambiguities
This paper argues that copular sentences without an overt copular predicate do project a VP with a phonologically null head, hence so-called “verbless” copular sentences are illusory. Data from Standard Arabic, Spanish, Maltese, Russian, Jamaican Creole, Finnish and Hungarian copular sentences are used to support this claim. It is also claimed here that variation between the habitual property vs. ad hoc property interpretations (traditionally called the individual level vs. stage level distinction) of non-verbal predicates found in copular sentences is closely related to the choice of the copula in multiple BE-system languages. Whilst the current accounts explain this variation by introducing an abstract aspectual operator or an incorporated abstract preposition in the functional layer of the copular predicate, the present proposal derives these interpretive differences from the presence or absence of an OPalt alternative state operator, which can bind the temporal variable of non-verbal predicates in two ways. Negation and temporal adverbials show scope ambiguity in copular sentences. They either take scope over the whole proposition or only over the non-verbal predicate. Such interpretive differences are demonstrated in Russian and Hungarian in Section 4 of this paper, however, they are taken to be valid cross-linguistically. These amibiguities cannot be explained under the “verbless copular sentence” account but fall out naturally from the “zero copula” analysis. The “alternative state” approach can be extended to dream narratives and other non-veridical contexts, which serve as alternative triggers. The existing analyses have nothing to say about such contexts.
Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting; 2016, 2, 1; 1-28
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Deskur, Anna
Deskur, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
surgical treatment and rehabilitation of trigger thumb and finger
trigger thumb and finger
The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of surgical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with trigger thumb and finger. In 40 patients, comprising 30 women and 10 men aged 26 to 64, a total of 42 cases of trigger thumb and finger. In the preoperative period, the severity of changes were studied according to the classification developed by Newport et al. Five patients were classified in the first stage, 28 in the second, 6 in the third, and 1 in the fourth. The mean duration of symptoms was five months. The indication for surgery was a lack of improvement following conservative treatment. All of the patients were treated surgically using the open method by cutting the flexor tendon sheath in part A1. The rehabilitation treatment included exercises to improve the range of mobility of the thumb and fingers and to stretch, grelax, and strengthen muscles. Neuromobilisation and automobilisation exercises were conducted. After 5 months, swelling, pain and restricted mobility of the thumb and fingers subsided in all patients. There were no ‘jumping’ symptoms. Apart from a slight transitory inflammatory reaction in 2 patients there were no complications. In patients with trigger finger, open surgery and competent rehabilitation therapy enables the achievement of very good results, with a low complication rate.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2017, 17, 1; 61-66
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In the Search for Grammatical Explanations of the Code-Switching. Empirical Verification of Selected Syntactic Constraints and the Triggering Hypothesis
Długosz, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Syntax des Code-Switching
syntaktische Beschränkungen des Code-Switching
mentale Prozesse, mentale Sprachrepräsentation
syntax of code-switching
bilingualism, trigger-words
syntactic constraints of the code-switching
mental processes
mental representation
Mots-clés:l’artenance codique
syntaxe de l’alternance codique
le bilinguisme, mots-déclencheurs
contraintes syntaxiques de l’alternance codique
processus mentaux
une représentation mentale
код коммутации
синтаксис кода коммутации
двуязычие, инициирующее слово
синтаксические ограничения кода коммутации
умственные процессы
ментальное представление
Code-Switching ist ein Sprachkontaktphänomen und besteht in einem Wechsel zwischen zwei oder mehreren Sprachen bzw. Sprachvarietäten innerhalb einer Äußerung und kann entweder unbewusst oder bewusst ablaufen. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist es, ausgewählte syntaktische Beschränkungen des Code-Switching, so wie sie in der Fachliteratur diskutiert werden, zur Debatte zu stellen und anhand einer Transkription eines Interviews mit dem berühmten Neurobiologen Eric Kandel (2011) empirisch zu überprüfen. Einer empirischen Überprüfung wird ebenfalls die Triggering-Hypothese (M. Clyne, 1967) unterzogen.
Code-switching appears among multilingual speakers and means switching fluently from one language to another. Since the 70s some research have been carried out on code-switching from the syntactic point of view. Its main purpose is to determine in which parts of a sentence code-switching cannot appear. The aim of the present study is to verify empirically the selected grammatical constraints on code-switching as well the Triggering-Hypothesis (Clyne 1967) on the basis of an interview transcript with a famous neurobiologist Eric Kandel.
Le numéro contient uniquement des résumés en anglais et en allemand.
Том не содержит аннотаций на русском языке.
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature; 2016, 40, 1
Pojawia się w:
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poor Quality of Fiscal Forecasts as a Trigger for Fiscal Imbalance in the European Union Countries – The Scale and Methods of Limiting It
Jakość prognoz fiskalnych impulsem generowana nierównowagi fiskalnej w państwach Unii Europejskiej – skala i metody ograniczania
Franek, Sławomir
Postuła, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
fiscal policy
fiscal rule index
public debt
budget deficit
fiscal imbalance
polityka fiskalna
indeks reguł fiskalnych
dług publiczny
deficyt budżetowy
nierównowaga fiskalna
The economic crisis revealed the imperfections of the solutions aimed at maintaining fiscal discipline among Member States. Therefore, measures are taken at the EU level to strengthen the institutional aspects of a budgetary process that is based on reliable forecasts. What has proven to be of special importance in this context is the creation of fiscal instruments to minimise the occurrence of such phenomena in future, which has been reflected in the European regulations applied. The article seeks to evaluate the extent to which the use of instruments such as fiscal rules, medium-term budgetary frameworks and the emergence of independent fiscal institutions has had an impact on the quality of forecasts and, consequently, on the scale of fiscal imbalance.
Kryzys gospodarczy wskazał na niedoskonałości rozwiązań w zakresie utrzymania dyscypliny fiskalnej wśród krajów członkowskich UE. Dlatego na poziomie Unii Europejskiej podejmowane są działania służące wzmocnieniu instytucjonalnych aspektów procesu budżetowego opartego na wiarygodnych prognozach. W tym kontekście szczególnie istotne stało się stworzenie instrumentów fiskalnych minimalizujących powstawanie tego rodzaju zjawisk w przyszłości, co znalazło odzwierciedlenie w stosowanych regulacjach europejskich. W artykule dokonano oceny na ile zastosowanie instrumentów, takich jak reguły fiskalne, średniookresowe ramy planowania budżetowego oraz powstanie niezależnych instytucji fiskalnych miało wpływ na jakość prognoz, a w konsekwencji na skalę nierównowagi fiskalnej.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2019, 3/2019 (83); 17-32
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biotic interactions, energy pathways and trigger factors of ecosystem dynamics in shallow saline lakes
Golubkov, Sergei
Golubkov, Mikhail
Balushkina, Evgenia
Litvinchuk, Larisa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
saline lakes
primary production
secondary production
energy pathways
regime shift
Environmental variables, food-web dynamics and energy pathways were investigated in ecosystems of six shallow lakes of the Crimea with salinity ranging from 24 to 340 ‰. There were considerable inter- and intra-annual fluctuations in the abiotic characteristics of the lakes. All the lakes had a very high concentration of total phosphorus in the water (up to 5.6 gP m-3) due to a great influence of the watershed on the lakes. A high level of primary production (up to 14.9 gC m-2 d-1) was found in the most of the lakes. The lowest primary production was found in the most saline lake with a dense population of the filtrator, Artemia urmiana. Grazing benthic energy pathways were dominant at salinities between 24 and 58 ‰. Greater levels of salinity led to a gradual reduction of benthic and increase of planktonic energy pathways. A fast shift from turbid to clear-water regime was observed in one of the lakes, caused by annual variations in weather conditions
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2014, 12, 4; 83-113
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disruptions within gut microbiota composition induced by improper antibiotics therapy as a probable trigger factor for development of depression – Case Reports
Janowska, M.
Rog, J.
Karakula-Juchnowicz, H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2021, 28, 4; 713-718
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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