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Wyszukujesz frazę "the Queen" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Restauracja ściany wieńczącej nad III tarasem świątyni Hatszepsut w Deir el Bahari : z prac misji PKZ w Egipcie
Misiorowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
świątynia królowej Hatszepsut
Kazimierz Michałowski
Deir el Bahari
Apart from archaeological explorations and investigations conducted by the Mediterranean Archaeology Center, University of Warsaw, for several years are carried put the restoration, wortkis in the Queen Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari, West Thebes for whom are responsible Palish experts. The above works are now concentrated on the third terrace of the temple in question. The Hatshepsut Temple ils to be considered as one entirely unique with regard to its design which g re a tly dqparts from those commonly encountered in other Egyptian temples. It is a terrace temple built in tight connection with n atu ra l features of the surrounding site. The third of its three terraces is resting on the steep rock wall. Above this terrace once existed and has been preserved up to our times, however in .scarce fragments only, a stone wall which formed the rock facing being a t the same time architectural cap of the temple itself. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut was designed as a burial temple by the architect named Sen-Mut ca. 11500 B. C. Within the compass of time it was subjected to different reconstructions u n til the Coptic period and at last seriously damaged. The restoration and investigatory works were started as fa r back as in the mid-nineteenth century (Mariette, iNaville, Wiolock, Baraize). Within the present series of works have been investigated the techniques used for erection of the cap- -watl, surveyed its original overall dimensions and architectural forms. Thanks to the fact th a t the rock terrace of about 10 metres width has been discovered and revealed it became possible to define the original wall height ranging to 8.20 m. However, the shape of its central portion still remains controversial in much the same measure as that of its south end. As the steep rock wall above the temple permanently weathered this wide rook terrace was safeguarding the temple against the falling stones and rock debris. A number of drawings have been prepared representing the alleged architectural solution once applied for th e wall cen tral portion (i.e. th a t above the sanctua ry entrance) and taking as their basis the many times encountered uniformity of constructional solutions lUsed in Egyptian structures. However, none of conceptions being th e result of the above-mentioned studies could be fully supported by facts so it has been decided to leave these fragments not rebuilt. Qnily those partionjs of cap-wall not raising doubts aie being reconstructed in their original overall dimensionls and along their original course. When studying the preserved fragments it became also possible to Obtain an explanation for a jump present a t th e wall footing. I t proved to be nothing else than a rdlic of original flooring th a t was laid on plates forming the covering of portico hall. The objective outlined for restoration of the cap-waill consisted, in addition to restoring the temple’s architectural expression, in restoring the safeguarding function of the rock terrace. To secure distinction between the authentic component p a rts .and those rebuilt and nevertheless for economical reasons all blocks used for the wall construction are made of prefabricated concrete. Their facings are executed from artificial istone having the shade similar to th a t of original stone blocks. As the raw materials for concrete production are used the Portland and white cement, sand and gravel coming from the local lime-stone. To obtain the proper stre n gth the ready blacks are carefully cured. Since the manufacturing conditions are primitive enough (wooden moulds boxes, varying ra te of concrete shrinkage, etc.) and the need exists to meet the highly rigorous tolerance requirements the methods used for manufacture are constantly improved. The free spaice .between th e wall now under construction and the rock face ils being filled with concrete. As the rock structure is easily decayed by wate r and th e space filled has the wedge-like form a number of large -sized steps, measuring about 1.50 m in the ir height and width a re farmed to secure the proper support on rook while to dampen the impacts of faffing stones and rodk debris on completion .of the cap-wall is planned to lay on the rock terrace a sand cushion about ,1.0 m thick. All the Conservation work is carried out under immediate direction of highly skilled architects being the members of expedition sent by the State Ateliers of Historic Monument Conservation whereas the scientific supervision as well as consultations and all the aid within th e Egyptological range is supplied by the Mediterranean Archaeology Center in Cairo, Both the above Course of works and the supervision and p e rsonal help lofferred by Professer K. Michałowski enable to attain in a proper way all the objectives p u t forward by the conservation programme.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 3; 183-196
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ inwazji Varroa jacobsoni na rozwój matek pszczelnych
The effect of invasion of Varroa jacobsoni on the development of queen bees
Romaniuk, K.
Bobrzecki, J.
Wilde, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
parazytologia weterynaryjna
pasozyty zwierzat
czerw trutowy
Varroa jacobsoni
inwazja pasozytnicza
matki pszczele
rozwoj zwierzat
oddzialywania pasozyt-zywiciel
The studies on the development of queen bees experimentally infected with females of V. jacobsoni were carried out in 1983 and 1984. Fully formed queen cells were transferred from the hive to the laboratory. At the base of each cell, except for the control group (K 1) a 3 mm opening was made through which females of V. jacobsoni were inserted, collected from brood drone. One female of the mite was inserted into each queen cell for the experimental group I, two - of the group II, three - group III and four - group IV. The openings in the cells were then sealed with warm wax, and the cells were placed in Zander containers and in a thermostat, at the temperature of 34.5°C, and relative humidity ca. 80%. Unopened queen cells constituted the control group (K 1), as well as cells opened and then sealed with wax (K 2). Of 508 control and experimental queen cells, 234 queens emerged (46.1%), of these 90 (88.9%) of a wight 189.8 mg in the group K 1, 72 (86.7%) of weight 189.5 mg in the group K 2, 81 (75.7%) of weight 188.2 mg in the group I, 48 (55.2%) of weight 184.6 mg in the group II, 23 (31.5%) of weight 189.1 mg in the group III and 20 (29.4%) of weight 192.4 mg in the grup IV. The remaining queens died at the stage of straightened larva (99), prepupa (17) and pupa (36). The highest number of queens died in the experimental groups II-IV. The results obtained indicate that the development cycle of V. jacobsoni can not be completed in queen bee cells.
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne; 1988, 34, 3; 295-300
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ inwazji Varroa jacobsoni na rozwój matek pszczelnych
The effect of invasion of Varroa jacobsoni on the development of queen bees
Romaniuk, K.
Bobrzecki, J.
Wilde, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
parazytologia weterynaryjna
pasozyty zwierzat
czerw trutowy
Varroa jacobsoni
inwazja pasozytnicza
matki pszczele
rozwoj zwierzat
oddzialywania pasozyt-zywiciel
The studies on the development of queen bees experimentally infected with females of V. jacobsoni were carried out in 1983 and 1984. Fully formed queen cells were transferred from the hive to the laboratory. At the base of each cell, except for the control group (K 1) a 3 mm opening was made through which females of V. jacobsoni were inserted, collected from brood drone. One female of the mite was inserted into each queen cell for the experimental group I, two - of the group II, three - group III and four - group IV. The openings in the cells were then sealed with warm wax, and the cells were placed in Zander containers and in a thermostat, at the temperature of 34.5°C, and relative humidity ca. 80%. Unopened queen cells constituted the control group (K 1), as well as cells opened and then sealed with wax (K 2). Of 508 control and experimental queen cells, 234 queens emerged (46.1%), of these 90 (88.9%) of a wight 189.8 mg in the group K 1, 72 (86.7%) of weight 189.5 mg in the group K 2, 81 (75.7%) of weight 188.2 mg in the group I, 48 (55.2%) of weight 184.6 mg in the group II, 23 (31.5%) of weight 189.1 mg in the group III and 20 (29.4%) of weight 192.4 mg in the grup IV. The remaining queens died at the stage of straightened larva (99), prepupa (17) and pupa (36). The highest number of queens died in the experimental groups II-IV. The results obtained indicate that the development cycle of V. jacobsoni can not be completed in queen bee cells.
Annals of Parasitology; 1988, 34, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krakowskie premiery Moliera i Racinea w 1676 r. oraz inne nieznane fakty z teatru Sobieskich
The Cracow Premieres of Molière and Racine in 1676 and Other Unknown Facts from the Court Theater of King John III Sobieski and Queen Maria Kazimiera
Targosz, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Jean Racine
Old Polish theater
court theater
teatr staropolski
teatr dworski
Artykuł poświęcony wydarzeniom teatralnym na dworze króla Jana III i królowej Marii Kazimiery Sobieskich. Autorka oparła się głównie na notatkach i doniesieniach królewskiego sekretarza Cosima Brunettiego, uzupełniając je informacjami pochodzącymi od innych osób związanych z królewskim dworem. Ustaliła, że najprawdopodobniej na przełomie kwietnia i maja 1675 wśród inscenizacji komedii francuskich w rezydencji Sobieskich w Złoczowie mogły znaleźć się również Molierowskie Szelmostwa Skapena. Komedię tę z całą pewnością pokazano 12 kwietnia 1676, w ramach uroczystości pokoronacyjnych Jana III na Wawelu, wraz z Andromachą Jeana Racine’a, w której w roli głównej wystąpiła Françoise Faidherbe, oraz z widowiskiem baletowym, w którym brały udział także dzieci pary królewskiej. Autorce artykułu udało się ponadto ustalić, że 24 czerwca 1682 w tytułowej roli w inscenizacji Kłamcy Pierre’a Corneille’a wystąpił w rezydencji Sobieskich w Jaworowie François Paulin Dalerac. Artykuł obejmuje także informacje związane z występami śpiewaka Clementiniego 30 kwietnia 1684 w Jaworowie w ramach bankietu na cześć posła hiszpańskiego Leopolda Filipa Montecuccolego oraz pokazów teatralnych przygotowanych w tej rezydencji 10 lipca 1684, kiedy w obecności posła weneckiego Angela Morosiniego oraz nuncjusza Andrei Santa Croce zaprezentowano inscenizacje francuskich komedii i baletu. Zdaniem badaczki w jaworowskim ogrodzie pokazano wówczas prezentowane już wcześniej (24 czerwca tego roku) komedie Molière’a: Szkołę żon oraz Miłość lekarzem. Autorka podkreśla, że informacja o plenerowych pokazach w Jaworowie wskazuje na funkcjonowanie w tej rezydencji teatru ogrodowego, prawdopodobnie nawiązującego do wzorów francuskich, i najwyraźniej najwcześniejszego na terenach Rzeczypospolitej.
This article recounts theater events at the court of King John III Sobieski and Queen Maria Kazimiera. The author relies mainly on the writings and communications of the royal secretary Cosimo Brunetti, supplementing them with information provided by other associates of the court milieu. Based on these sources, the author has established that, in all likelihood, the French comedies staged at the Sobieski residence in Złoczów at the turn of April and May 1675 included Molière's Les Fourberies de Scapin (Scapin the Schemer). The comedy was certainly presented on 12 April 1676, as part of Sobieski’s coronation celebrations at the Wawel castle in Krakow, alongside Jean Racine’s Andromache (with Françoise Faidherbe as the heroine), and a ballet performance with the participation of the children of the royal couple. The author also managed to establish that on 24 June 1682, François Paulin Dalerac played the title role in Pierre Corneille’s Le Menteur (The Liar), staged at the Sobieski residence in Jaworów. The article also describes the visit of the singer Clementini, whose performance in Jaworów on 30 April 1684 accompanied a banquet in honor of the Spanish envoy Leopold Philip Montecuccoli, as well as the performances of French comedies and ballet held there on 10 July 1684, in the presence of the Venetian envoy Angelo Morosini and the nuncio Andrea Santa Croce. According to the author, on the latter occasion, the manor garden in Jaworów hosted Molière’s L’école des femmes (The School for Wives) and L'Amour Médecin (Dr. Cupid), comedies which had already been presented on 24 June that year. She emphasizes that the testimonies of plein-air shows in Jaworów suggest that a garden theater functioned in this royal residence; probably modelled on French theaters of this kind, it appears as the first such enterprise in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Pamiętnik Teatralny; 1990, 39, 3/4; 293-304
Pojawia się w:
Pamiętnik Teatralny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królowa Niebios Mariana Gawalewicza w kontekście Legendy o Matce Boskiej Piotra Stachiewicza
The Queen of Heavent by Marian Gawalewicz in the Context of Piotr Stachiewicz’s The Legend About the Mother of God
Dunicka, Celina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The study seeks to examine the relations and interconnections between the ways in which the work of literature and of painting approach to the theme. The cycle of M. Gawalewicz’s legends was inspired by the cycle of P. Stachiewicz’s paintings, the latter was in turn an interpretation after the manner of painting of folk legends about the Mother of God. The literary texts which were created as a result of inspiration by the works of paintinwere a fairly common phenomenon in the literature of the second half of the 19th c. Gawalewicz’s text draws on to Stachiewicz’s paintings, yet it is not totally dependent on them. It repeats, however, a series of elements, but introduces many new elements, in this manner supplementing and explaining the contents of Stachiewicz’s cartoons. Furthermore, Gawalewicz to a wider extent reaches out on his own to Marian folk legends and introduces in his text some aspects which were not made use of by Stachiewicz. Yet both cycles are joined by the similarity of their style: emotional character, sentimentalism and being addressed to the sensitivity of a common recipient.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 1993, 41, 1; 27-44
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skarb królowej Bony
The treasure of Queen Bona
Paszkiewicz, Borys
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne; 2002, 46, 2 (174); 143-176
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tajemnicza królowa Hatszepsut
The Mysterious Queen Hatshepsut
Lipińska, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The exhibition of the ancient Egyptian Art from the 15. century B.C., National Museum in Warsaw, 20th November 1997-20th February 1998. Objects from the German collections and from the National Museum in Warsaw. The exhibition was conceived by the Professor Dietrich Wildung, director of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin. Asked for a loan of the Egyptian monuments, he suggested that particular period because of the long time of the Polish activity at Deir ei-Bahari, Egypt, where already in 1961 the team of experts from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo, headed by the famous Kazimierz Michałowski, commenced the study, restoration and excavations in the terraced tempie of an Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut. At the same time an unexpected discovery of the hitherto unknown tempie of Tuthmosis III was made in the close proximity of that of Hatshepsut. The exhibition was concerned with these two main figures of the period and contemporary works of art. The royal portraits, reliefs from the temples and tombs were displayed, as well as the statues of the dignitaries of both rulers. A maquette of Deir el-Bahari with its temples was included, and rich photographic material illustrating the restoration works in the temple of Hatshepsut and the excavations and finds from the newly uncovered temple of Tuthmosis III.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2002, 74; 17-22
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of gibberellic acid and benzyladenine on the yield of (Allium karataviense Regel.) 'Ivory Queen'
Wpływ kwasu giberelinowego i benzyloadeniny na plonowanie czosnku karatawskiego (Allium karataviense Regel.) 'Ivory Queen'
Pogroszewska, E.
Laskowska, H.
Durlak, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
Allium karataviense
gibberellic acid
Ivory Queen cultivar
ornamental plant
growth regulator
The research focused on the effect of GA₃ and BA on the yield of Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’. The substances in concentration of 500 mg₃·dm⁻³ were applied in the form of a 60-minute bulb soaking prior to planting or plant spraying in the green bud phase. It was discovered that GA₃ applied in the both forms causes the inflorescence shoot elongation and the increased number of flowers in inflorescence, and increases the total yield expressed in the bulb weight. When applied in the form of plant spraying, it increases the number of bulbs in the total yield. Plant spraying with BA leads to the production of a greater number of flowers in inflorescence. BA application in the both forms increases the total yield expressed in the bulb weight.
Zbadano wpływ GA₃ oraz BA na plonowanie Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’. Substancje w stężeniu 500 mg·dm⁻³ aplikowano w formie 60-minutowego moczenia cebul przed sadzeniem lub opryskiwania roślin w fazie zielonego pąka. Stwierdzono, że GA₃ aplikowany w obu formach powoduje wydłużenie pędu kwiatostanowego i zwiększenie liczby kwiatów w kwiatostanie oraz zwiększa plon ogólny wyrażony masą cebul. Podawany w postaci opryskiwania roślin zwiększa średnicę kwiatostanu, stosowany w formie moczenia cebul, zwiększa liczbę cebul w plonie ogólnym. Opryskiwanie roślin BA powoduje wytwarzanie większej liczby kwiatów w kwiatostanie. BA stosowana w obu formach zwiększa plon ogólny wyrażony masą cebul.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2007, 06, 1; 15-19
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kaszubi i Królowa ich serc: Madonna Sianowska i Swarzewska
The Madonna of Sianowo and Swarzewo – the Queen of Kashubian Hearts
Cichosz, Wojciech
Urbanowicz‑Pluto, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
kult Matki Bożej
piety Matki Bożej
wizerunki Matki Bożej
christocentrism of the cult of Mary
cult of Our Lady
Kashubia region
people of Kashubia
pilgrimage movement
representations of Our Lady
sanctuaries in Kashubia
Pobożność maryjna i związany z nią kult jest jednym z głównych nurtów, które ożywiają codzienne życie religijne i kulturę Kaszub. Matka Boża jest Królową całego regionu i swoją opieką otacza wszystkich jego mieszkańców. Szczególnym miejscem kultu maryjnego są sanktuaria, które na Kaszubach od lat są ostoją polskości i katolicyzmu. Obserwując życie religijne rdzennych mieszkańców Kaszub można zauważyć, iż sanktuaria maryjne w Sianowie i Swarzewie prezentują wszystkie cechy lokalnego dynamicznego i żywego centrum kultu Matki Bożej. Istotną rolę w oddawaniu czci Maryi odgrywają pielgrzymki do tych sanktuariów, a koronacje figur wpłynęły na ożywienie ruchu pielgrzymkowego. Na uwagę zasługuje chrystocentryzm kultu maryjnego, bowiem uczestnictwo w Eucharystii to kulminacyjny moment uroczystości.
The sanctuaries of Our Lady in Kashubia, similarly to other regions of Poland, are a source of genuine faith and piety of Catholics. They show how, through Our Lady, people who believe in God strengthen the bond with their Maker. Just like Mary is the precursor of faith, love and a perfect union with Christ, people who head for Her sanctuaries entrust all their lives to Her. The sanctuaries in Swarzewo and in Sianów, where Our Lady reigns for people of Kashubia, are a sphere of faith, where the faith expresses itself in close bond with Her and Her Son. Our Lady provides loving care not only for the people of the sea but also for marriages, families and all the people who turn to Her. That is why the sanctuaries of Our Lady in Kashubia have been the mainstay of Polish character and Catholicism. Pilgrimages to Kaszubia, organised also in other regions of Poland, play a crucial role in the cult of Mary in this region. Their number bears testimony to the range of this cult and its impact on the local communities. Coronation of the figures of Mary contributed to the revival of pilgrimages. Thus Kashubian sanctuaries are now thriving and they have become closer to the hearts of the faithful from other regions of Poland as well.
Studia Gdańskie; 2010, 27; 111-129
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koszty uroczystości pogrzebowych królowej Barbary Radziwiłłówny
The Cost of the Funeral of Queen Barbara Radziwiłł
Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Barbara Radziwiłłówna (1520 lub 1523-1551)
Zygmunt II August (1520-1572)
rachunki królewskie
pogrzeb królewski
Barbara Radziwiłł (1520 or 1523-1551)
Sigismund II August (1520-1572)
royal accounts
royal funeral
Barbara Radziwiłł, Sigismund II August's second wife, died in Krakow on 8 May 1551. Fulfilling the Queen's last wish to be buried in Vilnius the monarch first organized magnificentfuneral celebrations in Krakow, and next he went, along with a numerous procession, on a four-week funeral march to the capital of Lithuania, in order to celebrate the funeral ceremonies also there, and to bury his wife. The event has an interesting fiscal documentation – the royal accounts preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. Although the sum that is recorded there (at the end of a chapter especially singled out and devoted to the funeral expenses only), designed to celebrations of Barbara Radziwiłł's funeral – more than 9416 florins – is well known in literature and has been quoted many times, analysis of the books of the Treasurer Office allows verifying it. The money was first of all designed for cloths, craftsmen's services and the religious setting during the stopovers of the procession in successive places, as well as for the expenses of the members of the Queen's court and the King's courtiers who took part in the procession. This sum, however, has to be complemented by the sums recorded in several other parts of the same account book, spent on the King's stopovers (1485 florins), and several expenses that were not recorded in the proper chapter (1476 florins), as well as the ones that were recorded in Tresurer Jan Lutomirski's separate accounts (1170) – totaling more than 4130 florins. If we also take into consideration the valid suggestion that has been advanced lately that the sum of at least 2521 florins should be added that were issued from the Hospodar's Treasury for the Queen's court, the total costs of Barbara Radziwiłł's funeral will reach the sum of about 16000 florins.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2010, 58, 2; 29-55
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mariusz Grzegorzek – kino po… swojemu
Mariusz Grzegorzek – Cinema… His Own Way
Pitrus, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Mariusz Grzegorzek
The Conversation with a Man from the Closet
The Queen of Angels
I Am Yours
The article is a résumé of Mariusz Grzegorzek’s work. We are presented with detailed descriptions of the tricks and techniques applied in each of his movies: his first short film Krakatau, The Conversation with a Man from the Closet, The Queen of Angels, and I Am Yours. The author points to the director’s inspirations and the rise of his ideas, and interprets most meaningful scenes.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2010, 1(5); 149-162
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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