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Obserwacje zmian ekshalacji radonu w rekultywowanym osadniku kopalnianych wód dołowych
Observations of radon exhalation changes in the reclaimed sedimentation basin of underground mine wastes
Wysocka, M.
Chałupnik, S.
Molenda, E.
Brown, J.
Sidhu, R.
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
wody kopalniane
wody dołowe
osad denny
ekshalacja radonu
mine waters
ground water
bottom sediment
radon exhalation
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów ekshalacji 222Rn z osadów dennych likwidowanego osadnika wód dołowych. Badania prowadzono podczas wszystkich etapów likwidacji, tj. od osuszania, poprzez przykrywanie warstwami uszczelniającymi, aż po działania agrotechniczne i nasadzeniowe. Wyniki badań wykazały, że wykonana rekultywacja osadnika zaowocowała obniżeniem ekshalacji radonu do wartości typowych dla terenów naturalnych. Stwierdzono jednocześnie, iż w przypadkach uszkodzenia lub rozszczelnienia warstw przykrywających osady denne, dojdzie do wzmożonej ekshalacji radonu.
In this paper, results from an investigation concerning the exhalation of the radioactive gas radon 222Rn from bottom deposits in a reclaimed settling pond are presented. The measurements were performed at different stages of reclamation, starting from an initial step when bottom sediments were left to dry, then during the process of covering deposits with isolation layers and soil, and finally when agrotechnical measures were applied. The obtained results have shown that due to reclamation, the radon risk caused by radon exhalation from bottom sediments has been reduced significantly. Levels have decreased to those typical for undisturbed and unpolluted areas. However, on a cautionary note, any damage of the isolation layers may lead to a significant increase of radon emission from confined sediments.
Prace Naukowe GIG. Górnictwo i Środowisko / Główny Instytut Górnictwa; 2012, 1; 93-102
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe GIG. Górnictwo i Środowisko / Główny Instytut Górnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ksylity w kenozoicznych osadach drobnokrystalicznych z odkrywek KWB Konin S.A. i KWB Adamów S.A.
Xylites in the cenozoic fine-grained deposits from the Konin and Adamów lignite opencasts
Widera, M.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
kopalnie węgla brunatnego
basen sedymentacyjny
lignite mines
sedimentation basin
Fragmenty kopalnego drewna wśród osadów drobnoziarnistych są spotykane w wielkopolskich odkrywkach węgla brunatnego. Obecność ksylitów w osadach neogeńskich udokumentowano w odkrywkach Kazimierz N i Drzewce (KWB Konin S.A.), a pochodziły prawdopodobnie ze stropowych części niżej zalegających torfów i/lub z roślinności porastającej brzegi basenu sedymentacyjnego.
Fragments of fossil wood among fine-grained deposits are found in Wielkopolska lignite opencasts. The presence of xylites in Neogene sediments have been documented in the opencasts Kazimierz N and Drzewce (Konin Lignite Mine), and Paleogene sediments in the opencast Koźmin N (Adamów Lignite Mine). Fragments of wood, which later became xylites, probably came from the upper part of the lower lying peat and/or from the vegetation growing in the areas surrounding the sedimentary basin.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2012, 53, 1-2; 119-122
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrated sedimentological and ichnological study of the Coniacian sedimentation in North Sudetic Basin, SW Poland
Leszczyński, S.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
trace fossils
shallow marine
North Sudetic Synclinorium
Lithofacies and ichnological features of the Coniacian deposits of the upper part of Żerkowice Member and lowest part of the overlying Czerna Formation in southeastern part of the North Sudetic Synclinorium are described and their sedimentary palaeoenvironment is interpreted. The study confirms a shallow-marine to paralic/paludine palaeoenvironment. Sedimentation of the Żerkowice Member occurred in an upper shoreface environment dominated by waves, tidal currents and wave-generated alongshore currents, with an episodic encroachment of fore shore zone and shoal-water deltas. The interpretation is supported by a high-diversity assemblage of trace fossils with 21 ichnogenera, representing a stressed expression of the Skolithos Ichnofacies dominated by Ophiomorpha nodosa and a proximal expression of the Cruziana Ichnofacies with Thalassinoides and rare specimens of diverse other ichnotaxa. Sedimentation of the Czerna Formation commenced after a stasis, with at least a local hiatus caused by emergence, and proceeded in a laterally and vertically more varied environment, with transgressive coastal lagoons evolving into freshwater lakes and marshes and with a repetitive regressive intrusion of shoreface and shoal-water deltas. The emergence of the area is recorded by coal-bearing deposits with plant-root traces. Local occurrence of the Teredolites Ichnofacies in coal (peat) deposits above the base of the Czerna Formation indicates renewed marine flooding. Continuation of the latter is locally evidenced by a trace-fossil assemblage with 17 ichnogenera, representing proximal expression of the Cruziana Ichnofacies followed by distal expression of the Skolithos Ichnofacies in the overlying transgressive-regressive cyclothems. The palaeoenvironmental changes recorded by the sedimentary succession indicate bathymetric fluctuations and imply considerable shoreline shifts and palaeogeographic changes in the basin. These changes are interpreted as a combined signal of 2nd- and 3rd-order eustatic cycles, modified and partly obliterated by the effects of intrabasinal tectonic forcing and by palaeogeographically controlled variation in sediment supply.
Geological Quarterly; 2018, 62, 4; 767--816
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapis glacilimnicznej sedymentacji w basenie Niecki Skaliskiej - północna część Pojezierza Mazurskiego
Glacilimnical sedimentation in the Skalisko Basin - northern parth of Mazurian Lakeland
Pochocka-Szwarc, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
złoża jeziorno glacjalne
późny glacjał
zlodowacenie Wisły
Pojezierze Mazurskie
glaciolacustrime deposits
Late Glacial
Vistulian glaciation
Mazurian Lakeland
The investigation area is situated in the north part of Mazurian Lakeland in NE from Węgorzewo in the borderland between Poland and Russia. It was covered with the ice sheet during the upper stage of the Vistulian Glaciation. During the recession of the maximum range of the ice-sheet (Pomeranian Phases) the 6 ice-sheet retreated were left. Skaliska Basin this is end depression, between two end moraine zones. The glaciolacustrine and lacustrine sediments was recorded late glacial and postglacial history. The results of the multidisciplinary investigations including cartographical, sedymentological methods indicate that in the ice-dammed lake in Skaliska Basin was existed in front of the ice. The outflow from Skaliska ice-dammed was connected with the ice sheet retreat (behind the Pregoła Valley) and development of the new erosion base level (like Pregoła Valley).
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2010, 58, 10; 1014-1022
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spatial variability of recent sedimentation rates in the Eastern Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea)
Hille, S.
Leipe, T.
Seifert, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
Gotland Basin
sediment accumulation
spatial variability
sedimentation rate
Baltic Sea
In order to study recent sedimentation rates in the Eastern Gotland Basin, 52 short sediment cores collected from the deepest part (<150 m)of the Basin in 2003 were investigated. The upper parts of all the cores were distinctly laminated and dark in colour, followed by a homogeneous, greyish lower part. The thickness of the laminated sequences varied from 17 to 300 mm. 210Pb dating analyses of selected cores revealed that the change from non-laminated to laminated sediments happened about 100 years ago, indicating a shift from predominantly oxic bottom water conditions to anoxic conditions. Used as a time marker, this shift in the sediment texture enabled sediment accumulation rates to be estimated for all sediment cores. The observed mean linear sedimentation rate for the whole basin was 0.93 ± 0.67 mm yr−1. The respective bulk sediment accumulation rates ranged from 10.5 to 527 g m−2 yr−1 with an average of 129 ± 112 g m−2 yr−1, indicating a high spatial variability of sedimentation rates within the basin. This agrees very well with the long-term sedimentation pattern since the Litorina transgression. The observed pattern clearly reflects the hydrographic conditions at the seafloor as studied by modelled near-bottom current velocities.
Oceanologia; 2006, 48, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granica pięter cechsztynu PZ3 i PZ4 w wysadzie solnym Inowrocławia na archiwalnych fotografiach w kopalni "Solno" - przyczynek do interpretacji lokalnych warunków sedymentacji w środkowej części polskiego basenu cechsztyńskiego
Zechstein PZ3/PZ4 cyclothems boundary in the Inowrocław salt dome according to archival photographs of the "Solno" mine - an interpretation of local sedimentation conditions in the central part of the Polish Zechstein Basin
Poborska-Młynarska, K.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
wysad solny
granica PZ3/PZ4
niedociągłość stratygraficzna
spękania błotne
Inowrocław salt dome
PZ3/PZ4 boundary
stratigraphic discontinuity
mud cracks
Na odsłonięciach w kopalni "Solno" w Inowrocławiu (obecnie zlikwidowanej) na początku lat 80. ubiegłego wieku udokumentowano fotograficznie spękania błotne na stropie zubru brunatnego Na3t kończącego cykl sedymentacyjny piętra cechsztynu PZ3. Zuber brunatny przykryty jest warstwą soli podścielającej Na4a0, która stanowi pierwszy utwór kolejnego piętra cechsztynu PZ4. Kontakt zubru brunatnego z solą podścielającą zarysowuje się wyraziście. W niektórych odsłonięciach pojawia się na nim cienka (1-2 cm) warstewka anhydrytu, wskazująca na rozcieńczenie roztworu w zbiorniku sedymentacyjnym. Miejscami, pomiędzy spękaniami błotnymi na stropowej powierzchni zubru brunatnego a typową solą podścielającą, pojawia się cienka (decymetrowa) warstwa soli kamiennej czerwonej, ciemnoczerwonej, która prawdopodobnie powstała z rozpuszczania soli w stropowych partiach zubru. Udokumentowane fotograficznie zjawiska świadczą o krótkim epizodzie wynurzenia się dna zbiornika sedymentacyjnego i przerwania ciągłości sedymentacji na tym obszarze, a także o warunkach paleogeograficznych osadzania się soli podścielającej.
Three decades ago in the exposures of the Inowrocław "Solno" salt mine, mud cracks at the top of Brown Zuber complex (Na3t) of the PZ3 Zechstein cyclothem were observed and documented in photographs. Brown Zuber complex is covered by the layer of Underlying Halite which is the first member of the PZ4 Zechstein sequence. The contact between Brown Zuber and Underlying Halite is clearly delineated. In some exposures a thin (1-2 cm) layer of anhydrite appears indicating the episode of dilution of brines in the sedimentation basin. Sometimes the thin (10 cm) layer of red or dark red salt occurs between the mud cracks on the top of Brown Zuber and a typical Underlying Halite. Probably the layer was created as a result of salt dissolving within the upper part of zuber and re-sedimentation. Documented features provide the evidence of the short episode of subaerial exposure of the basin bottom and of the discontinuities during sedimentation in this area. They also provide new information on paleogeographic conditions of Na4a0 salt sedimentation.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2011, 37, 2; 283-292
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedymentacja ewaporatów badeńskich w zbiorniku przedkarpackim
Deposition of Middle Miocene Badenian evaporites in the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Peryt, T.M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Carpathian Foredeep
Badenian evaporites of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin represent the lower part of the NN6 zone and are underlain and overlain by deep-water deposits. Halite and associated deposits in the central part of the Badenian evaporite basin show the same facies successions and marker beds can be traced across and between individual basins. Characteristic marker beds made it possible to correlate various facies zones of the marginal Ca-sulfate platform. These marker beds seem to reflect events that may be related to sudden and widespread changes in water chemistry, which in turn imply major changes in basin hydrology. The onset of the evaporitic deposition in the Carpathian Foredeep was clearly diachronous and the evaporites deposited in the basin centre preceded the beginning of evaporite sedimentation in the marginal basin, however, depositional history in the marginal basin and the basin center was the same. Sedimentological and geochemical data indicate recycling of evaporites throughout most of the evaporite deposition.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 5; 438-444
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geodynamiczne i tektoniczne uwarunkowania ewolucji basenów przedgórskich, z odniesieniami do zapadliska przedkarpackiego
Geodynamic and tectonic control on evolution of foreland basins, with references to the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Krzywiec, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
basen przedgórski
system osadowy
budowa geologiczna
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
foreland basin
continental collision
fold-thrust belts
lithospheric flexure
syn-tectonic sedimentation
Carpathian Foredeep
Main geodynamic and tectonic mechanisms responsible for evolution of foreland basins and their sedimentary infill are discussed. They include flexure of the lower lithospheric plate and its extension, growth of the orogenic wedge and sedimentation / erosion within the foreland basin. Recently formulated models of foreland basin system include four major depositional zones that are characterised by various tectono-sedimentary processes. Of particular importance for evolution of foreland basins is very complex interplay of tectonics and sedimentation, and significant lateral shift of tectonic and depositional zones. Evolution of frontal part of the orogenic wedge could be deciphered using growth strata i.e. depositional sequences formed in vicinity of growing thrust-related structures. Certain aspects of Miocene (Late Badenian–Sarmatian) evolution of the Polish Carpathian foredeep basin are discussed in a context of presented models of foreland basins.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 5; 404-412
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spatial distribution of equivalent gamma dose rate in the vicinity of mine water sedimentation ponds in Upper Silesian Coal Basin
Śleziak, M.
Duliński, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
spatial equivalent gamma dose rate
natural radioactivity
sedimentation pond
In the Upper Silesian Coal Basin highly mineralized mine waters are pumped into numerous sedimentary ponds before discharge to the Vistula river. They contain elevated concentrations of natural radionuclides (mainly radium). In ponds, some fraction of radionuclides is removed from the water column by adsorption on settling particles, precipitation or co-precipitation, thus increasing radioactivity levels in the deposits. Due to fluctuations of water level and wind action, fine fraction of the deposited material can be distributed in the vicinity of ponds. Three ponds have been selected for survey of the gamma equivalent dose: Brzeszcze, Kaniów, and Rontok Duży. The lowest dose rates, below 0.33 miSv/h, were detected in the area of the Brzeszcze pond. The highest values were measured over the sediments of the Kaniow pond (8.37 miSv/h), being 30 times higher than the dose rate received by population in Poland from natural sources.
Nukleonika; 2012, 57, 4; 597-599
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedymentacja osadów węglonośnej sukcesji Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego : kierunki badań i aktualny stan wiedzy
Sedimentation of the coal-bearing succession in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin: research trends and the current state of knowledge
Gradziński, R.
Doktor, M.
Kędzior, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
węglonośna sukcesja
Górnośląskie Zagłębie Węglowe
coal-bearing succession
Upper Silesian Coal Basin
The coal-bearing succession in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin consists of molasse deposits filling a flexural foredeep basin. Analysis of lithofacies in cores from deep boreholes revealed the presence of depositional environments typical of alluvial plains and coastal (in a broad sense) environments. Accumulation compensated regional subsidence, so that general depositional surface remained nearly flat. The higher part of the csuccession was laid in fluvial systems, while the lower part mostly in fluvial systems and subordinately in complex coastal systems. Reconstruction of depositional architecture has shown lateral variation in thickness and extent of individual lithosomes, and also pointed to the role of peat-compaction control in shaping their 3D geometry. Sedimentation was controlled by both autigenic and allogenic factors.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2005, 53, 9; 734-741
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Triassic palaeogeography of NE Bohemian Massif based on sedimentological record in the Wleń Graben and the Krzeszów Brachysyncline (SW Poland)
Kowalski, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial sedimentation
Polish Buntsandstein Basin
Triassic Germanic Basin
epi-Variscan cover
Bohemian Massif
This paper presents a new sedimentological and palaeogeographic interpretation of the Early to Middle(?) Triassic continental deposits in the Wleń Graben and the Krzeszów Brachysyncline (Sudetes, SW Poland). These two tectonic subunits, located in the peripheral segments of the North Sudetic and Intra-Sudetic synclinoriums, respectively, represent the crucial elements for deciphering the post-Variscan palaeogeographic evolution of the NE termination of the Bohemian Massif. Sedimentological studies and facies analysis show that the Early Triassic siliciclastic deposition in both areas was dominated by fluvial sedimentation of the typical Buntsandstein facies within a gently sloping alluvial plain, locally followed by ephemeral lake environments in the late Early or Middle(?) Triassic. The lithofacies and the measured palaeocurrent directions indicate that the area was drained by braided streams flowing towards the northwest and north. Individual fluvial channels had depths not exceeding 1 m and widths of up to a few metres. Overbank deposits are poorly preserved due to the lateral shifting of channels. Based on available borehole data, an analysis of isopach maps was performed for the first time in the study areas. The study areas are presently separated by crystalline units devoid of sedimentary rocks, but the analysis indicate that they might have been in constant or periodical connection during the Triassic. It is concluded that the present-day extent of Triassic deposits is a result of the primary basin configuration combined with the Middle Triassic to Late Cretaceous erosion and post-Cretaceous tectonic uplift. The paper summarizes the present state of research on the continental Triassic preserved in the terminal parts of the North Sudetic and Intra-Sudetic synclinoriums, presents the first detailed sedimentological logs, and proposes new palaeogeographic interpretation. New findings include bioturbation structures, such as plant-root traces or tunnels formed by invertebrates and possible tetrapod footprints, which shed new light on the sedimentological interpretation of the continental Mesozoic deposits in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2020, 90, 2; 125-148
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Controls on basal Zechstein (Wuchiapingian) evaporite deposition in SW Poland
Dyjaczyński, K.
Peryt, T. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Zechstein Basin
3D seismics
SW Poland
The development of basal Zechstein (Wuchiapingian) strata inSW Polandindicates the existence of a diversified relief inherited after the flooding of the pre-existing depression by the transgressing Zechstein sea. The deeper parts of the basin were the place of development of thin basinal Zechstein Limestone showing sedimentary condensation manifested by bored and encrusted grains and thick evaporites (mostly halite), and in shallow parts Zechstein Limestone reefs followed by thinner evaporite sequences (dominated by anhydrite) occur. The analysis of 3D seismic sections showed that instead of three conventionally recognized evaporite units of stratigraphic potential in the PZ1 cycle, five units occur (from the base to the top: Lower Anhydrite, Lower Oldest Halite, Middle Anhydrite, Upper Oldest Halite, Upper Anhydrite). In a particular place their number may vary from two (Lower Anhydrite at the base of the PZ1 cycle and Upper Anhydrite at the top of the PZ1 cycle) to five. There are two complexes of Lower Anhydrite occurring throughout the platform and basinal zones showing deepening-upward (transgressive) trend. The halite sedimentation in the deepest parts of salt basins began shortly after the deposition of the upper Lower Anhydrite complex while in the sulphate platform areas the sulphate deposition lasted still for a long time. The Lower Oldest Halite deposits occur in the depressions. Between the halite basins, anhydrite platforms occur, and the thickness of anhydrite platform deposits is smaller than it is observed in salt basins. The Upper Oldest Halite in turn is recorded above the anhydrite platform. The two halite units represent different phases of development of halite basins. The Lower Oldest Halite basins are related to the pre-Zechstein depressions, although in some cases their syndepositional subsidence was controlled by reactivation, during the deposition of basal Zechstein strata, of former faults. In turn, the Upper Oldest Halite basins used the accommodation space created due to anhydritization of the Lower Anhydrite deposits composed originally of selenitic gypsum. The 3D seismics evidences that the PZ1 evaporites inSW Polandhave been deposited in far more complex and dynamic system than it was assumed before.
Geological Quarterly; 2014, 58, 3; 485--502
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An experimental sedimentation tank for enhancing the settling of solid particles
Yaseen, Dina A.
Abu-Alhail, Saad
Mohammed, Rusul N.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
secondary settling basin
solid particles
treatment plant
turbid water
Sedimentation tanks have a vital role in the overall efficiency of solid particles removal in treatment units. Therefore, an in-depth study these tanks is necessary to ensure high quality of water and increasing the system efficiency. In this work, an experimental rectangular sedimentation tank has been operated with and without a baffle to investigate the system behaviour and effectiveness for the reduction of solid particles. Turbid water was prepared using clay, which was collected from the water treatment plant of Al Maqal Port (Iraq), mixed with clear water in a plastic supply tank. Raw and outflow samples were tested against turbidity after plotting a calibration curve between inflow suspended solids versus their corresponding turbidity values. The key objective was to assess the impact of different flow rates, particle concentrations, heights and positions of the baffle on the system efficiency. Findings showed that the tank performance was enhanced significantly (p < 0.05) with the use of a baffle placed at a distance of 0.15 of tank length with height equal to 0.2 of tank depth. Higher removal efficiency (91%) was recorded at a lower flow rate (0.015 dm3∙s–1) and higher concentration (1250 mg∙dm–3), as the treatment efficiency enhanced by 34% compared with the operation without a baffle. Placing the baffle in the middle of the sedimentation tank produced the worst results. System efficiency for solids removal reduced with increasing baffle height. Further research is required to evaluate the efficiency of an inclined baffle.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2021, 49; 63-73
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neogene activity of the Outer Carpathians recorded by thrust-top basin deposits – an example from the Rzeszów area, Poland
Uroda, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Skole thrust sheet
foreland thrusts
hinterland thrusts
Outer Carpathian fold-and thrust belt
basin inversion
depocentre migration
syntectonic sedimentation
płaszczowina skolska
Karpaty Zewnętrzne
migracja depocentrów
The Rzeszów thrust-top basin was formed on the active Skole thrust sheet of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt and filled with Miocene syntectonic sediments. New seismic 3D, well and field data were used to define the relationship between sedimentation and tectonic activity and to establish the synkinematic context of the Rzeszów basin-fill architecture. The basin evolution was controlled by the activity of the Carpathian frontal thrust and hinterland thrusts developed in the forelimbs of folds in the Skole thrust sheet, bounding the basin from the north and south, respectively. The activity of the frontal thrust resulted in hinterland-directed depocentre migration and tilting of the syntectonic stratigraphic sequence. Balanced cross-sections have indicated that during the last compressive stage of deformation, the syntectonic deposits filling the basin were shortened by c. 5%, which resulted in the formation of folds and contractional faults. The architecture of the syntectonic deposits and the development of contractional structures reflect the activity of thrusts bounding the basin during compressive deformation of the Carpathian orogenic belt.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2020, 70, 1; 79-96
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klastyczne utwory badeńskie Roztocza - przebieg sedymentacji w północnej marginalnej strefie basenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego
Badenian clastic deposits of the Roztocze Hills area - evolution of sedimentation on the northern outer ramp of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Wysocka, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
utwory badeńskie
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
sedymentacja klastyczna
clastic sedimentation
sedimentary structures
sedimentary environment
Roztocze Hills
Carpathian Foredeep
The Carpathian Foredeep Basin is the northern compartment of a foreland basin system that surrounds the Carpathian orogenic belt. The Roztocze Hills area, during Badenian deposition, belonged to the northern part of the outer ramp of the Carpatian Foreland Basin. The sedimentary conditions of the clastic Badenian deposits of the Roztocze Hills are reconstructed, in the territories of Poland and Ukraine. The lithology and sedimentary structures of clastic rocks point to a high-energy, shallow-water, normal-marine environment connected with the offshore and open sea zone. The characteristic of the Badenian succession allows an interpretation of the environment and its change during sedimentation. Deposition during the Badenian in the Roztocze Hills area was strongly connected with the evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep. Initially sedimentation was mainly dependent on hydrodynamic factors and connected with the outer ramp conditions. However, during the Late Badenian, the influence of diastrophic factors gradually increased and sedimentation was connected with outer foredeep conditions.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 5; 430-437
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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