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Factors influencing internal whistleblowing. A systematic review of the literature
Mrowiec, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Internal whistleblowing
Systematic review
Aim/purpose - Internal whistleblowing is the most desirable form of reporting about wrongdoings for all kinds of organizations. The aim of this paper is to identify factors influencing the occurrence of internal whistleblowing and to provide recommendations for practitioners on how to encourage employees to report wrongdoings to an organization. Design/methodology/approach - The fundamental article database has been constructed with the use of ProQuest, EBSCO and Taylor & Francis databases. The timespan for the research was from 1990 to 2022. The papers for the fundamental database were found within the utilization of two words "whistleblowing" in titles and "internal" in abstracts. Next, the database was broadened by snowball review. Findings - Identified factors important for the occurrence of internal whistleblowing in an organization were assigned to one of the following areas: ethics, leadership, policies and procedures, retaliations and safeguards, social climate, organizational justice, education and training, reporting channels, communication, additional motivation, organization's size and structure, audit committee. Research implications/limitations - For researchers - the paper provides a picture of research on internal whistleblowing: identified factors influencing internal whistleblowing, popularity of exploring problems, and utilizing research methods. For practitioners - the paper provides practical implications (based on current knowledge) important for implementing and managing organizational whistleblowing systems in the organization of private and public sectors. Originality/value/contribution - The main contribution of this work states the framework of factors affecting internal whistleblowing, which was constructed on the basis of a systematic review of the scientific literature. Moreover, the paper provides guidelines for practitioners.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2022, 44; 142-186
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entry-Internal Navigation in Dictionaries: A Review of the Literature
Ptasznik, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
paper dictionaries
electronic dictionaries
monolingual dictionaries
bilingual dictionaries
entry-internal navigation
sense navigation devices
Selecting the correct sense in a polysemous entry may cause difficulty for language learners. Poor dictionary reference skills of users may account for the problems that students encounter in dictionary consultation. In addition, some dictionary users may have a tendency to consult the first sense of an entry and not the remaining senses [Tono 1984], although the information required for understanding the meaning of a word might be situated in the middle or end of an entry. For these reasons, lexicographers have started introducing sense navigation devices in dictionaries: menus and signposts. The main role of these devices is to assist dictionary users in entry consultation by helping them find the right meaning of a word as quickly as possible. The present paper is a review of nine empirical studies [Tono 1992, 1997, 2011; Bogaards 1998; Lew 2010; Lew et al. 2013; Lew and Pajkowska 2007; Lew and Tokarek 2010; Nesi and Tan 2011] focusing on the effectiveness of sense navigation devices in dictionaries. In general, the studies investigate how menus and signposts in dictionary entries affect sense selection accuracy and entry consultation time. Furthermore, observations are made regarding the effect of entry length and proficiency level of users on sense selection accuracy and entry consultation time in the context of menus and signposts. Also, menu and signpost systems are compared.
Acta Neophilologica; 2013, XV/2; 177-190
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Catch crops and the soil environment – a review of the literature
Wanic, M.
Zuk-Golaszewska, K.
Orzech, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Journal of Elementology; 2019, 24, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of physical activity on longevity: A review of the literature
Hoti, Flaka
Data publikacji:
Atena Research Association
Physical activity
older adults
Objectives: The aim of this review was to explain the literature about the association between physical activity and longevity. Methods: The search was carried out in all databases of Web of Science and in all years (1900-2020), until December 31, 2020. The search term was “physical activity longevity” and the search was restricted to title. The inclusion criteria for papers were: 1. Type: Original papers. 2. Language: English. 3. Sample: Human participants. 4. Measures: Longevity and physical activity. Findings: A total of 52 papers were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 15 papers of these 52 papers were included in this review. The 15 studies found that physical activity have a positive impact on longevity. Conclusions: Physical activity can extend longevity and delay mortality. Future studies should focus on explaining the influence of different types of physical activities on longevity and identifying potential mechanisms. Public health strategies should be implemented to increase the physical activity levels of the population.
Atena Journal of Public Health; 2021, 3; 4-4
Pojawia się w:
Atena Journal of Public Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Innovation and trends in olfactory marketing: A review of the literature
Chatterjee, Shuvam
Bryła, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
olfactory marketing
consumer behavior
retail store
marketing innovation
Aim/purpose - Olfactory marketing is a phenomenon that is in the current trend of usage by marketing experts to ensure that consumers are more involved in the purchase decision-making process. This paper aims to review the studies involved in consumer purchase intentions influenced by fragrance and develop a framework for modeling consumer responses. Design/methodology/approach - PRISMA technique was used as a methodological approach. First, the researchers made criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies along with the application of a set of keyword research strings to identify the relevant research articles. Second, prominent scientific search databases like EBSCO Host, Scopus, and ScienceDirect were used to mainly search the relevant literature. Findings - This article advances knowledge on the topic of fragrance marketing and proposes an integrative framework of consumer purchase responses considering the mutual relationship shared between fragrance, the influence of control variables, and response outcomes focusing on cognitive responses, intentions and behavior. The results of the conducted review also suggest that retail consumers tend to develop a positive attitude and behavior towards the place where the product and service are being sold. Research implications/limitations - The paper would be particularly helpful for managers in designing the right strategy for creating loyalty for their retail outlets and thereby creating a niche for themselves. Originality/value/contribution - The study assists marketers in understanding the impact of olfactory marketing in increasing short-term and long-term retail sales and determines future research directions to enrich the existence of these theories to fathom the essence behind consumers' interpretations of olfaction in retail outlets.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2022, 44; 210-235
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Choroba wibroakustyczna – przegląd piśmiennictwa
Vibroacoustic disease – a review of the literature
Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska, M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy
ekspozycja zawodowa
skutki zdrowotne
choroba wibroakustyczna
low frequency noise
occupational exposure
health effects
vibroacoustic disease
W artykule dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego nowej jednostki chorobowej – choroby wibroakustycznej. Choroba wibroakustyczna to ogólnoustrojowa choroba wywołana nadmierną ekspozycją na infradźwięki i hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy (0 ÷ 500 Hz). Wiąże się ona z nieprawidłowym rozrostem substancji międzykomórkowej (kolagenu i elastyny) przy nieobecności stanów za-palnych. Zgrubienia osierdzia przy nieobecności procesów zapalnych i braku zaburzeń diastolicznych to specyficzne oznaki tej choroby. U pacjentów z rozpoznaną chorobą wibroakustyczną standardowe testy diagnostyczne (ekg., eeg. i testy biochemiczne krwi) dają poprawne wyniki. Diagnostyka choroby wibroakustycznej wymaga stosowania metod umożliwiających identyfikację takich zmian strukturalnych, jak: echokardiografia, rezonans magnetyczny mózgu i badania histologiczne. Choroba wibroakustyczna była rozpoznawana głównie wśród osób eksponowanych na hałas niskoczęstoliwościowy: pracowników technicznych lotnictwa, pilotów i pozostałych członków załóg samolotów, obsługi statków, pracowników restauracji i dyskdżokejów. Przypadki tej choroby stwierdzano również wśród osób eksponowanych na hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy w miejscu zamieszkania. Nie określono jednak zależności dawka-skutek i nie przeprowadzono na dużą skalę badań epidemiologicznych. Choroba wibroakustyczna (vibroacoustic disease, VAD) jest nową jednostką chorobową wiązaną z nadmierną ekspozycją na infradźwięki (0 ÷ 20 Hz) i hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy (20 ÷ 500 Hz*). Pojęcie to wprowadzili w 1999 r. naukowcy portugalscy. Badania dotyczące skutków działania infradźwięków i hałasu niskoczęstotliwościowego są prowadzone od wielu lat w Portugalii przez zespół badaczy pod kierunkiem Nuno A. A. Castelo Branco i Mariany Alves-Pereira. Badania te rozpoczęto na początku lat 80. ubiegłego stulecia, kiedy to zauważono wśród personelu technicznego lotniczych zakła-dów produkcyjno-naprawczych Portugalskich Sił Powietrznych (Oficias Gerais de Ma-terial Aeronautico, OGMA) znacznie częstsze w stosunku do (portugalskiej) populacji generalnej występowanie padaczki (10% kontra 0,2%). Spostrzeżenie to zainicjowało badania neurofizjologiczne wśród pracowników eksponowanych na hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy (Alves-Pereira, Castelo Branco 2007). W 1983 r. zmarł pierwszy pacjent z badanej grupy pracowniczej, ale niemożliwe było wówczas przeprowadzenie sekcji zwłok. Sposobność taka pojawiła się cztery lata później, gdy inny poważnie chory pracownik OGMA wyraził życzenie przeprowadzania po jego śmierci autopsji. U 58-letniego mężczyzny, zmarłego z powodu tamponady serca wywołanej za-wałem mięśnia sercowego, z rozpoznaną wcześniej padaczką, stwierdzono zgrubienia w obrębie struktur serca (naczyń krwionośnych i osierdzia), zmiany nowotworowe mózgu i nerek oraz zwłóknienia w płucach (Castelo Branco, Alves-Pereira 2004a). Późniejsze wyniki badań mikroskopowych wykazały, że zgrubienia w obrębie struktur serca były spowodowane nienormalnym rozrostem włókien kolagenowych. Wyniki wspomnianej autopsji zainicjowały wykonywanie rutynowo badań echokardiograficznych wśród personelu technicznego OGMA. Rozpoczęto również badania histopatologiczne próbek osierdzia pobieranych przy okazji operacji chirurgicznych. Próbki takie pobrano od trzech pracowników technicznych, czterech pilotów samolotów, czterech pilotów helikopterów i jednego kierowcy ciężarówki (Leigthon 2007). Na podstawie wyników badań echokardiograficznych wykazano u wszystkich badanych techników lotniczych pogrubienie osierdzia, a u części – również zgrubienia zastawek serca (Marciniak i in. 1999). Wyniki te potwierdziły późniejsze badania z za-stosowaniem mikroskopu optycznego i elektronowego (Castelo Branco i in. 1999a; 2001; 2003a; b). Zgrubienia w obrębie struktur serca obserwowano także u zwierząt doświadczalnych (szczurów) eksponowanych na hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy (Castelo Branco i in. 2003c). Doświadczenia z udziałem zwierząt rozpoczęto w 1992 r., a jednym z powodów podjęcia tych badań był fakt, iż u wielu pacjentów stwierdzono występowanie wysięku opłucnowego o atypowej etiologii (Alves-Pereira, Castelo Branco 2007). Zgrubienia osierdzia przy braku procesów zapalnych i zaburzeń diastolicznych u osób eksponowanych na hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy są uznawane za specyficzne oznaki choroby wibroakustycznej (Holt 2000).
A review of literature data concerning the vibroacoustic disease (VAD) is presented. VAD is a whole-body pathology that develops in individuals excessively exposed to infrasound and low-frequency noise (0 500 Hz). It is associated with an abnormal growth of extra-cellular ma-tricses (collagen and elastin), in the absence of an inflamantory process. Pericardial thickening with no diastolic dysfunction, and in the absence of an inflamantory process is a specific sign of this disease. Common medical diagnostic tests (ECG, EEG, blood chemistry analyses) in VAD patients present normal values. VAD diagnosis requires methods giving the possibility of identifying structural changes, such as echocardiography, brain MRI or histological tests. VAD has been mainly diagnosed in professionals exposed to low-frequency noise, such as air-craft technicians, commercial and military pilots and cabin crew, ship machinists, restaurant workers and DJs. It has also been observed in people exposed to low-frequency noise in the living environment. However, a valid dose-response has not been yet established and there are still no large-scale epidemiological studies.
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy; 2009, 2 (60); 17-26
Pojawia się w:
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Post-transplant Metabolic Syndrome (PTMS) after Liver Transplantation – Review of the Literature
Kotarska, Katarzyna
Raszeja-Wyszomirska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
liver transplantation
metabolic syndrome
Liver transplant provides a definitive therapeutic measure for patients with chronic and acute liver diseases. Apart from the improvement of overall health, an organ transplant entails several metabolic complications. They are multi-agent and depend, among others, on the function of organ being transplanted, adverse effects of immunosuppression being applied, organ complications induced by failure of the organ being transplanted, current treatment, concomitant diseases and consequences of the acute and chronic rejection processes. Improvements in surgical techniques, peritransplant intensive care, and immunosuppressive regimens have resulted in significant improvements in short-term survival. Focus has now shifted to address long-term outcomes of liver transplantation. Therefore, this paper presents the current review of literature referring to specificity of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its complications in patients after liver transplantation.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2015, 11, 3; 29-37
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Laryngeal tumour of neurogenetic origin – case report and review of the literature
Majszyk, Daniel
Krawczyk, Przemysław
Kloc, Michał
Rytel, Adam
Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Ewa
Niemczyk, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
benign neoplasm
Schwann cell tumours are a rare group of benign neoplasms that origin form peripheral nerves. 0.1%–1.5% develops in the larynx causing hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and dyspnoea. The treatment of choice is surgical resection of the tumour during open type surgery or endoscopic procedure. The chosen surgical technique depends on tumour location, size observed in clinical examination and imaging. Also, clinical manifestation of the disease is included in the decision-making process.
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2019, 8, 3; 35-39
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of e government in disaster management: A review of the literature
Roztocki, Narcyz
Strzelczyk, Wojciech
Weistroffer, Heinz Roland
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
disaster management
literature review
Aim/purpose – Disasters or catastrophic events create unforeseen circumstances and require new approaches from local and national administrations in addressing the negative impacts on society and the economy. Determining the role of e-government in providing the kind of services that are especially needed has become particularly relevant during COVID-19. This paper aims to assess the progress and current state of research on the role of e-government during or in the aftermath of catastrophic events. The purpose of this research is twofold: one, to benefit scholars by providing directions and a basis for further research, and two, to offer guidance to decision-makers involved with disaster management. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology used in this study is a systematic literature review. Multiple databases, including EBSCO, Elsevier, Emerald, JSTOR, Google Scholar, SAGE, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Springer, Taylor and Francis, and Wiley Online Library were searched for appropriate papers. In total, 36 papers published between 2004 and 2022 met our inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Findings – The study produced three types of findings. First, an analysis of the themes and trends in the existing literature. Second, a synopsis of the published research findings in the reviewed papers. And third, a description of the needs and opportunities for further research. Research implications/limitations – This study should help other researchers in directing their efforts in further exploration, and it should help people involved with real-life disaster management to navigate through the effective role and application of e-government. The main limitation is that we found only 36 research papers that met our inclusion criteria. Originality/value/contribution – Despite the potentially critical role that e-government may have in mitigating the negative effects of catastrophic events, research on e-government in disaster management seems to be still underdeveloped, and to our knowledge, there is no published systematic review of such research.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2023, 45; 1-25
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gene-occupation interactions: a review of the literature on bladder and prostate cancer
Wieczorek, Edyta
Wolniakowska, Anna
Roszak, Joanna
Rodrigues, Robim M.
Vanhaecke, Tamara
Reszka, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
bladder cancer
genetic susceptibility
occupational exposure
prostate cancer
Bladder cancer (BCa) and prostate cancer (PCa) are genitourinary cancers which constitute significant health problems in men and in which environmental factors play an important role. Understanding the genetic susceptibility to BCa or PCa and occupational exposure is paramount to improving cancer prevention and early detection. The aim of this review article was to address the scientific evidence on the genetic risk factors and occupational exposure associated with the occurrence of BCa and PCa. The authors identified relevant original articles that have been published between 1994 and 2023. Variations of the following search terms: “gene” and “occupational” combined with one of the following terms: “bladder cancer” or “prostate cancer” were applied for the search purpose. The authors found 342 publications of which 50 population studies met their requirements for gene-occupation interactions. In total, 34 full-text manuscripts were about BCa and 16 about PCa. These research examines the genes involved in detoxification processes of xenobiotics (glutathione S-transferase, N-acetyltransferase, cytochrome P450, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase), oxidative stress (glutathione peroxidase 1, manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase), altering DNA repair capacity (X-ray repair cross-complementing 1, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair), tumour suppression (TP53 gene), and vitamin D pathway (vitamin D receptor gene). The role of genetic factors in the occupational exposure has not been conclusively established, but it appears the possibility of genetic involvement. Determination of environmentally responsive genes provides important mechanistic implications for the etiology of occupational cancers, and valuable input in occupational exposure limits set by taking genetic susceptibility into account. More genetic research is needed to corroborate these findings and assess their significance in the workplace. Med Pr. 2023;74(2):127–44
Medycyna Pracy; 2023, 74, 2; 127-144
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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