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Parasites of carnivorous mammals in Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Gorski, P
Zalewski, A.
Lakomy, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
protozoan species
carnivorous mammal
wild mammal
Bialowieza National Park
Background. Although the parasitofauna of wild carnivorous mammals in Poland is quite well recognized, there has been only one research carried on this issue so far in Białowieża Forest - the last lowland primeval forest of temperate zone in Europe. Material and methods. Twelve wild and two domestic species of carnivorous mammals are living in Białowieża Forest. In our work faeces or intestines of all of them except ermine (Mustela erminea) have been examined and parasites or their eggs (or oocysts) recorded. In total 222 faecal probes from 13 species and 11 intestines of weasels have been investigated. Results. All species of examined carnivorous mammals were infected with parasites. The most infected species has occurred red fox Vulpes vulpes (over 70% infected with parasites) meanwhile only about 30% of otters Lutra lutra were infected. We found at least three protozoan species, one trematode, one tapeworm and nine species of nematodes. Except trematode Alaria alata, all of them are reported for the first time from Białowieża Primeval Forest. Oocysts of coccidia have been found in faeces of nine host species, with the highest prevalence (29.4%) in badger. Six species of carnivorous mammals have been occurred infected with trematodes (highest prevalence 42.1% in wolves) and two with tapeworms (Diphyllobothrium latum with the prevalence 2.6% in otter and 31.6% in wolves). All examined host species were infected with nematodes (with prevalence from 14.7% in lynx to 72.7% in red fox). Results of our work should be treated as preliminary researches on the species composition of parasitic fauna invading carnivorous mammals in Białowieża Primeval Forest.
Annals of Parasitology; 2006, 52, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, NE Poland
Milecka, Krystyna
Noryśkiewicz, Agnieszka M.
Kowalewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Pollen and macrofossil analysis
Białowieża Primeval Forest
NE Poland
Late Glacial
Bia³owie¿a in Po land is a very fa mous re gion in Eu rope (be cause of its pri me val for est and bi son pop u la tion), but its en vi ron men tal his tory is poorly known. This ar ti cle shows the re sults of palynological anal y sis, macrofossil anal y sis and geo log i cal set tings of two mires in the Bia³owie¿a For est. The pol len di a grams show changes of the veg e ta tion cover from the youn ger part of the Late Gla cial un til the pres ent time. The rel a tive time scale is based on palynostratigraphy and com par i son to pub lished re sults of other sites from the ad ja cent re gions. Dur ing the Late Gla cial two stages of the veg e ta tion suc ces sion were re vealed: steppe and for est dur ing the Alleröd pe riod and tun dra-like veg e ta tion during the Youn ger Dryas. The Ho lo cene his tory con sists of five stages of plant cover de vel op ment. The spe cial fea tures of the Bia³owie¿a For est are con di tioned by two main fac tors: low de gree of anthropogenic im pact and in flu ences of con ti nen tal cli mate and bo real zone, stron ger than in the other re gions of Po land.
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parasites of carnivorous mammals in Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Górski, P.
Zalewski, A.
Łakomy, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
protozoan species
carnivorous mammal
wild mammal
Bialowieza National Park
Background. Although the parasitofauna of wild carnivorous mammals in Poland is quite well recognized, there has been only one research carried on this issue so far in Białowieża Forest - the last lowland primeval forest of temperate zone in Europe. Material and methods. Twelve wild and two domestic species of carnivorous mammals are living in Białowieża Forest. In our work faeces or intestines of all of them except ermine (Mustela erminea) have been examined and parasites or their eggs (or oocysts) recorded. In total 222 faecal probes from 13 species and 11 intestines of weasels have been investigated. Results. All species of examined carnivorous mammals were infected with parasites. The most infected species has occurred red fox Vulpes vulpes (over 70% infected with parasites) meanwhile only about 30% of otters Lutra lutra were infected. We found at least three protozoan species, one trematode, one tapeworm and nine species of nematodes. Except trematode Alaria alata, all of them are reported for the first time from Białowieża Primeval Forest. Oocysts of coccidia have been found in faeces of nine host species, with the highest prevalence (29.4%) in badger. Six species of carnivorous mammals have been occurred infected with trematodes (highest prevalence 42.1% in wolves) and two with tapeworms (Diphyllobothrium latum with the prevalence 2.6% in otter and 31.6% in wolves). All examined host species were infected with nematodes (with prevalence from 14.7% in lynx to 72.7% in red fox). Results of our work should be treated as preliminary researches on the species composition of parasitic fauna invading carnivorous mammals in Białowieża Primeval Forest.
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne; 2006, 52, 1; 49-53
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej
Forest Fire Risk at Białowieża Primeval Forest
Szczygieł, R.
Kwiatkowski, M.
Kołakowski, B.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
Puszcza Białowieska
zagrożenie pożarowe
martwe drewno
Białowieża Primeval Forest
fire risk
dead wood
Cel: Celem publikacji jest ocena zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej w kontekście rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych w wyniku gradacji kornika drukarza. Artykuł powstał w dużej mierze na podstawie pracy pt. „Wpływ ilości martwego drewna w Puszczy Białowieskiej na zagrożenie pożarowe oraz zagrożenie dla ludzi” [1] zleconej przez Ministerstwo Środowiska, sfinansowanej ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Wprowadzenie: Puszcza Białowieska jest szczególnie cennym pod względem przyrodniczym obszarem, na którym wskutek niespotykanej gradacji kornika drukarza (Ips typographus) w ostatnich latach doszło do rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych na powierzchni kilku tysięcy hektarów. To zjawisko o charakterze klęskowym spowodowało wzrost obciążenia ogniowego oraz zwiększenie łatwopalnej martwej biomasy, która stwarza duże zagrożenie pożarowe. W tle toczących się sporów i dyskusji pomiędzy różnymi grupami interesariuszy na temat ochrony Puszczy, kluczowe staje się pytanie, czy człowiek powinien czynnie przeciwdziałać i ograniczać degradację cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych, czy nie ingerować w siłę natury i pozostawić je samym sobie. Jednym z istotnych elementów czynnej ochrony Puszczy Białowieskiej jest jej ochrona przeciwpożarowa, dlatego w artykule przedstawiono ocenę istniejącego zagrożenia pożarowego, analizę obecnego systemu zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowego wraz z propozycją jego poprawy. Metodologia: Oceny zagrożenia pożarowego Puszczy Białowieskiej dokonano w oparciu o analizy: kategoryzacji zagrożenia pożarowego lasu sporządzonych w planach urządzenia lasu nadleśnictw puszczańskich i planie ochrony Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego; występowania pożarów lasu w latach 2000-2015; obecnie funkcjonującego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej i jego oceny w świetle obowiązującego prawa oraz wpływu ilości i rodzaju wydzielonej biomasy na zagrożenie pożarowe. Wnioski: Zagrożenie pożarowe Puszczy Białowieskiej wzrosło w wyniku rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych i związanych z nim zwiększeniem obciążenia ogniowego oraz pojawieniem się pokrywy trawiastej, która uschnięta sprzyja powstawaniu i rozprzestrzenianiu się ognia. W związku z zaniechaniem działań prewencyjnych i odstąpieniem od zasad gospodarki leśnej, które spowodowały wzrost ryzyka pożarowego, konieczne jest dostosowanie istniejącego systemu ochrony przeciwpożarowej Puszczy Białowieskiej do występującego ryzyka.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to reveal evaluation findings in respect of forest fire risk at Białowieża Primeval Forest, in the context of spruce trees degradation caused by a bark beetle invasion. The article is based on the report “Level of forest fire risk and threat to humans in relation to the volume of dead wood in Białowieża Forest” [1], which was commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Introduction: Białowieża Primeval Forest is of particular importance in relation to environmental values. However, in recent years, spruce tree stock has been exposed to progressive degradation across an area exceeding thousands of hectares, caused by an unusually large infestation of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). Such developments, accompanied by symptoms associated with natural disasters, have increased the presence of combustible materials creating a potential fire hazard. Current debate and controversy amongst diverse interest groups revolves around the question of whether active human intervention should constrain the degree of degradation in the precious environment or avoid interference and allow nature to pursue its own course. One essential element of proactive defence at Białowieża Forest is an endeavour to protect it from the risk of fire. For this reason the article contains an evaluation of existing fire hazards, an analysis of current protection systems in place and proposals for the improvement of such systems. Methodology: An evaluation of fire risk in Białowieża Primeval Forest was made by reference to the following: Forest fire risk categorization for Białowieża forest area management plan and conservation plan of Białowieża National Park; frequency of forest fires during the years 2000-2015; current forest fire protection system in force and evaluation of the system in context of current legal requirements, taking account of influences on the risk of fire caused by a volumetric increase and type of biomass generated through degradation. Conclusions: The risk associated with Forest fires has increased as a result of spruce trees degradation in Białowieża Primeval Forest. In addition to this increase of combustible material other factors, which contribute, include the emergence of grass overlays across dead wood areas. Such grass, when dry, leads to outbreaks and propagation of fires in forest areas. Abandonment of prevention activities and departure from forest management principles compel the adaptation and adjustment of existing fire protection systems in accordance with emerging threats.
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza; 2016, 43, 3; 143-160
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lesny obszar funkcjonalny Puszcza Kozienicka
Forest functional area Kozienicki Primeval Forest
Zielony, R
Rabenda, M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
Puszcza Kozienicka
kompleksy lesne
typy siedliskowe lasu
klasy wieku
drzewa lesne
gatunki dominujace
lesne obszary funkcjonalne
W pracy podjęto próbę ustalenia liczby i powierzchni kompleksów leśnych położnych na terenie Puszczy Kozienickiej. Zadanie to wykonano dla obszaru puszczy w jej granicach historycznych oraz w granicach projektowanego Leśnego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego Puszcza Kozienicka, który powinien być uznany za jej obszar współczesny. Powierzchnię ogólną obszaru historycznego określono na 1185 km2, a współczesnego na 648 km2, zaś lesistość odpowiednio 33,6 i 53,3%. Powierzchnia lasów na wymienionych obszarach wynosi odpowiednio 398 i 345 km2. Liczba kompleksów leśnych (obiektów o powierzchni powyżej 0,10 ha), przy założeniu, że jeden od drugiego leży – w wymiarze terenowym – w odległości 50 i więcej metrów w granicach historycznych Puszczy Kozienickiej wynosi 497, a na obszarze uznanym za Puszczę w granicach współczesnych – 190.
In the paper authors attempt to assess number and area of the forest complexes situated within the area of Kozienicki Primeval Forest. This task has been done regarding the area of the Forest in its historic borders and in border of projected Forest Functional Area of Kozienicki Primeval Forest, which should be considered as the Forest’s contemporary area. Overall area of the historic territory was estimated at 1185 km2, and the present area at 648 km2, while afforestation respectively 33.6 and 53.3%. Forest areas on above mentioned territories are respectively 398 and 345 km2. The number of forest complexes (objects of area above 0.10 ha), provided that one is far from the other 50 and more meters in field dimension, in the historic borders of Kozienicki Primeval Forest accounts for 497, and in the present ones – 190.
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2008, 10, 3[19]; 119-129
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prevalence of zoonotic pathogens in wild rodents living in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland
Dvoroznakova, E.
Kolodziej-Sobocinska, M.
Hurnikova, Z.
Víchova, B.
Zub, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
zoonotic pathogen
wild animal
Bialowieza National Park
Annals of Parasitology; 2016, 62, Suppl.
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alleged burial mounds from the late Roman Period at leśnictwo Sacharewo site 3, Białowieża Primeval Forest
Krasnodębski, Dariusz
Olczak, Hanna
Mizerka, Jagoda
Niedziółka, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Roman Period
Białowieża Primeval Forest
Wielbark culture
post-Zarubintsy culture
The article presents results of excavations carried out at an alleged barrow cemetery located in the western part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. The site, discovered in 1996 and verified in 2016, consists of 10 mounds. In 2017, the first excavations were carried out when the mound no. 3, with a diameter of c. 9 m and a relative height of c. 0.7 m, located on the northern edge of the site, was chosen for research. In the mound 39 potsherds were found. The scarcity of ceramic material and the high degree of its fragmentation make the stylistic analysis difficult. The technological and stylistic features of the discussed pottery are typical for ceramics from a wide timespan, ranging from the Pre-Roman Period to the Late Roman Period. Their precise dating and cultural affiliation are difficult to determine due not only to the small size of the collection but also to the lack of well-dated comparative materials from the Białowieża Forest and its surroundings. A 14C analysis of charcoal obtained from the embankment of the mound yielded an approximation which fits between the second half of the 3rd century and the early 6th century. The cul- tural situation of north-eastern Poland in the Pre-Roman and Roman periods remains insufficiently recognised. Excavations carried out over the past dozen years have revealed many settlements related to the local culture group of the Hatched Pottery Culture and the Wielbark Culture, with some influences flowing from the postZarubintsy circle. In the course of the excavations, no human bones were found which would unambiguously confirm the sepulchral function of the mound. The Sacharewo mound is a part of a wider category of objects known from throughout the Białowieża Forest in which no bones were discovered but only fragments of clay vessels or charcoal layers.
Światowit; 2018, 57; 89-99
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New species of corticioid fungi (Basidiomycota) for Poland found in Białowieża Primeval Forest in 2018-2020
Yurchenko, Eugene
Wołkowycki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
wood decay basidiomycetes
Eight new species of fungi (Acanthobasidium norvegicum, Amylocorticium laceratum, Hyphoderma transiens, Odonticium septocystidiatum, Phlebia cretacea, Ph. subulata, Steccherinum albidum, and Tubulicrinis calothrix) were identified for Poland after a study of collections from large forests situated in the northeast part of the country. Leptosporomyces fuscostratus was confirmed for Polish mycobiota. Main diagnostic features, natural range, substratum preferences, and taxonomic position of these species are discussed. Color images of basidiomata for 9 species, line drawings of microscopic structures for 6 species, and scanning electron microscopy images of important microstructures for 4 species are provided.
Acta Mycologica; 2022, 57; 577
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The state of bioelements in the hair of free-ranging European bisons from Białowieża Primeval Forest
Kosla, T.
Skibniewska, E.
Skibniewski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bialowieza Forest
European bison
bioelement content
animal age
animal hair
animal organism
hair sample
phosphorus content
magnesium content
titanium content
vanadium content
Human or animal hair is considered to be a good indicator of the content of bioelements or toxic elements in human and animal organism. Its analysis is a good alternative for the arduous obtaining blood or biopsy samples. The aim of the performed research was the assessment of some chosen bioelements in the organism of European bison on the basis of their analysis in hair. The investigation material comprised hair samples obtained from 22 animals. All animals were divided into groups according to gender (males, females) and age (calves up to one year of age and animals older than 2 years). Samples were mineralized in nitric acid, under pressure in the microwave apparatus. The content of phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, iron, titanium and vanadium were determined in hair samples. The content of these elements was determined using the ICP-AES method in accredited laboratory. The accuracy of determinations was tested using the standard reference material. The mean content of phosphorus in hair amounted to 245.14 mg · kg–1, SD 65.00, magnesium 97.32 mg · kg–1, SD 33.16, iron 119.48 mg · kg–1, SD 83.31 and titanium 2.368 mg · kg–1, SD 2.097. In case of these elements, differences depending on gender and age were statistically insignificant. Mean content of sulphur in the European bison hair amounted to 3.41% with equalized content in the herd (SD 0.22%). Here also statistically insignificant differences depending on gender were observed. However, a statistically significant difference (p ≤ 0,05) was demonstrated which depended on animal age. Mature European bisons had more sulphur in hair as compared to calves. The concentration of vanadium (0.362 mg · kg–1, SD 0.396 on the average) significantly differed in hair depending on the European bison age with much higher values in adult animals (calves 0.260 mg · kg–1, animals older than 2 years 0.686 mg · kg–1). Similar data were obtained while investigating hair of sea mammals.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2011, 14, 1
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Application of Sentinel-2 Data for Automatic Forest Cover Changes Assessment – Białowieża Primeval Forest Case Study
Pelc-Mieczkowska, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
Białowieża Primeval
forest cover
remote sensing
radiometric indices
Puszcza Białowieska
wskaźniki radiometryczne
Sentinel-2 mission, as a part of European Space Agency Earth Observation Program Copernicus, designed specifically for Earth surface observations provides images in 13 bands. That imaging is used to analyse many subject areas as Land monitoring, Emergency management, Security and Climate change. In the presented paper the application of Sentinel-2 data for automatic forest cover changes detection has been analysed. As input data, B02, B03, B04 and B08 bands have been used to compute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ENDVI). To track changes in the forest cover over the years, for each pixel the difference in the value of vegetation indices between consecutive years have been calculated. Then the threshold was set at the level of 0.15. The values of differences above the threshold mean a significant decrease in the quality of vegetation and may be considered areas of deforestation.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2021, 31, 4; 148-166
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Puszcza Borecka jako cenna ostoja ptaków leśnych
The Borki Primeval Forest as an important forest bird area
Rakowski, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Puszcza Borecka
ostoje zwierzyny
ptaki legowe
wykaz gatunkow
the Borki Primeval Forest
important bird areas
forest birds
natural forests
indicator species
This paper presents an overview of bird research carried out in the Borki Primeval Forest during the last 30 years. The Borki Primeval Forest can be considered as one of the most important forest bird sites in Poland. Its avifauna comprises 139 breeding species, including 11 rare and endangered species listed in the Polish Red Data Book of Animals as well as 30 species listed in Annex I of the EU Birds Directive. Despite its relatively small area, the Borki Primeval Forest holds at least 1% of Polish breeding population of as many as 12 bird species . For seven out of these species it is one of the most important breeding sites in the country. The avifauna of the Borki Primeval Forest consists mostly of typical forest birds including 24 indicator species which are associated with natural forests. The richness of bird species in the Borki Primeval Forest and the abundance of several valuable groups of breeding species are the result of a high landscape and habitat diversity as well as a relatively small anthropopression combined with a high degree of naturalness of forest stands.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2015, 76, 1; 88-107
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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