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Wyszukujesz frazę "prewencja" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

[Prewencja zagrożeń obyczajowości seksualnej młodzieży] : kalendarium Centrum Szkolenia Straży Granicznej : 25.01.2000
Romaniak, Janusz.
Problemy Ochrony Granic. Biuletyn 2000, nr 11, s. 174-175
Data publikacji:
Ciulkiewicz, Alicja
Centrum Szkolenia Straży Granicznej (Kętrzyn, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie) 2000 r. kalendarium
Przestępstwo przeciw wolności seksualnej i obyczajowości zapobieganie
Szkolenie zorganizowane przez Fundację Przeciwko Handlowi Kobiet "La Strada", uczestniczyła w nim st. szer. Alicja Ciulkiewicz.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Additional components of risk assessment and their impact on the probability parameter
Saja, P.
Woźny, A.
Pacana, A.
Dobosz, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
personalized risk assessment
threats to physical security
risk assessment
ocena ryzyka
bezpieczeństwo pracy
The article raises the issue of risk assessment and its impact on the quality and safety of work. During the assessment of the turning lathe position additional components associated with the jobs personalization were taken into account. Paragraph 2 item 7 of the Regulation of the Minister of Laborr and Social Policy of 26 September 1997 on general safety regulations defines occupational risk as the likelihood of an adverse event. The authors drew attention to the reality of the accident, which sometimes depends on the predisposition of the employee. It turns out that a correct estimation of the probability of occurrence of the accident to be able to react in a timely way seems extremely important.. This parameter will be assessed more accurately if we take into account a number of additional components resulting from the characteristics of the employee. The results of the personalized assessment of risk may allow appropriate planning of corrective and preventive actions.
Production Engineering Archives; 2017, 14; 11-14
Pojawia się w:
Production Engineering Archives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Administracyjne kary pieniężne w dobie pandemii COVID-19. Refleksje po roku stosowania
Administrative financial penalties in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflections after a year of use
Wierzbicka, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
administracyjne kary pieniężne
administrative financial penalties
The aim of the article is to discuss the problems of the functioning of administrative financial penalties related to non-compliance with the restrictions during a pandemic. The amendment to the law on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases introduced administrative fines. First, the principle of specificity was violated, as the regulations issued on the basis of the aforementioned Act are inappropriate due to the absence of constitutional emergency measures. Suspension of the execution of the decision was significantly limited due to the limitation of the activities of the courts and administrative authorities. and the suspension of time limits. The procedure for imposing administrative fines violates the principle of trust in public authorities and the principle of active participation of the party in the procedure. The year of application of administrative financial penalties has highlighted significant problems that will have consequences in the next few years. In practice, the administrative judiciary will be responsible for removing from legal circulation decisions imposing financial penalties.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie problemów funkcjonowania administracyjnych kar pieniężnych. związanych z nieprzestrzeganiem obostrzeń podczas pandemii. Nowelizacja ustawy o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zakażeń i chorób zakaźnych wprowadziła administracyjne kary pieniężne. Po pierwsze została naruszona zasada określoności, gdyż rozporządzenia wydane na podstawie wymienionej ustawy są niewłaściwe ze względu na brak obowiązywania konstytucyjnych stanów nadzwyczajnych. Wstrzymanie wykonania decyzji zostało znacznie ograniczona z uwagi na ograniczenie działalności sądów i organów adm. oraz zawieszenie biegu terminów. Postępowanie w przedmiocie nałożenia administracyjnych kar pieniężnych narusza zasadę zaufania do władzy publicznej oraz zasadę czynnego udziału strony w postępowaniu. Rok stosowania administracyjnych kar pieniężnych uwypuklił istotne problemy, które będą miały swoje konsekwencje w perspektywie kilku najbliższych lat. W praktyce sądownictwo administracyjne będzie odpowiedzialne za usuwanie z obrotu prawnego decyzji nakładające kary pieniężne.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2021, (28), 1; 99-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Advantages and pitfalls of the Swedish National Program for Suicide Prevention 2008
Zalety i wady szwedzkiego krajowego programu zapobiegania samobójstwom z 2008 roku
Baran, Anna
Kropiwnicki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
national program
program evaluation
suicide prevention
suicide rate
wskaźnik ryzyka samobójczego
ewaluacja programu
prewencja samobójstw
program narodowy
Introduction: The World Health Organization report (2014) recommends the introduction of national programs for suicide prevention. However, the research on their effectiveness is scarce. As a result, policy makers do not have sufficient data for their decisions on the appropriate level of investment in suicide prevention. It is of great importance to know whether the introduction of a national prevention program results in a reduction in suicide rates, and if so, in what age groups and over what period of time after the announcement of the program. Sweden introduced the first suicide prevention program in 1995. It was then modified in 2008, and most recently in 2015. Objectives: The aim of this study was to answer the question about the impact of the suicide prevention program in Sweden (2008) on the total suicide rate as well as the age- and gender-specific suicide rates in the subsequent years. Material and methods: The study provides the overview of the suicide prevention program and suicide rates in Sweden in males and females, in the age groups 0–24, 25–44, 45–64 and over 65, 1, 3 and 6 years before and after the introduction of the national program for suicide prevention. The study presents the statistical analysis of changes in average suicide rates following the announcement of the Swedish National Program for Suicide Prevention 2008 with reference to chosen periods. Conclusions: The Swedish National Program for Suicide Prevention did not result in the reduction of suicide rates in the year after its introduction, whereas suicide rates decreased in all groups, except for the youth (under 24 years old), in 2009–2011 and 2009–2014.
Wstęp: Choć raport Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (2014) zaleca wprowadzenie krajowych programów zapobiegania samobójstwom, niewiele jest badań nad ich efektywnością. W rezultacie decydenci nie mają wystarczających danych do podejmowania decyzji w sprawie odpowiedniego poziomu finansowania inwestycji mających na celu zapobieganie samobójstw. Musimy wiedzieć, czy wprowadzenie narodowego programu zapobiegania prowadzi do redukcji liczby samobójstw, a jeśli tak, to w jakich grupach wiekowych i w jakim czasie po ogłoszeniu programu. Szwecja wprowadziła pierwszy program zapobiegania samobójstwom w 1995 roku, następnie modyfikowała go w 2008, a ostatnio w 2015 roku. Cel badania: W badaniu starano się uzyskać odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące wpływu szwedzkiego programu zapobiegania samobójstwom z 2008 roku na liczbę samobójstw w kolejnych latach w zależności od wieku i płci. Materiał i metody: Badanie przedstawia przegląd programu zapobiegania samobójstwom i wskaźników samobójstw u mężczyzn i kobiet w Szwecji w grupach wiekowych 0–24, 25–44, 45–64, ponad 65 lat w ciągu roku, 3 oraz 6 lat przed i po wprowadzeniu krajowego programu zapobiegania samobójstwom. Zaprezentowano analizę statystyczną zmian uśrednionego wskaźnika samobójstw po ogłoszeniu szwedzkiego krajowego programu zapobiegania samobójstwom w 2008 roku w odniesieniu do wybranych okresów. Wnioski: Szwedzki krajowy program zapobiegania samobójstwom nie spowodował zmniejszenia liczby samobójstw w ciągu roku po jego wprowadzeniu, natomiast wskaźnik samobójstw zmniejszył się we wszystkich grupach z wyjątkiem młodzieży (poniżej 24. roku życia) w latach 2009–2011 i 2009–2014.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2015, 15, 4; 175-181
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktywność fizyczna a nowotwory
Physical activity and cancer
Litwiniuk, Maria
Kara, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
aktywność fizyczna
Physical activity has been shown to decrease the incidence of breast and colon cancers and most likely of cancers of the prostate, endometrium and lung. The mechanism of this effect is very complex and not completely understood. Physical activity has an impact on the immune system (increased number of natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T cells), may reduce inflammation (significantly decreased plasma TNF-α, IL-6, and CRP), has effects on sex hormones (decreased bioavailability of estrogens and increased concentration of sex hormone-binding globulin) and influences insulin metabolism. Recent publications have shown that physical activity after cancer diagnosis and treatment is associated with reduced risk of breast and colon cancer recurrence and increases the survival rates (40% to 50% lower risk of cancer death). It is therefore important to encourage patients to physical activity. American Cancer Society has given recommendation for moderate exercise for at least 30, or better 45–60 min, on at least 5 days per week.
Dane epidemiologiczne wskazują, że aktywność fizyczna zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia raka piersi i raka jelita grubego. Najprawdopodobniej przyczynia się również do obniżenia ryzyka zachorowania na raka prostaty, trzonu macicy i płuca. Mechanizm tego zjawiska nie został w pełni poznany; uważa się, że może on wiązać się z oddziaływaniem immunologicznym (wzrost liczby i aktywności makrofagów i limfocytów NK), wpływem na metabolizm (obniżenie stężenia insuliny i insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu), zmniejszeniem stężenia hormonów płciowych (mniejsza synteza, zmniejszenie wrażliwości tkanek na hormony, zwiększenie syntezy globuliny wiążącej hormony płciowe) i z wpływem na procesy zapalne (zmniejszenie stężenia TNF-α, IL-6 i CRP). W ostatnim czasie pojawiły się doniesienia wskazujące, że regularna aktywność fizyczna po leczeniu raka piersi i raka jelita grubego zmniejsza ryzyko nawrotu choroby i wydłuża przeżycie (zmniejsza ryzyko zgonu o 40–50%). Powinno się więc zachęcać pacjentów do zwiększenia aktywności fizycznej. Według zaleceń ASC (American Cancer Society) najbardziej korzystna jest aktywność o umiarkowanym natężeniu, trwająca co najmniej 30 min (a najlepiej 45–60 min) i powtarzana przynajmniej przez 5 dni w tygodniu.
OncoReview; 2012, 2, 4; 228-233
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania nad prewencją generalną: problemy metodologiczne
General Deterrence Research: Some Methodological Problems
Szamota, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
efekty odstraszające
prewencja generalna
deterrent effects
deterrence research
      The results of empirical studies on general deterrence carried out so far are far from being unequivocal. Taking general deterrence research as a whole, it can be concluded only that in some situationa some individuals are deterred from some crimes by some punishments. Moreover, it is now obvious to most researchers that the problem is not whether punishment has deterrent effects but rather under what conditions and to what extent they occur. Thus, as the deterrent effects of the punishment threats are tentatively confirmed, further studies in this direction seem to be called for. So far the main achievement of the general deterrence studies has been overcoming some simplified approach to formulating problems (in research) and improvement in research methods rather than verification of hypotheses.         Therefore, instead of describing the results of these studies, this paper has been limited to methodological problems. It seems to the author that with the present-day knowledge on the deterrent effeets of punishment threats, the above approach will help to ensure continuation of empirical studies and will contribute to the gradual and cumulative enrichment of theoretical interpretations of the abovementioned problem.         Owing to the limited scope of this presentation only some selected problems have been dealt with. While carrying out this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out  this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out in poland so far and the results of studies made elsewhere had not become popular among Polish readers. This article has been confined to the penal law and the deterrent effects of criminal punishment threats rather than the punishment in general and it was mostly based on works published in the English language.       Apart from the Introduction, the article consists of the following parts: I. Notion of general deterrence, II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment, III. Types of general deterrence, IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrence research, V. Conditions for effective general deterrence, and Summary.        I.  Notion of general deterrence       The author points to the differences in the definition of general deterrence, to the ambiguity and vagueness in the formulations found in the literature on this subject. She stresses the importance of a clear definition of the above notion for the purposes of empirical studies, which will, as a result, help to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the research evidence. Since punishment, or strictly speaking, the threat of punishment, prevents people from committing an offence in a variety of ways, the deterrent being  only one of them, the researcher should clearly define what mechanisms he is going to study. For empirical studies a narrow definition of general deterrence, i.e., restriction to one mechanism only, seems to be more appropriate. So far, most studies have been devoted to the mechanism of deterrence.        II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment        At this point the author discusses also other mechanisms of the preventive effect of punishment threats, especially its moral and educational influence as well as its role in habit formation. Many  mechanisms of general preventive effect of punishment have not yet even been identified. In spite of the fact that it is advisable to restrict the subject of investigation to but one mechanism, it is difficult in practice to differentiate between the various mechanisms of general prevention. When interpreting the data it will probably be necessary to determine the impact of these other processes on the results of investigations. The study of the other general preventive effects of criminal sanctions brings about some specific problems such as those of a diffcrent time perspective, as they are of no direct character and require some longer period of time to bring down the crime rate. Although the present paper is confined to the effects of criminal sanctions, the author emphasizes the need for considering a wider perspective of reasons for compliance with the law.        III. Types of general deterrence.        When considering general deterrence from the terminological point of view one has to include its various types. The author discusses the following types of general deterrence encountered in literature: quantitative vs. qualitative; absolute vs. marginal; particularized vs. generalized or selective; total or complete vs. restrictive; replacing vs. non-replacing partial vs. Modifying or substituting or displacing. The distinctions suggested are often neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Still the general deterrence typology even in this form is of considerable methodological importance. Different types of evidence are relevant when an attempt is made to determine the different types of general deterrence. If the distinctions are not made then it may be concluded that a sanction had no deterrent effect at all simply because no evidence was collected for what is only one type of general deterrence.        IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrencę research.        First the author presents the deterrence doctrine. It is because what lies at the foundation of general deterrence research,  i.e., a set of loosely connected and vague statements and assumptions, can at most be called a doctrine. Besides, the present shape of this doctrine does not differ much from that of the classical model of general deterrence formulated by C. Beccaria and J. Bentham. The drawbacks and ambiguities of the deterrence doctrine, as pointed out by the author, have come to bear on the results of studies aimed at the verification of the doctrine's propositions. What is necessary is to reformulate the deterrence doctrine into an empirical theory.        Then, directions are discussed in which the deterrence doctrine has been and still is developing.        First of all, the deterrence doctrine is being developed through a different conceptualization of the relationship between legal sanction and behaviour. It is now generally agreed that general deterrence cannot be conceptualized as a unitry bivariate relationship between punishment threats and crime. Instead, it is maintained that the relationship is moderated by a number  of conditions yet to be identified empirically. The number of variables to be considered have also become larger. What is specially worth noting is the fact that other, extralegal factors have been included in deterrence models.       Another important trend in the development of the deterrence doctrine is that of emphasizing its psychological character and including the so-called perceptual variables characterizing the way how sanction characteristics are perceived by potential  offenders.  The emphasis on perceptions of punishment developed  from an awareness that deterrence is a communicative proces. In order to deter, actual threats of legal punishment must be communicated to individuals. It will be most essential for the formulation of the general deterrence theory to determine the relationship between objective properties of legal sanctions.          V. Conditions for effective general deterrence.         The basic research problem consist in identifying the conditions for effective general deterrence. As for  determining these conditions, there are so far only few empirical data available. Besides, one can hardly see what the consistent theoretical assumptions could be which  will help to have some relevant factors included in the study, especially in the case of extralegal conditions. One should also be aware of the fact that the numer of possibly relevant factors is, practically speaking, unlimited and that many of these factors will influence behavior only when particural values of a large number of the others are present. But, characteristic of most „theoretical” writings is that the authors usually confine themselves to summing up a list of possible relevant factors, not dealing with possible interaction. The author discusses the concept of a „marginal group”.        Summary       The article ends with a short description of the methods used in the study on general deterrence. The author points out to limitations of the  methods and data that have most frequently been used in addressing the deterrence question. It is necessary to collect better data about perceptual processes.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 93-122
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezpieczeństwo pracy w piekarni
Occupational safety in bakeries
Parfianowicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
czynniki szkodliwe dla zdrowia
prewencja wypadkowa
factors harmful to health
accident prevention
Piekarz to zawód, przy wykonywaniu którego występują różne czynniki szkodliwe dla zdrowia. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie tych zagrożeń oraz omówienie sposobu zapobiegania im. Kluczową sprawą w zapobieganiu chorobom zawodowym i wypadkom przy pracy jest rzetelne przeprowadzenie oceny ryzyka zawodowego oraz zastosowanie odpowiednich środków profilaktycznych.
A baker is exposed to a variety of factors harmful to hearth. This article indicates those threats and discusses how to prevent them. Reliable risk assessment and relevant preventive measures are crucial in preventing occupational diseases and accidents at work is.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2015, 1; 14-17
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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