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Wyszukujesz frazę "palaeovegetation" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Palaeovegetation of europe during the Bolling-Allerod interstadial complex warming (12.4-10.9 ka BP)
Simakova, A. N.
Puzachenko, A. Yu.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
pollen data
Bolling-Allerod interstadial complex
The available pollen data on 186 sites (896 samples) of the Bolling-Allerod interstadial complex (12.4-10.9 ka) were summarised and entered in the electronic database. Results of the classification of sections with palynological data were analysed in the GIS. Based on the species composition and diversity of plants, as well as peculiarities of their ranges, we can establish the palaeovegetation coenoses during the latest interstadial warming of the final stages of the Late Pleniglacial.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2005, 16; 116--122
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palynoflora and palaeoenvironment of the early Miocene palaeolake from the Bełchatów mine, central Poland
Worobiec, Elżbieta
Worobiec, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
freshwater algae
central Europe
The Bełchatów lignite deposits are a rich archive allowing palaeoenvironmental, palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic reconstructions from the Neogene and Quaternary periods. We describe the results of palynological studies (including non-pollen palynomorphs) of eight samples from the lower Miocene KRAM-P 211/214 collection of plant macroremains. The results of this palynological analysis are consistent with the results of previous studies of plant macroremains and significantly enrich our knowledge of vegetation and palaeoenvironment. Both studies indicate the presence of a freshwater body (a moderately large and deep lake) surrounded by wetland vegetation (including swamp forests with Glyptostrobus, Taxodium, Nyssa and Osmunda) and upland mesophytic forests. Evergreen or at least semi-evergreen forest communities grew along the ancient shores of the lake and on the slopes of the Mesozoic calcareus rocks surrounding the lake. In the lake, green algae (Pediastrum, Tetraedron and some Botryococcus) and freshwater peridinoid dinoflagellates were major components of the algal community. The same lake was the source of previously identified animal remains: freshwater fishes, molluscs, and mammals, including Megachiroptera bats. Our analysis shows that the climate was subtropical and humid, with an estimated mean annual temperature of 16.8–17.8°C.
Geological Quarterly; 2022, 66, 4; art. 66, no. 32
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palaeoenvironment of the middle Miocene wetlands at Drzewce, Konin region, central Poland
Worobiec, Elżbieta
Widera, Marek
Worobiec, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
non-pollen palynomorphs
fossil fungi
Palynological analysis of the 1st mid-Polish lignite seam (MPLS-1) of the Drzewce deposit (Konin region, central Poland) was used as the data source for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic interpretations. Lignites of the 1st group developed in the middle Miocene, during and shortly after the last peak of the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, over a large area of Poland, and they are the youngest of the main Neogene lignite seams in Poland. In the Konin region, these lignites have a relatively significant thickness (up to 20 m) and therefore they are (or were in the past) exploited in several open-pit mines. A total of 36 palynological samples from the 6.3-m-thick seam of the Drzewce opencast mine was studied in detail. Palynological analysis of the lignite seam indicates that the area was overgrown by palustrine wetland communities, similar in composition to modern pocosins. The most characteristic elements of them were shrubs in the Ericaceae family. The climate at that time was warm temperate and humid. The estimated mean annual temperature (MAT) for the lignite seam at Drzewce is 15.7–17.8 °C. Comparison with other palynofloras from the MPLS-1 shows that the climate during the formation of the group of seams was more or less homogenous across the entire Polish Lowlands. Sedimentological data and results of palynological studies (including NPPs) at Drzewce indicate that the palaeomires were relatively distant from the channels of the river system in the Konin Basin. The fossil fungal assemblage indicates dense vegetation on damp, swampy soils and the presence of small, shallow-water bodies, with a variable water level or even periodic reservoirs, existing only during the wet season or after floods. In small, flooded depressions, such as the pools in bogs, filamentous green algae occurred. The presence of zygospores of the desmids Desmidiaceaesporites cosmarioformis most probably indicates relatively nutrient-poor (ombrotrophic) conditions. Fluctuations in the frequency of individual plant taxa (including Sequoia and Sciadopitys) are likely to reflect changes in water level and trophic conditions.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2022, 92, 2; 201--218
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Preliminary suggestions on the Pleistocene palaeovegetation around the Biśnik Cave (Częstochowa Upland, Poland) based on studies of molecular fossils from cave sediments
Krajcarz, Maciej T.
Gola, Marek R.
Cyrek, Krzysztof J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
cave sediments
gas chromatography
Bioenik Cave is an im por tant site of Mid dle Palaeo lithic, with the lon gest se quence of Neanderthal set tle ment phases in Cen tral Eu rope. In the pre vi ous stud ies of the Bioenik sed i ments, dif fer ent el e ments of palaeoenvironment in the pe ri - ods of Neanderthal oc cu pa tion have been re cog nised, ex cept of palaeovegetation, which could not be de rived be cause of lack of pre served plant mi cro- or macrofossils. The cur rent work is an at tempt to re con struct palaeovegetation in vi - cin ity of the Bioenik Cave, us ing anal y sis of com po si tion of plant-de rived n-al kanes, pre served in sed i ments. In our study, we an a lyzed one sam ple from each of the sed i ment’s lay ers 11 – 19c (early Late Pleis to cene and late Mid dle Pleis to cene). Abun dant n-al kanes (mostly n-C27, n-C29 and n-C31) were found in all the sam pled lay ers ex cept for the lay ers 12, 16 and 19d, show ing no al kanes at all. There is clear di ver si fi ca tion of n-al kanes com po si tion and CPI (car bon pref er ence in dex) val ues be tween lay ers. Anal y sis of this com po si tion, al lows us to claim that the lay ers 11 and 14 were ac cu mu lated when the cave’s vi cin ity was cov ered by dense co nif er ous for ests, hence upon warm cli mate. The lay ers 19, 19a lower, 19b and 19c, pre sumably orig i nated dur ing cold pe ri ods when open wood lands or grass lands dom i nated. The other an a lyzed lay ers could be con nected with in ter me di ate veg e ta tion in form of open wood land. How ever, not all of the achieved re sults stay in com pli ance with the ac tual stra tig ra phy, es tab lished bas ing on lithological data and palaeo ec ol ogy of fos sil fauna, and we hope that ex pla na tion of this dis crep ancy would be pos si ble af ter more ex ten sive stud ies of mo lec u lar fos sils are done.
Studia Quaternaria; 2010, 27; 55-61
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unique geological, palaeobotanical and archaeological site in Witów near Brzesko Nowe (southern Poland)
Bochnak, A.
Brud, S.
Gawlik, A.
Godlewski, P.
Worobiec, G.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
seria witowska
makroszczątki roślinne
młodszy neogen
Witów Series
plant macroremains
younger Neogene
Stanowisko w Witowie, położone ok. 50 kilometrów na północny wschód od Krakowa, jest znane z odsłonięcia osadów określanych mianem serii witowskiej. Były one przedmiotem badań paleobotanicznych, paleozoologicznych, sedymentologicznych i petrograficznych. W osadach serii witowskiej znaleziono oznaczalne makroszczątki roślin iglastych i okrytozalążkowych. Szczególnie interesujące są kopalne gatunki Pinus cf. palaeostrobus, Zelkova zelkovifolia i Spirematospermum wetzleri. Wyniki badań szczątków roślinnych wskazują na późnomioceński lub plioceński wiek serii witowskiej. Kopalne zbiorowiska roślinne, które występowały w okolicy Witowa można porównać do współczesnych podzwrotnikowych lasów wilgotnych obszaru Kolchidy i Niziny Tałyskiej na Zakaukaziu oraz środkowych Chin. Obecność szczątków roślinności ciepłolubnej wskazuje na cieplejszy niż obecnie klimat okresu sedymentacji serii witowskiej. Witów jest znany także ze stanowisk archeologicznych. Obszar ten od neolitu był wielokrotnie zasiedlany. Ślady najintensywniejszego osadnictwa pochodzą z końca epoki brązu i początków epoki żelaza (1000-600 BC) i są odnoszone do kultury łużyckiej. Na stanowisku w Witowie znaleziono także średniowieczny cmentarz datowany na koniec jedenastego wieku po Chrystusie, będący pierwszym dowodem na obecność średniowiecznego osadnictwa na tym terenie. Położenie Witowa na brzegu doliny Wisły zapewne dawało mu kontrolę nad okolicznymi szlakami oraz, być może, także nad brodami. Możliwe, że Witów sprawował także polityczną kontrolę na otaczających go terenach. Biorąc pod uwagę naukową wartość stanowiska w Witowie i wynikającą stąd konieczność jego ochrony, postulowane jest utworzenie na jego obszarze rezerwatu przyrody.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 13; 125-130
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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