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The analysis of screening costs for hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia as part of obligatory examinations of employees
Marcinkiewicz, Andrzej
Olejniczak, Dominik
Śliż, Daniel
Staniszewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
economic evaluation
occupational health programs
ObjectivesHigh prevalence of hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia requires searching for efficient and cost-effective methods of an early detection of these disorders. In Poland, obligatory employee medical check-ups could be a solution.Material and MethodsThe study included a group of university employees who underwent obligatory occupational examinations in 2018. Each employee had an additional lipid (unit cost: EUR 2.56) and blood glucose profile (EUR 0.93) done. The number of respondents involved in the study was 850 (340 males and 510 females), and their average age was 47 years (SD = 11 years). The education distribution was as follows: employees with secondary vocational and general education (physical, frontline and administrative workers): 176 (age: M±SD 50.3±10.3); employees with a university degree (academics with an M.Sc. or/and Ph.D. title and administrative staff): 535 (age: M±SD 43.6±9.8); and academics with a university title (Ass. Prof. and/or Prof.): 139 (age: M±SD 56.2±10.2).ResultsDyslipidemia (elevated total cholesterol ≥190 mg/dl and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ≥115 mg/dl) was reported in 560 workers (65.9%). Hyperglycemia (fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dl) was observed in 256 workers (31%). The total cost of detecting a single case of dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia was EUR 3.88 and EUR 3.09, respectively. Divided by age groups, the costs were as follows: EUR 4.34 and EUR 4.53 in the age group <45 years; EUR 3.56 and EUR 2.42 in the age group ≥45 years. The costs of detecting a single case of dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in employees aged ≥45 with regard to education were as follows: EUR 3.20 and EUR 2.07 in persons with secondary vocational and general education; EUR 3.40 and EUR 2.80 in persons with a university degree; and EUR 4.38 and EUR 2.28 in persons with a university title.ConclusionsDue to the fact that the reporting rate for screening tests in the framework of occupational medicine is high, the cost of occupational screening tests for dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia can be lower than the cost of screening tests in the general population.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2021, 34, 5; 581-589
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Programy promocji zdrowia zawodowego w wybranych instytucjach państwowych
Occupational Health Promotion Programs in Selected Public Institutions
Molek-Winiarska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych
stres zawodowy
zdrowie zawodowe
medycyna pracy
work–related stress
occupational health
occupational health medicine
W artykule zaprezentowano badania dotyczące stosowania programów redukujących stres zawodowy oraz skutki wypalenia zawodowego w zakładach karnych oraz ośrodkach edukacyjnych i służbie zdrowia. Przebadano 40 instytucji. Wyniki wskazują na dość znaczący poziom stosowania profilaktyki zdrowia psychospołecznego w porównaniu z takimi działaniami podejmowanymi w sektorze przedsiębiorstw prywatnych. 35% badanych instytucji stosuje programy na poziomie organizacji (PPO) oraz programy na poziomie jednostki (PPJ), 10% zaś – jedynie programy drugiego typu. Analiza czynników skuteczności wdrożenia wskazuje, że dość znaczny odsetek badanych instytucji zajmuje się oceną skuteczności interwencji. Poziom stresu analizuje 50% instytucji, które wdrożyły programy redukcji stresu, źródła patologii – 44%, a 17% szacuje koszty związane z brakiem profilaktyki i porównuje je z kosztami wydatkowanymi na programy interwencyjne. Analiza porównawcza działań w zakresie redukcji stresu zawodowego w instytucjach państwowych i przedsiębiorstwach prywatnych ukazuje korzystny obraz tych pierwszych. Instytucje bowiem częściej niż przedsiębiorstwa wdrażają programy redukcji stresu. Wdrożenia takie są bardziej kompleksowe, a badanie ich skuteczności odbywa się częściej niż w przedsiębiorstwach prywatnych. Płynące z badań konkluzje wskazują na dość świadome i poprawne podejście do problematyki redukowania stresu zawodowego i profilaktyki zdrowia zawodowego. Niemniej jednak brakuje większego umocowania tych działań w kontekście poprawnej metodologii oraz dbałości o skuteczność wdrożenia i efektywność przedsięwzięcia.
The article presents research on the application of programs reducing occupational stress as well as the effects of professional burnout in penitentiaries, educational centers, and healthcare centers. The study looked at forty institutions. The results show a relatively high level of implementation of psycho–social health prophylactic measures as compared with its application in private organizations. A total of 35% of public institutions in the research sample implemented such programs covering both organizational and individual levels, while only 10% applied only programs of the second type. Analysis of the efficacy of implementation demonstrates a significant share of examined institutions concerned with intervention efficacy. The level of stress was analyzed in 50% of the research sample and the sources of pathology in 44%. The cost of no prophylactic measures and a comparison between this and the cost of the intervention was estimated in 17% of the research sample. The comparative analysis of public institutions and private firms with respect to stress reduction shows more care devoted to these issues in public institutions. Public institutions implement stress–reduction programs, implement them more comprehensively, and examine their efficacy more often than private companies. Conclusions stemming from the research indicate a relatively conscious and proper approach to questions of occupational stress reduction occupational health prophylactic measures. Nevertheless, there continue to be shortcomings in the methodology of the intervention as well as in the assessment of the efficacy of the results.
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi; 2015, 2015 3-4(104-105) Zarządzanie ludźmi w sektorze publicznym i organizacjach pozarządowych (People Management in the Public and NGOs Sector); 127-141
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Action-Oriented Support for Occupational Safety and Health Programs in Some Developing Countries in Asia
Kawakami, T.
Kogi, K.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
action-oriented support
occupational safety and health
small enterprises rural workers
Asian developing countries
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
małe przedsiębiorstwa
przedsiębiorstwa rolne
Action-oriented support programs have been increasingly playing vital roles in promoting safety and health in developing countries in Asia. This paper studied achievements of 3 action-oriented support programs: the WISE program for small enterprises, the WIND program for farmers, and the POSITIVE program for workers and trade unions. Special attention was paid to how the programs have strengthened local efforts for sustainable actions in safety and health improvements. The results showed that there were significant achievements in action-oriented support programs in the region, including a large number of improvement examples, integration into government policies, and network support through employers’ and workers’ organizations. Participatory, action-oriented training tools such as action-checklists, local good example photos, and group work methods played key roles in the effective implementation of the programs. It was of note that there were a number of local efforts to extend the coverage of action-oriented support even to hard-to-reach workers such as home-based workers, rural workers, and ethnic minorities. The efforts included the equal participation in the training by female and male farmers, shortened and weekend training programs, photo sheets showing local good examples, and reasonable fee collection for better sustainability. In conclusion, action-oriented support programs provided local people with concrete means to promote safety and health improvements. The successful programs commonly focused on local initiatives and were built on local wisdom and resources.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2001, 7, 4; 421-434
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierunki organizacyjno-ekonomicznych zmian ochrony zdrowia nad osobami pracującymi jako odpowiedź na pandemię COVID-19 – wyzwania wobec kryzysów zdrowotnych
Directions of organizational and economic changes in occupational health services as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic – challenges to the health crises
Rydlewska-Liszkowska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
system ochrony zdrowia
organizacja ochrony zdrowia
ochrona zdrowia pracujących
finansowanie ochrony zdrowia
preventive programs
health care system
health care delivery
occupational health services
healthcare financing
Pandemia COVID-19 wywołała nie tylko doraźne organizacyjno-ekonomiczne zmiany w funkcjonowaniu ochrony zdrowia w środowisku pracy, ale również skłoniła do uwzględnienia ich w formułowaniu strategicznego podejścia systemowego do tego elementu systemu ochrony zdrowia. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i opis zmian organizacyjno-ekonomicznych ochrony zdrowia w środowisku pracy w czasie pandemii. Określono kierunki badań nad doskonaleniem działalności podmiotów ochrony zdrowia osób pracujących w odpowiedzi na przyszłe kryzysy zdrowotne. Przeglądowi poddano akty prawne odnoszące się do zmian organizacyjno-ekonomicznych, polskie i zagraniczne publikacje eksperckie, pełnotekstowe artykuły naukowe polsko- i angielskojęzyczne ujęte w bazie PubMed oraz publikacje wykraczające poza wyznaczony okres, spójne i użyteczne w wyjaśnianiu pojęć z zakresu organizacji, zarządzania i ekonomiki zdrowia. Przedstawione zmiany ochrony zdrowia w okresie pandemii polegały na: wprowadzeniu dodatkowych form organizacyjnych zapewniania opieki zdrowotnej pracownikom, w tym wprowadzenie liderów medycyny pracy, wzmocnieniu nadzoru nad warunkami pracy, interdyscyplinarnej współpracy na rzecz zarządzania zdrowiem osób pracujących, udziale w kampaniach proszczepionkowych i działaniach w zakresie rehabilitacji pocovidowej oraz nowej jakościowo współpracy z interesariuszami publicznej i prywatnej ochrony zdrowia. W wyniku przeprowadzonego przeglądu wskazano problemy przyszłych prac badawczych, do których zaliczono zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa podmiotów medycyny pracy w zakresie dostępności zasobów, dostosowanie alokacji zasobów do nowych potrzeb finansowych w czasie pandemii i podczas wychodzenia z niej, ewaluację zmian organizacyjnych oraz ekonomicznych wprowadzonych w okresie pandemii i zasadności ich utrzymania w kolejnych okresach, opracowanie ekonomiczno-organizacyjnego instrumentarium na czas kryzysu, zakres i zasady współpracy z interesariuszami ochrony zdrowia oraz wprowadzenie technologii medycznych bazujących na medyczno-ekonomicznej ocenie zgodnej z wytycznymi Oceny Technologii Medycznych. Med. Pr. 2022;73(6):471–483
The COVID-19 pandemic caused not only short-term organizational and economic changes in the functioning of occupational health services, but also enforced to include them in the formulation of a strategic systemic approach to this link of the health care system. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the organizational and economic changes in occupational health services during the pandemic. On this basis, the directions of further research on the improvement of the activities of health care entities of working people in response to future health crises have been formulated. The review covered legal acts relating to organizational and economic changes, Polish and foreign expert publications, full-text Polish and English-language scientific articles included in the PubMed database, publications beyond the specified period, consistent and useful in explaining the concepts of organization, management and economics. The changes in occupational health services presented in the literature during the pandemic consisted of: introducing additional organizational forms of providing health care to employees including occupational medicine leaders, strengthening supervision over working conditions, interdisciplinary cooperation for managing the health of working people, participation in pro-vaccination campaigns, activities in the field of rehabilitation after COVID-19 and new-quality cooperation with public and private health stakeholders. As the result of the review, problems were formulated for future research, which included ensuring the security of occupational medicine entities in terms of resource availability, adjusting the allocation of resources to new financial needs during and after a pandemic, evaluation of organizational and economic changes introduced during the pandemic and the legitimacy of their maintenance in subsequent periods, the development of economic and organizational instruments for the time of crisis, the scope and principles of cooperation with health care stakeholders and the introduction of medical technologies based on a medical and economic assessment according to Health Technology Assessment. Med Pr. 2022;73(6):471–83
Medycyna Pracy; 2022, 73, 6; 471-483
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ = Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+
Prusik, Katarzyna
Ossowski, Zbiegniew
Bielawa, Łukasz
Wiech, Monika
Kortas, Jakub
Konieczna, Seweryna
Prusik, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Katedra Kultury Fizycznej
Nordic Walking, trening zdrowotny, terapia zajęciowa, Nordic Walking, health training, occupational therapy.
Prusik Katarzyna, Ossowski Zbigniew, Bielawa Łukasz, Wiech Monika, Kortas Jakub, Konieczna Seweryna, Prusik Krzysztof. Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ = Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(3):113-124. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 27.02.2016.  Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+ Katarzyna Prusik1, Zbigniew Ossowski1, Łukasz Bielawa1, Monika Wiech1, Jakub Kortas1, Seweryna Konieczna2, Krzysztof Prusik1 1Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk2Medical University of Gdansk Keywords: Nordic Walking, health training, occupational therapy.Słowa kluczowe: Nordic Walking, trening zdrowotny, terapia zajęciowa. AbstractOne of the many forms of activity may be physical activity dressed in costume popular in Poland and in the world of Nordic Walking. Another way to stimulate the occupational therapy, which involves the realm of the physical, mental and social man usually less active in general. The objectives of occupational therapy are similar to the general objectives underlying any form of physical activity, and that is the behavior of self-reliance, independence and efficiency.The aim of the study is to analyze different activation programs in relation to the functional capacity of women aged 60+.We analyzed two fundamentally different activation programs seniors: occupational therapy program implemented in the Daily Nursing Home for the Elderly in Gdansk and health training program in the form of Nordic Walking realized within statutory research. The material tested is 48 women over the age of 60, after 24 people training Nordic Walking 3 times a week for 60 minutes, and 24 people participating in occupational therapy.Physical activity is an effective means to maintain physical for a long time, it can also be an effective means of shaping it during aging. Physical activity should begin early. Then you can expect spectacular effects of training, and thus a high physical translates directly to high levels of positive physical health. You can expect to achieve in this area, the leader among his peers. You can go ahead and prepare for old age, efficient, independent and self.
Journal of Education, Health and Sport; 2016, 6, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education, Health and Sport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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