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From Roots to Routes: The Role of Ethnic Networks in the Development of Migrant Communities in Russia
Galstyan, Mihran
Galstyan, Nare
Hakobyan, Gayane
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
ethnic networks
migrant community
post-Soviet migration
This article examines the role of ethnic networks in the development of migrant communities by focusing on modern-day Armenian migration to Russia. While much existing research on migrant networks tends to focus on newly arrived migrants’ experiences of gaining support in the destination countries through ethnic networks, little has been said about the impact of ethnic networks on migrant community development. Additionally, studies on the Armenian communities’ development are mainly focused on the historical context and scholars see little interest in studying modern-day Armenian migration and migrant community development. Drawing on empirical data from Armenia, this study explores how post-Soviet migration to Russia shapes contemporary Armenian communities there. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research conducted in 2020−2021, the article studies the significance of ethnic networks at both individual and collective levels. The quantitative research results offer insights into the role of ethnic networks in shaping migratory routes, while qualitative research highlights how these networks contribute to community construction, driven by regional affiliations that differ from traditional Armenian diaspora institutions. The study reveals the multiple roles of ethnic networks, including their influence on migratory behaviour, their persistence and importance across generations and their impact on community organisations’ development and leadership. It also highlights migrants’ preferences for engaging with their regions or villages of origin.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2024, 13, 1; 169-188
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The global reach of the new Italian associationism Challenges in the exploratory analysis of the phenomenon
Moffa, Grazia
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
diaspora networks
migrant integration
associative structures
cosmopolitan migration
This study examines the evolution and impact of Italian associations abroad in the context of recent emigration trends. Italian migration has diversified in profiles, motivations, and paths since 2008, challenging traditional analysis models. Italian associations, which historically supported emigrant integration and cultural identity preservation, now adapt to new emigrant generations and skilled professionals. Using data from various Italian and international sources, the research highlights the associations' roles in legal, professional, and emotional support, particularly through digital technologies. Case studies from Argentina and China illustrate their critical functions during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings emphasize the associations' importance in maintaining cultural ties and providing practical assistance, underscoring their relevance in a globalized world. In recent decades, Italy has witnessed a significant increase in emigration, reflecting social, cultural and economic transformations in an increasingly complex global context. Recently, academic interest in the analysis of Italian emigration has grown, focusing on the quantitative and qualitative changes of the phenomenon. According to the Ministry of Foreign Aafirs and International Cooperation (MAECI), more than six million seven hundred thousand Italian citizens resided abroad on 30 December 2022 (MAECI, 2023: 185). Extensive field research has been conducted to understand the factors and dynamics influencing Italians' migration decisions, going beyond the traditional 'push and pull' model of analysis and considering both the conditions that limit mobility and the incentives for it (Pugliese, 2018). The 'new Italian emigration' which has originated from Italy since 2008, diefrs from previous waves in the variety of migratory profiles, the diversification of motivations and the complexity of individual migration paths. Fully capturing the complexity of
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2024, 15, 30; 187-198
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘For a Better Life’? The Role of Networks in Social (Im)Mobility after Return to Albania
Vollmer, Ruth
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
social mobility
return migration
social networks
This article addresses the question of what influences the opportunities for social mobility in the context of return migration to Albania from a meso-level perspective. It applies a network-theory-based analysis to 104 qualitative interviews with a diverse sample of returned migrants, conducted in Albania between 2019 and 2022. The interviews are clustered into three categories according to the stated economic need for migration. The analysis shows that the geographical dispersion, the support capacities and the influence of these networks on migration decision-making differ significantly between the three categories. Despite some dynamics, individual network embeddedness reflects the overall socio-economic and ethno-political stratifications of the origin society and distinctively shapes migrants’ modalities and means of migration, the opportunities for resource accumulation abroad and their ability to re-establish themselves after return. Thus, social networks mainly contribute to continuity rather than change in terms of social stratification, even over the course of migration(s) and return(s). Yet, these effects are mediating, not determining, outcomes and are context-dependent. Lastly, network effects differ not only between but also within the categories, depending, for example, on the gender or age of the migrant.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2023, 12, 2; 99-115
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Technologies in Migration Processes: Mediation in Communication and Social Capital
Ortiz Cobo, Mónica
Jeri Levano, Renzo Ismael
García Martín, José
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
social capital
transnational communication
Peruvian migrants
social media
social networks
Aim. This article presents an ethnographic exploration of technology use among migrants. The main question explored is how migration processes are mediated by communication between migrants and their support network, considering the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Methods. Multi-situated and virtual ethnography have allowed researchers to access and obtain relevant discourse on the experiences, perceptions, and strategies of migrants in a non-invasive way. Results. In pre-digital contexts, support networks of friends and family provided sources of information in the development of migration projects. With the spread of technology, Facebook’s virtual communities are a means of facilitating migration strategies. Likewise, ICTs bring migrants and their families closer to the “there”, bolstering their bonding social capital and therefore their emotional well-being. Despite the language barriers, and the stereotypes and prejudices held by native-born residents, virtual social networks allow migrants to strengthen their bridging social capital, facilitating the integration of different Latin American migrant groups in the destination society. Conclusion. Today, ICTs have transformed migration strategies and expanded bonding social capital, allowing migrants to share common interests with their family setting, despite the distance. Limited interaction between migrants and native-born residents restricts bridging social capital, but the virtual sphere allows the Latin American diaspora to pursue common interests and overcome cultural barriers.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2023, 14, 2; 188-210
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalizing Doikayt: How the Bund Became Transnational
Wolff, Frank
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Jewish Labor Bund
Migration History
Eastern Europe
American Jewish history
Latin American Jewish History
Global Networks
In contrast to the global dispersion of the post-Second World War Bund, examination of its previous history as a powerful and influential force in Jewish life is usually confined to the former Pale of Settlement. Without disputing its centers of gravity in Russia and Poland, the paper argues for the inclusion also of the effects of migration and transatlantic network-building within this picture. It follows Bundists abroad, exploring how emigrants transnationalized the in practice Bund rather than by design. The article connects the histories of the Bund in Tsarist Russia and independent Poland with those in Argentina, Switzerland, and the United States, highlighting local adaptations as well as the dependency of the Bund “back home” on global network-building. The author argues that only by taking such a transnational perspective we can fully grasp the Bund’s impact on modern Jewish history.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2022, 13; 32-51
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Messy Arrangements? A Social Networks Perspective on Migrant Labor Brokerage: The Case of Ukrainian Migration to Poland
Kindler, Marta
Szulecka, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
Social capital
social networks
labor brokerage
migration infrastructure
Ukrainian labor migrants
immigration to Poland
This article draws on two studies conducted between 2016 and 2018 on the nature of labor migration from Ukraine to Poland. Using quantitative and qualitative data, it analyses the relationship between social networks and employment agencies. Building on research into migration infrastructure, we question the dichotomy—which also appears in migrants’ narratives—between migrant social networks and labor brokers, and offer evidence of overlap and interdependence between the two. Exploring various aspects of labor migration, we look at the role played by the social networks of the actors (both the migrants and the intermediaries) in enhancing migration infrastructure. We show how migrants use their social capital in regard to labor brokers and how the latter, rather than replacing networks, mobilize their network resources and experience to create a trusted transnational service.
Polish Sociological Review; 2022, 220, 4; 457-484
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między nami? Więzi i kontakty społeczne z Polakami w życiu codziennym osób z Ukrainy w Warszawie i okolicach
Among Us? Ties and Social Contacts with Poles in Everyday Life of Persons from Ukraine Living in Warsaw and Vicinities
Kindler, Marta
Górny, Agata
Jaźwińska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
sieci społeczne
migracja ukraińska
codzienna integracja
social networks
Ukrainian migration
everyday integration
Artykuł podejmuje temat codziennego funkcjonowania ukraińskich migrantów i migrantek w Polsce koncentrując się na analizie ich więzi społecznych z przedstawicielami społeczeństwa przyjmującego. Omawia on charakterystyki więzi społecznych, bariery i możliwości nawiązywania relacji podczas nauki, w pracy oraz w czasie wolnym, a także to na ile posiadanie więzi z Polakami różnicuje ich doświadczenia na co dzień. Podstawę analiz stanowią wyniki sondażu i wywiadów jakościowych prowadzonych w latach 2016–2017 wśród osób z Ukrainy w Warszawie i okolicach. Według otrzymanych rezultatów, migranci i migrantki posiadający więzi z Polakami to mniejszość, chociaż znaczna część badanej grupy. Widoczne są też różnice pomiędzy kobietami i mężczyznami, jeżeli chodzi o charakter i proces nawiązywania więzi społecznych w Polsce. W przypadku kobiet posiadanie więzi z Polakami wiąże się z mniejszymi trudnościami w codziennym funkcjonowaniu w Polsce, natomiast w przypadku mężczyzn obraz ten jest mniej jednoznaczny.
The article deals with the everyday functioning of Ukrainian migrants in Poland, focusing on the analysis of migrant’s social networks with representatives of the receiving society. It demonstrates the characteristics of migrants’ social ties as well as barriers and opportunities for establishing relationships while studying, at work and during free time. It explores how having ties to Poles differentiates daily experiences of migrants. The analyses are based on the results of a survey and qualitative interviews conducted in 2016-2017 among people from Ukraine residing in and around Warsaw. According to the obtained results, migrants having ties to Poles are a minority, although a significant part of the surveyed group. There are visible differences between male and female migrants in the nature and process of establishing social ties in Poland. In the case of women, having ties to Poles is associated with less difficulties in everyday functioning in Poland, while for men, this link is less clear-cut.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2022, 1; 105-136
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Remarks About the Jewish Emigration From the Kingdom of Poland to USA Before WWI
Uwagi na temat emigracji żydowskiej z Królestwa Polskiego do USA przed pierwszą wojną światową
Zieliński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Kingdom of Poland
migration networks
Królestwo Polskie
sieci migracyjne
Before 1914, more than 2 million Jews arrived in the United States of America, accounting for nearly 6% of all European emigration to that country. It is estimated that up to 70% of Jewish immigrants in the United States were subjects of the Tsar, and up to a third of them came from the Polish lands of the Russian empire. Jews from the Kingdom of Poland were the first among the inhabitants of the Russian Empire to establish legal and illegal migration channels. This was due to the proximity of the German-Russian border and thus easier access to German ports, as well as the ties connecting the Jews in the Kingdom with their co-religionists in the Prussian partition. Based on the literature on the subject and statistical data, the article discusses the volume of emigration from the Polish lands with special emphasis on the emigration of Jews from the Kingdom of Poland, the circumstances and causes of emigration with consideration given to changing theories on the subject, the nature of Jewish emigration and migration routes. The aim of this article is, first of all, to review the present state of research on the overseas emigration of Jews from the Kingdom of Poland and then to indicate source materials and literature that will help in further research.
Przed 1914 r. do Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej przybyło ponad 2 mln Żydów, co stanowiło blisko 6% całej emigracji europejskiej do tego kraju. Szacuje się, że nawet 70% imigrantów żydowskich w USA stanowili poddani cara, a nawet trzecia część z nich przyjechała z ziem polskich zaboru rosyjskiego. Żydzi z Królestwa Polskiego jako pierwsi spośród mieszkańców Imperium Rosyjskiego utworzyli legalne i nielegalne kanały migracyjne. Wynikało to z bliskości granicy niemiecko-rosyjskiej, a tym samym łatwiejszego dostępu do portów niemieckich, a także więzi łączących Żydów w Królestwie z ich współwyznawcami w zaborze pruskim. W artykule w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu i dane statystyczne omówione zostały: wielkość emigracji z ziem polskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem emigracji Żydów z Królestwa Polskiego, okoliczności i przyczyny emigracji z uwzględnieniem zmieniających się teorii na ten temat, charakter emigracji żydowskiej i szlaki migracyjne. Artkuł ma na celu przede wszystkim przegląd dotychczasowego stanu badań nad zamorską emigracją Żydów z Królestwa Polskiego i wskazanie materiałów źródłowych i literatury pomocnych w dalszych badaniach.
Res Historica; 2022, 53; 315-341
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzinne mikrohistorie, łańcuchy i sieci migracyjne do Stanów Zjednoczonych na przestrzeni stulecia. Analiza porównawcza wychodźstwa z polskiej, niemieckiej i szwedzkiej wsi
Family microhistories, chains and networks of migration to the United States over a century. A comparative analysis of migration from Polish, German, and Swedish villages
Kulpińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
United States
chain migrations
rural migrations
migration networks
Stany Zjednoczone
migracje łańcuchowe
migracje ze wsi
sieci migracyjne
Celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska formowania się łańcuchów i sieci migracyjnych z perspektywy mikro- (w odniesieniu do rodzinnych migracyjnych mikrohistorii) oraz mezzospołecznej (w kontekście wybranych społeczności lokalnych). W odniesieniu do strumieni migracyjnych płynących z Europy do USA w XIX i na początku XX wieku porównaniu poddane zostaną źródła do analizy i rekonstrukcji łańcuchów i sieci migracyjnych oraz zakres informacji możliwy do zgromadzenia na ich podstawie. Zestawione zostaną badania przeprowadzone za pośrednictwem: 1) danych z Archiwum Ellis Island – badania autorki artykułu powstałe w oparciu o analizę list pasażerów statków na temat imigrantów przybyłych do Stanów Zjednoczonych z dwóch sąsiadujących powiatów: strzyżowskiego i rzeszowskiego (ponad 4500 rekordów); 2) informacji pochodzących z bazy danych HESAUS (list emigracyjnych niemieckiego księstwa Hesja-Cassel zgromadzonych w Hessisches Staatsarchiv w Marburgu) przeanalizowanych przez Simone A. Wegge na temat wiejskich migracji z historycznego obszaru elektoratu Hesji-Kassel we współczesnych Niemczech w XIX wieku do USA (50,000 rekordów); 3) szwedzkich parafialnych rejestrów migracyjnych zbadanych przez Anne-Marie Eurenius na temat osób, które wyemigrowały ze wsi regionu Halland w południowo-zachodniej Szwecji do Stanów Zjednoczonych pod koniec XIX wieku (1,500 rekordów); Analiza prowadzona będzie przy zastosowaniu metody porównawczej, zarówno w wymiarze synchronicznym jak i diachronicznym, odnosząc się zarówno do perspektywy wielopokoleniowej i trendów migracyjnych podejmowanych przez poszczególne generacje migrantów. Proces badawczy został oparty o dane zastane.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the phenomenon of the formation of migration chains and networks from micro- (in relation to family migration microhistories) and meso-social (in the context of selected local communities) perspectives. With regard to migration flows from Europe to the US in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sources for the analysis and reconstruction of migration chains and networks, and the scope of information that can be gathered from them, are compared. This embraces research conducted using the following: (1) data from the Ellis Island Archives — research by the article’s author, based on the analysis of ship passenger lists, on immigrants arriving in the United States from two neighbouring counties in Poland: Strzyżów and Rzeszów (over 4500 records); (2) information from the HESAUS database (emigration lists of the German duchy of Hesse-Cassel collected at the Hessisches Staatsarchiv in Marburg) analysed by Simone A. Wegge. on rural migrations from the historical area of the electorate of Hesse-Cassel in modern Germany in the 19th century to the USA (50,000 records); and (3) Swedish parish migration records examined by Anne-Marie Eurenius on individuals who migrated from the villages of the Halland region in southwestern Sweden to the United States in the late 19th century (1,500 records). The analysis was conducted using a comparative method, both synchronic and diachronic, addressing both the multigenerational perspective and migration trends in the different generations of migrants. The research process was based on the use of primary data.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2022, 66, 4; 91-111
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Networks as a Perpetual Vehicle for Migration
Sieci – stały, społeczny wehikuł migracji
Romaniszyn, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
sieci społeczne
sieci migracyjne
migracyjny biznes
social network(s)
migration network(s)
migration business
Migration processes have accelerated in the past few decades all over the world, and pose major social and political challenges. The paper aims to discuss the constant importance of personal networks in these movements. It addresses the phenomenon of networks viewed as a prime social mechanism which amplifies and directs migration flows. Close attention has been paid to the variety of networks in which migrants operate in the host country, and the specific nature of the illegal border-crossing networks. The paper is based on relevant monographs and research data.
Przepływy migracyjne, które nasiliły się w ostatnich kilku dekadach stanowią wielkie wyzwanie natury politycznej i społecznej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie jak niezmiennie wielkie znaczenie w tych przemieszczeniach mają sieci migracyjne. Stanowią one, bowiem podstawowy społeczny mechanizm wzmacniający i ukierunkowujący przepływy migracyjne. W tekście uwagę poświęcono szczególnie kwestii różnorodności sieci, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sieci szmuglerów ludzi. Zaplecze empiryczne artykułu stanowią dane z badań.
Studia Polonijne; 2022, 43; 365-380
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomoc i wsparcie społeczne imigrantów przebywających w Polsce - komunikat z badań jakościowych
Baranowska, Aneta Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
sieci migracyjne
migration networks
Streszczenie Celem badań było poznanie profesjonalnych i nieprofesjonalnych działań pomocowych i wspierających świadczonych cudzoziemcom przed i po emigracji do Polski. Wnioski. W miarę wydłużania się czasu pobytu migranta na obczyźnie maleje rola kapitału społecznego, a wzrasta znaczenie kapitału ludzkiego, co oznacza, że podczas przeżywanych trudności migranci próbują radzić sobie z nimi samodzielnie, bez pomocy innych, wykorzystując nabyte wcześniej umiejętności. Materiał i metody Badania jakościowe zostały przeprowadzone w grupie 21 imigrantów. W badaniach wzięło udział osiem kobiet i trzynastu mężczyzn, którzy reprezentowali w sumie czternaście narodowości. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę biograficzną, techniką zaś był wywiad narracyjno-biograficzny. Wyniki Dla badanych imigrantów najbardziej wartościowe okazało się wsparcie nieformalne, udzielane przez osoby posiadające doświadczenia migracyjne. Wnioski W miarę wydłużania się czasu pobytu migranta na obczyźnie maleje rola kapitału społecznego, a wzrasta znaczenie kapitału ludzkiego, co oznacza, że podczas przeżywanych trudności migranci próbują radzić sobie z nimi samodzielnie, bez pomocy innych, wykorzystując nabyte wcześniej umiejętności.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2020, 14, 1; 63-81
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gotlandic pottery outside Gotland
Eriksson, Thomas
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Decorated pottery
Roman Iron Age
Migration Period
Vendel period
Eastern Sweden
Dollkeim-Kovrovo culture
The article discusses contacts and networks along the eastern coast of Sweden and around the Baltic Sea. The focus is on the decorated pottery c. 0–700 AD. Sweden and Scandinavia had different regional styles of pottery during this period. One of the most distinctive Scandinavian styles is found on Öland and Gotland. This style is distinguished by the elaborate use of stamps and vessels with handles positioned from the rim to the shoulder. Vessels made in this style are found outside the large islands, notably in Svealand, i.e. the lake Mälaren Basin in central Sweden, as well as in northern Sweden. More interesting is the spread and influences in the Dollkeim-Kovrovo culture, in north-eastern Poland, and Oblast Kaliningrad. During the Roman Iron Age, a special type of beaker is found from the Mälar basin to Gotland/Öland and further on in Oblast Kaliningrad. The connection can also be seen in dress ornaments and other artefacts. The regional differences in the pottery decrease during the Vendel Period (c. 550–800 AD). A new style of stamped vessels is spread from the Langobards in northern Italy to England and Scandinavia and marks a new, more uniform material culture. This marks probably a new area of more complex and centralised political units.
Światowit; 2018, 57; 101-115
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research Report of Project VEGA 1/0192/18 Formation of Attitudes of Generation Y in the V4 Geographic Area to the Issue of Migrants Through Digital Communication on Social Networks
Spálová, Lucia
Púchovská, Oľga
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Social change
Social media
Refugee crisis
The refugee crisis and the rising number of asylum seekers is one of the primary concerns of the EU. Political discussions reflect humanitarian, social and economic implications of the constant influx of new asylum seekers coming mainly from Syria. Within the political sphere in the V4 countries it is possible to observe negative attitudes. In this context, it is very important to emphasize that we are living in a democratic society, where media represent the role of democracy guardians. On the other hand, social media offer space for expression to the general public opinions, and their potential is also fully exploited by political leaders. The potential of social media must be perceived also against the backdrop of risks stemming mainly from disinformation and manipulative tendencies. In order to identify and clarify the presence of manipulative techniques in the communication of political and social groups to the attitudes of Generation Y in the sphere of migrant tolerance we present some introductory findings under the scope of project VEGA 1/0192/18.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2019, 2, 1; 114-119
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola sieci społecznych w procesie migracji edukacyjnych przedstawicieli mniejszości litewskiej do litewskich i polskich miast
Social networks in Lithuanian minority in Poland and its role in educational migration
Wójcikowska-Baniak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
Lithuanian minority
educational migrations
social network
ethnic identity
The aim of this paper is to explore the social networks of the young generation of Lithuanian minority and the role of social networks in educational migration patterns, both domestic migration and migration to Lithuania. The analysis is based on the ongoing fieldwork conducted among representatives of the Lithuanian minority, inspired by the “multi-sited etnography” tradition. The author discusses the socio-economic and demographic background of the Lithuanian community in Poland, and explains how the migration changes the identification and practices of migrants, with particular attention given to the adaptation process.
Studia BAS; 2019, 4(60); 199-219
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role and Functionality of Regional Migration Networks over the 20th Century. The Case Study of the Strzyżów District
Kulpińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The aim of the paper is to analyse migration networks from the mezzo- and microsocial perspective on the example of the Strzyżów district in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The research focuses on the ties between migrants and people who do not actively participate in international movements. Migration networks from the Strzyżów district are analysed in a comparative framework from the following perspectives: 1) diachronic, in relation to contemporary migration flows, as well as those of the early 20th century, 2) synchronous, taking into account internal and external networks of the studied villages and towns. Comparative analysis is based on both primary and secondary sources. The data describing migration flows at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries originate mainly from the Ellis Island Archives. Based on the analysis of passenger lists, which is also available on the Archive’s website, I managed to reach more than 4000 immigrants from the examined localities of the Srzyżow district, who left for the United States between 1873 and 1924. As far as modern migrants are concerned, data was collected using various methods: ethnosurvey, participant observations and in-depth interviews. The research was conducted from both perspectives: country of origin (Poland) and country of destination (United States).
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2019, 45, 3 (173); 119-135
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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