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Wyszukujesz frazę "management factor" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Zarządzanie zmianą jako kluczowy czynnik funkcjonowania szpitala w warunkach pandemii SARS-CoV-2
Change management as a key factor in hospital operations under the conditions of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Głód, Grzegorz
Rogowska, Klaudia
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
change management
zarządzanie zmianą
Pandemia SARS-CoV-2 była czasem wyzwań dla społeczeństw, rządów, systemu ochrony zdrowia oraz poszczególnych elementów tego systemu. Szpitale w czasie pandemii, jako jedyne przez cały okres jej trwania, umożliwiały bezpośredni kontakt pacjenta z lekarzem. Aby instytucje te mogły realizować swoje obowiązki, musiały wdrożyć wiele rozwiązań organizacyjnych, które projektowały na podstawie swoich kompetencji i wdrażały dzięki otwartości na zmiany. To uwalniało potencjał zapewniający im zwinność w działaniu. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja kluczowych czynników sukcesu w kontekście procesów zarządczych w szpitalu w warunkach niepewności oraz ich ocena na podstawie zaprezentowanego studium przypadku. Analizie poddano priorytetowe czynniki w procesie zapewnienia ciągłości działania w okresie pandemicznym oraz realizacji krytycznych zadań związanych z uruchomieniem dodatkowo szpitala tymczasowego. Przeprowadzone rozważania pozwoliły na sformułowanie rekomendacji w podjętym obszarze badawczym.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was a challenging time for societies, governments, healthcare systems, and individual components of the system. Hospitals were the only ones during the entire period of the pandemic that allowed for direct contact between the patient and the doctor. In order for the organization to carry out its responsibilities, it had to implement a number of organizational solutions, which it designed based on its competencies, and implemented thanks to its openness to change. This unlocked the potential for agility in its operations. Based on the literature, the article presents the identification of key success factors in the context of management processes in a hospital under uncertainty. Then, on the basis of the presented case study of a teaching hospital, the key success factors in the process of ensuring business continuity during a pandemic period and the implementation of critical tasks additionally related to the launch of a temporary hospital were evaluated. The conducted considerations made it possible to present recommendations in the undertaken research area.
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów; 2023, 194; 161-175
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Delay factors in the construction of irrigation and hydropower projects in Vietnam
Nguyen, Van Son
Nguyen, Huu Hue
Nguyen, Duc Anh
Hai, Dinh Tuan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
zarządzanie projektem
współczynnik opóźnienia
project management
delay factor
Irrigation and hydropower are among the most important sectors in the construction industry that propel the economic needs of a developing country like Vietnam. The construction of these projects often suffers from severe delays, leading to financial losses and other negative impacts on the economy. This paper aims to determine delay factors in the construction of these projects. Among many, 39 most important candidates of delay causes were identified from the literature review. Further surveys on project participants were conducted for the severity of these causes. An exploratory factor analysis was utilized to identify latent factors that cause delays in construction projects. The analysis result categorized a few groups of factors such as abnormal factors on the construction site (e.g., labor accidents, hydrology, water flow, extreme weather) and technical factors related to the construction contractor (e.g., unsuitable schedule, outdated construction technology, unprofessional workers) that have the greatest impact on the delay in construction of irrigation and hydropower projects in Vietnam. These findings contribute to the body of knowledge of project management and risk management, hence an improvement in the efficiency of the project sectors’ performance.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2023, 69, 1; 5--20
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quantitative analysis of aviation incidents: A comprehensive study on bird strikes and safety improvement opportunities
Kobaszyńska-Twardowska, Anna
Łukasiewicz, Jędrzej
Łopatka, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Centrum Badań Socjologicznych
safety management systems
identify threats
human factor
Safety in aviation has various connotations. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), it is a state in which the possibility of harm to people and property is minimised and maintained within a continuous process of identifying threats and managing safety risks at an acceptable level or below an acceptable level. Actions related to threat identification can be reactive, proactive, or predictive. Reactive actions aim to verify what happened, why, and how to prevent it from recurring. For this purpose, incidents that occurred in the past are analysed. By Polish law, the Commission for Investigating Aviation Accidents investigates accidents and serious incidents, while incidents mostly fall under the responsibility of the aviation organisation in which the incident occurred. Therefore, this article aims to identify threats causing incidents. Three thousand two hundred aviation incidents reported between 2017 and 2022 to the Civil Aviation Office as part of the mandatory and voluntary event reporting system were analysed. The identified causes, due to the diversity of their description, were divided into four groups. The first group consists of human factors, representing inadequate actions by pilots, crews, or individuals who caused a situation of danger. The second group comprises errors in the operation of technical objects, including aircraft. This group also includes situations where foreign objects violate airspace or minimum conditions are breached. The next group includes environmental causes such as wild animals, birds, and weather conditions. The last group consists of procedures related to flight phases.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics; 2023, 8, 2; 229--238
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Risk management as a determining factor for the safety of a sapper patrol
Zarządzanie ryzykiem determinantą bezpieczeństwa pracy patrolu saperskiego
Zakrzewski, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
sapper patrol
unexploded munition
explosive object
dangerous object
crisis management
patrol saperski
przedmiot wybuchowy
przedmiot niebezpieczny
zarządzanie kryzysowe
Risk identification and risk assessment is a constant aspect of the decision-making process by sappers of the sapper patrol in their daily operations related to the collection and neutralization of unexploded munitions, misfires, explosives and other dangerous objects of military origin. This is a very difficult task, resulting from the lack of complete and reliable information about the dangerous object found. However, the sapper patrol must manage the risks in their operations properly in order to safely and effectively carry out their tasks. The article is a survey in the field of risk assessment and decision making by the sapper patrol commander during the implementation of tasks related to the taking and neutralization of explosive and dangerous objects. The report presents the issue of threats generated by pollution of the country’s territory by unexploded munitions, misfires and other dangerous materials of military origin. Definitions of explosive and dangerous objects were also presented. The procedures for taking and neutralizing explosive and dangerous objects and the decision-making process of the sapper patrol commander during the activities related to taking these objects are described. Various factors that influence the decisions of the patrol commander when taking and neutralizing explosive and dangerous objects were indicated.
Identyfikacja oraz ocena ryzyka to stały aspekt procesu podejmowania decyzji przez saperów patrolu saperskiego w swej codziennej działalności związanej z podejmowaniem i neutralizacją niewybuchów, niewypałów, materiałów wybuchowych i innych przedmiotów niebezpiecznych pochodzenia wojskowego. Jest to zadanie bardzo trudne, wynikające z braku kompletnych i pewnych informacji o znalezionym przedmiocie niebezpiecznym. Jednak w swych działaniach saperzy muszą odpowiednio zarządzać ryzykiem, aby bezpiecznie i skutecznie realizować swoje zadania. Artykuł jest przeglądem wiedzy z zakresu oceny ryzyka i podejmowania decyzji przez dowódcę patrolu saperskiego podczas realizacji zadań związanych z podejmowaniem i neutralizacją przedmiotów wybuchowych i niebezpiecznych. W materiale przedstawiona została problematyka zagrożeń generowanych zanieczyszczeniem terytorium kraju niewybuchami, niewypałami i innymi materiałami niebezpiecznymi pochodzenia wojskowego. Zaprezentowano także definicje przedmiotów wybuchowych i niebezpiecznych. Opisano procedury podejmowania i neutralizacji przedmiotów wybuchowych i niebezpiecznych oraz proces decyzyjny dowódcy patrolu saperskiego w trakcie działań związanych z podejmowaniem tych przedmiotów. Wskazane zostały różnorodne czynniki, które oddziałują na decyzje dowódcy patrolu podczas podejmowania i neutralizacji przedmiotów wybuchowych i niebezpiecznych.
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces; 2023, 55, 2(208); 128-141
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Well-Being as a Factor Protecting Students’ Engagement – Report from Polish-German Research after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Farnicka, Marzanna
Nowosad, Inetta
Weissbrot-Koziarska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
management of the university
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education students to change their academic functioning, as well as the process of their social integration. This study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, engagement and commitment to the university. The research group comprises 184 students from two universities (Poland and Germany). The research has shown that engagement with the university and the sense of commitment are negatively related to students’ well-being before the pandemic. It has also been revealed that females show higher commitment and engagement regardless of the country. Findings contribute to understanding student engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 74; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zarządzania łańcuchem wartości na kształtowanie grup strategicznych w sektorze polskich banków spółdzielczych
Impact of Value Chain Management on the Formation of Strategic Groups in the Sector of Polish Cooperative Banks
Adamczyk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
łańcuch wartości
bank spółdzielczy
grupy strategiczne
analiza czynnikowa
value chain
cooperative bank
strategic groups
factor analysis
Celem artykułu jest zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej do badania sektora banków spółdzielczych przy wykorzystaniu teorii dotyczących grup strategicznych oraz teorii łańcucha wartości sformułowanej przez Portera. Do badań ilościowych wykorzystane zostały dane 325 banków spółdzielczych działających na terenie Polski za okres 2008-2020. Przy ich użyciu zobrazowano zmiany zachodzące w bankach spółdzielczych na tle sytuacji makroekonomicznej, a także zilustrowano rozpiętość działań biznesowych prowadzonych przez poszczególne podmioty. Zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej pozwoliło wyodrębnić 11 faktorów, których interpretacja przynosi bardziej syntetyczną wiedzę o realizowanej strategii przez poszczególne banki. Szczególne znaczenie mają cztery odkryte zmienne określające politykę produktową banku, które zostały wykorzystane do wyodrębnienia grup strategicznych w sektorze banków spółdzielczych. Uzyskane wyniki umożliwiają pogłębioną analizę modeli biznesowych banków spółdzielczych. Pozwalają również na budowanie ocen skuteczności realizowanej strategii rynkowej i efektywnościowej dla poszczególnych grup strategicznych. Słowa kluczowe: łańcuch wartości, bank spółdzielczy, grupy strategiczne, analiza czynnikowa.
The aim of this article is to apply factor analysis to research on the cooperative banking sector in the field of strategic group analysis and the theory of value chain developed by Porter. Data from 325 cooperative banks operating in Poland between 2008 and 2020 were used for quantitative research. They are used to illustrate the changes taking place in cooperative banks against the background of the macroeconomic situation and to illustrate the scope of economic activity conducted by individual entities. The use of factor analysis allowed to distinguish 11 factors, the interpretation of which brings more synthetic knowledge about the strategy implemented by individual banks. Four discovered variables determining the bank’s product policy, which were used to distinguish strategic groups in the cooperative banking sector, are of particular importance. They also make it possible to build assessments of the effectiveness of the adopted market strategies and effectiveness strategies for individual strategic groups.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2023, 67, 2; 1-19
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zbieżność metodyk i standardów zarządzania projektami jako czynnik sukcesu przedsięwzięć realizowanych w ramach współpracy projektowej
Concurrence of project management standards and methodologies as a success factor for cooperative projects
Ćwik, Krzysztof
Lichtarski, Janusz Marek
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
project success
project cooperation
project management methodologies
współpraca projektowa
metodyki zarządzania projektami
sukces projektu
Jednym z potencjalnych czynników sukcesu projektów realizowanych we współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej, zidentyfikowanych przez autorów, jest zbieżność metodyk i standardów zarządzania projektami stosowanych przez współpracujące strony. Artykuł ma charakter koncepcyjny a jego celem jest prezentacja koncepcji badań empirycznych, dotyczących wpływu zbieżności wykorzystywanych metodyk na sukces projektu. Przegląd literatury pozwala na sformułowanie hipotezy badawczej, wskazującej, że zbieżność stosowanych przez partnerów projektu metodyk i standardów zarządzania projektami jest istotnym czynnikiem powodzenia wspólnego projektu. Sformułowana hipoteza badawcza będzie testowana w badaniach ankietowych w sektorze IT (n = 320).
One of the success factors of projects implemented in inter-organizational cooperation identified by the Authors is the concurrence of standards and methodologies of project management used by project partners. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to present the concept of empirical research on the impact of the concurrence of PM standards and methodologies used on the success of the cooperative project. The literature review allows us to formulate a research hypothesis that the concurrence of PM standards and methodologies used by the project partners is an essential factor in the success of a joint project. The formulated research hypothesis will be tested in surveys within the IT sector (n = 320).
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów; 2022, 186; 93-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A multivariate approach towards the measurement of active employee participation in the area of occupational health and safety in different sectors of the economy
Boczkowska, Katarzyna
Niziołek, Konrad
Roszko-Wójtowicz, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
employee participation
health and safety management
safety culture
synthetic measure of active employee participation
factor analysis
sectors of the economy
factor analysis and principal component analysis
Research background: Despite a dynamically growing exploration of broadly understood employee participation, there is still space left for more in-depth or new analyses in this area, and occupational health and safety (OHS) serves as a good example in this respect. In empirical studies, employee participation in the field of occupational health and safety is not treated as a separate element of ensuring safety in the organisation, but only as a minor element of occupational health and safety management, or as just one of the elements building a safety culture. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to propose a synthetic measure of active employee participation in OHS taking into account the depth and scope of this participation. A comparative analysis of the level of active participation of OHS at medical facilities and in other sectors of the economy was also performed. Methods: The theoretical model for active employee participation in OHS was tested by means of a survey using the PAPI (Paper & Pen Personal Interview) method. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used. The developed construct (characterised by an adequately high level of validity and reliability) was used in a comparative analysis of medical institutions with other sectors of the economy with the use of the Mann?Whitney U test. Findings & value added: This research fills the theoretical gap in the model approach to participation in OHS. It has been found (EFA and CFA analyses) that active employee participation in OHS consists of one dimension (15 items). The model for active employee participation in OHS and the universal measurement scale developed and validated in this study represent a step forward towards the effective and reliable measurement of employee participation. In addition, the research has shown that the level of active employee participation in OHS at medical facilities is lower than in other sectors of the economy. The added value of this paper results from the approach to measuring employee participation in OHS which takes into account the depth and scope of this participation. The tool is consistent with international regulations and standards in the field of OHS, and thus can be used in other countries to assess active employee participation in OHS, regardless of the size and profile of the company or the sector of the economy.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2022, 17, 4; 1051-1085
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of concepts about the negative impact of the human factor on the management systems for complex technical objects
Analiza koncepcji dotyczących negatywnego wpływu czynnika ludzkiego na systemy zarządzania złożonymi obiektami technicznymi
Korostil, Jerzy
Afanasyewa, Olesya
Korostil, Olga
Data publikacji:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Sączu
service personnel
sensitivity information
model of emotional conditions
personel serwisowy
model stanów emocjonalnych
wykrywacz kłamstw
The article examines the way of organizing the means by which it is possible to detect the occurrence of the human factor that has a negative impact on complex technical objects. The system is an organized set of tools for diagnosing the human factor, implemented in the control system and operating in real time. The article develops an approach to the implementation of the human factor diagnosis method, which consists in identifying a dangerous emotional state of a selected person and identifying additional information that causes the activation of the appropriate human factor. In order to fully present the research problem of the work, an analysis of psychophysiological features of the human emotional state was carried out. Tasks, the solution of which is necessary for the model combined with the human factor, were considered. The analyzed model describes the process of functioning of the human factor and proven methods of organizing the process of diagnosing the human factor in technical facilities.
W artykule zbadano sposób organizacji środków, za pomocą których można wykryć wystąpienie czynnika ludzkiego, który ma negatywny wpływ na złożony obiekty techniczny. System jest zorganizowanym zestawem narzędzi do diagnozowania czynnika ludzkiego, zaimplementowanym w systemie sterowania oraz działającym w czasie rzeczywistym. W artykule opracowano podejście do realizacji metody diagnozy czynnika ludzkiego, polegającego na zidentyfikowaniu niebezpiecznego stanu emocjonalnego wybranej osoby i zidentyfikowaniu dodatkowych informacji, które powodują aktywację odpowiednego czynnika ludzkiego. Dla pełnego przedstawienia problemu badawczego pracy przeprowadzono analizę psychofizjologicznych cech stanu emocjonalnego człowieka. Rozpatrzono zadania, których rozwiązanie jest niezbędne dla modelu połączonego z czynnikiem ludzkim. Analizowany model opisuje proces funkcjonowania czynnika ludzkiego oraz sprawdzone metody organizacji procesu diagnozowania czynnika ludzkiego w obiektach technicznych.
Journal of Engineering, Energy and Informatics; 2022, 1; 5-16
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Engineering, Energy and Informatics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conflict in work environment - its causes, prevention, methods of solving
Gembalska-Kwiecień, Anna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
zarządzanie firmą
konflikt w środowisku pracy
czynnik ludzki
company management
conflict in work environment
human factor
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management, Institute of Economics and Informatics, Zabrze;, ORCID: 0000-0001-9275-0447 Purpose: This paper attempts to present the essence of the problem of conflicts in the work environment, as well as their most important causes and methods of solving them. Attention was also drawn to the possibility of creative resolution of the disputed issues. The essence of conflict is problematic, due to various definitions and concepts assigned to the term. In the presented paper, conflict will be defined in a way that enables consideration of its constructive, as well as functional aspects. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire addressed to employees. Literature research of the subject was carried out. Findings: When several or a dozen or so people are to cooperate, conflicts are inevitable and even useful, they occur in all teams, regardless of their nature. Teams that are aware that constructive conflicts are needed and are prepared to resolve them work effectively, even when difficult or crisis situations arise. Members of such teams are not surprised by them, they know how to act in such situations and what behaviors of other participants of the conflict they can expect. Therefore, constructive conflicts do not deteriorate employees' efficiency, atmosphere or relations in the team. Practical implications: The issues discussed in this paper significantly affect the improvement of methods related to work environment management and the desired shaping of attitudes and behavior of employees regarding a constructive approach to the issue of conflict at work. Originality/value In company management, the greatest attention should be paid to people as the subjects of all activities. Therefore, it is worth considering and asking the question what to do in a conflict situation, what actions to take, so that the conflict is not only a destructive phenomenon, but so that by searching for its multifaceted solutions, it becomes an instrument of organizational innovation and can lead to constructive solutions and creative changes in the company.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 155; 59--70
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depression in work environment - its causes, symptoms and prevention
Gembalska-Kwiecień, Anna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
company management
depression in work environment
human factor
zarządzanie firmą
depresja w środowisku pracy
czynnik ludzki
Purpose: This paper addresses the problem of depression. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems faced by employees, regardless of their position. WHO research indicates that various forms of depression will become, along with cardiovascular diseases, the most frequent health condition of people in developed regions of the world. Treatment in most cases restores health, yet it is highly disturbing that half of the patients do not undergo treatment for various reasons, thus depriving themselves of the chance to return to normal life and work. The purpose of this paper is to highlight this very important problem. Design/methodology/approach: Literature research of the subject was carried out. Findings: The risk of incidence of depression at work can and should be minimized. First of all, overall physical and mental health of employees should be taken care of. Therefore, we should take care of healthy sleep, healthy diet, practice sports and tourism, and find time to develop our passions and interests outside of work. Of course, the key issue here is the work environment. It is important for the employee to follow the basic rules of hygiene at mental or physical work. That is, not to burn the candle at both ends, not to overwork, not to set excessive, and thus often unrealistic goals to achieve, use rational breaks at work and, above all, take care of good relations with our colleagues. Also, report problems with professional work on an ongoing basis. Practical implications: The issues discussed in this paper significantly affect the improvement of methods related to work environment management and the desired shaping of attitudes and behavior of employees regarding the approach to the issue of depression, a problem related to work environment that has been downplayed so far. Originality/value: A holistic approach to depression. Defining it as an interdisciplinary problem. It should be handled by doctors of various specialties, especially psychiatrists, of course, but also general practitioners, neurologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists and many other physicians. It also requires the attention of non-medical specialists.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 155; 71--82
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Supply Chain Management in the Clothing Sector and Possible Solutions
Kanat, Seher
Atilgan, Turan
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych
COVID-19 pandemic
clothing sector
supply chain management
survey method
factor analysis
The clothing sector is one which possesses significance in global trade. The sector has been negatively affected by the pandemic due to its labor-intensive structure and possession of a relatively long and global supply chain. At this point, the Turkish clothing sector, which is the sixth biggest clothing supplier in the world, the third biggest clothing supplier in the European Union, and comprised 10% of Turkey’s general exports in 2019, should be investigated. In this context, this research aims to determine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chain management in the Turkish clothing sector. Also, it aims to specify possible solutions against the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the aim of the research, a survey was conducted in clothing enterprises. 391 survey questionnaires were incorporated into the research. According to the research results, it is determined that supply chain management in the Turkish clothing sector has been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Order disruptions and cessations have ruined employment, production, procurement and investment processes resulting in financial disruptions. The most significant possible precautions that can be taken by enterprises that can be indicated as follows: benefiting from government support, heading towards online trade and an omni-channel strategy, actualising necessary alterations in product ranges, giving essential importance to innovation, efficient use of occupational health and safety systems, shortening the supply chain as far as possible, integrating digitalisation into all processes of the supply chain, and increasing the efficiency of marketing activities.
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe; 2022, 2 (151); 8--16
Pojawia się w:
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the human factor on the functioning of the quality management system in the enterprise
Sroka, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
human factor
quality management system
management system
lower-level employees
This article analyzes the expectations of the management board and managerial staff as opposed to the expectations and concerns of regular employees of the company. Communication between the decision-making and executive groups is presented as one of the key elements determining the proper operation of the quality management system in the enterprise. In the practical part, the results of the research covering the management and regular employees were presented and compared. The research is aimed at diagnosing the quality of information flow in the enterprise based on the quality management system in the assessment of both surveyed groups, determining the perception of the importance and scale of participation in the proposed corrective actions among the surveyed groups of respondents, and diagnosing the level of informing rank-and-file employees about the goals and importance of conducting internal and external audits. The research also covered the role of lower-level employees in the effective functioning of the company’s quality management system. An attempt was made to analyze the degree of participation of regular employees in the functioning of the quality management system in the enterprise. The article ends with the conclusions and proposals for future research.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2022, 72 (144); 175--182
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of factor analysis in company management — selected examples related to competitiveness and market success
Jurczak, Jolanta
Jurczak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
factor analysis
confirmatory factor analysis
exploratory factor analysis
analiza czynnikowa
potwierdzająca analiza czynnikowa
rozpoznawcza analiza czynnikowa
Factor analysis is a standard statistical technique for reducing data dimensionality, which is widely used in sociology, psychology, and demography. Also, financial and insurance institutions commonly use such a technique for marketing research. In recent years, factor analysis has been used, at the beginning rather diffidently, to analyse selected problems of business management, e.g. to troubleshoot consumer and company communication. There are some literature reports about the successful use of factor analysis in managing a company area. Nevertheless, the literature seems to lack examples with successful use of the method with a clear explanation of its rather difficult application in the field of competitiveness or potential company boost. The modest popularity of such a powerful technique in this particular field seems to be attributed mainly to the complexity of the method and its requirements concerning the data quantity. Besides, the factor analysis technique has great potential and can be used as an efficient tool to reduce the complexity of observed phenomenon or verify the accuracy of theoretical models. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present a vast potential of factor analysis (both exploratory and confirmatory) applied to solve various problems in company management, especially related to competitiveness and market success. Two case studies covering the subject of business management are presented to illustrate the benefits of factor analysis application. The exploratory factor analysis is exemplified by the search of factors related to the commercial success of the company, while the confirmatory technique is illustrated by a case study of the intellectual capital of the company and its factors related to competitiveness. The paper also presents the essence of the factor analysis, types of analysis, subsequent procedures, purposes, and its specific features. Finally, the applicability of the factor analysis to solve management issues and possible gain in management are discussed.
Engineering Management in Production and Services; 2021, 13, 3; 25--36
Pojawia się w:
Engineering Management in Production and Services
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of system of automated occupational health and safety management in enterprises
Bochkovskyi, A. P.
Sapozhnikova, N. Yu.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
safety and health management
automated occupational health and safety management
occupational risk
human factor
zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy
ryzyko zawodowe
czynnik ludzki
Purpose: Develop a system of automated occupational health and safety management to improve the procedure for minimizing occupational risks and ensure comprehensive protection of employees from the impacts of negative factors of the systems "man - machine - environment". Design/methodology/approach: The following set of scientific methods was used in the study: analysis of normative-legal documents and scientific-technical literature in the field of building and functioning of occupational safety and health management systems, methods of system analysis, simulation methods, namely discrete-event simulation (DES) of random and dynamic processes, methods of decision theory and data mining. Findings: Based on the results of the research, a system of automated occupational health and safety management, which due to the connection the functionally independent elements (according to a certain scheme) allows to provide comprehensive protection of employees from the impacts of negative factors of the system "man - machine - environment" and reduce occupational injuries and diseases, was developed. This is done by constant monitoring and promt correcting of parameters of impact on the employee of the specified factors. The developed system was implemented in the occupational health and safety management system of the industrial enterprise "Stalkanat-Silur" (Odessa, Ukraine), resulting in reducing the number of accidents, in particular, in dangerous areas of production by 33.3%, increasing the economic efficiency of the enterprise through increasing the level of productivity by 5% and reducing in the number of social insurance payments by 11%. Research limitations/implications: The developed system can be implemented both within separate industrial premises and in the enterprise as a whole, but the number of its elements could be changed (increase / decrease) depending on the number of jobs and dangerous areas that need control. Practical implications: The implementation of the proposed system allows to increase the level of economic efficiency of the enterprise by increasing the level of labor productivity due to reducing the negative impact on the employee of harmful factors and compliance with rational mode of work and rest in each workplace, as well as by reducing the number of social insurance payments due to reducing the occupational injuries and diseases. Originality/value: For the first time the system of automated occupational health and safety, which, in contrast to existing automated occupational risk minimization systems and traditional occupational health and safety management systems, provides comprehensive protection of employees from the the impacts negative factors of the system "man - machine-environment", by constant monitoring the parameters of such impact and their prompt correction in case of deviation of the specified parameters from the set criteria, was developed and proposed for use at enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2021, 107, 1; 28--41
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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