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Wpływ wybranych indywidualnych czynników klinicznych na odtwarzalność obszaru napromieniania u chorych leczonych z powodu nowotworów ginekologicznych
Influence of selected individual clinical factors on reproducibility of radiation fields in patients treated due to gynecologic cancers
Lindner, Bogusław
Krynicki, Ryszard
Olszyna-Serementa, Marta
Nalewczyńska, Agnieszka
Zawadzka, Anna
Bednarczyk, Katarzyna
Czuchraniuk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
obrazowanie portalowe
weryfikacja ułożenia
błędy geometryczne
kontrola jakości
radioterapia miednicy
portal imaging
set-up verification
geometric errors
quality control
pelvic radiotherapy
Introduction: Accurate reproducibility of the radiation field in all stages of radiotherapy is the basic condition for curing cancer permanently while preserving vital surrounding tissues and organs. The progress in information technology has made it possible to replace time-consuming and less accurate portal imaging that uses radiograms with electronic systems for recording and processing images of the radiation beam. Such devices detect possible geometric errors more effectively and enable their verification even during a single radiation fraction. The fact that the precision and individualization of contemporary radiotherapy is aimed at as well as new technical possibilities motivated the authors to search for individual patient-related factors that influence the reproducibility of radiation fields in individual radiotherapy sessions. Aim: The aim of the paper was to assess the influence of selected individual clinical factors on the reproducibility of the radiation field in patients treated due to gynecologic cancers. Material: The material comprised 88 patients with cervical and endometrial cancers in FIGO stages I, II and III, treated in the Department of Teleradiotherapy of Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland. The radiotherapies conducted were radical, primary and adjuvant following previous surgical treatment. Method: Patients received irradiation according to the treatment plans with 6 and 15 MeV X-ray photons with a total dose of 45–60 Gy, 1.5–2.5 Gy in 12–39 (mean 25) fractions. In order to compare patient set-up accuracy with the reference positioning stored in the Vision system, verification images were made during subsequent radiation fractions with the use of electronic portal imaging system from the PA 0° and lateral 90° directions of radiation beams. Differences in relation to the reference images in three directions were compared and entered into tables. The reaction threshold was assumed when the differences between the simulator images and portal images in any of the examined directions were >7 mm. Then, following an error analysis, set-up was verified and corrected simultaneously (online). The size of displacement with respect to the reference image and the mean displacement value were specified in every patient for each of the three directions. For the purposes of the statistical analysis, a displacement vector was determined that expressed total displacement of a patient during radiotherapy with respect to the reference images. A description of the studied group of patients based on clinical features was presented in the table. It includes the performance status, body mass index, diagnosis, stage of the disease, data concerning combination treatment with radiotherapy, including previous surgical treatment and chemotherapy, as well as aggravation of early radiation reactions of the urinary bladder and intestine. The authors analyzed the influence of the selected individual clinical factors on the reproducibility of the radiation field, which was expressed with the displacement vector. The chi-square test of dependence was used to assess correlations between the value of the displacement vector and the aforementioned clinical and pathological features. The level of statistical significance of p = 0.05 referred to all comparisons. Results: The analysis involved 382 portal images that verified patient set-up, based on which a total of 1528 measurements were performed according to the above mentioned principles. For each analyzed patient, the value of the displacement vector was calculated. The mean value for all patients was 0.44 (0.02–1.82, standard deviation 0.27). The chi-square test of dependence revealed a statistically significant influence of obesity expressed as the body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.003), presence of early intestinal radiation reactions (p = 0.034) and previous surgical treatment (p = 0.046) on worse reproducibility of radiation fields expressed as the value of the displacement vector. Conclusions: Obesity expressed as the body mass index (BMI) ≥30.0, presence of acute intestinal radiation reactions during radiotherapy and surgical treatment conducted at the first stage of treatment deteriorate the reproducibility of the radiation field in a statistically significant way in patients treated due to gynecologic cancers.
Wstęp: Dokładna odtwarzalność obszaru napromieniania we wszystkich etapach radioterapii jest podstawowym warunkiem trwałego wyleczenia przy jednoczesnym oszczędzeniu ważnych dla zdrowia otaczających tkanek i narządów. Postęp techniki informatycznej pozwolił zastąpić czasochłonną i mniej dokładną metodę obrazowania portalowego z użyciem radiogramów systemami elektronicznej rejestracji i przetwarzania obrazu wiązki promieniowania. Urządzenia te skuteczniej wykrywają zaistniałe błędy geometryczne i pozwalają weryfikować je nawet w czasie tej samej frakcji napromieniania. Dążenie do zwiększenia precyzji i indywidualizacji nowoczesnej radioterapii oraz nowe możliwości techniczne skłoniły autorów do poszukiwania indywidualnych czynników związanych z pacjentem, które wpływają na odtwarzalność pól napromieniania w poszczególnych seansach radioterapii. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu wybranych indywidualnych czynników klinicznych na odtwarzalność obszaru napromieniania u chorych leczonych z powodu nowotworów ginekologicznych. Materiał: Analizowany materiał stanowiło 88 kolejnych chorych na raka szyjki i trzonu macicy w I, II i III stopniu zawansowania wg FIGO, leczonych w Zakładzie Teleradioterapii Centrum Onkologii – Instytutu im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Warszawie. Stosowano napromienianie z założeniem radykalnym, pierwotne i uzupełniające po uprzednim leczeniu chirurgicznym. Metoda: Chore były napromieniane według planów leczenia fotonami X o energii 6 i 15 MeV, dawką całkowitą 45–60 Gy, frakcjonowaną 1,5–2,5 Gy w 12–39 (średnia 25) frakcjach. W czasie kolejnych frakcji napromieniania w celu porównania poprawności ułożenia chorej w stosunku do ułożenia referencyjnego zapisanego w systemie Vision wykonano obrazy weryfikacyjne w elektronicznym systemie obrazowania portalowego z kierunków wejścia wiązek PA 0° i bok 90°. Różnice w stosunku do obrazów referencyjnych w trzech kierunkach zostały porównane i zapisane w tabelach. Przyjęto próg reagowania, gdy różnice między obrazem uzyskanym z symulatora i z obrazu portalowego w dowolnym z badanych kierunków wynosiły >7 mm, wówczas podejmowano po analizie błędów weryfikację ułożenia z korektą jednoczasową (online). U wszystkich chorych określono dla każdego z trzech kierunków wielkość przesunięcia względem obrazu referencyjnego i średnią wartość przesunięcia. Na potrzeby analizy statystycznej wyznaczono wektor przesunięcia wskazujący całkowite przesunięcie chorego w trakcie napromieniania względem obrazów referencyjnych. Charakterystykę badanej grupy chorych pod względem cech klinicznych zestawiono w tabeli, uwzględniając stopień sprawności, indeks masy ciała, rozpoznanie, stopień zaawansowania nowotworu, stosowane leczenie skojarzone z radioterapią, w tym przebyty zabieg chirurgiczny i chemioterapię, nasilenie wczesnych odczynów popromiennych ze strony pęcherza moczowego i jelit. Analizowano wpływ wybranych czynników klinicznych na odtwarzalność obszaru napromieniania wyrażoną wartością wektora przesunięcia. Testem zależności chi-kwadrat oceniono korelację pomiędzy wartością wektora przesunięcia a wymienionymi cechami klinicznymi i patologicznymi. We wszystkich porównaniach przyjęto poziom istotności statystycznej p = 0,05. Wyniki: Poddano analizie 382 obrazy portalowe weryfikujące ułożenie pacjentek, na których dokonano łącznie 1528 pomiarów według powyższych zasad. Obliczono dla każdej analizowanej chorej wartość wektora przesunięcia. Średnia wartość dla wszystkich chorych wynosiła 0,44 (0,02–1,82, odchylenie standardowe 0,27). Testem zależności chi-kwadrat wykazano znamienny statystycznie wpływ otyłości wyrażonej wskaźnikiem masy ciała (BMI) (p = 0,003), występowania wczesnego odczynu popromiennego z jelit (p = 0,034) oraz przebytego leczenia chirurgicznego (p = 0,046) na gorszą odtwarzalność pól napromieniania wyrażoną wartością wektora przesunięcia. Wnioski: Otyłość wyrażona wskaźnikiem masy ciała BMI ≥30,0, wystąpienie ostrego odczynu popromiennego z jelit w trakcie radioterapii oraz przebyty w pierwszym etapie leczenia zabieg chirurgiczny istotnie statystycznie pogarszają odtwarzalność obszaru napromieniania u chorych leczonych z powodu nowotworów ginekologicznych.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2014, 12, 2; 115-124
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The maximum ice sheet extent and its retreat in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, during the Sanian 2 Glaciation/MIS 12 based on geological data and analysis of karst phenomena
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Cabalski, Krzysztof
Urban, Jan
Cyglicki, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Central Poland
glacial deposits
cave deposits
Middle Pleistocene
Polska środkowa
osad glacjalny
złoże jaskiniowe
środkowy plejstocen
The paper is focused on the palaeographic development of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, during the maximum extent of the Sanian 2 (MIS 12) ice sheet and its retreat. The studies were based on archival cartographic data, coupled with new lithological and petrographic analyses of limni- and fluvioglacial sands, i.e., grain-size composition, quartz grain morphology and heavy mineral analysis, as well as analysis of the erratic material of tills. The results confirm the regional variability of the erratic material in the Sanian 2 tills and point to the long-term development of fluvioglacial sands cover documenting cold climate conditions. They also evidence that the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains was the area where two oppositely directed ice sheet lobes (Radoszyce and Sandomierz) advanced during the Sanian 2 Glaciation and that deglaciation of the area took place in two stages. Huge quantities of meltwater released at that time contributed to the intensification of earlier initiated karst phenomena, as well as filling of the existing caves by fluvioglacial sands.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2021, 71, 2; 199-218
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The loess section in Wąchock as the key site of Vistulian loesses and palaeosols in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Nawrocki, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
East-Central Europe
loess stratigraphy
soil complexes
The Wąchock section (N part of the Holy Cross Mountains) is bipartite, with a sub-loess lower part and a loess upper part. The sub-loess part lying on Lower Triassic sandstones includes fluvial, glacial and ice-dammed lake deposits, TL-dated at 352 ky BP to 157 ±23 ky BP. They represent the Mazovian (MIS 11) (Zbójnian?, MIS 9?) Interglacial and the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6). The upper part comprises loesses intercalated with palaeosols, which reach a total thickness of 9 m and have TL ages at 148 ±23 ky BP to 15.8 ±8 ky BP. This part of the succession begins with horizon B of a brown soil from the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) with an interstadial black soil from the oldest Vistulian (MIS 5c). Four younger loess horizons from the middle and younger Vistulian occur above; loesses with arctic and tundra palaeosols correspond to younger isotope stages (MIS 5b-MIS 2). The loess and palaeosol horizons distinguished in Wąchock were correlated with loess sections in Poland (Zwierzyniec and Polanów Samborzecki) and western Ukraine (Kolodiiv 3), showing large similitarities of both loesses and palaeosols. Due to this, the Wąchock site is proposed as a one of key sections for Vistulian loess sequences not only in the Holy Cross Mts. region but also in Central Europe. Palaeomagnetic studies of the Wąchock loesses have registerered palaeomagnetic inclinations with values lower than the average values expected in this locality (63°).
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 2; 252--262
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The age of the oldest Scandinavian glaciations in mid-eastern Poland and southwestern Belarus
Lindner, L.
Marciniak, B.
Sanko, A. F.
Khursevich, G. K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Early Pleistocene
Scandinavian glaciations
stratigraphic correlation
Analysis of type localities of Pleistocene deposits from mid-eastern Poland (Kozi Grzbiet, Łuków, Biała Podlaska and Wilczyn) and southwestern Belarus (Smolarka and Postolovo) has provided a new view on the age, limits and correlation of the oldest Scandinavian glaciations in the area. Integration of palaeontological data with determination of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (780 ka) at Kozi Grzbiet and Smolarka suggests that the first glaciation (Narevian) preceded this boundary and had a slightly smaller extent in SW Belarus than hitherto considered. The second glaciation (Nidanian) occurred slightly above or at this palaeomagnetic boundary. In Poland it is the first South Polish Glaciation, a till of which can be traced as far as the Holy Cross Mts. In SW Belarus it is represented by a till to the south of Brest and Bereza, and connected there with the oldest glaciation.
Geological Quarterly; 2001, 45, 4; 373-396
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The age and geological setting of Pleistocene glacigenic beds around the border between Poland and Belarus
Lindner, L.
Astapova, S.D.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
stratigraphic correlation
Pleistocene glacigenic sediments around the Polish-Belarussian border are correlated. Tills of the Narevian Glaciation are present in both countries, are those in Poland possibly being order. Within the older South Polish Glaciations (Elsterian) there is no definite evidence of deposits of the Nidanian Glaciation in Belarus, though the younger of these glaciations (Sanian 1 and 2), seem to correspond to the Berezinian Glaciation sensu lato (Yaseldinian and Berezinian sensu stricto). During the older Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian), comprising two glaciations (Liviecian, Krznanian), the Scandinavian ice sheets occupied Polish territory only. Till of the Odranian + Wartanian Glaciation in Poland is correlated with till of the Dnieperian Glaciation in Belarus. There are similar deposits of the Vistulian Glaciation (Poozerian) in both countries.
Geological Quarterly; 2000, 44, 2; 187-197
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Swift ion beams for solid state and materials science
Denker, A.
Bohne, W.
Heese, J.
Homeyer, H.
Kluge, H.
Lindner, S.
Opitz-Coutureau, J.
Röhrich, J.
Strub, E.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
tumour therapy
materials modification
materials analysis
single event effects
technical applications
Ion beams are unique tools in modern science and technology. They are used for the analysis and modification of materials and are applied in medicine and technology. In cancer therapy fast protons allow a precise tailoring of the radiation field to the tumour, thus maximising the tumour control probability and simultaneously reducing the risk of side effects. Modification of the structure of solids by ion irradiation results in local structures on nano-scale, e.g. high-tech filters having defined pore numbers and pore sizes are produced by high-energy heavy ion irradiation with consecutive etching. Electronic devices utilised in areas with high radiation level have to be tested for their radiation hardness. The devices are irradiated with accelerated ions to receive the same dose by high-energy ions as expected during their lifetime. For materials sciences the analysis of composition and structure of solids is of uppermost importance. Complex layered structures are analysed by ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis). Investigation of art and archaeological objects has to be non-destructive. PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) allows elemental analysis without sampling of the object. Different applications of high energy ions will be presented.
Nukleonika; 2003, 48,suppl.2; 175-180
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Surface Magnetic Anisotropy of Epitaxial La$\text{}_{0.7}$Mn$\text{}_{1.3}$O$\text{}_{2.84}$ Thin Films
Aleshkevych, P.
Baran, M.
Dyakonov, V.
Szymczak, R.
Szymczak, H.
Baberschke, K.
Lindner, J.
Lenz, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
A spin-wave resonance technique was used to collect information on elementary magnon excitations in high quality epitaxial La$\text{}_{0.7}$Mn$\text{}_{1.3}$O$\text{}_{2.84}$ films prepared by dc-magnetron sputtering. It was found that besides bulk spin-wave modes, the spin-wave resonance spectrum includes also the surface spin waves. The value of spin-wave stiffness constant D=156 meV·Å$\text{}^{2}$ was found. The values of the surface magnetic anisotropy on both surfaces and their angular dependence were determined. The experimentally found spin-wave resonance spectra were explained based on the surface-inhomogeneity model. The effect of surface anisotropy on the spin-wave excitation conditions in epitaxial La$\text{}_{0.7}$Mn$\text{}_{1.3}$O$\text{}_{2.84}$ films was investigated. Spin-wave resonance data give an indirect evidence of periodic charge-ordered stripes formation.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2006, 110, 1; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Bug loess (Pleistocene: Upper Vistulian) between Kiev and Odessa (Ukraine)
Chlebowski, R.
Gozhik, P.
Lindner, L.
Łanczont, M.
Wojtanowicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Kiev–Odessa area
alimentation areas
heavy minerals
last glaciation
Documented type sections (Vyazivok, Stayky, Uman, Troitskoye, Altestovo, Roxolany and Lebedivka) provide a basis for Pleistocene stratigraphy between Kiev and Odessa, and have been used to characterise the heavy mineral composition and part of the light fraction of the Bug loess in this area. These sections document an almost complete succession of climatic change during the last 780 ka, worked out mostly using loesses and palaeosols though also in the case of the first two sections, of glacial deposits. The heavy mineral composition of the Bug loess in these sections documents five mineral groups on the basis of their resistance to weathering and susceptibility to deflation and aeolian transport. Radar charts with particular mineral groups indicate mineralogical and genetic trends in the loesses. Moreover, in some sections the light fraction of the loess investigated contains derived microfossils (mainly foraminifers) of Cretaceous age, indicating source areas for the loess-forming material, and constraining the palaeowind directions. The data obtained allow distinction of three accumulation zones of the Bug loess in this area, reflecting loesses derived from different source areas and transported by winds from different directions. In northern sections (zone A), the Bug loess was accumulated by winds blowing from the west and north-west. More to the south (zone C), the same loess was accumulated by winds from the east and south-east. Loess preserved in zone B, between these areas, could be accumulated by winds from either of these directions.
Geological Quarterly; 2003, 47, 3; 261-268
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stratigraphy and conditions of accumulation of the Younger Loesses (Vistulian) in the Holy Cross Mountains area, Poland
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
East-Central Europe
loess stratigraphy
wind transport
The paper presents results of studies focused on occurrence and correlation of four main horizons of Younger Loesses: Lowest Younger Loess (LMn – after Maruszczak, 2001), Lower Younger Loess (LMd), Middle Younger Loess (LMs), and Upper Younger Loess (LMg) recorded in five sections (Politów, Wąchock, Nietulisko Małe, Komorniki and Bodzechów) in the Holy Cross Mountains area. All analysed loesses were accumulated during the Vistulian Glaciation (Weichselian). The horizons were distinguished based on separating interstadial tundra soils, coupled with thermoluminescence dating, and correlated with marine oxygen-isotope stages MIS 5d−2. The Lowermost Younger Loess (LMn) covers the Nietulisko I soil complex (Jersak, 1973), developed on deposits of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) and representing a forest soil of the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Brørup warming (MIS 5c). A thin horizon of the Oldest Younger Loess and a thin sandy horizon, both probably corresponding to the Herning cooling phase (MIS 5d) at the boundary with the Eemian Interglacial, were distinguished within this complex. Based on previously performed grain-size and heavy mineral analysis of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) and a topographic position of the loesses in four loessy islands of diverse regional extent, accumulation of this loess in the Holy Cross Mountains area is found to have been stimulated by the western winds. The proposed model of loess accumulation takes into account the influence of the topography of the area and its geological structure.
Studia Quaternaria; 2020, 37; 109-120
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanowisko osadów jeziornych interglacjału murawińskiego (eemskiego) w Rumlówce koło Grodna (Białoruś)
A locality with lacustrine deposits representing the Muravian (Eemian) Interglacial in Rumlówka near Grodno (Belarus)
Marciniak, B.
Jełowiczewa, J.
Lindner, L.
Sańko, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zlodowacenie poozierskie (wisły)
diatom and faunal studies
Muravian (Eemian) Interglacial
Poozerian (Vistulian) Glaciation
interglacjał murawiński (eemski)
Przedstawiono główne wyniki badań interdyscyplinarnych osadów jeziornych w Rumlówce koło Grodna. Osady te reprezentowane są przez kredę i mułki ilaste, a przykryte są przez piaski i piaski ze żwirem stanowiące osady fluwioperyglacjalne i deluwialne najwyższego (VI) tarasu Niemna. Badaniami palinologicznymi objęto górną część kredy i mułku ilastego w profilu Rumlówka 2. Obejmują one młodszą część (od fazy Carpinus do fazy Betula+Pinus+NAP) interglacjału murawińskiego (eemskiego) i najstarszą część zlodowacenia poozierskiego (wisły). Badania diatomologiczne młodszej części osadów interglacjału murawińskiego pozwoliły na wydzielenie w nich pięciu lokalnych poziomów okrzemkowych (Local Assemblage Zones L DAZ DR-1 do DR-5), a na ich podstawie pięciu stadiów rozwoju ówczesnego jeziora, od głębokiego, oligotroficznego przez oligomezotroficzne, z często zmieniającym się poziomem wody, do eutroficznego, wyraźnie się wypłycającego. Analiza licznych szczątków malakofauny oraz zębów i kości ssaków, zachowanych zarówno w wymienionych osadach jeziornych, jak i przykrywających je osadach rzecznych, wykazała wzajemne przenikanie się form ciepło- i zimnolubnych. Jest to zjawisko typowe dla schyłkowej części ostatniego interglacjału (murawińskiego, eemskiego) i początkowej części ostatniego zlodowacenia (poozierskiego, wisły) na obszarze środkowej Europy.
The paper presents results of multi-disciplinary studies of the lacustrine deposits from Rumlówka near Grodno. Geological studies show that the strata are represented by marls and clayey silts and are covered by sands and sands with gravel representing of the fluvioperiglacial and deluvial accumulation of the highest (VI) terrace of Niemen. Pollen analyses were conducted in the upper part of the marls and clayey silts in the Rumlówka 2 section. These deposits correspond to the younger part (from the Carpinus to the Betula+Pinus+NAP phase) of the Muravian (Eemian) Interglacial and the oldest part of the Poozerian (Vistulian) Glaciation. Diatom analyses of the younger part of the Muravian Interglacial allowed distinguishing five Local Assemblage Zones L DAZ DR-1 to DR-5, and as a result, also five stages of the lake evolution, from deep basin (oligotrophic lake), through a reservoir with oscillating water level (oligo-mesotrophic lake), to a distinctly shallowing environment (eutrophic lake). The analysis of abundant malacofauna along with teeth and bones of mammals preserved both in the lake deposits as well as in the overlying fluvial deposits indicated intermingling of thermo- and cryophilous forms. This phenomenon is typical of the terminal part of the last interglacial (Muravian, Eemian) and the initial part of the last slaciation (Poozerian, Vistulian) in Central Europe.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2007, 425; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stabilization problem in biaxial platform
Lindner, T.
Rybarczyk, D.
Wyrwał, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
ball on plate
cascade PID,
stabilizing ball
Emgu CV
The article describes investigation of rolling ball stabilization problem on a biaxial platform. The aim of the control system proposed here is to stabilize ball moving on a plane in equilibrium point. The authors proposed a control algorithm based on cascade PID and they compared it with another control method. The article shows the results of the accuracy of ball stabilization and influence of applied filter on the signal waveform. The application used to detect the ball position measured by digital camera has been written using a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library - EmguCV. The authors used the bipolar stepper motor with dedicated electronic controller. The data between the computer and the designed controller are sent with use of the RS232 standard. The control stand is based on ATmega series microcontroller.
Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials; 2016, 36; 65-69
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quaternary valley levels and river terraces in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains
Dzierżek, Jan
Lindner, Leszek
Cabalski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Holy Cross Mountains
valley sediments
fluvial forms
According to the current state of research five sand-gravel accumulation levels of Quaternary age are visible in the morphology of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, within the Wierna Rzeka, Hutka and Bobrza river valley systems and the lower stretches of the Biała Nida and Czarna Nida river valleys. Two upper levels (V and IV) correspond to valleys formed during the Odranian Glaciation-Saalian, MIS6 and its reccesional phases under the influence of proglacial and extraglacial waters beyond the extent (to the east) of the maximal ice-sheet limit of this glaciation, reaching to the present-day Leśnica-Gnieździska-Łopuszno line. Two lower levels (III and II) are terraces that were typically formed during the climatic conditions thatprevailed during Vistulian stadials. Sands and gravels of the three upper levels (V−III) contain numerous debris flow deposits and cryoturbation structures documenting periglacial conditions during their accumulation. The lowermost level (I) is a typical Holocene floodplain.
Studia Quaternaria; 2019, 36; 109-118
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quaternary stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Poland
Marks, L.
Dzierżek, J.
Janiszewski, R.
Kaczorowski, J.
Lindner, L.
Majecka, A.
Makos, M.
Szymanek, M.
Tołoczko-Pasek, A.
Woronko, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Pollen analysis
mountain glaciers
Tatra Mts.
analiza pyłkowa
lodowce górskie
Though the stratigraphical and palaeogeographical framework of the Quaternary in Poland is still to be completed, several crucial points have been confirmed recently. The preglacial series, accepted for years as belonging to the Lower Pleistocene, is undoubtedly of Early Pliocene age, with a huge hiatus above almost until the uppermost Lower Pleistocene. The earliest glaciation in Poland (Nidanian) occurred at about 900 ka BP when the ice sheet reached the mid-southern part of the country. The following Podlasian Interglacial embraced the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary in the middle, in a similar fashion to the corresponding Cromerian Complex in Western Europe. The late Early and early Middle Pleistocene interglacials in Poland comprised 2-3 optima each, whereas every one of the younger interglacials was characterised by a single optimum only. The Late Vistulian ice sheet was most extensive in the western part of Poland (Leszno Phase) whereas the younger Poznań Phase was more extensive in the central and eastern part of the country. This was due to the varied distance from the glaciation center in Scandinavia, making the ice sheet margin reach a terminal position in different times. Palaeoclimatological research in the Tatra Mountains has provided new evidence for the atmospheric circulation over Europe. During cold phases of the Pleistocene in Poland a continental climate extended further westwards, quite the opposite that occurring during warmer intervals.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2016, 66, 3; 403-427
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quaternary of the Hornsund Region (Spitsbergen) in research of the Institute of Geology, Warsaw University, in 1981—85
Lindner, Leszek
Marks, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Polar Research; 1986, 7, 4; 417-425
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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