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Borrowing and repayment hardships: evidences from farmers in Haryana
Trudności związane z uzyskiwaniem i spłatą pożyczek: doświadczenia rolników z indyjskiego stanu Haryana
Jakhar, Babloo
Kait, Rohtas
Kumar, Vijay
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
institutional loan
farmers debt
agricultural credits
Haryana State
Subject and purpose of work: The paper focuses on the problems faced by farmers in obtaining and repaying loans from institutional and non-institutional sources. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in Haryana state, India. It was based on a field survey involving 600 farmers. Proportionate sampling technique was employed and pre-tested schedules were filled during vis-a-vis interviews. Results: The findings of the study highlight main problems faced by farmers in acquiring and repaying loans. They include: no loan without security, ambiguous terms and conditions, the time-consuming procedure of granting loans, not farmer friendly bank officials, and the request for bribes. In the case of non-institutional sources, main problems include: lack of security, deterioration of social status, and hesitation in mortgaging agricultural land. Furthermore, low price of agricultural produce, crop failure, and the high-interest rates charged by non-institutional sources were major constraints in the timely repayment of loan amounts. Conclusions: Several constraints existed in granting loans to farmers. Government should support and provide hassle free loans to farmers
Economic and Regional Studies; 2022, 15, 4; 562-580
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Burzliwe posiedzenie sądu pokoju w Sztabinie na tle okupacji Suwalszczyzny przez Niemców w latach 1915-1919
The hardships during peace negotiations at the background of the Suwałki Region occupied by Germans in 1915-1919
Ułanowicz, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
gubernia suwalska
Polska Organizacja Wojskowa
powstanie sejneńskie
sąd pokoju
żołnierze niemieccy
Suwałki Governorate
Polish Military Organisation
Sejny Uprising
peace court
German soldiers
Okupacja Suwalszczyzny przez Niemców w latach 1915-1919 jest często zapominanym okresem w historii tego regionu. Jest to tym bardziej zdumiewające, że działania wojsk okupacyjnych nastawione były na grabież oraz represjonowanie miejscowej ludności. W tych latach zaognił się również konflikt polsko-litewski, którego efektem był wybuch, zwycięskiego dla Polaków, powstania sejneńskiego. Kiedy Warszawa, Kraków czy Poznań cieszyły się z odzyskanej niepodległości – na Suwalszczyźnie nadal trwał terror. Dlatego też napisałem ten artykuł, aby przybliżyć pamięć o tamtych wydarzeniach. Impulsem do napisania tekstu było zapoznanie się przeze mnie z protokołem z posiedzenia sądu pokoju w Sztabinie z dnia 11 czerwca 1919 r. Tego dnia żołnierze niemieccy wtargnęli do budynku, gdzie obradował sąd. Zaczęli bić przebywających tam ludzi, a sędzia Leopold Zatryb o mały włos nie został pozbawiony życia. Rozzłoszczeni żołdacy najpierw chcieli przebić go bagnetem, a następnie rozbić sędziemu głowę metalowym krucyfiksem. Dopiero reakcja niemieckiego oficera zapobiegła większemu rozlewowi krwi. Wspomniany protokół jest najważniejszym źródłem, z którego korzystałem. Znajduje się w zbiorach Archiwum Państwowego w Suwałkach wraz z resztą dokumentów, dotyczących działań żołnierzy niemieckich. Bardzo pomocne były wspomnienia Jakóba Rółkowskiego – proboszcza sztabińskiej parafii, który był prześladowany przez Niemców. Posłużyłem się również dziełami G. Ryżewskiego czy S. Buchowskiego.
The occupation of the Suwałki Region by the Germans in years 1915-1919 is an often forgotten period in the history of this region. It is all the more amazing that the activities of the occupation forces were aimed at plunder and repression of the local population. In those years, the Polish-Lithuanian conflict also intensified, which resulted in the outbreak of the Sejny Uprising, which was victorious for Poles. When Warsaw, Kraków, or Poznań exulted with regaining their independence - terror was still going on in the Suwałki region. That is why I wrote this article, to revive the memory of those events. The impulse to write the text was that I became acquainted with the minutes of the session of the Peace Court in Sztabin, which was held on 11th June 1919. On that day, German soldiers entered the building where the court was sitting. They started beating the people who were there and they almost took Judge Leopold Zatryb's life. The angry soldiers first wanted to stab him with a bayonet and then smash the judge's head with a metal crucifix. Only the reaction of the German officer prevented more bloodshed. The mentioned minutes is the most important source that I have used. It is in the collection of the State Archives in Suwałki, along with the rest of the documents relating to the activities of German soldiers. Moreover, the memories of Jakób Rółkowski - the parish priest in Sztabin, who was persecuted by the Occupant, were also very helpful. I also used the works of, among others, G. Ryżewski and S. Buchowski.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 2; 81-95
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O trudnościach płynących z ubóstwa i sposobach ich przezwyciężania
On the hardships of poverty and the ways to overcome them
Frysztacki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Everyday Hardship. Patterns of Resilience in the Households Living in Poverty, red. nauk. Monika Gnieciak, Krzysztof Łęcki, Kazimiera Wódz, Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”, Katowice 2020, 365 s.
Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa; 2021, 12; 263-271
Pojawia się w:
Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Droga ta była ciężka, lecz została stopniowo pokonana". Dzieje polityczne i społeczne Andrychowa w latach 1945-1950
"It was a long way, yet the hardships were gradually overcome". The political and social history of Andrychów in the years 1945-1950.
Matyjasik, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wadowickie Centrum Kultury im. Marcina Wadowity
political history
social history
The topic of this article is Andrychów’s history after World War II. The time-frame includes the events from 1945 (the city’s liberation by the Red Army and the creation of the communist system in Andrychów) to 1950 (the beginnings of the Six-Year Plan). The purpose of the article is to present the postwar history of Andrychów regarding the city’s political and social history over the examined period. The article was divided into two parts. In the first part – Political life – I presented the politcal situation in the city after its liberation in January 1945. The Polish Worker’s Party (Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR) was active in 1944 in Andrychów. Thanks to the fact that the German army was driven out of Andrychów by the Red Army, the Polish Worker’s Party could begin its activity. The political situation had an influence over the politics of the Andrychów’s authorities. In 1946 was hold a referendum „Three Time Yes referendum” in Andrychów. At the beginning of the year 1948, the most important parties in the city – the Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS) and the PPR strived for unification. Andrychów’s authorities were fighting with the anti-communist resistance. The inhabitants, however, were also affected by the repressions. In the second part – Social life – I described the most important social problems of Andrychów’s inhabitants after the war. As the social life is concerned, the communist authorities were well-disposed towards certain pursuits of Andrychów’s inhabitants. In 1948, a radio network was installed in the city. In 1949, the authorities tried to establish a seondary school.
Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny; 2017, 20; 55-86
Pojawia się w:
Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczanie starości: jej zalety i trudy – w opiniach słuchaczy UTW
Experiencing old age, its advantages and hardships in the opinions of listeners UTW
Szarota, Zofia
Artur, Fabiś
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
satysfakcja życiowa
life satisfaction
Artykuł jest doniesieniem z badań nad troskami i radościami życia w starości. Materiał badawczy stanowiły pisemne wypowiedzi 237 słuchaczy Uniwersytetów III Wieku (test niedokończonych zdań): W starości najtrudniejsze jest..., Największą zaletą starości jest... Po ich zinterpretowaniu określono podstawowe zalety życia w starości. Są nimi: możliwość swobodnego zarządzania czasem, realizacja własnych pasji i zainteresowań, doświadczenie i mądrość życiowa oraz uwolnienie się od obowiązków zawodowych i rodzinnych - swoboda i niezależność. Na drugiej szali umieszczone zostały trudy życia w starości. Głównie są to problemy zdrowotne, ale dużym problemem okazała się także samotność i pozostałe troski egzystencjalne. Wnioski z badań wskazują na to, że dla badanych seniorów starość ma więcej blasków niż cieni. Wpływ na to bez wątpienia ma zdiagnozowany w tych badaniach wysoki poziom satysfakcji życiowej słuchaczy UTW.
The article is the research report on worries and enjoyments of life in old age. Research materials consist of written declarations of 237 listeners of the Universities of the Third Age (unfinished sentences test): The hardest part in old age is... , The biggest advantage of old age is... After the declarations were interpreted, the basic advantages of living in old age were defined. These were: the possibility of leisure time management, the realization of their own passions and interests, acquisition of experience and wisdom and freedom from work and family responsibilities - freedom and autonomy. The hardships of life in old age were placed on the other scale. These were mainly health problems, but the big issues were also loneliness and other existential concerns. Conclusions from the study indicated that for seniors old age had more pros than cons. Undoubtedly, the high level of life satisfaction of U3A listeners diagnosed in these studies influenced to the results.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2015, 2; 47-62
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trudy życia w komandach w partyzanckim okresie wojny burskiej, lipec 1900 - maj 1902
The hardships of the life on commando during the guerrilla phase of the Boer War, July 1900 - May 1902
Leśniewski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Boer War
British strategy
When we read histories of the military conflicts only too seldom we may find descriptions of the everyday lives of the ordinary soldiers. Historians too often tend to forget that a circumstances of everyday life do determine their attitudes, their behavior under the fire, the will to fight and their determination, which are crucial elements of the final outcome of the war. It is even more in the case of such armies as the military forces of the Boer Republics during the South African war of the 1899- 1902. Those were mostly irregular forces which, due to a lack of a formal and regular military drill, were much less disciplined than regular forces, and their moods were usually much stronger influenced by changing turns of war and circumstances of everyday life. During the irregular phase of war the Boer forces (still numbering c. 30.000) were faced with completely new problems. They lost organized supply base, but they still had ambitious war-plans, to attack main economic centres and supply lines of the republics controlled then by the British, to destroy them and force Britain to negotiate a truce. At the same time they were faced with new British military strategy of destroying potential supplies for the guerrillas. The scotched earth policy, sweeps by the flying columns and concentration camps had all its effect on commandos ability to fight. Scorched earth meant that whole townlets and villages were destroyed, and herds of cattle and sheep butchered, just for the sake of limiting supplies for the guerrillas. British strategy limited it to such an extent, that there were just few options of resupplying Bore forces. One of the main was using British supplies, through robbery and looting. In effect it is true, to some extent, that at the end of the war the United Kingdom was supplying both armies: British and Boer. Still the hardships were rising with every season in the field. The scorched earth policy took its toll. It was, for Boers, more and more difficult to acquire food and shelter. Supplies run thin and commandos lacked everything. At the end of the war a third of them had no horses. What's more they had no choice but to take care of more than 12.000 women and children, who were stranded on the Veld. Therefore we may argue that the hardships of life on commando during the guerrilla phase of war, were eventually the main reason for surrender of Boer forces in May 1902. The prospects of prolonging the war were grim, and with the time it was for the Boer commandos, more and more the fight for everyday survival without hope for victory. And therefore even the most determined fighters were forced to accept the fact that they could not fight much longer.
Forum Politologiczne; 2011, 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce; 541-559
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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