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Logika formalna czy logiki formalne?
Formal Logic or Formal Logics?
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
funktor prawdziwościowy
logika standardowa
logika nieklasyczna
wielowartościowy rachunek zdań
logika klasyczna
truth-functional operator
standard logic
non-classical logic
many-valued propositional calculus
classical logic
Apart from putting the theses contained in E. Agazzi’s work Why Is It Logical to Admit Several Logics? in an order and making them more distinct, an attempt is made to draw conclusions from the explicit wordings used by that author. Some theses presented in the text are shown against the views of other authors who discussed analogous problems. In this way, as it seems, modification, completing and elaborating has been possible of wordings that approve of the thesis about the existence of many logics that are contained in the analyzed text. Among others, the article emphasizes that Agazzi’s pronouncements about relations existing between standard logic and intuitionist logic cannot be accepted. Also, several remarks are made about the so-called many-valued logics. Agazzi’s theses that well constructed non-classical logics representing proper contents are necessary for representatives of various branches of knowledge is acceptable.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2007, 55, 1; 129-157
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The logic of the nation: Nationalism, formal logic, and interwar Poland
Dunning, David E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
mathematical logic
Polish logic
Jan Łukasiewicz
Warsaw School of Logic
Polish notation
reverse Polish notation
olympic internationalism
interwar science
logika matematyczna
polska logika
Warszawska Szkoła Logiki
notacja polska
odwrotna notacja polska
internacjonalizm olimpijski
nauka międzywojenna
Between the World Wars, a robust research community emerged in the nascent discipline of mathematical logic in Warsaw. Logic in Warsaw grew out of overlapping imperial legacies, launched mainly by Polish-speaking scholars who had trained in Habsburg universities and had come during the First World War to the University of Warsaw, an institution controlled until recently by Russia and reconstructed as Polish under the auspices of German occupation. The intellectuals who formed the Warsaw School of Logic embraced a patriotic Polish identity. Competitive nationalist attitudes were common among interwar scientists – a stance historians have called “Olympic internationalism,” in which nationalism and internationalism interacted as complementary rather than conflicting impulses.One of the School’s leaders, Jan Łukasiewicz, developed a system of notation that he promoted as a universal tool for logical research and communication. A number of his compatriots embraced it, but few logicians outside Poland did; Łukasiewicz’s notation thus inadvertently served as a distinctively national vehicle for his and his colleagues’ output. What he had intended as his most universally applicable invention became instead a respected but provincialized way of writing. Łukasiewicz’s system later spread in an unanticipated form, when postwar computer scientists found aspects of its design practical for working under the specific constraints of machinery; they developed a modified version for programming called “Reverse Polish Notation” (RPN). RPN attained a measure of international currency that Polish notation in logic never had, enjoying a global career in a different discipline outside its namesake country. The ways in which versions of the notation spread, and remained or did not remain “Polish” as they traveled, depended on how readers (whether in mathematical logic or computer science) chose to read it; the production of a nationalized science was inseparable from its international reception.
W okresie międzywojennym w rodzącej się dyscyplinie logiki matematycznej w Warszawie wyłoniła się silna społeczność badawcza. Logika w Warszawie wyrosła w wyniku nakładających się na siebie imperialnych spuścizn, dzięki działaniom głównie polskojęzycznych uczonych, którzy kształcili się na uniwersytetach habsburskich i przybyli w czasie I wojny światowej na Uniwersytet Warszawski, instytucję kontrolowaną do niedawna przez Rosję i zrekonstruowaną jako polską pod auspicjami niemieckiego okupanta. Intelektualiści, którzy tworzyli Warszawską Szkołę Logiki, przyjęli patriotyczną polską tożsamość. Konkurencyjne postawy nacjonalistyczne były powszechne wśród naukowców międzywojennych – stanowisko, które historycy nazwali „internacjonalizmem olimpijskim”, w którym nacjonalizm i internacjonalizm oddziaływały jako impulsy raczej wzajemnie się uzupełniające niż sprzeczne.Jeden z liderów Szkoły, Jan Łukasiewicz, opracował system notacji, który promował jako uniwersalne narzędzie do badań i komunikacji w logice. Wielu jego rodaków przyjęło ten system notacji, ale niewielu logików poza Polską. W ten sposób notacja Łukasiewicza nieumyślnie posłużyła jemu i jego współpracownikom jako narzędzie specyficznie polskie. Wynalazek, który w zamyśle miał być najbardziej uniwersalną formą zapisu, stał się szanowanym, lecz zrozumiałym tylko w kraju narzędziem. System notacji Łukasiewicza później rozprzestrzenił się w nieprzewidzianej formie, gdy powojenni informatycy zdali sobie sprawę z praktycznej użyteczności jego aspektów do pracy w specyficznych uwarunkowaniach maszynowych i opracowali zmodyfikowaną wersję tej notacji do programowania o nazwie „Reverse Polish Notation” (RPN). RPN osiągnął miarę waluty międzynarodowej, której nigdy nie miała polska notacja w logice, ciesząc się globalną karierą w innej dyscyplinie poza krajem jej imiennika. Drogi, w jakich wersje tej notacji rozprzestrzeniły się i pozostały lub nie pozostały „polskie” podczas tej podróży, zależały od tego, jak czytelnicy (zajmujący się logiką matematyczną albo informatyką) postanowili czytać tę notację; tworzenie znacjonalizowanej nauki było nierozerwalnie związane z jej międzynarodową recepcją.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2018, 17
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesna logika formalna a nauki przyrodnicze
Contemporary formal logic and the natural sciences
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
filozofia logiki
filozofia nauki
philosophy of logic
philosophy of science
In the first part of the article the questions are discussed that are connected with applying the rules of classical sentence logic and many valued logic in theories of natural sciences, mainly in N. Bohr' s theories of complementarity. This part of the article explicates Z. Zawirski's proposition, that the rules of logic, through applying them to the world, not only stop being tautologies that do not say anything about the reality, but they become natural hypotheses that say a lot, perhaps "the first things”, about that reality. In the article the possibility is shown of using the rules of building axiomatic deductive systems of classical logical calculus in construction of corresponding axiomatic systems in physics, as an axiomatic system may well represent an empirical theory. In the second part of the article the relations of contemporary non-classical kinds of logic with natural sciences are discussed. A lot of attention is devoted to showing that in natural sciences, in physics, application of formal logic may also consist in suitable use of its language. Not only is the language of classical logical calculus involved here but the language of systems of non-classical logics as well, and especially of the ones which give the rules for correct use of functors connected with the following - crucial for natural sciences - terms: time, change, causal relationship.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2001, 49, 1; 127-150
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy logika formalna jest rodzajem ontologii?
Is Formal Logic a Kind of Ontology?
Maciołek, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kategorie ontologiczne
interpretacja ontologiczna
ontologia filozoficzna
ontologia teoriomnogościowa
zobowiązania ontologiczne
ontological categories
ontological commitments
ontological interpretation
philosophical ontology
set theory ontology
This paper addresses the question of the relationship between the object of formal logic and the object of ontology. The history of logic and philosophy shows a kinship and overlapping between the two sciences. The analyses were conducted on the basis of three approaches to formal logic, i.e. Aristotle’s logic Russell’s and Whitehead’s logic, and Leśniewski’s logic. At the same time, it sought to grasp its material and formal object. Now with regard to ontology mainly Aristotelian and Leibnizean understanding of ontology was taken into account as an instance of philosophical ontology and set theory ontology as an example of ontology constructed with a view to play the role of a semantic background for the formulas of logical calculi. The considerations under study allow us to state that even if material objects in the two sciences overlap, especially in the case when the formulas of logic are interpreted by way of ontology, their formal objects seem to be different. Logic does not focus on the question of the categorisation of reality; the essences belonging to respective ontological categories are only “truth-making” factors for the statements formulated by formal logic.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2008, 56, 1; 191-220
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o przedmiocie logiki formalnej
Some Remarks on the Subject Matter of Formal Logic
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
K.Ajdukiewicz wrote that each correct scheme of inference is based on the logical theorem which asserts an objective relation between facts. Accordingly, while we study logic we train ourselves in the art of logical thinking, and learn some relations between facts. For instance, we learn the law of excluded middle, that is that a given state of affairs, a given situation occurs or does not occur. In this paper Ajdukiewicz's pronouncements have been completed, e.g. by way of turning our attention on this point that the relations asserted by the laws of classical calculus, especially by the laws of classical propositional calculus, are those relations whose existence they assume and of which speak − by means of appropriate logical constants − all scientific disciplines with an ontological bias. Of such relations one speaks also in everyday language. The paper seeks to show that Z. Zawirski, T. Kotarbiński, S. Kamiński and G. Küng, although each of them uses different words, expressed in principle the above thesis of Ajdukiewicz. Some attention has been devoted to outline the differences which occur between the laws of classical propositional calculus, the laws of non-classical logics, in which there occur nonextensional functors, and the laws of the natural sciences.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 1995, 43, 1; 41-52
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozumienie kwantyfikatora szczegółowego a zagadnienie przedmiotu logiki formalnej
Understanding of Particular Quantifier and the Subject-matter of Formal Logic
Maciołek, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The problematic subject-matter of formal logic is nowadays often discussed within the scope of the philosophy of logic. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part, the question discussed concerns the understanding of the formula first-order predicate calculi including particular quantifiers. In the second section, the affair accounts between the existential interpreting of particular quantifiers and ontological commintments is considered the language of formal logic. In the last portion, the main topic of investigation concentrates on the relation between the interpteting of the existential quantifier and subject-matter concerning our discipline. Throughout the particular analysis of the formula first-order predicate calculi, the author justifies that there is an interrelation between classical positions in the questions and subject-matter of formal logic and the discussed interpretations of the quantifier. And so, logical nominalism corelates with substitutional interpreting and logical realism with objectional interpreting. Interpreting proposed by G. Küng describes Leśniewski̓s quantification in terms of extensional meaning with logical idealism. Finally, my assumptions ascertain that the above mentioned categories of logical nominalism, realism and idealism are fluid and not primal in relation to the adjudicates within the scope of the general theory of being.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 1996, 44, 1; 143-160
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedmiot logiki formalnej w ujęciu Józefa M. Bocheńskiego
The Subject Matter of Formal Logic according to Józef M. Bocheński
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Aristotle, the founder of formal logic, did not describe the subject matter of that discipline. During twenty or so centuries the subject matter has been defined in many ways. The paper depicts J. M. Bochenski’s standpoints, as they are included in one of his works, dealing with the subject matter of formal logic. Furthermore, aside to ordering Bochenski’s theses as regards the problems in question, the paper seeks to supplement, modify and make more profound the formulations in the analyzed text. In conclusion, the paper claims that classical (standard) logic is not a theory of any objects, as Bocheński put it, but a theory of some relationships that obtain between any objects (entities) which may be designates of the names or denotations of the positive propositions. That type of relationships are formulated in the laws of logic.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 1999, 46-47, 1; 69-87
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa nauk przyrodniczych a tezy logiki formalnej i metafizyki
Laws of natural sciences and propositions of formal logic and metaphysics
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
filozofia logiki
filozofia nauki
philosophy of logic
philosophy of science
In the first part of the article remarks are made concerning the laws of natural sciences. First of all the field of analyses of modern natural sciences is presented. The second part of the article is devoted to a characteristic of the laws of formal logic, and especially of the laws of classical sentential calculus. The view that logical propositions state certain objective relations between states of things is explicated. After other authors, it is stressed that learning logic we not only train the art of correct thinking, but we also learn about certain relations between facts that constitute the logical structure of the world. In the third part of the article propositions of the general theory of being, i.e. the first principles of being and propositions concerning entity compositions are characterised; also numerous comparative analyses are made. The article tries to show similarities and differences between natural sciences laws, laws of logic and theses of the general theory of being. First of all attention is drawn to relations occurring between some laws of logic of sentences and the first principles of being.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2002, 50, 1; 303-331
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o systemie logiki formalnej skonstruowanym dla logików nieformalnych
Remarks on the System of Formal Logic Construed for Informal Logicians
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
funktor prawdziwościowy
logika nieformalna
logika nieklasyczna
klasyczny rachunek zdań
truth-functional operator
informal logic
non-classical logic
classical propositional calculus
D. Sherry’s main theses included in his essay entitled “Formal Logic for Informal Logicians” are presented in the article. In a discussion with his theses it is shown that he prefers this kind of logic that has a lot of elements that are the same as in Aristotle’s logic understood as the art of thinking and the technique of discussion taken from Topics, and not the logic that was started in his Prior Analytics. It is also shown that not only patterns of inferring, but also the theses of logic, as well as theses to which no patterns correspond, that are guarantee reliability of inference patterns, may be intuitively obvious. In the article also attention is drawn to the fact that the PL- system of logic presented by Sherry was characterized by him by means of a rather poor logical terminology. In the American author’s argument there are no clear distinctions between the thesis of logic, the logical inference pattern and the rule of the procedure of proving. However, it can be established that the PL- system is constituted by argumentation patterns that are reliable owing to such theses of propositional logic as modus potens, modus tollens, disjunctive syllogism, conjunctive syllogism, complex destructive dilemma, and the two rules concerning creating proofs, i.e. the rule of conditional proof and the rule of reduction to the absurd. In the PL- system there are fewer theses than in the classical propositional calculus, but this has nothing in common with the so-called multivalent logics to which some theses of classical logic supposedly do not apply. Everything suggests that some systems of non-classical logic systems may be built on the PL- system; namely, the ones in which theses are given that govern the correct use of non-extensional operators connected with key terms appearing in many sciences, like e.g. “time”, “change”, “causality”. Sherry’s essay reveals that he is a supporter of the thesis that knowledge of formal logic is necessary for using informal logic efficiently, which is necessary for teaching logic properly.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2010, 58, 1; 95-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Conception of Logic in the Cracow Circle: Salamucha, Drewnowski, Bocheński
Murawski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
formal logic
Cracow Circle
The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the views on logic of the members of the so-called Cracow Circle, namely the Dominican Father Józef (Innocenty) M. Bocheński, Rev. Jan Salamucha, and Jan Franciszek Drewnowski. They tried to apply the methods of modern formal/mathematical logic to philosophical and theological problems. In particular, they attempted to modernise contemporary Thomism (the trend which was then prevailing) by employing logical tools. The influence of Jan Łukasiewicz, the co-founder of the Warsaw School of Logic will be also discussed.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2021, 57, 1; 109-125
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krytyczne myślenie i logika formalna w badaniach literaturoznawczych na przykładzie wybranych utworów Ignacego Krasickiego
Critical thinking and formal logic in literary research based on the example of selected works by Ignacy Kracicki
Magryś, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
formal logic
critical thinking
ignacy krasicki
Formal logic and critical thinking are complementary tools in research of literary texts. Critical thinking is especially useful in the case of works which are antinomic in character as they are based on disputable ironic meeting points. Ignacy Krasicki’s satires are such type of text. A special difficulty is posed by the interpretation of Journey of a Warmian bishop, as the work read separately and with the use of particular contexts assumes ambiguous meanings. The application of the methodology of critical thinking, which is based on multisided approach to text, leads to the conclusion that primary law of classical logic, the law of excluded middle, does not apply. Journey is a dialogic work, even though ideological reasons for and against foreign travels are not equal.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2019, 5 (14); 58-69
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Logic and its Pragmatic Aspects
Marsonet, Michele
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
formal logic
logical pluralism
analytic philosophy
A pragmatist conception of logic rejects any kind of logical constructionism, based on the appeal to privileged ontological and epistemological items and to a perfect language supposedly provided by mathematical logic. Even in logic, “pluralism” must be the key-word if one does not want to be locked in the cage of conceptions that become rapidly outdated. Dealing with the dichotomy Absolutism/Relativism in logic, it may be observed that the enterprise of logic can be considered in several - and substantially different - perspectives, among which we find (1) the psychologistic, (2) the Platonistic, and (3) the instrumentalistic viewpoints. According to (1) logic is viewed as fundamentally descriptive, and its task is taken to be that of outlining a “theory of reasoning,” i.e. a systematic account of how we humans proceed when reasoning successufully. According to (3), instead, logic’s task is that of constructing rigorous systems codifying not only actual, but also possible instrumentalities for conducting valid inferences, and these would be available (should someone want to avail himself to them) for adoption as an organon of reasoning, but no empirical claims are made that anyone has (or will) avail himself of this opportunity. The logician devises a tool or instrument for correct reasoning, but does not concern himself about the uses of this instrument. Philosophy and logic cannot be linked so closely, and today the idea that the analytic style of philosophizing is just one style among many others, and not the only possible one, is gaining increasing acceptance.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2018, 17; 46-53
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of deontic logic in role-based access control
Kołaczek, G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
formal logic
access control
system security
reasoning automation
The paper presents a short overview of the foundations of the Role-Based Access Control Modal Model and its properties. In particular, the translation of these model formulae to the first-order logic formulae in a form of Horn's clauses is analysed. The automation of processes and mechanisms related to access control on the basis of logical automated reasoning and the PROLOG language are described.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2002, 12, 2; 269-275
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawda i fałsz wypowiedzi literackiej
Truth and Falsity of Literary Statements
Magryś, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
formal logic
intensional logic
The article Truth and Falsity of Literary Statements investigates the issue of logical values, and consequently communication related status of sentences in indicative mood occurring in works of literature. The problem is discussed with reference to theoretical assumptions of classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and other possible intensional logics as well as phenomenological concepts proposed by Roman Ingarden. In this context it is suggested that intensional systems, mainly intuitionistic logic be adequately applied to identify logical value of literary sentences. As a result, it is assumed that the logical value of literary sentences depends on the specific logical system selected; according to the standards of intuitionistic logic, literary statements are true, likely or false. In this context it seems necessary to revise Roman Ingarden’s phenomenological assumption that sentences in indicative mood in a work of fiction do not have objective point of reference. It is suggested that such sentences be recognised as false, and therefore indicative of the group of their intentional meanings as a specific model of reality which can be deemed true or false.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2020, 6 (15); 72-91
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spór o stosowalność logiki formalnej do filozofii w szkole lubelskiej
A Dispute about the Applicability of Formal Logic to Philosophy in the Lublin School
Kiczuk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The first part of the paper discusses the basic theses of J. Łukaszewicz's theses stated in the 1920s, theses which concerned the relationship between philosophy and contemporary logic. Łukaszewicz's opinions a certain intellectual climate and projected on the programme of the Cracow Circle. The latter was formed in the 1930s by few people, well-oriented in traditional philosophy and trained in Polish logic, a logic leading in the world. A further part of the paper emphasizes that the Philosophy Faculty, created at KUL in 1946, drew on to the works of the Cracow Circle. Thomism, in its existential variety, began to dominate at KUL. It was S. Swieżawski and M.A. Krąpiec who initiated this kind of Thomism. The philosophical milieu of KUL, the Lublin School of Philosophy were formed also by S. Kamiński, K. Wojtyła, J. Kalinowski, and M. Kurdziałek. The representatives of the Lublin School encountered the attempts made by the Cracow Circle to renew Thomist philosophy and make it scientific by means of the cognitive tools worked out by contemporary logic. Mainly the works written by Rev. J. Salamucha are under analysis here. The last part of the paper includes the basic theses of the Lublin School concerning the applicability of formal logic to philosophy. There was no complete unanimity about that in the Lublin School. We may speak about a dispute within the Lublin School and a dispute between the Lublin School and the members of the Cracow Circle. It was stressed in the paper that, among other things, the Lublin School has convincingly shown that not every thesis in philosophy must be justified by means of formal proof. It has also been noticed that KUL has created a proper climate for the construction of non-classical logics in the form of the logic of non-extensional functors. And such constructions were in fact made.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 1996, 44, 1; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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