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Wyszukujesz frazę "evangelical pedagogy" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Meandry wychowania ekumenicznego
Meanderings of Ecumenical Education
Chałupniak, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
evangelical pedagogy of religion
ecumenical education
ecumenical dimension of catechesis
the school teaching of religion
religious studies
ewangelicka pedagogika religii
ekumeniczne wychowanie
ekumeniczny wymiar katechezy
szkolna lekcja religii
This article in a synthetic way presents the complex issue of ecumenical education of religion, fluctuated between ‘catechesis’ and ‘religious studies’. Catechesis is a basic teaching of the Church about salvation and was understood as an integral and systematic process of upbringing in faith. The term „religious studies” was used as a form of the communication of knowledge about religion, as teaching about religion or religions with no stress on any of them, without trying to make any personal references, treating religion solely in a horizontal way, as a phenomenon related to human life. Pedagogy of religion done without a specific confession, specific denomination is a peculiar form of secularisation, regardless whether it is intended or not. Such pedagogy of religion becomes paradoxically a science located outside a confession, which serves its development as a pedagogical theory, not a specific practice of education. Religion is treated as a universal phenomenon having its share in obtaining a fullness of humanity. Contemporarily offered pedagogy of religion can not be identified with the Catholic pedagogy or a pedagogy of any Christian church.
Artykuł ukazuje w sposób syntetyczny szereg zagadnień związanych z ekumenicznym wychowaniem religijnym, znajdującym się pomiędzy „katechezą” a „religioznawstwem”. Katecheza jest podstawowym nauczaniem danego Kościoła dotyczącym zbawienia i jest rozumiana jako integralny i systematyczny proces wychowania wiary. Termin „religioznawstwo” był używany jako forma przekazu wiedzy na temat religii, nauczanie o religii czy religiach, bez tworzenia osobistych odniesień, pozostając na płaszczyźnie horyzontalnej, traktując religię jako fenomen związany z ludzkim życiem. Pedagogika religii uprawiana bez odniesienia do konkretnego wyznania, konkretnej wiary jest specyficzną formą sekularyzacji, niezależnie od tego, czy jest ona zamierzona, czy nie. Taka pedagogika religii staje się paradoksalnie nauką ulokowaną poza określonym wyznaniem, co służy jej rozwojowi jako teorii pedagogicznej, a nie określonej praktyce wychowania. Religię traktuje się jako uniwersalny fenomen posiadający udział w osiąganiu pełni człowieczeństwa. Proponowana pedagogika religii nie może być utożsamiana z pedagogiką katolicką ani pedagogiką żadnego z chrześcijańskich Kościołów.
Studia Oecumenica; 2017, 17; 365-380
Pojawia się w:
Studia Oecumenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jana Pawła II dorobek zamknięty, dzieło otwarte
John Paul II the Closed Achievements and the Open Work
Gach, Piotr Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Jan Paweł II
pedagogika ewangeliczna
wymiary solidarności
diagnozy i współpraca w wychowaniu
John Paul II
evangelical pedagogy
dimensions of solidarity
diagnoses and co-operation in education
The author begins with a question: who was John Paul II? First he makes a review of various terms used to describe the Pope-Pole. They are found in his many biographies, studies, albums, learned journals, press publications, radio and television broadcasts, and characterisation delivered at learned symposiums in Poland. The author closes this review with a statement that the personality and activity of John Paul II transcends the unambiguous terms used by contemporary journalists, politicians, biographers, and historians. He cannot be enclosed in one field of meaning, or even reduced to several terms. John Paul II spoke on the formation of teachers and educators, the necessity to prepare them for their job from many points of view and to equip them with educational and didactic skills. He spoke about the serious and subtle question of their vocation and even their apostleship, the necessity to fulfil essential tasks and the need to co-operate with their pupils' parents. These sentences, often quoted in the press, suffice to define the Pope as a good pedagogue, educator, and teacher both in theory and practice. Starting from the personalistic vision of man, supplemented by the axiological, normative, social and cultural, and religious approaches, John Paul II arrives the overall vision of Christian pedagogy. According to him, education is a continual process that encompasses the formation of personality and serves to build the civilisation of life, truth, and love. That process leads to a full mental development and to engagement in everyday matters. It takes places in various milieus: in the family, social groups, the nation, the state, and the Church. The figure of John Paul II can be seen here as: a teacher, theorist of education, visionary who shows the Church's stance on education, a pedagogue well-aware of the didactic methods and means by which to reach the listener, an author of the educational programme for a definite group of people, for families, and the whole nations. In his addresses, John Paul II presented many accurate social and pedagogical diagnoses. This his figure appears to be a foreseeing pedagogue, caring educator, lover of people, the one who sees their errors and weaknesses, but at the same time encourages them to positive actions, to demand of themselves, and to reach the long-term goals. The exceptional character of his life consists not only in the diverse form of his teaching. He also set on apostolic journeys and was an exemplary figure when he showed us how to suffer illnesses, and how he coped with the assault on his life. Journalists and biographers admired him for his words about God, man, societies, history, and the contemporary times. He regularly met with the suffering and the sick, talked with them, consoled brought, and administered the Holy Communion to them. Following the Pope's order, a “Gift of Mary” hostel for the poor was built in the Vatican. The Pope showed pedagogical and educational values. His addresses on pedagogical and social issues often encouraged people to action and released creative opportunities. He did not only appeal, instruct, and summon, but also provided funds for those societies who had suffered disasters, for the poor in Latin America, for the countries in Sahara struggling against drought. The teaching of John Paul II was the key element of his pontificate and an important chain in governing the Church. While responding to the questions whether John Paul II's teaching was accepted, the author points to various manifestations of how people approved of his pedagogy. These are, among other things, letters written to him, gratitude for counsels and guidelines, many books and albums with dedications, precious arts of work, artistic and useful products, liturgical garments and vessels, medals and numismatists. A large part of them is stored in Rome, in the Centre of the Documentation of John Paul II's Pontificate at via Cassia 1200, in the Vatican Museum and Library, and in other museum collections. All these gifts may be treated as a token of social approval and acceptance of his teaching, recognition of his views, attitude, or addresses. They were also given to show gratitude that he had visited a particular place in his Homeland, or hosted a delegation during the audiences. John Paul II influenced the masses of people and small groups, families, and the lonely. He encouraged them to creativity, to various activities, to show mutual help, and to kindness. Thereby he encouraged people to seek a more satisfactory model of life, in which activity, creativity, and solidarity would be basic elements.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2007, 35, 2; 109-121
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe w pedagogice, a może „dobrze” zapomniane stare – o dwóch koncepcjach edukacji w opracowaniach ewangelickich nauczycieli Jana Kubisza i Jana Bystronia
The New in Pedagogy or the “Well” Forgotten Old – on Two Concepts of Education in the Works of Evangelical Teachers Jan Kubisz and Jan Bystroń
Gajdzica, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
dydaktyka konstruktywistyczna
kultura organizacyjna
Jan Kubisz
Jan Bystroń
ewangeliccy nauczyciele i naukowcy
constructivist didactics
organization culture of school
Evangelical teachers and academics
Celem opracowania jest przywołanie dwóch przykładów obrazujących zapomniane koncepcje – kształcenia oraz funkcjonowania szkoły jako organizacji. Ich wybór, spośród wielu innych możliwych przykładów, motywowany był uwydatnieniem wkładu ewangelickich nauczycieli i naukowców w rozwój pedagogiki. Obie koncepcje różnią się swoim zasięgiem i treścią. Łączy je to, że nie znalazły (proporcjonalnego do zawartości) odniesienia w piśmiennictwie naukowym. Pierwszy przykład to potoczny opis procesu kształcenia Jana Kubisza. Znajduje się on w wydanym przez niego w 1928 roku „Pamiętniku starego nauczyciela”. To opis zupełnie oderwany od naukowych modeli, co uzasadnia jego nieobecność w pedagogicznych rozprawach naukowych. Stawiam jednak tezę, że ten zbiór nieuporządkowanych refleksji pozostaje w ścisłym związku z założeniami konstruktywistycznej strategii kształcenia. Drugi przykład – to spójna koncepcja autorstwa Jana Bystronia, opublikowana w pracy naukowej. Wprawdzie odniesienia do niej znajdujemy w wybranych pracach naukowych (szczególnie z zakresu socjologii wychowania i socjologii edukacji), ale są to raczej nawiązania incydentalne. Próżno szukać jej jaskrawych śladów w aktualnych rozważaniach ściśle związanych z kulturą organizacyjną szkoły. Właśnie w tym obszarze dostrzegam związek jej podstawowych założeń z inną koncepcją – obecnie popularną w rozprawach z zakresu pedagogiki szkoły i zarządzania placówkami oświatowymi.
The study is aimed at recalling two examples illustrating forgotten concepts – of teaching and functioning of the school as an organization. Choosing them out of many other possible examples, resulted from the need to emphasize the contribution of Evangelical teachers and scientists to the development of pedagogy. Both concepts differ in their range and contents. What they have in common is that they have not resulted in any references (adequate to the contents) in scientific literature. The first example is a colloquial description of the process of Jan Kubisz’s teaching, which is a part of his "Pamiętnik Starego Nauczyciela" [An Old Teacher’s Diary] published in 1928. This is a description quite detached from scientific models, which explains its absence in academic works on pedagogy. However, the thesis can be put forward that this collection of unorganized reflections is strictly associated with the assumptions of the constructivist strategy of education. Th e second example is Jan Bystroń’s coherent concept, published in a scientific work. Th e concept is referred to in some studies (especially in the field of sociology of education) – however, these references are rather incidental. It is no use seeking any blinding traces of the concept in the current discussion directly related to the organizational culture of school. It is precisely this field where the association can be seen between its basic assumptions and another theory popular in contemporary studies on the pedagogy of school and school management.
Rocznik Teologiczny; 2018, 03; 365-377
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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