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Uwagi o funkcji i symbolice konstrukcji wczesnośredniowiecznych grobów w obudowach kamiennych.
Remarks on function and symbolic meaning of constructions of Early Medieval graves in stone-settings
Dzik, Michał
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
groby w obudowach kamiennych symbolika grobu
dom zmarłych
graves in stone-settings
stone cists
symbology of the grave
mortuary house
This paper discusses the issues of the meaning and function of constructions characteristic for so called ‘groby w obudowach kamiennych’ – early medieval flat boulder- lined graves with cobblestones covering the burials (fig. 1, 4). Burial sites with these kind of cists are quite rare but were discovered in different parts of Europe; in Poland concentrations of them are known from the Mazovia and the basin of the eastern part of the lower Bug river (fig. 2). In the first of the above-mentioned regions, these constructions are dated to the period between the mid 11th century to the beginning of the 13th century. In the second region – from the last third of the 11th century to the mid 14th century. In the literature of the subject, several explanations of the function of the discussed grave constructions were proposed. They were interpreted as structures buttressing the walls of pit-graves or maybe preventing the burials against animals. According to another hypothesis, the idea of building such cists arose in the times of Christianization of funeral customs, when inhumation replaced cremation, and stone constructions were meant to stop the deceased from rising. An opposite proposal recognises in these cists the imitation of Jesus Christ’s grave, peddled by the Church. In the most recent proposition, the discussed cists are depicted as marks of high social position, popular amongst the elites in emerging states. In this article arguments defying the abovementioned hypotheses were presented. In light of comparative studies and new data on the genesis of the aforementioned graves in eastern Poland, it seems, that these cists are the emanations of ideas according to which graves are symbolic houses built for the dead. Another probable function (apotropaic, mark of status) might aktually have had a secondary meaning, which could be given to these constructions in some regions during the evolution of funeral customs.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2014, 60; 87-101
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kto się nie leni, zrobi złoto z kamieni – osełki w grobach wczesnego średniowiecza
Kto się nie leni, zrobi złoto z kamieni77 – whetstones in early medieval graves
Wrzesińska, Anna
Wrzesiński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
wczesne średniowiecze
wyposażenie grobowe
Early Middle Ages
grave goods
1Since the dawn of history humans have been interested in using stones for a variety of purposes. The use of rocks and stones as shelters, building material or resource for the production of tools or weapons is a cultural phenomenon. One of the categories of stone objects recorded in graves at early medieval cemeteries includes whetstones. The present study is devoted to whetstones registered in graves at the cemetery at Dziekanowice, site 22 (gmina Łubowo, województwo wielkopolskie). This early medieval necropolis is located on the east shore of Lake Lednica in the direct vicinity of one of the major stronghold centres of the Piast dynasty. The stronghold itself is situated on Ostrów – an island on Lake Lednica. Out of 1585 skeletal graves recorded in situ at the studied cemetery, 847 (53.4%) burials contained altogether 1868 objects considered as grave deposits. In the group of those artifacts were 28 whetstones found in 27 graves (one grave contained 2 whetstones), which account for 3.2 percent of the total number of burials with equipment. In addition, 7 whetstones were recorded loosely at the border between layer I and II (they were damaged by ploughing), and in settlement features; however, these objects are not included in the study. The majority of graves with whetstones unearthed at the cemetery at Dziekanowice were male burials. As many as 21 graves belonged to men, 5 to women and only one to a child. Previous research and publications on cemeteries do not facilitate an ambiguous interpretation of the function of whetstones recorded in graves, although utilitarian character of these objects is unquestionable. It can also be asserted that whetstones were buried more often in male graves, and most often in adult graves. They occurred both in “richer” burials and in those characterized by modest equipment. The new light on the function of some whetstones has been shed by the results of analyses carried out by Martin Ježek from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His recent spectral analysis of whetstone surfaces has allowed the hypothesis that whetstones (particularly phyllite ones) may have been used as touchstones. The analysis based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS method) revealed residues of metals on the surface of the examined objects. The microanalysis has proven the existence of micro-traces of metals such as gold, silver, tin and copper. In sum, the hypothesis about a special function of the whetstones cannot be excluded. This may apply particularly to the objects with scant traces of polishing, in contrast to whetstones with strongly polished and characteristic concave surfaces resulting from frequent sharpening. The whetstones with scant traces of polishing may have been used not only as sharpening tools, but also (and maybe primarily) as items against which a precious metal was rubbed in order to check its value and the quality of alloy. Identifying the function of whetstones as touchstones creates new possibilities for discussing the problems associated with social stratification and with distinguishing between “richer” and “poorer” graves. A whetstone-touchstone found in a grave gives its owner a different rank in the society than we previously assumed interpreting the object only as a sharpening tool. Undoubtedly, the analysis of social stratification should involve by far more elements than is widely regarded as vital. In addition, whetstones-touchstones may also become important objects for the analysis of trading places and exchange in the Early Middle Ages.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2014, 60; 197-223
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grotem w dół, grotem w górę. Deponowanie włóczni w grobach wczesnośredniowiecznych na ziemiach polskich
Spearhead up, spearhead down. Deposition of spears in Early Medieval Graves in the Polish lands.
Kurasiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
wczesne średniowiecze
obrzędowość pogrzebowa
broń drzewcowa
wyposażenie grobowe
early Middle Ages
burial rite
staff weapons
grave goods
The paper discusses the issue of deposition of shafted weapons in Early Medieval graves in the Polish lands, with particular stress on the location of spearheads near the feet of the deceased. The analysis of distribution of spearheads in the space of the grave pit points to a diversified manner of burying the dead with the weapon in question. Three zones can be identified (cf Fig. 1): I – upper part of the torso with the head (61 graves); II – vicinity of the pelvis and the femora (6 graves); III – vicinity of the feet and the tibiae (25 graves; cf Figs. 2-5). Attempts at clarifying this diversity in the deposition of shafted weapons in the space of the grave pit have hardly been undertaken in scholarship. Furthermore, they do not offer a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon This paper presents an interpretation which is somehow different than those hitherto proposed. The deposition of spearheads in Zone III probably expresses a certain scheme of thinking which is founded on a mythical order of the world, especially on an archaic motif of the “divine duel”. It was an outline of numerous tales, images and beliefs. Its essence was the fight of a positive hero against a dragon or another monster which represents powers of chaos and destruction. Following this path, the dead for whom the weapon was deposited near his feet, may have been posthumously honoured due to his especially remarkable deeds (of war or other ones) done during his life. These deeds were considered significant for the maintenance or restoration of the social order.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2014, 60; 159-187
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochodzenie mieszkańców grodu w Grzybowie (Wielkopolska) na podstawie badań izotopów strontu
The origin of the inhabitants of the gord in Grzybowo (Wielkopolska) based on strontium isotope studies
Bełka, Zdzisław
Wrzesińska, Anna
Wrzesiński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
środkowa Polska
early medieval graves
origin of human individuals
central Poland
groby wczesnośredniowieczne
pochodzenie ludzi
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań składu izotopowego strontu kości z trzech grobów szkieletowych odsłoniętych w latach 2018-2019 podczas badań grodziska w Grzybowie. Materiał badawczy stanowiły zęby ludzkie i zwierzęce, dla których określono skład izotopowy strontu 87Sr/86Sr. Sygnatury izotopowe zbadanych zębów trzonowych kobiety i mężczyzny z Grzybowa mieszczą się w wąskim zakresie pomiędzy 0,7116 a 0,7121 i są typowe dla osób zamieszkujących obszary Polski, na których odsłaniają się czwartorzędowe osady polodowcowe.
The article presents the results of a study of the strontium isotope composition of bones from three skeletal graves uncovered during the 2018-2019 survey of the Grzybowo settlement. The study material consisted of human and animal teeth, for which the isotopic composition of strontium 87Sr/86Sr was determined. The isotopic signatures of the examined molar teeth of a woman and a man from Grzybowo fall within a narrow range between 0.7116 and 0.7121 and are typical of people inhabiting the territory of Poland.
Studia Lednickie; 2022, 21; 275-283
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzeń rozświetlona. Znaleziska świec i wosku w grobach komorowych na terenie Europy Środkowowschodniej
Space illuminated. Finds of candles and wax in early medieval chamber graves in Eastern-Central Europe
Janowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
wczesne średniowiecze
groby komorowe
Early Middle Ages
chamber graves
Among many items which were found in early medieval chamber graves in Eastern-Central Europe are pieces of wax and candles (fig. 1). These artifacts were discovered in seven graves at four cemeteries in Gnezdovo (graves C-198, C-301 and C-306) (fig. 2-4; 7; 8.1-8), Pskov (graves 3 and 6) (fig. 5), Shestovitsa (mound 42) and Timerevo (mound 100) (fig. 6; 8.9). All of these graves were covered with mounds and contained inhumations with very rich grave-goods. The dead were buried with their heads to the west. Candles were found predominantly in female graves (Gnezdovo graves C-198, C-301 and C-306; Pskov grave 3) or in chamber graves containing two individuals (male and female) in association with the females (Timerevo grave 100). The chronology of the graves is very similar – all are dated to the second half of the 10th century. Candles were placed on the periphery in eastern (Gnezdovo graves C-301 and C-306, Pskov grave 6) or southern (Pskov grave 3, Shestovitsa mound 42) part of the chamber. The number of candles in particular graves ranged from one (Pskov grave 6, Shestovitsa grave 42, Timerevo grave 100) to as many as twelve examples (Gnezdovo grave C-306). Apart from chamber graves, from Russia and Ukraine there are also other types of graves, dated to the second half of the 10th – 11th century, which contained wax and candles. They were found in Gnezdovo (grave L-148) (fig. 8.11), Timerevo (mound 323) (fig. 8.10), Saki (mound 54(1)) (fig. 8.13), Starcy (fig. 8.14) Vahrushevo (mound CXVI), and Sednev (mound 2(1886) (fig. 8.12). Parallel finds are also known from Western and Northern Europe. The oldest discovery comes from the cemetery in Oberflacht dated to the 6th-7th century (fig. 9.3-5), and the youngest from Norway (graves in Grønhaug, Storhaug, Oseberg, Larvik and Lille Gullkronen (mound 7)) and Denmark (graves in Jelling, Mammen (fig. 10), Søllested, Brandstrup (fig. 9.2; 11). In the Early Middle Ages wax was a valued commodity and probably fairly expensive. Scholars point out that wax and candles in funerary contexts are connected with individuals of high material and social status. Candles can also have a very deep symbolic meaning in pagan and Christian beliefs. Chamber graves with candles are probably older than the official date of the Christianisation of Rus’ (988/989), but the people in places like Gnezdovo, Pskov, Timerevo and Shestovitsa had contact with Christianity about 100 years earlier. Chamber graves with candles contain Christian symbols like silver crosses/ pendants and other (fig. 12). In my opinion candles had an apotropaic meaning, and the graves with candles may be interpreted as a sign of an individual conversion of social elite to Christianity before official Christianisation.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2014, 60; 121-130
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gdzie pochowano mieszkańców grodu w Grzybowie?
Where were the inhabitants of the Grzybowo stronghold buried?
Wrzesińska, Anna
Wrzesiński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
Grzybowo gród
stan. 1
wczesnośredniowieczne groby szkieletowe
analiza antropologiczna
Grzybowo stronghold
site 1
early medieval skeletal graves
anthropological analysis
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań kości ludzkich pochodzących z trzech grobów szkieletowych wkopanych we wczesnośredniowieczne nawarstwienia północnej partii majdanu grodu w Grzybowie oraz analizę luźnego materiału kostnego z warstw zasypiskowych. Są to pierwsze pochówki szkieletowe, jakie odsłonięto i udokumentowano na grodzie. Analizowane szczątki należały do osób dorosłych obu płci oraz dzieci – w tym płodu i noworodka. W sezonie wykopaliskowym w 2018 roku odsłonięto dwa groby szkieletowe orientowane na osi E-W. W większej jamie grobowej spoczywały szczątki osoby dorosłej (grób nr 1/2018), w mniejszej – pochówek dziecka (grób nr 2/2018). W sezonie 2019 roku odsłonięto kolejny grób orientowany wzdłuż osi E-W (grób nr 1/2019), gdzie w jamie spoczywał kompletny szkielet osobnika dorosłego, u którego, przy kości udowej prawej i w zasypisku grobu, odsłonięto kości szkieletu dziecka. Materiał szkieletowy wydatowano metodą radiowęglową 14C na wiek XII/XIII.
The article presents the results of a study of human bones from three skeletal graves buried in the early medieval stratification of the northern part of the maidan of the Grzybowo stronghold, as well as an analysis of loose bone material from backfill layers. These are the first skeletal burials to be exposed and documented in the stronghold. The analysed remains belonged to adults of both sexes and to children – including a foetus and a newborn. The 2018 excavation season uncovered two skeletal graves oriented on the E-W axis. In the larger grave pit was situated the burial of an adult individual (grave no. 1/2018), and in the smaller one the burial of a child (grave no. 2/2018). In the 2019 season, another grave oriented along the E-W axis was uncovered (grave no. 1/2019) where the pit contained the complete skeleton of an adult and the bones of a child’s skeleton which were exposed near the right femur and in the grave fill. The skeletal material was dated by the 14C radiocarbon method to the 12th/18th centuries, respectively.
Studia Lednickie; 2022, 21; 239-274
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Groby podwójne w Polsce wczesnośredniowiecznej. Próba rewaluacji
Double graves in early medieval Poland. A revaluation
Gardeła, Leszek
Kajkowski, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
archeologia śmierci
groby podwójne
rytuały pogrzebowe
archaeology of death
double graves
funerary rituals
This article seeks to reassess the notion of double graves in early medieval Poland. Burials of this kind are rarely found at inhumation cemeteries and their total number usually does not exceed 1% of all graves from a particular site. The paper begins by presenting a brief overview of various textual sources, mostly Arabic, which describe funerary rituals of the pagan Slavs. Some of these accounts mention a peculiar practice during which the wives of the deceased committed suicide at the graveside in order to be buried or cremated with their husbands. While it is difficult to assess the authenticity of such descriptions, a number of previous scholars have suggested that double graves of men and women may represent burials of married couples. The authors of the present article seek to expand these interpretations and argue for the necessity to acknowledge the multivalence and diversity of double graves in early medieval Poland. To demonstrate their arguments the different sections of the article focus on several variants of double graves that have been observed within the examined corpus of evidence. The cases discussed in detail include: 1. alleged burials of married couples (where the man and woman lay very close to one another, sometimes holding hands), 2. potential human sacrifices (where one of the individuals seems to have suffered a violent death, as evidenced by traces of wounds, usually to the skull, inflicted with the use of a sharp instrument), 3. double and mass graves perhaps resulting from dramatic events (plagues, war etc.), 4. cases of reopened graves (where the second individual is added to a pre-existing single grave), 5. graves of two men (interpreted as burials of relatives, companions or perhaps homosexuals), and 6. double graves of adults and children. Having reassessed a large body of data the authors argue that the previously proposed interpretations, which perceived practically every double grave of a man and woman as belonging to a married couple, should be seriously reconsidered. The diversity of double graves in early medieval Poland allows for a supposition that they may have resulted from various circumstances – not necessarily as peaceful and innocent as postulated in the works of previous scholars. However, in the context of textual sources, it is quite possible that some funerals may have also been understood as “posthumous weddings”. The ritual murder of one of the individuals could have been intended to wed him or her to the deceased, thereby ensuring they are remembered by their contemporaries not as spinsters or bachelors, but as fully accomplished members of the society.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2014, 60; 103-120
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza trwałych izotopów węgla i azotu w szczątkach osobników pochowanych na grodzisku w Grzybowie
Analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the remains of individuals buried in the Grzybowo stronghold
Lisowska-Gaczorek, Aleksandra
Szostek, Krzysztof
Wrzesiński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
stan. 1
wczesnośredniowieczne groby szkieletowe
analiza trwałych izotopów węgla i azotu
rekonstrukcja diety osobników
site 1
early medieval skeletal graves
analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
reconstruction of the diet of individuals
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań izotopowych kości ludzkich z dwóch grobów szkieletowych odsłoniętych w trakcie badań wykopaliskowych w roku 2018. Materiał badawczy stanowiły zęby ze szkieletu osobnika dorosłego, mężczyzny zmarłego w wieku Maturus (grób nr 1/2018) i zęby dziecka zmarłego w wieku Infans I (grób nr 2/2018). Jako materiał porównawczy w badaniach wykorzystano kości długie i ząb zwierząt z obiektów, w które wkopane były groby. Rekonstrukcję diety osobników przeprowadzono poddając analizie 8 prób – cztery pobrane ze szkieletów ludzkich i cztery z kości zwierzęcych
The article presents the results of isotopic studies of human bones from two skeletal graves uncovered during the 2018 excavations. The study material consisted of teeth from the skeleton of an adult male who died at the age of Maturus (grave no. 1/2018) and teeth of a child who died at the age of Infans I (grave no. 2/2018). Long bones and a tooth of animals from the sites into which the graves were buried were used as comparative material in the study. Reconstruction of the diet of individuals was carried out by analysing 8 samples – four taken from human skeletons and four from animal bones.
Studia Lednickie; 2022, 21; 285-299
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabytki z wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzysk z grobami w obudowach kamiennych pochodzące z badań Nikolaja P. Awenariusa
Artefacts from the Early Medieval burial grounds with graves in stone-settings coming from the research of Nikolai P. Avenarius
Dzik, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Nikolai Avenarius
graves in stone-settings
early medieval Polish-Rus’ borderland
The aim of this paper is putting into scientific circulation archaeological finds from eight early medieval burial grounds with graves in stone-settings, from the area of Podlaskie Voivodeship (norh-eastern Poland). The finds come from excavations conducted by Russian researcher Nikolai Avenarius in 1887 and 1888. For a long time his collection, which is kept in the State Historical Museum in Moscow, has been considered to be lost. This is the reason why despite of that 130 years had passed since N. Avenarius’ excavations, hardly any information about his collection can be found in archaeological literature.
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego; 2017, 38; 185-196
Pojawia się w:
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potrzeba rekonceptualizacji wczesnośredniowiecznych pochówków „wampirów” z ziem polskich
The need of reconceptualization of early medieval burials of ‘vampires’ from Poland
Dec, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
anti-vampire graves
Western Slavs
early Middle Ages
atypical graves
The aim of the article is to outline the need to reconceptualized the early medieval burials of “vampires” from Poland. These burials are understood as the remains of the so-called “anti- vampire” practices resulting from the social perception of bad death. These, in turn, are recognized as a socio-religious phenomenon, the assumption of which was to postpone the evil actions of the ‘vampire’ by means of certain measures. Due to doubts about the term “vampire”, concerning both the linguistic sphere and the cultural and historical realities, it is suggested not to use it. The proposed alternative, more precise terms would therefore be the terms “returning dead” or “(un)dead”. Another issue raised is the setting of ‘anti-vampire’ burials in an atypical framework. “Anti-vampirical” burials meet the criteria of atypicality on a macro scale, however, it is possible to consider them typical, assuming that they functioned in the culture of Western Slavs in the early Middle Ages as belonging to a specific social group.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia; 2020, 25; 63-70
Pojawia się w:
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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