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Investigation of combustion process in dual fuel diesel engine
Żółtowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
alternative fuels
In this paper are presented results of dual fuel diesel engine bench testing carried out by author. The engine was fuelled parallel with two fuels. The second, additional fuel was compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG was injected into engine inlet system before inlet to engine turbocharger. There was installed a pressure transducer in one of engine cylinders and cylinder pressure was registered at the time of testing. There is discussed place and way of pressure sensor installation and impact on quality of indicating signals of the channel connecting the transducer with combustion chamber. The carried out investigations included measurement of emissions and engine indicating completed with the heat release characteristics. There was considered influence of CNG on CO, NOx, THC and NMHC emissions, especially how pollutant emissions depend on the share of methane in fuel. The effect of using natural gas as an additional fuel injected to regular CI engine on heat release rate was investigated, as well as its rate and duration. Discussed the differences between combustion of methane and diesel oil and ways of spreading flames into air-fuel mixture for these two mixed fuels The processes of combustion of diesel oil and methane are totally different. The study searches for the limits of methane content due to knocking combustion. Additive of methane to the diesel fuel is a reason of retarded heat release, decrease of engine efficiency, greater fuel consumption and changes in emissions corresponding to the lag of self-ignition
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 2; 303-309
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knock combustion in dual fuel diesel engine
Żółtowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
IC engines
alternative fuels
combustion process in engine
This article presents the problem of the knock combustion in a dual fuel compression engine, in which additional fuel besides diesel oil was compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG was injected into the engine intake system and mixed with air supplying the engine. In this paper described the reasons of knock combustion, which occur with more intensity with the increase of methane content in engine fuel. The phenomenon of knock combustion in the dual fuel engine is difficult to eliminate, often impossible to avoid, and it forms a barrier limiting increase of methane share in the fuel. Also, this article contains the results of engine indicating and discussion on changes in the indicating diagrams caused by knock combustion. Carried out tests included engine indicating and numerical calculation of indicator diagrams with using spectral analysis and filtering cylinder pressure signals with high-pass filters. As a result of this calculation, several parameters describing intensity of knock combustion were determined. They allow to tell taking into account only cylinder pressure analysis if there is knock combustion inside engine combustion chamber or not. Knocking is an undesirable type of combustion in the engine, leading to excessive thermal and mechanical loading of the engine parts, causing premature wear of them. For this reason, this type of combustion should be eliminated from the engine operation and researchers of combustion processes must be provided with tools to detect and determine this kind of combustion.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 547-553
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania wpływu parametrów użytkowych dwupaliwowego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym na jego aktywność wibroakustyczną
The effect of performance parameters of dual fuel CI engine on its vibroacoustical activity
Zieliński, Ł.
Walczak, D.
Radkowski, S.
Szczurowski, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
silnik dwupaliwowy
dual fuel engine
Ze względów ekonomicznych i ekologicznych poszukiwane są alternatywne sposoby zasilania silników spalinowych. W silnikach o zapłonie samoczynnym, obserwuje się wzrost zainteresowania instalacjami paliwowymi pozwalającymi na domieszkę propan-butanu. Wynika to z ceny tego paliwa, szerokiej sieci dystrybucji, jak również z poprawy efektywności spalania. Wraz z rozwojem zasilania dwupaliwowego rozsądnym wydaje się być badanie wpływu dodatku LPG na emisję hałasu oraz generowanie drgań. W artykule opisano badania dotyczące zjawisk drganiowych na przykładzie silnika Volkswagena 1.4 TDI ze zmodyfikowanym układem zasilania, pozwalającym na dodawanie LPG w fazie gazowej, jak również w fazie ciekłej. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wibroakustycznych pracy silnika pod obciążeniem na hamowni podwoziowej dla różnych udziałów dawki LPG oraz dla różnych parametrów sterowania, w szczególności zmiany kąta wyprzedzenia wtrysku. Badania były próbą weryfikacji parametrów sterowania w celu uzyskania jak najniższych wartości emitowanego hałasu i drgań, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu dużej efektywności procesu spalania. Rejestrując drgania na korpusie silnika, jak również na karoserii, oraz hałas, możliwe było wyznaczenia widma amplitudowego, na podstawie którego opracowano wnioski. Stwierdzono, jaki jest optymalny kąt wyprzedzenia wtrysku dla minimalizacji drgań oraz dla uzyskania maksymalnego momentu obrotowego.
Due to economic and ecological reasons alternative ways of supply of combustion engines are looked for. In diesel engines, a growing interest in systems allowing the admixture of propane-butane has been observed. This is due to several reasons: the price of fuel, a wide distribution network, as well as improving combustion efficiency. With the development of dual fuel engine supply, a study of the effects of LPG on noise generation and vibration seems to be reasonable, as well as an attempt to evaluate the combustion process. This paper describes the study of these phenomena on the example of the 1.4 TDI Volkswagen engine with a modified power supply allowing for the addition of LPG in the gas phase and liquid phase. The results of research on engine noise and vibration during operation under load on a chassis dynamometer for different shares of LPG and for different control parameters, in particular the injection timing,. have been presented. The study was an attempt to verify the control parameters in order to obtain the lowest possible value of noise and vibration, while maintaining the high efficiency of the combustion process. By recording vibrations off the motor housing as well as the body, it was possible to determine the noise amplitude spectrum, on the basis of which the conclusions have been formulated.
Combustion Engines; 2015, 54, 3; 271-277
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Masowe kryteria wyboru punktu obliczeniowego silnika dwuprzepływowego do napędu samolotu wielozadaniowego
Mass selection criteria for multi-task aircraft low by-pass engine
Wygonik, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy TTS
silnik dwuprzepływowy
samolot wielozadaniowy
model zużycia paliwa
model masowy
dual-flow motor
multi-purpose aircraft
fuel consumption model
mass model
W artykule przedstawiono model masowy oraz model zużycia paliwa zespołu napędowego samolotu wielozadaniowego. Oba modele na potrzeby artykułu powiązano z parametrami termogazodynamicznymi obiegu silnika. Wprowadzono pojęcie wskaźnika jednostkowej masy silnika jako sumy masy silnika i masy paliwa odniesionych do ciągu silnika w tzw. punkcie obliczeniowym. Zbadano jaki wpływ na zmianę wskaźnika masy mają wielkości definiujące punkt obliczeniowy (wysokość lotu, prędkość lotu). Zbadano również jak na przykładzie przyjętego modelu zmienia się wskaźnik masy gdy zmienia się (na etapie projektowania)parametry obiegu silnika jak: spręż sprężarki, temperatura spalin przed turbiną, stopień podziału strumienia. Uwzględniono również wpływ długotrwałości lotu samolotu, na charakterystyki masowego modelu obliczeniowego. Ustalono, że dla tzw. misji długotrwałych minimum wskaźnika masowego znajduje się blisko tzw. sprężu ekonomicznego, a dla misji krótkotrwałych przesuwa się w kierunku sprężu optymalnego. Bardzo ważnym wnioskiem jest stwierdzenie, że najlepsze wartości parametrów termogazodynamicznych obiegu silnika mają mniejsze wartości niż te, które charakteryzują jednostkowe zużycie paliwa, co ma istotne znaczenie dla wyboru parametrów optymalnych silnika. Wskaźnik całkowitej sumarycznej masy jednostkowej silnika jest jednym z kryteriów optymalizacji parametrów obiegu silnika z punktu widzenia wykonywanej misji lotniczej.
The presented model of the masses of the engine, and the fuel consumption model which are the functions of thermodynamic parameters were described in the article. In the paper specific total engine mass index was introduced. This index is equal to total engine-fuel mass divided by thrust in design point. Impact of the choice of the design point (Mach velocity and altitude H) on the total mass index of the engine and the fuel used up was presented for different airplane mission. The next problem is to find those thermodynamics parameters (compression ratio, turbine inlet total temper-ature, bypass ratio) which give minimum of total mass of engine and consumed fuel for different airplane missions. A very important parameter that plays the part in fuel consumption is airplane flight time. For long-lasting mission minimum of specific mass is occurs for compression ratio near his economic value (for specific fuel consumption). For short missions minimum of specific mass occurs for smaller compression ratio (near 20-30), but greater than for those giving maximum specific thrust. A little change in minimum value of specific mass gives a big difference in compression ratio. The most important conclusion is that the best thermodynamics parameters from minimum mass criterion are less than for minimum specific fuel consumption. Specific total engine-fuel mass is a very important figure of merit for parameters optimization at the first step of aircraft engines design.
TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego; 2015, 12; 1703-1708, CD
Pojawia się w:
TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dual fuel turbocharged CI engine equipped with common rail system fuelled with natural gas and diesel oil
Turbodoładowany silnik o zapłonie samoczynnym z układem "Common Rail" zasilany dwupaliwowo gazem ziemnym i olejem napędowym
Wołoszyn, R.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
dwupaliwowe zasilanie silnika wysokoprężnego
alternatywne paliwo
koncepcje zasilania gazem ziemnym i olejem napędowym
dual fuelling of CI engine
alternative fuel
concept of fuelling with natural gas and diesel oil
The bi-fuel supply of CI engine gives the possibility for the utilization of alternative fuels with low cetane number. The one from the group of many alternative fuels possible to the utilization, fuel that is possible to ignite in the combustion chamber of CI engine by piloting dose of diesel fuel is the natural gas. The paper presents some concepts of dual fuelling of turbocharged CI engine with natural gas and diesel oil. The experiments are carried out on the engine with common rail system, which works together with gas fuel system (gas injection). Gas is injected to inlet channel when the inlet valve is open. For the purpose of the concept choice for the selection doses sizes of separate fuels and the selection of the optimum quantity of air delivered to the engine combustion chamber for different engine loads and speeds, several number of the load characteristics of conventionally powered engine with factory fuel system and exhaust recirculation switched on and the series of load characteristics with the exhaust recirculation switched off was performed, in order to allow elimination of exhaust recirculation influence on the process of combustion and on the dual fuel system engine parameters during investigations. The load characteristics of dual fuelled powered engine are carried out presently. Conclusions from the comparison of the measured parameters will be utilized in the design and the development of control algorithm for injection of both fuels, and also air flow control in the induction system and exhaust through the turbine.
Zasilanie dwupaliwowe silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym daje możliwość wykorzystania alternatywnych paliw o niskiej liczbie cetanowej. Jednym z możliwych do wykorzystania paliw alternatywnych, które można zapałać w komorze spalania silnika o ZS dawką pilotującą oleju napędowego jest gaz naturalny. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcje zasilania doładowanego silnika z zapłonem samoczynnym gazem ziemnym i olejem napędowym. Prowadzone prace wykonano na silniku z układem zasilania common rail współpracującym z gazowym układem zasilania (wdmuchu gazu) do kanału dolotowego w fazie otwarcia zaworu dolotowego. W celu dokonania wyboru koncepcji doboru wielkości dawek poszczególnych paliw oraz ustalenia optymalnej ilości powierza dostarczanego do komory spalania silnika dla różnych obciążeń i prędkości obrotowych silnika wykonano szereg charakterystyk obciążeniowych silnika zasilanego konwencjonalnie fabrycznym układem zasilania oraz włączoną recyrkulacją spalin oraz serię charakterystyk obciążeniowych z wyłączoną recyrkulacją spalin, tak aby było możliwe wyeliminowania wpływu recyrkulacji na proces spalania i parametry silnika w układzie dwupaliwowym w czasie jego badań. Obecnie wykonywane są charakterystyki obciążeniowe silnika zasilanego dwupaliwowo. Wnioski z porównania mierzonych parametrów będą wykorzystane w konstrukcji i opracowaniu algorytmu sterowania wtryskiem obydwu paliw, jak również przepływem powietrza w układzie dolotowym i spalin przez turbinę.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 4; 613-620
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of the share of natural gas in the total fuel supply dose on the combustion process in a CRDI engine
Wierzbicki, Sławomir
Boruta, Grzegorz
Konieczny, Łukasz
Łazarz, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Common Rail
dual-fuel engine
course of combustion
heat release
silnik dwupaliwowy
przebieg spalania
wydzielanie ciepła
Natural gas is one of the potential combustion engine fuels whose proportion in the overall energy balance is expected to increase. Owing to some of its properties, its use requires a dual-fuel supply system; thus, the use of natural gas as a fuel for diesel engines is currently limited. Systems that supply gas fuel to diesel engines do not usually interfere with the engine control system. This solution significantly reduces system-installation costs. However, as demonstrated in the present study, it considerably changes the course of the combustion process, which increases thermal and mechanical loads. In this case, the combustion process can be controlled by changing the liquid fuel injection pressure or advancing the injection angle. This, however, requires interference with the engine control system.
Transport Problems; 2021, 16, 1; 141--150
Pojawia się w:
Transport Problems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biogas as a fuel for diesel engines
Wierzbicki, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
diesel engine
dual-fuel supply system
The pursuit of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the increased share of renewable fuels in the overall energy balance has led to a search for alternative energy sources. One of the fuels on which great hopes are set as fuel for engines is biomethane or biogas, whose main component is methane. Biogas can be obtained from different products by using different technologies, so that it has potential as a widelyavailable fuel, which is quite easy to produce. The percentage of methane in biogas depends on the technology for obtaining biogas and ranges from 35% to around 75%. The largest biogas sources can be animal farms, where it is obtained from animal excrement. Another source is sewage treatment plants and rubbish dumps, where substantial quantities of biogas are obtained as a result of natural processes occurring in waste dumping sites or sewage. Biogas can also be acquired from waste obtained from fruit and vegetable processing as well as waste from meat plants. This paper examines the possibility of using biogas as a fuel for diesel engines. In these engines, the combustion of biogas (methane) requires the application of a dual-fuel supply system in which liquid fuel initiating gas fuel selfignition will be injected into the combustion chamber along with methane. The paper also contains example results showing the effect of the methane dose on the course of the combustion process in diesel engines.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 3; 477-482
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of CO2 content in CNG on the combustion process in a dual-fuel compression ignition engine
Wpływ zawartości CO2 w CNG na przebieg spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym
Wierzbicki, S.
Mikulski, M.
Śmieja, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
dual-fuel compression ignition engine
carbon dioxide
combustion process
emission of toxic compounds
dwupaliwowy silnik o ZS
dwutlenek węgla
proces spalania
emisja związków toksycznych
Seeking alternative sources of energy for its more effective use, reducing emissions of toxic pollutants to the atmosphere and counteracting global warming are nowadays the major areas of development in the power industry, including the design of combustion engines. Currently, the research into the use of new fuels, which may be effective sources of energy, is performed by many scientific centres. The use of biogas for production of energy in cogeneration systems is one of the ways for improvement of energy balance. In the research described herein, a dual-fuel compression ignition engine was fuelled with gaseous fuel with variable CNG and CO2 ratios. The tests were performed for engine fuelling controlled by both an original controller with the software optimised for single-fuel operation and for the injection of a pilot dose of diesel controlled by a dedicated controller enabling the adjustment and control of the injection and dose parameters. This paper presents the effect of carbon dioxide content in gaseous fuel on the combustion process and emission of toxic compounds in the engine examined.
Poszukiwanie alternatywnych źródeł energii, zwiększenie efektywności jej wykorzystania, a także zmniejszenie emisji związków toksycznych do atmosfery i walka z globalnym ociepleniem są głównymi współczesnymi kierunkami rozwoju przemysłu energetycznego, w tym również silników spalinowych. Obecnie w wielu ośrodkach naukowych prowadzone są badania nad wykorzystaniem nowych paliw, które mogą być efektywnym źródłem energii. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy bilansu energetycznego jest wykorzystanie biogazu do wytwarzania energii w układach kogeneracyjnych. W opisanych w artykule badaniach dwupaliwowy silnik o zapłonie samoczynnym zasilany był paliwem gazowym o zmiennych proporcjach CNG i dwutlenku węgla. Badania przeprowadzono przy sterowaniu zasilaniem silnika zarówno przez oryginalny sterownik oprogramowany do pracy jednopaliwowej, jak i przy sterowaniu wtryskiem dawki pilotującej oleju napędowego przez dedykowany sterownik umożliwiający regulację i kontrolę parametrów wtrysku tej dawki. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ zawartości dwutlenku węgla w paliwie gazowym na przebieg procesu spalania oraz emisję związków toksycznych badanego silnika.
Combustion Engines; 2015, 54, 3; 91-101
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of pilot charge size and biogas composition on the operating efficiency of a dual-fuel compression-ignition engine
Wierzbicki, S.
Śmieja, M.
Mikulski, M.
Piętak, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
CI engine
dual-fuel engine
pilot dose
efficiency of engine
Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere, as well as increasing the share of renewables in the overall energy balance, forces the search for new, alternative energy sources. One of the fuels, which presents high potential for combustion engines are biomethane or biogas, with methane as the main flammable component. Biogas can be obtained from different products and using a variety of technologies which results in its wide availability and relatively easy manufacture. The largest sources of biogas can be animal farms or sewage treatment plants and waste dumps in which significant quantities of biogas are obtained as a result of naturally occurring processes. Biogas can also be obtained from processing of energy crops or waste processing in agricultural, food and meat processing plants. In this article, the possibility of using biogas as a fuel for CI engines has been examined. In such engine, combustion of biogas (methane) requires the use of dual fuel supply system, in which in addition to methane, liquid fuel is injected into the combustion chamber, in order to initiate the self-ignition of gaseous fuel. The paper presents exemplary results of the impact of the proportion of different fuels and biogas composition on the efficiency of the engine work cycle.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 3; 279-284
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of the parameters of pilot dose injection in a dual fuel diesel engine on the combustion process
Wierzbicki, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
diesel engine
injection pressure
injector opening time
fuel injection advance angle
course of combustion
The paper presents the effect of the main parameters of pilot dose ignition: injection pressure, injection advance angle and injector opening time on the combustion process in a dual fuel diesel engine. The study continues the research conducted at the Department of Mechatronics of the University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, on optimisation of dual fuel self-ignition engines with CNG as the main fuel dose. The results presented in the paper were obtained with a single-cylinder engine HATZ 1B40, adapted to methane combustion. The results presented in the paper show the recorded changes of pressure in the combustion chamber with a constant fuel pilot dose and different ignition advance angles. Scheme of fuelling and measurement systems, view of engine indicating system, average changes of pressure in the combustion chamber, average changes of pressure in the combustion chamber and average changes of pressure in the combustion chamber at dual fuel engine supply with diesel oil at varied pilot dose injection angle, effects of advance angle of the pilot dose injection on the maximum pressure of combustion, at various proportions of diesel oil and CNG, average changes of pressure in the combustion chamber at double-fuel engine fuelled with diesel oil and various shares of methane in the dose powering the engine, CNG consumption as a function of the advance angle of the pilot dose injection for various shares of the pilot dose are presented in the paper.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 3; 499-506
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental tests on a dual fuel compression-ignition engine powered by biogas with a varying chemical composition
Wierzbicki, S.
Śmieja, M.
Kozłowski, M.
Nieoczym, A.
Krzysiak, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
dual fuel compression-ignition engine
emission of toxic compounds
Biogas is among the fuels whose significance in the general energy balance will increase. These results from the fact that it may be produced from various kinds of waste materials, and it is therefore considered a renewable fuel of the second generation. Because of its properties, biogas may be used directly to power spark-ignition engines. Nonetheless, numerous tests are underway involving the possibility of using biogas to power compression-ignition engines. In order to use biogas, whose main combustible component is methane, in compression-ignition engines, it is necessary to use a dual fuel power supply system. With such a system supplying power to the engine, the gas and air mixture in the cylinder is ignited by a small dose of liquid fuel. This paper presents a fragment of the research on the use of biogas with a varying chemical composition for powering compression-ignition engines. The described tests were conducted using a one-cylinder compressionignition engine mounted on an engine test stand. The fuel gas consisted of a mixture of natural gas and carbon dioxide; the share of each individual component was regulated from the station, which controlled the operation of the whole test stand. The developed control system also enabled the adjustment of the operating parameters of the engine test stand and the parameters of the injection of liquid fuel, such as the injection pressure, the timing angle of injection and the size of the dose. The results presented in the paper show the impact of the individual control parameters of the engine on the value of the engine’s torque and the amount of toxic compounds in the exhaust fumes.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 3; 549-554
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Preliminary tests on an integrated laboratory control system for the feeding system of a dual - fuel diesel engine and its load
Wierzbicki, S.
Śmieja, M.
Piętak, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
CI engine
engine test bed
CR system
control system
combustion engine tests
Comprehensive testing of diesel engines currently requires not only a control system for the feeding system of the engine, but also a system ensuring precise control of its load and providing constant measurement conditions. Additionally, it is necessary during the tests to record a considerable number of operating parameters of both the engine and the loading system. The currently available stands for diesel engine tests, the so-called “engine test beds”, are standardly-equipped with special systems controlled using computer applications to ensure the maintenance of the assumed engine operation parameters. For compression-ignition engines, this most often takes place by control of the accelerator pedal position. In this solution, the engine is controlled by the engine controller, which controls the fuel charge based on the measurement of the rotational speed and the accelerator pedal position depending on the assumed control algorithm. The shortcoming of this solution is no possibility of controlling selected fuel feeding parameters, such as fuel pressure or the injection advance angle. This paper presents preliminary tests on an integrated control system for both engine load and the parameters of fuel fed to a compression-ignition engine. The developed control system enables engine test bed control, which, depending on the measurement variant, ensures the maintenance of a constant rotational speed or a constant engine load as well as control of the Common Rail system actuators.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 2; 393-399
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the share of biogas in a supply dose on load parameters in the combustion chamber of a dual-fuel compression-ignition engine
Wierzbicki, S.
Boruta, G.
Piętak, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
air mixture
λ ratio
compression-ignition engine
The need to increase the share of renewable fuels in the general energy balance necessitates the search for new possibilities of their use. One such fuel is biogas, which is generated both as a result of natural processes occurring, e.g. in landfills, and can also be obtained from various biological materials in biogas plants. Because of its properties, biogas may be used to power spark-ignition engines. At the same time, in numerous scientific centres attempts are underway at using biogas to power compression-ignition engines. Due to the relatively high autoignition temperature of methane, which is the main component of biogas, it is necessary to use dual-fuel supply systems in CI engines. Providing fuel gas to such an engine in the form of biogas, which can have a varying chemical composition, considerably changes the conditions of combustion in the engine compartment, which affects both the performance of the engine as well as the emission of toxic compounds into the atmosphere. The present paper discusses the impact of supplying an engine with fuel gas, as well as of the composition of biogas, on the ratios describing the load in the combustion chamber of a dual-fuel compression-ignition engine. The calculations were conducted for a four-cylinder forced induction engine, assuming that the volume of the drawn gas and air mixture equals the volume of the drawn air during mono-fuel operation.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 2; 407-414
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the share of CNG on the combustion process in a dual-fuel compression-ignition engine with the common rail system
Wierzbicki, S.
Śmieja, M.
Mikulski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
natural gas
dual-fuel compression-ignition engine
Common Rail system
combustion process
The struggle against global warming necessitates the search for new sources of energy, which limit the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Among various fuels used to supply energy nowadays, the importance of natural gas is constantly growing. This is caused by the fact that this fuel is characterised by the lowest share of coal among all fossil fuels. Because of its properties, natural gas can be used directly to power spark-ignition engines. The use of this fuel for compression-ignition engines on the other hand is limited due to the high autoignition temperature of methane. Currently, research is being conducted in numerous centres on the possibility of using fuel gases to power CI engines operating in a dual-fuel system. The present article discusses the impact of the share of CNG in the supply dose on the operation of a CI engine. An engine with the Common Rail injection system programmed for mono-fuel operation was used in the research. Based on the conducted tests it has been proved that supplying this type of engine with fuel gas considerably changes the course of the combustion process, which is caused by the fact that the gas and air mixture present in the combustion chamber starts burning now of the autoignition of the first portion of liquid fuel. The obtained test results confirm the necessity to change the injection parameters of the pilot dose of diesel fuel (the timing angle of injection and the pressure of fuel) in cases when this type of engine operates in a dual-fuel system.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 2; 415-422
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of methanol-diesel combustion on performance and emissions of a direct injection diesel engine
Tutak, W.
Szwaja, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
dual-fuel engine
exhaust emission
The results of CFD modelling a dual fuel diesel engine powered with both methanol and diesel fuel is presented in the paper. Modelling was performed with 20 and a 50% energetic share of methanol in the entire dose. The analysis was conducted on both the thermodynamic parameters and exhaust toxicity of dual fuel engine. It was found that the various share of methanol influences the ignition delay of the combustion process and after start of main phase of combustion, the process occurs faster than in case of the diesel engine. It was found that the time of 10-90% burn of the fuel is much shorter than it is in the diesel engine. The dual fuel engine was characterized by higher indicated mean pressure in the whole range of diesel fuel injection timings. While analysing toxic exhaust emission from the dual fuel engine powered with methanol, it was found that the rate of NO formation was significantly higher than from the diesel engine. The combustion process in the dual fuel engine occurs more rapidly than in the conventional diesel engine, which contributes to form areas with high temperature, and in combination with presence of oxygen from the air and oxygen bonded in the methanol, promotes the NO formation. In the case of the dual fuel engine, it was found that soot emission was reduced. The engine running with diesel injection start at 8.5 deg before TDC, the soot emissions were more than twice lower in the dual fuel engine, while the emission of NO was much higher.
Journal of KONES; 2015, 22, 2; 259-266
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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