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Udział pracowni diagnostyki laboratoryjnej w okresowych badaniach pracowników zatrudnionych w styczności z aromatycznymi nitroaminozwiązkami
Uchastie diagnosticheskikh laboratorijj v ciklicheskikh issledovanijakh sotrudnikov, zanimajushhikhsja issledovanijami, svjazannymi s aromaticheskimi nitroaminosoedinenijami
Laboratory contribution to the periodic examination of workers dealing with aromatic nitroamine compounds
Bomska, H.
Bomski, H.
Głębowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej
Diagnostyka Laboratoryjna; 1967, 03, 3; 191-198
Pojawia się w:
Diagnostyka Laboratoryjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca mężczyzn nadużywających alkoholu (przyczynek do dyskusji nad ustawą o postępowaniu wobec osób uchylających się od pracy)
The excessively drinking men and their work (contribution to discussion on the act of dealing with persons evading work)
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
izba wytrzeźwień
sobering-up center
The article presents the findings of a study on the problems of alcoholism related to the Act of 26 October 1982 on dealing with persons evading work. The Act defines the phenomenon of the so-called social parasitism as evading socially useful work and having sources of maintenance contradictory to the law or principles of social coexistence. Men aged 18-45 who have not been employed for at least 3 months, who do not attend any school and are not registered in an employment agency as looking for a job, are obliged to report at the local State administrative agency and to explain the reasons of their unemployment or failure to learn. A nonfulfillment of this duty is a transgression for which a penalty of limitation of liberty of up to 3 months or a fine of up to 50,000 zlotys is provided. There are certain categories of persons who are not liable to this duty: among others, these are the retired or disabled persons, those who receive allowances from the social security fund etc. The reported men are entered in a record of persons evading work. In the case of their further persistent evasion of work, they are liable to further proceedings and various sanctions. They may also be recognized as unemployed for socially grounded reasons. Towards such persons, the Act provides no further special duties, and the administrative agency is obligated to come to their assistance if necessary.             In the present paper, the important problem of whether the legal regulation of the problems connected with the so-called social parasitism is justified, has not been discussed. We have focused on the relation between unemployment and excessive drinking and on the problems and disturbances in employment among excessively drinking men.             The study was aimed at answering the following questions: What is the number of persons with alcohol problems, repeatedly detained in the sobering-up station, among the men registered in District Offices in Warsaw as "evading work"? What is the number of unemployed persons aged 18-45 among those repeatedly detained in the sobering-up station? What is the relation between employment and work on the one hand, and excessive drinking and the entire life situation on the other hand among the above-mentioned men?             The following three groups of men have been included in the study: A. In order to obtain the answer to the first question. records of 2,195 men were examined who had been registered in the seven District Offices in Warsaw within the period from January 1. 1983 till April 30. 1984 as evading work, and their detentions in the sobering-up station were checked. B. The second group of the examined persons consisted of all men aged 18-45 who had been detained in the sobering-up station for at least, the second time on randomly selected days in October and November of 1984 and in January of 1985 (576 persons). Information concerning their employment was obtained from the .records of the sobering-up station based either on their own statements or on entries in their identity cards. C. The third group consisted of 56 patients of the sobering-up station aged 18-45 who had repeatedly been detained; they were examined individually in the period from October 1984 till January 1985.             The examination consisted in a free interview based on a specially constructed questionnaire. The aim of the interview was to obtain information concerning the course of employment and the drinking habits of the examined persons. their possible symptoms of dependence and withdrawal treatments they underwent, family situation and state of health.             From among 2,195 men registered as evading work. one-third had been detained in the sobering-up station at least once. As many as two-thirds of them had been detained repeatedly. A part of the registered men (6.9 per cent) were included at a later date in the list of persons who persistently evade work. Persons detained in the sobering-up station constitute 37 per, cent of those included in the record.             Employment of patients of the sobering-up station was examined in the second of the above-mentioned groups: the 576 men aged 18-45 repeatedly detained in the Warsaw sobering-up station.             Among those patients men aged at least 30 predominated (76.9 per cent). Those detained at least four times were the most numerous (45.5 per cent); there were 20.6 and 33.9 per cent of those detained three and two times respectively. According to expectations, older patients had been detained in the station more frequently than the younger ones.             At the moment of detention in the station, the majority of the repeatedly detained persons (60.6 per cent) were employed at State enterprises; 10 per cent worked for private employers, and 1.4 per cent in their own workshops or farms. 5 per cent were pensioners, 8:3 per cent worked casually, and 14.6 per cent were not employed at all. Therefore, the category of persons who did not work or who worked only casually constituted 22.9 per cent of the examined group, which seems rather a high percentage. It grows still if the category of pensioners is added. amounting then to 27.9 per cent of men aged 18-45 repeatedly detained in the station and to as many as 34.7 per cent of those detained over three times.             56 persons were examined individually. They were somewhat older than the above-mentioned group of 576 patients of the sobering-up station and had been detained there for a smaller number of times.             The essential problem in our study was their drinking of alcohol. 36 per cent of the examined persons stated they had started drinking at the age of 16 at most, while in the case of 33.3 per cent the respective self-reported age was 17-18. As many as two-thirds admitted usually dinking half a litre or more vodka on one occasion. 34.8 per cent admitted drinking daily. It was most difficult to find out whether the examined persons were already alcohol dependent. There were question included in the questionnaire and asked during the interview, that served this purpose. Some of the examined persons were afraid even to admit they drank excessively which was due to the type of work they performed in which abuse of alcohol is not tolerated (first of all in the driver’s profession). Symptoms indicative of dependence were found in 24 of the examined persons (42.9 per cent). A part of them had already started withdrawal treatment in the past, yet they frequently gave it up after as few as several visits. The detention in the station and talks conducted with the patient on release were noticed to be an opportunity for initiating a change in his attitude towards treatment. It seems that the sobering-up station may and should be an important link in the alcohol dependence  treatment system.             Basing on the appraisal of the entire course of employment, the examined group could be divided into two categories: A. those in the case of whom undisturbed performance of work and its regularity was found according to the information obtained (22 persons); B. those who  had been unemployed for long periods of time, worked irregularly, at intervals, and failed to perform work properly (31 persons).             In the category A, two subgroups were distinguished: a. men who usually did not drink excessively or who abused alcohol but to a slight degree, who worked regularly and were relatively well socially adjusted. Their repeated detentions in the sobering-up station seemed to result from various chance situations and from their poor tolerance  of alcohol; b. men who regularly abused alcohol or who could have been dependent on it, in whom however this situation did not influence their performance of work.             In the category B, it was not possible to distinguish any subgroups. In individual cases, joint occurrence of some of the following overlapping problems was found: a. poor performance of work related to excessive  drinking, yet without the symptoms of professional degradation; b. professional degradation connected with alcohol dependence; c. poor performance of work and excessive drinking connected with and resulting from an early social maladjustment; d. unemployment accompanied by a declared reluctance to work in the future which was connected rather with the examined person’s personality traits than with his excessive drinking; e. unemployment due to disability resulting from an accident or illness which made it impossible to perform the former job. Such a situation could have been brought about by excessive drinking, and the present unemployment is a factor that increases these persons alcohol dependence.             Among 2,195 men registered in the Warsaw District offices as evading work, there were 708 patients of the sobering-up station of whom two-thirds had been detained repeatedly. As shown by an analysis of their statements made at the District offices, the reasons of their unemployment varied greatly.             An observation seems justified that the majority of them do work, though irregularly. Among then, 115 were recognized to be unemployed for justified reasons; a very small part of them (20 per cent) asked for assistance of the administrative agency in finding a job through the Employment Department.             The group of 708 patients of the sobering-up station consists of men who may at least be assumed to drink excessively However, the officials who keep the records were poorly informed as to this problem. Further, despite registration and activities of the department for unemployed persons to compel these persons to work' as many as two-thirds of men in this group failed to take a job.             Any action undertaken towards this specific group of men (who were repeatedly detained in the sobering-up stations and were excessive drinkers), proved entirely ineffective, both at the stage of compelling them to work regularly and at that of having them perform public works.             From among 708 men – 26.1 per cent were directed to public works; about three-fourths of them never even reported at work.             The intervention undertaken by means of the Act of dealing with persons evading work seems futile. Some of these persons may perhaps need referring to an alcohol dependence treatment unit, some others - counselling as to the choice and finding of an adequate job; still another part will probably constitute a regular group that is characteristic of any society: u group of persons who constitute a social fringe and live in a way that departs from the norms of conduct accepted in the society.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 115-150
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uzupełnienie do artykułu o lokacjach osad wiejskich na prawie niemieckim w dawnych posiadłościach pabianickich należących do kapituły krakowskiej
Supplement to the publication dealing with the locations of country colonies on German laws. The old properties which have been taken into consideration belonged to the Cracow Collegium
Zajączkowski, Stanisław Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In the regional „Pabianiciana” journal, vol. 3, my article concerned with the question mentioned above has appeared. In the text some deletions have been made without my approval or acknowledgement. In the typescript to be printed none my complements have been included. Consequently, in the present article I have accomplished all necessary corrections to the text published in the „Pabianiciana” journal, paying special attention to the problem of the „opole” nature as well as the question of the so called Pabianice land. Basing on more recent literature, I have also completed the question of the so called German law.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2000, 67; 201-210
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Negocjacje z Chińczykami – o regułach postępowania partnera chińskiego z cudzoziemcami i ich kulturowych uwarunkowaniach
Negotiating witch the Chinese: on the Chinese patterns of dealing with foreign partners
Witkowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The author analyses the Chinese commercial negotiating practices for two purposes: to minimize misunderstanding in such activity and to provide Western negotiators with some advice. The negotiation of the Westerners with the Chinese are complicated because of fundamental cultural differences. Without basic knowledge of the Chinese concepts of negotiations and the East-Asian collectivist culture, it is almost impossible to achieve satisfactory outcome of negotiations. Guy Olivier Faure’s model of negotiating by Chinese partners is presented as a point of departure. According to him the two “negotiating strategies” are applied: of “mobile warfare” and of “joint search for a solution”. The first includes traditional Chinese strategic concepts and various stratagems, and it seems very difficult to foreigners to cope with. One of its essential aims is wearing down the partner’s negotiating team by every means. The first approach presumes that the Chinese side deals with the “aliens” who in general are hostile or deceitful. The second is based on a presumption that the Chinese side deals with a partner with whom a kind of a “community” could be created. Under such circumstances friendly attitudes are expected and through the negotiations both sides acquire mutual knowledge of the partner. Therefore both sides should present themselves, their needs and aims, and should clearly define common interest and outline common context of the discussion. In this process elementary knowledge of Chinese culture and norms of etiquette are indispensable, without it the foreign partner would be unable to properly deal with changing situations and expectations of the Chinese side. Faure indicates that a deeper “friendly relation” offers more chances for a successful outcome. In order to present in detail such a most fruitful course of negotiations, the author explore the main characteristics of the traditional Chinese mentality and of the Chinese negotiating patterns. The contradictions between the two background approaches based on different ways of life are outlined: the Western - strictly individualistic and the Chinese - collectivist. Individualist and collectivist ways of thinking imply different presumptions about the nature of relationship and about one’s own role in the negotiations. The author points out the main differences between Western and Chinese partners (to a certain degree East Asian partners in general) during the negotiating process, and offers some practical advice to Polish firms how to carry out commercial negotiations. The analysis is based on the individualist and collectivist models of behavior elaborated by cross-cultural psychology. Among the most essential rules of negotiation with Chinese partners one can enumerate the following: The traditional Chinese process of negotiations is slow and time consuming; The process of decision making should be based on mutual consent; The Chinese side should feel that the partner is known well and reliable before signing the contract; The Chinese do not express openly disagreement, dissent or negative emotions, but offer merely some hints that a change is necessary, it is required by the norms of Chinese politeness and “face-protecting”; The behaviors of Chinese partners is to a significant degree highly ritualised, and a foreign partner should know how to respect these rules, at least in part; The Chinese concept of guanxi and of establishing such a relation are extremely useful in negotiations; The Chinese highly appreciate equal, or “honest”, distribution of goods and profits, as well as of risks and burdens, and considers it fundamental for a long-term relationship and co-operation. Therefore the expectations of a quick, profitable deal usually produces merely frustration. The successful operating requires the establishment of mutual and stable partnership.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2003, VI; 94-118
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody przeprowadzania analiz dotyczących ochrony wód podziemnych na obszarach wiejskich dla potrzeb SIP
Analytical method dealing with underground water protection on rural areas as required by the Spatial Information System
Rudowicz-Nawrocka, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
system informacji przestrzennej
wody podziemne
obszary wiejskie
spatial information system
underground water
rural areas
Celem pracy było opracowanie, według podstawowych możliwości i funkcji analitycznych technologii systemów informacji przestrzennej (SIP), przykładowej analizy przestrzennej, której wynik może stanowić podstawę do podejmowania decyzji ułatwiających zarządzanie wodami podziemnymi na terenie gminy oraz przedstawienie przebiegu tej analizy za pomocą języka UML (Unified Modelling Language). Wykazano, że podstawowe możliwości SIP są wystarczające do wykonywania tego typu analiz. Nie ma konieczności wykorzystywania specjalistycznych systemów wspomagania decyzji. Ponadto stwierdzono, że na diagramie czynności UML można jednoznacznie przedstawić kroki wykonywanej analizy dotyczącej przetwarzania informacji przestrzennych.
Considering the characteristics and analytical functions of the spatial information system (SIS) technology an attempt was made to elaborate an exemplary spatial analysis, the results of which could be an useful base to making decisions concerning underground water management on district area as well as to presenting the course of analysis by using the unified modeling language (UML). It was stated that the basis SIS possibilities are sufficient to perform the analyses of this kind, without a necessity of using specialistic system aiding decision making. Moreover, it was found that the steps of analysis being carried out to process the spatial information, may be univocally presented on the diagram of UML activities.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2005, R. 9, nr 8, 8; 323-331
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesna historiografia a badania nad Stasi. Osobna niemiecka droga rozliczenia z przeszłością
Contemporary history and Stasi research. The German Sonderweg of dealing with the past
Gieseke, Jens
Matkowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
The article discusses the opening of GDR archives, which have paved the way for a large-scale reckoning with the communist past in Germany. The legacies of the Ministry of State Security were particularly important in this process. After the first stage of revelations on secret informers and the criminal methods of the state security service, the emphasis in research shifted to the systematic analysis of Stasi presence in each sector of society. At the same time the limits of secret police influence started to be discussed as well. The broad availability of former secret records opens opportunities for methodological innovation. One important development is the comparison with other dictatorial regimes such as Soviet Stalinism and Nazi Germany, with intense attention paid to both by international researchers. Opportunities of comparison are discussed on the basis of empirical data on the informer network in East German society. While the penetration of society by the MfS of the seventies and eighties gained a (supposedly) world-wide singular intensity, the Gestapo for instance worked with networks of relatively few informers. Due to the wide support within the German population in Nazi Germany, spontaneous denunciations and cooperation between Gestapo and other state offices were of much greater importance in political persecution. The article pleads for overcoming the traditional separation between history of government and the history of everyday life. Stasi research must not be restricted to the history of the repression apparatus and the persecution of opposition and resistance, but open its mind to the general history of society. Moreover, social history and the history of everyday life can’t be written “with politics left out”. For this effort, a broad, and even broader, access to secret polices archives is necessary.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2005, 1(7); 341-353
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dealing with Non-Convexity in Geographic Routing in Smart Dust Networks
Kłopotek, M. A.
Ruciński, D.
Tchórzewski, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
smart dust
geographic routing
sensor-covered areas areas
The paper proposes a new approach to greedy geographic routing for sensor networks with non-convex covering structure.
Studia Informatica : systems and information technology; 2006, 1(7); 57-64
Pojawia się w:
Studia Informatica : systems and information technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Matki z Placu Mayo - żądania pamięci, sprawiedliwości i prawdy wobec łamania praw człowieka w przeszłości
The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo – Demands for Memory, Justice and Truth: Dealing with Human Rights Violations
Cichecka, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
social memory
state terrorism
social movement
pamięć zbiorowa
terroryzm państwowy
ruch społeczny
The text elaborates on the role of Argentinean human rights organization Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in constructing social memory and in imparting information about crimes of state terrorism and military dictatorship in Argentina in 1976-1983. Assuming that the memory about disappeared victims of military dictatorship and about crimes of state terrorism is the basis for constructing principles and activities of social movement of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo), it was acknowledged that presenting the subject matter would require defining the concept of social memory, revealing functions of the past in the present and explaining the historical context of state terrorism in Argentina. The article will also discuss various elements of the concept of social memory, socio-cultural mechanisms of generating and supporting social memory, as well as the influence of the memory of the past on the collective identity. The pressure on institutionalized forgetting about events of the painful past will further be developed. The authoress also describes the activism and articulation of human rights activists - Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and four main areas of their activity: space, body, networks/information, motherhood.
Niniejszy tekst omawia rolę argentyńskiej organizacji obrony praw człowieka - Matek z Placu Mayo - w konstruowaniu społecznej pamięci i przekazywaniu wiadomości na temat zbrodni dyktatury wojskowej i państwowego terroryzmu w Argentynie w latach 1976-1983. Wychodząc z założenia, że to właśnie pamięć o zaginionych ofiarach wojskowej dyktatury i zbrodniach państwowego terroryzmu jest podstawą, na której konstruowane są założenia i działalność ruchu społecznego, jakim są Matki z Placu Mayo (Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo), za kluczowe dla przedstawienia omawianej problematyki uznano zdefiniowanie pojęcia pamięci zbiorowej i funkcji, jakie przeszłość pełni w teraźniejszości oraz wyjaśnienie historycznego kontekstu wydarzeń nieodłącznie związanego z państwowym terroryzmem i jego przejawami w Argentynie. W tekście omówione zostaną rozmaite elementy pojęcia pamięci zbiorowej i społeczno-kulturowe mechanizmy jej wytwarzania i podtrzymywania, a także wpływ pamięci przeszłości na kształtowanie się tożsamości zbiorowej. Poruszony zostanie również problem zagrożeń, wynikających z nacisków zinstytucjonalizowanego zapominania o wydarzeniach bolesnej przeszłości oraz temat społecznych funkcji przywoływanej pamięci. Przedstawione zostaną także oryginalne formy i taktyki działania Matek z Placu Mayo jako ruchu społecznego oraz cztery obszary, na których w swych działaniach skupiają się Matki: przestrzeń, ciało, sieć/informacja, macierzyństwo.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2006, 3(182); 37-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy badawcze w organizacji zaplecza naprawczego w aspekcie proekologicznych metod odnowy maszyn rolniczych
Research problems dealing with the regeneration of agricultural machines
Tomczyk, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
maszyna rolnicza
agricultural machine
Omówiono aspekty techniczno-ekonomiczne celowości prowadzenia badań z zakresu odnowy maszyn i urządzeń rolniczych. Przedstawiono i sformułowano problem badawczy oraz robocze hipotezy cząstkowe, niezbędne do rozwiązania postawionego problemu.
Technical and economic aspects of the usefulness of investigations on the regeneration of agricultural machines and devices were discussed; environmental protection bearings were considered, too. The research problem was formulated as well as the partial working hypotheses, necessary to solving assumed problem, were given. Presented review may be a basis to undertaking the research and development activities concerning organization system of the repair base for agricultural technical equipment in Poland.
Problemy Inżynierii Rolniczej; 2006, R. 14, nr 3, 3; 91-100
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Inżynierii Rolniczej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Training as an Innovation Device: Experiences in Dealing with Limitations of Conventional Technological Transfer
Cannarella, Carmelo
Piccioni, Valeria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
rural development
knowledge flows
Designing and running training schemes for farmers are critical steps to support a global strategy to foster sound cooperation between research centres and rural entrepreneurs to improve overall competitiveness of a rural area. This paper outlines the problematic environment of planning and implementing these schemes with a specific emphasis on the great number of difficulties and critical knots hampering the effectiveness of these initiatives: a “paradigm shift ”, and updated approaches and tools, are required firstly to convince decision makers to adopt a renewed and a more participatory approach in training to improve and increase impacts of these schemes and make the involved public and private investments more effective and efficient.
The New Educational Review; 2006, 8; 115-139
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Triangulation and Dealing with The Realness of Qualitative Research
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Field research
Qualitative methods
Writing of ethnography
Ethnographic description
Definition of reality
Tribal rules
Generalized other
This paper provides a sociologists’ reflection of a sociologist on qualitative field research. Reflections will include some methodological and epistemological considerations that are connected with field work, while building the realness of the description and conclusions, i.e. constructing the quality of qualitative research. The intellectual process of doing research will be characterized by analysis of: description of investigated reality (tales of the field), analytical process, usage of commonsense research procedures (so called triangulation procedures), which are used in the field by the researcher and during analysis or writing a research report to adequately “re – present” researched reality. The three above mentioned stages of representation of reality are interwoven to create one complex intellectual process, which is called “field research”. The quality of qualitative research is the intellectual process where some procedures are used to create the accountability of research conclusions.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2008, 4, 3; 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dealing with data complexity: on neural networks and fusion in biometric research
Gavrilova, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Informatyki i Nauki o Materiałach. Instytut Informatyki. Zakład Systemów Komputerowych
The area of biometric, without a doubt, is one of the most dynamic areas of interest, which recently has displayed a gamut of broader links to other fields of sciences. Among those are visualization, robotics, multidimensional data analysis, artificial intelligence, learning, data fusion and data synthesis. The topic of this keynote is reviewing state-of-the-art in multi-modal data fusion, fuzzy logic and neural networks and its recent connections to advanced biometric research. Application examples are provided.
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies; 2010, 15; 29-32
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jabvis - aplikacja z elementami sztucznej inteligencji, rozpoznająca wybrane odmiany jabłek
Jabvis - application of artificial intelligence elements in dealing with selected varieties of apples
Jakubek, A.
Kicuła, M.
Boniecki, P.
Dejewska, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
aplikacja Jabvis
Jabvis application
W pracy podjęto próbę wytworzenia aplikacji, która potrafi rozpoznać wybrane odmiany jabłek tylko i wyłącznie na podstawie ich wyglądu zewnętrznego, czyli głównie koloru i kształtu. Ilość i różnorodność występujących odmian oraz możliwość deformacji poszczególnych owoców sprawia, że celowe okazuje się zastosowanie metod sztucznej inteligencji. W programie JabVis posłużono się modelowaniem neuronowym, które do takowych się zalicza, a osiągnięte wyniki wydają się być obiecujące, szczególnie w kontekście w przyszłych badaniach.
The paper seeks to establish the application, which will recognize the variety of apples and only on the basis of their appearance that is mainly the color and shape. The number and diversity of existing varieties and the possibility of deformation of each fruit makes it advisable to apply the methods of artificial intelligence. In JabVis used neural modeling, which is to include such, and the results achieved seem to be good predictors of future research.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering; 2010, 55, 2; 29-31
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O zasadach postępowania z obiektami mostowymi na terenach szkód powodziowych
On principles of dealing with bridge facilities in flood-stricken areas
Rymsza, B.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
tereny szkód powodziowych
flood-stricken areas
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki analizy dotyczącej postępowania z obiektami mostowymi uszkodzonymi w wyniku powodzi. Zaproponowano wprowadzenie zasad projektowania, budowy, utrzymania i naprawy obiektów budowlanych na terenach szkód powodziowych.
The paper presents the results of an analysis related to dealing with bridge facilities damaged by floods. The author suggests introducing the principles of designing, building, maintaining and repairing structures in flood-stricken areas.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2010, 3; 296-303
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aparatura budowy przeciwwybuchowej dedykowana do zasilania wysokowydajnych systemów odstawy urobku w podziemnych zakładach górniczych wydobywających węgiel kamienny
Electric power supplying and switching equipment of explosion-proof design dedicated to highly productive systems of R.O.M. haulage in underground mining enterprises dealing with extraction of hard coal
Morawiec, M.
Jędruś, T.
Macierzyński, D.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Napędów i Maszyn Elektrycznych Komel
ochrona przeciwwybuchowa
zabezpieczenie przeciwwybuchowe
The paper presents power supplying and switching equipment with explosion-proof design dedicated to high-performance belt conveyors of the main haulage system in an underground mining enterprise dealing with extraction of hard coal. The acquired experience and suitability of the solutions are presented on the example of the system operated at the Hard Coal Mine ‘Borynia-Zofiówka’ where two-speed motors are used to drive belt conveyors designed for regional haulage systems of the colliery.
Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe; 2011, 1, 89; 89-94
Pojawia się w:
Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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