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Wyszukujesz frazę "code verbal" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Est-ce que la polonité est (in)traduisible ? Quelques réflexions sur la réception des éléments culturels dans le film Wesele par un Français
Is Polishness (non)translatable? Reflections on the reception of cultural elements in Wesele by the French viewer
Kochanowska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
éléments culturels
code verbal
code non-verbal
traduction audiovisuelle
verbal code
non-verbal code
audiovisual translation
cultural elements
L’article est consacré au transfert des éléments culturels dans la traduction audiovisuelle du film d’Andrzej Wajda Wesele et leur compréhension par un récepteur français. L’analyse de la traduction du film, profondément enraciné dans la culture polonaise, nous a permis de classer les éléments culturels selon quelques voies possibles du transfert. Nous essayons également de préciser si le récepteur français est capable de comprendre les références culturelles dans des scènes analysées. Cela nous mène à la constatation que la majorité des élements culturels dans le film reste incompréhensible pour un spectateur français. En effet, bien que le code non-verbal (image, musique) contribue à l’explication et à la compréhension du code verbal (sous-titres), cette fonction n’est pas remplie dans le cas du film Wesele. Par conséquent, le récepteur français ne comprendra pas plusieurs allusions, surtout celles dans les scènes privées de dialogues. Cela résulte aussi du fait qu’il n’a pas eu de possibilité de connaître la culture polonaise. Cependant, l’oeuvre de Wajda transmet un certain savoir sur la polonité ce qui constitue la valeur du film.
The article is devoted to the interpretation of cultural elements in the audiovisual translation of Wesele by Andrzej Wajda and their reception by the French viewer. The choice of the film was dictated by its strong rootedness in Polish culture. The analysis of the film translation makes it possible to group the cultural elements into several categories. In each case, we try to clarify how the analyzed scenes are understood by the French viewer. This analysis leads to the conclusion, that most of the cultural elements in Wesele remain incomprehensible. Although the role of non-verbal code (picture, music) is to explain and to complete verbal code (subtitles), this function is not completely fulfilled in the case of Wajda’s movie. Many scenes, especially images lacking words, do not induce any cultural associations amongst French viewers, which may be caused by their lack of contact with Polish culture. The film may, however, provide a lot of information about Polishness, which is its advantage.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2015, 15; 257-275
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Un racconto per l’infanzia fatto di colori: Isabella e l’ombra di Antonio Tabucchi
A Children’s Tale Made of Colours: Isabella e l’ombra by Antonio Tabucchi
Bedin, Cristiano
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Antonio Tabucchi
iconic code
verbal code
Antonio Tabucchi is one of the most representative authors of contemporary Italian literature. His output includes a short story for children entitled Isabella e l’ombra, which was illustrated by Isabella Staino and to whom the story is dedicated. Instead of relying on words to write short texts at school, the main character, a little girl named Isabella, uses colours and explains their chromatic compositions to the teacher. Undoubtedly, the writer’s pedagogical intention behind this story is for young readers to understand that literary expression does not occur only by writing but also through images and colours that can transmit as many emotions as written texts do. Moreover, the text, which can be considered a Bildungsroman for children, touches upon some topics visible in other novels and stories by Tabucchi. This paper aims to analyse the way in which Tabucchi shares some of his existential ideas with a non-adult audience, particularly regarding the relationship between various forms of language, the symbolism of colours, the power of visual communication, and the importance of such feelings as sadness, affection, and generosity.
Antonio Tabucchi è uno degli scrittori più rappresentativi della letteratura italiana contemporanea. Nella sua vasta produzione letteraria trova posto anche un breve racconto per l’infanzia, Isabella e l’ombra, accompagnato da una serie di illustrazioni eseguite dalla pittrice Isabella Staino, a cui il racconto è dedicato. La protagonista, una bambina di nome Isabella, invece di usare le parole per scrivere i propri pensierini a scuola usa i colori, in tutte le loro diverse tonalità, e spiega le sue composizioni cromatiche ad una maestra perplessa ed impressionata. È indubbio che con questo racconto lo scrittore intenda insegnare ai suoi piccoli lettori che l’espressione letteraria non avviene solamente attraverso la scrittura, ma può realizzarsi anche attraverso le immagini e i colori, i quali trasmettono emozioni quanto e forse più di un testo scritto. Inoltre il testo, che può essere definito un romanzo di formazione rivolto ai bambini, tocca tutte le tematiche dei grandi romanzi e racconti tabucchiani. In questo articolo si vuole analizzare il modo in cui Tabucchi intende trasmettere alcune delle sue idee esistenziali ad un pubblico non adulto, in particolar modo in relazione al rapporto tra le varie forme di linguaggio, alla simbologia dei colori, alla potenza della comunicazione visiva e all’importanza di alcuni sentimenti come la tristezza, l’affetto e la generosità.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2017, 8.1; 29-47
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transgressions: film recordings of the isolation period. Media studies analysis of short films inspired by the pandemic (HBO project)
Bożek, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
short films
verbal and non-verbal code
filmy krótkometrażowe
kody werbalne i niewerbalne
The review article is an attempt at a media studies analysis of short films made by Polish filmmakers commissioned by the HBO digital platform. They are all in response to the pandemic situation of isolation. The analysis deals with the transgression of artistic attitudes towards danger. In it, I use the tools of contemporary semiology: verbal and non-verbal codes that participate in creating meanings through destruction and a new reading of meanings hidden in film messages. I prove that artists, first of all, commit transgression, negating the existing reality and looking for a new film language that contradicts the Aristotelian structure of the three acts in order to disperse the images and meanings they carry. Secondly, I argue that the deconstruction of codes and the reassembly of meanings proposed by semiologists takes place in the artistic activities in question, as if in the opposite direction. Deconstruction – indeed, but not to discover the truth in a new context, but to look for it in bits of reality that function separately and do not create meanings. They are only separately illuminated and contoured images.
Artykuł przeglądowy jest próbą medioznawczej analizy filmów krótkometrażowych zrealizowanych przez polskich twórców na zamówienie platformy cyfrowej HBO. Wszystkie są odpowiedzią na pandemiczną sytuację izolacji. Analiza porusza temat transgresyjności postaw artystycznych wobec zagrożenia. Wykorzystuję w niej narzędzia współczesnej semiologii: kody werbalne i niewerbalne uczestniczące w tworzeniu sensów poprzez destrukcję i nowe odczytanie ukrytych w filmowych przekazach znaczeń. Udowadniam, po pierwsze, że artyści dokonują transgresji, negując zastaną rzeczywistość i poszukując nowego języka filmowego, który jest zaprzeczeniem arystotelesowskiej struktury trzech aktów na rzecz rozproszenia niesionych przez nie obrazów i sensów. Po drugie, przekonuję, że proponowana przez semiologów dekonstrukcja kodów i ponowne scalanie znaczeń odbywa się w omawianych działaniach artystycznych jakby w odwrotnym kierunku. Dekonstrukcja tak, ale nie po to, by odkryć prawdę w nowym kontekście, lecz szukać jej w odpryskach rzeczywistości, które funkcjonują osobno i nie tworzą sensów. Są jedynie osobno oświetlanymi i wyprofilowanymi obrazami.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2021, 13, 4; 53-62
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Audiodeskrypcja jako przekład kodu ikonicznego na kod werbalny mówiony. Kompozycja, makrostruktura znaczeniowa oraz warstwa językowo-stylistyczna tekstu opisu
Audio description as a translation of an iconic code into a spoken verbal code. The semantic composition, macrostructure and the linguistic and stylistic layer of a description text
Wolańska, Ewa
Wolański, Adam
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
Audio description is an additional audio narration track intended primarily for blind and visually impaired consumers of visual culture, including television, fi lm, theatre, opera and fi ne arts. The narrator speaks in a presentation of an (audio)visual work, describing what is happening on the screen or stage during natural pauses in the audio. In the case of performing arts (theatre and opera), the media (television, video and DVD) as well as museums and visual art exhibitions audio description is a form of intersemiotic translation. Audio description translates the visual image into a verbal form that is accessible to thousands of individuals who otherwise lack full access to visual media.
Poradnik Językowy; 2018, 752, 3; 62-72
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realizacja funkcji magicznej w tekście jednego chamaiła
Kożinowa, Ałła
Tarełko, Michaił
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
the Quran
cultural borderland
verbal code
object code
actional code
Slavic words
the treatment of diseases
the use of herbs
text compilation
pogranicza kulturowe
kod werbalny
kod przedmiotowy
kod akcjonalny
wyrazy słowiańskie
leczenie chorób
użycie ziół
tekst kompilacyjny
Odnaleziony przez autorów w Mińsku fragment muzułmańskiego podręcznego notatnika zwanego chamaiłem, pochodzący z okresu I Rzeczypospolitej, jest autentycznym świadectwem pogranicza kulturowego i językowego. Poświadcza przenikanie się w tekście kodów werbalnego, przedmiotowego i akcjonalnego, łączenie praktyk magicznych muzułmańskich ze słowiańskimi, a na gruncie językowym mieszanie w jednym zdaniu elementów polskich z białoruskimi, przy czym wyrazy słowiańskie zostały zapisane pismem arabskim. Tak więc cytaty z Koranu sąsiadują ze sprzecznym z tradycją muzułmańską zaleceniem użycia alkoholu jako leku, a liczne przepisy na leczenie chorób takich jak wysypka, krwawienie, suchoty, febra, żółtaczka, łamanie kości zalecają użycie odpowiednich ziół, co jest znane lokalnej społeczności słowiańskiej. Występują w badanym chamaile także zalecenia oryginalne, szerzej w kręgu słowiańskim nieznane, co wskazuje na kompilacyjny charakter tego tekstu.
In Minsk, Byelorussia, the authors of the article have found a fragment of a Muslim pocket notebook called chamaił, dating back to the times of the 1st Polish Republic. It is a genuine piece of evidence for the existence of a cultural and linguistic borderland in that area. It documents interpenetration of the verbal, object and actional codes, combining magic Muslim and Slavonic practices. Linguistically, it evidences the mixing of Polish and Byelorussian elements (Slavonic elements being written in Arabic script). Quotations from the Koran are provided next to advice to use alcohol as medication, which is against the Muslim tradition. Numerous prescriptions to treat such illnesses as a rash, bleeding, tuberculosis, fever, jaundice or bone pains advise to use appropriate herbs, a practice known to the local Slavonic community. The chamaił also contains original pieces of advice, unknown in larger Slavonic circles, which suggests that the text is a compilation.
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury; 2001, 13; 231-246
Pojawia się w:
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bohater transseksualny w objęciach binarnego kodu płci. O parajęzykowych i werbalnych formach komunikowania
Transsexual hero in the binary sex code embrace. About paralinguistic and verbal forms of communication
Kujawska-Kot, Anna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
transsexual hero, timbre, transition process, gender identification, name, language, gender image, existence in language
bohater transseksualny, barwa głosu, proces tranzycji, genderowa identyfikacja, imię, językowy obraz płci, zaistnienie w języku
The article raises the thesis about transsexual heroes’ increased desire to possess a well-sexed voice that in combination with the verbal world becomes gender identity expression. While examining various cultural texts the author considers the gender vocal metamorphosis during the transition process paying attention to the role of hypotexts. The author addresses the questions regarding the motivation of transsexual women and men when choosing a name. The author also deals with the language used in creating the images of trans-heroes compatible with the psychological issues in gender and communication.
W artykule zostaje postawiona teza o wzmożonym pragnieniu posiadania przez bohaterów transseksualnych właściwie upłciowionego głosu, który w połączeniu ze światem werbalnym staje się wyrazem tożsamości płciowej. Autorka, badając różne teksty kultury, rozpatruje genderową wokalną metamorfozę w trakcie procesu tranzycji, zwraca przy tym uwagę na rolę hipotekstów. Odpowiada na pytania dotyczące motywacji transkobiet i transmężczyzn przy wyborze imienia. Zajmuje się również językowym obrazem transbohaterów zgodnym z płcią psychiczną oraz sytuacją komunikacyjną.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2020, 69, 1; 55-80
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Коммуникация в вербальном тексте, вербальный текст в коммуникации
Галло, Ян
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
communicative situation
verbal text
The article is dedicated to general issues concerning verbal text and communication and the analysis of the communicative structure of a literary text. In the introduction, the interest to research not only text but also the phenomenon of a more complex character – communication – is expressed. The problem of the text as a part of communication process is also discussed taking into account the verbal means. In the first part, the attention is focused on the verbal text in the aspect of communication. The characteristics of implicit parts of the communication process (an author, code, text, channel, recipient, communicative situation) is presented as well. In the third part, there is the analysis of the specific type of a complex semiotic text – a literary verbal text and its communicative comprehension in both productive and receptive aspects. The connection of the text with textual subjects is studied as well. In the last part of the text, the conclusions of presented problems are drawn.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2019, 44, 1; 309-318
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretation of a verbal-visual communication
Habrajska, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dual code communication
text analysis
journalistic discourse
comical discourse
visual communication
In contemporary internet-dominated everyday life, ever more often one faces communications which utilise both verbal (words) and iconic (images) codes. In the article, I analyse two types of said communications: advertisements and memes. Both advertising content and memes belong to journalistic discourse. Therefore, one can analyse them using the same methods as verbal opinion texts, which require one to specify the situational background, the specific situation, the persuasive/ propaganda aim, and to standardise arguments. At the same time, memes are included in comical discourse, to analyse which it is necessary to be able to juxtapose the actual image with the presented image.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2017, 43, 5
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sculpture as a Code – Rhetorical Devices Used by the Sculptor
Władyka-Łuczak, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
visual communication
formal image structure
formal narration
theory of vision and rhetoric
verbal communication
The aim of the paper is to compare the formal organization of a visual message with the rhetorical devices used in a verbal message. This analysis is carried out based on the example of the sculpture Dual by Zbigniew Władyka. The creativity found in the rhetorical devices used in the sculpture Dual to trigger and amplify feelings proves that they can be employed even in this form of artistic expression. Creativity in the analysed sculpture is represented by German reunification, reflected in the form of the transformation of two characters into one. The sculpture is meant to inspire, to be an object (res) directing the viewer toward personal reflection, and invoking projections of fear and doubt, but also of confidence and courage. Confidence and courage are represented by a strong figure with a head, firmly standing on its feet. Fear and doubt are represented by a weak figure, carried by the first one. The centripetal composition used in the sculpture suggests merger rather than destruction. The sensory perception of the viewer is controlled by directional tensions, which lead the viewer’s sight along designated linear directions. As described earlier by Witkiewicz, directional tensions and motionless substance correspond to a rhetorical enlarging and diminishing. By interacting with the sculpture, you can experience these devices. Not only visualization is at work here, as in verbal communication, but also physical experience. The presented analysis shows that a sculptural work of art can be analysed in a similar way to verbal communication. Of course, not all verbal devices have their counterparts in visual communication, but the basic content and emotions can be expressed regardless of the code.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2016, 35, 5
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzeźba jako kod – chwyty retoryczne stosowane przez rzeźbiarza
Sculpture as a Code – Rhetorical Devices Used by the Sculptor
Władyka-Łuczak, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
visual communication
formal image structure
formal narration
theory of vision and rhetoric
verbal communication
visual message
The aim of the paper is to compare the formal organization of a visual message with the rhetorical devices used in verbal expression. This analysis is carried out based on the example of the sculpture Dual by Zbigniew Władyka. Creativity found in the rhetorical devices used in the sculpture Dual to trigger and amplify feelings proves that they can be used even in this form of artistic expression. Creativity in the analysed sculpture is represented by the unification of Germany, reflected in the form of the transformation of two characters into one. The sculpture is meant to inspire, to be an object (res) directing the viewer toward personal reflection, and invoking projections of fear and doubt, but also of confidence and courage. Confidence and courage are represented by a strong figure with a head, firmly standing on her feet. Fear and doubt are represented by a weak figure, carried by the first one. The centripetal composition used in the sculpture suggests merger rather than destruction. The sensory perception of the viewer is controlled by directional tensions, which lead the viewer’s sight along designated linear directions. As described earlier by S. Witkiewicz, directional tensions and motionless substance correspond to a rhetorical enlarging and diminishing. By interacting with the sculpture, you can experience these devices. Not only visualization is at work here, as in verbal communication, but also physical experience. The presented analysis shows that a sculptural work of art can be analysed in a similar way to verbal communication. Of course, not all verbal devices have their counterparts in visual communication, but the basic content and emotions can be expressed regardless of the code.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2015, 28, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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