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Wyszukujesz frazę "analytical techniques" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

A method for production of nanoMOF and prelimiary characterization by selected analytical techniques
Starosta, W.
Sartowska, B.
Łyczko, K.
Maurin, J.
Pawlukojć, A.
Waliś, L.
Buczkowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
solvothermal method
template synthesis
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous hybrid materials comprising metal ion-based vertices and multitopic organic ligands (linkers). The possibility of combining a wide range of metals with similarly large number of available ligands opens ways to design the structures meeting specific purposes. At present, many potential applications of MOFs may require them to be constructed at the nanometer length scale (nanoMOFs). The possibility of filling the track-etched membrane pores with MOF HKUST-1 has been demonstrated in this work.
Nukleonika; 2012, 57, 4; 581-583
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A no-tendency tendency. Proper names in Polish translation. An analytical study on the basis of the Harry Potter series
Buć, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej
translation procedures
translation strategies
translation techniques
proper names
Harry Potter
Due to the fact that the Polish translation of the Harry Potter series by Andrzej Polkowski is one of the most popular and influential in the latest years it seems to be very interesting to find out what qualities make a translation as popular as the original text. Obviously, it can be assumed that there must be a wide range of conditions to be met. However, this paper focuses only on one aspect, namely proper names, which can be found in the books as the plot is set in a non-real world containing a significant number of nouns that were invented for the purpose of the scenery and action. Thus, they pose a real challenge for translators. What is more, the article aims at answering the question of tendencies in the use of translation procedures.
Applied Linguistics Papers; 2018, 25/4; 15-25
Pojawia się w:
Applied Linguistics Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza financijskih izvještaja u funkciji donošenja kvalitetnijih poslovnih odluka
Analysis of the financial statements in the function of making quality business decisions
Tintor, Željko
Data publikacji:
European Business School Zagreb
financijski izvještaji
financijske informacije
analiza financijskih izvještaja
analitičke metode i tehnike
interpretacija financijskih izvještaja
financial statements
financial information
analysis of financial statements
analytical methods and techniques
interpretation of financial statements
Za planiranje i vođenje poslovanja nužna je adekvatna informacijska podloga zainteresiranim korisnicima. Informirati korisnike znači predočiti im relevantne i pouzdane informacije u prepoznatljivom obliku i sadržaju razumljivom korisnicima kojima su namijenjene. Najveći dio tih informacija nastaje u računovodstvu. Konačni proizvod računovodstvenog procesa je skup izvještaja koji se nazivaju financijskim izvještajima. Oni izvještavaju o stanju poduzeća i uspješnosti poslovanja te upozoravaju na moguće probleme. Financijski izvještaji koje sastavljaju poduzetnici definirani Zakonom o računovodstvu jesu: bilanca, račun dobiti i gubitka, izvještaj o novčanom toku, izvještaj o promjenama glavnice i bilješke uz financijske izvještaje. Financijsko izvještavanje mora osigurati: pouzdane informacije za donošenje upravljačkih odluka, upotrebljive informacije sadašnjim i potencijalnim investitorima i kreditorima za donošenje odluka o ulaganjima i kreditima, informacije o resursima poduzetnika i njihovim izvorima, o transakcijama koje utječu na promjene resursa i izvora, informacije o uspješnosti poslovanja u određenom razdoblju, kao i informacije stručnjacima koji žele proučavati stanje i poslovanje u prošlosti u svezi s planiranjem i sl. Osim vlasnicima i menedžmentu, informacije o stanju i poslovanju poduzeća može biti interesantno i drugim skupinama kao što su: poslovni partneri, investitori, banke, državne institucije i sl. Svaka od tih skupina, s obzirom na razloge i motive promatranja, usmjerena je na određene aspekte financijskih informacija. Onima s računovodstvenim znanjem, skup financijskih izvještaja je razumljiv, a ukoliko su i revidirani preko neovisnih revizora, tada im je to i pouzdan izvor informacija za njihove potrebe. Međutim, veliki je broj onih koji nisu računovodstveni stručnjaci i kojima je potrebno odgovarajuća interpretacija financijskih izvještaja. Interpretacija podrazumijeva analizu financijskih izvještaja korištenjem složenog instrumentarija financijske analize. Kao sredstva analize koriste se analitičke tehnike: vrijednosne i postotne promjene, trend u postotcima, komponente u postotcima te pokazatelji i sustavi pokazatelja. U radu se primjenom relevantnih analitički metoda i tehnike provodi analiza financijskog izvještaja odabranog poduzeća. Cilj je ovog rada da pokaže kako se, primjenom analitičkih metoda i tehnika, mogu interpretirati podaci koji se pojavljuju u financijskim izvještajima, a za potrebe vlasnika i menadžmenta, kreditora i drugih korisnika.
Adequate information background for interested users is required for business planning and running. Informing users means presenting them with relevant and reliable information in a recognizable form and content, understandable to the intended users. Most of this information comes from accounting. The final product of the accounting process is a set of statements called financial statements. They report on the state of the company and business performance and warn of potential problems. The financial statements drawn up by the entities defined in the Accounting Act are balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity and notes to the financial statements. Financial reporting must provide: reliable information for management decision-making, usable information for current and potential investors and lenders to make investment and loan decisions, information about entrepreneur’s resources and their sources, transactions that affect changes in resources and sources, business performance information over a period of time, as well as information to experts who want to study the state and business of the past in connection with planning, etc. In addition to owners and management, the information about the status and operations of the company may be of interest to other groups, such as business partners, investors, banks, government institutions, etc. With respect to the reasons and motives for observation, each of these groups is focused on certain aspects of financial information. For those with accounting knowledge, a set of financial statements is understandable, and if audited by independent auditors, it is also a reliable source of information for their needs. However, many people are not accounting professionals, and they require proper interpretation of the financial statements. Interpretation involves the analysis of financial statements using a complex financial analysis instrument. Analytical techniques that are used as means of analysis are value and percentage changes, the trend in percentages, components in percentages, and indicators and indicator systems. The paper analyses the financial statements of the selected company using relevant analytical methods and techniques. The aim of this paper is to show how, using analytical methods and techniques, the information presented in the financial statements can be interpreted for the needs of owners and management, creditors and other users.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo; 2020, 10, 1; 84-103
Pojawia się w:
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Centralne laboratorium ochrony radiologicznej: retrospekcja i współczesność
Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection
Bielski, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
materiały radioaktywne
organizacja pracy i zarządzania
BHP i ochrona zdrowia
farby radowe
metody analityczne i pomiarowe
radionuklidy naturalne i sztuczne
przyrządy oraz stacje monitoringu radioaktywnych zanieczyszczeń powietrza
wody i gleby
system Bezpieczeństwa Jądrowego i Ochrony Radiologicznej w Polsce
radioactive materials
work organization and management
work safety and health protection
rad Ra-226 painting
analytical and measurement techniques
natural and anthropogenic
devices and stations for monitoring air contamination
water and soil pollutions
Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection system in Poland
Nawiązując do przypadającego w 2017 r. jubileuszu 60-lecia działalności Centralnego Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej (CLOR) w Warszawie w wywiadzie z dr. Pawłem Krajewskim, dyrektorem CLOR, prezentowane są zagadnienia związane z pracą badawczą i operacyjną tej placówki na przestrzeni lat 1957-2017. Omówiono opracowane i stosowane w CLOR metody pomiarowe, techniki i technologie oraz skonstruowane w CLOR nowe rodzaje aparatury dozymetrycznej i radiometrycznej, na które uzyskano patenty. Przedstawiono także aktywne uczestnictwo pracowników CLOR w naukowych programach i projektach badawczych krajowych i międzynarodowych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zainicjowaną przez CLOR akcję profilaktyczną, będącą ewenementem na skalę światową, a skierowaną na ochronę ludności, w związku z awarią EJ w Czarnobylu (podanie 18,5 mln Polaków jednorazowej dawki jodu stabilnego, o wielkości zależnej od wieku biorcy). W drugiej części tekstu skoncentrowano się na realizacji zadań, jakie należy podjąć w celu dalszego unowocześnienia systemu Bezpieczeństwa Jądrowego i Ochrony Radiologicznej w Polsce (BJiOR), w tym wzmocnienia systemu zaplecza merytorycznego Technical Suport Organization (TSO).
Referring to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw, the interview with its Director, Paweł Krajewski presents several issues on research and operational activities of CLOR e during the period of 1957-2017. Among other issues, new measurements methods, developed and implemented in CLOR, new kinds of radiometric and dosimetric devices for which the patents have been granted, were touched upon in the interview. Also, the focus was on the active participation CLOR’s staff in science, research and development projects both at national and international levels. In addition to that, particular attention was paid to the most spectacular action undertaken by CLOR in 1986 just after Chernobyl accident, when prophylactic doses of stable iodine were administered to about 18.5 million of Poles in various amounts depending on a recipient’s age. In the second part of the interview the important questions of modernization and strengthening the Polish system of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection and problems of Technical Support Organizations were discussed.
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej; 2018, 1; 2-6
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data-driven techniques for the fault diagnosis of a wind turbine benchmark
Simani, S.
Farsoni, S.
Castaldi, P.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
fault diagnosis
analytical redundancy
fuzzy system
neural network
residual generator
fault estimation
wind turbine benchmark
diagnostyka uszkodzeń
redundancja analityczna
system rozmyty
sieć neuronowa
estymacja błędu
turbina wiatrowa
This paper deals with the fault diagnosis of wind turbines and investigates viable solutions to the problem of earlier fault detection and isolation. The design of the fault indicator, i.e., the fault estimate, involves data-driven approaches, as they can represent effective tools for coping with poor analytical knowledge of the system dynamics, together with noise and disturbances. In particular, the proposed data-driven solutions rely on fuzzy systems and neural networks that are used to describe the strongly nonlinear relationships between measurement and faults. The chosen architectures rely on nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous input, as they can represent the dynamic evolution of the system along time. The developed fault diagnosis schemes are tested by means of a high-fidelity benchmark model that simulates the normal and the faulty behaviour of a wind turbine. The achieved performances are also compared with those of other model-based strategies from the related literature. Finally, a Monte-Carlo analysis validates the robustness and the reliability of the proposed solutions against typical parameter uncertainties and disturbances.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2018, 28, 2; 247-268
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Elemental composition of fly ash: a comparative study using nuclear and related analytical techniques
Skład pierwiastkowy popiołów lotnych: studium przypadku z wykorzystaniem metod nuklearnych i analitycznych
Eze, C. P.
Fatoba, O.
Madzivire, G.
Ostrovnaya, T. M.
Petrik, L. F.
Frontasyeva, M. V.
Nechaev, A. N.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
coal fly ash
epithermal neutron activation analysis
X-ray diffraction
inductively coupled-optical emission spectroscopy
and laser ablation inductively coupled-mass spectroscopy
popioły lotne z węgla
epitermalna neutronowa analiza aktywacyjna
dyfrakcja rentgenowska
optyczna spektroskopia emisyjna indukcyjnie sprzężona
ablacja laserowa indukcyjnie sprzężona ze spektroskopią masową
Epithermal neutron activation analysis along with ICP-OES, LA ICP-MS, and XRF were used to determine the elemental composition of coal fly ash from the Malta coal power station in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. A total of 54 major, trace and rare earth elements were obtained by the four analytical techniques. The results were compared and the discrepancies discussed to show the merits and drawbacks of each of the techniques. It was shown that the elemental content of this particular coal fly ash are of the same order as the NIST standard reference material Coal Fly Ash 1633b.
W celu określenia składu pierwiastkowego popiołów lotnych z elektrowni węglowej Malta w prowincji Mpumalanga w Republice Południowej Afryki wykorzystano epitermalną, neutronową analizę aktywacyjną oraz ICP-OES, LA ICP-MS i XRF. Za pomocą czterech techniki analitycznych oznaczono stężenia 54 głównych i śladowych pierwiastków oraz pierwiastków ziem rzadkich. Wyniki porównano, a także opisano różnice pokazujące zalety oraz wady każdej z wykorzystanych metod. Wykazano, że skład pierwiastkowy popiołu lotnego jest porównywalny ze składem standardowego materiału odniesienia NIST Węgiel Popiół Lotny 1633b.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2013, 18, 1-2; 19-29
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Endotoxin exposure in sewage treatment workers: investigation of exposure variability and comparison of analytical techniques
Spaan, S
Smit, L.A.M.
Eduard, W.
Larsson, L.
Arts, H.J.J.M.
Wouters, I.M.
Heederik, D.J.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
analytical technique
exposure variability
sewage treatment plant
endotoxin exposure
sewage treatment
waste control
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2008, 15, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interdyscyplinarny charakter chemii sanitarnej
Interdisciplinary Character of Sanitary Chemistry
Szymański, K.
Włodarczyk-Makuła, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
chemia sanitarna
techniki analityczne
układy sprzężone
walidacja procedur badawczych
monitoring środowiska
emerging contaminants
osady ściekowe
sanitary chemistry
analytical techniques
coupled systems
validation of research procedure
environmental monitoring
sewage sludge
Sanitary chemistry is a component of environmental chemistry, based on the issues of general, organic and instrumental chemistry. The level of chemistry development is important for the development of other scientific disciplines such as: environmental engineering or planning, design and protection of the environment. These disciplines are mentioned in the areas of technical, natural and agricultural sciences. As part of the sanitary chemistry research in two directions: the study of water and wastewater quality are conducted. The studies include an assessment of water quality of surface- and groundwater, which are the source of water supply for: population, industry and agriculture, water treatment processes and water monitoring. The wastewater research are concerning the wastewater introduced into the sewage system, wastewater treatment plants and to the receivers. The development of sanitary chemistry involves the development of analytical techniques and procedures in order to determine a greater number of pollutants in water and wastewater and enhancing the accuracy of compounds which has been already designated. Therefore, in framework of sanitary chemistry development following actions are performed: improvement of research procedures including the validation, design and construction of new measuring and control devices, automation of test equipment, including the coupled systems, determination of trace-level components: micro-pollutants, metabolic products, intermediate products, water and wastewater treatment, determination of "emerging contaminants", development of solvent-free techniques, minimization of cost, energy and the waste materials emission, the extension the scope of speciation analysis and their applications, development of biological methods in chemical analysis, introduction the continuous analysis into monitoring, improvement of the quality of chemical analysis results, statistical processing of chemical analysis, which allows on forecasting changes in water quality. Trends in the sanitary chemistry development in the world indicate a continuous improvement of analytical techniques and measurement and control appliances, the elaboration of new analytical procedures and develop existing ones.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2015, Tom 17, cz. 1; 540-559
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metale ciężkie w kurzu z pomieszczeń zamkniętych użyteczności publicznej
Heavy metals in the dust of the enclosed public spaces - research
Sieczyńska, K.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Przemysłu Skórzanego
kurz domowy
metale ciężkie
płomieniowa absorpcja atomowa
techniki analityczne
matryca środowiskowa
house dust
heavy metals
flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
analytical techniques
matrix environment
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy składu jakościowego i ilościowego metali zawartych w kurzu zebranym w pomieszczeniach. W opisie uwzględniono etap pobierania próbek i przygotowania matrycy środowiskowej. Dodatkowo podano źródła pochodzenia metali w kurzu oraz ich wpływ na zdrowie człowieka. Porównano również poziomy stężeń metali ciężkich: Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, V, Mn, Mo, Fe i dodatkowo metalu Al w kurzu pochodzącym z wybranych pomieszczeń wewnętrznych w Polsce.
The article presents a literature review of methods for the qualitative and quantitative metals analysis in the dust gathered in premises. The description includes the step of sampling and preparation of the environment matrix. In addition, the source of the metals in the dust and their impact on human health was taken into consideration. The concentration levels of heavy metals, like: Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, V, Mn, Mo, Fe and additionally Al in the dust coming from selected interior rooms in Poland were also compared.
Technologia i Jakość Wyrobów; 2017, 62; 149-160
Pojawia się w:
Technologia i Jakość Wyrobów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody projekcyjne w ujęciu doświadczalniowo-analitycznym
Projection techniques in experimental and analytical terms
Stradomska, Marlena
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
projection techniques
forensic psychiatric opinions
This article discusses about the usefulness of projection techniques in an interdisciplinary sense. For many years, representatives of various fields have been dealing with the diagnosis, methodology and interpretation of human behavior. Therefore, using projection methods are a situation in which a person assigns individual incentives to any stimulus material. These tests allow to determine its methods of mental functioning, because it depends on what individual has needs, values or desires. The relevance of the projection technique depends on the extent to which the subject is unaware that during the study reveals his own beliefs, impulses and emotions. The results of projection tests should be interpreted by a psychologist with extensive experience in this area, because the lack of sufficient knowledge and competence can lead to errors affecting the results of the examined person.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2018, 1(28); 87-95
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mobilne chromatografy gazowe łączone ze spektrometrami ruchliwości jonów do zastosowań w analizie zanieczyszczeń środowiska
Portable gas chromatographs joint with ion mobility spectrometers for analysis of environmental pollutants
Grabka, M.
Budzyńska, E.
Witkiewicz, Z.
Puton, J.
Jasek, K.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Aparatury Badawczej i Dydaktycznej, COBRABiD
spektrometria ruchliwości jonów
chromatografia gazowa
analityczne techniki łączone
ion mobility spectrometry
gas chromatography
analytical hyphenated techniques
W ostatnich latach w analizie zanieczyszczeń środowiska obserwuje się silną tendencję do prowadzenia analiz w miejscu występowania analitów (on-site). Podejście takie minimalizuje problemy przechowywania i transportu próbek z miejsca ich pobrania do laboratorium stacjonarnego, jak również skraca czas od pobrania próbki do uzyskania wyniku analizy. Obecnie do prowadzenia analiz polowych stosowane są między innymi mobilne urządzenia będące połączeniem chromatografu gazowego ze spektrometrem ruchliwości jonów (ang. Gas Chromatography – Ion Mobility Spectrometry – GC-IMS). Zalety techniki GC-IMS i możliwość jej potencjalnego wykorzystania w urządzeniach przenośnych dostrzeżono już w latach 70. XX wieku. W praktyce połączenie chromatografu gazowego ze spektrometrem IMS nastręczało wiele problemów technicznych. Dopiero wprowadzenie licznych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych dedykowanych dla GC-IMS oraz miniaturyzacja chromatografów gazowych i spektrometrów ruchliwości jonów, o względnie prostej budowie i małym zużyciu energii, umożliwiły konstrukcję hybrydowych przyrządów przenośnych. Kompaktowe urządzenia są wykorzystywane w miejscach, w których przyrządy stacjonarne nie mają zastosowania, np. w polowych analizach zanieczyszczeń środowiska, sygnalizatorach skażeń bojowymi środkami trującymi czy w sondach kosmicznych. W dziedzinie analitycznych urządzeń przenośnych przyrządy GC-IMS stanowią alternatywę dla urządzeń GC-MS, przewyższając je pod względem mobilności, prostoty konstrukcji oraz niektórych właściwości analitycznych (np. bardzo dobrej wykrywalności). Urządzenia tego typu charakteryzują się jednak niższą selektywnością niż przyrządy GC-MS. W pracy zawarto opis rozwoju mobilnych urządzeń GC-IMS od koncepcji poprzez pierwsze konstrukcje aż do obecnie dostępnych rozwiązań.
In the chemical analysis of environmental pollutions there is a strong tendency to perform fast on-site analysis using portable devices. This approach minimizes the problem of sample storage and transport from the place of collection to the stationary laboratory as well as reduces sampling-to-result time. Recently on-site analysis are often performed using mobile devices which are a combination of a gas chromatograph and ion mobility spectrometer (GC-IMS). Advantages of GC-IMS technique and its suitability for application as portable devices has already been noticed in the seventies of the twentieth century. As the first attempts have shown, the combination of a gas chromatograph and IMS detector in one device posed numerous technical issues. The gradual introduction of dedicated design solution and miniaturization of gas chromatographs and ion mobility spectrometers, allowed the construction of portable devices based on the joint technique. Compact devices are used in places where stationary instruments do not fit, e.g.: on-site analysis of environmental pollutions, portable CWA detectors or space probes. In the field of mobile analytical devices GC-IMS technique constitutes an alternative to GC-MS. GC-IMS devices exceeds GC-MS instruments in terms of mobility, simplicity, and some certain analytical characteristics (e.g. significantly lower detection limits). However device based on GC-IMS technique have a much lower selectivity than GC-MS instruments. This study presents an overview of the development of mobile GC-IMS devices from conception through the first constructions to currently available solutions in this domain.
Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna; 2017, 22, 2; 107-116
Pojawia się w:
Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oznaczenie zawartości metali w handlowych preparatach kolagenowych metodą AAS
Determination of metals content in collagen commercial formulations by AAS method
Sieczyńska, K.
Lasoń–Rydel, M.
Gendaszewska, D.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Przemysłu Skórzanego
spektrometria absorpcyjna atomowa
techniki analityczne
atomic absorption spectroscopy
analytical techniques
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczenia zawartości wybranych metali w kolagenowych preparatach handlowych metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej (AAS). Pierwiastki wykryte w analizowanych preparatach to: Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn. Najwyższe stężenia wapnia odnotowano dla próbki kolagenu odmiany 3W (K3W (1518,71 mg/kg)). Stężenie tego pierwiastka było o połowę niższe w próbce kolagen 3 (K3-717,95 mg/kg) i kolagen odmiany 2 (K2-677,13 mg/kg). Próbki kolagenu odmiany 3 (K3-194,98 mg/kg) oraz kolagenu odmiany 5 (K5-178,57 mg/kg) odznaczały się najwyższym stężeniem magnezu. Największą zawartość żelaza oznaczono w próbce kolagenu odmiany 5 (K5-187,35 mg/kg), a najwyższą zawartość cynku oznaczono w kolagenu odmiany 3W (K3W-59,50 mg/kg). Metale określane jako składniki bioaktywne: Ca, Mg, Zn mają duży wpływ na zdrowie i piękno skóry. W przebadanych próbkach preparatów kolagenowych nie wykryto natomiast następujących metali: Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb.
The paper presents the results of the determination of the content of selected metals in collagen commercial preparations by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The elements detected in the analyzed preparations are: Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn. The highest calcium concentrations were recorded for the 3W collagen sample (K3W (1518.71 mg/kg), the concentration of the element was half as high in the collagen 3 sample (K3-777.95 mg/kg) and collagen 2 (K2-677.13 mg/kg). Samples of collagen variety 3 (K3-194.98 mg/kg) and collagen strain 5 (K5-178.57 mg/kg) were characterized by the highest concentration of magnesium, the highest content of iron was determined in the sample of collagen 5 (K5 -187.35 mg/kg), and the highest zinc content was determined in collagen of the 3W variant (K3W-59.50 mg/kg). Metals referred to as bioactive components: Ca, Mg, Zn have a big impact on the health and beauty of the skin. The following metals were not detected in the tested collagen preparations: Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb.
Technologia i Jakość Wyrobów; 2018, 63; 129-137
Pojawia się w:
Technologia i Jakość Wyrobów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potential Use of Structured Analytical Techniques in Building Investigative Versions
Filipkowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
structured analytical techniques
criminal intelligence analysis
investigative version
forensic tactics
The aim of this study is to present the possibilities of using structured analytical techniques in building investigative versions. They may relate to ongoing criminal or operational proceedings, but also allow verification of versions created for the purposes of supervision or evaluation of other proceedings. In this area, the study complements and at the same time extends the existing knowledge in the field of forensic tactics. The author presented the current state of knowledge on the methods of building criminal versions and the theoretical justification for the introduction of these techniques to the practice of law enforcement agencies in this aspect. An outline of the methodology of the application of analytical techniques in the construction of new and verification of existing research methods is also presented. This study is based on the author’s speech at the 3rd National Scientific Conference entitled ‘Police X Files’ organised by the Faculty of Law and Administration University of Lodz from September 26th–28th, 2018.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(2); 157-166
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
QuEChERS – metoda wielopozostałościowa. Cz. 1
Ruchomski, L.
Data publikacji:
metoda wielopozostałościowa
oznaczanie pestycydów
metody analityczne
multiresidue method
determination of pesticides
analytical techniques
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania; 2015, 20, 5; 22-26
Pojawia się w:
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
QuEChERS – metoda wielopozostałościowa. Cz. 2: Zastosowania
Ruchomski, L.
Data publikacji:
metoda wielopozostałościowa
oznaczanie PBDE
oznaczanie hormonów
oznaczanie EDC
oznaczanie mykotoksyn
metody analityczne
multiresidue method
determination of PBDE
determination of hormones
determination of EDC
determination of mycotoxins
analytical techniques
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania; 2015, 20, 6; 20-26
Pojawia się w:
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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