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Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and litter of roadside plantations in Western Polissia of Ukraine
Maksimtsev, Serhii
Dudarets, Serhii
Yukhnovskyi, Vasyl
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
coefficient of concentration
forest belt
maximum allowable concentration
belt composition
The article presents the results of a study on the influence of roadside forest belts of different species composition on the accumulation of heavy metals in soil and litter along roads of international and national importance in the conditions of Western Polissia of Ukraine. Mobile forms of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil and forest litter samples were determined in ammonium acetate extract buffer by atomic absorption spectrometry. The analysis of the content of heavy metals, their comparison with the maximum allowable concentrations depending on the composition of plantations and the category of the highway have been done. It is confirmed that roadside forest belts perform important functions in the accumulation of heavy metals in soil and forest litter. It is confirmed that roadside forest belts perform important functions in the accumulation of heavy metals in soil and forest litter. Among all the pollutants studied, the concentration of cadmium was the lowest and that of zinc the highest (especially in forest litter). Lead and copper in this indicator occupied an intermediate position. Despite the different species composition of plantations, the coefficient of concentration of heavy metals in the soil did not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations and was on average in the range of 0.10–0.20 of these indicators. The greatest effect of delaying the migration of heavy metals was observed in forest litter. Therefore, in order to effectively use the biological barrier along the roads, it is necessary to create linear protective belts of deciduous species with Acer platanoides, Betula pendula, Carpinus betulus and Tilia cordata, which give a rich annual litterfall.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2021, 63, 3; 232-242
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Народні балади Волині й Західного Полісся в записах Лесі Українки та членів її родини: українсько-польські паралелі
Folk ballads of Volyn and Western Polissya in the records of Lesya Ukrainka and her family members: Ukrainian-Polish parallels
Semeniuk, Larysa
Danyliuk-Tereshchuk, Tetiana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Lesya Ukrainka
the Kosach family
Western Polissia
folk ballad
Ukrainian-Polish borderland
The article highlights research findings of the ballad plots from the folklore repertoire of Volyn and Western Polissia of the end of the 19th century revealed in the records of Lesya Ukrainka and her family members (Mykhailo and Olha Kosach, Olena Pchilka) and also known in close Polish analogues of those days. The ballads, recorded by the Kosachs, are dominated by stories of family relationships and conflicts caused by marriage without love, long-term separation (the topic of incest), and the mother’s interference in a marital relationship that leads to murder, poisoning, and other tragic situations. A comparative analysis of ballad variants in two languages allows identifying not only the geographical area of spreading of ballad plots in the folklore of neighbouring nations, the specifics of plots, motifs, images, but also points to the features of the Ukrainian and Polish folklore works interaction on the borderlands. In the ballads, belonging to the International Ballad Fund, the plot-lines about wanderings of a dishonoured girl, the incest-related topics, mother’s poisoning of her daughter-in-law and son, about the death of a servant because of his/her mistress’ caprices, the wife’s murder of her husband are typical and similar to various languages. Ukrainian and Polish versions of the ballad-songs have similar features in the structural components of the lyrics, describing mostly life tragic collisions, everyday situations, dialogues of the characters, and artistic details. Despite the affi nity of plots, images, artistic means of expression, multilingual texts off er diff erent, oft en radically diff erent ways of resolving personal and family confl icts. In addition, they are oft en marked with national colouration and refl ect the features of local life, the social life realities of the Ukrainians, Poles, and other ethnic groups. Th e study has revealed that national attribution of the characters, their specifi c national names (especially in the Polish texts), polarization on the principle of ours/a stranger, a native/foreigner are the most noticeable features. Th e Ukrainian and Polish plots express mental ethnic stereotypes of folklore carriers, in particular, regarding women’s role in family and society.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2021, 8; 39-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Актуалізація берестейської говірки в романі Наталки Бабіної "Бодай, Будка"
Aktualizacja gwary brzeskiej w powieści Natałki Babiny „Bodaj Budka”
Hromyk, Юрій
Jaworśkyj, Андрій
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Наталка Бабіна
західнополіський говір
берестейська говірка
Natalka Babina
Western Polissia dialect
dialects of Berestia
Natałka Babina
gwary zachodniopoleskie
gwary brzeskie
У романі білоруської письменниці українського походження Наталки Бабіної проаналізовано особливості української берестейської говірки, зокрема прокоментовано специфіку рефлексації давніх голосних, деякі відмінності у вживанні приголосних, простежено специфіку формотворення іменників, прикметників, дієслів, займенників, виявлено лексичні діалектизми. З’ясовано специфіку використання авторкою діалектних елементів, їхнє місце в художній мові письменниці.
W powieści białoruskiej pisarki pochodzenia ukraińskiego Natałki Babiny przeanalizowano charakterystyczne cechy ukraińskiej gwary zachodniopoleskiej, skomentowano specyfikę refleksacji dawnych samogłosek, pewne różnice w użyciu spółgłosek, omówiono szczegóły deklinacji rzeczowników, przymiotników, zaimków, koniugacji czasowników, wyróżniono dialektyzmy leksykalne, zdefiniowano swoiste autorskie podejście do stosowania elementów gwary, określono ich miejsce w języku artystycznym pisarki.
The issue of literary and dialectal language interaction is a topical problem of theoretical and practical importance in modern linguistics. One of its aspects is the use of dialects in the artistic texts that influence the dynamics of style and general literary norms through the aesthetic function of the language. The elucidation of the individual author’s specifics of presenting the communicative elements in the artistic texts contributes to creating a complete picture of the tendencies in dialectal-literary interaction in general and the modern trends in the development of language and Berestia literature in particular. The source of the research is the prose text of Natalka Babina Bodai, Budka. The purpose of the study is to trace multilevel features of the Western Polissia Ukrainian dialect in the work of Natalka Babina. The analyzed text convincingly testified that Natalka Babina, writing his work predominantly in the Ukrainian literary language, reproduces various levels of the Western Polissia dialect peculiarities with varying degrees of frequency and sequence. At the phonetic level, he is disposed to preserve the specificity of reflexion of the ancient and positional variants of modern vowel phonemes, differences in consonant phonemes loading, combinatorial sound changes. At the morphological level, the most prominent dialect phenomena are those connected with the peculiarities of the substitution of the nominal parts of language and verbs. The features of the morphemic composition of adverbs are also in the focus of the study. Natalka Babina also used a lot of dialectal tokens, but explain their meaning, which facilitatesthe perception of the texts by an unprepared reader. The study seeks to reveal the most accurate reproduction of all the features of the dialect and argues that it is hardly possible at all. However, the use of the Western Polissia dialect elements is undoubtedly the stylistic device that allows to reproduce the language specifics of the region.
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych; 2020, 6, Numer Specjalny; 101-112
Pojawia się w:
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wetlands of the Volhynian Polissia (Western Ukraine) : classification, natural conditions of distribution and spatial difference
Solovey, Tatiana
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
spatial distribution
morphologic-genetic analysis
factor analysis
water regime
Volhynian Polissia
The post-glacial areas are characterized by favorable conditions for the formation of wetlands as a result of the widespread occurrence of depressions without outflow - center for the development of wetlands. The studies of morphogenetic conditions of the wetland development in Volhynian Polissia within the territory of Ukraine and the formation of their water regime reveal several features of their distribution and typological variety. The location of wetlands were characterized in reference to the shape of base/subsoil and its lithology. The typical structure of post-lacustrine, paludificational, riverside and spring peatlands of the Volhynian Polissia were shown and their development were also discussed. The wetland evolution under the influence of the postglacial landscape degradation leads to disappearance of the depression wetlands in glacial forms, increase of the peat bog trophicity and the level of peat dissolution. The supply conditions and characteristics of water regime are determined for separate peatlands. According to the origin and water flow/supply four types of wetland were extracted: ombrogenic, topogenic, soligenic and fluviogenic. It was found that the reasons of the high marshes areas (21%) in Volhynian Polissia are the geological and geomorphological conditions retaining/stopping the runoff and also local groundwater circulation system.
Geological Quarterly; 2019, 63, 1; 139--149
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena i przyczyny zanieczyszczenia azotanami wód podziemnych w zachodniej części Polesia Lubelskiego i Wołyńskiego
The assessment and reasons of nitrates contamination within the uppermost aquifer in the western part of Polissia region (SE Poland)
Kaczor-Kurzawa, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
pierwszy poziom wodonośny
zanieczyszczenie azotanami
wrażliwość wód podziemnych
Polesie (SE Polska)
Upper Aquifer
nitrates contamination
vulnerability of the groundwater
Polissia region
SE Poland
W pracy przedstawiono stan zanieczyszczenia wód pierwszego poziomu wodonośnego azotanami na obszarze zagospodarowanym rolniczo (około 300 km2) w zachodniej części Polesia Zachodniego (Lubelskiego) i Wołyńskiego. Zawartość azotanów została zbadana w wodach podziemnych metodą fotometryczną za pomocą fotometru Slandi LF300 w 31 punktach dokumentacyjnych (studniach kopanych, studni wierconej, źródłach i sondach ręcznych). Zanieczyszczenie wód azotanami (o zawartości powyżej 50 mg NO‾3 /dm3) stwierdzono w 10 próbkach wody (32% populacji danych), a stan zagrożenia tym zanieczyszczeniem (o zawartości 25÷50 mg NO‾3 /dm3) odnotowano w 5 punktach. Stwierdzone zanieczyszczenie wód pierwszego poziomu ma charakter lokalny i związane jest głównie z nieuporządkowaną gospodarką komunalną oraz złym stanem sanitarnym gospodarstw rolnych. Migracji zanieczyszczeń transportowanych przez infiltrujące wody opadowe z powierzchni terenu do systemu wodonośnego sprzyjają dobre własności filtracyjne skał strefy aeracji i płytkie występowanie poziomu wód podziemnych (do 5 m). Naturalna podatność rozpatrywanego poziomu wodonośnego na ponad 90% powierzchni terenu badań jest wysoka i bardzo wysoka, co powoduje, że czas przenikania wód (z zanieczyszczeniami) wynosi tu odpowiednio do 5 lat (dla około 30% powierzchni terenu - podatność bardzo wysoka) i 5-25 lat (dla około 65% powierzchni terenu - podatność wysoka).
This paper presents research concerning nitrates contamination within the Uppermost Aquifer on 300 km2 study area in Polissia region, SE Poland. The analysis of nitrate concentration was conducted with the use of field-gauges set SLANDI. 31 analyzed groundwater samples were collected from hand-dug wells, pumping wells, springs and water-sampling probes. The nitrates pollution of groundwater (NO‾3 > 50 mg/dm3) was confirmed for 10 samples (32% of population), and potential nitrate pollution hazard (NO‾3 > 50 mg/dm3) was determined for 5 groundwater samples. Such results were determined in samples coming from the following villages: Stefanów, Wólka Cycowska, Przymiarki, Kolonia Wesołówka, Sławek, Stręczyn Nowy, Buza, Chojeniec, Romanówka, Stasin Dolny, Świerszczów, Zgniła Struga, Biekiesza and Dorohucza. High nitrates concentration within the Uppermost Aquifer were confirmed only locally, nearby farms characterized by invalid sanitary condition. In such cases the nitrate pollution of groundwater was caused mostly by waste from farming production and/or leaking septic tanks. High nitrates concentration was usually connected with high content of sulfates (from 57.5 up to 267.2 mg/dm3) and chlorides (Cl‾ from 15.4 up to 97.3 mg/dm3). Relatively high rate of nitrate pollution migration, from the land surface towards the Uppermost Aquifer, resulted from the specific construction of vadose zone, which is built of permeable sands and limestone. Additionally, groundwater table is situated on the depth up to 5 m below land surface. The above mentioned conditions caused that, the greater part of the examined area is characterized by high vulnerability (65% of the area) or extremely high vulnerability (30%) to anthropogenic contamination. Vertical migration time of anthropogenic pollution, transported by infiltrating water from the land surface to the aquifer, is estimated on less than 5 years for the areas of extremely high vulnerability, and on 5 up to 25 years for the areas of high vulnerability.
Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska; 2015, 18, 2; 141-153
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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