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Early Vistulian vegetation history and climate change at Gutów (Wielkopolska Lowland) from pollen analysis
Malkiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Wielkopolska Lowland
Early Vistulian
pollen analysis
history of vegetation
climate changes
Pollen assemblages in peat and silt deposits from a core drilled at Gutów, Wielkopolska Lowland, have been analysed, enabling characterization of the development of vegetation and of palaeoenviromental change. The pollen analysis shows phases with forest and open vegetation communities alternating in response to climate changes. The age of the succession can be related to the stadials and interstadials of the Early Vistulian.
Geological Quarterly; 2010, 54, 3; 357-366
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instability of the environment at the end of the Eemian Interglacial as illustrated by the isopollen maps for Poland
Kupryjanowicz, M.
Granoszewski, W.
Nalepka, D.
Pidek, I. A.
Walanus, A.
Balwierz, Z.
Fiłoc, M.
Kołaczek, P.
Majecka, A.
Malkiewicz, M.
Nita, M.
Noryśkiewicz, B.
Winter, H.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
intra-interglacial cooling
vegetation history
pollen analysis
Many terrestrial pollen profiles from Poland (and a few pollen records from other parts of Central Europe) show the end of the last interglacial (Eemian, MIS 5e) to have been characterized by climatic and environmental instability. This is expressed by a strong, rapid cooling in the middle part of the pine phase ending this interglacial (E7 regional pollen assemblage zone), and then a re-warming at the very end of this phase, immediately before the transition to the glacial conditions of the last glaciation (Vistulian, Weichselian, MIS 5d). We have characterized the regional distribution of these climatic fluctuations in Poland on the basis of isopollen maps prepared for the Eemian Interglacial based on palynological data from 31 Polish pollen profiles. These maps show unequivocally that the intra-interglacial cooling at the end of the Eemian Interglacial was a transregional phenomenon, which was reflected very clearly by a temporary openness of vegetation across the whole of Poland. It was associated with a distinct decrease in pine forest areas and an increase in birch forests and open communities of cold steppe type with a domination of Artemisia. The pronounced climate and environment instability during the last phase of the Eemian Interglacial may be consistent with it being a natural phenomenon, characteristic of transitional stages. Taking into consideration the currently observed global warming, coinciding with a natural cooling trend, the study of such transitional stages is important for understanding the underlying processes of climate change.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 1; 225--237
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyrodnicza historia Gniezna - plemiennego ośrodka kultu i centrum wczesnopiastowskiego państwa polskiego Civitas Schinesghe
Makohonienko, M.
Kara, M.
Koszałka, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
Lech's Hill
Early Medieval stronghold
vegetation history
floristic diversity
The stronghold complex in Gniezno located on the Lech's Hill belonged to the main centers of the early Polish State described for the first time in historical documents as Civitas Schinesghe - the Gniezno State. Recent archaeological studies indicate that the site on Lech's Hill was originally a tribal cult center. Palaeoecological studies provided records of environmental changes and cultural landscape development in the prehistoric periods and early historical times. Reconstructed changes of floristic diversity correlate well with the cultural processes.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 16; 39-45
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Holoceńska historia roślinności siedlisk mokradłowych w dolinach rzecznych dorzecza górnej Odry
Holocene vegetation history of wetland habitats in the river valleys of the upper Odra River basin
Wójcicki, Krzysztof
Nita, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
analiza pyłkowa
analiza makroszczątków
równina aluwialna
Kotlina Raciborska
pollen analysis
macrofossil analysis
alluvial plain
Racibórz Basin
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań nad postglacjalną ewolucją roślinności siedlisk podmokłych w dolinach rzecznych Kotliny Raciborskiej. Scharakteryzowano w nim trzy, uznane za reprezentatywne, profile osadów niewielkich torfowisk starorzecznych w dolinach Osobłogi, Kłodnicy i Rudy. Wyniki analizy pyłkowej i makroszczątków wskazują na podobne uwarunkowania rozwoju siedlisk a w konsekwencji podobną historię roślinności mokradłowej w badanych dolinach i pozwalają wyróżnić następujące etapy ich rozwoju: (1) od późnego vistulianu po schyłek okresu borealnego – w zbiornikach wodnych rozwój zbiorowisk szuwaru właściwego (rzadziej wielkoturzycowego) przy współudziale roślin wodnych, zaś na siedliskach umiarkowanie wilgotnych – lasów łęgowych z udziałem wierzb i topoli; (2) okres atlantycki i subborealny – rozwój wielogatunkowych, klimaksowych lasów z dominacją olszy czarnej, w szczególności ols porzeczkowy na torfowi - skach; (3) okres subatlantycki – w warunkach antropopresji rozwój nieleśnych zbiorowisk turzycowo-mszystych, początkowo ze związku Magnocaricion, ewoluujących w kierunku zbiorowisk kwaśnych młak niskoturzycowych ze związku Caricion nigrae na torfowiskach oraz ponowny rozwój lasów łęgowych na glebach aluwialnych.
The article presents the results of research on the post-glacial evolution of vegetation within wetland habitats in the river valleys of Racibórz Basin, southern Poland. Three sequences of deposits, representing small peatlands developed in the oxbow lakes of the Osobłoga, Kłodnica and Ruda Rivers, have been recognized. The results of pollen and macrofossil analyses indicate similar conditions for the development of habitats, and consequently a similar history of the wetland vegetation in the studied valleys. The following stages of vegetation changes can be distinguished: (1) from the Late Vistulian to the Late Boreal – the development of Phragmition (less frequently Magnocaricion) communities with the participation of aquatic plants in water bodies, whereas riparian forests with willows and poplars in moderately moist habitats; (2) the Atlantic and Sub-Boreal periods – multi-species, climax forests with the dominance of Alnus glutinosa, in particular communities of Ribeso nigri-Alnetum on swamps; (3) the Sub-Atlantic period – the expansion of non-forest, sedge-moss communities due to human impact, initially from the alliance Magnocaricion, evolving in acidophilic communities from the alliance Caricion nigrae on peatlands, whereas re-development of riparian forests on alluvial soils.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2016, 105; 93-105
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
12 millennia of climatic and human induced vegetation changes in the Lower San Valley near Jarosław (SE Poland) in the light of pollen analysis
Kołaczek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Sandomierz Basin
pollen analysis
vegetation history
Late Glacial
human impact
Veg e ta tion changes in the Lower San Val ley near Jaros³aw are re con structed from the Youn ger Dryas to the pres ent time on the ba sis of palynological anal y sis of the peat core. The pol len pro file came from a an old riverbed and was sup ple mented by ra dio car bon datings. The Youn ger Dryas and early Preboreal veg e ta tion was char ac ter ised by a high pro por tion of for est com mu ni ties with pine (Pinus sylvestris and P. cembra) and birch (Betula), while patches of open area were dom i nated by the steppe with Ar te mi sia. Cli ma tic ame lio ra tion dur ing the Preboreal chronozone led to the rapid spread of elm (Ulmus), which was prob a bly a dom i nant taxon on the low est ter races of the val ley. Terrestrialization of the wa ter body ex ist ing in the palaeomeaner and the sub se quent be gin ning of peat ac cu mu la tion caused a de - te ri o ra tion in pol len pres er va tion. Hence, the in ter pre ta tion of the pro file sec tion span ning the pe riod be tween the Bo - real and Subatlantic chronozones was se ri ously dis turbed due to se lec tive cor ro sion and the overrepresentation of Pinus sylvestris type and Filicales monolete sporomorphs. Be tween ca. 336 and 1152 AD fluc tu a tions in wood land cover were re corded. Im por tant com po nents in those for ests, de spite the dom i na tion of Pinus sylvestris, were Quercus, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba. The first pol len grains of ce re als (Cerealia type) were found be fore ca. 1605–1414 BC and may be at trib uted to the ag ri cul tural ac tiv ity of the Neo lithic and/or early Bronze tribes. Pe ri - ods of strong de for es ta tion caused by hu mans were prob a bly re lated to the time when the Tarnobrzeska Group of the Lusatian Cul ture and the Przeworska Cul ture were ac tive. The first groups of Slavs did not sig nif i cantly in flu ence the en vi ron ment, but the sub se quent de vel op ment of those groups led to more vis i ble de for es ta tion, which was trig gered af ter the es tab lish ment of Jaros³aw in the 11th cen tury AD.
Studia Quaternaria; 2011, 28; 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Holocene palaeoenvironment of Tse Dura, a Later Stone Age (LSA) rock shelter, north-central Nigeria
Orijemie Emuobosa Akpo, Orijemie
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Vegetation history
Plant management
Middle Benue Valley
Nauki o Ziemi
Palynological and archaeobotanical analyses were conducted on excavated sediments from Tse Dura, a Later Stone Age rock shelter in north-central Nigeria with the aim of reconstructing the environment conditions at the site within the last millennium. From 933 ± 29 BP to 802 ± 29 BP, the environment alternated between Guinea savanna with dry conditions, and secondary and riverine forests with humid conditions. During these periods of environmental fluctuations, the LSA populations engaged in the management of economic plants the most significant of which included Dioscorea spp. Pennisetum glaucum and Elaeis guineensis, and exploited wild plants such as Pavetta crassipes, Sarcocephalus latifolius and Lophira cf. lanceolata for dietary and ethnomedicinal purposes. Around 310 ± 30 BP cal, the environment became very wet after which it was succeeded by a drier period. It was during this period that Sorghum bicolor became prominent, and the environment attained its current status dominated by Guinea savanna elements and secondary forests.
Studia Quaternaria; 2018, 35; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithology and biostratigraphy of the Holocene succession of Lake Kuži, Vidzeme Heights (Central Latvia)
Kangur, M.
Koff, T.
Punning, J.-M.
Vainu, M.
Vandel, E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Vidzeme Heights
Haanja Heights
pollen analysis
lithological analysis
vegetation history
lake level fluctuations
Holocene sediment profile from a paludified near-shore area of Lake Kńži (Vidzeme Heights, Central Latvia) was investigated using lithological and palaeobotanical (pollen and macrofossil analysis) methods and accelerator mass spectrometry AMS 14C dating. The results of this first comprehensive study of a Holocene sed i ment core from the Vidzeme Heights indicate that at the beginning of the Early and at the end of the Late Holocene the lake level was low and fen peat accumulated around the lake. From ca. 9000 BP up to 1500 BP the mire was flooded and gyttja with interlayers of sand and peat accumulated. The water level fluctuations are clearly represented in the lithological succession and pollen spectra. We compared the L. Kńži pollen diagram with well-studied sites from the Haanja Heights, which have a similar genesis. The most obvious difference in these diagrams is the earlier appearance (9200 BP) of Picea pollen in the L. Kńži profile and its dominance up to 1000 BP. Compara tive analysis of the lithology and pollen spectra from L. Kńži and reference profiles from the Haanja Heights indicate the importance of broad regional factors in influencing the pollen spectra.
Geological Quarterly; 2009, 53, 2; 199-208
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki analizy pyłkowej osadów organicznych z doliny Rawki
Results of pollen analysis of organic deposits in Rawa Mazowiecka
Milecka, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
analiza pyłkowa
dolina rzeczna
Rawa Mazowiecka
historia szaty roślinnej
pollen analysis
river valley
vegetation history
human impact
Opracowanie dostarcza informacji dotyczących tła środowiskowego osadnictwa ostatnich około trzech tysięcy lat w dolinie Rawki w środkowej Polsce. Analizy archeologiczne osadów w dolinie rzeki wykonano w ramach prac ratowniczych przed realizowaną inwestycją budowy obwodnicy Rawy Mazowieckiej. Osady organiczne pobrane z profilu wykopu archeologicz-nego wykorzystano do badań metodą analizy pyłkowej. Pozwoliły one na odtworzenie roślinności w otoczeniu stanowiska badań oraz wyznaczenie faz aktywności człowieka.
This article gives environmental background of settlement within the last ca 3000 years in Rawka valley, central Poland. Archeological, investigations were initiated before an expressway and ring road for the town Rawa Mazowiecka construction. Samples of organic sediments were taken from the archeological profile and used for pollen analysis. Palinological diagram shows vegetation development and revealed three phases of human impact.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2013, 101; 81-88
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate history of an alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Liu, D. L.
Chen, G.
Lai, Z.
Weis, H.
Zhou, G.
Peng, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Late Glacial
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
alpine wetland
optically stimulated luminescence
pollen analysis
This study provides a vegetation and climate history of an alpine wetland in the centre of China’s Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) over the last 14.8 ka. High resolution climate proxies include vegetation (pollen), geochemical (Ba, Rb, δ13C) and physical (particle size and magnetic susceptibility) data; optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and AMS radiocarbon dating were used to reconstruct the environmental changes in the wetland ecosystem. Based on physical and geochemical proxies, the sucession divided into five stratigraphic units encompassing time intervals of 14.76–14.31, 14.31–13.17, 13.17–4.47, 4.47–0.51 and 0.51–0 ka. The average sedimentation rate of all these units was 0.098 mm/a. The study showed that this ecosystem was sensitive to climate change.
Geological Quarterly; 2013, 57, 2; 261--268
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palynology of biogenic sediments of the Eemian Interglacial at Bieganin near Kalisz, Central Poland
Malkiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Central Poland
Eemian Interglacial
pollen analysis
history of vegetation
The paper presents palynological data from Bieganin, a village located near Kalisz, Central Poland, where organic sediments were deposited in a subglacial trough dating from the Wartanian Glaciation. The succession of vegetation is characteristic of the Eemian Interglacial. The pollen diagram indicates six local pollen assemblages: B1-Pinus-Betula, B2-Betula-Pinus-Ulmus, B3-Quercus-Corylus, B4 -Corylus, B5-Carpinus-Tilia-Polypodiaceae, B6-Pinus-Picea which correlate well with regional pollen assemblages obtained by Mamakowa (1989b) and Tobolski (1991). The plant succession in Bieganin started in the beginning of the Eemian (zone E1) and ended with the development of coniferous forest (zone E6). The profile does not include the final zone, E7, of the interglacial.
Geological Quarterly; 2003, 47, 4; 367-372
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Holocen history of vegetation at “Uroczysko Mokradła” (SW Poland) - paleobotanical research
Holoceńska historia roślinności "Uroczyska Mokradła" (południowo-zachodnia Polska) - badania paleobotaniczne
Tomaszewska, K.
Malkiewicz, M.
Podlaska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Two peat bogs were studied in the Bory Dolnośląskie, the forest complex in Lower Silesia (Poland). An Instorf drill was used to collect two peat profiles from the deepest places. The macroremains analysis showed that after the initiation of peat-forming processes phytocoenoses responsible for the deposition of transition sphagnum peat were developed at both locations. Later on, the development of both peat bogs differed. The smaller peat bog continued to develop, whereas the big bog was shifted to ombrotrophic water regime. Therefore, phytocoenoses accumulated 1.3 m of Sphagnum peat. The peat-forming process was initiated at different times in both sites. For the smaller peat bog, it took place during the Atlantic period, while in the case of the larger peat bog – several thousand years later. The first identified forest phytocoenoses in the Atlantic period are mesophilic multi-species deciduous forests. Dry coniferous forests and mixed birch-pine forests grew in dry habitats. Riparian forests occupied lower grounds. In the Subboreal period, the oak–hazel communities initially developed and mixed coniferous forests were partially replaced by light oak forests. The encroachment of spruce, fir, hornbeam, and beech resulted in the development of dry ground forests, including beech–fir woods. The importance of riparian forests increased, whereas in dry grounds pine and mixed coniferous forests continued to occur. In the Subatlantic period, the transformations in forest communities were associated with the spread of hornbeam, beech, and fir and thereby vast fertile habitats were colonized by dry ground communities and beech woods. Pine and mixed forests as well as riparian forests were of lesser importance. Pollen records from the last 500 years showed the clear presence of humans. It was evident from the presence of cereal and weed pollen and from the disturbances in the pollen records caused by peat extraction in the Middle Ages.
Badano dwa torfowiska, wchodzące w skład „Uroczyska Mokradła” znajdującego się w Polsce, w Borach Dolnośląskich. Z najgłębszych miejsc obu obiektów pobrano świdrem Instorfu po dwa profile. W ich spągu był piasek. Pobrany torf poddano badaniom makroszczątków oraz badaniom palinologicznym. Analizy makroszczątków wykazały, że po zainicjowaniu procesu torfotwórczego w obu obiektach rozwijały się fitocenozy odpowiedzialne za odłożenie torfu przejściowego. Później drogi rozwoju w każdym obiekcie przebiegały inaczej. W przypadku torfowiska mniejszego utrzymany został ten sam kierunek rozwoju (torfowisko przejściowe), natomiast torfowisko większe przeszło na ombrotorficzną gospodarkę i fitocenozy odłożyły 1.3 m torfu wysokiego. Proces torfotwórczy obu obiektów został zainicjowany w różnym czasie. W przypadku torfowiska mniejszego – w okresie atlantyckim (9000–5800 lat kalendarzowych), natomiast większe rozpoczęło rozwój kilka tysięcy lat później. Pierwsze rozpoznane fitocenozy leśne w okresie atlantyckim to mezofilne wielogtunkowe lasy liściaste z udziałem dębu, lipy, klonu i topoli oraz z leszczyną, kaliną i kruszyną w warstwie podszytu. Na siedliskach suchych występowały bory suche i mieszane sosnowo-brzozowe z dębem i świerkiem. W obniżeniach terenu rosły lasy łęgowe. W okresie subborealnym zaznaczyło się powolne ustępowanie wiązu, lipy, jesionu i sosny, w związku z czym rozwinęły się zbiorowiska dębowo-leszczynowe, a bory mieszane częściowo zastąpione zostały przez widne lasy dębowe. Dodatkowo wkraczanie świerku, jodły, grabu i buka spowodowało rozwój lasów w typie grądów, bukowo-jodłowych. Wzrosło znaczenia lasów łęgowych, ale na terenach suchych wciąż występowały bory sosnowe i mieszane. W okresie subatlantyckim odnotowano rozprzestrzenienie się graba, buka i jodły, w związku z czym rozległe, żyzne siedliska opanowane zostały przez zbiorowiska grądowe i buczyny. Zdecydowanie mniejsze znaczenie miały bory sosnowe i mieszane oraz lasy łęgowe. W zapisie pyłkowym ostatnich 500 lat zaznaczyła się wyraźnie obecność człowieka. Świadczy o tym obecność pyłku zbóż, chwastów pól i łąk oraz zaburzenia w zapisie pyłkowym spowodowane wydobyciem torfu w okresie średniowiecza.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2016, 69, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój roślinności w późnym vistulianie oraz funkcjonowanie i zanik ekosystemu leśnego w stanowisku Koźmin Las
Vegetation development in the Late Vistulian and functioning and end of the forest ecosystem in Koźmin Las site
Stachowicz-Rybka, Renata
Korzeń, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
późny vistulian
dolina Warty
historia roślinności
zmiany klimatu
analiza makroszczątków roślin
Late Vistulian
Warta River valley
history of vegetation
climatic changes
plant macrofossil analy-sis
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań palinologicznych i makroszczątków roślin ze stanowiska Koźmin Las, na którym udo-kumentowano późnovistuliańskie osady, reprezentowane przez torfy i mułki organiczne oraz pozostałości lasu w postaci fragmentów pni w pozycji in situ. Badaniami paleobotanicznymi objęto dwa profile osadów – KL 1 i KL 2, przy czym analizę makroszczątków roślin wykonano tylko dla profilu KL 1. Wyróżniono kilka etapów rozwoju zagłębienia. Początkowo, w okresie allerödu deponowane były osady piaszczyste, zawierające pyłek głównie sosny i brzozy. Spadek udziału pyłku brzozy i wzrost krzywych turzycowatych i traw, a co za tym idzie większy udział w krajobrazie zbiorowisk nieleśnych wyznacza granicę z młodszym dryasem. Około 10 710 ± 60 BP / 12 744 – 12 547 cal BP nastąpił rozwój torfowiska niskiego. W wyniku podniesienia się poziomu wody i dostawy materiału terygenicznego do powstałego rozlewiska, rozwój torfowiska zakończył się. Miało to miejsce około 10 430 ± 80 BP / 12 566 – 12 067 cal BP.
The paper presents the results of studies of pollen and plant macroremains from the site of Koźmin Las, in which remnants of a forest, observed as fragmentary in situ tree trunks, and Late Vistulian sediments, represented by peats and organic silts, were preserved. Palaeobotanical analyses were performed for two sediment sections, KL 1 and KL 2, however plant macrofossils were examined only in section KL 1. Several stages were distinguished in the development of the depres-sion. Initially, in the Alleröd, the deposited sandy sediments were dominated by pine and birch pollen. Decrease in birch pollen values and the accompanying increase in curves of sedges and grasses, indicating greater proportion of non-forest communities in landscape, evidence the boundary with Younger Dryas, ca. 10 710 ± 60 BP/ 12 744–12 547 cal BP, being the time of functioning of a low peat bog. Its development ended, due to rising water level and supply of terrigenous material to the overflow area, at ca. 10 430 ± 80 BP / 12 566–12 067 cal BP.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2014, 102; 53-63
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Post-glacial vegetation and environment of the Labanoras Region, East Lithuania: implications for regional history
Gaidamavičius, A.
Stančikaite, M.
Kisieliene, D.
Mažeika, J.
Gryguc, G.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
E Lithuania
vegetation dynamics
plant macrofossil
Multiproxy data (pollen, plant macrofossils, 14C dates and loss-on--ignition measurements) obtained from the Bevardis and Verpstinis lakes in the Labanoras area (East Lithuania) were used to reconstruct a vegetation history and to reveal major environmental features during post-glacial time. Biostratigraphical data indicates ongoing sedimentation in Verpstinis Lake since the final stages of the AllerÝd. The pollen data shows that Pinus-dominated forest flourished during the AllerÝd, while the Younger Dryas was characterized by open shrub/herb/grass vegetation with highly abundant Juniperus. These are evidences of severe climatic conditions in the area. The 14C data suggests that sedimentation started in Bevardis Lake with the onset of the Holocene. Picea immigrated into the Verpstinis Lake surroundings in the Late Glacial, just before 11 500 cal yr BP according to the palynological evidence. The expanding deciduous taxa, e.g., Corylus (ca. 10 200-10 000 cal yr BP), Alnus (8200-8000 cal yr BP), and broad-leaved species with Ulmus (ca. 10 000 cal yr BP), Tilia (7700-7400 cal yr BP) and Quercus (5200 cal yr BP), formed a dense mixed forest where Picea appeared at 7300-6800 cal yr BP. Both diagrams show only negligible human impact. It seems that natural factors were responsible for the formation of vegetation cover and environment in the study area throughout the post-glacial.
Geological Quarterly; 2011, 55, 3; 269-284
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diversity of Forest and Shrub Communities as a Result of Site History and of Extensive and Intensive Forest Management (Glinno Ługi Case Study)
Woziwoda, Beata
Ambrożkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
land use
abandoned arable fields
succession of vegetation
Scots pine
Central Poland
The paper presents the diversity of natural and anthropogenic forest communities occurring in post-cultivated fields in Glinno Ługi. An impoverished fresh pine forest association (Leucobryo-Pinetum) and nine secondary forest communities have been distinguished in the transect line (1.16 km in length). Factors influencing the structure and species composition of recent forest communities, such as habitat properties, previous land use forms and the intensity of forest management, are described.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Biologica et Oecologica; 2011, 7; 149-162
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Biologica et Oecologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of the Kładkowe Bagno peat-bog in the Late Glacial and Holocene: diversified history of two deposit basins studied with use of macrofossil remains analysis
Drzymulska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Late Glacial
Puszcza Knyszyńska Forest
analysis of plant remains
subfossil vegetation
This pa per pres ents re sults of in ves ti ga tion on peat and la cus trine sedi ments from the K³ad kowe Bagno peat- bog located in the Puszcza Knyszyñska For est. Us ing analy sis of plant re mains from sedi ment sam ples, vege ta tive and gen era tive finds were iden ti fied which al lowed de scrib ing peat units. Bas ing on these re sults, re con struc tion of sub fos silvege ta tion and pa laeoen vi ron men tal changes in the mire was made. Al to gether 4 sub as so cia tions of Sphag ne tum mag -el lan ici were de scribed, which de liv ered in for ma tion about hu mid ity of the mire sur face dur ing peat form ing pro -cesses. Stages of de posit de vel op ment were dated by ra dio car bon method. Ac cu mu la tion of the old est sedi ments in thesouth ern ba sin took place in the Late Gla cial. Peat of the north ern ba sin started to ac cu mu late in the At lan tic pe riod.The both parts of the mire ag gre gated proba bly 400 years ago.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 23-32
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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