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Wyszukujesz frazę "Ustawa o ochronie zabytków" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Ochrona zabytków i organizacja urzędów konserwatorskich w Polsce okresu międzywojennego (na przykładzie woj. pomorskiego) a unormowania Ustawy z dn. 23 VII 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami
Monument protection and organisation of conservation offices during the interwar period in Poland (on the example of Pomeranian Voivodeship) and the norms in the Act from 23 July 2003 concerning monument protection and care for monuments
Zimna-Kawecka, K.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
ochrona zabytków
opieka nad zabytkami
monument protection
care of monument
W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia problematyki ochrony zabytków w okresie międzywojennym w Polsce, wraz z organizacją i kompetencjami urzędów konserwatorskich i skonfrontowania z obecnie funkcjonującym w Polsce systemem prawnym. Reguluje go ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami z dn. 23 VII 2003 r. Organizacja urzędów konserwatorskich w obu omówionych okresach i zakres kompetencji poszczególnych organów związanych z ochroną zabytków posiadają wiele analogii, mimo kilkudziesięcioletniego przedziału czasowego, jakie je dzieli. Dekretem Rady Regencyjnej z 1918 r., a następnie Rozporządzeniem Prezydenta RP z dn. 6 III 1928 r. powołano okręgowych konserwatorów zabytków, którzy zostali włączeni w skład wojewódzkich urzędów, jako fachowi funkcjonariusze do spraw opieki nad zabytkami. Specyficzny status obecnych wojewódzkich konserwatorów podlegających organizacyjnie wojewodzie, a zarazem będących organem zespolonej administracji rządowej w województwie, jest rozwinięciem zasady ukształtowania struktury urzędowej w okresie międzywojennym. Oczywiście nie należy sądzić, że obecnie obowiązująca ustawa o ochronie zabytków pomijając doświadczenia kolejnych kilkudziesięciu lat XX w., czerpie wyłącznie bezpośrednio z ustawodawstwa okresu międzywojennego. Uwidacznia się tu zwłaszcza różnica w polityce administracyjnej państwa zmierzającej do decentralizacji, co widać w przekazaniu właściwości wojewódzkiego konserwatora zabytków jednostkom samorządowym. Ale i w tym wypadku takie przekazanie właściwości odnajdujemy już w okólniku wojewody z 1935 r. Warto zatem uzmysłowić sobie, że dokonania polskiej państwowej ochrony zabytków w latach dwudziestych zeszłego stulecia nie straciły na aktualności u progu XXI wieku. Współczesne konserwatorstwo kontynuuje i twórczo wykorzystuje myśl, doktryny i praktyki przedwojenne.
The article attempts to popularise the issue of monument protection during the interwar period in Poland, with the organisation and competence of conservation offices, and to confront it with the legal system currently functioning in Poland which is regulated by the Ancient Monuments Protection and Preservation Act from July 23, 2003. Organisation of conservation offices in both discussed periods and the competence range of particular bodies associated with monument protection display numerous analogies despite the several decades that separate them. By the Decree of the Regency Council in 1918, and then the Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland issued on March 6, 1928, regional monument conservators were appointed, who became members of voivodeship offices as professional officials to deal with issues concerning monument protection. The specific status of the present voivodeship monument conservators organisationally subordinate to the voivode, and at the same time being a body representing united government administration in the voivodeship, is a continuation of the principle of forming official structures during the interwar period. Naturally it should not be assumed that the currently binding legal Act concerning monument protection draws directly and exclusively from the legislature of the interwar period, ignoring the experience of the following decades of the 20th century. There is a clearly visible difference in the administrative policy of the state directed at decentralisation, which was noticeable when the rights of a Voivodeship Monuments Conservator were ceded onto local authority units. But even in this case such cession of rights can be found in the circular of the voivode from 1935. It is worth realizing that the achievements of Polish state monument protection service from the 1920s lost none of their relevance on the threshold of the 21st century. Present-day conservation services continue and creatively use the thought, doctrines and practices from the pre-war period.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2010, 27; 123-144
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zniszczenie stanowiska archeologicznego w świetle obowiązującego prawa oraz działań prokuratury i sądu
The Destruction of an Archaeological Site in the Light of Binding Law and the Activity of the Prosecutors Office and Courts
Wysocki, Jacek
Górny, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zniszczenie stanowiska archeologicznego
w świetle obowiązującego prawa
przestępstwo zniszczenia stanowiska archeologicznego
prawo o ochronie zabytków
przepisy prawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
nawarstwienia kulturowe w świetle prawa
wpisanie nawarstwień kulturowych do rejestru zabytków
podstawa prawna ścigania sprawców zniszczeń stanowisk archeologicznych
The destruction of an archaeological site is a crime defined in article 288 § 1 of the penal code in connection with article 294 § 2 of the penal code. Albeit both regulations do not make direct mention of an archaeological site or monument, the formulation about “property of particular significance for culture” is interpreted by the prosecutor’s office and courts as a registered historical monument. Experiences of the conservation services in the voivodeship of Varmia and Mazuria show that despite the conviction universally shared by conservators about the ineffectual persecution of felons guilty of incurring damage to archeological sites, successes in this field are possible. In the mentioned voivodeship eight such cases were tried in the years 2000-2002, and all ended with sentences. Nonetheless, the process of attaining success involves many factors which, as long as they are skillfully exploited, may comprise excellent weapons in the battle waged against dishonest investors or persons digging for the purpose of obtaining metal monuments. One of the fundamental premises is the active p a rticipation of conservation services, the provision of information about the committed felony and witnesses testimony or participation as an auxiliary prosecutor during the court trial; determination and consistency are also of great importance. It is insufficient to merely inform about a crime nor is it possible to resign from the possibility of filing a complaint or an appeal in a situation when the prosecutor’s office or court discontinue legal proceedings or adjudicate the slight social harm of the deed and the perpetrator remains unpunished. As a rule, such situations are linked with a misunderstanding of the specificity of archaeological heritage on the part of the administration of justice. Another prominent factor of decisive importance in cases of this kind involves registering historical monuments. Apparently, only registered archaeological sites can be recognised as property of particular importance for culture. The conclusions stemming from cases concerning the destruction of archaeological sites are as follows: 1. effective activity starts not in court or the prosecutor’s office but already at the stage of ordinary administrative work — decisions to register historical monuments, properly conducted coordination of investments, etc.; 2. the specificity of archaeological heritage is, as a rule, unknown to prosecutors and judges, and thus eventual success depends predominantly upon the active participation of the conservation services at all stages of procedure in the prosecutor’s office and court; 3. the more frequently are such cases reported to the organs of persecution, the more often will they have their finale in court and the easier will it be to penalise the perpetrators.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 2; 217-223
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trzciński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytek archeologiczny
ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami
The binding statute of 23 July 2003 on the protection and care of historical monuments was the first Polish legal regulation relating to the protection of the national heritage to introduce the concept of the archaeological monument. Its pre-war predecessors and the statute on the protection of cultural property from 1962 consistently used the terms “excavations” or “findings”. The introduced division of monuments into mobile, immobile and archaeological (the latter are also classified as mobile and immobile) constitutes irrefutable proof that the object under protection has become more extensive and concrete. New systemic, economic and legal conditions have become the reason why the scale of threats to archaeological heritage grew rapidly already at the onset of the 1990s. The solutions introduced into the statute, concerning the protection of archaeological monuments, imposedcivic duties whose neglect is now threatened with penalaccountability. From the viewpoint of the almost five years-long existence of the statute on monuments it has become apparent that the application of its regulations can be problematical. Reservations are formulated not only by bodies using this law in their decision-making process but also those involved in combating and preventing crimes committed against monuments (the police force, border guards, customs services). Fundamental doubts are produced by an interpretation of the definition of the historical monument and its classified form, i.e. the archaeological monument. Attention is also drawn to the fact that the range of the definition of the archaeological object has been delineated much too generally, which makes it possible to classify, for instance, an item originating from the early twentieth century as an archaeological monument. Indubitably, the clarity and acuteness of the definition are closely associated with legal consequences pertaining to, e.g. , awarding a person who had discovered an archaeological monument or punishment for damaging or appropriating it. It is high time, therefore, to answer whether the binding definition should be modified, and if so, then to what extent. It seems that this question should be addressed to archaeologists, since in the course of the past decade the range of the interests of contemporary archaeology has changed due to the development of large municipal agglomerations and the construction of roads and highways, always accompanied by archaeological investigations. A discussion on the definition of the archaeological monument is also directly connected with the increasingly universal search for monuments, conducted across the country.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 4; 111-117
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak młody może być zabytek? Przesłanki normatywne do stwierdzania „dawności” zabytków nieruchomych
How young can a monument be? The normative premises of stating the "validity" of immovable monuments
Świdrak, Marek
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
współczesne dobra kultury
praktyka konserwatorów zabytków w Polsce
polska ustawa o ochronie zabytków
minimalny wiek zabytku
proces wpisu zabytków do rejestru
historic monuments register listing process
minimum age of a historic monument
polish historic monuments preservation act
historic monuments officers’ practice in Poland
contemporary cultural goods
Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na problem określenia charakteru prawnego wymogu czasowego dla potencjalnych Zabytków Historycznych. Większość artykułów, które odnosiły się do tego zagadnienia, postulowała określenie stylowej / technicznej aktualności obiektu opartej na "dowodzeniu historii", podczas gdy inne sugerowały brak podstaw do oddzielenia horyzontu czasowego od potencjalnego zabytku. Wychodząc poza te zagadnienia, niniejszy artykuł przedstawia analizę prawnej definicji Zabytków w połączeniu z definicją współczesnych dóbr kultury podaną w Ustawie o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Analiza porównawcza tych definicji prawnych prowadzi do założenia, że ustawodawca podał alternatywną, bardziej jednoznaczną podstawę do oceny, czy przedmiot jest wystarczająco stary, aby można go było umieścić w rejestrze zabytków.
The aim of the article is to answer the problem of determining the nature of the legal requirement of temporal remoteness put upon potential Historic Monuments. Most of the papers that referred to the issue offered an understanding relying on determining stylistic/technical topicality of a property relying on the phrase „an evidence of a past period”, whereas some others suggested that there is no basis for expecting a temporal remoteness from a potential Historic Monument. Going beyond those commentaries this paper presents an analysis of the legal definition of Historic Monuments in conjuction with the definition of Contemporary Cultural Goods given in the Land-use Planning Act. A comparative analysis of those legal definitions leads to assuption that the legislator gave an alternative and more unequivocal basis for appraising whether a property is old enough to be listed on the Historic Monuments Register, which is to investigate whether the property is an achievement of a late generation.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2017, 3; 87-94
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sławomirska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
reklama za zabytkach
reklama stała
reklama czasowa
ustawa o ochronie zabytków
ustawa o drogach publicznych
Prawo budowlane
Advertisements accompany us in everyday life, and interfere in many spheres of our activities. They appear in means of mass communication, the Internet and on all kinds of buildings, including historic ones. The advertisements that are placed on historic buildings may be divided into two groups: permanent and temporary. Permanent advertisements (signs, neon signs, semaphores and so forth), which depict company logos, are currently an inseparable part of most historic Old Towns in Poland. Temporary advertisements, put up on historic sites during renovation periods, appear on tarpaulins that cover scaffolding. In Poland, the affixing of advertisements on registered historic sites is subject to particularly restrictive laws. This issue is regulated by a number of legal statutes, of which the most important is the statute protecting historic sites and regulating the maintenance of historic sites. The remaining statutes regarding this matter are the law from the 21st of March, 1985, regarding public roads and the law from the 7th of July, 1994, regarding building law. In the event an advertisement is hung on a registered historic site without permission, or if it is at odds with the conditions stated by law, the voivodeship’s conservator may issue a decision requiring that the historic site be returned to its previous state or that the site be reorganized within an established period of time. Independent of issuing orders, the voivodeship conservator is obliged to file a lawsuit in order to fine the party which affixed an advertisement to a historic site without permission. In practice, however, many advertisements are put up which are not in conformity with the law. Given this state of events, conservators do not manage to fulfill their duties when the binding regulations prevent quick and effective enforcement of the obligations required of the owners and users of historic sites. There are a few possibilities for fighting against advertising lawlessness. Above all, quick and unavoidable legal action is needed: in order to main consistency in the protection of historic sites, strict discipline should be upheld in ordering the immediate removal of advertisements from historic sites. Legal protection should also be extended to those historic sites which are not registered, and require that those who intend to place advertisements near historic sites receive suitable permission from conservator services. Nowadays, the sight of a historic building hung with advertisements is no surprise, though the legitimacy of this type of marketing arouses controversy, particularly in the context of large-format advertisements. Supporters of advertisements raise the point that money received from sponsors often means salvation for historic sites that are falling into ruin. Opponents are of the opinion that advertisements “disfigure” historic sites and prevent them from being viewed in their entirety. In seeking a solution to this problem, the arguments of both sides should be taken into account.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2005, 2; 75-88
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona dziedzictwa przyrody na przykładzie zbiorów paleontologicznych z doliny Świśliny
The Protection of Natural Heritage upon the Example of Palaeonthological Collections from the Świślina Valley
Rdzanek, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona dziedzictwa przyrody
zbiory paleontologiczne z doliny Świśliny
dolina Świśliny
„Zbiory z Wiór”
prawne aspekty ochrony zabytków paleontologicznych
ochrona zabytków paleontologicznych
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
muzeum paleontologiczne w dolinie Świśliny
The palaeonthological collections (220 tons) from the valley of the Świślina, amassed by the author, became a testing field for the state of the protection of natural monuments in Poland at the turn of the century. Legally, such monuments are considered cultural property. Recently, we have witnessed the emergence of new trends in their protection. On the one hand, interest in economic and tourist values has been shown by county self-governments, while on the other hand local communities have disclosed great concern for natural heritage and its exploitation for the promotion of the region. Events on the Świślina have rendered aware the newly established county authorities that their tasks involve care for the cultural and economic development of all communes comprising the county, and that shifting monuments from those communes to the seat of the county authorities results in alienation from the natural environment and the loss of tourist attraction. At the same time, it became apparent that self-government authorities are unprepared to embark upon conservation efforts, and th a t the transference of such tasks to the self-government requires extremely thorough deliberations and supervision, since it could lead to the devastation of the monuments.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 2; 224-237
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gminna ewidencja zabytków. Luki w przepisach prawnych, problemy praktyczne i propozycje de lege ferenda
District register of monuments. Gaps in the legal regulations, practice problems and de lege ferenda suggestions
Penszyńska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Gminna Ewidencja Zabytków
ochrona zabytków
ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami
konserwator zabytków
District Register of Monuments
monuments protection
monuments protection and care act
monuments conservator
The article is the issue of the district register of monuments due to the doubts with it. An important problem is the fact that the theory of law is not adapted to the practice which the monuments conservators deal with. Numerous gaps in the legal regulations lead to situations, when entry and deletion of the monument from the register are unclear. It is a great need to create new regulations in the Monument Protection and Care Act (2003) that could make the procedure more intelligible.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy gminnej ewidencji zabytków oraz wątpliwości, które budzi jej niedostateczne uregulowanie w polskim prawie. Poważnym problemem jest niedostosowanie regulacji prawnej do praktyki, z którą zmagają się organy administracji, zwłaszcza konserwatorzy zabytków. Liczne luki w przepisach prowadzą do niejasności wpisu i wykreślenia obiektu z ewidencji. Zwraca uwagę potrzeba nowelizacji ustawy o ochroniezabytków i opiece nad zabytkami z 2003 r., by procedura stała się klarowna.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2020, 18, 1; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona powietrza ochroną zabytków
Paździor, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie powietrza
szkodliwe działanie zanieczyszczonego powietrza
opady atmosferyczne zagrożeniem dla zabytków
Le projet de la loi soumis aux débats de la Diète le 14 avril 1966 portait entre autres sur les problèmes de la contamination de l’air. Ce projet charge de responsabilité non seulement les établissements industriels mais aussi les utilisateurs des véhicules mécaniques. Parmi les régions les plus menacées, le projet mentionne les departments de Katowice et de Wrocław, ainsi que les villes: Varsovie, Cracovie, Opole, Grudziądz, Łódź. Le problème de la contamination de l’air par les véhicules mécaniques fait en ce moment l’objet d’une étude détaillée. La loi qui concerne la protection de l’air touche de près celle qui s’occupe de la protection des biens culturels et des objets de musée (du 21 février 1962). Les ensembles des monuments historiques ci-contre ont été classés parmi ceux qui présentent les plus hautes valeurs: Chełmno, Gdańsk, Frombork, Kazimierz n/Wisłą, Cracovie, Sandomierz, Toruń, Wrocław, Zamość. Or, l’analyse chimique des éléments qui entrent dans la composition de la fumée et des gaz d’échappement permet de constater leur influence néfaste sur les parements de brique et de pierre des bâtiments historiques. Il faudrait éliminer les causes de leur dégradation permanente, car le résultat des interventions conservatrices „post factum” ne donne que peu d’effet, ne serait-ce que par ex., le lavement des façades monumentales des bâtiments de Paris: le Louvre, le Panthéon, etc. Au point de vue des directives données par le service de conservation, il nous faudrait postuler: 1) des recherches approfondies sur l’influence nocive des fumées et des gaz d’échappement sur le matériel de construction dans les monuments d’architecture et de la sculpture, 2) dans les centres urbains historiques déceler les sources de l’enfumage et exiger l’investissement des dispositifs de filtration de l’air, 3) postuler la planification des objectifs industriels futurs en se concertant avec les services de conservation, 4) postuler que soit pris en considération dans les plans de la déglomération future le déplacement des objectifs industriels qui dénotent un coefficient élevé de pollution de l’air par l’enfumage et les gaz d’échappement. Exiger que leur localisation soit éloignée des ensembles et même des monuments isolée de haute valeur historique, 5) Postuler l’interdiction formelle du trafic des véhicules mécaniques munis de moteurs à combustion interne dans les centres urbains historiques. 6) Postuler l’interdiction d’une localisation des garages e t des parkings à proximité des objectifs historiques. 7) Postuler que seul le trafic des véhicules sur pneus et munis de moteurs électriques soit admis dans les centres urbains historiques.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1967, 1; 52-61
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona środowiska ochroną zabytków?
Paździor, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie środowiska
ochrona przyrody
The author deals with the draft law on environmental protection, the problem being approached from the viewpoint o f the Law ou Protection o f Cultural Goods and on Museums, promulgated in 1962. The article begins with the statement that no specialist in the protection of historical monuments was invited to give consultation on the said draft. Neither was the Law o f 1962 duly taken into consideration. The contents of the new bill discussed in greater detail, the author determines his position on various-questions tackled therein and points out to the items which should refer to the historical monuments making the elements o f landscape. This applies i.a. to the definitions o f natural environment and protected landscape areas. The author points out as well to the lack in the draft law of qualifications pertaining to be the parks and cemeteries in the countryside which are protected as historical objects and whose management should meet the requirements of the Law on the Protection o f Cultural Goods. What is extremely essential is proper determination by the draft o f the principles of cooperation between the Head o f the Voivodship Office for the Protection of Natural Environment and the Voivodship Conservator of Historical Monuments. The author concludes his deliberations' in the statement that the draft law discussed is not ripe as yet for being passed and put into effect.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1977, 3-4; 112-117
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W sprawie nowelizacji "Ustawy o ochronie dóbr kultury i o muzeach"
Pawłowski, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i muzeach
nowelizacja ustawy o ochronie dóbr kultury
zabytki w rękach prywatnych
dotacja na roboty konserwatorskie
społeczny opiekun zabytków
The author, dealing for several dozen years past with social protection of historical monuments, discusses the legal aspect of monument protection against the background of the relevant Law of 1962. What is tackled in greater detail is the question of the possibilities of saving monuments which are privater or social property. Stress is laid on lack of coordination between the provisinons of the Law and those binding on other ministries and bodies liable to command of historical buildings and monuments (e.g. the Ministry of Agriculture). A postulate is made for incorporating in the Law of a more explicit ban on building work being conducted on the area of, or within, historical monuments without the permission of the Head of the Voivodship Conservator’s Office. The final part of the article is devoted to the importance of, and the part played by, social coustodians of monuments who encounter in their work lack o f understanding on the part of the local authorities and users of historical buildings as well as other monuments. The author concludes in a postulate for amending the Law of 1962 in regard to all the questions raised in his article.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 4; 295-297
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespół Ekspertów – 10 lat w służbie ochrony zabytków
The Team of Experts – 10 years serving the protection of monuments
Nekanda-Trepka, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Generalny Konserwator Zabytków
Biuro Dokumentacji Zabytków
Ośrodek Ochrony Zbiorów Publicznych
rzeczoznawca ministra kultury i sztuki
adaptacja zabytków
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
The Team of Experts was formed on the rising tide of the changes that occurred in our country and in the system of monument protection after 1989. An independent office of the General Conservator of Monuments which, apart from the Centre for Documentation of Monuments, needed a team of experts and specialists who could advise on adjudicating cases of the second instance. In the autumn of 1992, a decision was made that the Team of Experts on Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Landscape would be created from the 1st of January 1993 as a department of the Centre for Documentation of Monuments. I was entrusted with the task of creating it in September 1992. An action programme was created at the time, along with an interdisciplinary team made up of a former member of the Team of Experts of the Interdepartmental Committee and new employees connected with Warsaw’s universities. In November 1993, we managed to create a list of experts, a group of several hundred people the help of whom could be used by both the monument protection services and the Team. We cooperated closely with the Regional Centres that we asked to prepare opinions on the cases from their areas. The Team of Experts mainly received cases investigated by the General Conservator of Monuments. In accordance with the 1962 Act on the protection of cultural property, we tried to protect all the monuments whose owners applied for removing from the register. Applications for removal were the inspiration to look for new solutions to save the monuments: the faience factory in Włocławek (the reason for organising an international conference on the revitalisation of monuments of technology), factories in Żyrardów and Sosnowiec, and the “Guido” coal mine in Zabrze. The Team maintained numerous international relations, the employees took part in courses, conferences, trade shows, and study tours, and our experience was desirable in the East (Kamyanets-Podilsky 1994). Our report concerning the church in Tum near Łęczyca presented to the main conservation committee enabled the use of financial resources, saving the church. We also began working on a new standard of urban documentation. However, field works and works on the conservation guide were discontinued after some changes have been introduced in the ministry. By the decision of the Minister of Culture and Art, the Centre for the Protection of Public Art Collections was transformed into the Centre for the Protection and Conservation of Monuments, and the Team of Experts along with the specialists was moved to that centre. In the autumn of 1998, the CPCM returned to its previous name and scope of activity, and the Team of Experts returned to the CDM. Unfortunately, the entire structure of the monument protection services has already disintegrated. The reconstruction of the Team in its previous make-up was impossible, and expectations towards the Team were limited. In 2000, after a new group of experts has been appointed and introduced under the supervision of the General Conservator of Monuments, a return to a strong monument protection service was no longer possible. This is why in 2001, I left the Team and took up the post of the Warsaw Conservator of Monuments.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 95-100
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co wnosi nowego ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury i o muzeach?
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury o muzeach
radziecka uchwała o ochronie zabytków
czechosłowacka ustawa o zabytkach kultury
ochrona zabytków w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
użytkownictwo zabytków
Ochrona Zabytków; 1962, 2; 3-10
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa ustawa o ochronie zabytków w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
„Prawo o Opiece nad Zabytkami”
ustawa o ochronie zabytków w NRD
polityczna ustawa o ochronie zabytków w NRD
The present article deals with the „Law concerning Historical Monuments Protection” enacted in GDR in June, 1975, and replacing the one from 1961. Although the new Law refers in many respects to the old one, it also contains elements completely new and consequently it extends and consolidates the system of historical monuments protection in GDR. It includes, among others, a clause which gives significance to monument connected with German international and workers’ movement. It also says th a t all administration authorities as well as social organizations should be made responsible for historical monuments protection and all historical monuments should be accounted for in the central register. The Law states clearly th a t historical monuments protection should be included in the national plan for economic development; it also promotes the Institute of Historical Monuments Protection which is to initiate various forms of protection and utilization of monuments. A novelty of greatest importance was to appoint the Cabinet a body of control and to make it responsible for monuments protection. Allocation of funds to historical monuments protection is also considered to be of great significance. The new Law will most probably be followed by due executive decisions.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 3; 208-210
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustawa Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich o ochronie i wykorzystaniu zabytków historii i kultury
Malinowski, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Jarosław Wojciechowski
dekret Rady Regencyjnej o opiece nad zabytkami
ochrona zabytków w ZSRR
ustawa o ochronie zabytków kultury w ZSRR
Państwowa ewidencja zabytków historii i kultury ZSRR
wykorzystanie zabytków w ZSRR
The autors makes a comparative study of two documents on the protection o f historic monuments, namely the Resolution of the Council o f Ministers o f 1976 and that o f 1948. According to the author, the 1948 Resolution contained the most important postulates on conservation and museums but it involved too many organizations in the protection o f historic monuments. Besides, the 1948 Resolution did not specify the age o f protected monuments and did not contain penalty clauses. A new Resolution o f 29.10.1976, thoroughly discussed by the author, is in principle based on the 1948 Resolution. In his appraisal of the Resolution the author says that it introduces many new postulates and attaches an utmost importance to the question o f the protection o f historic monuments as the supreme body is here the Council of Ministers o f the USSR. The Resolution enlarges a list of monuments under protection (landscape, reservations, etc.). The problem of financing the monuments is solved in such a way that the user of a given historic building pays a rent for it which in turn is used to finance works on other historic objects. A great emphasis is put also on keeping records of historic monuments and on the responsibility o f administrative authorities for their protection. One of the chapters deals with penalties. Summing up, the Soviet Resolution o f 1976 is a legal document based on a traditional system o f the protection of historic monuments, but re-thought and uptodated.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 3; 155-160
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabytki w kompetencji samorządów?
Historical Monuments in the Competence of Self-governments?
Makowiecki, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
dobra kultury
ustawa o ochronie dóbr kultury
obowiązki i prawa samorządów wobec zabytków
zadania gmin wobec zabytków
samorządy a zabytki
analiza stanu prawnego ochrony zabytków
In the face of the progressing transference of rights and duties to self-governments we may expect that soon they latter will be burdened with greater privileges are regards undertakings connected with the protection of historical monuments. The author underlines that this process calls for flexibility: it is impossible to ascribe identical tasks to all self-governments. The range of the rights and duties of particular self-governments should stem from their staff and financial potential as well as the degree of familiarity with cultural property in a given area. With few exceptions (the largest cities) the preparation of self-governments for a proper realisation of tasks must take years, and a one-time introduction of a uniform system of obligations on a national scale would be highly unsuitable. It is important that the right to decide about historical monuments be given to qualified persons and not to offices.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2001, 2; 175-177
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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